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Jason Kelce weighs in on the Eagles’ hiring of Kellen Moore and Vic Fangio as new coordinators

Travis asks Jason about the latest news surrounding the Eagles coaching staff, primarily the hiring of former Chargers and Cowboys OC Kellen Moore and former Dolphins DC Vic Fangio.

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Eagles coaching news at that the Eagles have parted ways with offensive coordinator Brian Johnson and have hired former Chargers and Cowboys offensive coordinator and the Boise State stud Kell Moore Kell Moore was the OC in Dallas for four years and the OC in La uh just this past season have you ever

Have you met Kellen I had not um played against him a lot obviously when he was in Dallas yeah I was surprised actually when he got fired uh the one year in Dallas it felt like their offense and was pretty even just like two years before that he’s being touted as you

Know head coaching uh candidate one of the top ones up there uh he’s been one of the brightest Minds uh for young offensive coaches um for some time now so um I’ll be interested to see where your offense uh kind of the direction that it goes man I’m I’m very interested

To see how that thing goes he’s done a little bit of everything you know obviously he comes from Boise and it’s a uh you know think it was wacky back then man it was it hard want to say wacky it was a different offense though and they

Were did a lot of stuff I mean it was creative that’s what it comes down to and I think um there was a lot of people and I think even looking back ourselves that realize that we could have uh potentially been a little bit more creative I guess offensively and I think

Kellen will bring a lot of that he did it in in Dallas he did it I’m sure especially in the charers even though I didn’t watch him that much you know everybody wants to bring up the the Ezekiel Elliott uh snapping the ball type thing uh that creativity didn’t

Work in that play uh but it’s not always gonna work uh and I think uh you know he’s been one of the best offensive Minds in the game I’m excited to see what he brings to the offense and how it evolves with him uh at the helm as the offensive

Coordinator what what are you laughing about dude that play was electric I just want to I still want to know what was you’re about to find out you ask I’m sure I think you’re spot on with it though Zeke was supposed to get the ball

He just got he got hit at the line of scrimmage ex it threw the whole thing off off theall it threw the whole thing off yes there’s the only it’s the only way that happens yeah and they’ve also let go of the defensive coaches uh sha Desai and Matt Patricia but have since

Announced that they’re signing Vic fangio to their uh new defensive coord as their new defense coordinator um fangio with the dolphins uh mutually decided to part ways after one season last year and is formerly um a consultant with the Eagles back in 2022 he familiar face in the building

Obviously an NFL staple fio has been around for years and years and has had a lot a lot of success in the NFL Jason thoughts on faggio taking over the defense yeah Vic is uh I mean listen his uh his uh reputation predes itself uh he’s been one of the best coordinators

In the NFL uh you know since I’ve been in it I think uh every stop he’s been uh those defenses have been pretty darn successful obviously the Dolphins this last year got riddle with a lot of injuries there down the stretch uh but you know I think everywhere he’s been uh

He’s he he’s been one of the best with out there with the defensive coaches um he’s revolutionized the game to a certain extent there’s a lot of people talking about the van fangio defense and how more and more coordinators have taken from it and there’s never um you

Know a more sign of respect than uh imitation right whenever somebody’s trying to do what you’re doing well that speaks to how good you are at it um I’ve had the pleasure of playing Vic in Chicago uh Denver uh and Miami and um you know he’s just a guy that first of

All he’s brilliant he can do a lot of different things I still remember playing against him in Chicago and he kept doing just he kept putting 61 like goal line defense out against our 11 personnel and we did not know how to react to it and it threw us up for a

Loop because we had no plan for it coming in they hadn’t really done it and um it threw us off offensively and um that’s the type of Coach he is he’s going to find a way to throw people off he’s going to find a way to mess up your

Run fits and try and get you into to uh you know the looks that you think you’re getting you’re not getting and uh and Vic’s uh been among the best at it as you said he was a consultant with the Eagles in 2022 I’m excited I think

Everybody in the building is excited to have Vic back Brian Johnson Shan Desai Matt Patricia all those guys are phenomenal coaches this is part of the shitty part of the business you know you when when things don’t go well you know there’s going to be changes and our as

With the offense to be blamed on Brian Johnson of course not Brian Johnson is a great coach I don’t care what anybody says um I I know for a fact he is an outstanding coach and he can be a great coordinator as he was for the majority

Of the year yeah and the and the previous years as as a quarterback coach it’s just you know there’s a lot of things that sto out the offense and the defense the same thing um so you know I feel for those guys or for guys that get let go in these situations because

There’s never uh any at any time is it any one guy never it’s that’s that’s the unfortunate side of this business but um I am excited to see what kellmore brings to the team and and Vic Fano and yeah I think it’ll be it’ll be interesting all

Right now there’s also uh a lot of fans uh Eagles fans upset with sani’s role now you know just a head coach I think that’s Eagles being upset on the season you can’t there have been plenty of NFL teams that have had unbelievable success with uh coach that is more of the game

Manager and letting the OC and the DC call the plays listen I mean two of the teams are right in the AFC Championship and NFC Championship John Harbaugh and Dan Campbell right I think um you know Nick is first of all I don’t really know what I don’t know if they’ve actually

Said what his role is I guess going to be on the offense I know he said he’s gonna do more of like the head coaching responsibilities I think in his press conference but yeah he he’s on Q saying that Nick and I really mean this is one

