Golf Players

Jon Rahm’s Catapult Downswing Move Will Improve Every Golfer

In this video, we’re breaking down Jon Rahm’s catapult downswing move and how every golfer can use it to improve their game. This simple technique can make a big impact on your swing and help you hit the ball farther and more accurately. Perfect for golfers of all levels looking to improve their skills and techniques!

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So I think most golfers will agree that their iron shots even though they’re quite solid kind of feel that could be that a little bit crisper could go a little bit further and when we watch the best players in the world there’s some amazing goal swings out there but I

Think far too often we see those players and we think we can do what they’re going to do but we have to remember that most of these guys all these guys are phenomenal athletes but I do think one go a particular who’s right up there at

The top that you can really learn a lot from to improve your irons is John Ram now the first comment people make about John Ram is he’s got a very short back swing for a player at that level and yet still creates some fantastic power now I

Would say for most golfers if they’ve ever worked through shortening their back swing the first thing they notice is the contct might be a little bit better but they generally the speed drops off and accuracy doesn’t really improve anyway so what I think is really important is to understand why John does

What he does but how he does it and how you might be able to do it better actually to improve your ball striking so one thing we’ve got to say is when we make that back swing there is an argument that a bit more lengthen the back swing could generate a little bit

More Club head speed but I want you to think of your golf swing a bit like a bow and arrow and this is what John talks about is that if you were shooting out onto the driv range here you could keep this front bit nice and still and

Stretch this back as far as you can but there’s also another way rather than just letting go there you could come nearly all the way back to here then move this bit further away to create the same stretch now now I think visually that’s a great understanding but I know

What you’re probably thinking how does that relate to my golf swing so if we said the lower body would almost be like the front of the bow whereas the upper body is like the string so what we see with a lot of golfers is they’ll swing

All the way back and create that full stretch at the top of the back swing and then from there everything moves together and there’s no real power in there but what we see with all the best players in the world even when they’re very very long is that as they’re getting up here

That lower body is going in One Direction creating more of a stretch while the upper body’s going this way so what we’re going to do is we’re going to start with a waist height swing and it probably be a little bit longer than that I’m going to try and feel like I

Get to about waist height but as my hands are getting to waist height I want to feel that I really stamp my my left heel down into the ground and turn my body out the way aggressively so that we’re creating that extra stretch so we’ll do it with a short swing to begin

With and we can see there really good strike nearly 77 mph Club speed launch angle at 15.6 ball speed at 108 low Point 3.6 in ahead clubs travel down 4. 6° and we can see 149 carry and 160 total so not only we starting to create

A little bit more power with that short swing but we’re also going to generate a much more powerful impact position by getting that low Point further ahead creating chaffle and dof in the club and it’s amazing with this little drill how good lots of little bits in

The swing that we require start taking care of themselves so again you get there feel like as you get into waist height you’re going to stamp that left heel down and turn the body out the way probably got a little bit longer with the back swing there but I don’t

Mind that so we can see now 79.5 mph Club speed ball speed 111 launching at 12 1/2 again low Point well forward and carry at 152 and I spend a lot of time working on this drill even though I don’t particularly work on being shorter on

The back swing but a lot of you golfers out there will probably be the first for admit that maybe your flexibility is not as good as it could be and I can’t promise you’re going to be as powerful as John Ram but if you can start getting that extra little bit of

Stretch in the down swing because we’re less back with the upper body and get that lower body working better it’s really going to transform your ball striking so let’s go one more feeling like the shorter back swing and again good solid strike not quite as quick that time but

Club traveling down nicely and still 144 now when I do this drill with golfers face to face get lots of golfers go that’s probably better than my normal shots so I wouldn’t be against them spending lots of time practicing that even at that length swing and even have

That feel on the golf course but if you feel maybe just leaving a little bit on the table still there then just feel slightly longer with that back swing but that same feeling into the down swing and straight away there just feels I’ve got a split second longer to get

Everything back how I want 82.4 mph Club speed ball speed 117 launching at just under 17° and 169 carry and I’ll be honest even though that probably for me feels like a 3/4 length back swing that’s probably round about maybe even a couple yards past what my full number is

Now that just shows me even when I’m making my full swing I’m probably not being as efficient as I can in the down swing so let’s go one more 3/4 didn’t feel quite as good a movement but Club head speed up again at 85 mph ball speed at 119 again launching around that

17° and again 169 carry and it doesn’t matter how often I do this drill it never fails to surprise me just how good the shots are when it doesn’t really feel there’s any length in that back string for me and doesn’t really feel super super quick so again let’s go a

Little bit longer than that now feel I’m more towards my normal length back swing that feels more normal for me so 85.8 Club speed again round about that 119 ball speed low Point not as far forward now so the club Only traveling down 1.6 de and carry at

168 now as good as that shot is the only thing I don’t particularly like for me there is when I start getting longer with my backs I don’t quite manage to get as much onto that left side as early as I’d like so my club’s just a little

Bit shallow through impact and I am being very picky there and I appreciate most golfers don’t have something like trackman to get that feedback off but I know that’s not maybe it’s more my normal feel but maybe not the feel I would want so go back to the 3/4 feel

With that very aggressive lower body move and you can hear the difference with the strike with the ground there for me speed’s good at 85.4 quickest ball speed so far at 121 again launching at 17° and then actually creeping out a little bit further at 178 and 188 so

Today’s video was what can you learn from John Ram swing to make you a better iron player maybe what can I learn a little bit from John Ram as well to make my iron play a little stronger so let’s go 3/4 again feel as aggressive as I can

With that move kind of feel like I’m going towards the Target and down and then be aggressive turning out the way and it does feel so good super strike 85 mph Club speed 118 ball speed launch it at 16° clubs travel down 3° and carry at 167 and total at

176 so remember think of your go swing like that bow and arrow you know you don’t necessarily need that Max stretch with the upper body you could have majority of the stretch here and then feel that the lower body moves towards a Target and if you can fire like John Rah

Does it’s going to take that iron play to a whole new level


  1. Hi Ali, I think your YouTube content is soooo much better than your subscribe numbers . Thank you for your continued advice for those of us on the journey to better golf 👍🏻👍🏻

  2. I can’t wait to try this. I have been struggling for such a long time with my swing but something about this just makes sense to me!

  3. I've tried this and it feels strange- almost chippy, but I've gotten good compression, power, and distance on good swings. I just find I have trouble timing it all up, so my consistency suffers.

  4. I've been trying this due to flexibility loss…and what I've noticed is it makes me less "flippy" and keeps me from hooking the ball. That is when I put a good swing on it. But, I hit it just as far or further than I do with a full swing.

  5. Jon Rahm still plays golf?!? Oh yeah, I forgot that he joined that goofy-ass "league" fillled with has-beens and never-will-be's that's financed by the terror sponsoring Saudi Syndicate.
    I have zero interest in anything that ingrate says or does.

  6. Jon Rahm still plays golf?!? Oh yeah, I forgot that he joined that goofy-ass "league" fillled with has-beens and never-will-be's that's financed by the terror sponsoring Saudi Syndicate.
    I have zero interest in anything that ingrate says or does.

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