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SuperScoreBoard Matchday 23

The Clyde 1 super scoreboard podcast with lucer Jaguar buy your next car or book your OT service or repair online the team with the biggest support in Glasgow and the West this is Clyde one super scoreboard the afternoon started in Paisley a Rangers Victory by one goal to

Nil against St minin and now it’s over to the 3:00 participants we’ve got many big games to look forward to but let’s go back to Celtic Park ahead of that visit of Ross County and Andrew mlan is there taking that one in yeah Celtic Led Out by Captain Kum McGregor what an

Achievement for him today 450 Celtic appearances he trophy laad in spell at the club will continue you would expect for a long time but 450 appearances a whole load of trophies and he has the admiration of every single Celtic fan in this Stadium every single Celtic fan in this Stadium will

Also be aware that Rangers have cut the Gap to two points which makes three even more vital for Celtic today they had a dominant display last weekend as you’d expect them to against Bucky thisle but they’ll be hoping they can replicate that type of performance and score line

Today in terms of personnel it was all eyes on left back Greg Taylor out injured for a few weeks people wondered who Brandon Rogers would pick in that left back position it’s going to be Alejandro bernabe that plays there today he’s yet to prove himself only four appearances for the club this season

That will maybe ramp up the questions from Celtic fans about the lack of recruitment this month the only one in so far for Brendan Rogers in January is Nicholas who’s on the bench for them today I’ll run through the starting lineup quickly Joe Hart in goal aliser Johnson Cameron Carter Vickers Liam

Scales and aleandro bernabe at the back the Midfield three call McGregor poo Bernardo and Matt O’Reilly the three up top Leila bad kugo and Lewis Palma as for Ross County winless in five really isn’t clicking for Derek Adams as we know has had a few interesting things to

Say about his Squad six sightings this window and all six start today George wicking in goal the back four James Brown will Nightingale L aena and Cameron bwick Jackson the Midfield five Victor lri Brandon Kaya Eli King Tedy jenx and Yan Dand will be Simon Murray

Leading the line and the players on the pitch today they’ll be wearing black armbands because former Celtic player sh gray has sadly passed away at the age of 50 following an illness of course a son of leg unated Legend Eddie gray yeah that would be a poignant

Moment I’m sure sad news coming out of Celtic this afternoon so just before we get that one underway worth bearing that in mind uh but certainly a big day of football ahead not only at Celtic Park but also around the Premiership and Beyond as well look at some of the lower

League fixtures which we will do fantastic games Kelly hibs har saine St Johnston motherwell Livy Dundee uh and of of course we will take you through all the action on a Saturday afternoon so let’s get this one up and running Clyde one super scoreboard goal flashes with M andd green Pharmacy get

The help you need to quit with the smoking sensation program right okay you all predicted Rangers would win but I don’t think the score line predictions were too clever one of you said 2-1 who was that I mean you at least you at least got that it would be narrow so not a

Vintage start on the predictor what you looking for in these featured matches this afternoon keep this very very simple for you four premiership games that we are featuring for me four home wins for Celtic K hearts and St Johnston okay I’m going to go for a Celtic win

But the other three games to be draws oh oh was a bull I’m not too far away from that I’m going Celtic home win come oh whoa whoa whoa before you’ve even got the words out your mouth gold flashes with M andd green Pharmacy Celtic one Ross County nil an aliser

Johnson shot deflected past the keeper a dream start for Celtic a nightmare start for Ross County some of the other games haven’t even started yet Celtic are a goal to the good AJ VG for very good uh V check for possible offside of course because they’re always got a microphone

In front of Dereck Adams see what he’s thinking the kind of run that dereck’s having this is all he needs uh for a goal to be conceded as quickly as that if it stands what an awful start for Ross County what a wonderful refreshing start for Celtic and the fans who are there

And it moves Nicholas K one goal closer to coming on and letting the fans see what he can do you are you are looking far ahead we’re one minute in IT stand we’ve got Nicholas on we don’t really know yet we’re still waiting well I don’t want to have an advantage should

I’ll go Celtic home man still checking it so it must be tight oh never a good sign karuk the ref is at the side of the pitch there’s a karuk official on a mobile phone it’s not started yet maybe a breakdown in the old coms that can

Happen see that last night in the the man city tourm game how long did that take to sort out the referee was loving it he knew the karma was how many wires goal given Celtic do lead a first minute goal from Alistair Johnson uh it seems

To be some sort of issue with the V screen at Rugby Park which is so annoying it just looks bad it’s just frustrating and like we said here it can happen um there’s not a great deal you can do about it I suppose but they might

Here’s a novel idea yeah because see if it can’t be fixed you know what they’ll do play without it they’ll carry on and they’ll take the referee’s word as final what unbelievable isn’t it it’s a bit that they will um these things happen it can

Happen to the best of us and in the biggest of grounds so we’ll have to hope that that situation well it will resolve itself one way or another because the game must go on uh but was an astonishing start at Celtic Park you know it’s the own goal of all time uh

But Alisa Johnson happy to claim it um and what I’m hearing here baby plays a massive part in the goal well you know what actually the the deflection might be off bernabe and I wonder there’s a I think there was a few things they were checking there was the

Initial uh the cross from bernabe I think kogo and a bad they looked tight and then when Johnson’s shot comes in I actually think it it from what I’m hearing it might be the deflection off bernabe or near bernabe and that’s why they were checking it but anyway it

Stands and it is a lightning quick start from Celtic not so lightning quick at rugby park where some sort of technological delay has struck is it just me or does David fre always get a delay yeah yeah if I made that up genuinely feel like he and give him 5

Minutes and he’ll come out his usual statement about how bad the game is there is an official there is now there’s no an official delay as opposed to just a delay an unofficial delay do you have to clarify then that the the communication system will not work and

Therefore you’ll have to revert to the way football used to be played trying to get the issues resolved but we’ve got another quick start go flashes with M andd green Pharmacy it’s a goal for St Johnston McAn bundled it in from close range again similar story to Celtic Park dream start for the

Hosts nightmare start for the visitors motherwell have it all to do St Johnson won motherwell nil maybe it’s a bit early for the all Todo shout but there we go that always seemed a game that the goal was going to be bundled in by the way you know loads of balls into sixy

Box but and and put across the line by the but terrible start that for Ross County and motherwell as that says I worry lose a goal yeah but I’m I’m starting to worry for mon I really am um I know they got a result against Alaway you’re expecting that in the Cup last

Week um for Park still made it a bit difficult for ourselves there just things going against him I I’ve not even got to Comm has but I took St Johnston to beat mother just in case everybody thought I was jumping the bandwagon with Johnson goal uh heart aberin draw and I

Fancy here’s my shock if the game gets underway it is underway I’m taking hips the issues have been resolved there so we are underway uh there’s a v check I assume on that St Johnson goal it’s a heck of a delay it’s still ongoing so we’ll wait and see certainly seems to me

Like there was some sort of issue that should be that should rule the goal out but I don’t know what but we can what eyesight you have you can see p from here just what I’m hearing just what I’m hearing anyway Celtic a goal to the good

St Johnson as it stands a goal to the good a lively old start Hue so with that in mind let’s get this up and running okay the first half teaser with the Scottish for the best football news and opinion Online nice and simple can you tell me the last six old firm managers to have won a Top Flight domestic League outside of Scotland the last six old firm managers to have won a Top Flight domestic League outside of Scotland who are they good question I like that at C

SSB not only do you have to come up with all of the correct answers you have to put them down on one tweet and send it over tocl SSB quicker than everybody else so get thinking at Clyde SSB send it over and let us know if you think

You’re in with a Chance of winning that first half teaser at Clyde SSB go the race is on goal is given at St Johnson a very long check but the goal give so St Johnston won mother well nil and as we said Celtic W up there at home to Ross

County well uh St Johnston since they brought in the golden oldie Craig LaVine uh you got a good result midweek 1-1 with abine uh they they are just clawing their way way to safety they don’t want to know anything about uh playoffs or anything like it so that’s a very good

Start for them mother the transfer window has been very unkind to M cuz they’ve lost their best hope of a goal and that’s their biggest problem now where do the goals come from it’s not just where the goals come from here if you look at that table against they’ve lost more goals than

Anybody else in the Premier League it’s woring times there’s no doubt about that where is Taylor Swift sorry Taylor Swift oh oh the money right right she’s in the news for different reasons thought that was just a general um inquiry of yours you’re right no you’re right you’re

Right where is she with the investment get it sorted get a get a check sent over need nip out and see how Myers are doing we need a change it for Park absolutely still the same score line in all those games then no updates to bring you goess between Harts and Aline goess

Between Kelly Hibbs which was a delayed start of course and theivy game uh as well we’ve got the first half teaser up and running we’re not far away from giving you reaction to the game in Paisley Ross County have actually responded quite well couple of Corners

Back to back but no real effort at the end of it that’s what makes that start devastating if you’re a small team going to Celtic Park isn’t it it’s an astonishing team he’s got you know six players brought in in in the transfer window and all six starting the match

You know very much a man who goes his own way Derek Adams goes to show what like I said earlier that what he thought of what was left behind and what he was managing when he came out you know his statement a couple of weeks ago about

The product and then last week I mean that was something else last week’s postmatch interview he dug himself all sorts of holes there and then denied it he denied it that he believed that the interpretation put on it was not the interpretation that he meant to be put

On it yeah well to be fair if you look at the situation six players you’ve got to say that they still belief in him up there Roy McGregor’s obviously backed him but he’s got to start producing he’s got to start winning games um I don’t

Think he’s got excuses now as I say he’s brought in more than half a team so it’s up to yourself to go and bit difficult today I’m not counting today cuz I don’t see them getting when you look at his postmatch press conferences though Roy McGregor must have known what he was

Getting involved with again bringing him back to the club you know he must have known there was a risk of him being outspoken as he is um but I just wonder if he would have thought he would have went as far as he is sometimes with his

Criticism and people say well he’s only been honest and speaking his mind but you still got to get a tune out of your players yeah for the remainder of the season to keep you in this league life’s hard enough for the the second bottom of the table uh you don’t need internal

Strife going on unless you’re unified going out there with a common purpose you get no chance and right now they’re all over the place I mean the wonders of modern technology um someone sent me a clip don’t know how they do these things I just less said about it the better of

That St Johnson goal I think short Kell might be unhappy and I know you think ah you’re bound to say that but St Johnson player can in front of Liam Kelly I think that’s why the delay trying to judge is he offside is he interfering with the goalkeeper and in your opinion

Yes because he’s so close he’s right in front of Liam Kelly like I say maybe yeah just want to a mother well fan would say though thaty just you listen to see what sh Kell has to say at full time that’s all that’s all I’ll say but anyway no other

Goals to tell you about at the moment answer starting to come in on that first half teaser Mark Wilson and Gordon Dell working away fighting their way through it as well a couple of wrong answers on there already they’re 50% of the way there let me tell you oh that’s not bad yeah

Should be easy enough then if they three are making progress like that so quickly no offense taken how’s the ankle holding up got the crutch I’m trying to move it Gordon it’s it’s seasoning up a little bit is it good did you ice it yeah ice in a bit of

Heat this morning a dice bucket out foot in it remember old days oh there was the worst days in the world that but uh and then obviously a little massage on it just are you massage yourself yeah yeah get a leg up over over sorry over his shoulder okay

Um there you go Ross County have not going to exaggerate this in say they’re pinning Celtic in but it’s another corner and Celtic are playing a lot of the game in their own half at the moment which might surprise you there’s a a negative aspect to going in front that

Early in that people turn off subconsciously uh now say I’m always accused of exaggeration hyperbole call it what you will definitely but if Celtics flip up at home against Ross County then you can forget it remember was it the first game of the season was it the goal that concedes from a set

Piece wasn’t it was it D whipping it right in over Joe Hart and ended up an okay day for Celtic that day but they caused some problems but I think they’re a much worse team now you don’t know the new the six new players might be brilliant

Yeah actually yeah take your point from moram I think there was one wasn’t there that’s played for morham certainly well he certainly knows the leagues down there he’s been down there a long time uh Derek and it’s up to him he get the right foot to bring players up and um

Get them out of this bit of trouble that they’re certainly in but um I don’t expect I don’t think him to expect something again I think Celtic Park is what happens after this game for me yeah it’s that Alistar Johnson goal not 100% sure if it has gone down as his

I think it probably did um he certainly wasn’t the last player to touch it no but of course if it was a Ross County player the shot was on target it probably goes down as would go down as Alistar Johnson’s goal I just wasn’t sure of those My Cup Final one reminds

Me of something like that where just skied off no it did honestly that that shot actually think it was a cross you hit in that cup final CRA I was actually speaking to him the other day and Craig’s actually says to me I’m hate

To say this but it was my goal so I he would admit that that’s an embarrassment’ if you scored an own goal in the cup that’s embarrassing your shot is your your cross is on its way to mount Florida but listen it was caused trouble caused Panic that’s that’s what

You a for Gordon when you’re pan it doesn’t make it your goal and it’s something I’ll always TR cut final goals are hard to come by and I’ve got one David F says Steven kraan is two yards behind him working so we could always ask his verdict I’ve got to game

Good ball from abada aa’s vital interception there cuz kyogo was about to get a shot away um so Celtic with the opportunity but good defending from Ross County well there you are Palmer and pep what a journey that is co Rangers nil Queen of the South them free up to Cove

Jack Bren has scored on 13 minutes and marves side have the lead it’ be in a way to see then still about to go still about to go up there hard place to go and get a result nice little Stadium I’ve said that before nice never been

Never been me neither still never been Lely SE gos are winning here yeah Sheffield United Brighton W who was who was a goal scorer B noty yes very well pronounced you’ve just dived in there one a b what’s his first name fundo fundo does that mean good night does

That not mean good night yes yes yes anyway fundo means good night oh this surname all right uh great running shot Matty Kennedy saved so Kar looking to go on the offensive early on in that one remember that game is behind the others just a slight delay a problem with the V

Technology but it got it got cleared up relatively quickly and off we go oh you thought that Celtic would have built on that amazing start but uh 15 minutes in here time for sub time for sub I know get him time it get warmed up only one H after 15 many you looking

For could you imagine could you imagine who actually went a long PID in again or imagine you was your manager you know in your your 30 seconds and you’re he’s giving it subs going to get warmed up I was worried last week because we spoke this time last Saturday

About Celtic Bucky thisle and you’ll remember he was very clear 40 was unacceptable it had to be five and I was obviously I was there working on at the game on the Sunday and I was just I was worried I thought this this needs to get

To five or the fans will be will not be happy and it did go for you and I said I dropped Rangers to a four I said a four would only be acceptable for them at the Barton because the Barton are at least an spfl Club so they heed my words and

Scored four Celtic heed my words and scored five I I stand you’re an correct influencer in your own right not the not the kind that we’re familiar with nowadays but were you well shed Gordon at the game I’ve seen the conditions yeah it was actually fine probably one

