Golf Babe

😤 Uber Still Crawling | HUM App | Profit-Focus

Stay focused on your bank account and profits. This is how you pay for your life.

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Sup everybody just a quick video showing you how  slow it’s been but not only how slow it’s been you   know it’s the first day of the following month so  that I made a video so I went ahead and you know  

I do my bank account [ __ ] because you know a lot  of people out there want to know how are you guys   really doing I mean if you are a rare a driver how  are you doing in life that’s what this shit’s all  

About how are you doing in life it’s slow I’ve  saved up for rainy days for slow periods I bust   my ass I make my shirts you got seven strings  of income you got a lot of [ __ ] going on in  

Your life and so so I like the show this is how  I live a lot of haters out there a lot of haters   out there oh man y’all don’t know what the hell  y’all doing you guys are idiots you guys go get  

A real job if you got a real job or a traditional  W2 and you got and you not sitting where you think   you should be sitting in life then you got to make  adjustments you got to do something to get that  

Money that you feel that you deserve I know where  I should be sitting in life and I think I’m about   10,000 behind where I should be sitting now I  could easily get that 10,000 in my bank account to  

Make it look fake all I got to do is just take out  some equity on my house I mean I got like $50,000   Equity just sitting there but why would I do that  why would I take out money to have to pay it back  

With interest on it so I do this the real way I do  it the profit way I do it the old school way I go   out I bust my ass I make money I do what I got to  do to get this money my bank account is what it is  

Whether I’m working on a car whether I’m working  on a shirt if I’m doing YouTube whatever I do it   has to be beneficial to where I actually see value  in it and I can get money out of it to me taking  

Out a loan and and throwing a loan into my account  is not beneficial it’s going to hurt me more than   it helps me it’ll make me look good you see a  lot of people taking out payday loans putting  

In their Bank making their bank account look good  but you got to pay that money back this is money I   don’t have to pay back this is what I’ve earned  what I’ve saved what I’m busting my ass and I’m  

Still behind we got Waste Management coming up in  a couple of days today is Friday February the 2nd   I’m going go out drive my ass off all day today  I’m headed to the gym right now soon as this video  

Is dropping as it’s rendering I’m headed to the  gym cuz I got to keep my YouTube content coming   because I hope I’m you know motivating inspiring  people let [ __ ] know we might not be W2 workers  

But we can go out there and bust our ass make  our bank accounts look good we can do this I   tell everybody stream stream stream I’ve said that  in so many of my live streams so many of my videos   stream something you you can generate alternative  Revenue these corporations called YouTube and  

Google will pay you for streaming I tell everybody  that stream I’ll be showing you my stream revenue   on my next video because I think a lot of people  want to know exactly how I’m doing being such a  

Small Channel they want to know so my next video  I’m going show you my stream Revenue you probably   don’t give a [ __ ] about it you probably don’t  care about it but I’m going to show you anyways  

If you don’t want to see it skip the video I don’t  force you to watch [ __ ] over here but hopefully   in this video you see how slow it’s been how much  it’s crawling like the last video I dropped I was  

Banging I was making good this video crawling  when I say crawling crawling but this is how the   market is and I’ll show you the real I’ll show  you this is why we save up money for weeks like   this after driving all January getting everything  all situated with know YouTube and everything I’m  

Still sitting pretty I was at 138 last month I’m  down to 13 Even so I’m I’m $800 less than what I   ended on December the 31st it it’s just been a  really slow January hopefully February picks up  

Especially with the waste management coming Super  Bowl you know a lot of stuff we’re going to be   doing for the protest and all that with private  rides and my private ride money is not added into  

That now I’ve been doing more private rides in  January than not so really I mean if I would have   been doing rides on Uber and not the private it  would be a little more so let me not lie about it  

So but 13 Grand is basically what I got sitting in  the bank right now and it should be in my opinion   at about 21 22,000 I mean that’s how far behind I  feel I am according to when I started this mission  

