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Ian Garry says Strickland Fight was Amateur, Frankie Edgar HOF, The Rock Joins TKO Board | #439

Big John McCarthy and Josh “The Punk” Thomson talk Ian Garry’s comments on Sean Strickland vs Dricus Du Plessis, Frankie Edgar HOF induction, Khamzat calling for the next title shot, The Rock joining the TKO board and more.

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And Now 0:00
Strickland/Garry 1:45
Strickland Controversy 12:20
Frankie Edgar HOF 28:10
Khamzat/DDP Fight 37:17
Cyborg UFC Return 46:23
UFC 30/Dana White 50:53
Ferrari Brothers 59:11
The Rock Joins TKO Board 1:06:09
Steve Austin Cold Plunge 1:13:42

And now weighing in out of the blue Corner Josh the Thompson 100% And on the other mik he ways in from the Red Corner Big John McCarthy well hello to everyone and welcome to the weighing in podcast where we complained so much about our last

Show not our show the the UFC show that they’re not going to have one this weekend so we’re just gonna talk about news and things like that because they need to re organize what’s going on get these fighters to go for finishes that’s the most important thing you know that

My man how’s it going Joshua Thompson man fights were back and guess what now they’re gone they took them away that was very shortlived we were all excited two shows and two me two weeks no we had the least theyed us at least first show was good the second show pay-per-view

The one we paid for wasn’t that great but there was some fun so guess what this show uh is going to be mainly all just Q&A and and some news talk and whatever else we can think of on the fly so we’re going to give you guys a show

Here today and uh hopefully you guys enjoy the show before you guys do anything else though make sure you guys that smash that subscribe button smash the Subscribe button right that means like Smash Hit it put it push it hard whatever it is I don’t even Smash It

Smash it and uh let’s get this thing going man smash your boy smash your boy smash the Subscribe button hit the little thumbs and the thumbs up and the bell for the notifications well thank thank you guys so much for always supporting us John I think we’re going

To start off with some some uh some Ian Gary trash talk is that what we’re starting off with today buddy let’s go Dave tell us man he’s called John but I know it was he was talking to you yeah yeah so we had Ian Gary make fun of uh the performance of

Strickland the UFC 297 he uh puts out his little reaction and says I felt like I’m watching two amateurs fight if I ever have a fight like that please tell me to retire um so comments were made made um you know some like for example Johnny elin’s putting out there um he’s

Not impressed Ian Gary pulling out of his own fight so you know don’t know where Ian Gary really gets to the grounds to like make comments like that obviously just taking a shot of Shawn because Sean’s taking shots of him Sean does though come in with a reply saying

[ __ ] you Ean you cook saying my boxing is sloppy I would sleep you if we fought then I would sleep with your sloppy W while you watch damn all right as I say do not get into pulling family members into the trash talk like Sean can say what he wants

About G I’m not saying he shouldn’t be stop stop with the the wife stuff man stop stop John tell him stop oh John you’ve hung out with me enough now like I don’t take this [ __ ] personal like my whole life has been like like being involved with fighting

For so many years and I just never I never was a trash talker I never wanted to get into it I never cared for it I thought it brought more attention and stress to the fight what pressure that I didn’t need like fighting is already stressful enough um you guys are making

It worse now I get it it actually brings more eyeballs to you but it could be but they’re well they’re not even in the same weight class yeah I get it they’re they’re act that they’re at different levels within the sport right now yeah and but that’s I think that’s

What even makes it worse though because Ian Gary is the one speaking and he’s not on their level he’s not on dri’s level he’s not on Shan Strickland’s level Shan strick is a champion you know call it what it was but he beat somebody that money thought was kind of

Unbeatable a little bit there he was what 20 something in one I think was what what Izzy was when you know and Shawn beat him I mean 20 and2 after he lost to ywn but it’s you know what I mean like in that mix of Sean’s performed at the highest level didn’t

Have a great fight last fight and neither did dcus neither one of them did but that but sometimes Styles make fights and sometimes you know an awkward style I I I truly believe that DDP style is very awkward and and it it’s caused everyone problems and I think it it took

Shawn out of his rhythm that he’s comfortable with and he’s got to learn how to take somebody like that and make his style work against it but I’m going to be honest he’s sitting there talking about you know if I ever fight a fight like that these are two amateurs you

Know tell me to retire or something man son step up and fight DDP step up and fight Sean talk is cheap well step up and fight him well look he hasn’t fought at the level he hasn’t fought anybody in that top five doesn’t matter he hasn’t

Fought he he’s not there yet and from what I’ve seen from his fights he’s not he’s close he’s got skill he’s good he’s got skill he’s good got a good body style for the actual MMA world I got I give him credit man he’s got he’s got a

Lot of natural Talent he’s got a l I’m sure he works hard to get himself there but the bottom line is is you haven’t fought for a world title yet so don’t criticize people why they’re in the middle of a world title fight discussing how oh if I fight like

That these guys look like amateur boxers son you’ve never been there you know and here’s the other thing you may never get there you might not and so I know I this there’s been a lot of guys a lot of guys that have had really good

Careers that have never made it to that title fight every time that they’re one fight away they lose and they never get there but look happens but look at the other thing on the flip side of that though is I know a lot of guys that have

Gotten there two or three times and still haven’t won it that’s true there’s we getting in that cage to win a world title is there’s something’s different about it and I can’t say that there’s more pressure because sometimes there people are more relaxed when they get out there

They look I’ve I’ve reached where what my goal was was to get here now my other goal is to win it obviously but like the goal for most for some were just was just to get there like hey to say that I fought for the world title I’ve known a

Lot of Fighters that said like man all I gota do is just fight for the world title and you know I know I’m gonna win and but if you thought you were going to win you would have said oh I’m win that world title you would have said it

Differently so it’s for him to come across the way he did it just it’s it was just very shallow but whatever man look once you start going at each other’s wives and girlfriends and and family and if you want to keep it to fighting styles cool

You know but um you know Ian went off on somebody about something and then Shawn came back and did something to Ian off of the whole wife thing I mean it just starts to becoming contagious now you’re giving people ammo I think I saw um who

Was was that I saw uh Henry cejudo he was talking about with with Shawn I think Shawn had said some stuff he goes man stop just don’t talk like I’m sorry but when you’re when you when you are a fighter and you’re GNA be publicly you’re GNA be out there

Publicly keep keep [ __ ] to yourself man like I’m sorry but but guys got to learn to just that guys have always had to do this we’ve always had to bottle [ __ ] up inside John until it come you know until eventually it comes out and the way we

Get that [ __ ] to come out is by fighting you know you can walk down at school you’re having a bad day and finally just someone popped off at you and that’s how the fight started it wasn’t anything that person did it was just the way that

They looked at you it was the way that it aggravated you you didn’t you didn’t like the attitude the attitude it was the way that they talked you know they said something in class you just didn’t care about and you were just having a bad day but we don’t go until you know

In that all that emotion is that we we are not telling them why I had a bad day you know Dad yelled at me that morning you know Mom was mad whatever it was you know sister was stealing my [ __ ] or taking my money out of my sa whatever it

Was right it could be anything but we weren’t telling people men don’t normally tell people what their problem is now in today’s society guess what everyone’s got to tell everyone about their their home life their personal business they want a little bit of that feel back you know um people coming to

Them going oh you’re all right it’s okay and I’m sorry but that men just have not been accustomed to that over the last 100 years am I right or am I wrong John I think you’re totally right I mean it’s like it’s one of those it’s but

It’s one of the things it’s like you know Sean strickling kind of talks about is that and it’s what the media wants out of him let’s just be honest you know they’re asking him leading questions hoping that he comes up with these answers that he comes up with at times

That you go oh God stop okay but the lead the media I mean they’re they’re searching for it you know I thought Dana actually said the right thing he like you you go out there and you ask Sean strick about what what are you what are

You expecting him to say you know what he’s gonna say you want him to say it you know and it’s like you got to get to the point where I I do appreciate that Dana for the most part stays out of the trash talk he says hey we let

Freedom of speech we let people talk okay but when you have things like this then you have to put them together because that’s the only way to solve it put those guys together put them in a fight that’ll solve it that that’ll be where you know the the the trash Talk’s gonna end

