Golf Babe

MAJORS CHEER COMPETITION: with lady jags 2024

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Hello welcome back to my channel I’m Gabby if you didn’t know now you know and welcome To it is honestly kind of a miracle that I’m even here right now because I when I tell you I walked onto my flight probably like 3 minutes before they Clos the doors this morning and that is not like me I’ve never missed a flight in my

Life I left so early I reserved in Uber the night before had plenty of time my Uber driver wanted to stay in the slowest Lane possible it took an hour and 20 minutes to get to the airport this morning I live 25 minutes away so we’re it’ll be that I don’t know how

That happened but we made it so nothing else matters we are here Mom was waiting to come say hi I think but then she walked away but shell is also here which I love a competition weekend when she’s here cuz everything is just so much smoother I know everybody’s like why do

You still go she’s coaching she’s not even sure and I’m like do you understand you get to do more now honestly I think so you get to come more behind the scenes and like hang with us and plus it’s our weekend when I was an athlete I

Feel like we were never together correct now that I don’t have anything to stress about I got to see Greg and Trey and all the girls yeah and I mean she it was driving distance so she could drive here it was not bad no but it is Thursday

Majors obviously if you watch my last video I like kind of talked about it but Majors is a very very different competition it is a one-day competition also I don’t know why I’m like pink in this lighting right now the lighting when me looking into the mirror looks

Fabulous for some reason the camera is not picking that up I look like an alien I look pink but Majors is a very different competition it is the most prestigious competition that exist it is invite only it is also the only major competition I’ve never won as an athlete

I did only go once I only competed once as an athlete on tjlc 2017 I think we got second see only major competition I haven’t won but we can change that around now as a coach so tonight is like the welcome night we have a little banquet for the girls they get all

Dressed up and we get like midle dressed up tomorrow we get really dressed up so I still have like a cute outfit tonight but it’s nothing crazy compared to my tomorrow offit is definitely way better but they try to make it all special well they do a good job making it all special

For the girls they have a banquet tonight we’ll get like they’ll do like a welcome speech they’ll show a little fun videos and stuff and then the girls endend up just like eating with each other they have food and then the coaches also have food downstairs so we

Get to do a little coaches social which should be fun but I have to leave in about an hour so I’m going to start getting ready I’m not going to take you through the whole process because we got a long weekend ahead of us if I do that

This video is going to be so long but I’m going to try to speed through this as fast as possible so that I’m not stressed I am breaking out a little bit which is kind of annoying but I plan to do like nice good makeup anyway so why am I

Maybe in the metime pink or orange yeah maybe in the meantime while I’m doing my makeup I can figure out the lighting so when I come back and show you the final product I don’t look like this but before we go and before we get into this

Weekend I want to take a little break to thank today’s sponsor which is skims which is still absolutely unreal to me so I brought my skims I I did too I brought my skims as sleep and I brought all my skims underwear because it’s the absolute best it’s the most comfortable

Thing ever so for a competition weekend my skims always come with me my skim collection is growing and I could not be happier I was such I I don’t want to say a hater I was not a hater at all but I was like there’s no way I like I just didn’t want

To believe the hype I’m like there’s no way that this is that lifechanging like come on you guys can’t be like that obsessed with it and then I placed my first order and you you have to believe me because I placed my own order for the

First time with my own money after like not believing the hype for so long my first reaction was yeah I should have done this a long time ago like genuinely the material that they use for their clothes I’ve never felt anything like it like no one else is using that

Material so the first thing that I became obsessed with because my collection is growing and growing and I’ve now tried out so many different things so I want to kind of tell you some of my favorites but starting with the boyfriend I believe these are the cotton boxers obsessed I have them in

Gray I have them in Black they are constantly in my sleeping rotation they’re pretty much in my laundry every single time I do it because I’m wearing them that much but the most comfortable material I wear these to sleep all the time and then the matching boyfriend

T-shirts just in kind of like more of an oversized the comfiest comfiest shirt ever I’m obsessed I have this in a couple colors too I did just Place another order again with my own money for more of these so I am so excited like I said I wear them non-stop they

