Golf Players

LIVE: Pull Hook Podcast Recording w/ PGA Tour Caddie Lance Bennett

Join us tonight, January 30th at 10PM ET as I sit down with PGA Tour caddie Lance Bennett. We’ll be discussing:

– PGA Tour Conditional Status
– Farmers Insurance Open Recap
– AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am
– LIV Golf Chaos & Mayakoba

E all right we are live everybody welcome back to pull hook golf the podcast I’m your host Matt Cook and tonight I got a really special guest it is a return episode with Mr Lance Bennett pga2 or caddy we’ll be getting into a whole bunch of stuff tonight especially

Welcoming back Lance getting caught up a little bit then from there we’ll go over what exactly is PGA conditional status this year like um you’ve got some experience with that we’ll talk about the Farmers Insurance open we’ll also go over the upcoming AT&T Pebble Beach proam which is the first signature event

Of the year and then lastly we’re going to dive into some live golf which uh tends to be my favorite topic there’s always drama going on and everything so I’m excited to uh touch upon that but before we Dive In want to give a shout out and thanks to our sponsor Swan’s

Golf first off folks they’ve got this awesome golden Lake collection I’ve got the Nolan jacket on which might be I mean I’ve worn this out to dinner so far Lance like this thing is nice and it’s just it’s a good texture nice and light but it looks really really sharp so

Folks check out the Nolan jacket for that I’ve got the Homan hat on I’ve got the Clyde Polo underneath you can’t really see that but if you guys use pole hook golf 25 as your promo code a checkout you’ll get 25% off your entire Swan’s order and then of course I’ve got

The good old Bushwood Spirits going on here um The Still Water Rye fantastic stuff if you haven’t tried it make sure you do you also got a promo code on that listeners so just use a promo code pull hook uh at checkout for good old Bushwood Spirits yes folks it’s just

Like catty Shack there’s a golf ball on the bottle it’s absolutely fantastic but uh welcome back Lance how are you man good Matt how are you thanks for having me on hey it’s my pleasure we talked about it at the Shriners last year we saw each other out there I was with a

Practice round um and sure enough we we saw each other and you’re like what am I coming back on the show I’m like I got to get you back on soon man let’s get it done so I’m glad you got some time to uh catch up and I mean there’s been a lot

That’s gone on since the last time had you on the show I mean you went from I mean take me through because this caddy world and we’ve had a lot of experience on this show about how wild and crazy it can be in the carousel that it is for

Caddies but I mean since the last time you were on let’s go over the players that uh you were you’ve been on the bag for when uh when exactly was I on last was D Davis Riley was who you were cading for when you came on last okay

Okay yeah so Davis and I had a great run together in 21-22 um his rookie year and then we split last year um a waste management week after the after the waste management week so almost a year ago next week every be one year yeah um had

A great run together had a great rookie year and then from there I went and I worked for sun JM for a few months I worked for him from Bay Hill through the US Open um had a great run early with him and then had a kind of a kind of

Fell off a little bit and then he and I split um and in the caddy world like you know sometimes you get on a bag and you’re there for a long time you know I worked for Matt coocher for almost 10 years and then a few other guys for a

Couple years here and there Bill hos and Patrick Rogers uh but then lately I just bounced around this past year Davis then sunjay and then I work for Brandon woo for for you know I didn’t know about Brandon woo that you yeah right after um right after sunj I got the job of

Brandon woo and I worked for him through Greensboro and then and um that had the playoffs off and then I started with Austin Smotherman at um Vegas oh so that was your first week on his bag in Vegas that was that was the first week yeah it was

And I worked for him the rest of the Fall um he did not secure his card he finished 13 135 out the you know so he was just 10 places out of 125 um so he’s what’s called conditional status yeah let’s talk about that a little bit because I I

Was even curious with how this new setup is as to how it goes about getting into events is it mainly coron Ferry but take us through a little bit we were talking about it before we came on air yeah so you have uh your different priority

Rankings right is how they do it and everybody has a number so if you’re in the top 12 125 you’re clearly you know you’re exempt for the year so obviously now now it’s top 50 or at all the all these Signature Events and then everyone

Else um is fighting for that next 10 to get in the next you know how they have these swings now they’re calling them you know the Sony Palm Springs and Tory where is a three- week swing and those and the best Five Guys from those three

Weeks got in this week into Pebble Beach um so those guys are all fighting and then you have your um after that they put in the um the medical extension so guys are coming off injury trying to get back out here they have a certain number

Of events that they are allowed to have to earn their points back and there’s I think there’s like eight or nine of those guys this year so they go in there and then after them come the corn Ferry graduates this year they’ve thrown in 10

Of the DP World Tour guys yeah I saw that with that partnership now they’ve given them 10 spots tour cards so they throw him in the same category and I think there’s like 42 guys in that category which is the top 30 corn fairy 10 guys from the

Um TP World Tour and then you got the Five Guys from um from Q school because remember they gave five five spots for Q School um and then you get to the 126 to 150 category which is what Austin is in and um so we’re we’re kind of got pushed

Down the list where in past years we may have gotten in Palm Springs and Tor um and this year it’s not happening because of this new signature series Signature Events that they have um I feel like it’s pushing guys that aren’t in those events to play more of the other events

To try to play their way into these Signature Events so it’s making these fields stronger in in one way is one way to look at it I mean that would be that would be a good I guess a good way to look at it I mean it’s funny though

Because I’ve talked with so many guys like when I had stman on the podcast stman not that long ago he was pretty open about the fact that does not like the signature events at all um and that is kind of the sentiment from everybody that I’ve talked to out here in

Scottdale and so forth players agents and so forth that you know not really loving this whole signature event and it’s kind of padding like for the top guys and everything and not really taking care of the entire tour so I I guess it’s kind of how you look at it

But in terms of with Austin I mean you you guys just finished fourth or tied for fourth down in the Bahamas actually he he did I did not go oh you did not go no so we had a big freeze here in Dallas like a really bad

That that’s um you know that weather dipped Way South from the north and it we got like down to zero at night and like in the 20 and the teens during the day and I had some some pipes freeze and so I had to be here for when it thought

Out to see if I was gonna have any major sure um breakage so luckily it was only minor um and I was here uh this happened three years ago and I was at Riviera we had the same type of ice storm come through and we had our house almost

Fully flooded like partially flooded which created a lot of damage so I felt I had to be here not unloaded on my wife you know and so I just told I told SM I was like I I can’t go I gotta be here I can’t I can’t

Risk um the damage it could possibly do and he totally understood and I knew he’d play well he had been you know working really hard and his game was in good form so well it’s a good week to miss it was windy as [ __ ] down there for

That’s what I heard that’s what I heard yeah yeah so pretty impressive that uh he played that well now in terms of kind of what’s next for him in terms of events like you were saying not really quite sure what events he’s actually going to be able to be in at this point

Right yes it doesn’t look like he’s gonna get in on his number until Puerto Rico that’s okay now that could change maybe Mexico or maybe what is the old Honda now is what cognizant would is what it’s called now yeah possibly but um those don’t look promising like he’s

He’s gonna try to Monday qualify for Phoenix next week okay so that could be a possibility but um getting in on his number on his priority ranking I don’t feel like he’ll get into Puerto Rico could be wrong but that’s just the way