Of the best coaches I’ve been around and talking about coaching situational ball really understanding what to do uh in the right moment um motivating guys uh we we coach things up in team meetings and hold people accountable better than uh pretty much any other coach I’ve been

Around and I think he does a lot of things uh you know players love him they’ll play hard for him um I know it was a really shitty year for us uh but you know I think that Nick has a lot to bring uh as value as the head coach and

The uh organizational leadership that he provides for the team yeah to me I look at it as hey I think Kell Moore is a pretty bright guy and I think he’s gonna bring all I know now is I know we have a great coach and Nick serani we just got

A great defensive coordinator uh defensive mind in Vic fangio and we got a great offensive mind in Kell Moore that just got hired so in my opinion we’re adding more um you know talented individuals to continue to be a part of the staff so whoever is call him plays I

Know that we get better having Kell Moore in the building because I think he’s a great uh mind and has proven that over the last five years Nick moving to like a head coaching position he removed himself from play calling duties last year with Shane styken right that ended

Up working out pretty damn good Nick has shown in his tenure with the Eagles that he’s going to do whatever he thinks is in the best interest of the Philadelphia Eagles and he’s going to make those decisions and he doesn’t care about how other people perceive it he doesn’t care

About anything other than what’s in the best interest of the team and to me I think players respect a hell out of coaches that operate on that level and communicate things like that and um he’s a very unselfish guy um and uh yeah I’m with you I’m with you brother that’s my

View point on it we got one more in the uh in the Eagles coaching news uh that broke today as we’re recording this the Eagles are expected to hire former Seahawks defensive coordinator Clint hurt to be their defensive line coach man and uh he looks like he could put a

Hert on somebody no doubt dude this dude I don’t know if I was with him at the Pro Bowl when he was in Seattle when the coaches were coaching our side but i’ I know I’ve played against him a lot um I just feel like he’s going to be a guy

That everybody’s going to love in that b you just look at him and you can tell he’s a guy that’s going to motivate the out of you just look at that guy man he’s got that like he’s going to get the best out you know what I mean he’s

Got that biting kneecaps or you could just tell big Clint dude Clint oh man excited to have him as well Hey hey hey


  1. I think they have a pact between them. If the Chiefs win, they both retire. If the Niners win, they both come back next year. The reason. besides wanting to retire winning the Super Bowl, is they are both first ballot Hall of Famers, so they can go in together.

  2. Johnson chose 4 Verticals on 3rd and short…on back to back drives….in the playoffs. Swift got the ball 4x by halftime, even with Hurts hand injury and AJ out.

    BJ isnt good man, great person bad OC.

  3. Why do y’all keep saying that we never officially hired kellen Moore I’m so confused

  4. Kellen is awesome, played against him in hs. Hopefully he will really flourish there with Hurts.

  5. I love watching you guys . I have learned a lot about football . Never realized how much the staffs require of you guys . One thing that does bother me is your use of the “F” word constantly . It’s not necessary to make your point . It’s a very nasty word . You both are intelligent and I’m confident you could use another word . You make a good show and have outstanding guest . My all time favorite is the one with Charles Barkley .

  6. You are a sellout to America.

    “Taylor Swift is not a psy-op”

    Says every local news affiliate across America. You know, someone put together a compilation video of it. Just like they did with the other one.

    “This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.”

    As a combat vet, I’m extremely disgusted with you and your sellout ways. Why do you hate America?

  7. I feel the eagles head coach is the next Andy Reid in Philly. Get to one Super Bowl lost it and then couldn’t get back and needed to move on from him. KC got a really good coach with Andy and I’m glad he got his rings finally.

  8. How about you man up and admit you and Patrick acted like babies in the end zone? It’s common knowledge to anyone who knows football that the kickers are usually the first ones out and always practice in the opposite end zone. Rodrigo Blankenship even explained the process on the nfls official post on the matter and called you out. Be better dude

  9. Kellen Moore had some really good run play options.before dak got injured. I think hurts is a better runner than dak.that mix might be scary

  10. Stop saying kellen Moore is elite offensive coordinator he is not when he was in Dallas offensive was terrible when he was in Los Angeles it was terrible eagles head coach will be fired

  11. Its my understanding there is no parking in Vegas for Taylors jet. Tell Travis she can charter a helicopter from LA and land right at the Stadium.

  12. Hey Kelce Brothers…can you use your immense influence and your influential FRIENDS to save the country and weigh in on politics and endorse a strong female with world experience to keep the octogenarians out of office. It will make watching sports less scary. Politics suck, but, man, need some new voices.

  13. The next bracket contest should be football movies. I wanna see Varsity Blues slug it out with The Replacements and Waterboy.

  14. I can’t imagine hearing my dad saying the f word in front of my mom or me. I just hope they watch their language in front of Taylor’s Mom…my Dad would have told him to knock it off. Disrespectful. They need a cuss jar.
    They could probably fill a food shelter in a week. Little girls should not hear that.

  15. Pretty sure what’s in the best interest of the team isn’t yelling at fans for a grown man that’s supposed to be the leader and then to lose how you did smh. He got what he deserved

  16. As a Cowboys fan, I was surprised to see Kellen Moore go. If anything I've learned as a NFL fan is that it's "what have you done for me lately".

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