Come with me on every vacation every trip everything that is always a sleep SL I’m bringing I also just tried out their hoodies and again I also just purchased another one on my own Justin’s mom got me one for Christmas and so comfy so I had to get another one that

Is coming in the mail currently as we speak it’ll get delivered in a few days but I just I can’t get enough and the other collection that I’m obsessed with is the fits everybody collection so I have the bralette from the fits everybody collection wear this all the

Time this t-shirt is from the fits everybody collection but I’m obsessed with it so much that for Christmas Even though like I work with skims I buy skims all the time with my own money my boyfriend got me a bodysuit and another shirt from the fits everybody collection for Christmas

Because I love it that much and the underwear from the fits everybody collection you don’t even want to get me started on that because hands down the most comfortable things they literally like form to your body at this point I’ve gotten just about everyone in my life hooked on skims I’ve got Justin

Some stuff for Christmas that he loves my mom is super into skims my sister like everyone loves it and my newest finds that I’m really loving are the bras because I’m really not not that big of a bra girl as we can see I don’t need

That much support but when it comes to certain tops and as I’m getting dressed up more whether it’s for competitions or just like going out I don’t have bras that fit well hardly at all with like the fancy cut tops so my newest favorite that I just got is the plunge bra in

Obviously just the black they have a bunch of Shades obviously if you want like more of a nude or I just want with like a solid black color but because it’s a plunge bra it has more of a like deeper cut so I can wear it with some of

The low cut tops that I normally wouldn’t be able to wear a bra with but I’m going to put this on for you guys and here the bra is on obviously just have a little bit more support but like I said I I’m not one that necessarily

Like needs a bra most times for like the support or anything so my biggest takeaway is obviously Comfort because if I don’t need it I’m not going to wear it if it’s not comfortable skims bras are not only made with Innovative technology to give you the best shape and support

But they’re also designed with the comfiest and softest materials so you’ll feel like you’re wearing nothing at all skims offers a complete system of bra solutions to meet every need and style and they’re available in 62 sizes from 30A to 46h skims is creating the next generation of underwear and bras for

Every body and you can believe the hype because skims has over 100,000 fstar reviews for a reason but truly I talk about skims all the time I’ve placed so many orders with my own money so that’s why it’s so crazy to me that skims is even like sponsoring this video because

I probably talk about them enough for free so I feel like you guys already know how much I absolutely love them but I’m going to have everything link down below so you guys can try either the fits everybody bras or any of their other collections on their website

Valentine’s Day is also right around the corner and they just launched their Valentine shop and they have some of the cutest clothes with like little heart prints and like so much pink and red so girly definitely check that out get yourself a little Valentine’s Day present for yourself or send the link to

Someone to get it for you but make sure to check them out like I said everything is linked down below and then after you place your order there’s going to be a little like survey question that’s going to say how did you hear about skims if

You could choose the opt option of like YouTuber influencer and type my name that would help me out a lot so I would really really appreciate it but I just know that no matter what you guys order you’re going to love it just as much as

I do so make sure to check them out and let’s go back to the video and we are back Here’s the final fit I don’t have the jacket on yet because I just love the way this outfit looks without the jacket but it’s like 10° outside so even

Though I don’t technically have to leave cuz like everything in Indianapolis is connected which is really nice I still think I’ll Freez in this maybe if anything I mean my mom’s coming over I can if it’s really not bad I can give her the jacket so I can just wear this

But it’s like the jacket’s not bad I just prefer it without but what do we think do I look like a brat doll the answer is no I definitely I’m a Barbie doll over Bratz doll any day but we’re pretending for the year that we’re more of Brat’s Vibe but I definitely

Feel like I just I look like a Barbie I I don’t have the like baddy big lips kind of I think you’re leather jacket like okay I mean I feel like this outfit is literally like a brad doll outfit you guys can’t see I mean I’ll try to show

You in a full mirror in a minute but proud of my makeup hair is just curled for tonight here’s the full fit with the leather jacket it like the jacket just doesn’t let the shirt have its moment I don’t know how else I could wear it

Like I don’t know but we’ll bring it worse comes the worse it’s fine it like I can hold it back like that at least but if it’s not that cold maybe I’ll take it off and we’ll see but it definitely goes with the pants it goes