Of the only grounds in the country that you would have got away with it it just seemed to swirl around the center circle and it didn’t really go any further luckily cuz it was horrendous wasn’t it yeah yeah what about the Bucky traveling support though coming all the way 2,000

2 and a half thousand or something like that they had a great day and I thought Celtic treated them exceptionally well the players the management of the club everything about it they acknowledged the fairy tale aspect of it all for Bucky thisle I thought it was a very

Niceas Rogers not getting the wring room and give we speech C quite nice imagine the ranger supporters sitting there what they should have done was let the striker score see when he was throwing goal Jo har should have just dived the other way and let it go in that’s match

Fixing yeah you seen what happened to Michael B when he let partic goore yeah doesn’t happen beginning of the end for him who’s he playing today actually I’m actually watching who Michael B oh he’s a t time isn’t he he’s away from home today I think because he’s been getting

All sorts of stick another at home to stock oh he needs to win that it’s a bit unfair in it look I don’t care what you say about him he’s went any a new job he’s harly in the door and they’re want them sacked it’s incredible football now Paulo bernardo’s shot well

Saved uh by wickens in the goal Paulo Bernardo starting to find his shooting boots Mark was the obvious caveat as you see only Bucky but the Finish itself probably one that the kind of quality of it stands regardless of the opposition cuz it’s a difficult skill to execute

The way you think the goalkeeper last week very good I’m quickly changing my opinion on him since that game on boxing day against dunde where he he scores a goal then Falls up against Rangers um you know his confidence has obviously went through the roof but just his

Overall you know interactions within the game never mind his goals I think he’s been much improved very much cut from the same c as mat and that’s when you tend to think his Celtic done this very well that mat will go in the summer for a huge fee and they’ve just got a

Readymade replacement that took a we bit longer to get up to speed than people would have hoped but he’s there and he’s scoring goals and he plays the same way he knows the system and they’ll get him for a good price but his goal against

Bucky was good um and he’s one of the first names in the team Sheet nowadays for Brandon Rogers interesting one you mentioned earlier you know with des’s now having eight goals and kyogo on eight goals it’s astonishing you know kyogo for the the last two seasons has been talismanic Sensational signing for

Celtic uh but slow start to this season and uh Celtic could do with them coming alive Hamilton AIS are one up on one throws Kevin oara with the goal there um mares the new Hib signing the guy who said during the week he felt like a cold

Pasta dish coming back from injury he’s running things for hibs at the moment says David field dropping deep getting on the ball looks a very tighty player as you would expect in terms of pedigree so it’ll be interesting to see if some of the contacts that Hibbs are using can

Pay off and uh turn into sensible Acquisitions that can fire them up that table H yeah they could really do with a fresh impetus because their midweek performance against Rangers not detracting from what Rangers did but hibs were pitiful uh and you Celtic missed a set to go to

Yeah it’s the result I’m looking for today I I don’t know what it is uh I like the way he attacking style I really like that but you’ve got to have the Personnel for me I watched them against Rangers HS it in midweek they play two

In the middle of part that ball players like to go on the ball but Rangers just run over the top of them with the three and uh he plays two wide guys with bags of pace two up top he really has a goal but the one thing I don’t like about

Hibs is I think they’ve got Defenders that ain’t particularly good at their job oh Big Goal uh in one of the other Premiership matches Livy nil dund D1 amadu Baka Yoko on 19 minutes just can’t get much right at the moment albeit though they did get the

Cup win which was important well you know I’m very much afraid that the cup you know it’s okay you get you know some extra revenue and they could do with that that’s for sure but there’s a a look about them the look of a doomed team in the

Premiership good save from mov who has been a very good signing for St Johnson you have to say and it’s the former St Johnson Striker the bear Theo bear close range but it’s a good save from the Bulgarian goalkeeper and it remains St Johnston one mother well nil let me

Remind you of that teaser can you the last six0 for managers to have won a topf flight domestic League outside of Scotland the last six old firm managers to have won a Top Flight domestic League outside of Scotland who are they it’s a great question and I would have to say most of

Your certainly there are there abouts you’ve not all got them all if that makes sense um but certainly a good a good effort Hugh let’s do some wrong answers uh Thomas wants to throw in Dr Joe no sirry okay so vlos is not on the list uh what else most of you are

Definitely in the right ballp park but you just need to clean them up a bit and try and get all six uh AR for daily goes for Kenny delish Kenny no not in the last six there we go keep your guesses coming in then at C SSB and I’m all right I’m reliably

Informed that there’s a very difficult second half teaser coming up as the the problem with this is this was meant to be for the listeners this second half teaser but they’re trying to make them even harder to stop Gordon DL getting the the correct answer do you want me to

Stay out at there no not at all joy now you become a cultural phen hold on hold on a minute Hugh please do me a favor stand a way over there so I can’t read that as Mark said I can’t read Mark’s Work never mind yours penalty Celtic Kum

McGregor Goes Down Under The Challenge from Simon Murray and there’ll be a chance after they check it of course because Simon Murray was lived with McGregor for going down they’ll have a look and if it’s given Lis Palma probably yeah penalty taker these days s

Think I’ve had a few this season but I would imagine L Palmer he’s hitting this when it comes to penalties I think he does all the dancing and what have you but some go in some don’t yeah generally yeah what’s he got missed one scored three two or three is it something like

That um but there was the old you know pushing and shoving Simon Murray accusing Kell McGregor of going down too easily as far as I know the penalty stands if this goes in it’s just a case of how many this afternoon forel all right Palma just now five goals nine assists

Um about 75 Corners whipped at the pitch which frustrates Celtic fans but those numbers and goals and assists why he’s at the club Lis Palmer steps up saved H evens you called it hit and miss this one was a miss or more specifically it was loow to the keeper right it’s a good

Save from uh the goalkeeper and Celtic missed the opportunity to go two in front well that’s sloppy you know the Ross County are there as sacrificial lambs and they’ve going a go down inside 60 seconds and then they get a penalty against them and you don’t take

Advantage of it when was the last decent penalty taker Celtic had Tomy G oh remember oh he just goalkeepers used to run around the back of the goals before it’s never been a something I can remember Celtic have been blessed with here’s one for you Mar obviously take

Him off the penalties that’s L Palma’s fifth scored three missed two right he’s off them uh this season Turnbull has taken four scored three missed one ta’s taken two scored one missed one so so who’s on them next do you know it fascinates me why doesn’t kyogo just H you

Or it goes to K McGregor who’s what about Matt Ry who takes spreading the love you know can whip the ball in for Corner kicks but he can’t whip it in the top corner for 12 yard hold on they’re still checking they’re still checking to see if there was encroachment or whether

The goalkeeper stayed on his line and we’ve got one of the these and now a word from our podcast sponsor Lookers motor group they’ve got Jaguar Land Rover and Volvo showrooms across Glasgow and the West so you can find the new or used approved car that’s right for you

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Flashes with M andd green Pharmacy it’s the battle of the strikers and it’s First Blood buan meowski Harts nil abine 1 it’s a brilliant finish left footed curled High into the top Corner great start for abine in that one Hearts nil The Dandy Dawn won well they certainly

Specialize in making life difficult for them heart penalty retake at Celtic Park the Celtic fans were booing the delay for some reason but it’s gone in their favor um because either and I’m not sure which wickens either came off his line or there was encroachment very frustrating

But that’s kind of what it’s there for as well I guess V’s now checking a foul in the buildup to the meowski goal so we’ll keep an eye there abine were involved in a a busy one during the week as far as V was concerned it was Palmer

Rty is he or you would imagine him to pass over in this situation saved again okay get them off the penalties get them off Saved again the penalties saved again L Palma goes the same way the goalie goes the same way that is incredible and Kevin Clancy goes to the

Screen at T Castle so I suspect that boan meowski goal is about to be ruled out but let’s stick with the penalties Palma’s now missed twice well that you know I go back to the use of the word sloppy um CTIC have got a goal a know

Goal inside 60 seconds it’s not a know goal it’s it’s alist Johnson’s goal well no but like officially that’s not something you really can debate well it’s a okay they get some kind of goal inside 60 seconds alist Johnson SC it’s literally just Alistar Johnson’s goal right okay got

Inside 60 seconds Bernardo then misses an absolute sitter and Celtic twice take a penalty and Miss sloppy sloppy sloppy yeah so the the first one was for encroachment mark because the one the thing that does for Ross county is the one of the players who encroaches I

Think there were a few but one of them is the guy that clears it after the goal he makes the save so that’s the trigger to retake it um and he goes like he’s got to be off them now surely yeah I was I was surprised that some

Didn’t he just take the ball off him that’s what I did well the man making his 450th appearance the captain uh should make a call on the park he’s the General on the field uh but gold disallowed hars n Aline nil oh um I don’t I feel like when there’s a

Retake it’s always the same the same player yeah it’s different if you get one later in the game it’s a retake but this is a player who has said to you before he even touched the ball the first time listen I get all that I get all that

But if you get one later in the game there becomes a debate when a when a when a penalty is given to retake it’s always the same player that retakes it you know the reason why I would change it cuz I think he always goes the same

Way and the goalkeeper knows that you watch this I’m just telling you he was always always always taking the second when it’s retaken just cuz I’ve been in this I’ve been on those shoes you’re thinking right will the goalkeeper think I’m going the same way or they I change

It I always changed it I was never successful well I think he’s done enough now to make sure that whoever takes the penalties it’s not L Palmer oh credit to the goalkeeper 22 but as you say if he keeps sing it the same way oh it’s a double goal

Flashes with M andd green Pharmacy gold motherwell it’s an equalizer and it’s Theo Bay against these former for team we are Level there St Johnston won motherwell W and it’s a goal for karlock it’s a Cory Anda header Armstrong’s cross Killy one hibs nil what a great

Start to the day I’m loving this go controvery everywhere up6 recent goal scorer for mother well he’s playing with a bit of confidence and he’s he’s scoring again so good on him for an important goal Mark I’m I’m not I’m not denying that an important goal um Comm they’re a surprise package this

Year um they’ve got some good players good squad especially at home they’re very difficult to beat and they’re off to a good start against a as would I call hibs a struggling Hib side just now yes why wouldn’t you just in case I get picked up for it you B you fancied HS

Today didn’t you that’s sure that’s sure I I fancy tibs yeah yeah there’s still plenty of time to go aren I surprised for me this season I think I think in our predictions i’ definitely had them in the top six anyway just the way Derek McKinnis you know went about his

Recruitment the summer H’s last five games three losses one draw one win one win five that’s they H they can’t defend no why why would they all make that a priority though in the transfer window why would they not prioritize two Center halves who can one defend you’re

Totally and bring the ball and to bring the ball and fit into your style of play yeah I I I do agree I don’t understand why he’s not going down that road he’s got bags of pace he’s got a threat up top um I like his style I’m not going to

Have a go at the lad because I think he’s very positive but you’ve got to be solid if you’re playing that formation Celtic fans will not like this mat was in some pain in the fysal came on he is going to continue David turble was getting ready but really will continue

For now hearts fans are getting restless because it’s still they’ they’ve had that V let off uh but they’re getting a bit Restless pvar has gone inches wide with a low shot there was a check on the Killy goal but it stands Cory and daa told you keep meeting him in the gym

I’ve been giving him a we pep talk and he’s obviously listened I’m going to go best teeth in Scottish Football as well there you go there’s the award that you never knew that you never knew existed best oh what a smile forget his goal scoring explo you get no Bad setting on

You as well Champions League level always on say so as well yeah yeah well done brilliant stay tuned for more Cutting Edge footballing analysis as the afternoon continues I’m telling you you notice it now I’m telling you I’m going to look for it these things are important they are important uh but the

Hearts fans are getting restless as we said well they boed them off at halftime on Wednesday and they came back and scored three goals so they’re a tough crowd to please at tank castle and that’s the way it should be they put in millions of pounds per season the

Foundation of Hearts the fans really do make that club but they’re taty I like their Style just like you really isn’t it which fits because that was the scene of one of your most famous handbag yeah when you got hit in the head by a woman’s handbag at T Castle didn’t y y

Famously knocked my glasses off and for the listening audience it was a real blow because I couldn’t see the pitch and but did you not also get punched at T Castle not that we should laugh I mean obviously not wouldn’t by a guy who had borrowed his grandfather season ticket and traced him

Through that um two Celtic one two1 and I get whacked what we know is a dab in the P poor shook honestly intentionally he punched you you mean yeah no no he just in case like somebody scored in the celebrations you know arm caught you full time and were sitting at the back

Second back row of the stand and it was all getting a bit uh heated shall we see yeah yeah and then I stood up to look at them because you know always keep a look at the people who you suspect might be up to no

Good and it it quickly came out of the the blue Bo what did you do start crying I went no I went backwards and the hearts fans caught me and put me up like it was a surface then gu going let me arm let me arm stick them up you’ve been through

The mill here over the years oh I’m still standing as Elton said safer in here Liam Gordon was down injured for St Johnson he’s up again but it looks like he has coming off so of a blow at the back on the’s fine yeah well for now

Yeah he’s fine Willi Gordon seems to be one of those players that has just been at St Johnson for whatever yeah he’s a fair AG I think because he has yeah he’s been there a long time good experienced player he’s not actually a fair AG he’s

Just been there a while is he I thought he well Fair age what he give us his age is he what you laugh he’s 24 he was born in 1999 oh sorry I’m thinking you know some I’m thinking something else you think think Andy conine you think uh I’m think

L Craig Le Craig sorry doesn’t play anymore my apolog that’s why he’s old no my apologies AR that young lad 24 full football nler in Cas yeah I’m get M that one uh do you want to hear from some I say some managers as if it’s a random collection of managers but specifically

Philip clemont and Stevie Robinson uh okay let’s hear from clemont on their winning mentality today it’s dous to start calling it a machine because uh the moment players start to think that it’s something that is normal and the Machine just goes then the machine will stop so uh we need to

Continue what we have been doing and that’s that’s showing really good mentality all the time all the players available whoever is playing because we are also the only team who will play in uh in three competitions still so we will have most more more games and uh

Than all the other teams so we need this rotation we need all the players to to be ready uh mentally physically tactically uh and and we need to continue like that so I’m really pleased about today it’s it’s a big step forward um end of December beginning of

January a few people in the club a few fans told me that that I had to watch out that this team are slow starters the second part of this season so we had a few tricky tricky games already and uh and they did it in a good way so let’s

Continue in that way and and be switched on and not thinking that we are a machine those are things you can say after a season that it was a machine the moment you start to think you’re a machine you will go down a a colorful way of ruling out complacency you know I

Like the way he speaks and that the analogy about the Machinery is absolutely correct but it’s just his way slightly theatrical way of saying don’t be complacent don’t assume that any matches are given and you know today’s match was as a spectacle a waste of time but the object of the exercise was

Fulfilled they got the three points and that’s why he is happy uh it doesn’t matter how it looked the end product was there yeah different ways to win games and Rangers have found that out this week um with three very different fixtures um and you know he he’s stating

