Stephen Curry Chrome Tour Ball Fitting

By now we’ve all seen just how good Golden State Warriors All-Star and all-time great, Stephen Curry is on the golf course. His ball speed is FAST and his shot shaping ability is elite. To do that on a consistent basis, you need the new gold standard — The Chrome Tour golf ball.

Watch for an in-depth look at our ball fitting with Stephen to see what ball works best for his game.

Okay we are here at poo Alto Hills Golf Club and I’m here with uh Steph Curry and Mr Eric Loper head of R&D for cway golf balls uh Steph we have a new ball to show you I can’t wait to see it so you’re a chrom soft X you’ve dabbled in

The chrom soft XLS we have two new ones to show you so we got off the press baby Chrome tour X and Chrome tour and I’m going to let Eric quickly explain what we have here and I’m going to step out of the way and let these smart person do

The talking so basically everything’s new about this ball and it’s about making it better everywhere off the te it’s going to be faster with our new core technology hyper fast soft core uh we have a new uh dimple pattern located to give us stability distance uh consistency uh no matter the wind

Conditions and then around the green softer covers to give you more control everything I love about the Chrome soft X and just taking it to another level we’re going to do a ball test stuff you’re going to hit all of them and you’re going to hit your old one but uh

That’s find a new golf ball absolutely I’m all about it ball testing time with Steph Curry let’s go 3 2 1 let’s go so I’m going to start with the with the current y weapon Eric put that’s your current ball right your Chrome soft X

Okay so we got a nine iron it’s about a one we’ll call it a 160 shot that’s about stock n iron it is so these are all stock shots if I call like off speed or hit it hard I’ll tell you okay but right now it’s just you make it sound

Like so easy though it’s just you can do it start with a little stock nine a little thin but yeah that’s good to see that though is it going to get there is a question no okay one more there we go we just cut just a little bit right

Okay that’s the distance though there we go you want me to do this a little wipe down yeah I got every shot make sure we we get the right numbers yeah it’s all in the details it’s all in the details I’m consistent let’s say that certainly it’s within a yard of

That last shot okay so let’s talk about the uh is this chrome this chrome TX this is Chrome TX give me all the yeah give me all the additions so I can put all that energy into this great shot I’m about to hit so we’ve got uh the Chrome

Tour X and the Chrome T and we’ve basically have changed everything to make it better everywhere I mean that’s what we’ve done tag better everywhere it’s uh we have more speed off the te we have uh more uh flight control and stability and then we have more control

Around the green so what you’re going to get like we hear about a lot on tour is downrange dispersion but people will always pick that up as like you know when it gets to its apex and then falling out of the sky but these guys are actually looking at the last 75 80

Yards of flight yeah so one of the things that you guys have worked on hard that’s what with the cover is making sure that not only retaining its spin down range but it’s also holding its line down range which is a hard task you it’s a it’s a Rubik’s cube of of things

You have to do to a golf ball to get to do you’re coupling the launch conditions with surface geometry ultimately what what players are looking for is more continuous ball flight through the Apex which gives you more stability and uh more consistency especially into the wind I mean you’re never playing in

Awesome conditions like this there’s always going to be some level of wind um and this pattern will give you the ability to manage that better love it so now you just got to hit a bunch of good shots make it look good move on exactly same shot turn

Okay ball speed went up a little bit see this is the number I like those stuff that was pulley yes spin went up 600 RPMs on a pull on a pretty heavy pull cuz you hit that pretty solid launch stay the same spin one up carry one up

Two yards what that tells me is that you have you have room to play with so this is leaving this is actually giving you a place to go which the other one was at 8100 not a lot of places to go the way that where where you launch it you’re on

The razor’s Edge again of having not enough PS is going to aim me a little further right and then just start ripping down Flags there he is yeah little looks like looks a little higher e this a smidge right like it’s woo see that’s a nine iron right yeah

9750 that was a flusher 165 at 16 launch so theoretically you could get to spin down a little bit obviously that spiked and spin a little bit but that’s a good number and your launch is a good number obviously it’s right next to the flag so it you know it

Ended up good so hit a couple more and then it’ll be fun to compare and contrast with the Chrome tour let me see your Club real quick so we’re we’re adding a little bit more spin with your irons um typically when you add spin you lose distance but what we’ve done is

We’ve adjusted the Flight of the pattern to give us a flight that makes make sure you don’t lose distance the benefit of that is then you when you’re in your offs speed shots you don’t drop your spin too low right now he’s working leg face posing that was that was

Mashed 16 that was as good as I could hit one and the ball flight that I like just kind of love that number Eric see that 7 9,000 at 122 ball speed at 164 carry yeah okay do me a favor Steph since we know a a flusher gets past the flag I

Want you to hit with something off speed all right so let’s pretend let’s pretend you you know it’s a it’s kind of a back flag and you got to chase something back there so you want it kind of that knee high fast ball out there that’s going to kind of Chase

