The Nike Jordan Golf Bag Is Over Rated (Would you Buy It?) Golf Bag Review

The Nike Jordan Golf Bag Is Over Rated (Would you Buy It?) Golf Bag Review

In this golf bag review, we take a look at the highly popular Nike Jordan golf bag to see if it lives up to the hype. Find out if this golf bag is really worth the investment and if it’s a must-have for your golfing collection. Better to know before you buy!

Welcome back golfers we’re over here checking out some golf bags but there’s one specific golf bag I want to see if they actually had at the PJ Superstore now don’t get me wrong I’m a huge Michael Jordan fan I’m a Hawks fan but dude for the player he’s one of the best

Players out there I’ve heard he actually has a golf bag that I guess Nike made for him it’s got the number 23 and everything else so I just want to see what was the quality of the bag if it’s worth it and how much it actually cost I

Personally use vessel um vessel golf bag I got a cart bag I got a stand bag and you know they cost a little bit more but the quality is topnotch and it’s definitely worth it so we’re going to try to see if we can find it all right

Looks like we found it they had the Jordan bag in black and in white pretty cool they got the 23 on the strap um I like the white and blue so let’s see the quality of it it’s got a stand bag they’re not carbon fiber it’s already kind of not standing correctly this

Stuff feels like it’s just made out of really cheap material so far the pockets the head cover man this maybe if this bag is like 120 bucks it’s already feeling kind of junky oh that’s not even a magnet oh my good this thing is sit stop moving so it’s all

Zipper zipper no magnets no liner wow they don’t even have liner pretty basic carry bag here’s a strap so what’s the price on this that oh my 3s you got to be kidding me so you can buy a vessel bag that’s leather magnet has everything loaded to the dime 360 that’s ridiculous

Man that’s junk I’m sorry Jordan you need to you need to put some respect to the name Jordan you got to take that off you don’t deserve to be on something so plasticky and cheap only thing that matches you is that price tag but uh let

Me know if you guys would actually buy this bag man you got to be a huge Nike fan I think Nikes are already overpriced as they are and then buy this bag the only cool thing is this 23 dude get a vessel and just Mark that in there but yeah this thing’s trash

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