Golf Players

Two Yankees Pitchers SWAPPED Wives! | Wednesday, January 31st, 2024

The boys research the most bizarre sports scandals, including tow New York Yankee pitchers who swapped WIVES!

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You’re going to tell me you’re going to tell me how to do the L eat a burger eat a burger put it to rest now we know Daddy’s at the W till 8 hours and D’s watching XXX down in the [ __ ] basement get that out of my face will

You punch the burger I’m going to throw it did you go to therapy yes yeah we changed it we’re back up come on you got a lot you got a lot of Bobby Knight in you you got a lot of night we seen two places what’s up what’s up

With hold on one second just talk to that that side mic real quick the thing might be plugged out we’ll fix the the shot welcome on into healthy debay folks good yeah all right we’ll make it work it’s all right it’s all right we’ll

Doc Jason for the day we make it work uh all right healthy debate we touched on this a little bit today on pck Central um I wanted to this these the tier list and stuff like that has been big Jeff D Lo’s been really good with stuff like

That uh Super Bowls in your lifetime we touched on that one’s good to go all right I think I’m working with this now uh I have time I switch them out it’s all good uh Super Bowls in your lifetime we like growing up there was a lot so I

Also only count the ones in your lifetime going back to the 70s [ __ ] like that it is obviously Super Bowl week uh Super Bowls in your lifetime where do they all Rank and obviously if you’re younger you don’t have the great Viewpoint of like what was going on but

I’m interested to see where people kind of weigh in on this the rule is I think you can only put like five in a tier I’m going to break that rule and just kind of go where we’re at so Phil’s going to help me out with some of the thing because we only

Have the logos uh I have a page pull up that has all the logos matchups yeah yeah yeah so the matchups will uh will tear it so I guess we’ll go we can like work backwards to a degree so last year Super Bowl this is always uh uh last

Year Super Bowl Chiefs Eagles all right so for you not familiar pull up that tier and you can mix in the Cole’s duges as they go um but especially if people want to waigh on this or let us know the rumble people what they’re saying uh all the

Time uh but all right so pull up the if you want to go split screen Jason you want to kind of show all right so there you go so it’s alltime classic memorable great good all right meh and don’t know so a lot of the don’t knows I’m just

Going to put from where I lived we’re going basically from I’m going to say the Super Bowl the Chargers 49ers which was what about 95 let’s say right that year so then just get that logo and that’s where you’re working from XX XX all right so that’s where

We’re at so where is that XX iix all right so it’s right there oh no xxix XX one okay so that one I’m going to put at that 29 yeah that was the first one I remember the Chargers got absolutely blown out by the 49ers that is going to go meh

Now like I think we also all right so that’s where we’re at so the xxix was where that logo is so you can what year was that jetski 95 95 all right so we’re going up from 95 I was eight years old in ’95 so 94 that was the first Super

Bowl party I ever remember being at old enough to know like what was going on watched probably two plays of the game played in the basement like most kids do at Super Bowl parties but uh that’s where we’re at so all right so last year Chiefs Eagles good lb L

Yes shouldn’t it be in chronological order you want to go so you want to go back all the way from yeah most as we go throughout the show we’re going to mix in the calls as it goes but like what there yeah I don’t know if that the most

Recent one’s not on there all right I think that’s a fair fair assessment to put in good or maybe let’s go this we’ll go down the T we’ll go this way okay I know this is already chaotic as it goes don’t worry about let’s go backwards uh This Way alltime

Classics right is that what the top tier is there all time yes okay without a shadow of a doubt I am G to say the Patriots Falcons comeback is an alltime classic correct I would concur without a doubt should we should we also add in others that do you want yeah I’m going

Now I’m trying to go let me fill the classes both Patriots Giants which is also the the duges brought this up like Brady not only is unbelievable in what a super every Super Bowl he was in exide from the Rams um the first the second Rams one he’s

Delivered everyone even the Eagles was close Carolina one was a three-point game like oh that’s everything he’s been in has been pretty unbelievable so I’m going to go both Giants with that uh the Steelers Cardinals Cardinals to say that yeah is an alltime classic

Xli I I I yep ex three both Giants The Comeback uh and I would put Brady’s loss against the Eagles in that as well where are you putting the Seahawks where are you putting his best one as well you put that in there as well like they’re not they’re not I’m

Not ranking them one to five but yes that’s an oldtime classic as well that is the alltime classic all time classic that’s the best one alltime classic put that in there as well uh all right so what’s that like six top tier trying to find him it’s so hard with the

Logos I don’t I don’t blame you but uh I I have a that hasn’t pulled up Jason if you want to go by logo you go as you go but alltime Classics Brady has now been involved in five or six of them correct uh I think that’s pretty unequivocally

Without an issue trying to think of others all right so here’s here’s the thing yeah when I was younger the Rams oh the giant the giant yeah Giants Ravens was horrible uh the Ravens T I’m sorry the Rams Titans was what is there a tier memorable memor okay so that’s definitely memorable what

About like lway Super Bowl I I don’t remember that but is that he didn’t have great ones if you look at his two wins they won against the Falcons like kind of uh handily if I remember like 3419 I think he had a big run to seal I think

That Packer Super Bowl against them was kind of boring so I’m going to say like eh what years did he win 98 I want to say yeah I was like [ __ ] three years old the Brady tier is unbelievable duges give me a uh give me a call and also let

Me know what the chat’s saying in terms of where I don’t think there’s any debate of what I’m missing memorable we’re getting a lot of uh late 990s I saw um late 9s were like Peak Super Bowl once again like I’m born in uh 95 so I don’t really remember anything prior to

The 2000s um yeah I would go chronologically back I think jet ski is the easiest way to 43 52 42 57 49 all s tier we don’t have anyone calling about the Super Bowl tiers that’s fine give me give me whatever East Nebraska up BOS what’s up what’s up BOS

Uh do you I’m assuming you’ve seen what’s going on with the Arkansas basketball stuff uh yeah I worry I always worry about internet Rumors in situations like this has this has this got any legs has this got any legs is what I would always tell people cu the whole thing of the

All we’ve seen is the text I yes and that text can be manipulated from anywhere like everybody’s got an iPhone everybody could type that out I always worry about that with the rumors of like oh these players slept together this guy slept with a coach’s wife this that

We’ve heard it a million different times during tournaments so there’s a lot of other stuff going on here with Arkansas for those of you not familiar a lot of things about a guy’s like personal life uh who he’s dating potentially dating guys like involved in the team it’s a

[ __ ] crazy crazy thing that once it gets out on the internet now it’s got legs you know what I mean like uh and and the internet can get everywhere wasn’t Wayfair being accused of like shipping kids they did they did ship kids that was confirmed that confirmed