There that he has a big Squad and he’s going to rotate it because of the the amount of games coming up and that’s the right way of going about it it’s only the right way of going about it of course when you get a positive result that ended 1-1 today Rangers fans would

Have been on saying why L County hit the bar Big L off for Celtic they’re one up the miss well two penalties but one if you like it was it was a retake and it was Will n Gale from Mark Wilson’s favorite player Yan dander Corner yes

And uh B of A L off I think if you’re sitting there inside the ground you’re wondering what is going on here because you’ve been handed the dream start and then bernardo’s miss a sitter and LU Palma unprofessional two penalty misson a row uh and you are if you’re a

Fatalist you’re waiting for the Ross County equalizer I had a look Mark we were talking obviously about Celtics penalty takers and have they had a really consistent one I think the the obvious contrast here is because the other side of the city have had the same

Guy taking them you know time and time again and his record’s not out of this world percentage wise but he’s the one that always takes them um I had to look at last season and I know there reasons for this squad rotation and so on but Celtic had seven different penalty takers last

Season they’ve already had three different penalty takers this season as we spoke about that’s Lis Palmer um now taken five and missed two um so it’s it’s been a real mixed bag that’s a lot see when you think in elite club where with top top players who specialize in certain areas set

Pieces being one of them and these guys will practice out the pitch he’ll practice free kicks he’ll practice Corners they will practice penalties I know that from from being at the club to to chop and chains like that I think Celtic over the years should have had

Some that really stood out oh remember van Pier van ho don’t but that’s gone back to 95 96 it was six different takers the season before yeah so in the penalty area the Celtic fans look to kyogo M so why doesn’t he just take the penalties think you got point I think

Last season last season took one missed one as well you he’s he’s had a goal maybe not loads but what a result coming in from your old Club Gordon DL could be a big result this at the top of the championship wraith one iness three Alex Samuels just moved from Ross County to

Veress and lone and he’s got a 40 minute hattick amazing for Duncan Ferguson side what a start life under Scott Brown ticking along nicely Queens Park nil air United one Jamie Murphy with the goal there yeah all departments working well for Scott Brown even the youth side I

Heard they had a good positive result against who was it they were playing they got lucky got lucky they get five lucky goals the Mark Wilson Derby is going the way of erre so far they’re beating partic thistle so another big result in the championship Celtic fans getting a bit Restless now

Cuz County had a good chance there to attack Celtic but yand dander pass to Simon Murray was just a bit overhit I did say that to you if you’re a fatalist you’re waiting for a Ross County equalizer because you know Joe Hart is not covering himself in glory some of the passing is

Diabolical they have missed sitters they have missed a twice taken penalty uh they’re having one of those days and that’s where big moments are important because penalties look people miss them Gordon it’s not the end of the world it happens but it’s important to get those moments right Celtics scored

That penalty two and a lot what half an hour gone partic this will have equalized against erre um Celtic probably going to cruise control at that point all of a sudden as Hugh says the game feels a bit different I said if Celtics score it was a case of how many

This afternoon I think that would have been the case but when you miss as a player and we’ve been there as underdogs to these big grounds and you’re obviously you know you’re expecting to take a bit of a beating all of a sudden you’re still nil it gives you such a LIF

And obviously it’s given Ross County because they really should be level let’s be honest they should be level well what chance you the one that come off the bar basing that one yeah the one that come off the bar I think has got to go in the back in it that

What you hearing yeah I’ve seen it my phone my mate sent me he’s at the game keeps me up to date with everything thanks [Laughter] Brandon but you know sometimes with sell by the way Livy had a penalty saved as well so something worse than Celtic at penalties

The penalty record hasn’t been brilliant living ston have to say it’s only time that if somebody getes down the Box Dave Martin runs out and shoots no PTY as a DI they do they cannot score a p kick the same last weekend if my memory says

Correctly shy did he he missed last week missed last week as well yeah it’s an epidemic some people think it’s an easy it’s not as easy as you imagine yeah people think globally accepted statistic is it about 75 80 80% is it something like that goal return

You’ve got you I would say you’ve got to be 80% from 12 yards I think the average I’m not saying your opinion I mean sorry thought you were asking oh Michael be is a happy man suland one St you mean yes I’m rooting for him you Michel B

Post a call I’m roting for these guys they played a part in Scottish Football so I’m there for them right okay very under the minute you leave Scot people start criticizing you picking up all your faults have a bit of positivity about yourself that’s that’s funny you w so positive about

B listen I I I always said right and I heard that a million times about Michael Bell I thought he was terrible at Rangers I don’t think it was a job I think it was too big for him but they kept did you see that of his regular

Sorry one of his regular starters today Sunderland issued a statement on his behalf a player called Alex Pritchard you know him yeah um he just wants to inform the club that he’s no longer available for selection he’s withdrawn himself from the squad and he just wants

To leave the club not I’ve not seen it put in such I like that like like black and white terms before in GL reg longer available I’m no play mhm that’s that now that is unprofessional here yeah you want treated first of all he’s guilty of breach of contract so you

For these lawyer and say you better come in here maybe he you don’t know how he’s been treated does matter contract oh I think you I think you find it could matter well until such times as he exp you some sort of contract lawyer are you

So I like to think of a man of many parts 5 minutes added at Celtic Park which seems like a good time to H to round this off the first half teaser with the Scottish foot for the best football news and opinion online another save from wickens

To deny Bernardo then berby wide on the rebound so it’s Celtic not without their chances but still one nil anyway here the last Oh the last six old firm managers to have won a Top Flight domestic League outside of Scotland are Philip pront Giovani van Broast an poao Pedro Kia Ronny dla and Paul leguen did you get them easy in the studio well done there was a good response out there

On Twitter thanks first of all for taking part always really appreciate it and a special well done to the following three leard Stuart mccrindle in third place Ian who Mr Banny boy to was second place and and Connor Odon was the winner well done to you Connor you you knew

Your stuff on that one and we’ll have a who am I after the break some halftime scores coming in Morton nil are bro nil I just wonder if we’re going to see any sort of drama in their bro Squad again because the last I checked before the game I think they’ve only

Got two two Outfield Subs again your your man’s on your man’s on the bench again Adams because the starting goalkeeper is Max borz arur cousin or whatever he is he’s un loan from hibs yeah yeah but Jim McIntyre’s having an awful time there you tell me they can’t

Find players to play in the championship why you offering your services going to get those rotten fake they can’t be that bad cuz he kept them he’s the boots the car oh by the way I found I found other ones Yeah couple weeks too late Yeah couple weeks too late this

Mysterious tle injury you’ve got anyway will R you out yeah yeah just now it will yeah I’m trying I’ll be feet up tonight ice and he what I know is you cannot play golf tomorrow after coming in here with a Crut I I must admit genuinely like there two things here if

You hobble in here with a crutch and then play golf tomorrow that means that today’s Act is an absolute embarrassment it’s not a crutch to a game of golf within the space of there’s people been stretched off football Parts unless unless you’re play days later and I don’t mean to take the

Show down a road and cause some sort of debate but unless the person you’re playing golf with is Jesus I I I think you’re you’re at it today he would certainly fix that I can fix like Healing Hands a fast will fix that all the shells Will Repair it you

Fasting no well I’ve just had a not genuinely on behalf of us all if you play golf tomorrow we we’re embarrassed by would whether it be in a buggy so your ankle’s not that sort of my ancle is absolutely killing me you seen the

Size of it it’s like a a what you call the ball things that you take the beach ball that’s the ones the size it’s like the world’s smallest beach ball hold on right when you’re try think you’re thinking a beach and you’re thinking a ball what’s that thing called stuck the

Two of them together Beach the British Medical Association will be who was concerned about me who tell the truth I’m saying the British Medical asso assciation will be fascinated by this program what do you call that thing that’s what my anle was like I’ll be my markers tomorrow you know that you’ve

Been there you’ve you’ve been that player in case you’re wondering this is radi he’s he’s waving a sleeve of paracetamol at me and yes there was one dark day where he marked his ball with a sleeve of paral or Ibuprofen I can’t remember which it doesn’t really ruin

The joke the image you know works the same luckily we don’t need to discuss him much longer because half time at Tak Castle Fraser yeah it’s Hearts nil abine nil not really a classic similar to midweek Hearts haven’t been great in the first 45 minutes differ St they’re still Level

Terms and not too down like they were to dunde but they get VAR to thank as a brilliant boy Yosi was disallowed for a foul in the Builder and that was the only piece of Brilliance really and piece of good football in the first 45 everything started really well they were

Composed Comfort to win possession but not creating any chances of not not much of hearts in the first 15 minutes then miosi had a half chance on 16 minutes he got his head to G shiny cross but the ball loed over the bar 22 minutes McGrath got ah header on target Nicki

Delin cross he just got his head to at the front post but saved well and lotes left by Xander clar at the other end 25 minutes had passed with Kus and the dawn’s goal having nothing to save and then just in that 25th minute miosi had

The ball in in the net a lovely move down the right hand side B Ed up with meowski on the angle and he curled a brilant finish with his left foot high into the top right hand corner but after a long be check Kevin clany Went to

Screen allowed the goal for a foul in the buildup we can only think it was Conor Baron and Bening who clashed in the buildup to the goal but we’re not really sure I would not put off though 29 minutes Dante pvar drove forward the space in the Midfield and is a Hearts

Back for backed off he rather than pass it he chose to shoot and he struck his low 25 yd shot just in wi Hearts F come frustrated as L dangerous mcra cson getting the ball Hearts losing possession too easily finally got a shot on goal in the 38th minute lovely flick

By L shank into path of George G his 20 yard shot went a yard wide then towards the break Hearts began to exert a wee bit of pressure on the abine goal 43 minutes stepen Kingsley curled a 25 yd free kick with his left foot had dipped

Onto the roof of the net I think Rose would have saved anyway Hearts fans say a we bit Restless aine looking more likely to score and being the better team so a bit to do for the jambles in the second half but the game in general

Could do with a goal to liveen things up here at tank Castle halftime hars nil aine nil what about Celtic Park halftime there Andrew McLean yeah Celtic won Ross County n the halftime score it was a blis start for the home side you thought that they might go on and score quite a

Few in the opening 45 but it hasn’t quite gone that way and two missed penalties in the one incident as well and a bit of Ross County pressure means that the go the score line is still only 1 nil as I say incredible start for the home side Alexandro Bern’s crossb Leela

His shot was blocked but it fell to Alistar Johnson at the edge of the box he took a shot a massive deflection I think it hit will Nightingale last at wrong footed George wickens in the Ross County goal and snuck into the n for 1 nil but Ross County didn’t look too

Disheartened they got up the park they forced a few Corners just really struggling to get any efforts on goal to go along with it Celtic then put on some pressure of their own George wickens had to make a smart save to deny Paulo Bernardo then 23 minutes in Celtic got a

Penalty K McGregor Going Down Under The Challenge of Simon Murray the Ross County Striker wasn’t happy about it but the penalty stood leis Palmer he stepped up to take it low towards the left corner but wickens got down and pmed away but then a AR check showed that as

Many as three Ross County players were guilty of encroachment a retake was ordered L Palmer stepped up again went the same way again but so did George wickens a second save in a matter of moments the disbelief was clear from LS Palma and the crowd and that kept the

Death deficit at one Celtic a bit slack after that not really keeping the ball well maybe Ross County could sense a bit of an opening they came so close as well yand dander Corner a really good delivery towards the back post will need go with the header but that crashed off

Of Joe Hart’s bar just before the break wicens had to be AER a couple of times Pao Bernardo and leis Palmer with separate efforts but Celtic ahead Brandon Rogers will definitely be looking for more though halftime score at Celtic Park Celtic one Ross County now it’s also halftime at rugby park

David F half time Kik one HS N I think the booze coming from the hibs fans they not happy that will tell you that kamalak have good value for the lead cor and D was awarded his first goal for the club by the I think it probably will go down as a

Dylan vent on goal but Kelly won’t care they would have been further ahead as well if Matty Kennedy had brought his shooting but with K his first effort came after 40 seconds David Watson firing Over the Bar have been well on top overall opener arrived in 25 minutes Danny Armstrong he’s been excellent

Again up to brilliant cross to the back post and daa tussled with venty was just too strong looks like venty just headed into his own net pass David Marshall Kelly tried to add to that mat kend’s been really Lively he’s been good but his finishing has been off he could have

A hatrick another day one effort save by David Marshall but it was in really was with another two guilt Ed chances sh finy also headed over the the bar probably should have done better Kell he should have scored a second meano marcondes he’s been the bright SP for

Hibs looks a real player but need to offer much more as a team he their best chance seconds before they break Kara the Kell goalie made a really good save half time Kamal at one hibs now interesting first half all around the country we’ll give you the story of St

Johnston against motherwell and the full Roundup of the halftime scores next the winning team all season long this is Clyde one super scoreboard the only halftime picture you need from the Top Flight the only outstanding one is Dave Galloway who has watched St Johnston against Motherwell halime St Johnston Won motherwell Won a perfect start by Saints just 3 minutes on the clock and a free kick into into the box was bundled in from close range by Ryan mcgaan and after a really long V delay the referee didn’t go to the screen he was just

Listening to instructions from the V booth at the goal St gram KY blasted a long range free kick that was held by Liam Kelly at the second attempt as a homide chased a second goal but monw well were creating plenty danger as well and Blair spittle whipped the ball

Across go but there were no takers and Dimitar meof superbly blocked Theo Bear’s close range efforts however The Equalizer came after 29 minutes another brilliant spittle cross and be this time made no mistake he headed home it’s been an endtoend encounter entertaining stuff and for Saints speed Merchant Benji kioa

What a turnning face he’s got he raced onto a long ball over the top lifted it over Liam Kelly but said couldn’t control the ball and couldn’t finish it off and the Chance was gone but good stuff here at mcdermid park at the interval it’s all Square St Johnston won

Motherwell W let’s take a look at the scores then the full-time result from earlier was of course St M nil Rangers w at the break Celtic 1 Ross County nil Harts nil Aberdine nil karik one hibs nil Livingston nil dundy 1 and St Johnston won motherwell W in the

Championship erre Won parrick thisle Won dund nil D firland nil Morton nil AR BR nil Queens Park nil air United 1 and wraith Rovers one in veress three in League one it’s alawa nil ferk 1 Anan athletic 1 Edinburgh City nil Cove Rangers nil Queen of the South one

Hamilton AIS W montro nil and Sterling Alan one Kelty Harts nil in League two it finished Elgen nil Darton 1 at the break it is four for nil Bonny R Rose nil Peter head one Stenhouse m one Sten Rell East 51 and the Spartans one Clyde one the second half so next experts

Opinions this is Clyde one super scoreboard interesting afternoon so far in the Scottish Premiership and it is not done yet early goals going in actually in the other divisions cuz they don’t have V so they play to what you would consider a normal time frame an in