With the whole outfit the vibe it looks a little more bad girl bad now not too much like biker chick no I don’t think you okay good hey guys we’re taking some every looks good so good so good no I had to put fake press on on

You cannot even tell you look great you can’t tell so I have look at everyone our athletes in the world in one room tonight we are back I ended up getting like no footage I should have honestly had the girls Vlog I didn’t think about

It but when we were in there we just watched a little video and then the coaches went to our own little room for a little social and then we had a team meeting and dismissed so you didn’t miss anything crazy honestly the most fun part about the banquet is just seeing

Everyone dressed up so you at least got to see little clips of that but it is kind of early it’s only 10: p.m. right now I’m about to unwind get ready for bed the way tomorrow works so everything happens tomorrow we got a busy schedule

So we have to wake up in the morning we have a practice round then we got like a break in the day and then it’s the competition at night so I will see you guys pretty bright and early like we have to meet at 9:50 tomorrow so not too bad good morning

It is Friday it is the day we are up the groy is popping this morning the girls are up and ready they got energy so I’m very excited for today so we start with the practice round which honestly this year is pretty useless in years past the practice round is actually when you

Would get your difficulty score so obviously it could change if skills weren’t performed the same at night but like you kind of have a baseline of where you’re scoring compared to the other teams on difficulty so normally you go through the whole warm-up process and then you go to the

Actual competition stage and you have about like 10 minutes you can do it in any variation that you want so you don’t have to go full out so last year we would do like a stunt run and then we would do a tumble run and then any other

Sections that we needed to do one more time we would do so that way every section was performed they can get a score for every single stunt section every tumbling pass that’s thrown but if I’m being honest that didn’t really matter cuz they still messed up our score last year so but

Because this year is on a world score sheet which is a completely different score sheet it’s all comparative it’s not number based there’s no like if you do this you get this score at all it’s kind of just like whatever team does the most of certain skills or the more

Difficult skills or throws more passes like everything’s comparative which normally I will say LJ routines score really well on world score sheet we kind of set our routines up for worlds in mind already where a lot of teams do for like Varsity Events first and then like

Go from there but I will say we’ve never competed on a world score sheet this early in a season so it will be kind of a baseline to see where we would score when it comes to Worlds but I feel like also by the time like now to

Worlds our routine will probably upgrade and change so much that it won’t be like an exact representation but because it’s the world score sheet there’s no I mean they technically could rank you difficult wise still because they’re seeing all the other teams as well so they could technically compare you and

Before we even came to the competition we had to submit like a script sheet of all the skills that we’re throwing so they know our difficulty but so are they even going to be in there watching is my question um you say that last from what I’ve heard I think the only feedback

We’re getting today is like legalities if we see it which we’ll probably get our pyramid legality because that’s going to happen at every competition because it looks level seven but we have it approved by usasf that it’s level six the way we do it but we’ve already had

To fight that not fight that but just you just have to prove that like you have it submitted back as like legal so we’ll probably I’m sure we’ll probably have to do that that should be the only part of the routine that should even be

Questioned but so you have to go full on on Theo that’s what I don’t understand no so it’s literally just a practice round like it’s just for you to fill out the FL four it’s just kind of to get your bodies up and running this morning well how they going to see your

Pyramid when we warm up in warm-ups like that’s worlds there’s legality judges in the warm-up room we are just kind of rolling with the punches as we go majors has never done the world score sheet so this is very new we were kind of talking to some of the people last night of

Majors and just kind of asking like what was the reasoning why like we just want to know why the world score sheet like we’re not against it like I said we do enjoy that score sheet we’ve just never competed on it this early but they were

Like honestly if any event would do it Majors would be the best event to do it because it’s such a a small amount of teams so it’s definitely easy to compare one to the other you’re not sitting through 50 teams having to remember every routine and then compare those

Like ranking them in order so definitely makes sense it’s a lot easier to rank five teams correctly than it would be a million at like a different other competition so I am excited for today we’re going to obviously go through warm-ups like normal and then yeah I don’t think we’re