Confirmed was not shut down then it was not it was not confirmed was not confirmed that’s my point were cces that were had the same exact name asids and [ __ ] like that and like that can and it’ be like $16 for like a [ __ ] Media

Console it was conf no it was a lot I mean it a lot not okay let’s my question what what is the what is the wildest or I know this ranks up obviously pretty high but in your recent memory you said college basketball is a reality TV show where does this rank

With the the rumors and where it’s true and what are what are some of the crazier ones that you remember obviously like the beheim stuff is pretty crazy yeah uh from quite a few years ago but where what’s the what’s the wildest rumor you remember like college

Basketball I mean this one’s up there but you know what’s there’s it doesn’t seem like there’s it seems like there’s a lot of rumors in NBA and there’s a lot of rumors in good ones uh we talked about some uh in the beginning of the Season how about uh what’s his name the

Utah Jazz coach the former one Quinn Snider Quinn Snider [ __ ] his players his player’s girlfriend when he was CED up and he got punched in the face by the player villain NOA guys they said they were sleeping together Carolina going back to Phil Ford like this has been a

Thing forever so it does seem like the rumors are all kind of circular I’m trying to think if UB getting hit by a car fake I didn’t even know about that I didn’t even know about that I’m trying to that’s a really that’s a ever come

Out I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know if college basketball has like I mean you look at the rumors it’s like who’s going to sign where or who’s going to take what job or I don’t think there’s massive duges has probably got punchline go ahead I got one yeah uh one

Uh Ed Coy right I don’t know if but that’s is that a memorable is that a memorable rumor like is that fair to to give that legs uh yeah I think that was gonna say Ed cool has got this gu no I think you say Ed cool it’s like oh yeah

Then he cheated on his wife I think all right I’ll give you crazy story the craziest story in my lifetime was the kid at BYU and it’s not crazy that he had sex but he he had sex with a a girl consensually obviously but BYU is you

Can’t do that premarital the whole he got thrown off the team they were looking at like a one seed that year look up that story why they do the [ __ ] so mattress the so mattress thing you stand and but you could look that up like Jimmer that was Prime

Jimmer they may have won a title that was a crazy one um nothing else really all these Samoans that go to BYU aren’t [ __ ] I don’t know dude nobody know pull that pull that up and take a look at that what’s the kid name uh I don’t

Know BYU basketball sex scandal you can look at like that was very much the thing what jumps out to you in terms you get what I’m saying 2011 11 Davies this basketball team for having sex Brandon Davies was dismissed from the number three ranked BYU basketball team this

Week as a result of breaking the school’s Honor Code Davies had sex with his girlfriend when I hear a story of a player okay what year was uh what what time of the year was that this article was written in March March 3rd so I assumed that would be probably around

The time it happened so right before right before the tournament I didn’t realize it was that close I thought it was like February yeah that’s a massive blow they they don’t even have time to like reiterate that like or or recoup that like oh somebody picks up the slack

Like you’re already rolling they listed the BYU Honor Code that students are required to comply with and it’s be honest live a Chase and virtuous life Chase means no sex for illiterates out there obey the law and all campus policies use clean language respect others abstain from alcoholic beverages

Tobacco tea coffee and substance abuse coffee coffee no no no uh Jesus Christ what’s it called caffeine observe the dress and grooming standards encourage others to commit to comply with the honor code so there a bunch of [ __ ] snitches out there well yeah I mean he admitted no no no just because it’s

Different I don’t have a problem with different like obviously it’s different religion like it’s it’s but yeah for the fact that they’re even operating as a college I guess like is credit like the you get people to to buy in so that one was the craziest one I I’ll have I don’t

Know about all the r all the rumors are kind of the same Corey fiser [ __ ] the guy again in Florida we’ve heard or Carolina we’ve heard this one what else jumps to you that you think is like the crazier ones does it have to be or at least like stories yeah Sports rumors

And I mean the biggest Sports the biggest Sports rumor yeah but that ended up turning out to be like true so things I guess it’s one of those when it starts as a rumor and then when the story now the story it becomes the story yes Delante West and LeBron another one like

Everybody runs with that story um Cal Ripken again it all is all off of girls guys fighting over girls but Cal rkin and Kevin Cosner that’s a big one um trying to think of like I mean there oh there’s another story that I heard that’s folklore the owner of the Red Sox

And you’re gonna have to fill me in Phil probably help me out with this the owner of the Red Sox and the owner of Yankees got drunk and traded Ted Williams for Mickey Mantle on a napkin and then the next day woke up and was like what the

[ __ ] are we doing you ever hear that I think that’s just a rumor that I don’t think that’s true okay but it it it’s got enough that it’s got legs uh my favorite rumor of all time was Ricky Henderson uh you ever heard this story jety I know Ricky Henderson is Ricky

Henderson’s a wack job and he like knows that the folklore helps him right yep so he’s in New York I want to say and uh he goes to John olude and goes hey man why do you wear a helmet in the field and he’s

Like well I got hit one time and like I had uh you know I had some issues so if I get hit again it like could be really bad he goes oh I played with a guy like that in New York or sorry I played with

A guy like that in Toronto and Johan oaro says to him J key goes yeah that that was me Rick he is the same guy he’s describing the same story whatever as it turns out the story was fake but Ricky Henderson knew it was good for his image

To let it get legs and like be out there so he be pertained as like a wack job you know what I mean they also said he when he got his first million dollar signing bonus check he didn’t sign it he framed it and uh he didn’t he didn’t

Cash it he framed it and the accounting team had to call him be like we have this money out there you got to cash a check he also used to walk through the uh clubhouse naked and talk to himself at his locker like he was uh he’s a he’s a character

But the John ol one was funny is there anything else I’m missing that jumps out uh I I mean some of my favorites like Billy Gillespie what was that like basically that he was just like [ __ ] like play I know it’s the same [ __ ] all the time it’s always those same I’ll say

One about a friend of the program that I think that like I don’t know if it’s true or not but that uh Bob Huggins I I don’t know if this one’s true at all but the rumor at UC see was Bob Huggins basically like [ __ ] like the big

Booster’s wife and like they he like kind of had to leave which like that one I like that’s not a player like that’s a booster all the it all goes back to the same like I guess the you know it’s it’s hard in sports like the rumors are it’s only a

Matter of time before that I think the it’s like potential trades are very intriguing oh this is a this is one about Formula 1 it’s kind of interesting okay uh also known it’s called crash gate Nelson pette Jr basically staged a crash in Formula 1 um to help Fernando

Al Alonzo get a victory in the race so I think that’s a little crazy like you could die if you’re gonna [ __ ] drive a Formula 1 car into a wall that’s a little crazy I just got a text can’t forget Jeter and pada in the steamr

Uh yeah that’s a that’s a good one um pistol P’s a good one where what was that he said he didn’t want to play in the NBA till he was 40 and die of a heart attack and that’s exactly what happened to him Jesus yeah well that’s

