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Gary Responds To Your SKATELINE Comments – Jaws, Neen Williams, Mike Whitehouse

Check this weeks SKATELINE featuring the skateboarding of:

Habitat Skateboards “XXIV”

TOM KNOX | “600 London Launch”

LIZARD KING l “Enter the Portal” Space Pupil






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Welcome everybody to another episode of Gary responds I’ve been Gary for a while how’s it going about to read your comments OJ he says Yao Mikey White House what the [ __ ] I’m telling y’all stop calling him that we revamped him renamed them that’s Mike White House

Okay just chill but yeah that was a what the [ __ ] moment Mr Elita says Mikey White House needs more recognition has been killing it since major Nick Hol too Nick Hol kills it as well um the only thing about Nick is the way he’s filmed whatever his filmer is making him it

Just looks like lowquality YouTube projects but he has been skating 17 stairs for the last 10 years like just tricks on major 17 so watch watch this you’ll see you’ll see Kevin Alamo 4250 says FP Joey put a hell of a team together something for everybody that

Video was damn good consider it was just one trip to Puerto Rico video is pretty good um I think the team definitely has been like those kind of like outcast special type of dudes like nean with his heel flip jaws with him flying down stuff that new kid Julian is super

Special he seems really consistent and uh hopefully he’ll grow into whatever he’s about to become but yeah decent team they got some [ __ ] going 100% D100 says now that’s some throttle to the floor highs speeed information yeah I’ll be talking kind of fast sorry but I got

You know what I’m saying at least you you feel like you were informed that’s good while being yelled at screamed at with blasphemy you informed it’s good Nicholas Pinger 7993 says that first com that first combo was mean as [ __ ] I’m telling y’all these Japanese youngans

Are changing the game how do I put this I don’t think he young that dude look like grown as [ __ ] you know what I’m saying I feel like like the Japanese skates team just skat team just got some filmers I think they was just like we

Not going to send the cameras out we’re GNA keep them here and film y’all and y’all just going to care about skateboarding hella and then they got good cuz we’ve seen these tricks all right you know what I’m saying UT’s done some [ __ ] I ain’t never seen before he’s

[ __ ] up the game but a lot of these dudes are just getting like really good Ru Rufus do says very pleased that you his back he is sick read all the rumors about where he was but in the end who cares he’s here now yeah that was kind

Of like his business whatever he was doing during his time and I think for him it was like the skate industry he was not trying to do all that that’s what it seemed like for him because it was like primitive hit him Nike was like

Yeah and he was like I don’t want to do this as serious as yall want me to do this I’m just messing around and I want to be hella fly on get likes and comments that’s it I feel like and when it became a job it look like he was

Running away from that [ __ ] and then he started his own thing and that’s when I thought it was like all right well then it’s not those and then but it was probably just his own business he probably just like bro I’m chilling John Fritz 4096 will [ __ ] [ __ ] damn the

Endorsement or sponsorship Jaws needs is a knee replacement company it’s all it’s all fun for us to live vicariously through him keep it all coming yeah uh I hope that whatever was bothering his KNE for that like last three or four years is over it looks

Like it is so shout out to jaws and his recovery you already know man bear pig says after that cat William stuff finally settled in my brain you bring forth what really matters the news LOL thanks Gary you the you the you the shizel for show thank you so much um you

Know I um I was watching all that Cat Williams stuff bro he had a lot of great points and he was just talking having fun and knowing stuff and just shared and he went viral as hell so shout out to cat Anam morte 8378 says she doing good

Now buff as hell still wanting Malto she got buff oh she start working out so maybe she was like if Shawn Mal don’t want me I’ll make him CU I don’t think Shawn weigh over a buck 30 so hold music says there are two types of skaters those who like jaws and those

Who who do not who the [ __ ] does not like to watch Jaws skateboard like I I mean maybe there’s a small group of people that don’t want to see some of the craziest [ __ ] happen because it gets annoying if you’re just flying off apartment complexes tall buildings stairs plus 20 uh kickflip grabbing

Snapping the tail still rolling away somehow and then literally slamming onto the floor without even touching anything else but your knees hands and face but rolling away maybe Nate skate says Mikey ain’t new major been the biggest thing bigger than revive you know um for sure

Bro I I don’t think you got the joke or the gist but Mikey is no longer his name right that is Mike White House the new skateboarder that we all need to respect that has no attachment to anything other than being good at skateboarding and being teeken new all right and that

Wraps this episode of G responds two links leave a comment on Skate line to get read on here I got you


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