Eventually yeah it’s gonna end um I guess me going back to men just not talking about this type of stuff keep this [ __ ] inside because now you give somebody you know you may one day share the cage with I don’t know I don’t think they’ll ever share the

Cage with Ian Gary but I’m simply saying yeah I don’t think so but the thing is you’re going to be at events together probably you’re going to be around the same type of stuff whether it’s you know International fight week or whatever they call it now these days you know

Whether it’s at a an event cornering a friend whatever it is you may cross pass you know when you’re in town each other at each other’s gyms and maybe come through you know the pi yeah yeah exactly the performance Institute for the UFC you may cross pass and

What’s going to happen then you know and so if fight I guess for me men have always had to keep their [ __ ] bottled up inside because we are the first ones to go ahead and Trigger that whole let’s just [ __ ] fight because that’s what well but see that’s the

Difference I’m just gonna I’m gonna put it out there and say it that’s the difference between men and women as a man no matter what if if you go and you say certain things like we’re getting from both sides here you know as a man that when I when I see that

Person there’s a possibility based upon what I said that there’s going to be an altercation there’s GNA be a fight it’s gonna break out and that’s the chance that you take by what you say there’s always a consequence that goes with it women kind of don’t have that the same way you know

They they talk and they don’t really get into the altercations quite as quite as often as the men but it’s the one thing that keeps men kind of in check is that hey you go ahead and say it someone might put you in your place because of

It and it’s okay that you’re a fighter you know fighting is fighting but there’s a big difference between fighting in the cage and fighting when you’re not in the cage you ain’t getting paid not real smart yep could have charges just press against you all these things yep well look at Kobe Covington

With mazol look at what happens well like this all stems I think some of it stems from just the performance with Shawn and with drus Ian wasn’t impressed with that but then you you also brought up the media and how the media is gonna ask questions Shawn apparently I think

At can you pull up a picture of sea at the media press conference Dave Sean apparently had a t-shirt on I can’t remember what it said um and when oh something about f women guns hand I want to remind you there’s like a there’s a pretty popular uh female uh podcaster can’t remember

Her name she actually makes these shirts to say women should be the or something like that what’s her name ohly things okay there you go so she what is she she says women shouldn’t vote women shouldn’t vote is there one also too that says women should be in the

Kitchen anyway so women women she has a sentiment okay so but when when I was going back to this media thing so it’s not it’s not as if like it’s a a thing that just men are saying there’s there’s there are women out there that believe that women should shouldn’t vote I guess

Or should be in the kitchen whatever it is I I don’t understand the logic on this but what I am going to go ahead and say is the media if it is Media I’ll explain the logic once you’re done okay when the Press when the Press is when

The Press is there the media is there and you’re asking questions during fight week why are you asking stuff about his shirt it has nothing to do with the fight he wore it that day you’re doing he’s doing it Sean’s doing it for attention yes people to talk about and

Whatever it is but if you’re the media if you’re the true mma media ask questions about the fight because you asking questions like this for a response from sea you’re doing it for clickbait you’re B that’s it there any other reason not to ask about his opponent not to ask about the promotion

Not to ask about the fight itself or to ask about what’s next that is you trying to get clickbait material for your own purpose and your own your own uh platform and your own website whatever it is that is that has nothing to do if you are a true media MMA media person

You should have been asking about the fight asking any other way any any other questions otherwise is you’re trying to get clickbait material yeah they’re trying they know that Shawn is a person who’s gonna just pop off and say something and they want that but the the

Whole thing with the vote and stuff and really what it comes down to is and I’m not saying I agree with it but it’s women have a right to vote and those votes count in a way that can cause men to have to go and do certain things

Conscription meaning the draft you know you got to figure women started being able to vote somewhere right around the 1920s is when that you know the right to vote came in for him that was just after World War I how many women were drafted for World War I zero then you start

Having people that are having votes into the say of government when they don’t have the same obligations or Consequences that men are going to have by you know you get into Wars you’re going to get drafted you’re going to go to war you could die where the woman who

Voted for things that caused this now situation she doesn’t have those same situ those same things that’s I know that’s the side that people talk about do I agree with it no I’m not saying I agree with it I think everyone should have a right to vote but you know that’s

What it comes from yeah I think if you’re the media you shouldn’t during fight week and I think if you’re a fighter don’t answer don’t ask don’t answer questions like that you have something to talk you have a you have a question about my opponent I will ask it

About my fight about how I trained about what I think he does I don’t care what I’m wearing on my shirt I’m doing it for me I don’t care if you have a question about my opponent it’s gonna come down to F why why are you wearing that shirt

None your business they’re going to they’re going to pry none of your business that’s what you need to sayone I want to can I give you a Counterpoint to see to give you like something to argue against then so you’ve obviously the guy who asked the question that that

Sparked this whole thing was uh worked for MMA fighting helwani’s associate with M fighting ER did a piece in his show about um well of course if you’re going to wear the T-shirt you’re provoking that type of response and that’s not true that’s not true I can’t

I can’t so go ahead go ahead Dave sorry yeah so so of course um you know from he’s in the media right Ariel’s in the media so he’s looking at it with the with the media lens and so you guys have just kind of laid your point out from

Fighter lens and and part of the sport lens um but so then how do you rebut something like that like a point like that so you’re saying that it’s it’s okay for him to give a reaction like that or have questions like that because Shawn has a shirt on

Because Shawn made the com Sean so he followed up on comments Shawn had made right the media guy asked sea a question about comments Shawn had made right so so the idea is that Sean you made the comment so you’re account so of course you if we of course you’re accountable

For those comments right so of course we if we want to ask a question about it it’s fair game because you made the comments in the first place it’s kind of the argument were the comments made in fight week um I mean were they was is this

Really what Sean was this on did sea make these comments during fight week or during the press conference he said a lot of stuff during the E build up that has nothing to do with this fight this is a different fight what I said what I

Said three weeks ago has nothing to do with this week in fight week doesn’t matter it shouldn’t matter like why if you are a true mma um media you should be asking about the fight doesn’t matter what he’s wearing you’re saying you can’t control yourself enough to because that provoked you so

Much you had to ask about the T-shirt I thought we were professionals here be professional and ask about the fight ask about how his Camp went ask about his coaches ask about anything to do with the fight that is your job not to stir up [ __ ] about his

T-shirt he wore it you saw it you read it you guys can talk amongst yourself Beyond but it’s not fight related why are you asking it that’s it that’s the bottom line do your job your job is to ask about the fight build up the fight

And do your job cover the fight do your job that’s it it’s not to ask you about that it’s not you are you are prying let people let if you want to write your own thing about it go right ahead what your thoughts are on it go right ahead that’s

Your opinion on it that’s all but during fight week why ask that question knowing that you’re going to stir more up you’re going to Stir It Up even more knowing that there’s going to be more stuff coming on and he’s trying to focus on the fight maybe that’s maybe

That shirt makes him feel more comfortable who knows but you guys should care about more about the fight and not about his stupid ass shirt that’s where this goes and and I saw some of the I saw some of the aerial interview or the aerial thing about how

Well Dana didn’t used to be that way when Dana wasn’t that way before things were different there wasn’t a lot of this things were just different in that time the sport the sport was in a different position absolutely with with a different criteria of everyone was saying we were

Barbarians everyone was saying we were thugs everyone was saying were’re trying to kill each other and Dana was trying to get people especially educated Fighters ones with college degrees to act like you had a college degree speak like you have a college degree don’t give the media the ammunition they’re looking for to

Say that you’re a barbaric Thug that was back when you know 20 you know 2000 2001 2002 Dana was facing that all the time so yeah he’s gonna want to slow people down now he’s mainstream you know I’m I’m letting people do what they want these are Fighters This is what they’re

Gonna do but Shawn does have to be smart enough to do exactly what you’re doing and just sit there and say hey you want to ask me a a question about the fights let’s go you want to ask me a question about my shirt [ __ ] off well there’s there’s two there’s a

Couple ways of approaching this Bueno Silva said I Love Shawn she apparently is gay I didn’t know she was gay but she’s apparently gay wo Silva she said they they had brought up comments about Sean that’s because Sean said something about Pennington versus okay and then and then

Rael Pennington after the fight had clarified some stuff too like Sean if I like if you want to have a talk we can sit down and talk that could not have been a better answer no I no one no one no reason to say something that’s going to get the media