More of just a an odd coincidence hect he predicted his own death yeah that’s fair um there’s one I think Dave had talked about a million times Google like the lights going out at UNLV they like they they were going to lose a game or they were going to lose to somebody

Ranked and they rigged the lights to shut the lights went out yes what is that about um hold on I’m just gonna read the whole article the September 11th terrorist attacks were still a fresh and open wound for Americans when UNLV opened the 2002 football season against Wisconsin okay

As the oneye anniversary neared a sense of unease began to creep over the country by reliving that awful Tuesday morning so when the lights went out at the stadium Midway through the fourth quarter many in the crowd quickly wondered if if another attack was taking place uh thankfully their fears were

Unfounded instead one of the more memoral and unusual nights for unov football occurred because of an oldfashioned power outage Wisconsin was awarded the 277 victory over a short awaited ending without the lights coming back on doesn’t really say uh I think there was something with the spread of course

The power outrage sparked conspiracy theories from which exists today much of the suspicion is due to the heavy betting from the many Badger fans who made the trip and pushed the spread between three and four points to seven for their favorite team when the Lights

Went Out 741 remain in the game 241 away from making an official result for the sports book thus the Wisconsin fans who put money on their team cover did not get paid but were simply refunding what they bet yes so like that we need conspiracies like that like that’s got

Legs you know what I mean the books ain’t paying out in Vegas that’s got legs [ __ ] like that don’t just give me like I don’t know there’s there’s a lot of those that ones the rumors like that are are good here oh I’ll give you the biggest one we’ve touched on a million

Times on this show what happened to Jordan’s father I was just going to bring that out what how did I miss that one point to the callers what happened to Jordan’s father you cannot tell me that that investigation went away two days after he meets with Stern and announces his retirement the timeline

Just don’t add up there’s one I just found about this 2000 par Olympic Spanish basketball team oh uh the other one Russia 74 with that with that one when they put time back on the clock and we wouldn’t go get the gold medal but go

Ahead give me this one well the 2000 par Olympics the Spanish basketball team none of them were disabled they just filed like a real team that’s just [ __ ] horrific called winners mentality that is hor how do you fake that though because par Olympic I think this this says um a Spanish journalist

Revealed the managers of the tournament that most of the players on the Spanish team had not been checked for mental disability so this is this is like they’re looking for that’s you’re just bad guys that’s that’s [ __ ] that’s just some bad [ __ ] what about in further after further investigation it was

Revealed that 10 out of the 12 players were in fact not mentally disabled Spain had just wanted to win a gold medal okay tough tough look Frozen envelope Frozen envelope probably real the fact that Stern if you haven’t I don’t know if we could play that video on Rumble if they

Have it but the he Jessie ever see this no he takes the [ __ ] envelope I’m Gonna Knock this down and whacks the corner against it the Knicks envelope whacks the corner so it like has a a fold on it yeah and he now knows what he’s picking yeah

With with the Knicks so they get the number one pick they also said it was rumored to be frozen I buy I don’t buy that because if it’s frozen it’s going to be wet to a degree like you would have seen it I think the corner he

Whacked the corner and he knew what he was doing I also think the Cavs getting the number one pick oh no I shouldn’t say that they got a four years in a row basically yeah but I but they didn’t get it when LeBron was at his

Peak they got it after right they got it wi LeBron they got it with LeBron they got it wi LeBron left it was yeah yeah yeah so I don’t buy that I I would have bought it if LeBron was whatever but Jordan’s thing yeah it’s a lot of uh a

Lot of conspiracy someone called me out for par Olympics and Special Olympics but it says in the in the article that it’s they’re looking they’re looking for mental we only read we only read what we got so a lot of that’s what the internet saying lot of conspiracies off that lot

Of conspiracies off that we’ll uh we’ll get to Super let’s go you know what dues give me one and we’ll go halftime sure we’re going first half second half um Tom Charlotte can you hear me yeah we can hear you all right awesome uh well first off I think

I called like three or four weeks ago after uh Alabama waxed South Carolina um after your article that we talked about whatever it may have been misquoted whatnot but the Cox event on fire s that they have my question to you is you think did does Lamont Paris have legit

Chance to win SEC coaches a year he does maybe even Nas coach year he does I think Danny you you’d be crazy not to look at Utah State with Danny sprinkle or what they’re doing uh D duges I think your guy at Dayton but they were picked

Like top of the tier it’s interesting like coach of the year is basically just coach of the year right it’s just overachiever of the year do you agree like so the guy like painter painter had a number one team and kept them at number one wire to wire Hurley’s going

To keep them number one wire to wire why should they get penalized it’s actually like overachiever is the award but I get that that’s how it that’s how it works so yes I’d put Paris up there I’d put sprinkle up there I’d put the guy from

Dayton up there trying to think of who else has to come out of like the wood who else is like top ranked that came out of the woodwork I think Rich patino will be yeah patino could be up there you could put Rick up there too if they

Start to really like flirt with people but I don’t think anyone will ever give it to him yeah trying to think of who else was like really really under the radar I think I think hbert Davis is gonna be up there Big 12 Hubert Davis the guy from Texas Tech wasn’t Texas you

Think yubert Davis he has to be okay he should be you don’t think yeah but I also think you lose you lose again he’s overachieve you lose points of how bad they were last year to a degree but you got you got rid of your leading score

Yeah yeah yeah you’re better he’s doing well yubert Davis uh who’s in the Big 12 guy from Texas Tech I always forget his name uh grant mccastlen grant mccastlen put him up there uh ACC no Pack 12 no what else am I missing yeah I think

It’s sprinkle or uh or Paris or your guy yeah I think it’s my guy lose everyone that they lost last year they’re supposed to be like the next 2020 last year it’s overachieving has has a runner up W an award winner my guy vers your guy off yes my

Guy versus your guy it’s an overachiever off you know what I mean so but again that’s not like a guy like Hurley he he’s doing what he’s supposed to do they’re the best team in the country so I don’t think he should be penalized either true it’s also like if you a guy

With like not a lot of talent he makes them look better too so it’s a it’s a weird it’s a weird award but yes you guys I was Wonder I you know I forgot that story that uh they were going in at the Alabama people they look great

Though they really do I think the SEC overall like don’t rule out Arkansas coming back who knows Tennessee is really good ky’s really good I think Bama’s really Good’s loaded so what do you got Jessie another one the tournament crazy yeah very good I have a a couple updates and also some

Interesting uh scandals that I think we probably aren’t aware of so first off for the Paralympics thing it was a 20 Sydney Paralympics the Spanish was playing in the basketball ID division which is intellectually disabled okay so it was disability that clears it up now there’s there’s two ones that I want to

