Developing Your Golf Swing to Improve Over the Winter, Part 2: Backswing – with One Iron Golf

David is back to show you how easy it is to improve your swing over the winter. Part 2 concentrates on your backswing. In this 3-part series about developing your swing, David demonstrates easy exercises you can do at home. Follow along for tips you’ll want to incorporate into your practice to develop your swing.

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Welcome Friends this is the second video in our improving over the winter series last video we talked about shoulders controlling your swing this video we’re going to talk about the back swing and like I said in the first video what’s true you go to the range in the summer

You hit balls you’re so concentrated on that ball sitting there you don’t even think about your swing your swing can be terrible but you’ll never know it with this does is allows you to develop that swing over the winter without a ball sitting there to confuse you and you can

Work on individual parts of your swing so it gets fully ingrained in muscle memory to next spring now next spring after you develop this swing what’s true you can go out hit golf balls no don’t have to think about your swing then cuz it’s already ingrained it’s developed

But it’s very important to develop that swing like I say 5 10 minutes a day in your garage in your your basement it’s perfect it’s perfect to do this and just work on the steps in slow motion slow motion but anyway let’s talk about the back swing first of all I’ve got a

Baseball bat you can use golf club that’s fine I like to use baseball backat to me it’s just a little handier but anyway you set up like you’re going to hit a shot then you’re going to bring the club back but before you do that

This is what I suggest suest you do get up here then do that forward shaft Lane why because it’s a trigger you start there then you go back it’s always easier to start a movement if you’ve got the opposite move so come up here instead of just standing here

And on nope go like this then bring the club back now I’ll give you a little tip don’t bring it back with your arms turn your shoulders and you’re basically swinging the club up that’s one of the reasons for that little forward press at the beginning you stand here get that

Forward press and then you just swing the club up you’re turning your shoulders my arms aren’t moving they’re as Loose as a Goose bring it up all the way around your body give you a side view here bring it up around your body like this so that then you’re ready

To rotate out okay okay notice also I’m bringing that club up right at about shoulder level I’m not bringing it way out here I’m not bringing in flat like this it’s coming up right about shoulder level why again your shoulders will create your swing so you definitely want

To have that club on same functioning plane as your shoulders this is what you do you bring it up now as you’re bringing it up what’s true your weight shifting to the right side now you’re not swinging to the right you’re putting your weight on the inside

Of your Left Foot Right On Top you’re posting that basically on your right leg storing all that power you come through here that’s what you want to be looking at make sure you got a nice wrist so on and so forth there’s one other thing it’s a little Nuance that you

Might want to work on and that’s this you see how right here my wrist is flat okay when you come up to the top bend that wrist go like this get that little flexion in there like that what that does it causes your right hand to bow out like this see what

I’m getting at and you leave it like that in your downswing until you make impact we’ll talk about that later when I come out with a full video on all of this but for right now just concentrate swing the club back and make sure it goes around

You your hips aren’t moving right or left pretend you have a pole stuck in the back of your head it goes straight down your spine and goes into the ground you’re basically twisting around that post there’s no swing movement whatsoever anyway that’ll do it for this

One bear in mind we got a bunch of other short videos coming out for different parts of the swing and then at the end I want to put a full one together might be lengthy but what the heck it’s worth watching hey thanks for watching make sure you hit that like And subscribe

Button and we’ll see you in the next video thanks Again


  1. Love this series. It would be interesting to do one on the Opposing muscle concept that you describe in your ebook. Just a suggestion and thank you very much for those great lessons.

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