Involved to stir the pot even more shut the media down stop giving them clickbait [ __ ] and just say look if Sean wants to talk to me I’d love to sit down and that’s exactly what she said if you want to sit down with me we can learn a

Lot from each other I couldn’t have asked for a better answer response absolutely absolutely you know and um it just and when I go back to the Ariel situation where with Ariel I really believe when Ariel’s talking about well Dana didn’t do this Dana did this back

Then Dana was telling people not to do this and do this back then I get that I understand what you’re talking about but I also I couldn’t right off the top of my head I’m not exactly which on which times he’s had like Forest Griffin had

To apologize for something for I guess a date r b or something like that I don’t know something like that there were some comments made by Forest there were some comments made by someone else and these are just things off the top and then

They later had to come out and put on an apology I want to remind people though like not just but Ariel as well that this country and this the everything that’s going on right now in the world was at a way different place way different place so to try to relate the

Two things right now people are being shut down from their jaws like because they didn’t want to get they didn’t want to get a jab yeah they’re being silenced and shut down completely like people are getting people to lose their job people are getting people fired people are

Taking when that happens children are not being fed more homelessness is being created all of these things just because someone said someone mean that you couldn’t handle not you per se I’m not strict I’m not saying this about Ariel just want to make sure we’re clarifying

That I’m just saying about in general we are in a different place than we were okay when those situations and circumstances happened back then but even back then I do not recall Dana ever getting rid of a fighter based upon something they said Miguel Torres that

Was one of them he said something I guess got fired and then got brought back I think is what Ariel brought up one of them was Miguel Torres he got fired for something and then then he was because I I do remember Dana getting rid of Fighters for fighting outside of the

Cage you know he did that several times with people and it’s like I’m glad it wasn’t me he’s it was close he wasn’t you 42 yeah I know that’s what I saying you had you had two more shows to go Josh even you have that personal experience right with

Dana where um like Dana was asked about comments um about comments that you got some controversal far back back around that time and even Dana them was like you know if you know he just didn’t like he just didn’t like you at that time he clearly just didn’t like you but he as

Far as your comments like he just he didn’t it’s not like he held it against you or he was going to cut you or anything like that I mean yeah but that that was another C that was another situation where people on social media got a hold

Of it and just and I just started pitching an argument to people that I don’t even know and the argument simply yeah it was I didn’t want to really get into that but it just I I can cut I can cut it if you if you want you just do what

We’re telling Shan you want to talk about the fight I’m not talking about yeah I mean it just it really it really just came down to um Dana said like I thought he said some stupid stuff and I thought you know I thought he needs to

Stop with that not only that he’s like there’s things that you need to you need to leave out leave politics out of all your post-fight speeches and leave religion out of all your post-fight speeches it’s pretty clear I mean like if you want to thank God thank God okay but

Let’s not get drawn on about all this because a lot you’re turning a lot of people off look whatever do whatever you want when you have the mic in your hands just know that some people are going to like it and some people are not you

Could be the richest guy in the world trying to solve world hunger and people are going to [ __ ] hate you there’s the thing with the Beast going around with the social media he’s trying to do Wells or whatever in Africa and apparently he was doing he put more

Water there than anyone and they’re all sitting there saying oh you know’s he’s just doing it for the Fame no they said be that we don’t need anything from the white guy that was the actual complaint was that we don’t need anything from the white guy who who’s saying it the people

That are get in the water no no it’s not them not the people get in the water so stupid um but overall look the overall view of this is that we went in from Ian Gary to Sean Strickland uh you know and drick is even had a comment to Ian Gary

Don’t worry he’ll never be in this type of fight you know because he’ll never have to fight for a title see but that’s that’s a that was a great comment you know and then my like I said My overall was Raquel Pennington absolutely amazing great job and I think when you sit two

People down in front of each other it’s so funny how a lot of these this drama [ __ ] goes away whether look it could be it could be G and I have had our beefs you know I’ve had some problems with some other guys as well but every time I

Seem to see them in person it doesn’t seem like there’s a problem I don’t have a problem with anyone and if I if I if I do then let’s just let’s just hash it out if you feel like there is one there let’s hash it out

In this situation Sean I don’t think has a problem with Raquel Pennington uh bu Silva any any any of them I don’t think he has a problem with any female that is gay or trans or what it doesn’t matter I don’t think I don’t think hold on that’s

That that wasn’t the point that he was making no had it had nothing to do with someone being uh gay or anything like that he doesn’t care I don’t think anyone cares yeah in this shirt it doesn’t say vote it says a woman in the

In every kitchen and a gun in every hand kind of says vote for Sean strickling 2024 yes it does Sean interesting but I look it that the comment that Sean was making was that the women are not as entertaining to watch as the men they’re you know

They’re not as good so they’re not as entertaining now I don’t agree with that I enjoy you know when women compete at a high level and are really put some of the best damn fights we’ve ever seen are between women okay but now if you’re going to sit

There and say okay take that woman and put it put her against a man who’s going to win okay that’s ridiculous that’s stupid there’s a reason why we have women’s sports that’s for women to compete and compete on a level that they have equal footing in you don’t put a

Put the woman against a man and say oh now who’s going to win who gives a [ __ ] no but all right I think we’ve exhausted this one you think exhausted it well let’s move to a a more happy note then and we’ll bring you into this next story

Here Frankie Egger getting announced as the next induct in Hall of Fame what do you guys think absolutely as deserved as anyone there is you when I I tweeted something I Frankie congratulations you you deserve that as much as anyone ever and I mean that I’m not saying that there’s not

Other people that deserve it as much as him but no one has never deserved it more the guy for a career put on incredible fights showed incredible you know heart just always seemed to be against the odds fought for the title at 155 and won it against BJ Penn you know

He’s got three wins against BJ and that’s when BJ was fighting well when he was Champion you know and fought for the 145 pound title fought for the 135 pound I mean the guy is just remarkable that he was competitive in three different weight classes competitive throughout his career was a

Champion and did it all with class absolutely every time you saw him he’s just a happy good guy who you know what he wasn’t you know obviously he wasn’t the strongest he wasn’t the the heaviest hitter he wasn’t the best wrestler he just put it all together to where he was

Goddamn good at all of them yeah you haven’t had an opportunity to go back and watch I believe it was his first fight in the UFC against Tyson Griffin just an absolute great fight two little farerets when I when I started using that as a I thought both of them were

Going to have tore up knees in that damn fight when I started using that little analogy of two little ferrets grappling it was because of that fight these guys were just scrambling around in the wrestling the Jiu-Jitsu all of these things and then he came and trained

Shortly after that at AKA and absolutely loved he lived with me him and uh him and uh one of his good buddies and um it it just was Chris Lori I was trying to remember uh his uh first his last name uh but Chris Lori used to come in the

The answer and the story was their nicknames and um they uh good good people man had a great time they came in train for like a you know 10 days or so and then eventually they just moved in with me and came back out a couple more

Times for some camps but just an overall fantastic human being and then on top of I I can’t say this he did the most with what he had and what I mean by that is that he I could not believe that he was fighting at 155 I couldn’t believe it dude he was

Weighing in at 155 pounds oh yeah fully hydrated fully going out for breakfast I mean he was making it without cutting weight yeah he maybe had to skip a meal you know it was like okay well I don’t got to eat the night before I’ll wake up

On way like it was he was not a big guy he was fast he had great wrestling his transitions from one take down from one taked down to the next his cardio the way he could push the pace I mean he looks tired sometimes but then he pushed

Through and drove through so mentally strong I look at him and we were just talking about Fighters that were always they had got one or two tries at a title shot grey mannard was a part a training partner of mine fought twice for the world title came up short Kenny floran

Three times fought for a world title came up short there’s been plenty of people in there that have come up short and never gotten back to that position Frankie Edgar was there um and unfortunately I feel bad for him in one area he was only able to fight rematches

When he was the champ which was the shittiest situation is that he fought BJ then a rematch then he fought Benson then a rematch it was like always a rematch for him because the fights were so close but um but then I also looked

At it too is he end up going down to 45 and and he started he went down to 45 I would say a little bit towards the end of end of not end of his career but towards the end of his prime he started to go down towards 45 a little bit and

Had two unbelievable battles against yes Aldo against Aldo yes um he had a great knockout over Chad Mendes I mean he just oh my God I did that fight unbelievable he I mean I was I was surprised you talk about that moment where look I thought

