Widen the Angle – Lead Wrist – Learn how Tiger Woods Created Effortless Speed in the Golf Swing

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Before we can talk about widening the angle we got to know what the angle is in this video we’re going to focus solely on the lead arm so if you’re playing golf with right-handed clubs that’s going to be your left arm the angle that we’re referring to with the

Lead arm is really just the angle between the shaft and the form this is typically what’s defined as lag that term has been tossed around for a very very long time by a bunch of different people including myself and the reality is is that we know now now with 3D

Motion capture that most tour Pros not only have less angle than a lot of amateurs but they’re trying to widen it or get rid of it as early in the downswing as humanly possible when we talk about the right arm in the next video or the trail arm we’re going to

See that even more so so the key is understanding how to produce power if you don’t have this angle because it’s long been thought that the longer you hold this angle the quicker it’s going to snap at the bottom and that is true the trick is that’s not necessarily what

The greatest players of all time actually did in their swing and as you saw in the intro video many great players including the greatest of all time Jack Nicholas said he didn’t feel he could throw the club hard enough or early enough at the top of the downswing

As long as he was moving to his lead side and that is the trick and it’s way way easier than you think in fact swinging this way as I’ve spent all of this time trying to learn and understand it and internalize it and feel it for myself it’s truly the easiest way to

Swing the golf club I can possibly imagine and what’s really amazing as you saw in the intro video it’s instinctive this is a natural thing to do we just have to get the right feel for it and that’s what I want to share with you

Right now so with the lead arm take your Club go to the top and you can start from setup if you want and you’ll note that at setup there’s a certain amount of lag quote unquote built into your swing that would be getting rid of all

Of it if the angle of the shaft and the forearm were the same but we start start with a little bit and then as we go back this angle increases or decreases depending on how you want to Define it for our purposes we’re going to talk about widening that angle and that’s

What we’re talking about at the top of the Swing again commonly thought of in the golf swing we think of pulling the arms down or turning the body or doing something to maintain this angle because most golfers throw it from the top which is exactly what I’m going to get you to

Do I’m just going to get you to do it the right way so what is the whole trick to this it’s really simple and we’re going to do this one arm at a time to keep it really really basic because once you put them together this stuff’s going

To all click so go to the top of your swing with the angle that you have in your wrist and all I want you to feel not how the club feels a little heavy because it’s kind of falling back gravity is pulling it down and what I

Want you to do is start tipping it up to the balance point where it feels pretty light and you can hold it very lightly you just barely hold it with your fingers because it’s balanced now now from from here start to widen that angle a little bit more just like this all I’m

Doing is this with my wrist that’s it go to the top widen this Angle now once you start to tip it to this point and it starts to fall the other way let it fall all you need to do is widen this angle and start to feel how as you start

To toss it out and it starts to have its own momentum that you no longer need to feel that you’ve got to rip it down with your arms or rip it down with your shoulders it’s got its own inertia so you’re going to literally start to go from here start

To widen it and let it go and as you’re doing that I’m going to talk about exactly what to feel in just a moment but the key is simply starting to get a feel for when this club begins to fall and have its own momentum when it’s

Sitting here it it doesn’t want to go anywhere so we have to change directions in the back swing and we do that by starting to widen this angle in the wrist give it its own momentum and then as you’re coming down you should feel feel that your hand becomes light and

This is the key this is what you have to develop a sensitivity to an awareness of is that if you’re used to holding this club really tight with your fingers and pulling this thing down with your hands you’ll never ever feel that great throwing motion that Nicholas is talking

About that Tiger Woods did in his swing that the greates did in their swing you have to learn to feel this and you have to be sensitive to it and to do that all you need to feel is relax your hand for right now and just start to feel how

Once it starts to pick up momentum your hand becomes light it’s almost like it becomes weightless for just a moment because you’re no longer trying to pull it down you’re letting the club move under its own inertia as you’re doing this once you get a feel for the club

And hand falling together instead of your hand pulling the club down or forcing it down then as you start to come down start to Bow this wrist slightly now for those of you that don’t know this would be a CED wrist this would be a bowed wrist we just need a