It looks you hate to see it I you got a player like Austin Smotherman who I mean kid kids a stick so that’s a that’s a tough one to kind of leave back but this is I mean these are the things that people don’t understand or don’t see

From all these changes that are going on the Casual fan really has no idea as to what’s going on and I think a lot of the people especially on social media and so forth kind of look at it like oh you know the guys that are 125 and Beyond

Aren’t very good anyways and that’s not the case at all everybody is super talented it’s just you know getting hot at the right times playing well in the right tournaments getting points especially FedEx points I mean those are those are huge at this point so I mean

It’s kind of interesting to hear you talk about too how you know and I always find it interesting because Bobby for instance he was with DJ for such a long time you were with coer for such a long period of time and then it’s like you

Kind of jump around a little bit to find the right guy again how uncommon is it for guys to be on the bag for such a long period of time and the one that comes to mind is uh for instance Tom Kim with Joe scin who Joe takes off for

Oberg so it’s like and everybody thought that was a really good pairing between him and Tom cim I know I know they had success together they won they won backto back um Vegas you know Vegas is two two years in a row and um I just

Maybe you know a kid as talented as ludvig maybe that was just the pull the draw there was just too much I mean Tom Kim is a a great great young man obviously an incredible talent I mean that’s a big gamble to leave him to go

To another player he was the 11th ranked player in the world when they when when Joe left but I mean Joe’s a smart guy and he’s got a lot of experience out here and he knows what he’s doing and he feels like that’s what’s best for him

And I I you know applaud that um I don’t I don’t think I think he was in a good situation either way whether he stayed with Tom or whether he went with livic I mean it’s a win-win either way to me yeah that’s a good point I mean it’s

Definitely a ballsy move because yeah we saw ludvig come out very hot out of the gates and I always tell everybody because people are calling for ludvig to win a major this year and I’m like let’s pump the breaks folks like let this kid come into his own on the PGA tour first

Of all like yeah he’s won twice last year got thrusted into the rudder cup showed up well but like already this year like he’s playing well but it’s like you’re starting to see a few things that you know still need to be worked on like the Potter um and so forth but um

Going back to the caddy side of all of this I mean I do want to ask you about one thing in particular which was with sunjay because and this is a little bit into how does it normally go down with the breakups I we’ve had this these

Talks before but I’m so curious because with Willie that was a whole thing that kind of uh you found out on Twitter I know I know so um we had missed a cut at the US Open and the Saturday of the US Open was my son’s thirdd birthday

So I had told sunjay hey my son’s birthday is tomorrow I’m G to fly home for the weekend I’ll I’ll be I’ll meet you in Hartford which was the next week and he said okay and then on Saturday afternoon it was late late afternoon I started getting a couple of text

Messages one of them from Bobby that said hey what’s this all about it was a screenshot of of a tweet that Willie had put out and I’m like oh that’s got to be a joke I don’t know why why in the world would that you know it’s going to work

For sunjay let’s go whatever and I’m like okay that’s weird you know I go I haven’t heard from sunjay I have no idea what this is and I had heard that from like two or three guys and I’m going n that can’t be I was kind of a little

Naive at like nah that’s not true that can’t be true like why in the world would he be saying that and and I’m also thinking will he’s not a caddy he’s a player like why why would he be saying that right so I text sunjay and no no no I did not

Text sunj literally 10 minutes later after the last text I got I get a long text from sunjay going hey blah blah blah you know sold me the whole thing I said hey why am I finding out on Twitter you know he’s like I’m so sorry I didn’t

He did not know that you didn’t know yet and he got a little bit ambitious a little bit you know ahead of himself and um put that out there I can laugh about it now but at the time I was a little heated just because of the whole way it

Went down imagine but you know what it’s water to the bridge it’s all good um you know that’s part of the business sometimes those things happen and uh I got nothing for love no nothing but love for sunjay so world class player I had a fun time working for him made made you

Know made a good amount of money you had a nice stretch there yeah the first seven tournaments like he was on like we we were close to winning um I think you know made around three a little over three million in its first seven weeks

Together um had a bunch of top 10 and top a couple top fives and I think we had a couple top FES it was it was really strong it was a really strong run um theny caught got a little bit of a a fall off a little bit um at the PGA and

At uh Memorial the US Open and you know we went our separate ways after the US Open and that’s all that’s it’s all good it’s all good it’s a tough stretch I mean especially with how many events sunj plays I still get kind of flabbergasted by how many events he is

Constantly in and just you get worn down man he doesn’t play as much as he used to though like people still think he plays like 32 33 I think the year before I worked for him he only played 27 okay maybe that’s a little bit more normal of a schedule

Yeah that is like he used to play 33 34 tournaments like that’s a lot and I remember this past fall he didn’t play it all in the fall you’re right he didn’t he may have he played Japan um and then he played another one overseas like in Korea or something um

Then he didn’t play again until caloa so he took some time off but he’s gonna he’s gonna be on a stretch now where he’s gonna play a lot yeah I mean this is this is his his stretch um it’ll be interesting to see if he can get it

Going I mean he’s always kind of up towards top of the leaderboard I mean setting the uh were you surprised ni by him setting the PGA Tour record with the amount of birdies at kaaloa no because he’s not known to be the best putter in the world no but he’s gotten a lot

Better um you know Josh Gregory is his short game guy and Josh and I are good friends and when I worked for him we kind of put our heads together and helped him you know I there’s a it’s like a mat like a Neil PR Matt it’s like got a putting Aron

Seen him Y and I went and got him one ordered it online paid like 85 bucks to get it like in two days ordered this thing took it down to match play yeah the minimal arc on it because he does like 12 degrees which is the smallest

Amount of Arc they have and which is just slightly inside slightly you know left on through after impact which is is basically what he did and we put him on that because he had a tendency of shoving that putter outside and cutting across it so we put him on that thing

And got his got his right elbow in more to his body keeping that connected on that putting shuck and not letting that thing fly away and man he he started putting really really well so um you know he’s you know I think he putted much better after that um and uh you

Know he’s he’s a better putter than he hits so many greens he’s such a good ball Striker so people so because his because he doesn’t make like how how I could say it right but he because he hits so many greens his putting stance aren’t stats aren’t going

To be as good if that makes sense it does yeah so um no he’s a he’s when he gets hot that’s what he you know he can fill it up quick like you know obviously Calo he filled it up um that he did yeah for sure for sure definitely but uh

Let’s get into a little bit about uh you ready for some golf talk here I mean not like we’re not already doing that but let’s talk a little bit about last week’s Farmers Insurance open and uh you know with this and having a player with conditional status do you like the

Allowing the 10 players from the DP World Tour in because that kind of stretches back a little bit too and pushes some guys back I know some of the international fans were not so thrilled about that at all because it’s taking them away from the DP world tour right

Yeah I think have mixed feelings on it like I feel like you’re going to take opportunities away from corn fairy guys because they’re getting pushed further down you they put those 10 guys ahead of all the corn fairy guys which I was curious on where they were going to put

Them in the order like I thought they might you know zipper him in like every other one sure but to just put them straight ahead of of the Corn fairy guys I think was a little bit they might need to tweak that down the road um because

It just pushes everyone out it’s going to take away two or three tournaments from guys that were higher up on that list y on the corn fairy and I I don’t I mean I get it’s golf of business and when you merge two tours and you

Know kind of have you know PJ tour has some partnership or some ownership in the DP World Tour and so they kind of they want to mix it together and I kind of understand that but at the same time you gota you got to think of your