Read off to you so ccny was implicated in a p uh Point shaving Scandal back in the 50s but got nailed though right that ended up being true okay so that’s a that’s a wild story same with Arizona State but yeah give me more of the ccny

Y and how they even here’s the thing I’m interested in in the 50s to consider these might have been the first guys ever to point to sh Point sh shave shave point points I’m always interested in that like when they were sitting around thinking how did who thought of shaving

Points this is actually impressive so CCN wi basketball team Remains the only men’s college basketball team to win the NCAA tournament and the NIT in the same year 1950 whoever they’re that’s when the NIT back when the NIT mattered by the way too so that’s a big accomplishment were called into question

The following year when they were belatedly I don’t even know what that means accused in a major Point shaving scandal at the time MSG was a hot bed of illegal Sports gambling with around 4,000 bookmakers operating and over 300,000 beted on each game there CCN why players first came into contact with

Gamblers while working summer jobs in the cat skills where they’ve been recruited to play basketball gamblers offered players a cut of the Pod they Comm the final score three ccny players were cut uh caught after authorities wire tapped a former player wire TAPS in the 50s Jesus acting as a liaison

Between the team in bookies ultimately seven players were arrested 25 players from six other schools including NYU and the uh University of Kentucky confessed to taking bribes to shave points in some 86 games between 47 and 50 uh 1947 1950 bookmaker Harry gross who orchestrated the gambling rang pled guilty to 66

Counts and briber gambling and was sentence to8 years in prison healthy debate it’s wrong what they did because you’re not playing an honest game but is it actually impressive that they ended up winning the championship anyway yeah 100% so like the Shaving of the points you obviously don’t agree with but

Usually that’s a team like middle of the road and all right they end up whatever they end up and they’re against the spread this team won the national championship and the NIT when it mattered and still was shaving points I almost got to disrespect the opponents

They’re giving you a few like what are we doing then this second one is uh horse swapping so race horse veterinarian Mark gerro bought two horses from Uruguay um sanzo who had won seven stakes races in his native country and Lebon whose record was much less impressive in 1977 Gerard anonymously

Entered sanzo in a race at Belmont under the name of the long shot Lebon Gerard had attested that sanzo died in a farm accident and collected a $150,000 payout from Lloyds of London for the loss in reality it was leban who died and Gerard began training sanzo under his name

Leban was a 57 one long shot in the Belmont Park Race Gerard bet heavily on him to win and to show and when sanzo finished first the vet collected 77,000 in winnings the scam was uncovered when a Uruguayan racing Rider saw a photo of the winning horse and recognized him as

The other horse who had been named Uruguay’s horse of the year in 1976 Gerard who was also implicated in another horse swap was convicted of fraud fined only $1,000 Jesus and given okay given a one-year prison sentence reduced on appeal to eight months yeah but $1,000 doar probably screwed everybody out of

$1,000 um the other one too is the Yankee swap wives in the 70s Ben Affleck and Matt Damon bought the rights to the movie never got made I don’t think it’s going to get made or they’re potentially making it is that where Yankee Swap

Comes from no oh I don’t I don’t know I don’t know no way I doubt it I think that’s a perfect coincidence but yeah like literally swapped families bro y PCT families Mike ketrick and Fritz Peterson became the tener piece of media attention after the two decided to swap

Wives the bizar trade took place in the summer of 1972 before it was made public ahead of the 1973 season swap wives meaning they swung or they literally just traded wives like I think I think I think they were probably into swinging and they were kind of like I don’t know

I’m tired yeah I mean look into what I was told that but I do know this when the deal was done there was no going back to it wasn’t like yeah take her for a week and then we’ll figure it out like uh oh my God they’re living there so

They announced during the 19 73 spring training press conference that they had traded wives actually they had swapped entire families including dogs the two men didn’t think their lives were particularly interesting but they were wrong the story quickly gained attention the newspapers around the country were writing headlines about the wife

Swapping Yankees and the news channels Adorn pictures of the two new couples what the [ __ ] crazy this I’m telling you this was going to be made into a movie now the question I have in this guys are [ __ ] up and like whatever oh my God after Peterson’s Revelation um that the

Couples made the plan final and in December of that year both men packed up their belongings and switched lives completely after deciding the children to stay with their mothers and in their own homes Patterson moved in with Susan is it Ketch kic who know keich who knows

Whatever um and her two young daughters while kic constructed a new life with Marilyn Peterson and her two sons the two ultimately chose to make the announcement for a few reasons since the swap had been going on for quite some time some people had become aware of the

Situation the family thought it was best to clear the air they also wanted to make the situation clear to GM Lee mcf and manager Ralph hul both men asked mcf not to be traded in order to keep their families close together what do you think if you’re the GM when that when

They walk into your [ __ ] office and tell you this I don’t yeah bro we switched [ __ ] families also the question I have more so to this like I said guys are [ __ ] up how did the the wives go along with this it says that they the wives were extremely happy

After the complete swap in December crazy that’s crazy sorry the one couple was and the other couldn’t say the same after they moved in together in December the new couple realized they might have made a mistake continued an on again off again relationship for some time oh myu

God but the other side is happy so like now what you you can’t so Fritz and Suzanne are yeah names don’t really A A and B don’t really matter and in 2011 Matt Damon and Ben Affleck started working on a movie got the Scandal entitled the trade Peterson was happy to

Help with the project but kekic wasn’t particularly excited about having his wife swapping P dreed J that’s the guy who obviously didn’t work out for he refused to cooperate in the film but the question I have is like you did it dude that’s got to be where Yankee Swap comes

From wa wait what does it say in the end kekic got the short I can’t say that name got the short end of the stick eventually he moved himself to Mexico trying his hardest to avoid all conversation in memory of the wife swap Scandal I’d like to kill him said kic

About I guess Google it where does Yankee where does Yankee Swap come from do that during halftime let’s go it’s a very late halftime uh Dukes how many you got lined up four all right yeah that’s fine we’ll open we’ll go back with that uh go go half it’s a late halftime we’ll

Get into it I have a question for you guys if you guys can answer how many Providence students do think get kicked out of the game today like a percentage I think 15% of students that dog terrifies me where he bailed so they sent the number two employee me everybody was asking for

Me instead of Dave everybody is this a protest are you holding a protest no protest against Ed coie I love it can I see this can I let’s hold it together you know what I say a lot of talk a lot of talk they all talk about

This hatred and like oh he left us but nobody wants to forget the memories that he made them do you guys like head love it what about Ed hate him do you think he gives headed yes to who his mistress Banger mistress is pretty hot though

[ __ ] it [ __ ] let’s go one word to describe that coing [ __ ] douchebag you like him I’m a yeah so yeah oh oh we found one we found one we found one we found one we got a Georgetown girl get are you scared walking into this Arena

