Golf Players

How Eric Cole’s Swing Won Him The Rookie of The Year

In this video, George Connelly from Scratch Golf Tips breaks down the golf swing of Eric Cole. Throughout this Eric Cole swing analysis, you’ll learn how to improve your own golf swing by discovering the secret techniques and mechanics behind Cole’s golf motion.

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Hey everybody thanks for tuning in I’m George connley with scratch golf tips and today we’re talking about the golf swing of Eric Cole and a few secrets of Eric Cole’s game that anybody can learn from to make their own game better so you’ve likely heard the name Eric Cole

As he was announced last year’s rookie of the year on the PGA tour he’s played so much great Golf and within professional golf he’s basically done everything except for win on the PGA tour but judging by his recent form I’m sure he’ll get into that Winner Circle

Fairly soon now Cole himself is a fairly small guy he’s 5’9 weighs about 155 lbs but he can really hit the ball pretty solidly and get some distance out of it especially for someone his size for a few different reasons I think number one that you always want to look at when

Looking at any golf swing is the swing Rhythm and the swing Tempo Mark imman who is a golf analyst you’ve likely heard him on some broadcast once explained Eric Cole’s swing very wonderfully in one word where he said the swing is just uninterrupted it seems to flow very smoothly throughout the

Entire motion there is no wasted motion the tempo is very consistent and I think that those are a few things that people often Overlook they really want to get very technical in their golf swing and think about their speed slot and rotationally but all of that stuff does

Not matter if you don’t have a smooth Tempo and a consistent Tempo now when I say smooth Tempo I’m not necessarily referring to a very slow deliberate Tempo you can be fairly quick but you can also be smooth in having no uninterrupted motions and continuing your transitionary move right from your

Back swing you don’t have to have these hitches and awkward pauses that many golfers seem to have but if you look out on the PJ tour there’s no wasted motion and there’s just an almost an effortless level to so many golf swings and I think

Eric Cole is a great example of that for those who don’t know Eric comes from a great golfing family his father was a professional golfer his mother Laura B was also a very successful golfer on the LPGA Tour and one thing that his parents always instilled in him was to never get

Out of tempo and to me this really means that you’re going to have the same exact swing Tempo and the same Rhythm to your swing as you would hitting an 80 yard wedge shot versus a 280 yard driver and this is something that a lot of people

Struggle with if you think about your own play on the golf course likely you’re going to be swinging a lot harder with your driver and sometimes even if it’s inadvertent you’re going to be taking the club back much faster with driver when in reality you really want that takeaway speed and that transition

Move to all be in the same tempo so just keep in mind that however fast you’re swinging that eight iron to hit the ball 150 yards that should be the same tempo and same Rhythm that you’re going to implement when you’re really trying to get after a drive and hit at 275 just

Make sure that you’re consistent throughout all of your swinging on the golf course another aspect of Cole’s golf swing that a lot of people can’t necessarily see on the TV screen but it’s something that he has spoken about in interviews and something that his parents have spoken about to him is the

Quality of your grip as well as grip pressure now Cole uses the interlocking grip which is probably the most popular grip on the PJ tour we do see a few people overlap and there’s a handful of guys in professional golf and some ladies in professional golf who use the

10 finger grip I’m not here to say what grip is better or worse I think it’s just about what works for you but being able to focus on your grip pressure is something that is very important for consistent ball striking and for context when I’m talking about grip pressure I’m

Talking about how tightly or how Loosely you are holding on to the golf club so a lot of people inadvertently and you know they don’t really think about this but when they take the club away there’s a lot of tension in the arm and I know that if anyone’s watching this video you

Can think of times you’ve been a little bit nervous on the course maybe there’s a there’s a tough hole with some water on the right and you take that club away and there’s tension in your arms and that often leads to really tightening up your grip pressure and when you have

Tension in your arms and you’re and you’re really tightly gripping that at golf club rarely do good things happen that’s just the nature of it so try and loosen up throughout a round and make sure that the way just like you’re keeping a consistent Tempo keep that grip pressure consistent and be mindful

Of it because there are going to be times when you know you’re a couple holes in it’s a nice day and you feel nice and relaxed and then a couple holes later maybe it gets cloudy and you really trying to hit a perfect seven iron and your grit pressure is going to

Suffer as a result so just keep that in mind it’s something that Eric Cole and something that so many great golfers don’t really have to think about because it’s just they they’ve worked on it so hard but I think it’s often overlooked so keep focusing on that grip pressure

And I think the final note on Eric Cole swing that I think is something that a lot of people could benefit from is Eric Cole is a predominantly uh he hits a draw he’s a draw golfer and he turns to it very consistently his the shallowing

Of his golf swing allows him to hit that draw well if you have a solid ball flight continue to turn to it I know so many golfers in in that you know 10 to 15 maybe even 20 handicap range who are pretty good at one ball flight for me i’

I’ve always loved to fade the ball with my irons it’s just it comes naturally to me but a lot of golfers will then try and also work a draw in and then maybe a low straighter shop and they over complicate their ball flights if you have one good ball flight and it’s

Consistent and you can turn to it like Eric Cole turns to his draw keep sticking to it don’t over complicate things I’m looking forward to seeing what Eric Cole can continue to bring to the world of professional golf he’s a very entertaining golfer to watch and he’s a really good guy I’ve heard

Nothing but good things about him so wishing him the best I hope that you learned a thing or two about how to improve your own golf game based on some of the things that Cole has done throughout his career if you have any questions or comments on the golf swing

Or anything I brought up in this video please leave them in the comment section down below thank you all very much for watching play well and take care

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