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2024 Powerlifting America Bench Nationals – Day 1, Session 2

The 2024 Powerlifting America (PA) Bench Press National Championships

Qualifier for the 2024 IPF Bench Press World Championships in Austin, TX


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All right your referees Platform One your Chief referee Nora Keller side referee Matt rodok and also Gabby Martinez technical controller Kane dangerous Reserve referee Dana Rosen platform two your Chief referee Sarah rodok side referees are Dr Michael Harris and also Mark leei your technical controller is Marcos Sanchos Reserve referee Dana Rosen swag

Your jury for this morning’s session Robert Keller Claudia Nagata Bill Clayton and of course I’m Rick Fowler we are ready to go Platform One we’re going to call out Riley Greer opening up 93 pounds Platform One platform two we’re gonna call out Selena smash him the absolute best name in

Powerlifting I’ve never heard one better watch her come out and smash this opener referee’s going to announce that the bar is loaded here in a second we are ready on both sides ladies and gentlemen I’m going to remind you this is a live powerlifting show they

Need all of your help you can give them let’s get behind them and that is a good lift on both sides believe we got some lights over there on two we are off to a flying start our next Lifter on Platform One is Michelle carosio came all the way from

Florida Master lifter opening with 99 pounds platform two waiting on the computer to advance here maybe waiting on a light there we go platform two we’re going to call out Gail Williams opening up with 121 lounds bar is loaded for Gail we want to thank our sponsors Elite barbell and

SBD thank you very much that’s a good lift for Michelle Katherine Cordo next Lifter on platform one opening at 121 hey don’t forget this is being streamed live tell all your friends visit us online powerlifting our next Lifter on PL platform two Linda

Gorm 126 lb if you like what you see let them know ladies and gentlemen that is a good lift for Katherine three white lights our next Lifter on one is ly homeman 121 PBS Lynn is no stranger to the platform been around a long time very accomplished at the national and international

Level opening at 121 a smooth attempt by Lynn and that lift is good on two for Linda San marks will be our next Lifter on platform two opening up with 148 lbs 67 12 kilos gazelle ala Morano is next on platform one opening up with 126 and it’s a smooth opener for

Jazelle Stacy Taylor you’re next on One bar is loaded for San marks on two clock is running 45 seconds one invite everybody to the ILO banquet tonight at the ILO US headquarters less than a mile away go online reserve your ticket now I was part of this two years ago I can’t stop

Talking about it it is that good get yourself some genuine Texas barbecue ladies and gentlemen the ELO banquet yeah that’s a good look for Stacy suzan lege will be next on one at 126 lb weight stays the same I believe Sean marks is about to time

Out bar is loaded on one our next Lifter on two will be Marie Brendan the weight goes up to 181 PBS on platform two for Marie Brendan and that is a smooth opener for suzan looking for some lights over there they are three white Marie is the Lifter on two 181 lbs

And the lift is good for Marie please raise the bar on platform two to 198 PBS for joela aoda 198 for her opener she is a master lifter Kate Hall is the Lifter on one opening at 137 lbs I’ll remind you this is the qualifier for the ipf world bench press

Championships that will be held in Austin Texas later on this year this is the world qualifier ladies and gentlemen Kate Hall is on the board and so is joela white lights everywhere we’d love to see that lilan Jackson is next on platform two opening up at 209

Lbs nonah hover will be the Lifter on one the bar is loaded on both sides Nona opening up with 143 lbs look at lilan Jackson just Rams it up and might I add some of the coolest shoes on the platform the lift is good on one for

Nona we’re getting ready to start round two action on platform two Isabelle ilv will be our Lifter on one 154 PBS Selena is opening or or taking a second attempt at 110 lbs made an easy opener just moments ago and those lifts are good on both platforms Gail Williams will be the next

Lifter on Two taking a second attempt at 132 PBS Dora Justice bar is loaded on one with 154 lbs here and that’s a good lift for Gail Williams she gets it two to one Linda gor will be the Lifter on two at 137 lbs the lift for Dora is good on one

