Developing Your Golf Swing to Improve Over the Winter, Part 1: Shoulders – with One Iron Golf

David is back to show you how easy it is to improve your swing over the winter. Part 1 concentrates on your shoulders. In this 3-part series about developing your swing, David demonstrates easy exercises you can do at home. Follow along for tips you’ll want to incorporate into your practice to develop your swing.

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Welcome Friends this short video is going to be a series of short videos and then we’re going to come out with a long video later on to tie everything together and the video series is about developing your swing over the winter when there’s a foot of snow outside it’s

20° it’s the best time to develop a swing I you say Dave why in the world would you say that the best time to develop the swing is when you’re in your garage there’s no golf ball sitting there I can’t hit a golf ball and that’s

The key when you’re on the driving range you’re so centered in on hitting that ball that’s all you think about is your ball you forget swing mechanics you don’t even think about it you’re just trying to hit the ball you can never develop a good swing like that so what

You do in the winter time you go out there there’s no ball you spend about 10 minutes a day and you practice the different mechanics of your swing do them slow motion build them up muscle memory and you can see what it is you’re doing right right and what it is you’re

Doing wrong you do this all winter long and next spring you’ll have an extremely powerful and consistent swing but anyway to start this whole thing off today we’re going to talk about the shoulders as I’ve mentioned in a couple of my earlier videos the shoulders is the key

To your golf swing it’s not your hips it’s not your legs it’s it’s not certainly not your arms it’s your shoulders when you turn your shoulders everything turns now some people say well you hit the ball with your torso well that point is the Torso is the shoulders the

Shoulders control the Torso I mean there’s no break here there’re the same thing so you turn your shoulders and everything else turns hips everything so what you want to do is start out like this standing straight up and you turn to the right you turn to the left you

Turn to the right you turn to the left notice my shoulders are staying on plane there’s not one dipping there’s not one raising up and you also know notice my hip turn is automatic my weight shift is automatic when I do this it is all controlled by the shoulders now once

You’ve done that a little bit bend over into your swinging position now what’s true you do the same thing concentrate on keeping those shoulders on the same plane you don’t come through impact like this no no no it’s like this and if you notice my hips and my legs everything’s everything’s working

Here I come back this way I’m posting up on my right leg my weight’s over there I come back this way I’m posting up on my left leg my left knee straight and my weight’s over there that is the key to the golf swing that’s something you don’t think

About on the Range you think about on the Range get the bone just crank it and you don’t think about any of that you get your shoulders out of plane during the golf swing and you’re going to hit a lousy shot I guarantee you so it’s worth

Practicing this and of course like I say the arms have nothing to do with the swing nothing to do they’re strings that’s all they are strings hanging from your shoulder thanks for watching if you like the video go ahead and click that like And subscribe button and like I

Said we got a lot more coming up thanks a lot

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