Anthony Kim’s Epic Golf Comeback After 12 Years?! Unraveling the Secrets of His Mind-Blowing Swing!

Prepare to be AMAZED! In this video, I dive deep into the legendary Anthony Kim’s golf swing, breaking down the cause and effect that makes his technique absolutely UNREAL!

Swing Diagnosis REVEALED! Watch as I dissect Anthony Kim’s swing, uncovering the hidden gems that set him apart from the rest. This is a swing analysis that focuses on his ability to produce consistent long result like never seen before!

Can you believe it’s been 12 YEARS since Anthony Kim graced the PGA Tour?! Witness his incredible comeback journey, as he joins the LIV with a vengeance!

Unlock the SECRETS behind his unparalleled golf prowess, and learn how he’s managed to make an explosive return to the game after more than a decade away. This is the stuff golf dreams are made of!

DON’T MISS OUT on the inside scoop! Click now to witness the magic unfold and get ready to elevate your own golf game with insights from the master himself, Anthony Kim!

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00:00 Introduction
1:07 Anthony Kim Golf Swing Setup to the Top
3:19 Anthony Kim Golf Backswing Weight Shift
4:45 Anthony Kim Weight Distribution
6:35 Anthony Kim Golf Swing Plane
10:10 Anthony Kim Golf Swing Tilt

What’s up L off Academy members and guests welcome back today we’re going to take a look at Anthony Kim swing because he’s the Talk of the Town And for those that don’t know who Anthony Kim is he hasn’t been around for about 12 years but before that he came into the league

With a Vengeance with these big flashy AK belt and left just as quick as he came in now there’s plenty of YouTube videos out there talking about why he left and all the insurance issues with that but go and look for those but today’s video is about his go swing

Because I believe this is one of the best go swings out there latches on to some fundamentals of Tiger Woods a swing which is maybe why Nike picked him up but you can learn a lot about this swing and I want you to watch the whole video

To see how he hits this golf ball and some of the things I would like for you to maybe try in your golf swing if you do like this type of content hit that like sub share comment if you want to go A Step Above we have Channel membership

Starting at 99 and that money goes straight to the children in the Hiller Hood Foundation K flat South Africa and also I give online Golf instructure Link is in the description below but enough of that hogwash let’s take a look at the great a K flashy belt swing Himself okay we have a great Anthony Kim on the screen and we’re just going to watch this swing over and over again and I want you to look at that footwork I want you to look at how he drives correctly maintains his posture throut swing keeps that club out in front of

His chest does not have a long arm swing and this is the key to his consistent results immense power that he produces and he doesn’t use that club length like most of us try to do a little quick Story I played golf with him I was

Fortunate to play with him in 2002 at a Us open qualifying when he was 16 years old and I watch this man shoot 66 and it was the most boring round of golf he didn’t miss a fairway didn’t miss a green and made plenty of putts so this

Man is the real deal as we saw him in 2008 when he was Olay versus LA and just defeated Sergio made him look like a child but let’s look at this swing breakdown and let’s watch and learn how we can emulate some of these motions to

Help you hit the ball a little bit better okay so one of the first things I want you to look at is just the setup it just looks very athletic there’s no standing up there’s no needeing down it looks like he postures in a right angle

So if we draw this in green we’re going to draw that spine angle right through on the left side of the screen on the right side I want you to look at where that shaft is connected we’re going to keep that there throughout the swing and

We’re going to show you let’s make that a little bit longer actually cuz I want to show you how it relates to his spine angle based on the setup so the reason why we’re not doing a usual cause and effect video with this swing is because it is almost perfect and it relates

Around his setup now you’ll notice that he does grip down in the shaft he has done that ever since he was a kid and I believe it had something to do with the club lengths as he played as a child that were too long so he learned to grip

It down but it worked in his favor he keeps that club shorter and he produces more Distance by keeping the club shorter so if we look at that back brace line on the left side we also draw a little green line there for his back brace line we’ll also look at the way