If someone was gonna get knocked out it could be Frankie because Chad had power yeah and Frankie hit him and I’m telling you I watched Chad go out I mean he was out and hit the ground and kind of came back and R Frank and I stopped it and

Chad had no idea what had happened but it was like Frankie Edward when he when he especially when he had someone coming towards him and he popped you know he could put someone’s lights out he put Chad Mendes’s lights out John over here trying to justify his [Laughter]

Stoppage incred performance because it I thought that fight was going to go for a while yeah when I when I trained with Frankie the feet on the hips you know how you this was back in the day feet on the hips kick him back right I could

Launch him back a good five six feet but by the time I could get back towards up close to my feet he was already back on top of me like he was he was so quick he understood exactly what I was doing he knew like he knew how to work he knew

How to go hard he knew he was one of the best training Partners I ever had you know ever coming up man it was awesome when he at the second fight with Benson I mean I went out to New Jersey trained out there for a week with him about 10

Days I think and then uh you know I just I I trained the whole time Southpaw for him just to get ready for the Benson fight I thought he won the second Benson fight first fight I could see how they gave it to Benson but the second fight

Benson won the first one I thought Benson won the first one and uh and even though I was going for Frankie Benson won the first one but the second one I thought for sure was Frankie I was just in shock and and then he end up going

Down to 45 I wonder how what he what he would have been able to do um continue to do it 145 because he was at his best at 145 because he was faster his footwork his wrestling his chain wrestling his Guillotines were really good his ability to keep the top

Position being such a small guy I was the way it just all of it came together at 155 as he started going down and weight it became harder and harder cuz the kids the guys down there were getting faster and some of them were developing the the power at the 145 you

Know and Aldo with the L kicks and all the other things but he is definitely going I’m surprised I’m not surprised let’s just say I was like man I’m surprised they didn’t try to induct him before he retired you know because he was just one

Of those guys that you knew I mean he fought fought almost for he didn’t fight for a world title at 135 correct I think he I want to say that he was right there I know he was right there but I don’t think he ever did fight for a title at

35 I could I could be wrong in that thought there was a guy that was there that he was supposed to he did not no uh no boy was it Max no it’s no cuz Max would have been 45 was 45 y was 45 yeah so got it all

Those Muno Moos would have been his first at 135 yeah got it I mean overall great career always fought his ass off and uh I mean everyone knows the historic fights with him and grey Maynard and what he went through in those fights and when you talk you talk

About those gray Mater was a big 155 gry Mater was a put together stud and could wrestle and Gray Maynard had him in trouble in you know well almost in all three he fought him three times but two of those the championship ones were incredible fights incredible gry

Manor is the only guy in practice I never was able to take down that son of a [ __ ] he was [ __ ] he could [ __ ] wrestle man he was [ __ ] strong he was the bully he he bullied me around the cage quite a bit man he was horrible to

Train with I mean he was fantastic to train with I mean you know what I mean it was just it was very painful at times uh but man he was he was a walking Book of Knowledge the guy shared his information know he didn’t hold anything

Back and he was just absolutely just a a beast to train with man big Power in his hands and just and I after getting hit by him and seeing what Frankie went through with little gloves being able to survive and then come back and get a

Draw and then a win and get a knockout I should say um just says a lot about Frankie but to have he was I felt like he was cursed with his his uh rematches his whole title run was all rematches it was Gray Maynard it was BJ Penn it was

You know it was um Benson Henderson all rematches I would have liked to have seen him have more opportunities to fight other people he was constantly training for the same fight over and over and I was like a this sucks but it was uh he it was awesome it was awesome

To see him come up the way he was and definitely a first ballot Hall of Famer congratulations to our boy Frankie Edgar all right let’s look at this next one here um we have Hamza out saying that he was promised the next fight for the title he promised if we beat us me

We get the title fight uh obviously Dana is um Dana is like you know not making any plans publicly for what that looks like right now um but ham that saying if he he’d be surprised if the title fight for the 185 is not him next what do you

Guys think is he deserving is he really the next guy are there you know other ones that make sense in there or should he should he be should he be there getting a to shot go ahead I mean I’ve said I’ve said it over and over I’m not sold on him yet

As much as I I look I think he’s a great fighter I think he’s a really good fighter I’m not quite sold on him yet I want to see more and it has nothing to do with I think he’s marketable I like that he’s got a he’s got a a talking

Mouthpiece he talks specifically about the fighters like oh I used to beat Shawn up in the training room yeah but we’re talking about practice that’s not what we do around here okay like it really comes down to beating somebody up in the training room doesn’t mean [ __ ]

Um it has to do with the other you can get it done out there I have seen you are good out there in the cage we’ve seen it but we’ve alsoo seen lapses of seen him struggle seen you struggle Gilbert Burns is a fantastic fighter Gilbert Burns dropped you you know and

Then you fought a a Kamar Usman who is a 70 pounder beefed up on short notice and it shouldn’t shouldn’t have been that close you had a full Camp ready to go you talked about your you talked about your wrestling you talked about this you talked about that I didn’t see it in

That fight Saw in the first round yeah first round but the knock’s always been to me John is the cardio there’s no doubt it is a problem because if there’s one thing that you can look and say is that look he’s a he’s a monster especially in the first round he’s got

Good wrestling now there are people out there that can stop his wrestling okay but he’s got really good wrestling and when he can dominate in the wrestling he’s a [ __ ] in that first round because he’s all over people he’s putting pressure on him he’s Landing big

Shots but he gets tough tied you know Conor McGregor is a [ __ ] in the first round let’s just be honest he is got power in his hands he hurts people in the standup and he’s someone that you’ve got to get through that first round but once you get through the first

Round they’re not quite the same fighter going into the second especially going into the third and Hamot has shown his weakness right now is not that he’s not in shape he’s in shape he doesn’t know how to control the fight the way he needs to and and take

Those moments to grab ER and settle down and then come back into the fight and maintain that pace that he can go the full three or five rounds you know if there’s one thing that you know dupes showed in his fight against Strickland I was thinking that you know I’ve seen him

Get tired he showed I can disrupt someone’s Rhythm and I can control that and I can go the five rounds hamza’s going to have to do that I look in truthfully you know if you pull up his record right now he’s got a win against

Uh mirart at 185 okay that was a long time ago but he’s got that win all right but if you pull up his record right now how many how many fights against 185s does he have well he’s got a win against Kevin Holland at 180 yeah

85 he’s not he’s a 170 John saying what I’m saying though that’s an 85lb match so you could technically rank him in the 80s in the 85s but he’s only had two and both of those guys Camaro Usman is 170 pounder and Kevin Holland right now is

What 170 pounder so he hasn’t even had those yeah those were at 185 I’m not saying they’re not but still he’s not taking on the guys that are in the top five of the middleweights not there yet and that’s where I say he needs to have a solid

Fight you know put him against you know an Israel osna put him against a Jared caner put him against a Robert Whitaker put him against Marvin Victoria I don’t care but those are the guys just going to tell me exactly where you’re at because a lot of them are going to

Survive that first round and they’re going to put the pressure on you and they’re going to make you tired and these guys are of your size because see look he’s long he’s got power he’s strong but he gases and to sit there and say that off of the Camaro Usman win

Let’s be honest he got the win no doubt about it that third round who won it yeah Camaro Usman did and if there was a fourth round I think it was gonna be kamaro Usman winning that one too so I I I’m I’m saying the same thing I

Agree that right now you need to show me that you can beat one of the top 185s I said it after the Kamar Usman fight I’m not sold on him that was one two is Dana White I think had the impression that he was going to go out there and dominate kamaro Usman

Because kamaro took it on one week’s notice definitely wasn’t in shape and then kamaro ended up having better conditioning than him in the third round so that had to make Dana re-evaluate what he had said to him like if you beat kamaro you beat him dominantly or

Whatever it is you get the next title shot there was a lot of hype around him and I would agree with the hype at the time when it was coming up when he was coming up for the 70 Pounders or whatever it was he was had some dominant

Performances during the co era then he got Co real bad apparently and he was out that’s when we started seeing that his condition yeah he was saying he was never going to fight again yeah so how bad are your lungs because look there’s there’s a

Couple guys that I know in that are here that are Fighters um but used to be Fighters they got covid so bad that [ __ ] up their lungs now they can’t they can’t fly on a plane so they they literally went down to see CPI stem cells to try to get