Two up on Edinburgh fuler two up on alawa still restarted yet in some of the premiership games though Andrew mlan what’s happening at Celtic Park yeah not restarted yet Ross count wear out first no changes for them Celtic just making their way out the tunnel at the moment

As well and it doesn’t look as if there will be any changes from Brendan Rogers either it has been a bit flat from Celtic though I did wonder whether he might try and freshen it up you thought when Alistar Johnson scored that goal then a minute it was a real chance to

Kick on and punish Ross County especially with the form that the visitors are in but it just hasn’t happened happened at all you’ve got to give credit to Ross County go I actually think they’ve they’ve looked pretty good at times six new signings in the team of

Course George wickens in goal one of them a huge part he’s played with those back-to-back penalty saves H the one with Lis Palma taking it that one saved had to be retaken saved it going to exact same way again a couple of other saves on top of that and I like the look

Of Brandon Keller in Midfield as well on loan from Birmingham city but Celtic happen slack at times passes going astray some pure touches in the middle of the parks so just not at the top of the form at all and you do wonder whether it’s maybe just a matter of time

Until Nicholas Kon is introduced for his Celtic debut Lis Palma hasn’t really been at it so far today penalties aside as well so that could be the spot for Nicholas Kun to come in but we are just about underway here again for the second half Clyde one super scoreboard goal

Flashes with M andd green Pharmacy is quitting smoking your goal visit them to get started well I’d imagine the vision Gordon DL was that Celtic are three up and cruising and Nicholas Kon comes on and can show off a bit and settle in and by

The way that might still be the case but as things stand it’s looking more likely that he’s sent on to try and win this game for Celtic because they’ve made heavy weather of it so far one goal to the good but County should be level they hit the bar two missed penalties from

Lis Palmer after a retake so it’s been an interesting afternoon yeah defining moments I think if Palma puts a p on the kick away they’re an easy street they can do what they want uh there was no way back for Ross County um and then Ross county is you quite reg say G

Should have scored no doubt about that it’ll be interesting to see how they approach the second half because brandan Rogers cannot be happy with the performance so far the Celtic fans certainly won’t be happy yes it’s we touched on it earlier so we can’t be double standers saying that about

Rangers it’s all about three points of course it is but when you’re at home against a struggl Ross County team who have just introduced six new players into their side I think you’re expecting a bit more from Celtic Well you certainly are um the circumstances are now very difficult with regard to

Nicholas Kon at 1 nil I don’t think you can bring him on it’d be unfair because those who were there for a long time at Celtic have let the team down so far it’s been a DA day it’s not complete late down though is it when you’re still winning

It’s um it’s got the potential to be a DA day um the the progress of the first half was really really shabby and if you bring on Nicholas now and he doesn’t turn into Jimmy Johnston in an instant the clows get even angrier is that any different though because you

Wanted them to start the game and that would be obviously at a point when the game was level but now Celtic car in front granted not as much as people want how’s this different from your desire for them to start because circumstances have changed the whole complexion of the

Day uh surely it’s easier to come on though when you’re winning than n at the start well the crowd are now taty the crowd started in optimistic mood they were a goal up after 1 minute and everything was right with the world and then Celtic proceeded to make things

Difficult for themselves Nicholas T at the moment I think it would be unfair to bring him on well we’ll find out nothing’s happening yet in the early stages of the games in the Scottish Premiership so we might as well Hugh give as much time for this the second half teaser with the Scottish for the best football news and opinion online dazzler yes be ready be ready because over I have played alongside Ben chilwell and Angus gun I have been managed by Neil lenen and Manuel pel I have represented two clubs in European competition and won my only piece of

Silverware at both of them who am I so I played alongside Ben chilwell and Angus gun been managed by Neil Lennon and Manuel poni represented two clubs in European competition and won my only pieces of silverware at both of them who am I forget a match day prediction

Here’s my prediction you get that I’ve given you stick on the teaser right I think you get that all day long that’s all I’m saying for now I’m stamped Arrow it down I think you will I don’t think that’s as difficult as some of the previous ones so at Clyde SSB

Have a race amongst yourselves have a race against Gordon DL do what you like piece it all together and send me a tweet at cly SSB you need to get the answer in before everyone else that is the aim of the game send them over please you you’re doing a we bluffing me

No I’m not genuinely a we bit extra pressure nope I’ve given you a hard enough time over your fake ankle injury today so I’m sticking up for you on the teaser well I would just like to clarify to everyone that’s listening March my witness is not a fake ankle fine can’t

Play golf tomorrow then he did show me does look horrible at goal for wraith Rovers that’s a tracking game there in kod wraith two and veress 3 leis vaugh on 52 minutes Sterling Alban have double their advantage at home to hey Hearts had a few games off recently Sterling

Albian so we’ll be delighted to get that one up and running uh whilst we await anything um shot at straight at Liam Kelly whilst we await anything of not actually had a delivery into the studio and this is oh is it good or bad I don’t

Know I’ve not opened it yet I thought I would do it live on air which is obviously carries its own risk my guess is telling me that this looks like a mug it’s like a a little square box so I’m thinking there’s a mug or something in here that’s nice whoever it

Is or oh actually I’m just looking at the the name on the front that I think I know where this is going it’s actually addressed to yuu not really allowed to open other people’s mail can I just do it give me your permission absolutely

Yes just to see oh wow look at look at this this is in the back of a conversation we had last week oh my goodness remember we were speaking about the Gladiators yeah returning to prime time TV and we said how funny would it

To see h on it and what would his name be yeah we’ve been sent in a mug and it’s you Hugh Kens with the spandex on oh and it is your face superimposed and it’s the suor I love that to The Mug and it says I need

Your cardigan your brogs and your bus pass that’s spectacular that is great oh the only thing is I don’t really know who sent it um return address P things company that’s very good oh it’s the gentleman who uh made my 10 out of 10 mug so there you are you’ve got another

One thank you brilliant GL very much in train just now there it’s been good it yeah I I record it because it’s on so early it’s on 5 you need to take a photo of the mug yeah I’ll get out there don’t you worry

I want to go at the traveler I saw some contestants last week having a bit of difficulty down several times have a I think your knees have got that in them I would have one goal and I and I don’t when they get chucked off it that

They stand again and they get their breath and they go again they get chucked off and just keep going till they got up I think i’ had have one go and think ah I have it on good authority you’ve been hammering the treadmill recently I like the put it to 80%

Incline or whatever the travelor must be we used to do a lot of that work by the way no joke at Celtic at Len Town used to do a lot of incline work in the Trad was up at about level 9 and I think you used to do maybe around level 17 still

Not into the Gladiators no I think you need to watch it tonight love it you always catch up but you’d be on the recliner giving it d d d pointing down doing the actions okay honestly I look forward to it’s on bit early you need to get catch

Up record yeah does your TV do that I take it I’m not sure he’s got have you got Sky it’s not sky on B one how about to record it I’ll just go um ier whatever it’s called Old penalty Hearts go on then quickly get your bets in please gamble responsibly shankland

Shankland yeah I’ll go shankland yeah I would be surprised if he doesn’t he’s missed three in a row what is wrong with you people he’s a top goal scorer he’s missed three in a row don’t care you guys want Palma taking off them you want everybody else this guy’s missed three

Penalties I think at Hearts is decent doesn’t matter he’s missed three in a row George Grant has the ball in his hands shows what you three know honestly George Grant is going to take it you can’t you cannot you can’t go for a fourth you can’t yeah you can you mean

It might get it back if George Grant misses he couldn’t and the answer is there the proof is in the pudding George Grant is going to take it for hearts the aine players are Furious uh but it’s one of those look it’s hand ball where have

You all been that it’s just a just a pain in the neck sometimes it’s V that the hand ball rule feels unfair but it is what it is we should be used to it by now George Grant is going to take some delay though has has to be said Kevin

Clancy eventually went to the monitor to have a look and George Grant steps up what you thinking oh go flashes with M andd green green Pharmacy and he does score Hearts Take the Lead it was a good penalty top left hand corner no such problems for George Grant

Lawrence who and Harts are in front yeah well that’s a big goal Steven n Smith under we bit of pressure again in the first half when Aline thought they’d taken the league and said how tough that thing Castle Crow could be but chalked off and they get their noses in front uh

That’ll be a big three points if it Remains the Same because because aberin are far down the table just now they’ve got games in hand but you would expect them to make a late charge somewhere along the lines and hearts have to put as much distance between their opponents

Today as much as possible to consolidate that third place the end of an era no lawen shankland on Hearts penalties here well is it the end of an era alt together will there be no lawen shankland at Hearts next weekend uh as I say we’ve got a very

Interesting week coming up because of the close of the transfer window um the Celtic supporters the struggle they’re having against Ross County they will be on starting tonight I suspect at 5:00 to say hold on here at the moment things are not good enough what happened to the

Quality that was going to be brought in yeah Celtic not doing much in the second half but still plenty of time to stretch that lead further they are in front worth bearing uh that in mind I should have told you this earlier did we forget that the this was inevitable wasn’t it

An Andy holiday booking first half yeah for his here it was bound to be commitment that’s commitment desire passion trying to lay down a marker yeah try to get everybody round about them up for it boot them for the weave anyway theator you get your tea into theator

Mug this evening I like that yeah very good very nice and is very nice I think he’s having watched Gladiators I’m saying that’s Giants body that he’s been put on what you think oh yeah oh is yeah with a bicep your bicep that been doing a lot of bicep work these days yeah

Looking good I think it’s Giant’s body giant I’m looking good says the man on a crutch I know wonder how they come up with their names yeah the Gladiators I know we CH loads of imagination no offense forget the Gladiators the traitors was the best okay no no because I only stoed watching

It last night no don’t no I can’t are you tell me% oh come on I there is no people out there there’s people in here hold on I’m right in the middle of this for me if you’ve not finished this by tomorrow night that is on you and you

Need to deal with the consequences but I would give people a few hours Grace just to allow them to catch up but you were um you were very into it so last night I had uh I was doing stuff in the house and I thought I’ll you know I’ll catch

Up with it just a bit later just slightly delayed so put the phone to one side don’t want anyone to spoil this and at the time when it was due to finish so I’m about half an hour behind I can see the my phone my watch is vibrating Gordon the L

Gordon not taking no for an answer so I just text him and said rude go away I’ve not finished it yet cuz I knew that’s what he was wanting and the the reply comes well seen he lives in his own said um hurry up I need to talk to someone

About is that type of progam that gripped everyone and we had and as soon as it finished I felt obliged I felt sorry for him quite frankly so the look on my wife’s face when she realized I was phoning him at 11:00 at night oh wow he’s exactly the guy you want

Pill at night I couldn’t sleep last night I let him rant and rant till his heart was content Andrew McLean says a few of his a few of his mates were round at his mates last night as if it was the Champions League party Fant you know what I didn’t understand the concept

Until I watched the first episode and even still on the way in here had to for my son who has watched it and say how did they how did they eliminate people because well you would know in the first episode of this series nobody gets a

Youve still not seen it in action you’re in for can I just say though you’re going to have to hurry up you’re on social media this this will get spoiled for you I’ll scroll by I’ll scroll by those things I’m getting messages in right now from people who have not seen

It who are and just don’t speak okay do ruin it okay ruin it you missed one of these whilst we were listening to your insights gold flashes with M andd green Pharmacy k 2 HS nil and it’s Matty Kennedy with a back post finish it’s Armstrong again

You love that don’t you one wide player to the other Matty Kennedy with the finish and Kelly looking comfortable 2-0 to the good good players having those in the wide areas you’re always going to create chances and you’re right Gord one can create the chance the other can

Finish it off then absolutely fantastic it’s great recruitment as well isn’t it you know players that knew the league and just just look there’s no such thing as a guaranteed signing but Derek mckinness makes them look like they were you know when they come in exp I thought

David said hi’s new player was running the game he was he just run out of running back to a CO pass dish exactly he’s freezing it was only for the first 10 minutes ni Montgomery is a man who’ll be under pressure shortly yeah that his first game in charge as well down there

It ended 22 remember at Robby part two up two up two two another two behind Sean Welsh has been sent off for Queens Park now I wonder in the aftermath because they’ve just equalized Queens Park one Scott Browns here United as they now become known one but Shawn

Wells has been sent off for the hosts Morton one are both nil remember are both have only got two Outfield subs and they went down to 10 men I think around the 28th minute so having a really Ted time oh he he is Jim Mar as someone who needs to recruit

Quickly uh one to make his team better but two have some numbers and he Squad really struggling he’s got until Thursday then yeah but I guess teams like our broal shop in the free transfer market guys who are just without a club un attack unattached yeah not much happening for

Celtic h no no it it has the the look of dafty about it um we’re an hour in now um if Celtic don’t get a second goal soon I am honestly beginning to think in terms of a Ross County equalizer and that the the howler for Monday night is

Therefore taken care of I mean it’s not always the way it works because County need to start showing a bit more as well Mark it was you know you wonder sometimes if they miss there that one that hits the bar in the first half is

Huge I think if it had gone in we would 100% have had complaints about Joe Hart um but the difference is in the second half while Celtic haven’t been good or or haven’t added to their tally um Ross County haven’t even been near Celtics box in the second half yeah um but we

Saw the first visit to Celtic Park that that was pretty much a case for the second half and then all of a sudden they edged up they got a couple of set pieces and and that’s where the problems came there’s no doubt we’ve seen it back now that that chance that Ross County

Should have scored joar No Man’s Land if anybody wants to go back to the the goal at the start of the Season where he was caught out again worse than that I would suggest not a criticism of you I’m going to sound like I’m picking you up in your

Language I don’t know if that can be considered No Man’s Land cuz he’s right on his goal line right and and it’s still one of those cliches that it still his Keepers away still somehow goes over his head head it’s not great yeah no not great at all I mean the deliveries is

Good but a goalkeeper needs to be dealing with that and by the way who who was it I hit the bar anyway should score J semi heads over for St Johnston remember that was an early start that one St Johnson went in front early doors and Theo bear equalized for motherwell

So all poised in that one Livy are trailing at home to Dundee they’ve just made a few changes a triple change actually for DAV marale Side Kelly looking good two n up against hibs that’s the most secure result of the day so far Hearts one aine nil let’s see if

We get any drama later on this evening oh there we go that is joint most secure because Livy nil dund D2 look mowen with the goal yeah that’s that then goodbye start the bus let’s go back to dundy um this is two up the other night there and

It didn’t the bus broke down yeah well but that was there were only two up by half timee they’re they’re in cruise control yeah I can’t see Livy come back this is the season Livy go down it’s a shame he’s been a miracle worker but this is the season that liby stop

Defying the odds stop Defying Gravity and drop to the division below Nicholas K come on down for the first time in Scottish Football you get a look at Celtics new signing he’s going to replace L Palmer who has had a bad afternoon missed a penalty got given the

Chance to retake it missed it again and on comes Nicholas Kun it’s a double change actually noski comes on for Cameron Carter Vickers who maybe only had an hour or so in him and he’s returned from injury but no doubt Mark the change out of the two which will