Players and what what works best for them um um and I feel like you know they proved it they proved themselves on the DP World Tour but they didn’t go through the way everyone else gets to the PJ Tour by playing on the corn fairy tour

So I kind of look at it like maybe they should have come over I don’t know it’s I don’t know if I agree with it or not kind of have a mixed feelings about it I understand it’s a tough one to really digest because in my mind I’m like you

Know okay we get the top guys from the DP World Tour they’re coming over it’s gaining additional exposure they go back to the DP World Tour and that’s how I kind of looked at it but um you know that being said we did have Matthew Pavone end up

Winning that farmers’s insurance and not without a little bit of controversy by the way I don’t know if you saw this on social media I didn’t see it there was so apparently he was way up in front of the other guys he was playing with and

He kind of did like this side step towards kind of where his ball ended up being and kind of stepped down now everybody’s saying on social media that he stepped behind the ball which obviously is illegal you can’t do that and that’s why he was able to end up

Getting a little bit of spin on that shot on 18 to be able to get it to where he was right and end up winning the tournament I mean I was talking with uh um oh gosh uh the Monday Q info it was just on a couple weeks ago I can’t

Believe I’m blanking on his name right now I’m so sorry but um that being said he was talking about how you know it is kind of prevalent that guys will take advantages like that especially on the corn fairy tour where there’s not as many fans not as many cameras and stuff

Like that I mean have you had any experiences out there you don’t have to drop any names I don’t want you to be a snitch or anything but I’m curious have you ever seen something like that go on no I mean I’ve SE goty funny I I mean I have

A funny story from an event um Riviera actually 20 years ago that a player a pretty prominent player back in the day I won’t say his name but he was in the left rough on a hole and his two playing Partners were in the right rough or on

The right side of the f Fair away they’re like 30 40 yards away and there was a caddy that was out there in the morning looking at pins for the afternoon this is before shotlink Data before you could follow it on your phone this was back when you kind of caddies

Went out in the morning if they had an afternoon round and look at pins and saw how greens were reacting and how putts were rolling you know do their little scouting morning scouting trip sure and and caddy was out there that had not out there very long and so it wasn’t no one

Was going to recognize him or anything and he was on the ropes watching and this player had a really bad lie the left rough and he you know this is back when guys some gu still wore spikes and he was a veteran player that was still wearing spikes and so he

Was there was a sprinkler head close enough to him but not close to where he would get relief but he kind of took a half a step back and kind of clanked his spikes on the on the on the uh sprinkler head and was like hey guys I got

Sprinkler head over here they’re like okay yeah go ahead and he took relief and the the caddy literally was sitting with his M his jaw down here going oh my God like he didn’t know what to do and so it has happened it has happened um there have been some instances where

Guys would mark their ball a little funny on the green you know and then kind of replace it in a slightly different spot which you know I mean what are they really gaining from that but you can’t do it but they did it and I mean personally I’ve never experienced it

I’ve just heard stories about it that have things that have happened um I would have to say the same I I’ve heard stories and I’ve heard that it’s more prevalent than you could imagine but here’s the thing for me I think guy’s nervous right and he

Probably was checking on the LIE his lie and stepped a little bit closer than he probably should have and that’s where I think because otherwise you know you got to step pretty damn close and that rough was really thick in order to get it down around your golf ball and I would be

Worried about moving the golf ball at that point and you know there’s got to be cameras on you I mean I know you play on the DP World Tour to where there’s not as many fans out there and everything but there’s still a good amount so I don’t think it’s the same as

Kind of of corn fairy tour and so forth um but yeah that being said I definitely was a bit um bit surprised that social media took it on as much as they did uh but yeah there’s definitely some footage of him kind of stepping in the vicinity

Yeah see I didn’t notice that or even see any of it or hear any of the controversy I will say Twitter Twitter Twitter is a wild world lands I am on Twitter I am not on Twitter this has become a a real hobby for me lately

Right I will say this though that I mean I like that guy’s golf swing he I love his shot shape that exclusively left to right I mean he’s starting that thing in the left rough and it’s peeling every single time back to the middle of Fairway and he he’s a quick player which

A lot of guys respect and like that like he does take a lot of time like he just steps up and he sends it and it’s you know you know he’s a fast player and great Rhythm and man thing is what a nice shot shape he has on every shot U

And he was clutched down the stret good good for him I mean that that par save he had on 16 that was at 30 feet or so um like he should have lost a shot there and and uh I mean it was it should have been a little tighter than what it was

But he made that 30-footer that’s really I think gave him that momentum to carry it all the way to the end and how great was Tory pin in in terms of shape I don’t think I’ve ever seen it I mean it was almost like set up as a major in a lot of

Fairways were bigger but the the rough was so thick and so Lush I mean it’s always bad there but I think I heard Dy pepper saying that the Saturday before the tournament it was three and a half inches and they did not touch it for nine day until you know Sunday she’s

Saying this so we’re looking at eight days she say it was every bit of five and a half six inches of that thick Lush I mean that that rough from the shots I saw it looked like it was set up as a major yeah same and that Saturday when they

Set up all those pins in the tricked out positions because Sunday was definitely easier Sun Sunday they gave some scoring opportunities but Saturday they just absolutely destroyed these guys I think what was it 122 over bar or something like that like it was insane yeah yeah

It was fun fun after you’ve got birdie Fest as your first couple events coming into this and then you kind of get this wakeup call but I also real realized why some of the big names decided hell I’m not playing this at Tory pin this early

In the year you kidding me so there’s always kind of that balance to it and everything but um what do you think about the first three winners because you know we’ve got Chris Kirk which the PJ tour has done an okay job with going over and his story with alcoholism and

Everything I think they’ve done a terrible job with graceon Mar though like in terms of giving him enough promo and everything because he’s part of this little circle right I mean have you caddied for him before because I know Bobby has Micah has no but I know him

Really well um from being in groups with him and when you know Bobby worked for him um you know he’s one of those guys where there’s a lot of guys that don’t like him I’ve always gotten a along with gracon really really well I thought the

Golf channnel did a good job of covering the story story okay um I love kiry to death he is I was actually in a group with him his first week back at RS or at myoba when he came back okay uh we played 36 when it was the year we played

36 holes on on Sunday we got rained out we had to play 36 no repair so we played 36 straight holes together I think we had to come back on Monday maybe and finish um but man I couldn’t be more more proud more happy of him of what

He’s been able to overcome and I think his is more impressive than Chris Kirk and then with his transformation and getting fit dropping all the alcohol and everything in addition to that and getting over some mental health stuff too I mean he was pretty open about that

In some of the media and then to win on the corn fairy tour at the end of the year and then all of a sudden first event back on the PGA tour that’s pretty impressive yeah he was in a dark place I mean he you know we played with him in

The fall somewhere and I can’t remember where and I was just like man I am you look just so good I told him like you just You Gotta Be You Look lean and mean and you’re ready to go and he’s like oh thanks Lance I appreciate it you know

I’ve worked really hard on my body and everything really um I didn’t realize how bad it was but he was ready to quit he was done yeah and you know you know I don’t know if his the fiance that he met or his his faith that he found or what

It was but I mean he’s been done a transformation of a person that has been really impressive um so I I it’s you know it’s humbled him I think it’s it’s you know it’s really a a really heartwarming story to see the changes that he’s made