Going full out on the big floor we’ll probably just do like maybe a building run maybe then like maybe I think what we decided is we’re going to do two routines cuz we have 5 minutes total because something different that they’re also doing this year is we’re practicing

Our walk out so they’re going to do like they’re going to play all the girls like I am blah blah blah you know how that works they’re going to play that video they’re going to do the coach’s introduction so we have to practice walking across the stage today then the

Girls practice walking out and then our like 5 minutes starts so we’ll probably do two routines and just make like one a building and then one like whatever kind of tumbling you want to do to feel out the floor kind of thing is my thought that might not be what we didn’t like

Reach a final decision yet we kind of just wanted to see how we’re feeling coming into this morning but I feel good we’re about to head down meet the girls and I am excited hey y’all welcome to part one of Majors we’re about to go to practice hey we’re to go to

Practice hey guys it’s and Kay your favorite LJ’s twin period look we’re eating today so right now this isn’t fit for the day fit for the day oh you got some makeup right there it’s okay put my dou chin ladyj white crop top ladyj sweat pant

Short righ rhin so cute black bow pink lip period we’re just like going in like our mindset is just to be those girls to be those girls like we just got to be those girls you know you know we are hey Gabby Vlog major day one you can barely hear us but

Everyone’s dancing we’re having a great time new day we’re about to kill it it’s only one day and one day only I it’s prce your favorite du we’re so excited and I just want to go already I have so much energy good morning we are here at Friday

Practice that’s not going to be done [Applause] we are head up [Applause] Down [Applause] we are Up [Applause] 1 we are up now We are we are setting up down [Applause] 1 we are [Applause] up [Applause] [Applause] you I it’s You Out my me Dr down up again My [Applause] The best Dan chead that was incredible practice was phenomenal they looked so good they looked so calm so confident so I’m very excited I feel like we made great decisions about like what to do on the final floor cuz they just felt very like at ease and confident with everything they got to

Feel the floor out for tumbling and I am very excited for them tonight like TR really so excited I feel like this is the best they’ve ever looked just like confidence wise energy wise they are like on the next level so we have quite some time luckily before I have to start

Getting ready it’s only 1:26 right now and we don’t meet till 6:30 so obviously I’m going to start getting ready earlier but I think I might take a nap my eyes honestly the lights in the warm-up room were like fluorescent bright and I think like now

My eyes are just sleepy so I just got food going to eat mainly because I awards at Majors always take forever we’re probably literally going to be there till almost like 11:00 p.m. and then everything in Indie shuts down early so I’m going to eat a huge meal

Right now take a nap that way I can prepare for the long night ahead of us and then I don’t have to worry about being starving later at least I’ll bring like snacks and stuff to carry me through but we should be good to go I am

So excited for them tonight we took a nap we are rested and I’m about to get ready I’m literally giving myself 2 hours as if I was an actual athlete getting competition already but I just like don’t want to be rushed I still need to figure out how I’m doing my hair

Cuz obviously if you guys saw the last video the back of the dress is like the moment so I can’t have it covered so I need to do some sort of an upd and I just don’t I feel like if I do an updo lately all I’ve been doing is like slick

Bags cuz that’s what’s in but I don’t want that I want like Serena Vander Woods Andes like messy curly ponytail kind of vibe so I just have a feeling that that’s going to take a little longer so I don’t want to stress myself out with so we are just going to get

Ready early I got to be kind of like full Glam although as I was taking a nap I don’t know if I was awake or in my dream thinking about this but I don’t have lashes and I feel like I probably should have thought of that I feel like that

Probably would have helped I don’t know if I wore any last year but we don’t have them so we’re going to make do without them I do lots of mascara I guess and curl my lashes a million times so they hopefully like curl up and stand out and look good so here’s the

Before and I think this is the finished makeup we’ll probably touch it up after like last minute touches cuz it’s still pretty early I’m going to go through I think just curl my hair first as if I was wearing it down then we’ll go back

Through and try to figure out how to put it in the up to I think this is what I’m most stress about just cuz I never wear it up but the curls aren’t bad they just definitely need touched up and then I the last thing I’m doing is getting

Dressed we’re going to make sure everything else is good Luckily everything like my dress just goes this way and everything else like tight shorts obviously comes up the bottom so I don’t have to worry about anything going over my hair so we can perfect the