Attract the most attention is a debut for Nicholas Kon of course so much interest around Kon um look he’s been know the transfer so far a decent uh transfer fee paid for him but I think because he is a Winger and people are are looking did we need another Winger

At Celtic Park um and Brandon Rogers kind of firmly saying well he adds quality so fans are intrigued to see what this guy can bring well significant change for mother well Andy Halliday you had the feeling that not started in months giving it the clap hour kiss the

Badge and he’s um replaced by Lenin Miller not a bad substitute to bring on good player legs for young legs think candi’s in there as a sort of unofficial mentor think he’s going to try and bring out his wig out his shell take him under

His wig I like that that was good from you that was good you ever need new teeth here uh Sandy got new teeth as well no no you just made that up he know uh get a refund in save by Kus it’s a full stretch save to deny shankland but

Hu at Celtic Park all eyes on Nicholas Kon exactly um you know this program uh brought on a man who made all the headlines by saying he thought he was overpriced he thought it was injury-prone and he thought his attempts at goal were suspect uh so he comes on under trying

Circumstances for me because Celtic have had a very poor day and a very poor day after a very bright start so the crowd will respond to him immediately they will give him all the support they can but this is a notoriously difficult part of the world he has

To literally hit the ground running he has to do something that tells the supporters why he’s only incomer in this transfer window lot of pressure on his shoulders because Celtic I said it of Rangers at 1 nil in Paisley earlier in the day 1 N is a precarious lead Celtic

Don’t have this game won yet not yet it has been a relatively comfortable second half but I think Brendan Rogers is looking for more than comfortable you would imagine he’s certainly looking for a second goal a couple of changes for St Johnston Clark and Smith on uh for Kima

And kavi I think I read somewhere that St Johnson now have three smiths in their first team squad that’s great that’s not confusing at all Matrix so double change there oh the Palmer pep Queen of the South two-nil up at Cove Rangers I’ll get them penciled in for

Wednesday night cuz if it goes WR from here we won’t see him for a month surely it’ll be a great result up there you won’t carried in on a sedan chair on Wednesday if this goes any higher you remind us of your teaser please yes I have played

Alongside Ben chilwell and Angus gun I’ve been managed by Neil Lennon and Manuel Pelini I have represented two clubs in European competition and won my only silverware at both of those clubs who am I shows your paper Gordon D you got anything yet it’s not like you I’ve

Got his first name but I can’t remember his second oh show me his first name cuz I’ll be able to tell it’s quite a unique first name show me it please well not that unique I should say yep that’s him you’ve got him well done I can’t

Remember his second name but Rogers here for 10 in a row says is it Teo puki no Jason kuggins wants to throw Patrick Roberts no not Kenny Duffy thinks it’s dedric boata no okay keep your guesses coming then uh stering Al three up on kely Hearts Josh Cooper

With the goal double change abine McGrath and baron off Morris and soer on Oda off Vargas on for Harts and Jordan White is coming on for Simon Murray he’s scored some goals against Celtic in the past uh Jordan white yes he’s a man who costed Neil Len’s job one Sunday evening

In ding wall got the the goal the only goal of the game and the following day Neil was out of a job hi all right sorry you two just confering yeah name no no I I said I couldn’t read his writing and he bu it laughing and then he he continued

To write the name beside it same same name mgab just couldn’t quite get the touch for mother well it was jent’s Rising Drive goes over mgab couldn’t get the touch and it stays St Johnston one mother well one and that one at mcdermed Park Mother’s going to snatchchat Y we

Will see I think there’ll be a goal I think there’ll be a win we shall see um Gordon Dell’s got the teaser have you keep your guesses coming in please Harry pton had a turn and shot wide from mother well had the whole goal to aim at says Dave Galloway so he’s

Miscued on this occasion not much to report from Celtic Park in the last few moments I told you about that double change Mike nooty and Cameron Carter on for Cameron Carter Vickers like we said Mark that’s totally understandable Carter Vickers maybe had an hour in him

Come back from injury cuz maybe nski is he the slightly unfortunate one and he’s come in the last couple of games he’s done fine done quite well but it was always likely to well it just shows you how well skills has done because he is in the team regardless hold on go

Flashes with M andd green Pharmacy game on at rugby park because Joe nle has pulled one back on 66 minutes he missed a penalty in the Cup last weekend didn’t he but he’s found the Target today karlock 2 hibs one oh that certainly adds spice to the remainder of that

Match the last quarter of the game uh HS really need to do something I can imagine the hi support at rugby park not being impressed At All by this and uh they’ll now give their side a second chance in the hope of an equalizer at a fair few two tws have since Montgomery’s

Come in know not 22 against motherwell not so long ago where they threw they throw five up front or something like that and they got the rewards Nick Montgomery might just do the same in the closing half here nice quick feet there from Nicholas Kon little flash to gets

Past James Brown but the cross goes straight at the goalkeeper mother well on top mcder Park but nothing doing in front of goal it’s heating up nicely we could be in for an exciting finish here in a few of the games it has to be said

Bruny is two1 up at Queens Park yes Queens Park W down to 10 men of course and a United almost to all for him marcondes he’s put the pass to Dish back on quick we heat shot blocked almost to0 well that game is not over they know how

To score goals HS but has touch in a perfect way but the good good thing forar Derek knows how to see out games you know if he’s under a little bit of pressure he knows how to tweak the system don’t worry the gbx is still going ahead Morton 2 are both nil George

Oakley are both been down to 10 men for quite a while so you would be pretty certain of three Morton points in that one some run Morton on 10 games maybe 10 games with it defeat through going just still n n much so if the p man scores for hibs is

He give the crowd a microwave oh I like it I like it you I must say I think it’s 11 games all competitions for Morton but oh no sorry this this would be 12 in all competitions but that includes like the challenge Cup and the Scottish cup and

So on so there we go get those guesses in for for the fulltime teaser as well we actually haven’t heard yet from Steven Robinson let’s hear a bit of what he had to say following the game against Rangers one nil defeat I think ultimately frustration um I thought we

Deserve the point at least out of the game um we we pressed a fair good team really well we won the ball back on numerous occasions and we show composure in as you say very difficult conditions the wind um and the pitch was very very difficult to play on but I thought we

Should have a lot of composure and and we pushed a very good team all all the way you know and the difference between the sides was that’s fantastic finish you know I have to give credit to it on the on the surface with the wind um it’s

It’s an incredible goal and that’s the difference between teams yeah you sounds like one of those arguments we’d go around all night on as to whether they did or didn’t deserve a draw there clearly wasn’t a lot in the game I think everyone would acknowledge that poor game uh settled by a decent

Goal from seral des’s point of view I don’t think that Steven Robinson can say that he was robbed in any way they didn’t do enough and when they had chances they they simply weren’t clinical enough in their finishing Quan had a a real big chance uh but Rangers

Were deserved winners on a poor afternoon for both teams so you know we said at the time that put pressure on Celtic but you you don’t really think that much pressure but Celtic have not responded their performance has been very they winning though aren’t they so

Yeah but I like on the league table it would count as a response without doubt uh but they’re not out the woods yet they still to get across the line and this game is not over by a long way would you make of Steven Robinson would

We have had many complaints if that had finished a draw I don’t think so not many complaints but like I I think what he’s meaning is the wasn’t a lot in the game of course like we’ve just mentioned there the one moment of quality that’s what decides the game and like if you’re

Looking at M’s chances the one that hits the post maybe in the second half Quan should have probably done better um but it’s not as if they were Bon the Rangers defense and he goes away and thinks wow how did that end 1 nil I never thought the game took

On that shape alaan nil fer for Dylan Tate with the goal on 15 minutes Mikey Johnson called Over by Brendan Rogers you have to assume he’ll be on for leel abada because the other Wing has already been changed well we there’ll be a question mark against him until midnight on

Thursday you know will he still be a Celtic player by then um but isn’t it amazing abada off Palma off kogo simply not involved in the game at all uh Celtic miss a penalty and then missed the retake sitters missed what a day for them yeah well Rogers did say in the

Paper this morning didn’t he B was going nowhere so we’ll see what happens in the next few days got one of these gold flashes with M andd green Pharmacy who needs penalties Lawrence shankland makes it heart to Aberdine nil will he still be at his current Club come the end of

The transfer window for now he’s doing what he does 16 yards is a a brilliant finish outside of the right foot into the top corner and Lawrence shankland has heart two up which puts massive pressure on Barry Robson Who come out this week and said look still very

Confident of finishing third they go to third place today they look like they’re going to get beat um I think the Aberdine fans will certainly not be happy he’s he’s not too far away from losing his job unfortunately Mikey Johnson is going to come on for leel bad

There could be a red card for karuk because tarez is down and the referee is going over to the monitor so you know how that tends to finish look mowen’s been sent off oh no it’s the best teeth in Scottish Football it’s Cory and daa smiling he will what a mixed day

He’s been sent off has Cory and daa kill he down to 10 men and 2-1 in front that makes that quite a tasty ending to that one yeah yeah it certainly does um so every ground there’s a chance of something happening you know at Celtic Park it’s not done yet no rugby park

Well Hearts yeah you’re right they’re they’re two up in in cruising and I think you’re absolutely right Gordon that Barry Robson 19 points behind her it’s no point in talking about the three games in hand because abine season wouldn’t allow you to suggest all three

Games will be won by them so 19 points behind Hearts difficult and St johon the mother will on an KN Edge telling me karock making that sort of predictable move Robbie D’s on for Danny Armstrong just trying to shore things up but down to 10 men what have hibs got left in

Them look mccuen scored for dunde and has now been sent off as well so maybe boosts Livy’s chances slightly but you would have to say again more on the unlikely side of things yes I think the drama will come in per there you go guaranteed

Well mother wel to that one like I said I agree with you I think it might come at Celtic not a chance not a chance there’s every chance not a chance Nicholas KS over on the right with Mikey Johnson on the left but that’s that was

Suggested why he was brought to the club he he was going to play off the right more often than not he has to obviously get by abada first um and ab you know has he done much this afternoon I’m not too sure but You’ cut a bad B SL he’s just came back

From a lengthy injury so it’s good competition in that position give us the teaser again Hugh if you can yes I have played alongside Ben chilwell and Angus gun I have been managed by Neil lenon and Manuel peloni I have represented two clubs in European competition and won my

Only silverware at both of those clubs who am I there’s a shout coming for Willow flood no G thinks it might be Scott and CLA ah no uh and Greg gens Patrick Roberts had a guess for him already yeah okay none of them oh maybe

Is game on T Yi finally Livy’s penalty W they’ve had their second um of the day and tety Yi has now scored 78 gone dundy down to 10 and Livingston have pulled one back look how what penalties don’t they I we’re talking about them missing them but see they enough

Team Celtic free kick very Central just outside the box Bernardo and O over it Bernardo oh he’ll have that Locker I think so oh yeah Portuguese players always do they every single you come from Portugal you’ve got a free kick in it’s by nationality now is it okay y

Well Cristiano Ronaldo misses a lot more than he scores doesn’t he come on he’s always been one of them that people like act like he’s a good free kick taker but I don’t think the stats back up Carlos remember he used to get them about 40 yards very rarely one would go

In F was brilliant Portuguese oh great okay yeah got any more so there we are Costa RS It Wide no power on it there we go Bernardo should should have taken it shouldn’t he Portuguese touch Portuguese touch should have been there oh there we got Livingston this is when

You know it’s not your season dund down to 10 men liy pull a goal back and then dundy going add a honestly Dave marale will be tearing his in fact that doesn’t work but he’ll be very frustrated Livingston one dundy three Zack Robinson he’s going to be Lively in his post

Match he’s going to have a go his players for that I would wrting and I think he’d be right to but he’s done that a lot this season which is most unlike him and for me highlights the fact that he knows the the game’s up as

Well um what’s the point in the I assume they’re trying their level best yeah I think the Celtic free kick fell into that category that the S mirin one had too close as they say you know trying to get up and down it was you know just

Just outside the box and Central as well so you don’t have the angle to try and work off but anyway we’re heading in definitely to the closing stages the final 10 minutes there Celtic do have the lead it’s I mean it’s a comfortable lead in that Ross County haven’t

Threatened but it is only one as Hugh has said where I’ll agree with Hugh is I think they’re making hard work it but for Ross County to pull off a shock they got to go up the park and try and create some chances they doing that um but I

Think that there’ll be a few Celtic fans for him not happy with this afternoon’s work well those who are at Celtic Park and who like to give us a call on the way home they were there to actually witness it to see it in the raw and as

Gordon Dale said they’re making hard work of it in fact that’s the understatement of the day one nothing and you’re not sure against Ross County moli Tate on youngster at Hearts been getting rave reviews recently so he’s come on to replace the penalty scorer George Grant who took the the ball off

Well not didn’t take it off but Ross uh Lawrence Shanklin sorry was bound to come off the penalties having missed three in a row George Grant took one today and he scored it to set hearts on their way they’re 2-0 up against aberin and Keen to

Hear what Barry robs makes of that at full time well bar Robson will make of it that uh that we’re still in there we’ve got three games in hand blah positive blah um because things are not stacking up for him the results are not stacking up a 19o deficit between Harts and

Abine you can’t rely on the three games in hand you have no idea which abine turns up on any given day or midweek night so he’s a man under pressure end of I think you’ll be lucky be a job next week prob problem is for bar as well

When teams start you know moving as well in the league like done day today will we jump above them and I know again abine had the games in hand but when teams start moving above you I think people start getting a bit touy at that Celtic waste a free kick

And quite a few inside the ground go for the Gordon DL seen enough just up up the road quite right boys it’s a cold night getting home in time for Gladiators that has to be the the a now or getting to the the car to dial 0141 951

1025 I st more of a kind of a pathetic day than a rage day doesn’t it you got be raging at a win if it stays that way we’ll have to wait and see um alaan nil fuler 5 showing why they’re going great guns at the top of the league don’t know

What happened in the cup writing off last week but Ryan Shanley makes it five to foler Sam Nicholson on for his mother will debut remember him former Hearts he go after Hearts Colorado Rapids and mother s them from yes okay came for the Rapids to come to

Mother accent there what sort of accent was that Colorado at this time of year probably you know World famously picturesque you can just imagine it the snow on the mountains I used to go there for drive up road now he’s going pass flat his way on his way to

Work beautiful beautiful part of the world dark covered in snow he he has lived some life you forget this guy the level that he operated at and even his knops took place in Colorado I I went to see you know Richard stman guy done he’s the most

Famous KNE surgeon and he could fix my KNE he’s the only knee surgeon I’ve ever heard of so that tells itory because he s’s Clinic there in Veil because the the theory was that the scar would have so many KNE injuries that ski off the slope straight into his

He’s no pain is he obviously Celtic just imagine wasting moneyy and Mark Wilson bows in to get his knee done I gave list this gold flashes with M andd green Pharmacy K look two hibs two My it’s a great finish it goes High past the keeper Maybe flection will give him the

