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What’s going on everybody welcome back to ttb Ravens media this video is actually going to be a podcast clip we recorded a about an hourong podcast and over the next couple of days I’m going to be putting out those clips with a little bit of intro there wasn’t a lot

Of structure to it it was just me and Joshua talking with our buddy AJ who’s a Chiefs fan just kind of talking about the Chiefs and this upcoming game and how the seasons have gone overall so this is the first section um let me know in the comment section down below you

Know I will be putting out videos in addition to these but I just wanted to give this preview to you guys like what the heck is going on right now but this is part one here we Go what’s going on everybody welcome back to ttb Ravens media this is the TR the bank podcast if you can’t tell we’re with a special guest today friend of the show AJ AJ do you want to introduce yourself for everybody hey how you doing everybody I’m Relentless 41 on Twitter

Uh AJ Taurus or re Taurus depending on what platform you follow me on I am a longtime shees fan if anyone wants to give any doubt I will more than happily grab my first Chief’s Jersey at the time gifted to me in 2004 it was Priest Holmes so I wanted to come prepared

Because last time I was on the show it was about the Orlando Brown Junior trade and everyone talks [ __ ] saying I was not a fan I have taken the blows like Damen thinon Payton Manning were my daddy for well over a decade and we did not have a

Solid consistent offense until Mr Andy Reid came into town so to say the least I’m here and well me and M have a lot of history he’s the one that gave me confidence the one of them give me confidence to speak in front of a microphone and talk sports this is back in

2020 seems like a while ago and I always have respect for you and I remember when shuz the bank was under a hard Subs man it’s been crazy it’s amazing journey so far and hats off to you and Josh josua you guys have my respect but let’s talk some ball

Man yeah it’s it’s exciting uh we didn’t we didn’t play the Chiefs this year because the Ravens Ravens haven’t been winning their division recently uh which means it’s harder to play the Chiefs because the Chiefs are gonna win every year um but not not if Harbaugh uh gets

That Chargers job man well that’s true I would love to see har he dude he’s giving me heartburn but yes besides the fact yeah and so it’s like we finally get to see the Ravens play the Chiefs again and finally U Greg Roman is gone um so the Ravens actually have a a

Coordinator now they did play without Greg Roman once they played in the regular season Lamar Jackson’s only rookie loss was to Patrick Mahomes and a I mean that was the first game that was like the first instant classic between Lamar Jackson and Patrick Mahomes in 2018 and it was just like what’s funny

Is you go back and watch the game and you’re like dude why is Lamar throwing to to John Brown and Michael Crabtree right now but like it was somehow still working listen it’s been really crazy and there’s been so many things I like wanted to speak to you like as far as

Everything else goes like um do you remember this uh recent off season when the report cards came out yeah remember the as far as the trainers the Ravens were the only team that got an F yes they did and I’m like so hold on when we have

When we have Rashad baitman hurt and he says he’s having a hard time recovering who’s that on Lamar’s leg injuries who’s that on when all these running backs are constantly getting hurt to me that’s a conditioning flaw who’s that responsible and listen I’ve dealt with it being a

Yankee fan with all these old heads being in there for too long when there’s a problem when our stars are getting there and particularly when your quarterback is not healthy there’s a problem and in football the turnaround rate is all as an all-time high but the one thing is

That I think we got to change the narrative because a few things number one you know this for uh John Harbaugh being the head coach for the Ravens for all these years so number one a head coach isn’t going to have his full system in place until at least three

Years and if not you’re going to be in this head coach flipflop in at like a public restroom saying oh this is my system it’s not in place yet oh I don’t have my guy AKA my quarterback yet and look at at the vision like the AFC East

Where outside the Patriots it’s hey I want this head coach hey I want my guy yeah and that’s why you all sucked for 20 years yeah the Ravens have been consistent and outside offensive play calling which that bastard’s gone it’s like I mean some of the play call

And stuff like the like the fans are not stupid the NFL media has to realize this the fans are not stupid are they drunk are they Savages yes but they’re not stupid at the end of the day when Monday comes along or in some cases Tuesday

Comes along and they think about it they know what’s in front of their face like look at the eagles they said that their offensive coordinator wasn’t returning they’re going to have a third offensive coordinator in what three years yeah still the same system now granted right I don’t think I think serion should

Still be an assisting coach because I mean it’s not all on serani was the play calling all year long but good luck because you have your third coordinator in three years yeah whereas you guys you have your system hire so yeah I think uh one thing you brought up