No not at all really cuz you’re not wearing any Georgetown gear yes I am oh let’s see it there we go there we go what what the [ __ ] are you wearing are you on your M are you out of your [ __ ] mind wearing that what they got to be [ __ ]

Crazy [ __ ] cool [ __ ] him I’m in his [ __ ] all game I’m in his ass and I’m making a nest inside of it one word to describe Ed Coy cheater he’s the Johnny Dame of New England right now wow one word to describe Ed cool it oh let’s go scumbag

Scumbag scum cheater he cheats on his wife I how do you know that scumbag I just heard heard from sources you know you guys believe it’s Second Chances not for him uh not him how many of you have how many of you have cheated on your girlfriends those kids without a doubt

Cheat on their girlfriends none of them answer [ __ ] absolute Insanity uh hidden hidden gems dues they points I I made no no Georgetown gear get in the Georgetown sight line not bad hidden gems I don’t think he’s picking up when you’re put I’m I’m picking up I’m

Picking up hidden gems I’m not I’m not picking it up I’m like see it on the ground and when the kid reacted going whoa I thought it was a little different so uh going be fair uh all right load him up hey but uh just to confirm the uh

Yankee Swap thing the Yankee swap came from the Civil War Yankees and the Confederates at some point swapped prisoners as part of a but you know what to tighten up the atmosphere put a 100 put a 100 people in a room I think you could convince you tell them the first

Story and then tell them that’s where it came from how is 70 believe it how is the movie not going to be named Yankee Swap it was called the trade is it trademark yeah Yankee Yankee Swap is all time release it around Christmas it’s all

Time it’s a good point jety doing it I like itth all right d load him up sure Aiden New Hampshire you he me yeah you got to turn me down in the background though no yeah just got you off what’s up all right uh healthy debate um what’s the best

Olympic sport you know I’ve seen all the commercials now I’m getting more hyped uh first off I guess uh summer or winter uh I’ve always kind of been more of a summer guy I think it works W sorry works better with nothing really on TV although Summer’s hard to get my

Attention when you when you’re out watching but uh summer I lean more towards Summer I I’m not going to say the the regular ones I’m not going to say basketball I’m not going to say like ice hockey even though it’s winter I’m not going to say [ __ ] I’ve already seen I think it’s

Watching [ __ ] you don’t watch is what makes the Olympics good and there’s nothing part of the Olympics I think then you got to go winter because they had the [ __ ] tobog in they have the where you ski and you shoot that was what I was gonna say that is speed ski

Is is that is there one where they just go straight down yeah yeah speed ski is really good I’ll give you one uh water polo is interesting but there is nothing better and especially it’s been a while since we knew who the guys were but there’s nothing better than watching a

Guy run fast and I know that’s very simple the 100 100 meter is like give me that that’s classic or you know what actually I feel like that’s 100 meters a little 100 meters a little quick I like the 400 and it’s amazing to me that they

Can Sprint once around the track without getting tired because like when you did that event growing up like you know a little bit as a kid you you’d kind of jog half of it otherwise you were going to gas out and then you can Sprint like

Maybe the end the uh the fact that they can basically Sprint all the way around for a four 400 is pretty impressive so I’m going to go track what’s the least impressive Olympic sport o is it the F uh fencing no not fencing is boring fast

Speed speed walk is pretty bad uh AR archery is like not as impressive that’s boring oh what’s the other one too don’t they do something in the winter where they ski and shoot yeah that’s sick that’s cool where did that come from we’re going to mix archery with

That com the Pioneers man yeah I don’t know that’s it’s an interesting one but uh track and field and I also like the Olympics I also like people swimming fast too I don’t know yeah horses I think gymnastics is is very uh very creepy it’s good but it’s very creepy

But I I think like the floor routines are crazy when they’re flipping around that shit’s crazy um all right give me the next one dues Anthony Brooklyn oh hey what’s up guys healthy debate you got me yeah all first of all I want to say that old me student uh students section last

Night the old miss it was [ __ ] crazy that was crazy the balloon uh re’s blogged that the kid doing the penis balloon was very funny um yeah Miss got and then I got two things here first of all let’s go St John’s I’m taking them tonight I don’t know why they’re

Underdog I mean maybe because they’re on the road but um I’m putting in St John’s it sucks that I’m in Brooklyn so you can’t bet on the apps so I still got a bet on my bookie but I’m definitely gonna put uh St John’s in and then also healthy

Yeah you could I got a second one but I just want to say and then you could just talk whatever I’ll leave you healthy debate um St how come like Big East is not on ESPN it’s like ridiculous that they weren’t on game day on Saturday I mean yeah they

Uh they made that TV yeah I think ESPN dropped them when they made that TV deal with Fox uh I don’t think people expected the conference to be where it’s at I don’t love them on Fox um but I think it is nice to have fox in the mix

Because it felt like yeah they had Fox Sports One but it felt like Fox was never as big as this was like maybe they just covered the Pack 12 dude correct me if I’m wrong like Fox wasn’t fo Fox had very limited coverage before the Big

East right it felt like or they had like the offend conferences I know they had Mountain West and stuff the first major one feels like they own the Big East which is a good thing yeah for sure the first they own is yeah I the other thing

I think the Big 10 is is swinging a I haven’t watched a lot of big 10 because of the peacock deal I love peacock but it’s just to not be in the rotation I don’t know I forget to go there you know like I think when you’re hitting the

Remotes it’s not on your first thing so we’ll see uh St John’s who do they have tonight Xavier yeah probably a look ahead spot with Connecticut back home Saturday I I could see why that’s Xavier’s still a tough place to go uh all right fourth quarter give me the last two and then

Jety will change up we’re going to change up the uh four do you just want the two you have four no I’ll take four I didn’t know they debate for BOS real yeah sure I think this is a good topic for you saw NBA draft is now a two-day

Event no yeah what your guy Adrian woski he reported hold we don’t always believe that why I guess they want to make a two-day TV event and I feel like a college basketball di like you is going to be loaded up for day two to draft

Pick 31 to 60 uh I actually think that’s a mistake I think it’s a mistake too but started at 8 you were done at about 12 are they extending the time I think it’s starts at like seven like bolt days in a row I’m pretty sure don’t call me on

That uh I actually think healthy debate that’s horrific two rounds we’re we’re going to spread out to two nights yeah I also think it’s bad if you fall out of the first it was a little a little bit of relief of getting [ __ ] done now you

Got there’s going to be time so what happens there’s going to be trades the whole fun of it was the chaos while it was going yeah I mean that’s awful awful you could basically buy second round picks for cash consideration so full day to do that that’s uh that’s tough that’s

Not I don’t like that the NFL isolating it that makes sense NBA this is a bad move because no one watches the second the second round of the draft well it’s just on at the in the summer that’s an MVP got drafted during a commercial yeah that’s uh that’s tough