Benefit of the doubt for now the man Advantage has worked Derek McKinnis will be furious chucked away a 2-nil lead and you never know maybe time only 81 on the clock karik 2 hibs two you’re right it will be furious uh it was all going so

Well um normally it’s hibs who make that kind of mistake go too up and then don’t get the job done uh but that’s a real good one from Mick Montgomery that takes the the heat off him yeah and I think they I think they could probably go and

Maybe Nick him um but I think 2-0 down he would accepted 2 to no doubt about that it’s amazing how the the results refers itself he was 2N up his first game down there Derek McKenna’s come back made it a bad day for him he’s returned a compliment so far Sven

Sprangler one of the best names in Scottish football undeniably is on for gram k for St Johnson Harry pton for motherwell goes around the keeper but he took the ball too wide and you sense a nervy end to that one St Johnston won motherwell one where’s the balance there

Are you really going for it are you giving everything got are you a bit scared to let it slip at the other end well especially dunde are winning um I think I think motherwell and St Johnson can forget about dunde right now yeah no well there only what Five Points Four

Points four points if it stays the same long long way to go um I would I would be more one1 at per I would go for it I’d go for a win I’m very I was just checking ni Montgomery since he came in September this is a sixth game it’s

22 six game started at rugby park with a 22 then he had hearts in there 22 he’s got mother well in there um another one today forget the other couple but six game so that kind of shows you what his style is you know the score plenty goals

Can of keep the ball the the other side though you’ve always got a chance against them stering Alban having a good day Josh Cooper’s got hattick and they’re 5 nil up against Kelty hops that one’s nearly finished those V arless games do finish on time hours go on a

Little bit longer probably still 10 minutes left at rugby park so we’ll see what happens there should we round off the teaser then we will we leave some room for any potential late drama the second half teaser with the Scottish / footb for the best football news and opinion

Online I have played alongside Ben schwell and Angus gun I have been managed by Neil Lenin and Manuel Pelini I’ve represented two clubs in European competition and won my only silverware at both of them I am Brandon Barker Brandon Barker oh my goodness oh Livingston 110 man dund D4 and it’s the

New signing Michael melan Jr yeah who’s been signed uh so there we are great start to life in dark blue for him right Brandon Barker well done thanks for taking part congratulations if you got it right the winners are in third place scottia in second place Stuy 72 and in

First place Paula faler well done to Paula the winner of the second half teaser I’m now thinking this is getting too easy for you Gordon Dale I think we need an entire change of approach because I’m noticing the themes in the question now so so are you you will see

If it’s managed by Neil Lenin the well Cyprus Cyprus yeah it’s almost like they’re trying to that it’ll be a player that was managed under Neil Lenin only once or twice you know do you know what I mean he’s not famous for being managed under Neil Lenin and I think you’re then

You’re second guessing it and you’re figuring it all out same with Manuel Pelini you know you know that it’s not going to be one of Manuel pelini’s main men when that’s a clue I think we need to let come up with another game no no it’s the the psychology of it we just

Need to tweak one or two things but anyway I’m B out I can’t of keep going like us yeah good at it Brandon Barker’s a good show I couldn’t remember his second name until you wrote it down wrongly and then I got it 3-0 win for Morton against our bro turnball on for

Bernardo as the game just threatens to Peter out for Celtic of course Peter out for Celtic after about two minutes yeah it certainly has had that feel about it pentley Miss’s completely changed this game yeah that football is it’s just moments isn’t it it so often comes to to

Big moments um Laurence Shanklin subbed clapped by the fans Standing Ovation is let’s study the body language is it a goodbye from Lawrence shankland we will wait and see do just missed a Setter to for hibs it’s a header six yards out spent some time at kuk as well but he

Couldn’t make them pay on this occasion six yards scored a few headers in his time that would have been remarkable and da would have been right he said HS was he today still time oh good save from Liam Kelly just when mwell needed it J Simi thought he’d nicked it for St

Johnston but a good save from Liam Kelly four added at Celtic Park they TBO do you think he’ll be a Celtic player by Friday morning well I I think that’s a surprising thing as well here that I think he probably will coming into Celtic but Brandon Rogers spoke about

Getting people out the door yeah there not been a lot of movement that way as well yeah if no one offers then yeah which when you’re at a club like Celtic you always think they would be interested in the players who aren’t getting surely they’ll be interested in

TBO you would think so but but it’s the wages you know can they come close to Celtic Part wage yeah if you look at say for instance a championship club I’m certain that they could come close to they would compete with the Celtic money wouldn’t they it’s not 100% it’s not

Unrealistic to think that that could be a level that may have a look but we will see we did say we’re into the four minutes added at Celtic Park a big opening big chance Ross County a break forward Jordan white shot that was tame pmed Away by Joe Harter was a county

Player lurking but he gathers it at the second attempt hearts and mouths you well this is as Ry as it gets for Celtic uh I know that the Rangers game before anyone starts the usual what about them the Rangers game was very very poor uh but this game has been equally if not

Worse than uh the Rangers game um it’s a Ry performance and you know there so many players there we’ discussed turnbo abada will they still be there um you know yo a shadow of himself mat I think has been affected by a week of headlines about Atletico Madrid uh Bernardo not at

The races Mr sitter it has been as ropey as it gets for Celtic and Joe heart you know almost cost him first half I don’t Mark sometimes you have to win like this but Celtic if you’re if you’re a Celtic fan with high standards you’ll certainly

Feel like who it’s going to be a sixth win in a row unless something changes here um and there was a feeling before the break that Celtic were in a really good place obviously they had beaten Rangers comfortable against St Mir all be it with a of the sending off they had gone

Up to denz and W comfortably so they they’re on a good winning run this is just not as it’s just not as convincing as people thought it would be today no and that’s the disappointing thing I mean the fans go along to support the team and want entertainment and it’s

Probably been void of that today like the one thing to go home where three points of these remaining minutes close out like this um and at the end of The League season that’s all that really matters but of course when you got a new signing in there you’re coming you’re

Playing these games right in the middle of a transfer window where you’re not bringing much in you know the Celtic fans will expect more on the pitch I’ll guarantee you that we will get calls having a real go at the board for the afternoon performance it’s always a bit

Of Botho isn’t it you’re looking at that team today and thinking this needs okay Berner is a really good example cuz is he still your backup left back what’s the story there I mean other than that you’re talking about Matt Riley you’re linked with Atletico Madrid Bernardo

Everyone saying he can take the place he plays kyogo you know the one the one new signing is there already surely the players that are there should be doing better than this all day long um it will be a mixed bag but I think the board dog come in for a bit of

Criticism because of transfer window um I think that be interesting to hear Brandon Rogers take on it because if you’re Brandon Rogers and you’re looking yeah I I totally agree we can’t have double standard and say Rangers it was all about the result and then change

Your mind we s but it was different for Celtic home games are different home game against a struggling Ross County side with six new players in there you’re expecting another County chance Jordan white knocks it down for Josh Sims but it’s an awkward height goes

Over the bar it’s not a not a clear chance as such let me give you full time from T castle with Fraser Wisher yeah time Hearts to aine nil Hearts fans delighted the Don fans right not particularly because sometimes V goes for you sometimes it’s against you a

Benefit mid week against St Johnson today our stepped into dis Browski goal and then the second half the penalty four halfs four hand ball which George Grant scored Len chantland got the second in a good second half performance by the homes side little of note to report in the first 45 a the

Better team comfortable possession best piece of play came with that disallowed goal in 25 minutes really good move in the right hand side Bo A really lovely touch to open up his body and curling a brilliant left foot shot High into top right hand corner Kevin clany was sent

To the screen by Al new thear referee and he disallowed the goal for a foul by Baron on benami in the build up but his heart stepped up in the second half they were much better in the final third and he took the lead in the 56th minute Alan

Forest from the left hand side fired the ball across hit Nikki Devon in the hand it wasn’t much a Defender could do Kevin clany was in a really good position he said no penalty but Alam mu the VR referee sent him to the screen and Kevin

CL it gave the penalty and it was George Grant not Lawrence Shang that took it brilant penalty by the Midfield player top left hand corner really good strike almost two on the hour alen Forest a fierce left foot shot towards the top left hand corner k at full straight just

Got a touch was enough to take onto the roof of the net 66 minutes shackin thought he had scored a nice move on the the right hand side forest and nenov set the striker up 20 yards out struck the ball sweetly and kellus again at full

Stretch got a hand to the ball to save well little scen of G in the second half by off three on D and Duke in an effort to get an equalizer but they didn’t really have a clear chance at Clark’s goal in 77 minutes game was over 2-0 two

Hearts a brilliant finish by lawence Shang loose ball inside the Penalty Box he took an excellent touch and just finished he curled it with outside of his right foot high into the top corner from 16 yards a finish of top top quality Hearts good unbeaten run continues six wins in a draw comfortably

Third place after an excellent second half performance a good the all round but defeat has to mean that third is Out Of Reach for a already 19 points behind hars they dropped to eight be a long drive home tonight for the abine fans and the aine players T at T Castle HS

Two a nil full time Celtic Park Andrew McLean Celtic 1 Ross County nil the fulltime score a goal within a minute and penalty drama in the first half where the main attractions a bit flat overall but it’s still three points for Brandon Rogers say alisar Johnson was

The man that made it the perfect start for Celtics Alexandro bnab crossb Leela bad his shot was blocked it fell to aliser Johnson at the edge of the box he let loose with a shot it took a huge deflection and there was no chance for George wickens in the Ross County goal

As the ball bundled its way into the net Ross County actually looked decent after that you know it was a team that’s full of new signing Six coming in this month all starting today but they just couldn’t test Joe Hart in that period where they were putting on a bit of

Pressure but 23 minutes in it was George wickens in the Ross County goal that had some work to do because Celtic got a penalty K McGregor Going Down Under The Challenge of Simon Murray it was Lis Palmer that stepped up to take loow into the left corner but wicens got down low

First and pmed it away there was a v check and that saw that three Ross County players had encroached into the box when the penalty was being taken a retake was ordered leis Palmer stepped up he went the exact same way again but so did George wickins making the save

Again and keeping the score at 1 nil Celtic were almost made to pay for it just before the break is as well yand dander Corner headed off the bar by Will Nightingale The Defender probably should have done better as well with Joe Hart caught under the ball into the second

Half barely any chances really Celtic had the majority of the ball no real threatening shots on goal George wickens in the county net he had to deal with a few balls across the face of goal a few crosses but nothing too drastic really Nicholas came on for his Celtic

Debut but wasn’t involved too much really apart from a few touches here and there you wondered whether the late chance would come for Ros County to try and get that equalizer and it did Josh Sims on the break got the pass away to Jordan white at the edge of the Box the

Ball was maybe slightly behind him and the shot was tamed Joe Hart went down to his right got a hand on it and had to get up quickly and gather it again at the feet of a Ross County player Josh Sims a couple of moments later also sent

One over the bar in the dying seconds there were actually a few booze from the Celtic crowd when the fulltime whistle went but Celtic opened up that Gap again to Five Points the fulltime score at Celtic Park Celtic 1 Ross County nil well Celtic fans what did you make of

That the league table tells you it was a positive outcome and you’ve stretched the lead again but was it good enough performance-wise certainly narrower than most of you would have expected get all your thoughts in right now please 0141 951 1025 desperate to hear from you full time mcdermid Park Dave

Galloway get to Dave in the not too distant future actually forgot he’s not with us right the second any others at no wst we wait on David frel uh who I think is getting in touch yes it’s finished rugby park David full time gon

Calik 2 HS to what a game both sets of fans are clapping here a brilliant adver for Scottish football with absolutely everything here great goals a red card two teams going at it Kelly were two n up they will feel they thrw it away but

HS will also feel they could have won it at the end as Mark said this was the sixth 22 draw of Nick’s tenure and we’ll get down as a good point in for HS given how they got it Kelly grabbed the opener 25 minutes Danny Armstrong he was

Excellent throughout he whed across to the back post cor and daa for still invented to head into his own net Matty Kennedy could have the hatrick in the first half finally got on the score sheet 9 minutes into the second half Armstrong again claimed assist this time

Kennedy poked the ball in at the back post HS looked finished at that point dead and buried but suddenly they found a new lease Al life G Tavarez almost scored before Jo grabbed an absolute Beauty 65 minutes AC cross was cleared out in the midfielder gave K Nara no

Chance with her brilliant volley what a goal it was Kelly found themselves down to 10 men 73 minutes in a V check saw ref Grant g daa a straight red for a foul on Tavarez he kept pressing and Ma my claimed his first goal to make it 22

In 81 minutes he found space at the edge of the box and cashed a brilliant finish High into the net hips could even onit at end Christian Doge on a sub he was clean through headed W from six shs but it finished a point a piece fting rugby

Par two HS two we’re going to hear from Dave Galloway as well to let do know what happened there at mcder Park I can at least tell you if you’re on the edge of your seats that it finish one all between St Johnston and motherwell I’ll

Tell you what I’ll give you that match report when we come back in the meantime right now 0141 951 1025 started off with a win for you Rangers fans not pretty but a tough game on the road maybe that’s how you’re seeing it you can let

Us know Celtic fans same score line home against Ross County what did you make of it I’m hoping we catch people on their way out of the game that’s always the aim but if you manage to keep up to speed with the game from elsewhere how do you feel it went 0141

95112 5 call now and we will get you on next the Clyde 1 super scoreboard podcast with lucer Volvo by your next car or book your mot service or repair online the Clyde one super scoreboard podcast with luers new or used they’ve got something for every taste visit them today

After the action it’s your reaction 0141 95112 Clyde one super scoreboards open line I can see thoughts from Celtic Park already making their way to these phone lines so stay tuned for that and add your thoughts if you so wish looking for you Rangers St mirin motherwell fans

Hars fans Aberdine the more the mer are get in touch right now and let me give you the full-time story from mcdermid park with Dave Galloway who watched that one full time St Johnson won motherwell won a perfect start by saints three minutes gone and a free kick into the

Box was bundled in from close range by Ryan McGaw and after a long V delay the goal stood Dam Kerry blasted a long range free kick which was held by Liam Kelly at the second attempt as the homeside chased the second goal but motherwell were also looking dangerous

And uh Blair spittle whipped a really good ball into the box and deitar me off superbly blocked Theo Bear’s close range effort however The Equalizer came after 29 minutes another brilliant spittle cross and bear this time headed into the net it was uh an end to end encounter in

The first half entertaining and Saints Benji Koka raced into onto a long ball over the top lifted it over Liam Kelly but couldn’t finish it off a good first half then and as I’ve said and Benji Koka burst into the box for St Johnston soon after the restart only to shoot

Straight at Liam Kelly both teams having a right good go for the well Georgie Gant Rising drive from the edge of the box was just over and at the other end uh dang J SEI was set up by Gram kry but drove high and wide the visitors started