In his life uh for the better I love that he said if I win today it’ll change my career but it won’t change my life I love that that’s a great quote that’s a great line to use I mean that’s how you know he’s in a great mental space right

Now yeah he’s like it’s Gonna Change My Career yes but is it gonna change my life no and I love that he has that perspective to be able to say that I completely agree now I did I’ll be honest I missed the Golf Channel story

On him um I don’t watch as much Golf Channel as I used to I probably should but I kind of felt like you know they could have brought that up more during the broadcast and everything and talked about it a little bit further that’s where you know a lot of the Casual fans

That’s where they’re getting their stories from so I always kind of get critical about PJ tour and their promotion side because ever since Tiger Woods there hasn’t been like they got so focused on one person that it’s tough for them to tell the story for all these

Guys now and I just feel like listen if you’re going to promote these guys and get the viewership and everything up when some of these new names are on top of the leaderboard that people don’t necessarily know you really need to build them up and I think that’s

Something that could be just a little bit better as all uh but Matthew pavon is the third one so we’ve had big names up towards the top of the leaderboard in all of these um with Jordan spe almost winning kaaloa but you had Chris Kirk ended up getting that win you know uh

With Grayson or I’m sorry with Nick Dunlap too I mean I forgot about Nick Dunlap Jesus talk about another freaking incredible story with an Amer first one since 91 since Phil Michelson I mean oh I I don’t even know where to go with that one because that was just so

Impressive but you had Sam burns up there you had Justin Thomas up there competing for that one and you end up seeing a PJ tour guy falter versus the am yeah I mean in the same group he’s playing with Sam Burns and with JT two worldclass players that you would think

Of anyone that’s GNA falter it might be this college kid but man he is he was he was dialed in and steady and ready for the moment and man that was impressive that was really impressive yeah and then Tony Fen now this past week Xander up

There towards the top Tony had it going I don’t know if you like he was his ball striking was insane but then he started missing some short putts and that’s what killed him he missed a short one on nine or on 10 11 and then it was kind of he’s

You could see starting to grind go into Grind Mode and all of a sudden it’s like oh I got to hit it even closer because I’m not making these and that’s when things kind of get out of whack at times yeah for sure because you know on these California courses these poana Blended

Courses with bent you know they’re kind of a mix of bent and poana and what people don’t realize the the poana grows faster than the bent so this these in the afternoon these surfaces are really it’s like putting on a Chinese checkerboard like it’s not easy and so

You saw Lely air on the par five you know what he four putted for double right he had an eagle Putt and walked away with seven right was it seven or six think was six I think he yeah he four puted a eagle putt well it was it was a 30 35 footer

Down the hill he only hit it like no and then all of a sudden he missed the four-footer then missed the three-footer he lipped it out and then he went to kind of like the little like one of these little backand you know and he tap

Tap it he didn’t read it and he just missed that one but it’s not easy to make two and three Footers on on these you know this week at pebble’s gonna be the same way and Rivier is gonna be the same way in a couple weeks I always

Remember Bobby telling me because he caded obviously at Pebble for a long time before getting out on tour and he always told me he’s like on PO you have to go firm and at the center of the cup he’s like otherwise if you go on the

Edges he’s like you’re going to lip out every single time if you hit it slow it’s just gonna move offline it’s gonna do one of these you know it’s GNA a lot of movement um both ways and I think that’s great for fans to know I like once again didn’t really hear that

A whole lot out of the broadcast team but I will say CBS for me kind of takes the cake for a broadcast team they’re good you got Jim N in there you’ve got uh emlan you’ve got Colt no out on the golf course you got some great Frank Nao

Yeah col no on the course and doy on the course yeah oh Do’s fantastic yeah they’re yeah I think hilarious he’s got a great personality for that gig U brings a lot of good Insight because he’s played with all these guys right he he was out here recently enough to play

With a lot of these guys um but yeah no they did do CBS does a very good job yeah agreed now on the other hand have you seen this Jake knap no I I saw a little bit of him in the final round but I don’t know him wouldn’t couldn’t pick

Him out of a lineup but I did see a little bit of his the ending of his of his round like he had a chance like he got it to 11 did he yeah yeah finishing second or TI for second with yeah Nikolai hugard which yeah those brothers

Are insanely talented too yes yes yeah Nikolai Rasmus they’re really good they’re very good I mean that’s what’s crazy golf is in such a great spot from a talent perspective that I don’t understand a lot of this talk um especially with now we’ll get into the

AT&T uh because Rory was on the mic today you had JT talking as well but Rory really kind of did the full 180 in terms of his stance on live golf and was just like oh they should come back no penalty you know I feel like oh one it was

Very you can kind of see the progression of Rory mroy and his stance on all of this and ever since he got jaded from the policy board and everything going on there with uh the guys who wanted to see the top guys get um and he had a

Little bit of an issue with just kind of catering to the top players um and obviously led to his exit and Jordan spe coming in uh but that being said he he he kind of went over the deep end in my opinion on this one because now you just

Got people just ripping him from both sides because he’s like I think the guy should be able to come back over with no penalty no consequence because winning a tournament like this without Dustin Johnson John ROM so on and so forth you know you feel like it’s a cheap win and

I’m just sitting there going you kidding me the talent is so good right now on the PGA T I agree I like his comments what he first kind of started to shift a little bit yes same I thought that was very um it was mature very mature very

Professional that took a lot lot to be able to say those things to admit a little bit like I went a little too far I like that but I I didn’t see any of his what he said today um I don’t know if I agree with that like I think like they’re double

Dipping if they come back with no penalty they’re getting to they’re getting all that money up front they oh I win W for a year I’ll come back and I’m 100 million richer for not doing it you know for just going over how jaded would the would the other guys feel that

Didn’t go over didn’t take the large checks I mean you would probably feel pretty crappy about that situation yeah I wouldn’t hold anything personal against anyone I mean they did what they thought was best for their family I don’t begrudge anybody for going to live um I mean they put that

Much money in front of you you’re like hey I can take care of my family for a couple Generations at least Lance $600 million I’m going several yeah I don’t blame you I I probably would to but I don’t begrudge anybody for going you know I don’t

Necessarily um I’m on the team of I don’t think they should get world ranking points yet I think if they made some tweaks to their formats I think they could do it you know if they went 72 holes and they went with tea times and you know they could do no cut we

Have tournaments with no cut to get world ranking point so I don’t see that I don’t see that as being the issue you know they went 48 guys no cut but they played 72 holes and they didn’t do a shotgun I could yeah they should get W

Ring points if they make a couple of changes is I don’t have a problem with that um shotgun you know everybody starts at one o00 everybody starts a different hole and you know you know it’s three rounds maybe they shouldn’t but um I don’t have any problem with

Them going to live I mean it’s you know I’m a PGA Tour guy through and through but I don’t have any any big you know any animosity towards those guys well I feel like this that there should be some type of consequence from them going over and from the other guys that stayed

Loyalty for me is a big thing so and I’m on like I don’t care who went over to live golf like that doesn’t matter to me I don’t care about people going and taking the check I totally understand that as well like you said everybody’s going to do what’s best for their family

And at the end of the day we’re talking about millions and millions of dollars in this entire thing I mean you can’t you can’t not go if you’re John Ramen you got $600 million it’s like yeah that’s going to change your tune you’re going to start reading off of a script