Treatment for it so they did the IV uh I want to say 150 million U stem cells at CPI to see if that would help with their recovery and they’re still not able to to fly but it’s only been about two three months two and a half two and a

Half months but these are because there’s results showing that that stem cells will help your lungs after being damaged from covid now I don’t know to what extent obviously everyone’s body is different but the friend that I know he’s not able to quite fly yet so he’s

Got to actually drive everywhere to all of his son’s wrestling matches yeah see that’s crazy because you’re thinking a plane pressurizes at 10,000 feet he’s not he can’t he tried doing a short little flight from here down to Houston and he’s not able to fly he’s like it

Was so painful so painful I feel like I couldn’t get a breath I couldn’t breathe deep he I couldn’t get it so he has to drive like his son just wrestled in Stanford and then just wrestled again up in Oregon so he had to drive all the way

From Texas all the way to the West Coast and then up the up the coast then all the way back here it’s crazy so I can just sit here and go I can just from what I have friends and they’re what they’re telling me with their their

Lungs got messed up from covid and then now him having these type of reactions I’m not going to hold it against him I think he’s a fantastic fighter I’m just not sold dead on his ability to fight hard for three rounds because how do I know you can fight hard for five rounds

I’m not trying to knock you you’re I know he’s a Savage he’s a tough fighter he’s got skills but something happened in that process of his lungs getting messed up and I don’t know if he’s the same fighter he was before he got C it’s a good point Fair assessment it’s

A really good point yep and since when though since when have we start taking Dana for his word anyways you’re next in line for a title shot come on guys let’s come on Fighters you guys got to stop that stuff don’t do handshake deals okay don’t do that stuff St believing don’t

Do that stuff ah before we go before we carry on though make sure you guys subscribe to our show here hit the little subscribe button down below you can also hit the Subscribe button on in hit the Subscribe button over there extra content for you guys

We’re going to be doing some lives there this week because we got to do them this week before the month comes to an end so we want to make sure that we um you guys join us over there subscribe to us over there it is free subscription at wayin guys like my little uh my little only fans over here on the side I got that I also got my little shirt today so floss it but hey follow us and subscribe to us over there it is free pimping like a mother you know it

Feels a little bit it feels a little bit more like when John and I do our lives over there it feels a little bit more free there’s a lot more connection with the the people that are listening to us they actually right away get their answers to their questions uh we talk

For you know a good 30 you know anywhere between 25 to 45 minutes depending John and I have a tendency to sometimes just to Ramble On like I’m doing like I’m doing right now but uh make sure you guys subscribe to us on our YouTube channel as well as our Clips Channel and

Also over here on our Dave what else you got for us buddy yep um now Chris cyborg come out and said I am 10 and a since the fight with Amanda Nunes um and she’s talking about a return to maybe it’s return to UFC tags

Dana White on on X um obviously Dana has been vocal about not being out of the cyborg business but want to get your reaction there is this just kind of like you know um theatrics on on X or what do you think I’m going to tell you there’s

Theatrics going on throughout all of it Chris is in a position she’s got a contract she may not like what’s happening with her contract right now she may not like what’s being asked of her from the people have now absorbed her contract but they’ve got a contract on her so she

Can sit there and say what she wants as far as going and fighting Amanda that’s great but the people that she has a contract with right now unless they break that contract which they haven’t done in fact they just let her box she had a first round knockout beautiful win

But she’s going to have to fulfill part of the obligations as long as they hold up their end of the obligation and what that end is is their pay uh this is this is a lot of this is a lot of this is a lot of gamesmanship right here that’s exactly

This is was that not beautifully done no it was it was I’m talking I’m talking about on her part though too she knows exactly what she’s doing oh yeah I’m 10 and0 AM Amanda’s talking about coming back Dana said that he’s out of the fight business Dana’s never out of the

Fight business when it can make him money let’s not he’s not out of making he’s not out of the Chris cyborgs he would be back in the cyborg business as fast as he could possibly move if it was gonna make him big money yeah and that fight that fight you could you could

Headline that fight again with the knockout the way that it happened the first time the exchanges they had in that first round all of that stuff and then her coming back to the UFC I mean it just it would it would make it would make headlines with the Manda coming out

Of retirement yes it would make headlines absolutely would make headlines um in terms of she does have a contract with the pfl um it just it’s letting I I look at this and I say it’s letting the pfl know that you guys need a tow the line or at least get on the

Same page as me as us trying to work together so um so I can grow my career some more my brand and my career she’s been very clear about what her brand is she’s like I I’m building my brand I’m not helping to build yours we’re gonna

Do ours together sure we’ll do it together but I’m GNA build mine mine needs to be built so that means you need to keep me active I need to be fighting everybody at the highest level if you don’t have any people at the highest level then let’s find me another Avenue

To go ahead and um and make money she seemed a little upset that they never the pfl never did any type of uh promotion or help push her boxing match like they did with Francis andano um that’s already been put out there she’s doesn’t seem like things are going the

Way that she would like but there’s still a lot to be there’s a lot to be had there’s a lot that needs to be worked out anytime there’s an an exchange not exchange of a purchase or a buyout of another company there’s so many loose ends that need to be tied up

It’s GNA take a year I mean it’s gonna take it’s gonna take some time it’s not easy and so and the fighters should be the first people to pretty much get taken care of but it’s not always that way like she had a fight lined up with

Boxing so they’re like okay we put her on the back burner until after that fight she gets cut then why are we going to schedule something or get people talking about it until after all this so they let that fight happened she’s ready to fight now now Kayla is having some

Contract stuff let all this dust settle I think with Chris she really wants to be active she wants to fight again right away she’s not able to nothing you can do the promotions got to do their business too to make everyone else happy not just one fighter so I see both sides

But this was nice little gamesmanship by Chris letting them know hey um you know I can also go back to the UFC I don’t know if that’s true or not but I believe it would be if if Amanda comes back I believe it is if Amanda comes back

Because if a then if Chris wins then they’re gonna have a three that’s another two that’s another year year and a half of putting things together so there there’s plenty of time but little gamesmanship right there from uh from Chris cyborg she’s letting them know all right so in that same kind of

Vein sta white um being out of the these you know not entertaining these ideas uh he’s asked about UFC 300 um and who’s coming back he did say that we shouldn’t expect anything out of Le left field for this he’s just going to kind of set up

To be every fight is must see which I think so far he’s uh that speaks true um but he’s ruled out Ronda coming back he’s ruled out GSP coming back he’s red out lers coming back have we not said that though yeah and so I guess the

Question you guys is do you want Nostalgia here or are you excited about the future of the sport being present on UFC 300 I guess that that’s what one of the questions do you have any other thoughts on it well I I saw I saw another clip that Ariel had did

Yesterday I believe also there was like uh on social media well you’re watching Ariel a lot AR you I had people sending me over the thing with the Strickland situation yesterday and then I saw and then I saw another clip about how he talked about d uh DDP and Izzy I’ve been

Saying that since before so I’m glad I’m glad he listens to our show it makes me feel good about that but it’s look if there was going to be a main event because the main event they have in place right now is still be to be determined type thing I could see

Them sliding DDP and Iz he in there and I said this over a month ago and just it was all perfect it would be pitcher perfect for them is he saying that he’s ready to come back but it’s gonna probably jump in Camp around March but look

Money does a lot of weird things to Fighters is he at a stage he’s at a stage too where the excitement of fighting DDP will get him back in the gym today maybe even probably last week you know and DDP coming out and say look

All I took was a couple little you know a small little cut under my eye my eyes is a little swollen it’ll go down in a day or two which it will um as long as he takes care of it and the stitches in the eye right below the eye or whatever

It is probably just five days seven days no contact maybe even up to two weeks no contact but that doesn’t mean you can’t do cardio just keep the pace keep going run stay in shape hit mits hit the bag all that stuff is available that fight

Com in March you’ll be in plenty of to be in great shape both Fighters within that period of time it’s not like Izzy left two years ago he literally left like what four months ago five months ago he’s not he’s been gone for four five months that’s a break for some

Fighters he’s a normal yeah it’s a normal break so what I don’t I don’t understand like as if he couldn’t just get back in shape he could he’d be fine he’ll be fine so yeah I believe I believe that that’s still going to potentially be your main

