The Final Stone Creek Battle Part 4

We finished up -2 Long to Long at Stone Creek Disc Golf Course. Not my greatest round but not my worst either.
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Right ho 14 basket is like way over here uh I think it’s like 480 sign says 480 I don’t know if it actually is we could probably shoot it and find Out basket saying 507 so we’re going to try a roller we’ve got a we got a pond over here on the left so if I throw a turnover and it Stables out at any point we’re in the pond so I think a backhand flippy roller is the safest way to get

Distance uh without me trying to crank on a forehand I could get a forehand 450 425 450 and it’s a safe play out there but like I said shoulders been kind of bugging me elbows kind of bugging me we’ve played every single day in the last 5 days four days since

Friday played two rounds Friday two rounds Saturday two rounds Sunday uh nine yesterday and nine today so and we threw two shots on a lot of stuff but so the goal is to hit this hard hopefully miss this left Branch here get it down and let it flip

Oh that’s not going to be a roller it’s a turnover though it never fought out of it so that’s safe play didn’t quite hit the angle I needed to hit I was worried about this tree off the te on the left it’s tough for me to uh get over on

Rollers without throwing something like I would rather throw like a throw if that makes sense something that I can hit hard and flat and it rolls to itself I would rather throw that than try to force something to the ground and one of my good buddies Justin he can put down like Destroyer

Rollers which just blows my mind how you can force a destroyer on an angle and have it you know fight the wind the entire way and just bomber I’ve seen him put down 600 foot rollers before and it just blows my mind luckily when he did that it was a

Doubles tournament and he was on my [Laughter] team so this approach is always super sketchy because you’ve got to either land short and let it hop up to the pin or throw a forehand let it check into the side and hope it doesn’t roll down this embankment

So I think we’re going to elect for the backand and I think we throw that envy that got demoted to a thrower because it uh didn’t fly real well last time I was putting with it so up a little this is the short pin right here we’re going to throw Envy electron Envy

We’re going to put it out a little bit because it is stable hopefully I don’t smoke one of these geese gooses geeses so we’re going to aim here hit it with a little bit of power go in drop go in oh my God if oh that was so close so

Close let’s hope that that putter plastic gripped on the on the downward slope that was tracking the pin such a sketchy sketchy run so this is a par four it was 507 ft it looks like we’re safe but we have an uphill 50F footer yeah we’re over to the left did

Not skip all the way down but this is looking like it’s going to be a par not that I’m not confident this is just a uphill one 2 3 12 of my normal steps which is about 36 feet so not quite a 50-footer 38 fet somewhere like that straight uphill we’re going to have to straddle let’s see if we can knock down a birdie it’s some grip my hands are slippery all right Aim High Let It Drop

Aim High Let It Drop up higher oh up higher guy there we go what what did y’all see that that was every every single link you could have hit what it wouldn’t have counted but still how that kicks out veteran I do not know sheesh all right on to whole

15 all right whole 15 basket is Over Yonder and and it is most people I think throw a putter um and just try to miss this close Tree on the right I think that is also a Putter and that’s probably what I’m going to throw um realistically I’d like to hit

Something on a little bit of anheiser and Let It Fade back to the pin because you have to kind of go around and that’s the shape of the hole but uh I think we have a left to right no wind right here um let’s just hit something straight right at the

Pin we’re going to throw Envy we’re going to put it high hopefully it doesn’t Fade Out too hard oh that’s going to be way left this is one of those ones that you want real bad um what else could I throw here maybe meteor let’s try meteor this one doesn’t

Count but I think meteor’s dude that guy we got a city worker parked in the completely wrong spot oh there he goes oh don’t turn don’t turn don’t turn don’t turn don’t turn that’s in the water we are out in the middle of the water with our meteor that thing is never that

Understable never fight out of it fight out of it fight out of it okay that one’s retrievable huh so I overcommitted on the second two put too much angle on them first one early released and we’re over here in the bushes over here in no man’s land where

You don’t want to be well it’s still an easy three but dang it guys dang it dang it dang it that meteor never does that that’s crazy that’s kind of frustrating now I don’t have a flippy mid all right getting it out of our brain this is where we’re

At basket Straight Ahead let’s go off to the side this is is not really a putt of any kind this is a Kia stick good shot all right so we’re going to get up and down for three soon as this water thaws up and we get some good temperatures I’m getting

In the water for that meteor because we are out in the middle of nowhere so I’m going to go get that stuff so that Warrior I put it on a little too much angle and it did not fight out of it like I thought it was going to but it’s retrievable so oh

Man that bums me out I be in a bad mood all day all right it’s knock out our three move on currently we are still NE three haven’t gotten any since whole 12 this next one is a must yet we are playing Longs and I think this one’s technically longer by like I

Don’t know couple in couple feet basket is right here down here let’s throw deflector so we know we don’t lose it right above these geese geeses right above these geeses H Let It Fade oh I yanked it come back please please please please that splashed what are you doing oh my