Like there’s there’s some stuff that’s going to happen but you got to take that money but back to Pebble Beach let’s get back to this with the PG tour and then we’ll get into the live golf stuff but um with Pebble Beach I mean we talked

About the poana so poana is a big deal this week what is normally when you got a guy out there at Pebble what is kind of your strategy in prepping for that Golf Course for a tournament like this well you know Pebble Beach they’re now so it’s only two courses this week right

Spy glass and um uh Pebble Beach Pebble Beach has the smallest Greens on tour right they’re square footage average square foot of greens is the smallest on tour even smaller than spy glass I feel like spy glass they’re small too they’re small too so really it’s about you know

Not firing the pins but just leaving Le the ball below the hole right because there’s a lot of severely back to front green sloping so leaving the ball under the hole to have an uphill Putt and controlling your spin right these are usually very soft spongy greens that

You’re if you hit a full wedge it’s ripping off the green I mean you’re you’re spinning back eight iron so you got to really be able to hit your your half and three quarter wedges to take spin off you need to be able to take you

Know if it’s normally a a sand wedge you need to be able to take a gap or a pitching wedge and be able to ship it in there and take spin-off um and you’re looking at middle of the green here you’re not looking at necessarily hitting it every flag Green’s in

Regulation and your chipping are really important G folks GI it’s what’s important this week out there yeah Strokes gain approach Strokes gain approach will be one of the biggest stats this week the weather looks like crap as well for the majority of the week which is because it’s going to be I

Saw a few images from today’s practice round with Rory and it is it’s got the fog and you can barely see anything that’s going to be tough for TV but hopefully it clears up over the weekend that’ll be uh hopefully I mean especially with it taking on you

Know Maya COA with the live golf first event and so forth but let’s uh let’s talk about the Signature Events I know we mentioned it early on and these are the no cut events that you know you’ve got your system for the really I mean

Top what is it 80 players are all in this event and there’s some people that uh you know who dropped out like Terell Hatton um yeah and so you get a new couple guys coming in like Peter Milady which by the way people are [ __ ] on

Peter molti for getting in and I get it right why but well here’s the thing they’re they’re bitching because of where what his ranking is and everything and the fact is is this guy was on the policy board as I he was the chairman right of the policy board like this is a

Thank you for going through all that chaos of what he had to deal with last year with all these dealings in my opinion now did he get an invite or did he get in off his last year’s uh he got sponsor exemption so there were there

Was a Dropout uh I think it was it wasn’t Hatton but it somebody else dropped out and he ends up getting in through the sponsors exemption which right again like that makes sense to me that’s a thank you he’s he’s he’s good though like he is good I mean he wins

Like we always joke about him if there was such thing as a Strokes gained attitude he’d be leading every year like he is the most positive guy in the world um I made the mistake last year with Bobby at this time it was at Pebble and

I think it was the week after because I I [ __ ] on him and because he his golf swing I’m just not a fan of so I I [ __ ] on him based off of his performance that week and everything and uh Bob Bobby’s just like Matt you were talking about the nicest

Guy on tour I go and I’m like I am so sorry Peter Mady I am so sorry I had no idea that guy is about I remember one year being you know 15 at uh Hartford is that driveable part four the when starts going around the lake

Right oh yeah and there’s always a big backup and I remember being being in the group with him waiting on that te for like 15 minutes and he’s talking about himself and he’s kind of being self-deprecating a little bit he’s like you know I realize I’ve gotten a lot out

Of my game and I’ve probably been out here a lot longer than I should have been like he’s just very humble like going man I just feel like I don’t know how anybody any player out here can be negative about M themselves playing golf for a living he goes we’re playing golf

For a living he’s like man I’m so lucky I am so lucky to play this game for a living I just walked away from there going I like that guy like that guy I already liked him but man he has such a great look a great he has such great

Perspective of of playing this game for a living and realizing like he could be stuck in a cubicle making a you know not a very good salary but you know he’s out traveling the country traveling the world a little bit and he’s made a pretty good living out here yeah he sure

Has I mean he’s still doing it he he’s pretty go he had some strong tee I swear there’s been some months where I look up and every week I I see him the top of you know near the top of the leaderboard the first couple days I’m going mean he

Did it again and like in some difficult conditions he’ll go out and shoot six you know six or seven under in tough conditions like what course is he playing you know like he’s you know it’s impressive he can you know he it’s not pretty but he gets the job done it is

Not pretty which is why I think I was [ __ ] on him after P last year because I think he was towards the top of the leader board for the first couple days and so he plays this golf course really well which again goes to the fact that hey thank you for being the

Chairman of the PGA Tour policy board you deserve to be in this golf tournament just a little thank you uh from the tour and the sponsor so I’ve got nothing nothing against it whatsoever for him getting in I don’t know what people are freaking out about

With that whole thing but we’ve got some big names coming back to Pebble which I guess in a way like last year Pebble took over for Waste Management for the Signature Series right a little depressed about that because I love the waste management it’s the people’s open

But that being said you’ve got [ __ ] I mean you got basically the top 50 in the official world golf rankings which I know people out there that love live are going to freak out and go those aren’t real rankings all right whatever but it is the top 50 guys that are out there

Playing this week you got sheffler you got mooy hoveland Schley Klay Homa Fitzpatrick Harman Clark I mean the list goes on and on and without just a select few that went over to live like John ROM darl Hatton and so forth you have basically the top 50 players in the

World so yeah in a way this week kind of wins because guys used to why why did guys did you ever hear guys talk about why they wouldn’t go play Pebble for the proam was it because it’s a proam that’s part of it um that’s part of it and then

The unpredictability of the weather uh cold and damp and wet and you know not much fun you know it’s the scenery is great but sometimes you know six six and a half hour rounds in these proam formats is not fun um that’s probably why guys would skip it but I don’t this

Is one that’s going to rotate right like it’s not going to be this one every year like aren’t they going to go back to phix they haven’t said I don’t know what they’re going to do but I I feel a few of these are going to rotate a little

Bit they won’t they won’t same thing it won’t be the same eight tournaments every year like two or three of them I think are gonna maybe move around a little bit um and give other tournaments they shot at being a at being an or signature but yeah I think you know

Pebbles a great place to go but some of these guys just don’t want to deal with the elements they don’t want to deal with the six s round like you know I’ve met some some great people working at these events you know become friends with people from amers that have

We’ve been paired with or been in the same group with so yeah it’s a little bit of a drag to have that you know six-h hour round of golf but you know you meet some great people too I think that’s the key right there you get some

Great relationships and yeah I know some of the guys talk about the fact that prams kind of suck and they take a really long period of time and when you got to play more than a Wednesday round with them that it becomes a lot um so I

Get that too but it’s Pebble Beach man like the average golfer is like licking their chops going man this is a dream location this is great but this time of year I get it and especially with the weather forecast and everything like it is going to be this week um I can see

Everything that you’re saying l so I’m with you on that um let’s go over a couple picks who you like this week I really I really like Jordan speak this week God damn it I should have gone first I really he’s a p he’s a past winner um he’s very creative which you

Need he’s probably one of the most creative players um you know I just like the way he and Michael gr work together um you know Jordan just you know he knows how to play you know this isn’t one of those golf courses where you can you know it’s all

Mechanic there’s a lot of creativity a lot of like just playing golf right Y and getting getting it in the hole and no one’s better at getting it in the hole from weird positions than Jordan’s Fe that’s such a good point yeah I really like him dang it I