Riley Greer will be next we are starting round two action on Platform One with Riley Greer 110 pounds with Riley Greer easy attempt for Riley put some weight on the bar what’s up Riley raise the bar in Platform One to 110 lbs our lifter is Michelle carosio bar is

Loaded Linda gorm presses 137 next Lifter on two is Sean marks 154 lbs moving right along here what’s up Michelle put some weight on the bar will you two e bar is loaded for San on two our next Lifter on one will be Katherine Cordo bar is ready at 126 PBS

That’s a good L for Katherine please raise the bar on one to 126 pounds for Lynn homman bar is ready Lynn San marks will be the Lifter on two at 154 PBS just about to time out lifters have one minute once the bar is is loaded you have one minute to get

The start command all right our next Lifter on platform two will be Marie Brendan at 192 lbs Jazelle Alam Morano will be our Lifter on one bar is ready at 132 PBS smooth second attempt for Jazelle Stacy Taylor your next on Platform One at

137 lbs the lift is good on two our next lifter is Jo anoda taking 209 lbs for her second attempt Stacy hits the low gear and locks it out the judges like it two to one the lift is good next up on two Lillian Jackson 220 pounds for Lillian bar is ready on

Platform One for suzan laforge 137 pounds is loaded for suzan if you like what you see Get Behind These lifters and let them know it they’ve trained long and hard for the bench press national championships Lillian Jackson makes 220 look like an a warmup three whites Selena smash him you are next on

Platform two Selena the lift is good for suzan we’re going to take it up to 143 for Kate Hall Platform One while the weight on platform two for Selena is 115 PBS that’s a good lift for Selena she continues to smash them Gail Williams is next on

Two Kate Hall the lift is good on one Nona hubard is going to be taking 151 lbs on Platform One I am told this is a new National Record on Platform One anybody want to see a National Record fall get behind Nona right now bar is loaded clock is running our first

Big record of the day ladies and gentlemen Gail Williams also attempting a national record on two 139 PBS come on Gail locking out Gail oh so close hey let’s give Gail a round of applause that’s a new record for Nona exciting stuff here Linda gous Lifter on two at 148 lbs

Isabelle ilv will be attempting 165 on Platform One bars ready on one for Isabelle easy lock out for Isabelle door Justice is next on platform one bar is ready at 165 165 for Dora Justice Linda gorm is the Lifter on platform two she locks out 148 pounds we’ll see

If the judges like it they do three white lights the lift is good San marks is our Lifter on platform to 154 PBS and that is a good lift for Dora having some fun at the bench press national champion ships Michelle carosio will be our next lifter bar is loaded on Platform

One 121 PBS for Michelle two for two so far they say no lift on platform two Michelle makes quick work of 121 we got lights the lift is good for Michelle on platform two Marie Brendan is the lifter 203 lbs for Marie Brendan Riley G GRE the Lifter on one

126 lbs for Riley third and final bench press just not today hey let’s hear it for them SBD spotters and loaders huh good job guys great catch Katherine Cordo attempting 132 for her final attempt that is a good left for Marie Brendan Jo aoto is [Applause] [Applause] next that’s a no lift for Katherine Lynn Homan is our Lifter on one bar is ready Lyn at 13 7 lbs want to take a second to thank lifting large in the back of the ball ROM be sure to visit lifting large throughout the day to pick up some

Powerlifting apparel check them out online at lifting thank you for sponsoring the event we are ready on both platforms Jazelle Alta Morano is the Lifter on one while lilan Jackson is attempting 231 pounds for her third and final attempt oh baby we got some good looking attempts up

Here Stacy Taylor bar is loaded at 143 lbs Amelia girin starts our next flight of lifters round one for Amelia girin 137 PBS for Amelia not going to happen Stacy hey let’s give it up for Stacy Taylor folks and lift is good on two two next

Up Sarah rhen platform two bar is loaded on one for suzan lege 143 pounds for suzan she is two for two thus far we are ready for Sarah rhen 148 pounds loaded and ready for her and that is a no lit for suzan Luke report to the back

Luke Kate H will be the lifter on Platform One Sarah rhen is on the board Rachel deal is our next Lifter on two at 154 pounds her opening attempt bar is ready for Rachel Kate Hall is the Lifter on one at 148 pounds her third and final attempt