Tiny tiny amount of BOE and for those of you whove probably struggled to get their left wrist or lead wrist flat at impact this is how you do it it it it won’t happen if you’re trying to yank the club down it’s very easy for you to

Lose the club and not have the right feel for it but once you start to come down and you feel the club becoming weightless you start to Bow this wrist just slightly and that’s what helps you deal off the face like you see in all the great players as you’re doing this

Once you get to this bowing point you want to release that you don’t want to hold hold it bowed like this forever cuz that’s going to cut off speed what you want is the opposite you actually want once this Boe and you strike the ground in this case we’re not hitting the ball

Yet you want it to release and start to Cup and in your follow through here’s your checkpoint you want to see that your lead wrist is fully CED like your logo of your glove is pointing down towards the ground and the club face is at roughly a 30° angle give or take if

It’s like this you’re holding on to the club too tight and if it’s like this you’re in the right spot that means you let it release so let’s start to put this together for a second go to the top get it under control with the last three

Fingers start to widen the angle and let it release let’s do that again widen the angle with the wrist nothing from the arms nothing from the shoulders nothing from the body just begin to widen that angle and let the club brush the grass and that’s what you want to feel is you

Want to feel it’s almost like you’re striking a match across a box you’re not trying to hit down or pull down you’re trying to let the club release that’s the whole point of the swing and that’s what Jack Nicholas was talking about when he throws it from the top he’s

Starting to gain speed early in the downswing not trying to get it late now it may look like that but that’s not what you feel that’s the difference between intent in doing something and what you actually see on video I can tell you that I’m going to throw my arm

As if I was throwing a ball as hard as I can but what you’re going to see while I’m only focused on moving my hand my whole body is moving in response to that that’s what I believe tiger and all these other great players are feeling in

Their golf swings is that the club they’re throwing the club from the top widening this angle to get the club back out in front of them and that’s really the key if you remember way back in 2000 Tiger Woods and Butch Haron were talking about the golf swing on the Golf Channel

And these changes that he was making with Butch and one of the things he said he was working on was trying to get the club more out in front of him and you hear this with tour Pros all the time you look at Justin Rose and he says I

Got to feel I’ve got to do this with my swing to get the club back out in front of me and tiger is saying the same thing I got to feel that I’ve got to get the club back out in front of me what they’re really talking about is the club

Head and what’s the easiest way to get that club head back out in front of you it’s to widen that angle and to throw the club from the top let’s listen to Tiger talk about this real quick keep the club ah head in front of my hands a

Little longer going back higher right arm then from there round off the left arm make it a little flatter at the top up left wrist left arm up a little higher then from there get the club down in front of me from here there I can Arc

It off with a little bit of a bow on my left hand to a nice short follow through and then when you go to the top of your swing probably the biggest change that Tiger’s made is he’s really tried to get his hands in front of himself coming

Down in other words arms in front of the body where the club used to lay down somehow when your old s when you used to get stuck s yes they go Olay that’s the lay the shaft down 16th Player Championship right as you begin to get a

Feel for this I want you to start paying attention to how the club is interacting with whatever you’re on if you’re on Turf if you’re on grass if you’re on a mat it’s very important to start paying attention to how the club Works through that surface what you want is just a

Brushing of that grass I like to again think of it as striking a match if you’re starting to find that you’re digging the club in your arm and hand are way way way too tight and you’re trying to sustain this pull too long really what you’re trying to do again is

Just pitch the shaft tip it this way it’s going to start to fall and then rather than fighting that fall let it fall we’re going to add more speed to this later when we get to the second video but for right now all you need to feel is how effortless this can

Be and that’s the whole point of this if I miss the ground completely so there’s a couple different ways that you’re going to miss one is going to be digging into the ground as I mentioned just pulling really hard that’s not what you’re trying to feel you’re trying to

Feel this club get its own momentum him the other one is if I try and flip my hands really quick and I lose a sense of that club head then I might miss the ground completely or if I keep pulling my arm again what you’re going to feel