Event why let me let me ask you why is it you know when when people bring up these names bring up Ronda Rousey George St Pierre Brock Lesnar I heard khabib I heard that too that that’s because abib was in the gym working out with Javier Mendes I

Mean yeah that makes you that’s your your reason that oh he’s coming back if there was a guy that I would look at and say well there’s two of them George St Pierre and khabib two of the smartest guys there is as far as their fighting careers George is smart enough to know

When no it’s a bad fight for me why would I do that why am I gonna put my legacy on the line when it’s really just about dollars you gotta look and say what what’s valuable you know is is it worth that much Ronda Rousey has not fought a

Damn MMA fight in how long back 20 you know 2017 that was her last woman or was it 2018 I want to say it was 2017 that’s a long time we’re talking seven years that’s crazy to think that she’s just gonna jump back in 60 Jes much yeah

What’s all right so 27 seven years that’s you you expect her just to jump back in and oh it’s going to be a great fight it’s not Brock Brock Lesnar I love Brock he’s a great guy he’s a monster of a [ __ ] man when you look

At him you go godamn he’s thick he’s freaking how old now you should know right off the top of your head Dave Brock’s got gotta be 45 46 okay he was never a great fighter he was a big heavyweight in a weight class that didn’t have a lot of people that could

Wrestle and his wrestling worked for him until he showed that he didn’t like getting hit wh why am i g to want to want to watch Brock go in a fight where who’s he G to fight who it’s crazy you know I want to see good competition I don’t care you

Don’t have to you don’t have to dredge up you know the stars of the past they got enough stars now there are stars out there in the UFC there’s people that you know what people want to see fight you don’t have you know there’s no reason to watch again and and nothing against

Brock 46 years old no there’s no reason for me to watch Brock fight anymore he’s done he’s he’s a pro wrestler he’s a great guy let him be yeah if he wants to fight a YouTuber I might tune in but that’s that’s about it there you go I

Have no problem with that no like I feel like there’s so much flak on this UFC 300 like they’re expecting some Greek god to come down and challenge GSP and and khabib and I’m like crazy this is a really good card I am looking it’s an unbelievable card yeah even without we

Don’t even know who the main event is but the card itself is fantastic I mean outside outside of outside of Connor right now the ones that are available uh Jon Jones being injured I he’s the next biggest draw I think out of all the the Champs and that

Would put him right there against volovski is right up there yeah vul is absolutely vul is but but he’s fighting previously so he’ll be out but he is um with Izzy Izzy being the guy and then also with DDP have a whole country now behind you with South with Africa but

Not maybe not a whole country but at least the southern part yeah they’re going to be they’re going to be supporting him um and so when I when I’m looking at who potentially slide into that main event that’s the only fight that really made sense to me you know

Ham’s not getting over that that rash or whatever it was he had all over his body said he’s back training now now um you know Kamar Usman not really sure what’s going on what he’s going to do right now it seems like he’s up in the air he is

Training I saw him playing golf with Justin gatei the other day uh you know gatei down at Kil Cliff you know getting some training in down there in Florida so he’s got his fight with Max Holloway there’s a lot of Fighters that are out there doing their thing but what’s a big

Name value fight that you can see slide in there and the only one that I could really see slide in there would be um izy and DDP in terms of a big time pay-per-view uh or if Alex was to drop down back down to 85 and fight DDP but

Doesn’t doesn’t have didn’t drop down he could go up yeah that’s true that DDP could go up I I just I just don’t see it I would see like more of a storyline though is because the history of the nword being thrown around Inside the Cage by Izzy

And to DDP and then all the back and forth back they’ve already done a full like almost press tour around all that so why not get that fight together it was it’s the fight that makes the most sense but that’s where I would if I was

Obviously if it was me in charge if I was a Dana White for a day that would be the fight I’d be trying to make not saying it was gonna it’s gonna come but I would say that but Izzy has come out saying he will not be fighting there you

Go and you know you’d be surprised What fighters do for money there you go you know I mean I’m sure when Kamar Usman was sitting on the couch he didn’t think to himself yeah I’m going to go fight Hamza chamay you know in seven days days

I don’t think he thought that but be surprised him M he did he did as soon as someone put a certain number in front of that’s right there you go way to do it what you got for us Dave all right I’m going to let you talk to this one Josh

Because I don’t even see this in the news headlines like um this is an MMA thing though it will be an MMA thing but it’s not it’s not an MMA thing right now um you have the Ferrari Brothers down there at Kil cliff gym but you also um you know

There there’s a lot going on with with this situation John as you know Um just I don’t even know come on I don’t even know into this I don’t even know how to get in yes you do just go he’s got a lot of baggage that comes along with him who does he remind you of though when you think about

It looks wise or or personal not lookwise I was like looks wise back background of wrestling and the personality that he brings a lot of baggage pat down yes yep yep no no I get it I get it it’s the look go ahead AJ Ferrari can wrestle

His ass off he is a stun you know his last wrestling match which he actually won if you if you look at it yeah but then he got disqualified by the referee after the match was over but I don’t know yeah um from inside like kind of just

From inside stories I’m hearing that he’s kind of wrapping up his his uh collegiate career he will it doesn’t sound like he’s gonna be wrestling sounds like he’s gonna spend some time down at Kil cliff and see if that’s the gym for him I could see that be in the

Gym for him there’s a lot of guys there that can help mold him and shape him you’ve got the guys that you need got gilber Burns to help him with this Jiu-Jitsu you got Logan story to kind of m a little biew the wrestling you’ve got Kamar Usman that’s there you got Robbie

Lawler I think he’ll fit right in with those guys now the pat Downey situation does ring a bell with him in terms of like can you keep him under control that we’re not going to deny the fact that he’s a hard worker you don’t get that good at

Wrestling by not being a hard worker it’s just that the the attitude the conflict with the other Fighters will that happen in a room full of just Killers he’s going to get humbled pretty quick because wrestling’s not going to get it done it will not just be

Wrestling that gets it done in that room got guys like Jason jacks who can wrestle maybe not at the level of of AJ but he can definitely um you know put some hands on you to make you worry about taking your shot from certain positions you got Logan storley who can

For sure wrestle with him you’ve got Kamar Usman who probably can for sure still wrestle with him but it’s going to be maybe not because of the you know um but then you you’ve just got all these guys that are there and available to kind of help Mentor him and get him

There and and get him to the level that he needs to be his wrestling mixed with a little bit of J Jitsu defense as well as some offense I think you can see him fight within a six-month period got Jordan Oliver’s down there too there you go so there’s another guy little bit

Difference in weight weight class a little bit difference in weight class but having somebody that you know is wrestled at the highest level in Jordan Oliver and understanding like hey let me just try to guide you just a tiny bit that’s all you got to do man that’s it

That’s where you’re at right now so I mean both of them Jordan Oliver coming from Oklahoma State uh AJ also Oklahoma State like just knowing that and then left went to AOW but then you know understand like it’s that that personality I think Jordan Oliver could actually help

Guide him and get him to where he needs to be I’m looking forward to it I think if he if he really just uproots his life and takes it down to down to Kil Cliff he’s got a great chance of making a good run he’s a hard worker obviously or he

Wouldn’t be in the position he’s in uh he just got to dial down the temperament I think some of that will be some of that will come naturally only because he’s going to have to end up being humbled in that do you put him do you

Put him in the same category as like a Bo nickel though yeah I would but um if they were to wrestle I would say probably Bo but I’m saying though be close yeah and Bo but I feel also too Bo is very the the temperament is the biggest thing Bo is

Very focused and driven on what his goal is his goal is not to let anything get very mature very mature yes AJ’s gota AJ’s got to figure this out man because look you’re losing you’re losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in Ni deal and then that you lost all

That that was something that could have carried you over after you got done wrestling in college could have carried you over into your fight career at least kept you kept you on track to where you could afford to get a a place in Florida you could afford to do this and afford

To do that like maybe money is not an issue for you but it’s it’s just nice to have that to fall back on going hey I can if I need to get training Partners to come in and help me train a little bit I can fly one in if I don’t need

Training Partners maybe I need to get a new a new place with you know a sauna hyperbaric chamber whatever it is you have access to money to help you grow bring a nutrition in to help me with my with my training because it’s different than having to do it for for uh