Was the Ravens and their injury problems they did fire their strength and conditioning coach Steve Saunders this year to you can’t and guess what Lamar finished the Year healthy yes like they did lose some guys but like Lamar was healthy that’s injuries are every year look at the injuries all this year the

Last couple years we get it it’s a context Sport and we forget about that and the one thing is in Pro Sports we forget about is rest like for instance there’s some organizations that go hey is Wednesday going to be a rest day after we practice

On Tuesday are we GNA do full Sprints for three days a week and Tuesday is our rest day when you go from a full contact sport to okay we’re on the plane okay we’re traveling to here guess what guys hard workout Tuesday after a hard Monday night game like these

Processes yeah I I can’t fathom them because some of them do not know what the hell they’re doing doesn’t matter if you’re an agent wide receiver like Odell it doesn’t matter if you’re the running back room and you know we know the shelf life on these running backs nowadays particularly with big

Contracts to Lamar who has finally been able to tell everybody to suck it and think about it a year ago you were probably sitting on this podcast in front of the mic saying I hope he signed longterm and the fact that he was able to explore with other teams trade

Options now if you’re Indiana and you’re like hey okay do we go with the fourth or fifth overall pick and take a guy we like or Surrender three draft picks and pay a ton of money who we have questions which that I understand but if you’re a team like Atlanta well you

Whiffed if you’re a team like Tampa okay salary Capel but you might have found something that’s going to be a Gino Smith contract Panthers you whiffed because you’re a garbage organization there’s five to 10 teams where they badly screwed up because they could have Lamar Jackson a potential MVP of this

Year on their team and they decided and I’m gonna sell for mediocrity yeah it it’s kind of crazy that so many teams saw Lamar Jackson and they’re like nah I think we want to go with our strategy and we want to draft someone and it’s like sure if you want to draft

Someone but at the same time like there’s not five star quarterbacks in every draft like the fact that every team goes out there and they’re like oh yeah we think we got our guy like we’re like you’re drafting the fourth quarterback available um so like a team

Like I look at it with Atlanta this year and like problem is sorry about that but if you have a top five pick I could understand why you do not want to give up the number five pick along with two more firsts and depending on how it goes

It could be another top 10 pick because you’re gonna be surrendering a lot of draft Capital guys in walk years if you’re picking in the top five I maybe even top 10 depending on where you are but definitely top five I understand but everybody else it’s like

Okay I got a mid- round draft pick I have no quarterback I have no long-term deals I don’t know what the Direction I’m going in why do you not start with quarterback when you build a team it’s like okay I got a great offensive line great who’s behind it I don’t know

Figure it out look at how many great teams the Broncos had but nobody good behind Center and the offensive line go after Aaron roders when you could get someone who’s 26 years old um who’s already won an MVP like why are you going after the much older guy that you’re going to pay

The same amount of money as as Lamar Jackson is getting I so the fact that the Jets right and you know my father is a long and suffering Jets fan yes and one thing is I remember and some people are like how the hell did that happen

There’s so many radio hosts that I listen to and when they say wait you made your kid a Jet fan ple please tell tell me and there’s some of them that actually ask the their kid to like go on to hold the phone and answer the question why did your dad

Make you a suffering Jet fan basically me and my father kind of looked at each other and he’s like I don’t want to do this to you and I just said Thank you and here I am I had I picked my own destiny I went with my

Nave American Heritage and I’m a cheese fan I’m proud of it and after my suffering years I have two rings I’ll be able to tell people for hopefully a long time coming Josh been some time man how we doing brother hey AJ man I’ve been pretty good man how

You been doing brother uh it’s been last been a tough couple of months but I’m here Brody hear that man I’m glad you want to up and up and you here with us brother I mean I gotta say though I mean this is kind of nerve-wracking for me man I mean

I have no idea like who’s going to I mean I might get reamed in the comment section like we did with the last video but I’ll take it on the chin that’s fine but these are high stakes and again one goes to the Super Bowl one goes to the

Golf course and I’ve been hating The Narrative for my team all year long you have no idea I want to ask you something AJ because I I know you’re gonna have an interesting opinion on it as far as any question that involves my team this matchup your team by all means fire away

I’m ready what are your thoughts being a a longstanding Chiefs fan Taylor Swift obviously is now overtaking a lot of the narrative with your team what do you like are you happy about that that they’re getting more coverage or is it annoying so to be honest with you and correct me if I’m