Dude I I don’t like that at all uh duges load him up that’s bad still still in New York obviously yeah that’s bad yo Rico you got me yeah it what’s up but uh just touching based on all those uh sport stories you’re bringing up um untapped resource here uh pad the bat

Burell for all the Phillies fans if you want to go down a wormhole man dude this guy has got some stories he’s like the bill brasy of the Phillies like some of the [ __ ] that I’ve read about him is just so far out like this one that I was

Just reading um how oh Aubrey Huff was his roommate in college and how he he comes out of the shower butt ass naked with uh Aubrey Huff’s mom there and he offers her offers her a beer butt ass naked fresh out of a a shower um that’s

Just one of the many and then um so you got that Mickey Manel story where he was I don’t know if it was an Oldtimer game or something they had him fill something out about I don’t know he pulled his groin underneath the right field bleachers after getting a blow job I saw

That I saw I saw that go it’s so [ __ ] hilarious pull your job I think it was like got be some good time yeah hold on hold on hold on hold on yeah may not be saying it right but you know I think it was like favorite favorite memory like a

Graic like favorite memory oh that’s what it was yeah favorite favorite memory hilarious yeah that should be up there with a lot of them but that if you like I said if you guys want to go down that Wormhole about Pat barell and like being being an absolute womanizer dude

Oh my God some of those stories like he would just be quoted saying I just you just got [ __ ] by Pat the bat and he would like you know leave like a tip or something like that like some of the shit’s hilarious yeah that’s uh I’ll

Have to look into those that’s crazy Was Daryl rizer so I sat not Courtside but close to the at a Nicks game somehow I got Courtside not like somewhat close to the court tickets and I was with my mother I was like 16 and Daryl strawberry was

Next to us and he was hitting on my mom heavy I was like really I believe that those like 80s Mets like was all those like Mets from the 80s D just generous yeah the the documentary it was tough for me to enjoy the documentary cuz I

Knew all the stories growing up that was like folklore thanks for the call uh yeah yeah no problem you think that guy was eager to call is great uh he’d be like yeah yeah that’s it um th those they they wrecked the plane coming back they gave him cake when they were all

Coked out drunk so the the story I tell all the time Kevin Mitchell right Kevin Mitchell is on the team uh he’s playing pickup basketball punches the guy’s lights out and says keep him there I’m going to get my gun and they were like what the [ __ ] that that guy is going to

Get his gun you better get out of here that’s literally white man can’t jump fast forward yeah but for real yeah Kevin Mitchell also like almost killed a guy in the 80s at second base they had like four guys had to pull him off he had stab wounds in his back like Kevin

Mitchell was a tough [ __ ] so fast forward like a year and a half after the punch out story he is in the locker room he goes oh [ __ ] guy walks in it’s Daryl strawberry back in those days you didn’t know who the number one prosp you didn’t know who they were if you

Didn’t know their face he said he thought Daryl strawberry was a white guy he thought for sure he was getting traded he strawberry was the guy he punched out a year and a half earlier at the [ __ ] at the game yeah at the pickup game [ __ ] nuts and then they

Ran Kevin Mitchell out of town cuz they thought he was the coke perfect Mets they thought he was like the Coke conect and he was a bad guy he ends up winning an MVP later on in the year so like or uh down the road like so crazy but yeah

The DAR he basically punched the guy out didn’t know who he was and a couple years later in the same Clubhouse crazy uh duges empty him out Brian wer there we go can you hear me yep I’m just wondering what your thoughts are on the hiring of Coach

Marino at Nicholls and whether his tenure will determine the success of the new ad there yeah I talked to him directly I think he’s uh he’s got he’s heading the right direction um I wasn’t I wasn’t in the green and white for the glory years but I know guys before me

Did um excited to bring back uh some pride on the hill it was time for Olstead to go J wasn’t we’re not yeah we’re not we’re not we’re not putting guys on the carousel in a in a division three program but Dale was a friend and uh you know onward and

Upward he I mean I do think hey should have given a better look at Donnie wall shout of Quinn Sig yeah but beyond that I like the higher there you go yeah fair enough all right appreciate it man go bison they digging deep today I like

That um is the doc Ellis thing uh what’s Doc Ellis that he pitched on like three tabs of acid did he pitch a no no hitter on acid in like the 50s no hitter on no hitter on acid David well says he did his his game hung over I I mean I think

Acid’s a little bit more impressive like yeah I don’t know them well enough but telling you I’ve been hung over and i’ I think was at that game go drag there’s there’s like a video I don’t know what channel made it but it’s all about like they like recreated his

Experience with cartoons and he’s talking about had like they had to put like a tape over like they had to put tape on the catcher’s fingers so he could see what like the catcher was and he was like I’m so [ __ ] seeing [ __ ] he like I was throwing that leprechauns

If you now it’s it’s hard it’s hard because you’re never going to get like the full stories he said he took three tabs of acid on like I don’t know what the game was on a Friday he took three tabs of ass on W on Wednesday like fell

Asleep thought it was Thursday and realized it was like Friday he had a game and he had to get to the stadium to pitch well take a flight doc good and and I think doc good and strawberry or definitely doc good missed the 86 parade

Hung over too or he woke up in a you know where they were yeah you know where he went do Gooden you know where he was jety where really yeah check out is he from Hemstead no he just ended up there yeah he was picking up drugs and he missed

But imagine yeah like any I felt like anybody you’re the King of New York at that point no matter what time you wake up you can probably figure out a way to get in you know what where Hamstead is deep right by H it’s not that deep but

It’s by H it’s the [ __ ] trenches good but somebody would have a cop would have drove them right I don’t [ __ ] know well he couldn’t get anyone to drive him because they were all yeah I guess it’s like the scene in [ __ ] uh The Fighter um they were all on Aderall too right

Taking the Greenies yeah probably the point I was talking about too is it’s difficult to get the full stories cuz it’s so far back and everyone’s dead like if you give me a tellall documentary now about Jordan the only guy who could do it is Stern he’s dead

Like I want to know that conversation but if there was a way to get all that stuff out would this be the number one channel you were most interested in or which one would you be most interested in sports kind of like wh ifs or crazy stories like that that’s why I was

Fascinated with the 30 for30 cuz there was stuff I knew a little bit about like the Hank Gathers dropping dead on the court did you watch that one horrific story but Paul westad now he’s famous for the winning time he got R like knowing a little bit about it I was like

He got he won a title and got run out of the Lakers he was like a offensive guy Bo Kimble and and this and Hank Gathers both run out of their schools because they didn’t like the coaches they end up there he’s got like a system that turned

Out to be the future of the NBA he was just 30 years ahead of his time like I knew a little bit about that that’s fascinating to me uh things like so what would you rather go down a Channel of if there was untold stories like this that