Want to say thank you to elica barbell for sponsoring powerlifting America go online and buy your Banquet tickets before they are sold out you do not want to miss the barbecue tonight Folks that’s a good lift on Two and a no lift for Kate Hall cure medu is a Lifter on two bar is loaded at 159 lbs for kirston she is a junior lifter in the 19- 23 category Nona hover the bar is loaded another National attempt ladies

And gentlemen for Nona hubard get your cameras out right now do we have any Nona hubard fans with us here today somebody clapped their hands for this lady right here National record attempt folks well how do you do Kirsten medu the lift is good Lindsay Rubble is next on [Applause] two

Unbelievable attempt ladies and gentlemen the lift is no good missed it on a technicality nonah hubard fantastic effort come on over here Nona give it up for Nona one more time folks our next Lifter on one Isabelle ilv 107 70 lb Lindsay Rubble is the Lifter on Two Isabelle’s final attempt she is two for two Luke melon report to the back please Luke melon report to the the Back lift is good for Lindsay Rubble Stephanie Tracy you’re next on two 165lb opener that is a no lift on one Dora Justice will be our final lifter of this flight at 176 lb she is two for two thus far Stephanie Tracy is on the board Sarah Shelton will be our next

Lifter on platform two at 165 lbs Dora Justice that is a no lift for her third and final attempt we’re getting ready to call out Heather Haywood opening up at 66 PBS Platform One Heather Haywood bar is ready we are in the next group of lifters platform one once again these lifters are

Battling out for world team spots the ipf world bench press will be here in May right here in Austin Texas so this is the world qualifier for the ipf world bench press championships bar is loaded for Christina Peters 170 lbs on platform 2 we’re going to call out namisha

Mea our Lifter on platform one opening up with 99 PBS she just had a book released yesterday ladies and gentlemen congratulations to Nisha an author and adventure easy wait for namisha hey somebody needs to tell Nisha the warmup area is in the back we don’t do warm up UPS out here young

Lady Megan Walter will bear a Lifter on 2 176 PBS is loaded Elizabeth Parker on Platform One is opening up at 132 lbs bars loaded on both sides and that is a good lift for Megan our next Lifter on platform two rosaland such bar is loaded at 181 for rosalin we have Elizabeth Parker on Platform One 132 for Elizabeth give it up for Elizabeth Parker just blows away a 132 three white lights perfect attempt we are ready for Chanel trailer opening up at 137 Platform

One well that is a good lift for rosalin on platform two please raise the bar to 187 on platform two for Courtney castrino the Wonder from Florida no stranger to the National platform lift is good for Chanel Faith CL will be next on one at 143 lbs That’s a good LIF for Courtney she’s on the board Eliza tesler you’re next on platform two opening up get this ladies and gentlemen she’s opening up with 220 lbs gigantic opener for Eliza tesler get your cameras out right now that is a no lift for Faith she’ll

Come back please raise the bar on Platform One to 148 for Jenny a Hol bar is loaded for Jenny the lift is good on two Sarah wager says watch this we’re going to go up to 225 you can do it Sarah can do it better Jen ho opening up with 148 on

Platform One if you like what you see you got to let them know it folks way too easy you blink you miss it our next Lifter on Platform One Dena albayati also opening with 148 raise the bar on two to 231 PBS for tashelle Kerr bar is ready for tashelle Dana with the high arch very efficient the lift is good on both platforms bar is ready for ASD guamo Platform One 154 lbs Chelsea savit will be our Lifter on platform two 270b opening attempt for Chelsea 270lb opener gigantic lift bar is ready that’s a quick attempt for estd guamo next lifter Platform One Melissa shy 159 lbs what a smoke show Chelsea savit boy she just blew away 270 we’re going to strip it nope we’re not Melissa copelan will be next we take

It up even higher Melissa Copeland opening up at 286 PBS bar is ready from Melissa it’s getting a little dicey ladies and gentlemen and that’s a good lift from Melissa she is on the board raised the bar to 198 lbs Platform One for Jamie fiser 198b opener