Wrong it’s not all their fault because if you look at it the last three years right the last three years as far as Chiefs media year one Patrick’s wife yeah year two Patrick’s brother that piece of [ __ ] and now it’s year three hey thanks for taking off a Patrick Kelce but oh

Kelse he’s lost a step he’s not a thousand yards yeah but guess what he sat out the last game you act as if he’s like a scrub guess what he still made the Pro Bowl could have got a thousand yards if he wanted to you’re telling me that what is it 14 yards

Difference you make that him going from oh hey he’s at a thousand he’s not at 500 he’s 14 yard shy shut the hell up for all the people that are on the bandwagon the guy’s a two-time Super Bowl champion before he shot his shot at Taylor Swift okay they’re dating

Okay she thinks he’s a man’s man okay the NFL wanted to cater to get a women audience it just so happened to be now that Patrick’s wife and now are besties and every time they put the camera over her now they’re calling Patrick’s father a creep because they hug when they score a

Touchdown you’re telling me when your team doesn’t score and you’re all party and drinks are flowing you don’t hug everybody in the room come on it’s all [ __ ] it’s all everyone trying to make a bad false narrative and the guys at TPS sports are the worst those

Writers are the scum of the earth they’re something you find in the gutter throw in a trash bag and wait for the transfer the freaking Sanitation Company to pick up what the race Taylor Swift don’t bother me the media can go pound sand and and that’s the bad part about it like

Um it’s literally the media you know um creating the narrative I mean no Savannah James um Savannah James she I’m not g to say she hasn’t done anything of significance outside of being you know married to you know LeBron James but you know if she’s at the game you know you

See her you know if LeBron’s having a great game you know the camera ends up getting you know taking a shot of Savannah how she reachs you know for her husband I’m pretty sure Jay-Z was playing some type of sport and Beyonce you know was at the you know in stands

It would be the same thing you know I don’t know but there’s no false narrative about LeBron’s wife there’s yeah think about it when Britney when Britney Mahomes sits down on a diner they want to make a story out of it when Mrs James sits down at games side it

Doesn’t matter if she has a drink in her hand there’s no caption saying LeBron’s wife drunk on Sideshow tonight on this Sports Network no there’s none of that you didn’t say that about any guy now I’m not gonna compare LeBron James who is a top three in his sport of all time

To Kelsey’s woman or I mean if you want or say that Kelsey’s a top five tight end I mean the list is heavy so I’m not going to say it’s a lock because you got Kell Winslow Antonio Gates you got ank yeah you got gr I mean yeah exactly

Tony Gonzalez I had somebody say bro sorry I know you’re a Chiefs fan but I got Kelsey at number six and I say sure that’s fine yeah because he had Winslow he had sharp he had Gates Gonzalez gronowski and I’m like dude you put together a solid list you

Want to put Kelsey at six I’m not losing sleep my blood pressure is not going up because of a solid list he got good takes but the narratives man they piss me off and you know exactly what I’m talking about Lamar is he gonna be a bum

Is this a future uh project bust uh get some comparable trainers and look what happens MVP yep Super Bowl bound close we hope so we hope so super b b we’ll see hey you know what they say there’s an old saying going around and it is going haters stay

Forever and those haters kiss the Rings we love it I think it’s funny because like there’s not much of an NFL comparison for the for like the Travis Kelce relationship but there’s definitely um NBA comparisons because there there’s NBA and unless like Jazelle Jazelle and Tom Brady probably

But that that was like pre like social media so I don’t think people cared as much but I think like the closest is the the Kardashians with the NBA and you know dating like good point because you know there wasn’t even a big thing with Kate Upton and Justin Verlander and look

How many look how many big games he’s pitched in his whole life there he’s married to her a supermodel exactly and they don’t show that like like they may show she shown but not every five seconds now you could say it’s because of the baseball purists

But dude come on think about it aunia and Matt Olen you might look at him and just be like oh my God he’s got a hot wife she’s not gonna be shown every 10 seconds she’s not gonna be shown at every home run maybe but those home runs

Are rare to come by they’re might the guy might be lucky to get 40 home runs and okay that’s 40 looks of the camera work what about the other at bats yeah and there’s 180 games it’s not like it’s Happ like Kelsey I mean it’s like first

Down here you go could you imagine 180 if you make it 16 maybe Deon Booker makes a three-pointer they they show Kendall Jenner when they were dating could you imagine how annoying that would be as a Sons fan you’re like just watching you’re like oh my God yeah she