Can’t believe you just took that’s a really good pick by the way thank you now I have to check if my gu’s playing or not okay here we go so I’m going to go with somebody that was towards the top of the leaderboard in several events last year I just needed

To make sure that he was in this because he is on The Fringe of this whole entire thing which is Denny McCarthy I’m going to go with Denny McCarthy this week I love the fact that you know it’s smaller greens you and you do have to putt well

And he’s the best putter on tour in my opinion yes he is but here’s the thing with that pck now bad greens don’t always benefit good Putters it’s true you know good greens good Putters bad greens you don’t have to be a good putter to make to make putts okay so

That’s the the one little hitch in your pick I like the pi tendy McCarthy is I mean yeah he rolls as good as anybody him JT Poston Brendan Todd they’re all phenomenal Putters right like world class Putters but you don’t always have to be a good putter to putt well on PO

Anag greens blance you stole my pick was I was literally I’m like there’s no way he’s gonna go with Jordan Speed I almost went with J I almost went with JT JT is pretty solid JT is on the way up man yeah he’s trending you know

Bones on the bag bones has won there a couple times he’s got a lot of good a lot of good mojo going around PB okay I got a great question follow-up question to that which is because I was talking to Bobby about this quite a bit last year and during JT’s struggles and

Everything and I and I want to say that bones has kind of switched up his game with him a bit because I thought it was information overload a lot of times like it was the way that bones used to be with Phil just feed information and Phil

Was the type of guy that just loved that JT was never that guy so how do you like you you were talking about you know you got bones on the bag these two are trending and everything um do you think bones had to switch it up a little bit

To make it more like what JT likes have you seen that at all oh yeah oh yeah for sure sure I think any good caddy has got to be flexible when they switch players right um if you’re too much set in your ways you’re not going to fit well with a lot

Of players but if you’re a guy that can that can be flexible that can like that can you know uh can uh what’s the word I’m looking for can um adapt yes be adapt yeah can adapt that’s a great word can adapt well to what his new player needs

Or what he’s you know if they’re in a newer relationship that it usually leads to a successful partnership because it can’t just be the Caddy’s way it’s not you’re you’re working for that player you’re working with that player and you need to have some adaptability of what you know

Phil likes a lot of information he processes information faster than most people he’s able to take all that in filter what he needs and then go from there whereas and JT is very smart too I’m not saying he’s not but um that he maybe not want a lot of players like

More simple keep it simple give me the nuts and bolts and you know let’s talk about it from there um no I think bones has done a great job with JT obvious they won a major together the first year um you know and Bones is you know

Obviously a ton of experience and a legend in our in our you know what we do you know he’s he’s done a great job of you know changing and adapting to what JT needs love that all right you you’ve got Jordan spth I’ve got Denny McCarthy just a couple quick questions

This was a new segment that we started this year with swanes the swanie style segment all right these are just going to be a couple rapid Fires for you where do you stand on joggers you a fan not a fan oh I used to not be a fan but I’ve

Kind of grown into it a little bit is it because of Sam ryer that’s good that’s good Sam can pull it off yeah yeah that’s that’s what I’m saying I mean there’s certain people that cannot pull it off I remember da I was working for Davis

Riley last year or two a year and a half ago at um Tampa and um at the Valar and it was the year we got the playoff with Sam Burns and we played with JT on Saturday right in the like second to last group or maybe the last group and

We go out there and he’s wearing is Grayson joggers and I could not pass up a chance to get a little dig in and I’m like hey hey T he’s like what I go you come straight from the gym he’s like he just he just like you know ha you know like

Gave one of those I was like you know I couldn’t I couldn’t resist no you can’t especially somebody like JT because JT’s got a great sense of humor oh he does and he dishes it out oh you know he loves dishing it out you know and he

Hangs out a lot with tiger and tiger is the king aition it out he is so people don’t realize that no no but you cannnot put a mic on tiger when Tiger’s in private with the guys like oh no yeah no he’s Tiger Tiger is great at needling

And taking it um and JT is great too they’re they’re just they’re great and so um know he took it well and we had a laugh had a good laugh about it and um no but he’s I used to not be a fan of the joggers when they first came out I’m

Kind of like okay I can see that’s where the kind of style is going in golf I wouldn’t do it but I have no problem with it okay now Melbourne they are the new guys on the Block because they signed Jason day they’ve got Rose Zang they came out with a Pebble Beach

Collection or whatever it’s called I think they called it the Crosby collection which is fitting for Pebble Beach um and Rose Zang was wearing some very large pleated pants very very large right so I have a question for you and I’m going back to you know Arnold Palmer

Going back to early days of Tiger Woods right do you do you want to bring back the pleated pants lot of room in there at Lance I was partial to pleated shorts and pants back in the day like I you know when flat fronts were became

Thing and and pleats were going out I had a hard time letting go of my pleated shorts and pants um I mean I don’t mind them but you know what I knew they’d come back around eventually but those pants Jason day was wearing those were little too

Bag they were Tiger Tiger Woods those were flat that that was my argument against them they’re so big and baggy but they weren’t pleats right like throw the pleats in there just give the crotch some room let it breathe man let it breathe yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure I

Love I love a some air flow and the the ever since the flats came out the skinny stuff I’ve just had a real tough time I mean my uh my Clothier at one point he told me he goes man you got hockey legs I was like what does that mean he’s like

All the hockey players that come in have legs like you like big athletic legs I was like oh thanks I appreciate that I guess and he’s like no no no it’s it’s it’s a compliment I was like okay that’s that’s why I love pleaded pants and I

Want him to come back so I’m on the side of plead of pants coming back all right let’s get into my favorite topic because there’s always drama with live golf it’s I mean it brings me back to cuz I’ve been an entrepreneur for years I’ve had all different types of businesses

Especially in the golf space and I’m just like I get how chaotic it can be with a new group of people trying to run a a massive league so live golf do were you following any of this chaos leading up to this first week with all these like potential

Signings no um I mean I had heard I saw the Adrian Baron signing and that did not surprise me not at all and I think you might know where I’m going with this but you know he got passed over yeah the rer Cup team and he

Wasn’t very happy about it I mean he was player of the year on that tour and didn’t make the Ryder Cup team he went out of spite I think I mean I think he went out of like you know what guys like I’m taking the money because you guys don’t respect me

Anyways I’m out of here uh so I called it after the rider cup I want to say on an episode that uh I was like well there goes Adrian Moran he’s going to live yeah and then I followed it up once I started getting some reports and everything around him and that was

Couple months ago so like he’s been going to them for a long time guess what he’s still not announced yet really mean got it was on Instagram that he was going no no it like it’s official that he’s going but Liv hasn’t announced it now we are just days away way from this

First event and the problem is they wanted to do all these big announcements for ROM’s team but they couldn’t get everybody like they they had ROM filled out for three guys right they had one of the qualifiers in uh or not a qualifier actually no I’m sorry they had the

Qualifier in uh Kieran Vincent um and then they had Caleb Sarat who signed as an Amor right I I mean at a straight out a College University of Tennessee and he man I’m a little shocked at that one but I am too I am too trust me and then all

Of a sudden Terell Hatton but here’s the crazy thing so I’m close in with a lot of guys around windham’s team okay okay and Windham Clark got an offer literally at the final seconds like Grant he had an offer for $55 million okay right that was the initial offer