On saving up to 20 grand the highest I got up to  was like 15 grand I’m right down to 13 right now I   got to bust my ass next month you can see this is  all my little crazy [ __ ] in here just little Tic  

Tac [ __ ] coming out whatever this and that Home  Depot stuff coming out man it’s just ah this is   crazy crazy so hopefully y’all put some cash app  in there cuz I’ll be getting cash app transaction  

I’m throwing those in there but other than that  nothing this it’s it’s been a down month man this   is where I’m at I’m about 10 grand behind schedule  right now real [ __ ] 10 grand behind schedule and  

It is not a good feeling I know I got to really  you know February March I got to hit it I got to   get back on track I got to get there morning  right now with Janu the 29th and I just did  

My drop my client drop and it is like dead where I  am right now there’s nothing right here nothing so   I’m going to try to creep my ass down probably to  the southeast a little bit probably cuz right now  

Where I’m at there’s nothing here I’m not going  over to that s and n that’s too far to the West   way too much traffic trying to come down to 10  but I’m trying to get over here to either tempy  

Or mace over here now my gy is right here where  the 325 IS that’s where my gy is or I can go to   the gym gym right here on Warner Road it should be  right here about 1 and a 10 right off a priest I  

Could go there so either way I could go but right  now like I said where I am in the morning there’s   nothing I could like when I turn on lift every  time I turn on lift there’s you but like I’m not  

Using lift right now they won’t let me update it  so I have to update the app to use it so I’m not   using lift but normally when I open Lift right  here it’s always red it’s always something right  

There but yeah I’m I’m kind of done with lift  I think this is going to be the year of like   uber Uber Eats maybe but I got to download roie  I just put roie on my phone so I got to sign up  

With them today when I get to the house I’ll sign  up with roie cuz like I said I got the big truck   I can use the truck for roie I don’t got to use  my BMW so I can go haul around [ __ ] from like  

Lowe’s and Home Depot and all that that’ll be  pretty cool and if I want to really get good I   got the big trailer in the backyard so I can get  the stuff out of the trailer if I wanted to let’s  

Say I wanted to haul like a couple of motorcycles  cuz I can take up to three motorcycles in that   trailer I’ve driven three bikes all the way out  to Virginia all the way through the the Blue Ridge  

Mountains and everything and that big ass trailer  I got three big Harley so I can take motorcycles   in that trailer cuz it’s got the rollup door and  everything but I’m like H I don’t know if I want  

To use my truck for that just yet let me see if I  want to you know possibly just do a few Home Depot   runs and all that if things start looking like  somebody wants to haul motorcycles I’ll get the  

Trailer out it’s January the 31st and guess what I  got on my phone bam hum driver that’s right right   I don’t have to open Uber a lift today so I just  dropped my private ride out so it says home driver  

Off so what do you do is you go to those three  little bars at the top of the screen so I’ll tell   you what like those three little bars up there at  the top and then you hit driver on right here so  

Now I’m online with hum so let’s see if anybody  actually hits me up what I’m going to do is I’m   going to go up here and I’m going to start heading  to the east so right now I’m going north I’m going  

To start heading east this is exactly how the hum  driver app looks as you’re driving it looks just   like like Google Maps so and somebody was telling  me that that’s how Li first started out they was  

Like well when LIF first started it looked just  like that too so hum is kind of following in the   path of lift hopefully you don’t end up like  lft cuz you know lft you know they they got  

Kind of greedy and that’s why everybody kind of  was bouncing away from lift I don’t even got the   [ __ ] on my phone no more I got their icon but I  didn’t update the app so they won’t let me log on  

Lift which is cool so I’m cruising right now and  what it is it’s like a dispatch service if you’re   in an area that some needs a ride in they try to  get the closest driver to them so that’s why I  