Wrestling the way I eat nutrition wise for wrestling will be a little bit different than the way I eat for a fight because I’m training two three times a day versus training maybe once in the morning then having a 10hour gap and then training again later in the evening

Um and going to school during the day so there’s there’s a difference on how you take care of your body when you’re in college wrestling versus when you’re a professional athlete so I’m looking forward to seeing how he grows he’s just got a dial down the temperament and I

Think some of that some of some of that will come because these guys are going to Humble him a little bit inside that inside that room you gotta learn to you’re gonna have they’re gonna make him fall in line John come on man there’s no

Way that you can go into a place no matter how good a wrestler you are and not be humbl at times on the mat by people that know a skill set like the level that is at kill Cliff you know you got guys that were world champions in

Jiu-Jitsu they’re gonna catch you when you don’t understand what they’re doing once you know different story yeah I use this story all the time the first time I ever grapple with BJ pen he tapped me like four or five times within like a three or four minute period with the

Same damn move was you know he started off on the butt basically was able to sweep me get back to the back up to half guard pass the guard right to mount I tried to turn and get away and mount escape and then he just went right to my

Back and Tra the arm tra the arm with his leg and next you know you’re tapping like it it was that’s what he did that’s what he did back then that’s what he was able to do to me and it was very humbling you know just because I was

Beating everybody on the lower level shows and then this guy comes I’m like a this guy’s not that good and they’re good and when you take someone like an AJ Ferrari who’s been the man you know at the places he’s been in the wrestling room you’re going to have to eat some

Humble Pie and so we’ll see how he takes it we’ll see if he can get along with those guys in that room hopefully he’s got enough he could be really good though he could be really good he could be really good he could Y what else you

Got for us Dave all right here we go with this one uh the rock is appointed to the TKO group board um he here’s a quote from the rock I’m very motivated to help continue the globally to globally expand our TKO we and UFC businesses is the worldwide leaders in

Sports and entertainment um I want to get your thoughts on you know how how does the rock help the UFC piece of this um is it presence is it more Presence at the shows to just kind of help Drive audience is it is he great in Superstars

Like what do you guys think where does he make the impact I think some of it goes the oppos look I’m I’m going to go a little bit more of the political way on this he took a a [ __ ] pounding when he did that video in Hawaii with Oprah Winfrey

He took a [ __ ] pounding why it just seemed very it just seemed very fake you know and all the money that went apparently some of the Hawaiians a lot of Hawaiians were saying that they never received any of the money they don’t know where the money went no one’s ever

Because it was a matching thing oh so look I didn’t follow into it too much um so he took a pounding in that situation then also too was on a was on a mic I think with Kevin Hart I think it was Kevin Hart and um basically said that he

Wouldn’t vote for Biden again uh you know he made I was that on Rogan I think so yeah okay so um you know I think this is now going the opposite direction let me join a company that is the complete opposite of what I’ve been attached to right

Now I I don’t put anything past people’s handlers when it comes to Someone Like The Rock who they’ve got managers they’ve got press secretary not press secretaries but they’ve got U people that handle their press they’ve got um everybody that points him in a bunch of different directions saying hey this is

What you got to do now this is what you got to do now so when I look at this this is one of those moves I think financially it makes sense for him I believe they paid him $30 million to uh in shares I think is what they said um

And now he’s also gets a a spot on the board and it makes sense he’s been attached to the UFC for a while with their clothing line or their shoe brand I believe his shoe brand and so there’s a lot of reasons on why he should do it

You know the BMF title you know was originally put around the weights I believe of mazol with with him is that correct y you know so there there’s a lot of reasons they send that he tends to get along with Dana I believe obviously or he wouldn’t be as involved

With the UFC and showing up the shows as much as he does um overall I think I think it’s a good thing for the UFC to to be attached to him and him being attached to them given him where they’re at right now uh for both of them maybe

I’m wrong what do you think no I look I think it’s a it’s a actually it’s a perfect match up because he is involved with the UFC already he was absolutely involved with the WWE he’s one of their biggest stars you know there’s been and he’s a sound

Businessman okay he every one of us is gonna make mistakes in hey we’re we’re gonna do this and we get caught up in something and it doesn’t go the way we we thought or you know we had a bad plan to start off with that can happen to

Anyone but I do believe look he’s got a good name for the most part yeah okay and having that good name and having the the background that he has a guy that he didn’t he didn’t come from a lot you know he has made himself who he is you

Know and he he has a personality that people gravitate towards and you know I’ve been there around him and stuff and he’s a gracious you know guy but all guys that never fought like the rock they want to be kind of pushed into that you know I’m

Part of I’m part of the real fighting world too you know this and I think it helps him it helps his brand it’s going to help his brand even more you know being part of both of those so I think it’s a good thing for both him and I

Think it’s a good thing for TKO or IMG WME whatever you want to say you know I never watched him as a wrestler ever really I don’t think I’ve seen one match of his ever but what I did like was that when he came out um you just

Disappointed the hell out of podcast did you not hear that I never I never I don’t think i’ I don’t think I’ve ever seen one full match of his I’ve seen highlights I’ve seen some of his Trash Talk um but see that then that’s the part that I will

Say I I never I didn’t watch so much but if there was two guys that I would say that I enjoyed listening to them on the mic you know a lot of people are gonna say Ric Flair and stuff like that and Ric Flair is is who he is but the rock

And Steve Austin were absolutely freaking gold on the mic and just the stuff that they would say and how they would say it and the timing that’s why he’s in the position he is in Hollywood look he’s a great actor yeah I but I wasn’t until I saw him in

Hollywood that I realized someone that can go from being the machismo guy on the WWE to taking some of these these roles that he was taking and having success I remember I think one of the first movies if not the first movie he did was Scorpion

King and it was it was very bad CGI on some of the stuff so you could okay go to Randy Couture’s Scorpion King where he was the bad guy horrible they even changed his whole voice it horrible it was so bad but then he went from there

To doing like some like nanny stuff and like par it was like it was very F was a kid come more kid type movies then he went back into like comedy styles with Kevin Hart but he’s self-deprecating he can laugh at himself he can make fun and

That’s and it wasn’t until I started seeing him in those type of movies that I started going you know what I really like this guy this guy’s fantastic good stuff you know and um the growth of that was definitely something that I really enjoyed uh those are the type of people

That I enjoy like um watching in in sports and everything else so I thought he did a great job Dave can you pull up the Steve Austin uh thing that I sent you guys a while back remember what we were talking about with John uh no oh my God fantastic this

These are the type of people that look go from the machismo thing to um the machismo thing to to that that is well here hold on we we we have to clarify all of this because Josh did send me this little tape of Steve Austin because obviously one of these cold

Plunges gave Steve Austin a cold plunge and one one of the things you got to do when you get something like that is you’ve got to Show Yourself using it you know and plug the company and that’s that’s fair and you know it should be done and I finally found someone whose

Kryptonite of cold water is right there with mine because I all the time talk about I dude if there’s something I cannot stand I hate cold water I mean it is absolutely brutal to me and Josh sends me he say hey look this is like

You and I watched it and he was in there for not even you just wasy basic yeah he was in there for two seconds and got out I said he handled that a whole lot better than I could have he said he guys I’m going to have to re revisit this

[ __ ] to revisit this he couldn’t even get the lines up this is Steve Austin broke SK Rancher godamn [ __ ] all right Dave play the video is it the first one there yeah I believe so yeah it was the first time he tried get in there look at so

He’s got his clock in his hands you guys are listening at home he’s got his clock in his hands watching he’s trying he’s supposed to be in there for three minutes he’s not even balls deep yet no he’s only like knee level he’s like maybe mid thighs

Yeah but I want the part that I want you guys to pay attention to is he’s he’s trying to say to the people listening God damn it hey what’s up everybody it’s Steve coming to broke SK Ranch I got this [Laughter] uh hey what’s up everybody Steve broken

Score R hey what’s up everybody Steve third take about to do my first cold plunge and renew therapy uh my sh 43 degrees right now so I’m sure the water is sub 50 I was going to start off at 50 it’s going to be a little bit

Colder than that and we’re going three minutes three here once on to 12 gonna go three minutes four three two down we go D It Go son of a [Laughter] [ __ ] 13 14 seconds he’s up and out man listen listen to to revisit this [ __ ] I’m going to have to revisit this

