Golf Babe

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Just an Average Golfer giving unbiased opinions on all things golf, product tests, Golf travel vlogs and golf news!

[Applause] Now So I have just arrived at our destination for next week’s episode but for this week I think I need to start things off by apologizing an apology because this week’s episode hasn’t gone exactly to plan because that plan was to be here last week but unfortunately bad weather yet

Again meant that those plans were changed significantly so everything is out we’ve had a bit of a disaster yet again but I’m going to use the time to explain to quite a lot of things that have gone on in the few weeks behind the scenes that I think you might want updating

On and that update includes where we are at now filming for next week’s episode but maybe more importantly some updates on sponsors been some real interesting news and plenty of work going on behind the scenes which you hope to have a significant update for you very shortly

The course I am looking at behind the camera right now is absolutely stunning it’s going to feature like I said in next week’s episode but we’ll also have a well let’s say a guest on the channel but someone you haven’t seen before so some new faces on camera so that green

Behind me is a bit of a clue as to where we are many are guests already from the hotel itself but that was the 16th green one of the funkiest greens I’ve ever seen in my life and I can’t wait to get there I’m not playing golf until

Tomorrow but the challenges we face on this channel are twofold in the main right now at least anyway and that’s the weather we chose to start this series and this filming in the winter months which perhaps was the best idea we’ve really been trying to get a weekly

Episode and commit to every Monday putting something out so we’ve tried our best last week some horrendous storms in the UK which meant this whole thing was cancelled and it was just absolutely nothing we can do about that and the second thing is finance which I’ve

Talked you about a lot and the need to get sponsors in to help Finance these projects and make it happen so that’s what we’ve been working hard to do and I’m glad to say although I can’t reveal kind of who right yet but there’s been some massive progress and really the

Interesting bit was the minute I put the video out that suggested we needed sponsorship we got no end of response from Brands who wanted to get involved in this project now let’s be honest the only reason they want to get involved is because they’ve seen how successful it’s

Been and how it’s how you’ve responded to it so this our first thank you really because if you don’t get involved in the comment section the likes the views obviously themselves then it means nothing to them they’re only interested in the numbers and because it’s been so

Successful then uh we’ve got some real real support potential at least anyway that hopefully I can announce very very shortly but it looks at least like we’re going to be carrying this on for quite some time and we’ve now started planning our travel for the next few months up

Until May and uh it’s all around the UK and Island but there’s some real exciting places to visit now the other thing I thought we’d have a quick chat about is the staying in the van because one of the main intentions of when we started this channel was to very much

Take it on the road sleeping it cooking it living it that’s again been a bit of a challenge because of the winter months to say the least it’s been a little bit chilly and we’ll definitely get to that in the warmer summer months the other issue we’ve had is that since we’ve put

These videos out we’ve had no end of hotels quite nice ones as well asking us to come and stay and include their accommodation into our contents and to be quite honest with you that’s hard to turn down as much as it may disappoint some of you now has anyone managed to

Guess where we are yet for next week’s episode I think there’s been a fair few giveaways to be [Applause] fair I’m obsessed with coffee and little coffee makers and that’s a mini espresso maker for two that’s a little mocker how cool is that the other problem we’ve got today

Is this was a last minute plan in terms of putting this together so we’re going to have to find somewhere to quickly Edis that looks like being a Coper well I can see is I’m glad we’re filming tomorrow and not today because it’s pouring down out there now and the forecast for tomorrow morning is bright sunshine and last week by the way was 60 mph winds and that is a challenge to say the least to filming but also the golf

Courses don’t want us there either because the places don’t look too great I just want to go back to the beginning I said we had a special guest coming back to the channel and that’s Lewis Johnson now many of you have seen Lewis in the past if you’ve been watching the

Channel for a while basically he’s a PJ professional golfer and in the next couple of episodes we’ll take on uh more of a golfing challenge so playing 18 holes and attempting to break some kind of scoring effort so it’ll be a different slant on what we’ve

Been doing so far see how you take those on board and I’ll be judged by the feedback what you think of them and whether we continue to do more of those or not but Lewis has always been popular on the channel so hopefully many of you

Will be glad to see him back and then I said about the support and the views and everything else that you’ve done to make sure sure that we’ve got the potential to get sponsors on board we introduced a sort of photo of the week competition which has been hugely

Popular and lots of you get involved by voting on it’s usually a Tracy or an Andy It generally is Tracy that takes the win and that is massively important to us because you being involved in the comments just helps the whole YouTube algorithm I have no idea how it all

Works but all I can tell you is the more you get involved the more comments we get the more likes we get the more General interaction the longer you watch for all these things help in promoting our video so more and more people get to

Watch it so like I said it was uh this one has been made very much on the hoof we decided we didn’t have a video that was going to go out this evening it is now Monday afternoon about 4:30 we will have this video out by 6:30 so it’s very

Much a rushed effort but I just didn’t want to skip a week I said earlier on in the videos that I’d found a new way to communicate with the audience again so it seemed like an opportunity just have a one-on-one chat give you a bit of a