Rather just put it online I’m going to cruise  up here uh probably to Thomas head down Thomas   start rolling towards Scottdale Scottdale is where  they heavily market so a lot of people who drive   home actually say hey man I drive you know hum  over in Scottsdale a lot a lot of people still  

On hum up there which is cool where I’m at this  is Virginia now I’m going keep going I’mma go to   the next one now I’m have to turn down Virginia  damn it these old ragged ass apps oh this these  

Damn drivers man I swear this is morning traffic  screwing around so this is where I’m trying to   get to right over here like Scottdale and this is  where I’m right now it’s not too far but you know  

I’m down by where it this Arizona Mills that’s  where I am I’m going said cotton Business Center   that’s closer to where I am right there that’s  closer to my house so now what I want to do is  

Let’s go put on Uber real quick let’s see what  Uber’s got ragam muffins these are the worst apps   I swear Uber and lift the [ __ ] they pulling on  drivers man it is not cool look at that no surge  

At all 8:00 in the morning no surge 350 boost on  right now though a 350 boost no surge at all so   yeah it’s nothing out there so I’m going to go up  here to Thomas before I turn the app on I want to  

Make my right turn I don’t like turning and doing  all that [ __ ] why they keep sending me rodes   the whole time I don’t like that but we going to  see what exactly these apps do this morning all  

Right so I’ve made my right turn let me scoot  over for these old cars all right let’s go online let’s see what do we got not now so it’s  350 per Rod is what I’ll probably be getting man  

Why did I make a right turn I forgot the sun was  out this morning see I’m not used to dealing with   sun I’m used to driving at night this sun driving  is not good it’s not good see this is what happens  

When I go to lift left won’t let me online look  at him update your Lift app like nope not even   happening doubt it I have no ambition to mess  with that damn app zero there’s a lift driver  

Right in front of me right there look at they  got duct tape on their bumper it was a little   red car with red duct tape holding the bumper on  that’s the kind of [ __ ] Li will have you doing  

In your car it’s like they be banging your car  up beating your car you can’t even afford to fix   it you got to use red duct tape because your car  is red it’s like lift does that [ __ ] to people  

Man like nope you got an app that don’t take care  of your car don’t take care of your life don’t n   that app Don’t Care About Us I’m telling people  we got to get smart we the ones out here making  

All this money for these people beating our cars  up driving around looking all raggedy and [ __ ]   and yet they over there you know milking all the  profits out sitting on yachts and boats and taking   trips and do all the giving each other bonuses  left and right it’s like and we driving around  

And beat up cars like man hell no like we got to  get out of there you might as well just try to do   private ride so at least you got money to fix  your car if [ __ ] goes wrong you just covered  

All your bills plus you got money left over to  fix your car at the current rate people barely   making bills doing this if your car get messed  up it’s that’s on you that’s on you you can see  

Wait a minute let me go in here real quick oh  let go uberX Shar I was wondering why I wasn’t   getting no rids uberX Shar now I’m on uberX  let’s see what uberX does oh man I’m sitting  

In the Middle Lane they gonna give me something to  the left or the right they always do that they’ll   give you something to the left or the right and  then you sitting there screwing up just like man damn yeah this is too busy of an  area right here plus they got a  

Hospital sitting up here don’t  quite know if I want to do that that’s why I just do not like driving mornings  because traffic out here you get it’s like 50   cars around me right now you can’t go left  or right the only choices you got is going  

Straight so if they don’t put something in  front of you you got to decline it CU you   can’t do a U-turn you can’t go back night time we  can U-turn head back we be having fun at night be  

Out here whipping through these streets daytime  yeah n it’s a little struggle you be putting a   lot of miles on your car doing urn turns and  driving down the street to see where you can   U-turn and going left when you should have went  right and going right when you should have went  

Left man daytime is nuts look at that 8 mil away  for 11 M trip and they going to pay you $10 look   at that $9 for what damn that’s crazy you got  to go 14 miles just to get to them that’s nuts  