That he had to like mull over and everything in like the final hour of at the end of last week now granted this is a week away from their opening event in myoba all of a sudden top live official gives him a call and is like you’re an idiot for not taking this

Money like starts like giving them [ __ ] about not like taking it like you’re going to regret this blah blah blah and he goes what is it going to take and apparently Windam threw out over $100 million right and he goes we can make that happen well Windam all of a sudden had

To I they did and so Windham all of a sudden had to start really contemplating because winham told everybody not going like here’s the reasons told the entire team and everything and sure enough he had an offer that was too good to be true goes and wanted to talk to

Some live guys that weren’t necessarily having a great experience experience and I put this on Twitter and people wanted to know so this is the segment everybody that you want to listen into if you’re on Twitter listening in um because Walkin Neiman and Sebastian Munoz which

We know a guy over there who happen to caddy for one of the one of the guys Meo Pereira and sure enough Wen and Sebastian have not had a great experience over there they are not in love with the live golf format they don’t necessarily like the fact that

They have are losing their ability to potentially play in majors and like there’s a lot of things that they are not happy about that they were promised in coming over that all of this was going to be taken care of they s got sold a bill of goods and didn’t and they

Bought it and didn’t they were yeah I’ve I’ve heard that they PR over promised on a lot of things and guys signed and and then it wasn’t that way yeah so you you’ve heard some of the same stuff and so I guess Windam talked to them and ultimately turned it down but Terell

Hatton here’s the funny thing about Terell apparently he’s got some good lawyers because he signed with Boston common golf of the tgl right which is tiger and Rory’s indoor league so technically in their contracts I believe that he was not allowed to actually go sign with another team of another league

And so there was a bunch of conflict there and that’s what stalled out everything and Liv didn’t think he was going to be able to come over but I guess he asked for a little bit money in order just to make sure that everything would be fine and so that’s where the 60

Million came in at the last second so they wanted to announce ROM’s team name because they hadn’t even released his team name they had leaked it out and everything but they had not officially announced it on livg or even had him listed as a member of Liv golf

They still have three players that are not listed currently today Adrien Moran is one of them um we’ve got the other guy oh God what’s his name well AJ Moro I saw was going to Martin Ker’s team he is he’s going to be part of the cleaks

Along with cie samua so Cali has not been announced yet even though he won or not didn’t win he played his way in in that qualifier event that Liv had and then you had who’s the other guy um part of the iron heads where the hell did I I

Put that hang on it is oh I might not it down who’s on that team uh that’s Kevin NW team right that’s Kevin NW team along Danny Lee Danny Lee Lee yep and then you’ve got hang on I’ll go to it now let’s see because I’ve got their thing up here

So teams let’s go to the iron heads and so they only got three guys listed right now Kevin n Danny Lee and Scott Vincent okay right but there was the I want to say it was the Japanese kid that uh ended up qualifying so he’s

Going to be on their team hang got three live golf qualifiers and it was just so that the audience has this because I was getting asked um over the weekend if I had all the rosters for Liv golf so it’s Jenny chiro Co Kazuma Kuma okay Kuma okay that

That’s a good last name k so really excited about that so he’s going to be on the iron heads but they haven’t announced any of these guys yet we are just days away from this goddamn event in myoba we’re two we’re two days away it’s absolutely insanity and some people

Are like oh this is great marketing I’m just like this is insanity this is not planned this is not what it should be um and then you’ve got the rumors and I’m just curious if you’ve heard anything not there there uh with uh good old Anthony Kim

AK my man I love AK ak’s great he was the best let me tell you he was the best and that belt buckle man he he was such a good dude he he he lived crazy but he was such a good guy he had a heart of

Gold that guy would do anything for anybody he would um I’m you know I’m happy that that he’s trying to come back I hope he does I hope he does successfully um you think he’s gonna go on the tour you think he’s going over to

Live I don’t know I don’t know what his situation is uh he come over to live as an individual okay I didn’t know that and his insurance money apparently has dried up Anthony Kims so he was getting that $10 million for being injured right and not being able to

Play yeah so apparently that’s done I would assume that’s I would assume that’s probably why he’s coming back it’s been what 12 13 years how long has it been since he was plays last I I think like 14 years yeah it’s been at least 10 let’s

Put it that way yeah it’s been at least 10 I know it’s been I think at least 12 yeah it’s been at least 12 um yeah I’m I’m rooting for him I mean you know I’ve been around him quite a bit early in his career when he first came out and he’s

Man talented as can be and uh he’s a good guy do you think he belongs on the PGA tour or or on live I think it makes sense for him financially going to live but I mean if he can still play I’d love to see him on

The PGA tour maybe too much time has gone by and competitive you lose that that’s a long time to take off and try to come back and play at this level oh trust me I know I i’ I had been training up until I got really sick at the

Beginning of the year and now I’m still dealing with long covid but yeah I would straight and I mean it is tough to come back after such a long period of time I mean it had been over 15 16 years since I had played professionally so I’m just like like it

Is brutal to try and get like that competitive not competitiveness that’s not the right term but being in competition and being able to play at that high level I think that’s going to be tough for him but that’s why I think makes sense did see the

Video of him I think he was maybe at the Vintage uh David Woods was putting out him the swing um hitting balls on the Range like his something look good it looks the same like it never changed never changed like he’s never missed a beat like it looked really good now I

Will say if it’s purely for financial reasons he should go to live if it’s not for financial reasons then I would love to see him on the PJ tour makes but I want I want Anthony to do what’s best for him yeah um and he’s got to do

What’s best for him and he’ll do that I agree all right last question here before we kind of wrap it up or at least the audience if they have any questions uh they can chime in but um have you ever cadd down at myoba yeah several

Times so what type of players play well down there you have to drive it well I mean that thing is cut out through the mang GRS it is literally Fairway penalty area on both sides on every cuz I don’t think DJ plays well down there I saw somebody going DJ’s the

Favorite down there cuz and I’m just like hang on I don’t think DJ’s ever played well at mayakoba so I think it is you don’t have to bomb it though right you just have to be accurate so a lot of those holes if they get wind a lot of those holes have cross

Winds so it’s a left to right or right to left wind and you have to be able to hold that ball because it gets taken quite a bit on either side and those there’s really no rough it’s literally Fairway and the rough is like that tall

It’s not much so in their Crown like it’s easy for those balls to just get right off into the mangroves and it’s a penalty area it’s you have to drive it well there you have to drive it well gotcha I’m just looking up real quick because I know that so folks there

You go you’ve got to drive it well at Maya COA and I do remember Bobby telling me last year too that DJ does not play well at myoba so I wouldn’t put any money on that we normally do little segment and for the first event it is

Called golf picks but louder so with golf picks but louder we pick the last place individual this week and the last place team just because it’s louder you know so right I’m gonna I’m going to start us off with the team side so I’m gonna go last place

Team I am GNA say you know I really wanted to go High Flyers but Phil’s actually playing pretty well yeah I’m going to have to go iron heads I ran with them a lot last year but sewan Kim is no longer part of the team which he

Was a definite cheat code for last place yeah um but iron heads so if you need teams I can throw them out there I do because I don’t know enough about who’s on each so some of the worst teams I know a few I know some guys on the on

