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NXT Call ups will now ( NOT CHANGE )Their Characters

NXT Call ups will now ( NOT CHANGE )Their Characters

The other day on the oh you didn’t know the road dog um with the road dog did I do that right oh you didn’t know with the road dog uh the podcast of the road dog does he talked about the Synergy from NXT this is super important I think

Not that it well let’s let’s play the clip let’s play the clip they they they did a live podcast from the Royal Rumble uh Road dog and his co-host um uh Matt Casino kid Mitchell they did a great job follow everything they do I’m I’m thinking about I’m going

To talk to Road dog I’m going to reach out I want to get a segment with Road dog on the show it’s about time we did that you know we’ve had everybody we’ve had Cody rhods Drew McIntyre we we’ve we’ve had just you name it so many different people on this show constantly

Over and over again but you know we got to get somebody like Road dog you know that’d be really great get a take from them it’s a it’s a 50/50 I got to put these people on TV so I can introduce them as talents and see which ones stick uh and

And so that’s what you’ll be seeing a lot of in the future a a lot of NXT talent coming up quickly how much is um some of the roster going back down the Barons and the how how much of that helped them so it helped them a ton

Especially when when uh draft day comes and and look especially in the past uh I’ll say the words we we we didn’t give a crap what was going on down there we would just take them and now we’re going to do with them what we will what

I think you’ll see now which which you noticed that a lot you know that was um you know a lot of people had frustrations about that right because and which I get it you know you got a guy down there whatever he’s doing I don’t know but up here hey man we’re

Looking for a for a for a manager looks kind of like this he can talk well in the mic he can do that sort of thing oh well you know we got this Adam Cole guy or we got this other thing we can do something with him all right let’s bring

Him up but you know in in one what NXT has about let’s say NXT has about a million active viewer you know million possible viewers mostly they get about 800,000 views but there’s about a million people who are actively viewing you know NXT I think uh off and on at

Least but fairly consistently almost and when you get to the main roster you know you’re talking about people viewing on Raw you’re talking about 1.5 million people and you’re talking about on Smackdown you know uh over 2 million so you know about let’s say at least half the audience half the

Audience knows this person and what they’ve been doing and they’re used to it in one way or the other but now you know you’re you’re deciding to make them some other character or something else and you know sometimes that works but a lot of times it doesn’t and um

I I think I think there are I think if you’re going to bring in someone as a completely different character they either have to spend a lot of time off air or they need to have uh been taken off air for a while in NXT or they need

To be coming from you know the training facility where they weren’t really on NXT that much and they didn’t have time to gain traction with the current audience that sort of thing like Pete Dunn you know becoming Butch you know that would have worked a hell a lot

Better if nobody ever really knew who Pete Dunn was if if if almost nobody knew Pete Dunn you know Butch might have worked better and might have been a character that that stuck more with people but there’s always this fight going on between the audience of like no

He’s Pete Dunn what the hell no he’s Butch you know it’s uh and and the audience is kind of like fighting like one half of the audience kind of accepts it and doesn’t carry the way and the other half is like what is this and the

Guy never and then they finally just go ah just make him Pete done again and Jesus you know and you end up wasting all this time and effort and and confusing people and sometimes ruining the the character and ruining the guy you know and I that’s what I think I’m

I’m really drawn out and W long- winded here with this but you know that’s to me what it means so this so anyway what road dog’s saying here seems good now is is some uh Synergy and some continuity and if they’re a character being developed and established in NXT that

Character is going to come to the main roster as said character you know what I mean and so I think the guys that view a lot know what I’m talking about so that’s great you’re going to get Synergy uh which is great now I don’t think that

100% of the time needs to happen I think there’s some cases where hey we’ve had this guy in NXT and it hasn’t been very good his name is the loveboat I’m just making stuff up you know his name is the loveboat and he and he comes out and he