His head moves and we’ll do this in Barney purple let’s shift it up a little bit we put a little Barney purple line here now the camera on the right side is not exactly face on and it does jutter around this is before tripods this is before social media or just the social

Media is getting started so we don’t have the social media influences like we do today but let’s take a look at the overall head motion so what we’ll see on the right side of the screen is not only is he going down but he’s moving his

Whole head to the right his right our left and what he’s doing is he’s loading up that weight on that right leg now if we go back to the start we’re going to keep that line remember he is connecting that club head straight through to his

Hands right to the center of his chest there’s no forward pressing out there ladies and gentlemen so don’t forward press because it just creates Havoc for the amateur golfer you’re trying to cheat the system it’s not going to work this is a sweat up that I really want

You to try and emulate because watch what happens with that motion slightly get into the weight on the right side he’s storing up that the power in the right leg and watches the top of his swing where is is his spine angle his spine angle is matching his original

Setup so there’s less manipulation that has to occur what you see as well is look at the amount of shoulder turn he has he has an immense amount of shoulder turn let’s draw this one in red we got that red shoulder turn to match his red

Shirt and we can see that club shaft is nowhere near parallel it doesn’t even get to his T So a t we see sometimes we see the arms getting back here where they get past parallel but this is a huge Advantage for him because now he is

More connected to his body and all he needs to do is return back to his impact position spine angle and drive that force that he has created with his lower body so let’s look at the right side of the screen still let’s take away those two red lines and watch that drive so

The head is going to stay where it is you see how there’s no motion left towards his Target with his head but what’s moving left is his hips are moving left and why is his hips moving left because he stored up the power on this leg so this leg now is going to

Turn turn and it’s going to drive that hip towards the target which allows him to drop that right shoulder on the left side of the screen and the right shoulder is going to work its way down but along with that is right as he gets down to impact watch that right leg that

Right leg now straightens and releases all that power here’s impact let’s clear up these red lines and let’s take a look at guess what he is still in his spine angle and guess where that spine angle stemm from you got it it’s the setup so setup is everything that ball position

Is perfect that spine angle is perfect all he did was turn and turn with a little bit of weight transfer he is very much like tiger they get that weight moving to the right side they stay right and they tilt by driving their hips left towards the Target and then they turn

Once you see the release look at this release here where are the hands in the chest still in front of the chest we have a nice long extension because he is turning and pushing and with that he has a lot of room to release that clip naturally look at that triangle right

Hand goes over the left to complete the release hands are still in front of the chest so he can always connect that triangle even past to here we can still see that beautiful triangle is still pretty connected to his chest so this is why his swing is so successful and I

Don’t think you will see any change 12 years later we’re going to see an older Anthony Kim and I’m pretty sure he still played some golf and I’m pretty sure he’s still athletic and I’m pretty sure he has that same Motion in him we know that swings do not really change over

Time only your body affects your natural motions so let’s go back let’s take a look at the left side of the screen now and let’s let’s look at some plane action and how the plane works so we’ll draw this in red and we’re going to look at that secondary plane line now

Typically that’s where we see arms more involved to get that arm up there but what you’ll see what happened here is so look at the hands see how the hands ride up that plane Line Club is going just slightly underneath that plane line this could be a camera angle too but you get

The gist of it look at his hands they’re right on that plain line as we take that club back he is is still guess where his hands are still connected to the center of his chest and he does that because he starts there as we get to the top of the

Swing here you can see how the head is going down right so there’s that head going down he is storing the weight down in that right foot along with the right side of the screen here along with that motion to the right side so this is very

Much like throwing a ball you want to throw a ball from right to left you don’t want to throw a ball from left to right because that creates some issues as well you have to try and compensate that with some upper body motions now you will notice that that left arm

Appears slightly lower from this upper plane line but that again has to do with keeping those hands out in front of the chest he is not letting those hands and arms go back further to try and steal distance he is actually creating more potential distance by keeping his hands