The Four Aces I know who’s the team with the fire with the um the Fireballs aren’t the greatest the highers Carlos Ortiz’s team who’s on that team so you got Sergio Carlos Ortiz eugia Shakara and David um is that your team that the one

You want to go with or you want so the ceks aren’t very good even though they got Adrien [ __ ] you still got Martin kimer who’s struggling um coming back from that wrist injury Richard Bland he’s usually I’ll go with I’ll go with yeah it’s a good choice what I will say

About your pick is I think that Golf Course is really good for Kevin yeah I agree but iron heads just suck though so I’m going that direction players all right so here here you get to just I mean throw out just somebody who’s absolutely not going to play well

And I am going to have to say that the player that I am going to go with this year which I’m not I’m not going to use any of the new guys I’m going to say that that I’m going since Matthew wolf got traded for Taylor gu and I’m still bitter about it

Because the range goats were my team last year right I’m gonna go with Matthew wolf I’m gonna say that he finishes last place that’s not a good course for him no he does not drive it well enough so you I think that’s a great pick you got a lot of options here

Brendan steel might be a no hang on a as far as bombers that can’t really control it let’s see well you do have Pat Perez as an option you’ve got Carl well Louis tas’s going to be too good Andy ogal Tre is gonna be too good yeah he’s playing some

Good golf now you got I mean Gran McDow has not been playing good golf um Mark Lehman’s playing okay anaban here Jason CRA could be a decent uh you do have DJ who hasn’t played well out there you’ve got Sam horsefield um Brandon Grace he’s going to be okay

Richard Bland again I mean that could be that could go right along with your click’s pick Taylor G no Sergio Eugenio Shakara Bryson Bryson doesn’t always play Super well out there no but you know what Bryson has the ability to do he has the ability to scale it back and

Not hit driver yeah and he can hit that iron off long iron off the T or or a less than driver and he’s he has the discipline to do that so I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad place for him if he’s able to withstand hitting the driver you know

What you could go with a bit of a cheat pick but uh you could go Caleb serat who this is going to be his first ever event coming out as an Amer playing yeah against some big names okay I’ll go with that I’ll go with that I I think that’s

A solid that’s a solid last place pick so you got the the good old ceks you got who’s on the know way more about the live than I than I know listen I’ve watched every live golf I always felt like hey if I’m going to talk about it

And I’m going to take an unbiased approach to it I got to watch every event so I’ve watched literally all of them I have which I have [ __ ] on live golf at times and I’ve given them some props at times but it is it’s the league

That just keeps giving in terms terms of drama I mean true some of this stuff is just absolutely incredible oh I was looking for that one question on so okay this was from Austin he’s one of our longtime listeners he put He sent this to me earlier to ask you how much harder

Are starts for conditional status players now that the wraparound season is no longer and will this make it tougher for newer players and is this good or bad for the PGA Tour we kind of covered that a little bit yeah um I think it’s going to make it harder

For those conditional guys because they’re not going to get in a lot of these they’re gonna get in the opposite field events and maybe a couple others they’ll get in more in the fall after the playoffs to try to they’ll have to at least get um enough points in those events they do

Get in where they’re getting in the fall tournaments where they can make up ground there that’s where they’re going to get in tournaments they’re not going to get in where they usually would like they might get in John Deere they might get in some of those that go

Deep but a lot of these tournaments that would normally get a lot of those conditional guys in are not they’re not getting in they always have got in PA Springs they’ve always got in Tory Pines they’ve always got in Honda they’re not getting in those now so it’s gonna make

Some of these events harder to get into so they’re G to take advantage of those events they do get into like these guys are going to have to play well at Puerto Rico they’re have to play well at this new Myrtle Beach tournament they’re G

Have to play play well at you know at Reno and um the barbasol they’re gonna have to play well at those in order to get in to these other events that’s tough yeah and would you say it’s a good good thing or bad thing I know you mentioned

It earlier I think you mentioned that uh I think you put a positive spin on it is what you did earlier what about now yes you know I you know obviously as a caddy I would love it if I were if I were working these Signature Events I think be the

Greatest thing ever right um but I also look at it as we you know golf is still one of the true meritocracies in sports right so you start at zero and you play you earn what you get I think the answer has always been play better if you want to get any

Signature play better so excuse me that that is kind of the way I look at it I mean I think they need need to make some tweaks to these down the road um I don’t like the points they’re giving out the massive amount of points they giving out 700 points for

First place I think it’s a lot um that is a lot that’s a lot I don’t I don’t think that’s right if they want to do that for Majors I’m all for it majors and the players champ and the players I’m all for it those five events they want to give 750

They want to give 50% more more and make it 750 I’m all for it but the other ones like this week I I don’t think they should I think if you want to go 550 or 600 okay I could see that but you’re already giving them all the money why

Giv them all the points too like one or the other in my opinion and I think it should be the money and maybe give them a little bump like they did the world golf championships but not 700 for a win I don’t think that’s right that’s a lot

And uh one last question here from the Australia side of things so this is coming over from Nick um over in Australia and he’s asking do you think Australia should get a major championship I what are you gonna do I mean what what are you gonna put over

There I mean I know Australia has some of the best golf in the world like my favorite golf course in the world hands down is Royal Melbourne I knew you were gonna say that it’s number one and there’s not even a close second it’s the best golf course in the

World and I have been down there several times and I absolutely love the golf especially in the sand Bel area around melbour it is the best golf in the world um I don’t know about a major I could see them doing a big event there yes I

Think I wish they’d bring back the Australian Masters which was one of my favorite tournaments um I know they’ve had some issues with that some political and logistical issues with that why they hasn’t been back around but I think those Australian tournaments are awesome I love watching them on TV off season

They’re so great they’re awesome fans and the people there down there are great I did I did the 2011 uh president cup down there at Royal Melbourne I did the 2013 World Cup there and the 2013 uh Australian Masters at rooll of Melbourne um I love going down there and I think

They have great golf uh I think they deserve a big event I don’t know about a major but they do deserve a really big event yeah they got Adelaide for live golf now which is nice they get to see and get to you know kind of have have

Their Waste Management Open type of feel to that but I agree I think getting them another big tournament would be great because I didn’t realize too I don’t know if you’ve run into this with any Aussies as to how upset they are about and how jaded they kind of are against

The PGA tour for kind of bringing everybody to America and not really like allowing there to be those type of tournaments over in Australia I would love to see you like we have the Zozo tournament in Japan the fall I would love to see an event like that no cut 80

People play down in Australia like a similar type event of zoo play that in Australia another you know big company comes up in Australia and they put put on an event in the fall that is on that same type of of level as Zoo but better like it’s I

Think that’d be great I think that’d be great Lance that’s a hell of an idea and that’s a great way to end it right here I mean than you thank you Lance so much for taking the time out I know it’s starting to get late over there in Texas

But uh I will uh I will let you go thank you everybody as our sponsors so first of all thank you to our audience as well but thank you to our sponsors swanes golf Bushwood Spirits once again go to swan. utilize the promo code pole hook golf2 at checkout for 25% off your

Entire order same thing goes over at Bushwood Spirits which Bush Bushwood domcom and uh use promo code pull hook and get 10% off all your Boost so you got that from us and uh Lance just hang on for just a second as we go ahead and

Uh sign off here but uh thanks again everybody

1 Comment

  1. Great episode with Lance and great preview on both events! Any word on Bobby coming back on? Hope all is well with him

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