Is that the club actually bottoms out right at underneath the ball now of course we know we want to strike it we want to hit the ball first and then get the divot a little bit more in front but your vision your feel for this is that

You’re letting the club do its own thing under its own weight and you’re just simply guiding it and then as you get comfortable with this you’ll see notice how the club’s really ripping through the turf but I can’t even begin to tell you how soft I am throughout my

Whole body to let it do that my hand is very soft I would say it’s a three out of 10 in terms of 10 being squeezing as tight as I can and zero being not holding at all it’s a three what I feel throughout the whole swing and that’s

What gets that nice little strike at the bottom is letting myself guide it and the more that I start feeling this what I want start to feel is that the faster I start to pitch the club or throw the club from the top the faster my hand is

Allowed to move with it and that’s the key we generally think of the golf swing as musling this puppy and we go to the top like oh turn your hips as fast as you can or turn your shoulders or fire your arms or whatever it is the reality

Is if you want to get the club back out in front of you like the greates talk about this has to take a nap this this can’t move that fast cuz you’ll never get your arms back out in front of you you’ll never get the club back out in

Front of you’ll get get stuck like you heard in Tiger Talking In that clip there but if I’m not trying to power this with my arms and instead I’m starting to feel this club have its own momentum its own inertia and the more that it has the more that my hand

Becomes what I describe as weightless then I can feel that my hand can move much faster without any tension I’m not trying all I’m trying to do is just speed up this throw and it’s important to understand this is not with your thumb your not going to the top and pushing against the

Shaft with your thumb first of all the right hand the trail hand is where most of the throw occurs the left hand is relatively dumb in the golf swing it’s doing some heavy lifting it’s getting a flat left wrist to dof the face but you’re not really using it for power

It’s not in a very powerful position this is way more powerful which again we’ll talk about in the second video but with this one it’s the last three fingers that you’re really focusing on and you’re just trying to get a little pitch of the shaft to go that way and

The faster you start to do this the faster the club begins to move I’m not moving hard I’m not moving aggressive I’m not trying to turn my hips I’m not driving off the ground I’m not pushing off the ground I’m not turning my shoulders I’m not even

Turning my core I’m responding to the club having its own velocity and letting it do its thing and now this will start to help you understand why your golf swing feels like so much work because you’re not pitching the shaft and getting it to move you’re not throwing it from the top

You’re probably trying to make it go that way whether it’s your right arm your left arm your legs your hips whatever it is but you can see I’m starting to look like a pretty effortless golf swing and this is all completely relaxed it’s not doing anything to provide any power really I’m

Just responding to this throwing motion and as this club starts to pick up speed my hand gets lighter so I can just kind of focus on Guiding the club and letting it rip through and as long as I got these release checkpoints my logo pointing down my left wrist fully

Released and that club face pointing more towards the ground not back behind me then I release the club fully and properly with that lead hand now as I begin to do this with a little bit more pace and a little bit more Tempo and timing it’s not going to look like I’m

Casting the club but I’m going to tell you that’s exactly what I’m going to feel so take a look and go to the top now it probably didn’t look like I look like a 25 handicapper doing this right but that’s exactly what it felt

Like I felt like I went to the top I stopped with all this stuff and I just started to widen this angle and as I did that my hand became lighter once this club gets cast out into its own orbit the hand is now free to move extremely fast without me trying

To put any muscular effort into it at all haven’t you always wondered why golfers certain golfers make it look so easy they produce so much speed or they can make a really short swing like John ROM and produce so much speed speed so fast this isn’t trickery this isn’t

Voodoo this isn’t mysticism it’s simple mechanics and when you start creating speed early in the swing you’ve got all this time to begin to accelerate the club and so you don’t have to be in a rush whereas if you’re down here and you’ve got this much angle you got to

Get rid of that thing really really quickly and it’s much more difficult to time so you start building compensations into that when you look at Tiger swing back in the day he would make these little short wedge swings and then just have all of this crazy speed and have

Tons of distance with a short swing to do that you’ve got to have speed early in the downswing now the whole trick to you garnering this move and internalizing it and being able to feel it is becoming aware of it and sensitive to it the reason that trying to learn

