Golf Players

Round 3 Highlights | 2024 Bahrain Championship presented by Bapco Energies

Highlights from Round 3 of the Bahrain Championship presented by Bapco Energies


The DP World Tour makes its return to Bahrain for the first time in 13 years this week as the International Swing continues with the Bahrain Championship presented by Bapco Energies at Royal Golf Club. Fresh from his runner-up finish at the Ras Al Khaimah Championship last week, Rasmus Højgaard currently lies in fifth place on the International Swing Rankings and will be trying to go one better as he hopes to continue an excellent run of form that includes three top-10s and a worst finish of 26T in his last nine Tour starts. Pablo Larrazábal will also be in the field this week. He’s starting his 20th year as a professional and shows no signs of slowing down as he claimed a tournament-high of 4T in the Hero Dubai Desert Classic two weeks ago. He’ll looking to build on his nine DP World Tour wins this season. Yannik Paul will also fancy his chances this week. The Belgian has had a strong start to the new season as he claimed 4T last week at the Ras Al Khaimah Championship and 8T at the Dubai Invitational two weeks ago. Others to look out for are Edoardo Molinari, Rafa Cabrera Bello and Jordan Smith.


To Frederick laqua thirdd place last week at alhamra golf club going nicely again here oh just about [Applause] enough and laqua makes two birdies in four holes probably only hit a five or six on off the T Breeze off the right again though and where’s this flag on

The right hand side so makes it hard to get to but he’s found it lovely shot what a beauty there for Strider we did we should have him in the box at one stage shouldn’t we to zand lombar this at the par three seventh poor start

For him drop shots at the first and the second all pass since then Jordan good young player this lad third shot at the par five get in oh yes you beauty that will help you Matt and 35 one under back to five under P all of a sudden that put you only

Three off the lead so good chance therefore for telly to get back to nine underpar let’s go to Connor s playing with Matthew Jordan who’s just hauled from the sand here and two Eagles in that group so Connor moves it to five under the same scorer as Matthew Jordan

Yeah we runoff on the right as well and it’s a cross Breeze all right yes that’s going to get better hasn’t finished yet the line’s just got to be perfect for it to have a chance to run up that back section he’s got a very long

Trigger finger on his grip if get a chance to have a look at that it’s a wonderful shot well controlled good drive 1 34 to go only so wedge for the South Africa that’ll do now that’s the ball of Tom veon which doesn’t bode well this up ahead at six

Yeah he’s not a Happy chappy D wrong Club definitely H iron off the te not the play brought all this into Blake as well and now having to did he get going backwards he he’s going backwards yeah what’s he going to do is he going to run it around the wall or

Something I think he’s um I tell you what he could almost chip it into the wall and that would knock it back on The Fairway yeah a little Hood the face a little bit flatter just H it out to the left or maybe do that little backhanded

One with your right hand and make it go backwards and get it down there probably an extra 40 yards 50 yards if he got a good connection but he’s going backwards he is not happy to norgard Big hitting Dane for Eagle at nine W beautiful so eight pass and then

The eagle and all of a sudden Nicholas norgard is within going down you come down towards the the hole nicely done maybe that’s going to be the first birdie of the day at the wind whipping over that grass above his head there go wants it to go there you go [Applause]

Perfect to move to 9 under and within one fourth birdie today for the South African and then two in a row at 11 and 12 he straight down the middle that’s for sure of is brutal oh call the cops I was looking at that thinking well it’s going right but it’ll still go

In oh that stings that one so go get them kind of pinned today here at 13 oh what a shot what a shot he’s got that to move to minus 10 brilliant simple you still need to be quite precise with everything need to strike it perfectly and get on that

Line I could watch a swing all deep oh that’s that’s super but one of the best we’ve seen there on that very difficult short PA three it’s a great one he’s a classy looking little player this tremendous what a [Applause] shot let’s see Lombard I expect him certainly to get it inside nor

Guards yeah somebody that knows what they’re doing with their wedges good shot here if he can keep it a little short of the hole and right that would be ideal really not easy to get it there though you’re good just like [Applause] that andic car second to the 18th back left pin

Here that one up and down does he like that he does so he [Applause] should that’s a long one from the espers fence and maybe a little bit of anger after the whoopsy at the previous hole Yeah well done I don’t think anyone would begrudging that par at the last

And he has match the low round of the day it’s a 69 for stradum so he takes the clubhouse lead at 10 under anyway tight right pin well has he got it right oh he has look at that and he may well Escape there fatelli with no damage that was not a good

Part so it’s going to cost him a shot there forelli it’s a five at the last for a round of 69 and the South African is going to take a twoos shot lead into the final round understanding that it will be three balls again for the final round

Laqua also sub 70 and another chance to impress on the DP World Tour for the Frenchman to watch another DP world to video click here and to subscribe click here all


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