We just dove into the par Olympics thing whether it’s like half hour episodes or an hour documentary sports music like wood like learn about Woodstock learn about different music type wh ifs what about like B bands that hated each other or things you didn’t know about I would want to know if like

Or entertainment conspiracy theories over I would go conspiracy theories one Sports 2 then conspiracy theories in like in general like the deep deep Cuts Like The I’m I’m OBET the Deep Cuts I’m I’m into the sports too murder yeah like you could tell me right now would you

Rather find out what happened to Jordan or like somebody like the president of the United States being like aliens are real like I I just think it’s yeah I mean I Pro I probably would watch the the conspiracy one I also be kind of terrified of it what I’m most interested

In is those is the is the sports type stuff I like if you’re talking about like the drama and the TA to find out like I think it’s more comparable for like music and sports which like both it’s a it’s a coin flip for me I wouldn’t really care like finding out

Like the Fleetwood Max [ __ ] like that I love that yeah I would love to find out what’s going yeah like the Woodstock 99 documentary [ __ ] incredible dude Woodstock 69 still to me is the most fast I was old enough to remember MTV Woodstock 99 like on TRL was that was

Peak for me like Carson Dy was my hero that that was the best show going but 69 I really want to know like what went down was it a real [ __ ] show or is it does it get romanticized for all these [ __ ] wackos time out did you see the

Did you see woodst 99 yeah did you watch the documentary yeah both of them yeah incredible yes yeah yeah that’s going be a great out of I’m interested in 69 same yes I’m interested in Woodstock 69 what really went down Dukes because it’s that was the that was which one do

You think is more famous 69 yeah okay educate well no n dude nobody gives a [ __ ] about 99 the whole the whole funny part about 99 compared to 69 is 69 was like love drugs was it everyone 99 not like the music in 99 compared to 69 you had like the Grateful

Dead 99 was still loaded but uh 69 all they talk about is how great it was and people like romanticized oh you had to be there like yo people were dying they were living in Vans nobody could hear anything it was mud like was it really that good cuz everyone coming out of

That is is like oh yeah it was unbelievable I think if you were really there you’d be like yeah it was a lifetime experience but it kind of sucked you know what I mean like I feel like we’ve built it up and up and up over the years if we went to Woodstock

Right now like if you teleported us I think we’d probably hate it because there’s no wifi there’s no cell phone there’s [ __ ] one Porta we would hate it it’s hard to go back in the0 You’ probably do you think someone 1999 like what we have now yeah do you think 16 do

You think Woodstock 2029 could be a successful event I bought tickets to Woodstock 19 I think it whatever it was the 60th anniversary I and they canel it yeah they can’t I heard about that I don’t know I think it’s hard to do festivals I haven’t been

A big Festival guy but I would like to see it in 10 years a documentary about modern day or like how players are ducking peed pops right now because like obviously with the Bal [ __ ] like we had we’ve had all that [ __ ] kind of put out

Into the ether Wiz nator and all that stuff there’s totally like things that people are taking that are under the radar and there’s no way that people especially in the NFL are not like Juiced up all the time I’ll tell you one one that I’ll tell you Sports one that I

I [ __ ] love I firmly firmly firmly believe that Payton Manning was taking steroids with the Broncos like I think that like his wife not steroid yeah whatever like getting it chipped from his wife I think LeBron might have been on the juice he’s definitely on issue

Yeah I think I think Payton got a got a second like a second boost of like I’ve also heard I think Simmons said it uh just when they started cracking guys on the NFL was when they should have been looking at guys in the NBA for juice timeline makes sense

Well Jordan took juice no no it wasn’t around that it’s and the NBA guys don’t take juice they take HGH because it helps you like recover and if they were taking steroids they wouldn’t be able to shoot like it’s muscles you don’t want that’s what Tristan Thompson got popped

For a butar it’s an HGH inhibitor imagine taking like HGH now and only playing like 50 games be kind of embarrassing yeah uh he’s referring to Joel andb of course he hates I got troll Phil troll Phil give me the last one oh we have two more Kyle can

Rico what’s up man what’s up dude uh first of all don’t listen to Anthony from Brooklyn play Xavier just wanted to put that out there okay uh second of all uh I didn’t want to push you guys off track of that combo but I think a lot of guys out there were

Taking speed during like I read strawberry’s book he was saying he was taking speed all the time and guys in that clubhouse too like David K yep but uh 80s yeah anybody anybody in the 80s I think was on uppers so yeah they were yeah they were going crazy on that Aly

Debate though uh butter knife worst tool worst utensil ever invented it’s useless it’s pointless nobody it makes no sense I disagree come on what do you use to sprad like if you’re Mak PB andj you’re using a butter knife yeah oh I’m calling [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you use a

Spoon like a man a spoon spoon the [ __ ] can you demonstrate that [ __ ] is this guy talking about that’s cuz you want to [ __ ] lick the peanut butter like no you get two spoons one for peanut butter one for jelly two spoons are you cleaning two spoons yes and you you you

Gotta also consider the KN can’t cut good it doesn’t cut that is highly regarded is there anyone out there who would believe that there’s Phil there how do you make your peanut butter and jelly tell me how are you so knif how are you so confident are you a steak

Knife or peanut butter and jelly no KNE a knife not a butter knife a regular knife I use a [ __ ] butter knife you do the same thing with the spoon do the same thing with the spoon yo do not now you had me with the butter knife but now

You’re coming on Phil’s [ __ ] there’s a butter knife there’s a knife and then there’s Aion of spoon spreading what are you talking about a spoon a middle knife also how do you spread it how do you spread it off the spoon because when you scoop it it’s going to be it’s

Concave so it’s like built in there and you can’t like shake out peanut butter dude I take a spoon I have a glove a lie no I’ll make a peanut buttery right in front of you okay you have to make a peanut bar and jelly and

We’re going to do it as a head video because there’s no way that was the dumbest thing we’ll do it for tomorrow oh my God that’s crazy yeah Phil Phil send me a video of cocky I’ll make a peanut and jelly sandwich tonight and show you and then we can do it again

Okay so let’s do this you should we should do a speed test you’re going to make you should make two peanut butter and jellies one with a spoon one with a knife and that’ll I do agree that sometimes the the peanut butter can [ __ ] the bread red and completely mess it up

The spoon’s not going to help that no I agree with that as well so I got to see this Phil do it tonight and we all need to weigh in on it I’ll blog it I I will blog it late tonight I thought it was a common practice T I’ll blog send it

We’ll get this cut this clip set it Phil do a whole Phil Phil my cooking Tik tok’s like do it like that set yourself up get Mom out of the shot put her back in the basement you guys swap sides and you [ __ ] make the peanut butter and