The golf swing through mechanics or 3d motion or just video all of those things by themselves are helpful and useful but they won’t get you the promised land as I showed in the intro video Tiger Woods has been swinging since he was 5 years

Old and you can see at the top of his swing the first first thing he’s doing is trying to widen that angle get the club back out in front of him which again is the opposite of holding lag he’s trying to cast the club so at first this B seem wildly counterintuitive I

Know even for me to think this way was counterintuitive for me but as I began to feel it that’s when all of the magic started happen because then all of a sudden my body could relax and many of you know my body is a complete wreck

I’ve done more damage to it than you can imagine and I have countless lingering injuries so for me to be able to swing truly effortlessly for the rest of my life is extremely important to me I want to have distance as long as I can but I

Don’t want to work hard for it because it hurts it physically hurts my body so what I want you to really start to become aware of is being relaxed with your body and producing speed with your hands which again is the opposite of how I’ve thought about the swing in a lot of

Ways for many years and how I’m certain it’s the opposite of how most of you think about the swing but once you start to get the feel of this you’re going to start to feel that just this little widening casting the club out into it its own orbit allows everything to move

Way faster it allows my hips I’m not trying to move my hips I’m not trying to push off the ground I’m not trying to turn anything I’m just moving the club and my body as it stays relaxed it naturally begins to move like a golf swing and that’s why golfers like VJ

Sing Tiger Woods all these guys who make it look truly effortless this is how they’re doing it so now let’s understand how to put the trail hand back in there so that we can start doing this with some real speed and feel how all of this starts to tie together


  1. Very interesting concept. perhaps explains how the the swings that feel effortless with a smooth tempo are often the longest shots of the day.

  2. Great information. Makes me think of Freddie or Ernie with their graceful tempo that looks so effortless but produces so much speed. Just as an aside, that background is spectacular 😳

  3. That makes a lot of sense, super interesting. My current instructor has been getting to do that also. Hard to get rid of that sensation of holding the angle and doing “pump drills” for lag when I was beginning to learn the swing. Thank you posting this ❤ ⛳

  4. This is by far the best example and explanation for this feeling. It used to come and go well now I got it back for good. Thank you

  5. great explanation and video. I've had a hard time reconciling width with holding on to lag and this really nails it. And without muscling the club through I'll bet it's a bunch easier on my left shoulder, which has started getting tweaked, esp working on building up speed.

  6. Reminds me of a guy called Dalton McCreary that talked about the wrists releasing throughout the swing with no holding the angle. When done correctly it is effortless.

  7. I actually pulled this shot off once, a few years ago, completely by accident. Confronted with a tee shot from an elevated tee over about 200 yards of forest to the fairway I was resigned to losing my ball. Worse, a group ahead waved me to play my shot as they walked down to play their next shots. Anyway, I got my 2 iron out, as I was struggling with my driver that day, relaxed as I thought I was bound to lose my ball, let the club fall in the way described in the video, completely by accident, and caught the ball perfectly. It soared over the forest and careered down the fairway. I started looking for my ball near where the group ahead were waiting still to play their 2nd shots and they asked what I was looking there for. When I said I'd lost sight of the ball they pointed way down the fairway and said it was down there. It must have gone about 275 to 280 yards, and with a 2 iron! As I walked down to it, for the one and only time in 50 years of playing golf since I was 14, I felt like Jack Nicklaus. Needless to say, reality returned on the next hole when I hacked my tee shot about 100 yards into a ditch!

  8. Absolutely brilliant! That last part of Tiger video is what I used to look like. And still do at some points.

  9. I thought we were supposed to gain, maintain, then release the angle.. this seems the complete opposite of what I thought to do. More confused than ever.

  10. This could be the turning point of my golf. This is the exact opposite of what most goofy golf coaches teach. Thank you so much for finally making sense of the golf swing

  11. If you've listened to the traditional concepts and have them embeded in your noggin', it will indeed seem counterintuitive. Let go of all that, trust it, and let the body respond. You'll be amazed at what starts to happen.

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