Look at that 969 for 17 Mi total you got to drive  14 mil just to get to the people that’s nuts it’s   like see that’s the kind of [ __ ] they be doing  in the morning trying to get you to take these  

Weird ass nature hikes look at that you got to  drive 10 miles up to go get them $13 you got to   drive 10 miles just to get to them though nope  we’re okay with that it’s like nobody wants to  

Drive and I don’t drive way up North up there  n I’m cool on that so far that’s Uber in the   morning trying to get you to go on nature hikes  right off the bat it’s like nah we’re good we’re good what’s that 8 Miles for  7:45 short trip nope not doing

That and there’s no boost Zone let’s turn this  off cuz there’s no boost zone right now anyways   so the Boost Zone must have ended at 8:00 nope  I’mma update later I ain’t even updating my Uber  

Yet it’s like no I’m cool on that [ __ ] I  don’t mess with these apps so hum is still   running hum’s not doing anything right now but  I’m glad cuz it’s I’m in too much traffic to do   much anyway so I rather get somewhere where  it’s a little more clear and once it kind  

Of clears up then I can decide on whether or  not I want to drive but yeah this is nuts over here and that’s the thing driving in the  uh driving like this you you can’t see much  

Like I said it’s it’s just a lot of sunlight and  traffic and [ __ ] everywhere let me turn this off   use those little three bars up in the top right  there you can turn it off so now I got it off so  

I won’t be done I’ll come back out later and try  to drive it’s just too much traffic right now up   in Scottdale this is where I want to be it’s 8:30  now so I’m sitting in a Chase Bank parking lot  

There’s nobody bothering me so what I want to do  is go back and open up hum real quick let’s see something okay so I’m sitting in the chase  parking lot nobody’s bother me let me go see  

If I can open up hum again where am I at hum  I should move it to the front page I’m going   to move to the front page and get left off the  front page Li’s done anyways I hit the three  

Dots at the top let’s go to home driver on this  is where I am Scott Dale let’s see if they start   sending me some rods or what and I’m almost by  a surge with um Uber let’s try something real  

Quick yeah as soon as you hit it it disappeared  didn’t it that [ __ ] disappeared quick as hell   like yeah let’s not give him that surge let’s  move him a little lower down so sitting here  

Trying to get my get my Affairs in order right  now six bucks for that nah was that about almost   8 Miles nah I’m cool for that [ __ ] Uber you  can keep that that’s going all the way back  

Down by almost by the airport for $6 those rides  from Scottdale to the airport I’ll do those ride   $15 $20 all day six bucks is way too low look  at that $1 that’s back almost downtown $11 for  

12 miles nah it’s not good [Music] enough is  said they’re trying to get people to go down   town but they’re just not paying enough right  now and there’s conventions down there like   people are staying here in Scottdale but they  got conventions downtown so what that $8 for 8  

Miles n we’re cool they got to come up they got  to do something better for the morning prices   they got to do something better for these morning  prices cuz these prices are horrible look said   I just keep hum running the background uberX  Shar for almost 9 miles nah we’re cool on that

Too yep so far we’re cool on all these trips trip  radar thank you start throwing that [ __ ] in   radar that’s the same one I just saw anyways  see it says already viewed at the top yeah I  

Love it when they say hey throw that [ __ ] in  trip radar don’t I hate when they send me trips   direct because I hate to keep declining [ __ ] all  over because they don’t got nothing good oh then a  

[ __ ] big ass bus is coming that’s one thing I  don’t like about Day times these [ __ ] big ass   city buses be coming out of nowhere be like come  on man this is not what the kind of [ __ ] I’m

On all right let’s see where I can go now wait a  minute oh sh I knew I had it on sport mode I could   hear the exhaust I was like why this car sound  like it’s ready to take off I made a mistake hit  

The sport mode button I was like how long have  I been riding on sport mode that [ __ ] was like   I was like oh [ __ ] it’s ready to go it’s ready  to go put my [ __ ] back on Comfort save me some  