Hair with lots of time and no stress and then get dressed but I’m pretty proud of this makeup okay are you ready for the reveal we went back and forth I did every earring combination possible this is what we decided on we got the little danglies and then just the basic Hoops

We tried to do the LJ and the dangle it was just way too much but can we have a moment for the dress more specifically the back of the dress isn’t it so cute it’s from pretty little thing I love it now that it’s on and

Like I’m ready I love it I was really nervous I don’t know why I was stressing about the outfit I love it I feel like the hair looks good it’s like giving messy ponytail this needs Rec curled or Blended in or something not sure what’s going on there

But here’s I can’t even show you guys the full outfit there’s only like half a full body here out there well I don’t have my shoes on but they’re my tights I’ll get i’ll get pictures and stuff you’llly see or maybe I’ll have my mom film when I put my shoes on and

Everything but I am not doing that yet here’s the full fit it’s growing on me I actually I love it honestly so pretty little thing tights are just Amazon and I think they complet to look because obviously the b is all R soony what do you think Mom you like it

Freddy you’re so grown up I know the Blazer I feel like is getting like professional like mature and so it’s like business in the front Party part in the back so you might have to C around my backpack all day so that everyone can

See the back cuz I can’t cover it we are wearing our old uniforms we just got new uniforms in this week but we just like didn’t have enough time to practice and them some of the sizes I feel like we just need to adjust a little bit and

We’re like you know what we don’t even want to stress about that we’ll debut them at our next competition so we are wearing the jords like old uniform but it goes with the brass Vibes so it still works so I’m excited for that if you’re wondering there’s a little tea about the

Uniform it is coming it has arrived you will see it the next competition I pinky promise but let’s go I love competitions when I dress up I wish we did this more this is so fun oh gosh so stressful it is honestly but it’s fun do another

One okay so hey guys we’re the best friends and um and we’re about to go kill oh you like the new hair see I did half bre down this time let’s get those angles of it all right welcome to Gabby Fuller’s Vlog what’s her name Gabby Fuller no

It’s not okay uh what do you do for fun not much are you sure yeah honestly um how’s the outfit today um don’t look at my oh oh she doesn’t have beet those are the shoes but these oh those would have been so good with I know I know but it’s

Okay maybe I’ll wear them again hey guys it’s and K your favorite LJ T we’re happy only day of major only day major hi guys so me so andal today oh wa let me not you well Julia’s gone but today I do feel pretty confident on everything

We’ve put out in the past 24 hours and I feel like we’re going to do good at this time I agree today’s definitely an LJ day yeah and everyone seems pretty calm everyone’s nerves got out the way earlier in the morning why is it so low

I don’t know I don’t know how to Fig yeah it’s an L Day Day L Day Day hip him parade do yes yes yes that sounded really hey y’all it’s the Barbies on the BR and you already know we’re about to eat like please don’t play with us it’s

Going to be so good practice [Applause] round play with money bro 2 3 [Applause] we are [Applause] in 2 I am Martinez Ramsey Dennison Addison Clemens Kaylee Chan Sophia Vasquez Kaylee Flynn Briana Hicks Alex Bankston Marley monre Mariah Marshall Milana pige Megan Brer Lauren Hernandez Ella mattingley Carly Hill Julia Walker Ellie

Ray Amir Marshall Riley gril Jenny Bradshaw Payton Brown Z penino Ava broer Sierra toer Gian Suarez Olivia H ariela Smith Avery Snider hope kenis Sophia poo Destiny Holland Angelina foma Jessica seanin toi Cummings your three-time world champions the brats from Miami we are Top Gun lady Jags Up Hey y’all welcome to day one or week this is a day one part one of we’re in the best friend R let go wait you let go you just have a camera you let go you let go move to record you guys what do hi do you want to be in our

Interview it’s on Gabby Fuller’s Vlog okay are you kidding so she what’s your name what’s your name she don’t got questions ready right now okay let me okay so o sorry okay can I join no oh hey guys it’s why is it okay guys

Like do we need to go in the hallway hey guys it’s Adana okay you know what bye and that is the end of the majors video I did not end it one because it was so late by the time we finally left the competition because um coaches didn’t