God I went to plant and all my weight was still back and I rotated let’s try mutant same line there we go that was it that was the one deflector down in the water meteor down in the water mutant up here is meteor oh we’re having a rough day might

Be taking a four on one of the shortest holes on the course cuz if deflector in the water we’re we’re putting from 80 ft 60 ft 60 80 ft Circle 2 for sure putting from Circle two uphill very unlikely shot for me to hit not saying it’s impossible but very very

Unlikely all right mutant hit here probably got a 25 30 footer deflector is oh 100% surrounded by water there’s a little shelf down here that sometimes it’ll catch on I was trying to see if maybe I was there one two 3 here’s our lie going to straddle dry our hands off all

Right deep breath come on save this three hook up your nose up dude hook up hook up nope both right there if they would have hooked up can’t get them all didn’t want to put nose down and just blast past the basket go over on 18’s Fairway would have gave me a bad

Day oh well looks like I’m going to the shop today to buy underst stable mid I’m being in a grumpy mood all day all right whole 17 this is a par 4 as well long to long um says like 4:15 I think this one’s more like 450

471 with a Mando at the very end of this tree row so 471 I could throw mid get halfway throw mid and well it wouldn’t be halfway and then throw like putter or something like that at it and solidify the three but that seems kind of boring golf

Kind of want to see if I can get 400 and have an eagle look so we are going to throw flippy on a Heiser flip line and hope that we don’t grip lock it into Narnia all right Highs are here let it flip up to Flat hope it doesn’t burn Over oh that’s flipping come on hit the ground okay the only thing that saved me there was I threw it low if that was high that was going to be turned all the way over and if it was higher might have cleared all the water but uh yeah kind of got lucky

There didn’t commit all the way so it was low all right so we are here see if we can get our shot in the basket at the same time back up a little all right so we’ve probably Got 180 ft to the pin 150 ft so let’s get our throwing Envy let’s put it up in the air a little wide and let it uh let it crash back to the basket get through okay made the Mando think we’ve got it’s a little short but I think

We’ve got a putt for birdie see if we can get that last one [Applause] Back actually kind of getting used to this tripod now kind of wish I had a gimbal on it maybe uh once we get some more once this channel gets going a little bit maybe it’ll be my full-time income you know that’d be like that would be my lifelong

Goal if this could make me livable income I don’t have any expectations whatsoever but if that could happen that would be insane all right we’ve got a putt for birdie putts have been going decent should we straddle or should we flip it should we flip the disc or should we

Straddle let’s give it a flip all right dead center let’s give it a chance no left dang it low left that was just low you don’t miss these the little uphill what that was low right every single one of those kicked out low left was here a little higher than the basket cuz

It hopped out low low right was there and it spit out that’s crazy veterans baby needed a little help There I just needed a little help low left just saying disc catcher would have got that I put on disc catchers at clap Memorial Park all the time I don’t say it very often but disc catcher would have caught that all right we are in Long position

All right last hole hole 18 it is 648 is what it says it’s probably about that dead straight tunnel shot throw two mids 300 and you’re looking on the dance floor for a birdie usually we play this a par four so um I think think I could have thrown meteor

Here if it wasn’t in the middle of the pond let’s throw stable mid right side let it hit the Fairway here there’s a Mando on the right and a Mando on the left come on chill don’t put me over there damn it once it slowed down it was a little more

Stable put it nose up just trying to get 300 feet or so we are on the left side which is going to cause us to have a forehand approach which would be my first hard forehand of the day I don’t really know I’m going to have to flex something down There put it on some angle let it fight out of it maybe a fireball it’s going to have to be a driver of some kind so we’re just short of this Mando so we have to go right side so if we put it like here I think if we put it here

It’ll hold it and hopefully it’ll fight out of it um I’ve never tried this I’ve never forehanded this disc it would be super super clutch if I can hit the angle correct on this we’ve still got about 350 so I got to hit this pretty Hard come on fight out nope burned out of it too much angle dang it dang it dang it dang it might need to start carrying a Thunderbird like a brand new fresh Thunderbird because that’s essentially what that is except the tar pushes further straight usually before its stability kicks in

Could be the fact that that one’s been in my bag for 6 months and it just doesn’t have the stability anymore I am probably going to go with user error and I didn’t hit it on enough angle so we burned out it’s going to be an up shot and hopefully a par

And we are going to finish at neg two because we missed a putt on 17 so don’t forget there is a giveaway on Friday I put it out in one of my videos yesterday I remember which one it was I posted three times yesterday so one of my videos yesterday has a giveaway

Opportunity probably going to be a Kia approach shot forehand high oh high and spiky and just let it crash oh from here that looked real close just need a little more depth well we had a good day of golf neg two started out neg one so the back nine we

Only hit well we had two birdies one bogey that dang o be I yanked that deflector straight into the water put it way too wide for what that disc can handle so we are going to put this out with the bag and the camera on all right that’s the final

Hole all right guys um I appreciate you watching till the end finish at neg two and I’m going to go edit this and drop it today and rest in peace to the proxy and rest in peace to the meteor but other than those two shots we’re looking decent

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