Gas like sport mode be drinking fuel boy $10 for  almost 13 miles no I’m cool on that [ __ ] cool on that see they don’t have nothing good so far so  what I’m going to do is go up here probably take  

Indian School hit the highway go down to the gym  real quick they probably got a gym up here I can   go to 984 for like 10 mies almost no we’re cool  yeah it ain’t no surge on Uber so I got to go  

Offline like I said I do I do not like driving  when there’s no surge no reason to drive and   [ __ ] like that cuz they’re not paying nothing  so I just let it stay on Home Connection loss  

Please try again later what was that with hum  I don’t know I don’t know if the connection was   lost with hum or what but that was the first time  I saw that screen so it probably has something to  

Do with this app let me go offline and back on  again offline then back on let’s see seems to   be okay like I said I haven’t gotten a ride on  hum yet haven’t done anything with it so I’m  

Just trying to see how exactly does this [ __ ]  work I’m going to go south on Hayden because it’s   a lot of traffic going to the highway I’m not  going to make it to the highway I’m going to  

Turn here let them deal with each other and I’m  going where nobody else is going yeah nice open   roads no wonder is open roads this way it’s  construction down here swear to God I don’t  

Drive in the daytime so I don’t know the areas in  the daytime it’s like this shit’s crazy they be   having construction too much traffic man this is n  big ass buses and [ __ ] everywhere it’s like man  

I got to get my butt down to the gym real quick  but I got to finish cranking out some more short   orders I got nine more shirts to make today nine  in one day so as long as I got the supplies for I  

Just ordered a ton of new supplies online anyway  so my supplies should be showing up today FedEx   hopefully cuz I got to crank I know two or three  of the shirts needs uh some a different design on  

Them so I had to order some new design cuz I ran  out making [ __ ] last week and it’s been sitting   like come on come on come on so hopefully I get  this [ __ ] in today so I can knock these uh two  

Or three out the way the other six shirts I can  make no problem but the other two the other three   yeah I need something need something yeah but hum  there’s nothing on hum right now but they say when  

You turn hum on just let it run in the background  cuz this is one of those development apps you know   they’re it’s a developing market for them right  now so it’s not going to be like uber and lip  

Work constantly pings all the time but you do get  some good R like one guy was telling me he makes   $1,300 a month on home which is good 1,300 bucks  a month is good cuz you’re not doing a lot of  

Rides to make that 1300 on Uber you’re averaging  probably $7 a ride so to make 1300 yeah you got to   do a lot of rides for that so it’s like damn 1,300  bucks what you doing about 300 [ __ ] rides almost  

[ __ ] I mean even at $6 a ride 300 going to run  you about $1,800 yep so 300 rides at six bucks a   rider ring by $1,800 and so you got to do every  month on Uber at least 300 rides at $6 a ride  

Average that’s why I don’t like doing them little  three4 rides I don’t want to do a ton of [ __ ]   rides beating my car up if I can do let’s say 100  rids a month 100 rids a month keep my average up  

Around about $15 to $20 a ride if I can do it so  so far it’s not because I ain’t paying [ __ ] but   while I was doing all them short bangers downtown  with surge when Serge was good you can get up $15  

$20 a ride and with that you only got to do 100  rides a month you can make almost two G’s a month   and for me that’s good as a part-time driver two  G’s a month it’s pretty good I used to make 1,500  

A weekend [ __ ] ain’t like that no more you got  to kind of readjust re-calibrate so I’m doing you   know some Uber I’m going to do some hum see if I  can keep all my rides at a high dollar mile that  

Way I’m going to do a whole lot of them and that’s  where you retain your profits at doing short   miles high dollar rides man you retain nothing  but profits cuz you don’t got to do a lot of

Them just walked up out of the gym I’m going  to turn hum back on I said I didn’t have it   on when I was working out I was like no I don’t  want to be bothered let me go in there and get  