In front of his chest and keeping them relatively short compared to what we see now but here’s the key what we’re going to do is we’re going to draw a triangle where his triangle is and we’re going to look at how the hand path needs to work

Its way down right in between that triangle we’re going to draw draw a second line let’s see what color we haven’t used we’re going to use orange we’re going to draw that orange line right down to the golf ball I want you to look at how things work from here so

We’re going to take it frame by frame left side of the screen there’s one frame there’s two frames what’s happening to the hands you see how the hands are going down that yellow line it’s set up for him already now because his hands are lower it’s closer to that

Lower plane line he is still stored up his power now he’s releasing that power he’s turning down into the golf ball watch what happens to the club it falls on that lower plane line the Orange Line will play its part at impact because look at this hands are now connected on

That lower plane line the club is also connected that lower plane line as he strikes that golf ball gets where his Club shaft is it’s going in between that orange line and that red line look where the hands are right in between so there’s so little deviation going on

Here there’s so little that he has to undo because of compens storing motions there is very little wrong with this swing which is why he came out of nowhere and started winning tournaments beat Sergio in the rider cup was making commercials wearing that big AK flashy

Belt because he could has a very simple swing but it’s very very effective and to double down on this let’s draw where his triangle is at impact right there and let’s do that same in yellow so we don’t confuse people out here we’re going to draw the triangle there and

What do you notice about that triangle path look at how straight it is Bam look at that it’s perfectly straight it’s pulling from where it started to where it finished so it’s going in a nice straight line there’s no deviation and how did you do that because he set up

Correctly ball position was good hand placement was connected to his chest he’s still pulling that club shaft down with his body while he stays connected now it looks very easy but it is a hard thing to do because you have to be so strong in your core you have to have the

Right body structure in terms of the ratio how long are your arms how long are your legs how short or long is your torso so it’s not very easy to do but the thing I want you to focus focus on is that setup because setup is everything if you have a weird setup

Guess what your golf swing is going to be it’s going to be kind of weird it’s going to be full of compensatory motions to make you hit the golf ball correctly okay one more check for us to look at let’s look at that shoulder Tilt at the

Top of your swing and see how much he actually moves down into it as you strike that golf ball right after impact let’s see that shoulder tilt number and that number is just shy of 20° so that’s right in that wheelhouse we’re looking at at 15 to 20° and if you see something

Different let’s say you see it less tilt or you see it dramatic tilt that means your ball placement is off compared to the center of your chest and you have to figure something out and remember that tilt does not come from him forcing that right shoulder down it comes from this

Angle here now this is where he’s driving his hips that drive here with his head stained back allows his right shoulder to work its way down naturally so you have to keep your head steady and the way into the golf ball and drive your hips forward and that will rock

Your spine angle correctly but again he doesn’t have to do that much cuz if you look at that starting position there’s his starting tilt and let’s go down to his impact tilt pretty close for government work hands are connected truly connected swing this is a swing

That I wish I could just teach everybody cuz everybody would play the game so much better but unfortunately it does take a body a certain style and definitely some strength so if you’re not doing your situps do some situps do some leg UPS go for a run whatever you

Need to do but do me a favor and start watching Anthony Kim cuz he is back and the AK belt is flashy so if you do like this hit that like share subscribe comment whatever you want to do to help support the channel it really helps us

Grow but other than that I will see you next week fairies and Greens


  1. Cool stuff. He's the only guy I've seen grip down that much. Also, sometimes feet are toed in which is relatively rare. He's 38, heard the Saudis are willing to pick up the insurance payouts but he's had a ton of injuries and I would always hear stories about how he liked to party big. We'll just have to see what kind of golf shape he's in at this point. No risk if the Saudis wanna pay. Should be fun seeing what he can do. Good luck , AK.

  2. Great vid, I wasn't playing golf when he first appeared, but I certainly will now. Do you have any vid,s on his iron set-up and swing, please.

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