Jelly if you transported someone from like the Dark Ages and told him to make a peanut but and jelly and gave him you know a spread of utensils no one’s picking a spoon no one is picking a spoon nuts this is nuts Kyle call of the

Day man thank you dues give me the last one because I’m baffled Gary Rico what’s up well first of all [ __ ] Kyle for the Xavier pick Anthony from Brooklyn’s the smartest caller of the day um you guys I’m maybe a little late to this now you

Guys were talking about rumors I mean St John’s just filled with them there’s a guy on Twitter that has like an entire CH going back hey Pete hold on Gary unprovoked how are you by the way Super Bowl week big week for you you’re going

To kill it how do you make a peanut butter no that’s not on how do you make a peanut it is it is it is it is it is do it is on you can talk yeah what what utensil would you use for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich a knife okay

What would I tell you or level of craziness if someone used a spoon to make a peanut butter jelly I’m gonna be honest I don’t hate it what do you hate it I don’t know how it’s possible the peanut butter for sure you get it you you you get a nice dollop

It’s certainly from jar to bread I actually think that’s probably easier make a little more sense the spread turn it over back and then and you’re you know you’re rolling around how do you get it off the I think it play I think it plays you a lot of experience turning

It over and rolling it around spoons yeah no I I use a knife okay uh I don’t know man it of all the people back there who do you think makes STS with a spoon I mean that’s a wild crew yeah but who’s suspect number one uh duges I think

Raised his hand no I just saying no just he wasn’t no he’s just saying hello I can’t it I believe that yeah right he’s a spone guy thanks [ __ ] nuts great how we doing good show today doing good yeah it got the rail by Phil being a [ __ ] whack job but uh you

Know take care of uh what are you doing in Vegas got any pool parties what are you doing no working all right cool you bring your best button UPS so you bring you going golf shirts uh I just do uh like quarter Zips all right you going to

Let the legs out or no uh I’ll have my uh ZIP offs all right okay wait a b pal uh all right go ahead Gary hurry up Jesus Christ just peanut butter um that’s unbelievable so the biggest one the biggest rumor that in St John’s lore

Is that we were gonna we had hakee Alan coming in from Nigeria uh he goes straight from Nigeria to JFK and the manager on Lou staff didn’t go to the airport in time to pick him up it’s he’s freezing his ass off at JFK and he tells

The the Airline employee bring me to the the warmest city for the next flight to the warst city that’s closest to Nigeria and he sends him to Houston Texas he goes to Houston rest history didn’t hear that one uh the another one is uh Ron ESS he’s had a million but he was

Drinking Henny in the locker room as a freshman your boy frilla told him before the tournament you got to this out you know he’s on record for saying he was really hard in his players all leading up to that first year he went to the tournament no more Henny in the locker

Room they lose first round as like a two seed to Detroit Mercy Jarvis comes in allows the Henny they go to the elite eight uh that doesn’t surprise me um that’s a good one by Ron arest uh unbelievable um that’s a good one all right good luck the last one too

The last one too though you had the Arkansas debate today Arkansas fans are Psychopaths I dealt with them dealing with the whole Mike Anderson [ __ ] they their fans killed one of Nolan Richardson’s horses when they wanted them fired Jes so you gota you got to start protecting your boy muscleman

Against these Psychopaths down in Arkansas yeah I said it we’re not wild sh yeah we’re not I don’t I’m not really running with the story I saw it again there’s just a text out there no legs to this [ __ ] thing so I don’t I hate running with those R they’re going after

M though this this is their way to try to confirmed by the internet yes duges is the [ __ ] worst [ __ ] worst if that’s true this is the and I we won’t I guess talk about it but that’s the first time that has ever happened in like major sports like that’s been public not

Not it’s definitely happed but I’m saying like sense outed yeah for sure uh all right Gary good luck Saturday man yeah uh all right uh jety give me the buzzer beater Okay question buzzer beater we’re doing Tom intro a little bit differently it’s instead of Rapid Fire questions we’re going to give Ric

One question that he’s got to kind of extrapolate I like this it’s more of a deep dive so but I want to put a different Wrinkle In I told you something different earlier but because we’re talking about sports scandals I want you to pitch us a comedy sports

Movie where there is some type of sports Scandal that needs to be you know addressed or is uncovered and we need plot actors director all right okay I think ballpark I’m going to go will Ferell the start okay probably go Danny McBride as well just keep putting him

Out there um Miles Teller also put him in it’s it’s a good it’s good Tri Will Smith as well you know what Will Smith might be the star we feed off of the banishment type thing like the slap of the Oscars he’s banished okay who’s the

Coach will farell I don’t know yet we’re figuring it out what sport hold on okay so I foresee some kind of loose plotline that Will Smith was like disra at one point he was the highest of the high and then has an event a funny kind of runin

Event maybe I’m thinking I do we think we need some entertainment with little league it’s kind of worked with Bad News Bears think Bad News Bears meets like uh adult softball something like that yeah all right all right it’s a $50,000 prize for softball Will Smith is a former

Little League World World Series star the best to ever cook right some of his old teammates like Will Ferrell and Danny McBride are clowns they let themselves go but they were on the championship team they reconnect when they see or they’re they’re Loosely like friends when Will Smith gets like run

Out and like publicly embarrassed uh Danny McBride and Will Ferrell are trying to win their wck league softball tournament or trying to make money in softball tournaments is it there it there’s a prize for this some kind of Prize or they’re trying to win one big

Thing young hot shot the other yeah they need a they need yes he’s a bad guy they need a that’s a good one they need a ringer they need to bring in Will Smith uh and he gets to bring all his wisdom and be kind of a star where in a league

Where no one knows about it and he’s killing these softball tournaments until the media starts to like pick it up and they’re almost like whatever and you could just see that whatever happened to Joe Blow whatever the guy’s character name is and now Will Smith starts killing the softball thing and at the

End it leads to him getting a minor league job somewhere in his way back into baseball so he’s got to go backwards to get all his friends what do we call it swinging a miss o re something about redo we’ll work on the title I was

Hoping there would be some type of wife swap element we call seventh inning swap seventh inning swap I like that uh all right we got uh something coming out tomorrow um grabed lunch today with Tommy and Nate kind of a sit down thing talking a little Bol radio some topics

Uh I will say this teaser in terms of how do you guys think the so teaser of this it’s my first and last lunch with Nick yeah you texted us during it like this isn’t happening again but can I give a teaser yeah my favorite piece of

Content that you have done in including the pcbc that Nate getting in on people and under their skin is a very true thing and I like him like I’m not it’s not one of those like [ __ ] him forever but man he knows how to this is my favorite thing that you’ve

Done and he knows how to [ __ ] rifle people up so uh check that out tomorrow and uh like And subscribe we’ll see you on Rumble uh everybody loves healthy debate

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