Talks he tells everybody he loves everybody he’s like brother love too and uh but it it’s terrible and nobody likes it and he’s going nowhere but he’s really good in the ring and he’s got a good finisher and he’s great on the microphone and and you know the main

Roster needs to bring in some new heel who can right away jump into the main uh event with with somebody for the I for the Intercontinental title or something well I’m not against bringing up the loveboat and calling him something different and being a whole different

Guy you know that sort of thing um and I so that that there are there are exceptions I think that need to be made and could be made I I would think I would think that I’m sure Road dog and those guys would do that or the guys at

The top whoever’s making decisions but uh but overall it’s good to hear that a guy can start and you know cuz in the end if he’s been in NXT for one or two years chances are you know that the character has gained some kind of following or momentum believability or

Some kind of commitment by the audience and by the wrestler and character himself so you know you want to see that you know attempted or graduate to the main roster hey man like like like many people did you know like Sasha Banks Sasha Banks was in NXT I I

Believe Sasha Banks started as like an eight out of 10 and moved her way up to like a nine you know out of 10 competitor in NXT her lore I bought her merchandise but when she got to the main roster she’s kind of always been like

Off and on and up and down and all over you know they’ve given her but they’ve given her lots of opportunities but she’s always survived as Sasha Banks pretty much what we always knew her as I think she’s better as a heel in many cases but um but then there’s other

People you know who have uh you know they they tried to mess with and you know it just didn’t it doesn’t work out or it flounders or it falls a little flat or it gets confusing to much of the audience and let’s be honest again like

I said half the NXT audience is half the audience now now half of your audience on Raw and SmackDown for the most part uh they’re watching NXT or at least a good portion of them are you know 1/4 probably two fours half the audience and

If you bring up some guy and try to make him something goofy I mean it better be good you know and Keith Lee is another example in some ways they should have just kept him Keith Lee I guess but he really didn’t have much going on and you

Know Keith Lee thought that he was he didn’t have to listen to McMahon and that he didn’t understand anything but you’re seeing now that Keith Lee he he doesn’t know what he’s doing either you know he needs somebody Keith Lee’s was the best under Triple H that’s

What that’s what we can we know Keith Lee’s best success was in the independent scene in small crowds and uh when Triple H was in charge of him uh Keith Lee succeeded but Keith Lee’s own ideas not good it seems like Keith Lee under Vince McMahon not good because he wouldn’t

Commit to it not good and then Keith Le goes to aw and says McMahon’s nuts and you know um every everything they wanted me to do is crazy and I just want to be whatever not good so the only person that can make that can help make Keith Lee be better

Is Triple H it’s not Tony KH it’s not Keith Lee and it wasn’t Vince because Keith wouldn’t listen to Vince uh it’s uh it’s Triple H so Keith if you’re listening and an aw makes you an offer say no if you’re listening and Triple H makes you an

Offer say yes because that guy knows how to book you and we’ve gone off the rails into a completely different tangent than I started this video on but what do you guys think about everything I said what do you think about what the road dog

Said in the Synergy of NXT going to the main roster I think it’s great sounds good to me I’m Joe Cronin hit the like button comment down below and let me know what you think if you leave a super thanks the biggest one I’ll pin it to

The top of the stream and of course follow me on my producers Twitter uh at metor online on Twitter um or X they stole DX’s spot there and Instagram I’m atj Cronin show uh Jo Cronin show jonin show keep watching my videos and support the road dog oh you didn’t know


  1. does road dogg remember when vince changed karrion kross when he debuted on raw losing to jeff hardy in 2021 that's why I'm glad Vince McMahon isn't in WWE anymore.

  2. Gunther name change was laughed at in the beginning but its clearly a fitting name for his persona. Bron Breaker has really grown on me but he needs to be Rex Steiner. Why play up the lineage with the look, wrestling attire and music but not utilize the name? It doesnt make much sense. WWE should make exceptions where they license the name from the performers for the duration of their contract

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