In the green yes sir okay which is a shot that will usually lose a little bit of spin right so we’re going to see how it retains its spin let’s see what this does little skinny little skinny and fast but I like the attempt at what you’re trying to

Make me do let me try that one more time cuz I like you want one more of those yeah okay I like what the uh but that’s where like this is inseason basketball stuff and I love it yeah but this is this is where you’re good though like

This is where you’re killing everybody Taho you have all these little shots that they don’t have that’s what that that’s I told myself anyway that’s what you told you Marty fish is watching this video shaking his head he’s a liar what is he talking about there it is

Yep see just on yeah yeah y right in between there so what we were trying to do is pull it back right see yeah you’re still at nine that’s awesome though see the ball speed went way down carry went way down it’s supposed to it’s 3/4 yeah

Your spin State at 9,000 okay let’s do another experiment and if you’re playing a ball that has less Spin and you hit the offsp speed shot and your spin rate does drop then you’re actually getting more distance out of that ball you’re working against yourself yeah Ball’s out of

Control so this is um it’s a little bit different than the Chrome tour X the Chrome tour X is for a player that’s either seeking spin or looking for workability offspeed shots the Chrome tour by design has a little lower Spin and SL more compressible especially around the green so it’ll feel slightly

Softer and what about launch should it launch same it should launch a little bit higher okay yeah with less spin I’m going to try to hit the full one here to see what happens that was the full way higher than yeah pull is that going to go holy

Yeah see deep what did I tell you I called I see look at this spin I okay so so I remember last year when you changed into LS yeah and you called me or texting or whatever and he like I need a six dozen Ls I’m like no you like it cuz

Ball go real far that FW it’s spun at 7,000 that’s not enough for a nine iron and you hit that good right that’s almost 2,000 RPM just yeah going like that I mean it’s cool cuz you’re hitting nukes but it’s doing what it’s designed to do

Right just rip city baby yeah that’s so great let beat so a player like like Xander will play a ball like this CU he’s a he’s a relatively High spin player like he’s probably averaging with his Niner and 9600 so he wants the ball to actually

Take spin out so he hits his nine 9,000 RP let’s get a couple more iar it’s averages cuz that one was a little higher than I thought those are actually good numbers 16 93 121 162 all right two more and we’ll have a little convo he’s grooving

Now that’s as good as I can hit it and that’s the one nuked still good number I mean yeah keep it in the Running Y I wonder what that first one yeah cuz that first one was like how’ you hit the first one did you hit it

Good yeah I pulled the hell out it but it was yeah pulled low spin but sometimes that might be your decision because if you pull the TX and it’s still spins that’s enough like even on tour yeah that’s enough of a Nuance to like I that’s why I play this ball cuz

When I do crank on it it won’t it won’t care I’m not losing total control of it yeah you’re you’re managing your misses right yeah yeah let’s get one more another flusher well you’re about you’re kind of drawn it these days is it wind blowing

Right to left am I missing that it’s a little bit a little bit a little bit yeah dude that’s just nuked that’s a nine iron yeah 169 those are Roger steel numbers 169 like that’s those are all just steel numbers so Eric yeah like the Chrome

Tour XX would be like8 out of 10 perfect and tour would be like 6 and a half out of 10 perfect right but there’s still more to decide so whenever you’re testing golf balls and he’ll tell you the same thing best way to do it this is

For the folks at home start on the green like how it sounds like how it feels off the face then you start hitting chip shots you keep working back to here and you work back to the tea and ultimately in your bag you kind of need to get in

Your case your utility iron cuz after that we can Jerry rig a driver and a three-wood to do anything to match the ball right so the ball’s King and we build the Empire around those are your clubs right so I mean you have anything

To add to that or is that you know if you just want something just to move right into the Chrome tour X is probably a good starting point but the Chrome tour is an excellent ball we feel like that Ball’s going to hit the masses in a

In a bigger way than the Chrome tour X these two balls are drastically different than the ones before so it’s you know time to go home in the offseason and try him out but part like I said you said playing to your misses though that for me is where you can get

A little bit more consistency on some of those pull shots that I have that I’m not getting that extra not seven eight yards because the spin the Chrome tour is going to reduce the spin on those type of shots but if I flush it it pretty much we saw the numbers they were

They’re the same very similar yeah but with you I’m always trying to find new ways to put spin in your bag the one thing I ever want you is to be in a spin deficiency that’s why I’m always like four or 500 RPMs more than what you

Would normally because if you get pumped up ball starts going far you need to spend a kind of dial everything back right so uh that was interesting Amigos uh if you have any more questions on Chrome tour or Chrome tour X or Steph Curry’s golf bag go to the world of

Wonder website I want to thank The Brainiac Eric Loper making the trip Alto appr appreciate you nice having him here and always Mr Curry it’s always fun doing videos with him but uh until next time uh let’s we’re out of here sh


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