My little 30 40 minutes in all right let’s see  what uers looking like they got any surge over   on this side of the of the Equator what do we  got what do we we got um probably nothing like  

I thought probably nothing so this completely  just where they got a little surge way up there   $3 they got 525 Cave Creek is sitting at 225  Cave Creek is about 40 Mi away from me so for  

Me to try to drive way up there just to get  like nothing it just disappeared all of it   disappeared look there’s no search nowhere it  all disappeared that’s why I tell people never   chase surge cuz that [ __ ] will be if it’s  not around the corner from you oh it’s going  

To disappear you got to literally be sitting in  that [ __ ] nowadays they move the surge quick as   hell let’s see something let’s see what kind  of rods they got out there see what they got going CU I guarantee this shit’s going to  be garbage 11% AR 29% cancels not bad not  

Bad see what else we got um I’m eager to start  driving for them man they got to come up with   some [ __ ] we got to get some money moving you  know what I’m saying like I said I’m about to  

Head home now like here where I am right now le  International that’s where I live where it says   cotton Business Center so I got to go from there  to there roughly about one two three four about  

Five miles so I’m about 5 miles from home right  now not too bad gives me some time to listen to   some music Cruise a little bit go home shower up  then get to working on some gear let me go inside  

Of uber real quick see yep I’m not trying to do  no deliveries right now no no no let’s turn that   off real quick nope no update all right I’m  listen to me some music and cruise around but  

There you go so far no nothing as soon as I get  a ride I’m going to show you guys how it works   out for them sitting here cooking breakfast what  it’s Friday today today is Friday February the  

2nd so I’m cooking breakfast you know my good old  sausage and everything and I’m trying to see like   already I don’t have any updates on anything like  uber is not updated hum is like up to dat lift’s  

Not updated so I go to open Lift and usually  it says you know please update app I open it   and it allows me to drive look at that there’s no  update in here apparently because I haven’t driven  

In days the last time I drove I’ll show you the  last time I actually drove it was last week the   last last day I drove was Thursday because on  Friday January 26th it started saying please  

Update your app so I said well I can’t go back  and drive cuz it said please update your app so   I just left it turned off and like you know there  it is Friday Saturday Sunday move over all this  

Week hasn’t haven’t drove because it said please  update as soon as I got online today I opened it   up it already updated like the app self updated  somehow I don’t get it I don’t get it I don’t and  

Like this the last thing they sent me you know  was $4 because I wasn’t driving they said please   update app I I’m not updating that and now all of  a sudden this is I don’t have auto update the last  

Time I updated this app was November the 17th so  how is it now that I just open it and it just lets   me drive did they just bypass the update feature  for everybody or did they go through the system  

And automatically update it I don’t know what I  did do is I went through my apps as I was cuz I   wanted to check on everything so I went through  all my apps over here I found lift and I turned  

Permissions off when I was inside of lift cuz I  was like I don’t know what’s going on with lift   so I made sure I went in here here’s lift driver  so I went in here and my permissions I turned off  

Contacts microphone music audio and nearby devices  I don’t want them to know what devices are nearby   I don’t want them to know if I’m near my car near  somebody else’s phone near my computer I don’t  

Want them to know so I turned off nearby devices  you can turn off photos and videos as well you   can do don’t allow stuff like that I don’t care  if they do photos and videos for right now don’t  

Care location yeah that it was last access at like  12:00 which is just now because I just opened the   app up only while using this app but other than  that the camera I allow him to use my camera but  

I don’t give them access to my microphone so  if I don’t want them to use the camera I can   just put down loud but I went through last night  and I turned off all of that other stuff I turned  

Off contacts microphone music audio nearby devices  cuz it had all of that active already I said no y   don’t need y’all don’t need that information so I  I’m going to end up doing I think I did the same  