Even get scores like you guys on Twitter found out scores before coaches did which is kind of crazy and I don’t honestly think that was the right way to do it at all I’m a little upset by that I feel like that should not be known to Twitter before coaches even have a

Moment to take it in digest it and relay it to the team but guess that’s the day and age that we’re in now obvious the competition did not go how we wanted or how we thought it was going to go at all but it happens and what I can say is we

Actually use this as like a really big positive because obviously I’m home filming this now a few days later and the girls are in the gym hungry and ready to work so honestly as much as I would have loved for that to be such like a a cherry on top weekend I do

Think that we are using the positives of it a lot we’re getting back into the gym we’re really just grinding and when you see us next I have a really good feeling like it’s really going to go good they are such a talented team such a hardworking team

And I really think the nerves just got the best of them it’s just like a really big deal competition it’s like great cheerleading back to back to back like the crowds are obviously filled with people just like solely watching you and we had a lot of first-timers at Major so

I don’t know if it was the nerves I don’t know what it was but it happens and obviously we don’t love when it happens and I I don’t want to harp on the negatives because as an athlete I’ve been there mist happen you don’t go out on the floor trying to make mistakes

Happen I’m still always and forever so proud of them and for everyone on Twitter that said oh Gabby’s going to come in her Vlog and talk about scores I could there’s a lot to say but you know what I’m not even necessarily like I’m more mad at other divisions that I do

Not agree with like teams that difficulty scores like you can look at a routine and look at skills and I just feel like judging was very opinionated when it really shouldn’t have been when like you go skill for skill you it shouldn’t be up for debate honestly

So um don’t agree with a lot of things but can’t do anything about it so still thankful for the opportunity to go the girls had a great time I had a great time thank you to everyone for all the love on the outfit and just it was a

Great weekend honestly I met so many of you I will say you know what’s not great they didn’t play LJ’s intro video which is why I put it in my video and let’s hope I don’t get somehow copyrighted from it I better not because no one got

To see it the day of I guess I understand completely technical difficulties happen I get it but there was a lot of downtime the rest of the competition that they could have been like it was the only team the only team it messed up for and that’s such a big

Deal like the girls I’m pretty sure there was a vlog like the LJ miked up practice I think Vlog that the girls were literally practicing like how they were going to say their name and that was like weeks in advance like it’s a big deal for you to be like in the

Majors video the whole like I am and you say your name it’s important and then the girls didn’t get their moment again I understand technal difficulties happened but there was a lot of time that the competition could have made it up later in the night and just like

Apologized for it and maybe played the video so they could see it that was a little upsetting honestly at least they did they did post it they sent it to us so we have the video so that’s why I wanted to include it here for you guys

To see because it did not play at the competition but still very thankful obviously for the opportunity it was a great weekend and we always love going so I hope you enjoyed the video make sure to check out skims again everything is linked down below and I’ll see you

Guys in the next video Bye


  1. Wait I think in the bloopers the two girls that did a short dance I think they did supermodels Smurf dance from camp Geneva and supermodels is from my gym TOPGUN Pittsburgh

  2. I LOVE YOU GABBY💗💗Lady jags has been my idol team, I am an all star cheerleader and I love it. I’m a flyer as well but I struggle with confidence do you have any advice?💗🖤

  3. Can you explain how LJs pyramid is legal?! The loopholes this year are crazy. Reminds of Generals ‘tuck’ baskets that are considered rewinds

  4. gabi. i’m SOOOO glad you said something about that. Literally watching the whole majors competition and to see the people that won. Yes many deserved it, and many athletes work hard for that title. but i totally agree. skills were throw on multiple teams and for them to get those scores…. i was very confused.
    love watching your vlogs. they make me smile every time!!

  5. You don't have big lips for Bratz lol but you have huge teeth/nose so that makes up for it.


  7. in canada we have our majors, the canadian faceoffs, which is an invite only comp, they invite about 14 of the best worlds teams in the country an they all get to compete against each other on an adapted scoresheet. i was lucky to participate last season and it was a blast, seriously one of my favorite cheer memory ever!

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