Sitting Courtside who cares we’re done well remember um Green Bay oh gosh I forgot what position the guy play Oh Simone B’s husband Simone B husband yes see see how y’all just said Simone B husband y don’t y’all don’t even remember y don’t even know the guy’s

Name know what position he plays right for green B Jonathan Owens Jonathan Owens is his name I know his name and every people know Simone biles she’s if you take all of the Houston area athletes and make a Mount Rushmore she’s on it definitely has to be it’s just like I

Don’t know it’s just kind of a weird thing when you’re watching that I don’t want to say like dilutes the broadcast but it just takes away from the game itself like I would rather focus on now after they win or something like that having a secondary camera angle or like

Maybe maybe like the chief’s Twitter account or Instagram posts a video of the reaction but why does why does CBS have to show it all the time because saw the of the female engagement and they’re trying to Target it now again man trust me you know how many times I go to a

Super Bowl party and somebody goes like uh you know okay yeah sweet the game’s on I don’t get it like I have a buddy of mine I hope he proposes to this woman we went to a hockey game together in Bruins they score a goal and she goes that’s a

Touchdown right and I go no what are you doing you can’t get worse than that yeah it’s just like how do you do do it cuz obviously it’s it’s beneficial for them getting more views and clicks and more interest but also how do you do that without overdoing it because I think they’re

Doing it they’re dming right now they’re doing it too much comment is 40 seconds yeah not everybody is in the Huddle or at the line of scrimmage for that whole 40 seconds you know you got hey I’m trying to listen to the coach hey here’s the offensive coordinator hey who’s this hey

Here’s a fan that’s uh chugging a beer there’s so much that could happen within that 40 seconds it’s why the cameramen uh and women do such a great job the audio people it’s the reason why it’s uh production so granted percentage wise it’s very low I think they just rather

Have hey here’s a kid that’s dancing up and down with a little Jersey and let’s promote kids and I feel like they’re trying to go with everybody and not everybody has a box per se granted I I understand what they’re trying to do I just feel like if it was let’s

Say h what’s a good example okay let’s say it’s the Chargers and Austin Eckler is dating the supermodel who’s uh very famous and she’s in the Press Box if they showed her after every touchdown Drive regardless if he was a part of it I think it’s a non

Story yeah they’re making it a story they’re W to feed it and again as much I I’m not going to lie I’m so sick of it because this is giving me Patriot Vibes and you know damn well that I live in the tri-state area I live in Connecticut

I work all over the state of Connecticut I used to work in the state of New York and you’d be surprised when I get near the borderline of the Hartford line I try not to wear anything New York related because that’s when all these bostonese decide to come out of the

Woodworks and talk out of their ass remember there’s Tom Brady whatever religious figure they worship then there’s gronowski it’s just how it works over here do you understand why like why everyone wants the Chiefs to lose because of it I don’t I don’t know there’s Noir way to see on social media

Everyone wants the Chiefs to lose and everyone listen I totally understand why and it’s not a sour grapes thing it’s a media thing now listen if you if you want to say if somebody ever said they’re like AJ you’re a good dude but dude you got two rings can you sit this

One out and I get it if the bills won and if it was a clean game I’m fine with it like the Super Bowl when they lost against the Eagles and everyone says which one’s your favorite one and I say the ners and they say why and I said we won clean man

Because like the second game everything was Ticky Tac the field was a mess the so many no calls and then you call one late in the game like like there was that one moment where uh I forgot who it was but handed up uh I think he jammed

Rice and I understand the call but that was more blatant than the last Super Bowl yeah and also in the last what two minutes yeah it’s just like I mean it it it’s crazy like if the bills won I’d be like hey good luck against uh the Ravens

But no offense but I’m kind of rooting for the Ravens because of this rivalry and such going on it’s you know again I’m not bitter the only thing that I would be bitter about is if I had to say the only thing I have anything malice towards is probably Tyreek Hill just

Simply because the last two two years pardon my French he hasn’t shut his [ __ ] mouth listen brother yeah when the reason why he was drafted so late was because he got in trouble for punching a pregnant woman his girlfriend at the time we defended him against you know

Violence against a child all this [ __ ] right and then you get traded and you want to lie about your contract and lie about this okay we replace you okay dude everything fine offseason comes around shut your mouth we want a Super Bowl without you everybody in the media shut your

Mouth we got to another AFC Championship game without Tyreek Hill I understand he’s a talent I understand this year he was the number one wide receiver in the NFL but still Hill shut your mouth off the property

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