And that’s a strong attempt from Melissa three white lights the judges love it we are ready for round two on platform two Amelia girkin will be our lifter 148 lbs for Amelia Jamie fiser Rams up 198 Stephanie Burkheimer is next on one at 203 bar is ready on both

Sides and that’s a good lift on platform two please raise the bar to 159 lbs for Rachel deal bar is ready for Rachel Stephanie Burkheimer on the board three white lights raise the bar to 209 on Platform One our Li is Megan hbert bar is loaded for

Megan that’s a good lift on platform two for Rachel Sarah Rhoden will be next9 PBS for Sarah bar is loaded for her had a near catastrophe there the SBD spotters and loaders saved us once again there is no end to their uh the Miracles they perform that’s a good opener for Megan

Locks it out three white lights our next Lifter on platform one opening up at 242 lbs Joy rinf big name on The World level opening up with a National Record She is a junior lifter not even old enough to drink open up with a National Record 242 get your cameras ready

Folks Stephanie Tracy is the Lifter on two 170 lbs hey let’s give it up for Joy Rin flash whole lot more where that came from she is one of powerlifting America’s big names on Instagram go out and follow her Heather Haywood is the Lifter on Platform One 77 pounds for Heather we

Are starting round two and that is a good lift for Stephanie kirston medu will be next on two 176 pounds for Kiren way to go Heather please raise the bar to 115 on Platform One our lifter is namisha Mea an easy opening attempt going to crank it up to

115 kirston is successful on her second attempt that lift is smooth and easy for namisha bar is ready on one for Faith CL 143 PB second attempt Sarah Shelton is her Lifter on two she locks out 176 lbs three white lights Lindsay rubel will be next on two at 187 lbs

That’s a good lift for Faith Elizabeth Parker will be our next Lifter on one taking 143 lbs lifting in the 47 kilo category 97 lb weight limit 143 lb second attempt we’re going to call out Megan Walter platform two second attempt it’s ready at 1887 lbs hey folks Elizabeth is hot tonight

Locks out the 143 somebody clap your hands for Elizabeth Chanel trailer will be our next Lifter on one 148 lbs for Chanel that is a no lift on two bar is ready for Christina Peters 192 lbs platform two for Christin know that’s a good lift for Chanel trayer way to

Go Courtney castrino is next on platform two 292 lbs for Courtney bar is ready for her the lifter and Platform One is Jenny Holier 154 pounds second attempt for [Applause] Jen and the lift is good on both platforms bar is ready on one for ASD guamo second attempt at 159 lbs for astred Rosland such will be our Lifter on two 192 PBS for rosalin it’s another smooth lift for rosn such Sarah Wagers is next on two AUST is successful on

One bar is ready on Platform One for Dena albayati 159 PBS for Dena 237 pounds on platform two for Sarah wages Sarah makes quick work of that one Eliza tesler same weight 237 on platform two Dena is a no lift on one Melissa schelter will be next at 165 Platform One

And it’s a smooth lift for Eliza raised the bar to 253 lbs for tashelle Kerr platform two second attempt for tashelle 253 bar is ready and that’s a good look for Melissa schy Jamie fish you are next on Platform One bar is ready at 209 lbs that’s a good look for to

Shell we’re going to take the bar up to 286 on platform two for Chelsea Sav the lift is good on one next up bars loaded for Stephanie barkheimer 2114 PBS ladies and gentlemen this is going to be a national record attempt platform two for Chelsea savit 286

Lbs I’m about to get behind Chelsea right [Applause] Now and we got a new record yes indeed Chelsea Sav at 286 Melissa kplan going to go up to 292 the lift is good on one B is ready on both sides Megan hbert the Lifter on one at 220 lbs while Melissa copen taking 292 pounds that’s a good lift for Megan stop the presses get your cameras ready we’re taking it up 259 lbs on Platform One For Joy Rin

Flash the lift is good for Melissa this will up her record she opened with joy Rin flash 259 lb second attempt she is a junior lifter somebody give it up for Joy R flash easy attempt for joy we are ready for third attempts ailia girkin as a Lifter on two