Pressing and started getting on top by Harry pton turned and shot just wide after a a really nice build up he should have hit the target though and Payton went through clean through and goal took the ball round Dimitar me off that took it too wide and the Chance was gone St

Johnon though almost went 21 up H later on late on in this game ji’s diving Herer from Connor Smith’s cross forcing a fine save from Liam Kelly good game overall it ended St Johnston Won motherwell Won let’s go then phone lines time 0141 951 1025 Scott is a Celtic fan

What did you make of today Scott I was on before Christmas and I said I was scunnered after the game I think he called it the skner at well I’m doubly skunner today we won but that was Dreadful football absolutely Dreadful how where is this guy getting

He’s a top tier manager or where did the media get this from what was top tier of that performance today the only player in my opinion and this is my opinion that came out that game with any pass marks and came out is probably the best play in the park again

Was Liam skills see the rest of them no interest there seem to be I don’t know whether it’s from the manager from the coaching team from I I don’t know what but we looked we kogo must be sick of the sight he must have a s neck because

All he did was look up and see the ball hling by him a ridiculous game of football today and the manager going to take why we playing one man up front against one of the worst Rush County teams he been in the Premier League at

Home why is that see that stuff right is that not just a Celtic have won multiple trebles with one man up front in 2024 you know two Strikers doesn’t equal more goals surely we all accept that by now do you remember the game that Shel were

Were losing I Brooks and I think we 10 men and he brought on he brought on Odon Edward and kept M andar won 32 I think the game ended up yes yeah that’s what I’m talking about yeah I just think look there’s loads in there and we can

Get but that’s Stu too simple Market got kind of s side steep SEL think have won multiple trebles with one man up front all this idea that you just play two Strikers and it gives you more goals just not the way it works however well they’ve not got two strikers for a start

Not happy with the performance is that understandable yeah I think that is understandable I think a lot of Celtic fans will go away today frustrated um not entertained really and that’s you know that’s what they expect when they go to C part especially when you see the contrast between the two

Teams the budgets the player s that got compared to the the moment Rose County’s in at the minute um like if the penalty goes in it may have taken on a different shape the game but it doesn’t so the players on the pitch have to produce much more Palma even though he misses

Two penalties he’s got to produce much more abada I said I cut a we B slack because he’s coming back off a a longterm injury that’s fine but the others have to contribute to make that much more comfortable after afternoon create more chances um get the fans on

The edge of their seat and that clearly wasn’t there today again the only CR Comfort they can take away is that they didn’t concede in the last minute we had the reports here that Ross County had a few phas up the pitch and we’ve seen that in past years where teams will Nick

One and it compounds your poor afternoon so three points but the fans are right to be frustrated today just to introduce our sense of perspective Scott’s first point was that he clearly didn’t fancy Brendan Rogers where do you guys get the IDE a top tier manager now Brendan Rogers has won trebles successive

Trebles with Celtic he has been a a good manager in England with Liverpool and Leicester won the FA Cup for Leicester first and only time in their history so let’s not lose sight of the fact that his record tells you he’s a top tier manager however where Scott is exactly

Correct is that the performance today from Celtic was nothing short of rubbish and they are now 15 games away from the end of the championship the next two games are away from home abine Follow by hibs a performance like that M even against mediocrity at abadin and you

Never know what at Easter Road a performance like that today will get Celtic no points so the transfer window closes on Thursday I repeat what I said to you last week gon on super scoreboard if any Celtic supporter can stand in front front of me and tell me that Nicholas

Kon from Rapid Vienna adds up to a successful transfer window then they are kidding themselves on you know the way this works Scott some fans will tell you that an POA cogo last season it was 2-1 at home to Ross County the next home game it was 2-1 at home to Livingston

These things happen you need days like this to win the league why does this feel different to you the per at least team you were game and some enjoyable football today was nothing short M we’re talking about team that’s got a lot of good players M talking

About 30 million P I don’t understand 30 million P play playing for us today Kell McGregor as well nonexistent all I’m saying is I went to the game today and I thought we scored on I thought we might score three or four here let’s get about

A rhythm going and we didn’t know near it but see before you put me off I’d like to see commiserations to Stuart gray and his family um I seen Stuart Mak his debut I think it was a Celtic Part I might be wrong with that um so so sad to

Hear pass um very sad at a 50 year old it’s nothing yeah absolutely maybe brings any brings any perspective I think sometimes yeah indeed well said don’t mind that at all thank you to Scott on the line uh scunner with a one- nil win said Scott what about Mark and

Hamilton where are you on the scunner stale scale Mark couldn’t be any scun up myself watching that could Celtic could have Dro points surely yeah they could have and no we watching a team that the big words quality none Palmer and I’m as you said earlier

On there off your off off the off the seat watching them buy players and could honestly that’s a bad I don’t know the lad would think of how much we’d get for him but see the summer time 5 million six seven will take it he doesn’t excite anybody and I’m all got

Weing that one that Mark says about him coming back here for injury we’re watching that every time he is playing the lad could just come on he looks just at the same as I’ve got weak I’m just I’m going to tell you I’m going to

Put my head in the block here they’re no one in a title with that team and if the board don’t come up with something before Thursday there’s no chance he wi in a tit season we’ been a little bit harsh on Nicholas certainly I mean he

Came on in the 64th minute wean can we give him a bit longer no come on I’m tell I’m stick my head on the Block got I’m telling you now he’s exact looks like exact same players as we’ve got at Park and wait I’ll give the lad a chance obviously I

Said that but he’s going to be G this four months I was left the season he looks the exact same player as we’ve got they’re all weak players it’s not about that it’s it’s about giving it the chat remember kyogo he just arrived and did he come on at T castle and everybody

Went what’s this and Celtic lost who’s this guy you’ll know what happened there after the Celtic fans even by your standards though you half an hour appearance well that’s powerful the course but the last two transfer windows and this one is yet to be completed but the last two transfer Windows have

Brought in 11 players and have any of them been truly successful Bernardo had that little Purple Patch against dunde Rangers s mirin but today not a lot Louis Palmer flatters to deceive don’t give them a penalty again um the two transfer Windows have been failures out and out failures and when the

Manager says at the annual general meeting of the club shareholders that he wants four players in the window of quality and right now he has one who has just come in had 25 minutes and no one knows for sure but a Winger from Rapid Vienna that so far is the transfer

Window for Celtic the two transfer Windows have been a flop I think the problem is H as much as you I I sort of agree with you they’ve not really excited me the transfer windows but you look at that Celtic team today and they should be producing a lot better people

Go along there and droves and pay a lot of good hard earned cash you’re not guaranteed entertainment every week of course you’re not but with this quality that Celtic have got at their disposal now and we’re not giving Ross count a bit of credit you know what I mean

Celtic must dependently defining moment Ross County dug in well organized six new players in the team pro obviously improved them but I I I sort of agree with Mark I think in Scot I know how angry Scots I don’t agree with Mark with I don’t I a new player come in and come

On 64 minutes that’s nonsense you’ve got to give the boy time and see what he’s got to bring but I think Celtics supporters a bit concerned if it continues like this especially at Celtic Park then they can see Rangers you know Mark on the line has got it right is

That there seems to be a production line of people who all come in and look like K who looks like Pao Bernardo who looks like home and you know there’s there’s nothing there they’re not lifting people out of the streets and Mark on the line knows that

To be the case the goalkeeper today almost sold the jerseys we been a bit sweeping though I mean Paulo Bernardo got people off their seat in the game against Rangers didn’t he yeah but I said to you he was not highly thought of until he got to Dundee and scored then

He scored against Rangers then he had a great game against s Merin and now three games does not make a career as 25 minutes does not make a career for Kon is that Lis Palmer off the penalties Mark oh definitely G me I couldn’t believe he took the same exact same

Penalty again jeez oh that’s unbelievable but listen h i we need to get somebody take kick that can strike a ball but I just it’s disappoint to watch out especially go up and say they at home it’s not great to watch it’s really poor stuff Po from Palmer wasn’t it

Because who said you you don’t know that point when your big moments come along you take care of them I don’t not a betting man I’m pretty sure we’re not having these types of conversations if the penalty goes in and you’re 2-0 early so on one hand you can say look people

Miss penalties what’s the big deal but on the other hand you say well a Celtic have missed a few should they be doing better should you certainly not be getting two in a row saved when you get the retake yeah oh without doubt I mean it’s a psychological battle then as soon

As you get a retake and you decide I’m taking it again so it’s you against the goalie does touching the eror do you go the same side and he does and he’s missed him there before so I would suggest that he takes a a stint off the penalties as good a set

Peac taker as he is and allows someone else but has been a problem with Celtic there’s nobody stepping up to the mark and saying look I’m going to take the penalty kicks of course it’s difficult I’ve been there Mark’s been there it’s not as easy as everybody thinks let’s me

Let me tell you right because everybody thinks oh professional footballer uh ball for 12r should never miss it doesn’t happen that way pressure and everything comes into it but there’s nobody there that who’s the next one then who you know K McGregor’s missed kyo’s missed you know you’ve had a few

Of them turn’s had a few missed but he’s on the bench um but I think the pent kick was a big point today the that is in I think we’re having a different H conversation tonight I think Celtic would have cruised that game but the minute that doesn’t get it gives such a

Lift to to ro County players and Celtic struggled first caller was harsh on the manager Mark how do you feel about him I don’t know it’s the jury’s whether they can see a good player or not but I can see bring or because H it has been a

Bit the last couple of things if you days have been really disappointed to watch but they’re fine and fend look for depend their money that’s what I look for see if you buy a player at a million or a million and a half two million two and a half million that’s

What you’re getting look at J for six and a half million C Pickers R about the same price it’s another level up and we don’t have buts they’re no buying that that’s going to the board again it’s one of those days that if someone had just

Arrived in this part of the world and wasn’t aware of our ways and they turned on the radio I’d be obliged to tell them Celtic did win today but this is Glasgow and that never tells the full story so thanks to Mark and if you want to add

Your thoughts now is a good time and now a word from our podcast sponsor are Lookers motor group they’ve got Jaguar Land Rover and Volvo showrooms across Glasgow and the West so you can find the new or used approved car that’s right for you the Land Rover showrooms can be

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The talking begins 4141 95112 Clyde 1 super scoreboards open Line H evens Mark Wilson Gordon DL in the studio on a day that the lead at the top of the Premiership stayed exactly the same cuz Rangers won by a Goen nil in Paisley Celtic followed up by winning

By a goalen n at home to Ross County the big losers today were Livingston battered 4-1 at home by 10 man dunde so Dundee would go amongst the big Winners Hearts also beating aberin so abine’s WS continue and nothing can separate mother well and St Johnson a share of the

Spoilers today still Level there on 21 points Paul’s a Celtic fan on the line Paul it was a win today I’m detecting not many people taking the positives from that how do you feel no it was a terrible game um obviously it was three points I don’t

Think anybody that was there today would have thought after the first minute that they were going to be um clinging on to it right at the end because H Ross County could have scored a couple of times in the last couple of minutes um and if what they say the internet this

Morning is true that Celtic aren’t going to be bringing any more players in if we don’t win the League this season it is entirely down to the board I’ve been a season ticket for over 35 years and I’m thinking if we don’t win the league I’m not going back

I’m seriously not happy about it I spend nearly 700 of my money every year in a season ticket during the summer we bought 10 players in mediocre players and respects Brandon Rogers said he wanted three or four players we knew we needed strengthened and now we’re sitting H the

Transfer window shots in Thursday and unless they start moving players in and out Rangers could well go away with us I’ll always admire any fan that spends their money Paul but you’ve seen a fair bit of success for your money have you not you ready to Chuck it all in if

Celtic don’t give you the success you want this season it’s the same of the Champions League you know and I used to go to the Champions League games all the time but now I don’t bother because what’s the point in going and watching your team getting beat three times and you’re up

To 120 pound to watch it because Celtic can’t compete at that level we don’t have the players and the board don’t show the commitment yes we have had a lot of success for that but I’m just I’m scunnered I’m joining the guy in the scunner atti and I think the the are

Just ruining I don’t know what’s happened between um an being here and an getting all these work done really early we know right at the start of the window who we’re getting in and you know whether it’s the summer window whether it’s the the winter you know an had um his

Players he had them all lined up I mean what what’s happened there is it a problem with find I mean they can give us all the time oh there’s no point paying money out for um the wrong players they should have you know they should have scouted these players long

Ago and I’m just not happy with the way that we are doing business the transfer Windows the fans and the the club are on a collision course just to try and clarify matters the board pay ahe of recruitment Mark lwell and they pay Brandon Rogers and handsomely to bring

In players the players who were brought in in the summertime transfer window uh have all but flopped entirely and we await Nicholas K and we want to see what kind of progression he makes will there be anyone in by Thursday I don’t know and no one knows

For sure because again Mark lwell and uh Brendan Rogers know but it’s not social media place to know because it’s the inner workings of the football club but the signings the last 11 signings are all under scrutiny every one of them and some will be shipped out Quan’s gone

Already Kobe Ash’s going lagab be Ela is probably going they’re having to get rid of people they brought in six months ago so the club and the fans are on a collision course and if Celtic don’t win the league it’s explosion time yeah like the problem Celtic board have got at the

Minute with calls like Paul and fans out there like Paul is that when you make your your figers public of course and the profits that you’ve made over the year when the transfer window comes around and you spend very little of that of course you’re going to get fans

Complaining a large majority will complain because fans see the transfer window as an exciting time for your Club it’s a time to bolster your team rejuvenator add that we a spice entertainment when things haven’t been quite right in in the first part of the Season even though they’re sitting top of the league

And when you don’t do that you leave yourself open to criticism and that’s where that’s where we’re getting the calls from you know the frustration towards Celtic board because money isn’t being spent so but Paul right people get out the door as well I think Brandon

Rogers will be frustrated at that he he has to make space as well can of just keep stockpiling players so where he needs to add and he’s made that clear he wants quality come in the first one he needs to get the drags of the squad out and that’s sometimes more difficult than

Fans understand is it all just let me ask Paul is it all doom and gloom though Paul that’s a lot of calls the same theme and I asked one of the previous callers do you not just get days like this if it’s on on your way to a title

Win maybe even the you know the much praised an po tolud was there not days like this or does this feel different why why the swell of negativity after a win I think it’s it’s the style of play I mean with an it didn’t always you know

It wasn’t every day was you know when never stop or whatever um there were bad games under an as well but there there’s just been I think H we have drawn two games at home this season um and there’s been some terrible performances and I I don’t know what it

Is they seem to play better when they’re away from home I don’t know whether uh the crowd is just so quiet at Celtic Park obviously there was a time there when the GRE big a went there to generate some atmosphere but yeah I mean we’ had it for so many managers and

There are going to be off games but I think the ons against Rangers have kept us kept our heads above the water when we went there um in August I think everybody was expecting us H not to win and there again um in December I was surprised that we won because Rangers