Update as to what’s happened I think only thing the only other thing I want to mention is the travel plans are very much right the way through to May and one of the big trips we’ve got coming up in May will be over to Ireland which I

Can’t wait and there’s a few more visits up to Scotland it’s some exciting stuff ahead and hopefully like I said in the next few weeks I’ll be able to announce a big change in the sponsorship which should mean we’ve got some security in planning this for the rest of the year

Right so the final message is just thank you for watching thank you for supporting even if you can like and comment in some way on this video it’d be greatly appreciated there’s no phot of the week I’m afraid but everything will resume back to normal next week and

The course that I’m looking out at right now is an absolute belter and I can’t wait to share it with you right thanks for watching see you next week


  1. Great news And. I'm happy to 'entertain' any number of sponsor messages and product mentions/placements if it means you can keep producing your unique style of content. I particularly enjoy the wonderfully cinamatic course travel vlogs, but also love to see the tremendous accomodation options, local points of interest, and just 'having a chat'. If you weave in some product testing and golf challenges, that will be fun too. Looking forward to next week's content. Play well.

  2. You're helping me getting through winter here in Québec Canada. The quality of your video productions are outstanding.

  3. Great viewing even without a ball being struck which says a lot about the appeal of your content. Where in Ireland are you visiting, is in the Dublin area convenient for the ferry or some of the great links on the WAW ?

  4. While you're up that way, you should try Eyemouth Golf Club, some very daunting holes to do. Ah still no ken is the best.Take plenty of balls.

  5. Great footage again and good to see hotels getting on board. Good for viewers to see courses and where they could stay. Hope you make it to Trump Aberdeen

  6. So exciting for the future videos (and give aways). You voice and the scenery are so soothing!

  7. Fingers crossed Andy, that you can your unique programme going. Its lovely to watch and the scenery is usually amazing. I also like your reviews on new golf products. So keep up the good work.

  8. Looking forward to seeing more of the course and surrounding scenery in next week's episode. Thanks for keeping us updated about the behind the scenes issues – I don't blame you for taking up the offer of a Hotel room over the camper van – it must have been a really tough decision….🤣

  9. Andy, been a subscriber for a few years now. You channel is real and gives a refreshing but calmness to the viewer. You capture the beauty of what golf is about. I hope the sponsors come flooding in. Keep it up 👍🏻

  10. Tracy the shot of gentle waves lapping into the camera, pure class. Even if it's not a golf photo, having the chance to add to the comments will still tell YT you've got engaged audience, just saying.

  11. Keep up the good work Andy. You do what you can, whenever you can let’s hope with your sponsorship deals, the channel can grow. ⛳️👍🏼😁

  12. Hi Andy, I've been there many a time. In fact an ex of mines Mum & Aunt worked at the Marine Hotel many many years ago.
    I haven't played any golf there (yet).so looking forward to the vids.
    Congrats on the sponsorship. Your vlogs are class and a completely different take on golf. Keep up the good work (and the photo comp, of course)

  13. Hi Andy..when it comes to the Ireland visits, be sure to shout out where u r gonna be and u can be sure you will have a great welcome and great company…looking forward to it cos u could spend a year here and still need to see more😮.. looking forward to it

  14. Traveling like this still looks like living the dream! even if it is under classic British weather conditions!

  15. So jealous Andy. Stayed at Marine in Nov. Excellent service but sadly no golf. NB is in my top 3 courses ever and can't wait to see the film. 👌

  16. I hope the Ireland trip includes Donegal. Often overlooked but some amazing courses and hidden gems in God's Country. Fantastic scenery along the Wild Atlantic Way….and where I learned this beautiful game ☘️⛳️

  17. Great to hear Lewis is back.. Lewis fits your channel so well as he gives his honest opinion of things, pulling no punches..

  18. Keep up the good work Andy 👍 one day I’d love to play St Andrews. Looking forward to the next videos ⛳️👍

  19. The professional way the content is videoed, photographed and edited, speaks volumes and so many golf, and golf related brands will benefit from linking themselves to The Average Golfer channel. The subscribers are loyal and appreciate the content and the people responsible for that content, including all sponsors. But the main man, Andy, needs to take a bow. Thanks Andy and family, who support you in all you do for those who care.

  20. Andy, i have just come back to the channel and re-subscribed. loving the current content, the scenery and your laid back style. Thanks to you and your small team for the content and regular posts.

  21. Played North Berwick with mates from my first golf club in Darlington about 40 years ago, a fantastic course. It was about £50 for the day and our accommodation at the Castle Inn Dirleton was £10.50 a night b&b, a little more expensive today 🙁 we thought of playing it this year on our annual Scotland trip, but it’s fully booked for all of 2024, 2025 tee times come out in April this year 🤔

  22. Love North Berwick, have friends close by and have played it a number of times… a joy. Looking forward to seeing you play it yourself 👍🏻

  23. I need to get to the UK and golf surf skate and eat drink. I live a mile from Chambers Bay in Washington. If you ever make it this way

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