Uber I’m not sure uh where’s Uber at Uber’s in  here somewhere Uber driver here we go permissions   see camera location microphone well they don’t  need my microphone don’t allow yeah they don’t   need my microphone notifications but everything  else is off contacts microphone nearby devices  

Phone physical activity wait they have to have  phone activity I think they have to because they   got to give me a phone call I think so I think  that’s yeah because they can call me through   the phone physical activity they don’t need to  see my physical activity so I turn that off so  

Make sure you go through your devices turn off  what they don’t need cuz they’re going to allow   themselves to see everything in your phone turn  off stuff like don’t even let them go through   and look like no you don’t need to see all that  information but yeah it’s funny cuz like I said  

Lift now they’re running now and I haven’t updated  them or nothing like that hum I still haven’t made   anything with hum yet this is kind of like a  slow app and everything but you can go through  

Here turn this on real quick if it starts acting  right here it is yeah so it’s a pretty slow app   it never surges so you’ll never see surge on hum  home is one of those zero surge but you get 100%  

Of the money type deals turn that back off again  but yeah so LIF is active again which is good   because we got what Waste Management coming up so  I’m going to have both apps running and right now  

See they got you know $2 boost zones and stuff  like that got my breakfast here cooking like I   said I make breakfast every morning morning cuz I  don’t eat junk food I go to the store buy me some  

Egg sausage about whatever I want to buy and just  make it every day stay healthy that’s what you   got to do to stay healthy around here yeah but  they got a little surch down there in Maricopa  

That’s that’s a far shot that’s about uh 15 miles  south of me close to 20 mil south of where I am   right now so it would be stupid to drive down if  that surge was like $50 yeah but then it wouldn’t  

Stay when you get there but if they had $50 surge  in Maric coope would damn right I’ll be heading   down there like let’s go to Maricopa and do some  rides all day get down there and it be like a125


  1. In PHX metro I’m seeing a lot more long pickup distances(7-10+ miles). My guess is two things, 1: drivers nearby are declining the rides (awesome) and, 2: Uber is trying to find dummies to drive excessive pickup distance rather than surge the area or increase the driver offer to get the riders a car. They don’t care if riders wait or go without. This is their new “profits strategy.” Before adding surge, the app is asking riders to upgrade to priority. Riders are asking me why it’s taking so long, or why do they have to go priority when they saw plenty of cars nearby. So I explain it every time they ask.

  2. I’m so glad you’re doing a live. It distracts me from wanting to get out there and work for this crap companies.

  3. Hell yea bro i wanna see you go hard these next few months . Should u update lyft to see if they fixed the ratess ??? Im going broke . I only got 4k in the bank 😢 i wish i could stream gym content .

  4. Stay encouraged. I understand the struggle & have cried many tears & I stay on my face in prayer, trust me when I say I uplift you and the drives up in prayer daily. I even prayed for you & drivers on the alter last Sunday at church. I'm out here on Faith and I ask God to order my steps as I continue to move forward with the task at hand. I encourage you to know God is an on time God, seek him first & he will open up the heavens for you. I can only speak from experience on that. Y'all stay safe & have a wonderful weekend!!!!

  5. One could move more then just people and food. Lost luggage pays well delivery and alcohol and booze too. There are other apps where you can make money what you say brother Jeff have you tried out lost luggage apps in your area your right next to the airport could be some change there JS

  6. I hear the new trending is to create a youtube channel and talk about Uber instead of actually driving for them. A new tiny channel pays a big youtube channel to get promoted and make $$ of views,likes and subscribers. Uber is hating that more and more people are becoming aware what POS their company is😂

  7. ❤❤❤Thank you Brother Jeff 🙏 ❤️ 💙 for your AWESOME channel!!!STAY BLESSED and strong 💪 🙏 ❤! I am SUPER proud of you for keeping the information REAL! STAY BLESSED Brother Jeff 🙏! KEEP BLESSING FAMILY members 🙏 ❤️ with your AWESOME channel 🙏 ❤️!

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