What an effort looked tough she locks out of 159 Rachel deal is next platform two Rachel deal Heather Haywood is the Lifter on one her final attempt of the championship 88 PBS come on Heather not today hey clap your hands for Heather Heywood bar is ready for namisha mea

126 final attempt she is two for two today that is a no lift for Rachel on two Sarah Rhoden is the lifter coming up 170 Pounds just a little short clap your hands for Nisha metha what an effort it does not get much closer than that raised the out 154 for Chanel trailer bar is loaded on one that’s a good look for Sarah on two Stephanie Tracy you’re the next contestant on platform two come on

Down weigh in the bar 176 hey don’t forget to hit the powerlifting dameera website and purchase your ticket for the ILO banquet tonight you do not want to miss it that’s a noet for Chanel our next lift on One Faith CL 154 her third and final attempt the B is loaded for Faith Stephanie Tracy just locks out of 176 Kirsten Madu will be next on platform two 181 PB final attempt for Kirsten bar is ready on two Just a tad too much hey let’s give it up for Faith CL bar is ready at 154 lbs for Elizabeth Parker gigantic attempt for a 47 kilo lifter somebody clapped their hands right now for Elizabeth Parker Megan Walter is a Lifter on two third and final attempt at 187 Elizabeth locks it out plenty of strength the judges like it two to one give it up for Lizabeth Parker Elizabeth Parker come over here and take the bow give it up one more time for Elizabeth Parker our next Lifter on one Jen Holier 159 while Sarah Shelton is the Lifter on

Two at 18 187 good catch by the SBD spotters and loaders Lindsay Rubble is our Lifter on two at 198 lbs Jim makes fast work of 159 weight stays the same on Platform One for Dina albayati bar is loaded Luke we need you in the back once again Luke please report to the

Back that’s a good lift for Dena and a no lift for Lindsay two to one please raise the bar to 198 for Courtney castrino bar is ready on two for Courtney ASD guamo is the Lifter on one 165 lbs for ASD guamo third attempt on the bench

Courtney hits the low gear is it good that’s a good look for Courtney castrino way to go and a no lift for ASD bars ready for Melissa shy 170 lbs on Platform One we’re going to call out Christina Peters on platform form Two at 203 lb today’s event is sponsored by ILO barbell and SBD powerlifting gear as well as lifting large that’s a good lift on two next lifter rosalin such bar is ready at 203 PBS for Rosalyn that’s a good lift for Melissa shy Jamie fiser you’re our next Lifter on

One 220 PBS is loaded and ready for Jamie Fisher she is two for two thus far we’ll see if she can go three for three with [Applause] 220 rosin such one of the toughest efforts of the event right there two to one the lift is good platform two rais the bar to 248 lbs for Eliza wrestler 248 for Eliza that is a no lift for Jamie on one weight stays the same at 220 pounds for Stephanie

Burkheimer but right now Focus your attention on platform two Eliza tesler 248 and that is a good lift three white lights jumping off that bench Sarah wages we are loading up 253 lbs on platform two Sarah wages bar is ready for Sarah we are ready for Stephanie Burkheimer Platform One bar is loaded 220 lbs well that is a good lift for Sarah

Wages we’re going to raise it up to 264 on platform two for Tasha cerr 264 and lift is good for Stephanie way to go Platform One raised the bar to 231 lbs for Megan hbert bar is ready for Megan Picture Perfect lift for Telle Kerr that’s a good lift for Megan we have double record attempts once again Chelsea savit taking a final attempt 293 lbs while Joy Ry flash bar is loaded with 275 lbs get your cameras ready folks and is a no lift for Chelsea somebody clap for Chelsea Sav gigantic

Attempt Joy R flash she’s got it moving 275 do the refs like it oh baby we got a record of 275 give it up for Joy R fles folks 275 new record Take a Bow fantastic lifting Jamie fiser is taking a relift 220 lbs for Jamie Melissa op is the Lifter on two

297 lb hey Keep It Coming folks we ain’t done yet just a few attempts left lock it out Melissa I think it’s going to be good it is three whes for Melissa and that is a good lift for Jamie fiser hey let’s give all these lifters a nice round of Applause

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