Have been picking up winds all over the place their form just wasn’t there there’s you know there’s no I I don’t think there’s many glimmers of hope I mean hatti when he comes back and if he’s fit that’s going to be a huge Plus for Celtic I’m always so torn on this

Because Mark I I get the I I know that the the expectations are totally different and they should be and just because you win doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to criticize and Celtic fans are allowed to want more but to hear phrases like there are no glimmers of Hope when

You’re top of the league that’s the bit it’s that it’s the depth of that nonsense as a non sort of old firm fan growing up I just don’t noers of hope I can get my head round things like that um I get that people will go along to

Celtic Park and they pay their hard money for a season ticket and want to be entertained they want to go there and see Celtic win 5 nil every week and if they don’t it’s an absolute catastrophe because that’s what they pay for but that’s not realistic is it that’s not

Football that’s not real football along the way you will get disappointments Matt riy linked with Atletico Madrid for 20 whatever million and he plays like he did against Ross County today that’s allowed that that that happens but he will pop up in many more games and be

Outstanding teams play like that so I get they’re frustrated on the day but no glimmers of Hope when you’re sitting top of the league well for those Celtic fans just now right no glimmer of hope what your rather be would you rather be in the position Celtic are in just now or

Would you rather be in the position Rangers are in just now Jason of course You’ choose to be top of the league five points cleare or or whatever it is of course you would well five just now you yeah yeah when you’ve set the standards that Celtic set over the past few years

Gordon and you’re not playing to that style of food I think everybody thought today especially when they were running R County was on Celtic got an early goal expectations go so high you’re thinking and I did as well apparently kick if this ises in this is anything I said it

In the show it turns out to be a struggle Celtic fans are not happy then they start picking the bones out everything but what you’ve got to look at the most important thing is the league table and Celtic ourselves sit on top of it I’m sure Rangers would B your

Hand off to be in that position but I think the Celtic fans then start picking the bones of the transfers the style of play the difference between Posta cogo like they’re going to be more games like this but it’s all about winning games we we are dealing in knj reaction and I

Understand that Celtics performance was so poor that we are dealing in need reaction however that does not mean that a problem does not exist and I think I said all that though to me there seems like a quite a sizable gap between this needs to be better and there are no

Glimmers of hope there’s a lot of ground in there for me between those two of course there are no glimmers of Hope is not a sentence that’s applicable here because obviously there are more than glimmers of Hope however the fans are looking at the recruitment over the last

6 months and it has been awful and you look at the remainder of the season and they go back to the point abine and hibs might not be the abine and hibs of old but Celtic have to go to padri and Easter road back to back next

Two games the league could be in the balance where those two games are concerned uh thank you very much to Paul what about Andy on the line it’s a similar theme Andy are you on to tell us how pleased you are that Celtic won no didn’t think so take it

Away I I I I don’t always agree H good idea but I have to I have to agree said has been totally honest and truthful Celtic have got no chance in heck have won in the league if they play the day but again it comes out the manager what about

Him I don’t think he should have come back why because if it happened new L new L turn said and stated he took c as far as he could take them Bron Rogers kind of done the same thing and then the two of them come back and have been lackluster and

Nothing again who to to compare those two I don’t know because like we said he’s still top of the league I would accept see Celtic fall behind if Celtic don’t win the league then I think you could say that he should never have come back right now

It feels like it’s to be decided basically the Celtic fans mindset is I believe as follows Peter lwell shouldn’t have come back he was chief executive and Celtic failed to win 10 and a row on his watch he shouldn’t have come back as chairman Neil Lennon failed to win 10 the row was

Sacked and that would be approved of by the supporters who were outside the ground chanting against him while he was still in office Brendan Rogers will never be forgiven by an element of an underlining element of the Celtics support because he left midseason even though Celtic won

The league and even though he left new lenon with a nine-point start on the rest Brandon Rogers will never be forgiven by some I think that’s wrong I think he’s been treated almost like a common criminal since coming back for me you can isolate this problem

Down to the fact that the last two transfer Windows have brought in players who are not good enough to play for Celtic bottom line I’m not talking about the Champions League Europa League Europa conference League Celtic will never amount to a hill of beans in any of those competitions but the fans want

The championship to be won and right now they’re looking at players and they don’t believe in them although Matti MAA kogo oil they believe in them but they look at the rest and they just don’t have the same face I mean Andy says Celtic will never win the league not a

Chance in heck the win the league if they play like that and he he might be right but no but I was going to say in every League winning season are there performances where you could say well we won’t win the league if we play like

That I’m assuming yeah as you said 100% 100% you cannot I don’t care who you are especially in Scotland and um you cannot go every game be outstanding your players be outstanding and win the game comfortably it doesn’t happen football does not happen like that these are

Games that you look back and I’m listening to the callers come in yes I totally agree because you know you go along there you’re entitled to your opinion you pay your your cash but Celtic won today was it pretty no it wasn’t are the top a league yes they are

Um I think that if you’re most the Celtic fans take away today with fancy Celtic to go and win the league it’s as simple as that you look across the city Rangers went to St M today Rangers fans are happy did they play well not really

Hard game they went and won it wasn’t pretty watch that’s what it sometimes football’s about that’s that’s why you become Champions when things are going bad for you and it’s you’re not clicking and everything’s going the right way you’ve got to find a way to win games I

Don’t think Celtic were impressive for day at all like most the Celtic fans most important thing that keept keep saying it we can’t have double standards I know you can put arguments up Ranger away from home we were saying today most important thing three points s fans happy tonight with performance no it’s

Still different away though isn’t it of course it is yeah but but what I’m going to say Gordon is I looked at a game the day that was defined by a penalty kick right I think a Celtics score up penalty kick Celtics score as many as want this

Afternoon but credit to Ross County I think they got a great lift from it I think they dug in they they they sort of played their way into the game Celtic then sort of uh ran out of ideas and it became one of these games that we’ve all been involved in it got

Flat okay let’s hear a bit from some managers starting to make their way in plenty time for more calls here Steven n Smith good win for hearts beating abine 2-nil Lauren shankland scored that his last game in a heart Jersey or not we’ll see good day good good win and overall

Probably I’m I’m pleased with the performance the first half if you split the game from being a battle to football battle won it was that both teams had their points when they actually moved the ball away bit created some chances um but it was really about the fight and

Abine were really aggressive and we probably came out second best on that front uh they’re wi players naturally want be inside the pitch and that caused us an issue for them picking up second balls second half we tweaked it slightly but we started much better penalty once you get the the first goal

It changes the dynamic of the game and a big pleasing thing for us is then we control the game we our decision M was good and it could have been more than two eventually at the end of the game good win that wasn’t it yeah very good

For Steven n Smith because the crowd were rumbling at halftime uh as they were at halftime when Harts eventually beat dunde midweek so no luck for abadin thought they’ going a go in front through meowski V paid to that in the end it’s a happy night for Steven

Nouth it’s a nightmare Journey back to abine for uh Robson because 19 points of a gap between Aline and Harts is unacceptable and should be unacceptable to all associated with abine 0141 951 1025 good time to call we’ll try and get you on next after they

Play you have your say4 951 1025 Clyde 1 super scoreboards open Line H keans and Mark Wilson Gordon DL all here looking back on a busy busy day A six game 6h hour Saturday for us in the Scottish Premiership uh this is what Philip clemont made of Rangers win in Paisley

Earlier feels like a long time ago now but won 1 nil thanks to serial deser goal off the back of that win against hibs at the weekend uh midweek sorry yeah I said it after hips game was uh yeah it’s a special day today um it was advertisement for Scottish Football

The way the two teams played with the tempo good combination play from both sides good uh offensive actions really intensity High Tempo uh and today was the opposite because of the circumstances so I’m not the guy who can control circumstances that’s not my job so my

Job is to see that my team is ready for all the circumstances and uh and they did today so I’m even more proud of them than after hips game James is a Rangers Fan what did you make of it today James how doing guys um I thought the game itself was wasn’t

The best game of football to watch but three points is the most important thing and if you can go a place like s m who have been started the season really well so I feel we we recently if you can go there and get three points that’s always

Good um I was on on Thursday night and I described C OD Desa as a three leg donkey but he’s definitely grew that fourth leg I think oh what a moment for him honestly it’s like in a you know when when an angel gains its wings and

It’s a Wonderful Life here serial desor is now a four-legged fully fledged donkey apparently according to J I think is meant to be a compliment yeah there there’s one in there somewhere I think James is trying in his own way to off an apology to serial ders uh I described

Them as an enigma ders not James and that is what he is you know he scored his goal against the Bon last week after four or five attempts uh he got his goal today after just one go at it so he gets goals he’s on the same number as kugo and he has

Yet to make uh another tailing contribution or two Isis respect to the outcome of this title race so Des is winning them over one by one James I mean his goal today comes nice and early how much does that help when you go to what’s perceived to be a potentially

Tricky game well it’s good because it settles the nerves for the supporters and it definitely settles the nerves for him as well um and I think the fact that I think if if that trans came him maybe three four weeks ago he might not do as well but I think

Now that he’s confidence is there they he can round a keeper and he can SWOT it in whereas maybe a few weeks ago he’s not doing that he’s maybe taking it too early or he’s overthinking it whereas now it’s just coming natural to him how much does today fill you with confidence that

Rangers can win this league because it’s you know grinding out results etc etc or how much of today do you think still you know performance levels need improved there’s one way go W in this week title race um we’re no way near favorites to

Win it but I still think we can win it we’re only two points behind we get well if we win a game hand sorry we’re two points behind but we not this race by a long long way and I still believe we can go

On win the title but we need we need get to slip up somewhere it’s a fair summary I think from James Gordon seral desor he has been connected to this show ever since he arrived first because of bad performances now it’s it’s the Redemption Arc as they call it I don’t

Know how if he completes it or not and but he’s certainly on the right Road surely yeah from now to the end of the season I think he’s a player that will get judged in every game he plays gone I think that if he comes out next week and

Plays poorly or he starts whatever it may be then I think people will be back on taking a leg off them they’ll be back to the three leg donkey so um I’m I’m liking what I’m seeing on of him look as he lighting that up outside the box he’s

Link up play and everything know he’s not but I like the fact that I loved his finishing Wednesday I thought it was brilliant from a Striker’s point of view and today I I totally agree I I think three weeks ago he would have hesitated on that I thought he was very

Cam thank you James good of you to get in touch and get that leg given back over always a nice moment C process for serial death or Ro Brendan Rogers has spoken uh and this it covers a lot of ground but the answer here probably on the theme of what we’ve been

Discussing here about you know was it good enough because there were some booze around even though Celtic won so he was asked about that and quite an interesting answer I’ve had that since I’ve been here it’s not the result it’s me um was me the

Board so um all we can do is as a team is is Win games and try to improve and develop and uh and win and uh and that’s what the the team have done so the team and ourselves and staff we work very hard every day so we’re very much

Together and uh and that’s how it we continue to be and uh if it falls below the expectation then we’ll do everything we can to uh to be better is that the bit with him being here before can help and might help you well you you know that

Landscape if Brandon Rogers was I no no idea a manager imported from somewhere in the summer and he’s sitting there today going we’ve just won there’s booze what is going on here you know and can’t get to grips with that at the very least whether that gives you success or not I

Don’t know but at the very least Brandon Rogers will be Cal about that all because as he says he’s he’s been through it some I agree with your point some fans don’t want Camp they want animation they want Brendan Rogers to kick up with the board and shake the money

Tree and it’s Celtic’s fault for trumpeting the fact that we get 70 million in the bank because supporters are saying it’s no use to us in the bank we want to see it spent on proper players on the pitch and that’s why I say club and fans are on a collision

Course and if Celtic don’t win the league some fans will want to be taken out on Brandon Rogers because he’s The Whipping Boy he’s the scapegoat his past is of no interest to the supporters what he has done for Celtic in the past is of no use to them

There are of course Brendon Rogers supporters out there but some people didn’t want them back and therefore will want them out straight away if Celtic don’t win the league they’re headed into Troubled Water Celtic the chairman the Chairman’s son the manager the board everyone is getting in the neck now and

They are headed into trouble Waters and the next two weeks will be crucial I mean so many clubs would love to be in these Troubled Waters gon it has to be set but I get it I know that I know that if you’re doing it off your own

Standards then I get it I mean there are Troubled Waters and there are Troubled Waters I think you pick up a good point listen to that interview there that sounds to me like an experienced manager who knows it all and has done it all and he understands the frustration of the

Fans but he’s come out with the right things talking about his staff and his team winning and he they highlighted that because they did win I know that Celtics supporters are a lot want a lot better of course they do uh I’m not disagreeing with that but I think

Brandon Rogers is very Camp cool and Collective I think he knows the direction he’s going I I I’m an opinion that Brandon Roger very very good manager I think he was a good appointment to say Celtic whether he goes and wins the league or not I think

He’s got a fight on his hands cuz I think Rangers under clemont have improved immensely even with the players that he took over from Michael Beal but I still think Brandon Rogers can handle the situation well it’s a good result it’s one of those games that uh when you don’t take your chances

And uh take your moments in the game obviously making a great start and of course towards the end it gets a little bit uh a little bit anxious you know I think as I said made a good start missing the penalties I think creates that little bit of anxiety in

The in the stadium and then uh and then like we said we probably then just weren’t decisive enough in the first half I think second half the structure was was better very difficult to play you see the the the pitch and and the challenges as far as you see people

Miscuing the ball totally it’s you know so U but we uh Joe didn’t have too much to do and then towards the end obviously they had a little break away um makes a good save and and uh the guys get get the job done it’s a very modern day

Problem I take our learnard colleague Mr dl’s point mark about back in his day and so on um but it’s not the point how how annoying is that Celtic Park pitch if you’re Brandon Roger forget about all the money you’ve got to spend on players think the pitch is Miles off what it

Should be of course I mean seen it today I was shocked at how patchy it was I know we’ve had bad weather however they invest a lot of money into that parking a lot of ground staff at the club as well and when you bring a manager in who

You know he Styles dictated with being able to move the ball move it quickly you expect a slick surface at home they’ve certainly not got that just now so about work needed done in that respect we’re nearly there Hugh it’s been a long old day of football but

Plenty to get our teeth into how would you sum it all up a draws a disaster a defeats a catastrophe and a winds a problem when that win takes you five points clear at the top of the table it’s an even bigger problem but let may not be sarcastic where the Celtic fans

Are concerned the fans are on a collision course with the club the coming days in the transfer window will be of Paramount importance every night next week on super scoreboard we are going to hear the way the Celtic fans feel about this and the way they feel

About it they’re not happy but they’re still Five Points clear at the top because they won and so did Rangers there was a big win for hearts against Aberdine there was a big win for Dundee against Livy a share of the spoils between St Johnston and motherwell and

Kelly Hibbs makes for a fascinating return after the winter break our first field card in the Top Flight since the winter break we are well and truly back and with that comes lots of talking points to look back on on Monday night from 6:00 thank you for joining us the gbx is up

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