[ __ ] now you got to admit what when I when I Ted to you I said hey I’m just telling you he handled that a whole lot better than I could have well he’s got to know like I I think when you do things like you have to tell people what

You’re going to do before you get in there he got in there was trying to explain it like what he was going to do just just expl you know you know the needles that are going into his legs with the cold water and stuff he’s just

D I mean it’s like oh that was classic I love that and that’s why I love that dude he’s just he’s just who he is John I have I have a cold plunge and the first thing I do when I get in the cold plunge duunk my whole body my head

Everything I know it sucks but it makes me feel like it’s so much easier to get acclimated to the water right away soon as I dunk my whole head I come back up I’m like okay it’s cold it’s painful but then your body kind of relaxes for a sec

When I can when I only go like chest deep it’s the worst it feels there is no there is no relaxation ever ever oh but that was one of the funniest videos I told I told you the story about my wife and her phone right were you she

Left it again somewhere oh no no no we we had a a place right on the uh it’s called the Channel Islands Harbor in California and you know in the winter time the water in California is about 50 degrees you know somewhere in there and we had a

We had this little dock and it had this little you know uh basic storage area that you know you could put your stuff in with you know the boat that was there and you put a lock on it and my wife my daughter goes and buys her a waterproof

Case because at the time iPhones were not waterproof right and buys her this waterproof case for her phone right and she puts her phone on the damn box that’s you know for storage and then decides to lift the lid and the phone goes dink 15 feet down right and she goes my

Phone and she’s looking at me and she knows I hate cold water right and she goes she goes I I I can’t I can’t go down that deep right and I go God damn it you know I am a son of a [ __ ] and I’m thinking about it right and it’s

Like and I said so my first thing is all right I’m G to call it to see if that [ __ ] is still working because I don’t want to go down there and that case doesn’t work right so sure enough I call and I’m looking and I see it it

Actually lands face up and you can see it like it lights up right oh [ __ ] man it took me about 15 minutes to finally say all right and jump in go down there get that damn phone I hate cold water man cold water it happened from college

When I played water pole and they made us go in into that damn freaking ocean water all the time swimming around freaking Belmont Shores in lomby I hate it hate it um for I could see too Miss McCarthy going yeah you can go get that any time

Anytime now go ahead um uh to to wrap this up though and to finish this up um I’ve noticed that a couple Fighters have been announcing that they’ve been released from the pfl uh even before the first event really who Josh Hill Mike Hamill Sydney Outlaw uh Carl Brecken

Joey Davis Jaylen Bates jordell Lugo uh Sabah Amasi Josh Hill um Diana asara asara yep um you know a couple others that are in there but um I’ve seen I’ve seen a couple of the fighters Josh Hill made it pretty public going hey so much for um us being able

To at least get an opportunity so he was pretty frustrated but just uh yeah something to kind of keep an eye on to see who is making the cut and who is not and who’s making the transition on over but I wish all those Fighters the very

Best of luck and um hopefully you guys find your way into um into another promotion or somewhere else and then you gotta look and you said one name in there that uh Sabah homasi you talk about a guy that puts on entertaining fights that just goes out

There and either you know puts his sword through someone or Falls on on it man the d The Dude fights MH it’s not the kind of guy you want to get rid of in my opinion yeah um Shamil Naya him also he’s he was undefeated he’s I think he

Is still undefeated no he lost to M camel’s last fight yeah so that’s one guy you know Mike camel is another guy that normally fights his ass off a dog fights at 45 fights at 55 I think he’s staying at 55 now but the other one that

Kind of surprised me was Sydney Outlaw he’s ranked in the top seven or eight whatever it is you know I know he’s come up short on his last fight I believe he lost his last fight yeah he lost AJ yeah AJ so uh in that

Fight um you know I mean but he was still in that top in that top five or six or seven or eight wherever he was at uh there’s there’s not a ton of really really good 55 Pounders out there especially in the grappling area so I I

Was kind of surprised uh by that one as well so Joey Davis is because he’s just inactive just doesn’t he’s got his first loss he hasn’t been the same since uh since he took some steps away from the sport came back and had a loss um you

Know Josh Hill’s a good a good fighter as well I really enjoy watching him fight you know so there’s a lot of Fighters that are in that list but you gota you got to be honest about things Josh H at 135 getting up in age what 36 37 something maybe not sure somewhere

Right close to that I could be wrong about it but um you know had some good fights in Bellator had some you know fought fought tough guys the whole time you know wasn’t able to get past some of them but yeah 37 years of age at

135 you got to look and say probably making more money than a lot of guys so yep it’s a tough one Carl brixen also uh jayen Bas Jal Lugo um I’m surprised about jayon Bates because jayon Bates can fight yeah that kid’s gonna be good

And he’s young yeah um and then uh did Buddy in 135 yeah and they don’t have a 13 division asara Goa did she did she fight did she ever fight in pfl no it was the uh mahaka she was in yeah Marina yeah Marina her and then uh Jesse Roberts she

Was also like them so uh that’s just a handful of the ones like I’ve Got U some people that are sending me some more uh names it seems like the list is uh going to going to grow here pretty soon it’s growing but I want to wish all those Fighters

The very best best of luck and uh hopefully we see you guys uh in another promotion building yourselves back better and um getting back into a major organization here soon so this is the shitty part of when one promotion folds up into the other and we got to make

Some make some uh some some tough decisions so shitty shitty situation wish you guys all the best of luck and um before we go go to wayin wayin pick up some of our hoodies our sweaters our hats our beanies all the stuff is available there

Also thank you guys so much and subscribe to us on our Clips channel here as well as on our main channel uh hit that uh subscribe button hit the little bell notifications uh it’s gonna be a slow week man no fights this weekend John what are we gonna

Do I know what I’m going to do I don’t want to do it but I’m going to go do it so ah well hey safe travels to you my man and uh hopefully we will see you uh next week and John we will see you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] N


  1. Why does everyone blame the media for Stricklands idiotic responses. Blaming someone else for his stupidity is just passing the blame. If he is going to stay stupid shit, it's on him, not the person who asked the question.

  2. Women should take care of their families.. at home.. the destruction of the family is part of the reason why society is effed up

  3. Love the podcast but can you guys pls slip anything to do with helwani or any of his Canadian press buddies like get real asking a fighter about gender politics lol

  4. This has got to be one of their more brain dead arguments on this show. Yea, Sean wore the shirt because it was 100% cotton and comfy, NO OTHER REASON. FFS

  5. How disingenuous of Josh. "Oh has he said anything about during fight week?" The man spend 90 percent of the time in front of the camera talking about anything BUT the fight he has. So Sean can say anything he wants but reporters are only allowed to ask very specific things about the fight?

  6. Sean once again being a hypocrite. theres a line but only with him.. Ian criticized his fight and Sean replied with he’ll f**k his wife..

  7. If you don't decisively beat the champ you didn't beat the champ. Look at him after, he lost. Fck biplesi. Isy lost 2 of his last 3 and he gets a title. Ufc is bullshit

  8. Let's go back to the first Jones vs Guastaffson. Guastaffson won 3 rds and beat the sht out of Jones yet some how Jones one. Ufc is WWE now. No sport

  9. „There are People that can stop Khamzats Wrestling“?? WHO ON EARTH stopped His Wrestling until This Point? 😂😂 He Took down EVERY OPONENT he fought!

  10. Khamzat just barely beat Burns, and Usman came off the couch and stepped in the cage to fight him. If the Nigerian nightmare had a full camp and was healthy I believe it would have been on different fight. I believe the Nigerian nightmare would have beat him, especially if it went for 5 rounds. And if that was a five round fight that they had the Nigerian nightmare would have walked away with the win. Khamzat hasn't fought anyone even near the top five at 185 lb. But he's going to smash everybody, we seen how he smashes everybody when he got in the cage with Burns and got dropped.

  11. Josh u keep talking about Kamaru being 170 pounder. have u forgotten the time when he said that he wanted to fight jan for light heavyweight because he was big and strong enough to do it

  12. I think fights have and understand the cheat code. And to ware that t shirt or to say that thing . Such thing can and have generated big pay days bigger paper view points and more opportunities for a fighter.

  13. John let me use the same logic on you. Why are men allowed to vote on what a women should do with their own body?

  14. Josh trying to side step so hard because Sean made the comments and people are asking about it. Dude stop already Josh your wrong

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