Hit The Most ACCURATE Wedge Shots of Your Life

Missing the green from inside 50 yards is a major pain point for golfers of any level. Having good accuracy with your wedges is one of the biggest levers you can pull when it comes to lowering your golf scores. In this lesson, Ed teaches Patrick some fundamentals on how to fix his wedge shots so they go more straight and stop pulling and hooking to the left.

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So I was over practicing yesterday on my wedges and every single shot was starting left and going more left which when you’re 40 yards from the green is not a good situation unless you’re planning for it I guess but ideally we wanted to just go straight so Ed’s going

To be working with me today to try to get my wedges to go straight and spin and stop yep and I had lessons here all afternoon but I can’t remember if you emailed me or texted me yesterday with your trackman numbers you were practicing with a trackman and what was

Your face to path averaging minus 10 or or worse worse I thought I saw a couple minus 12 and 13s absolutely which if you’re not familiar with track b means it’s it’s means it’s going left and uh so we’re going to um put him on my track man and I have a couple

Ideas what I think’s going on and I think you’ll see we’ll figure it out sounds good go ahead and hit some shots and just get loose and just let me watch a little bit y I’m going to step further back where the camera won’t get me but

Get there that’s pretty typical for me okay that’s I’d say let’s see yeah minus 6 face umus 10 face to pass yeah that that probably all day yesterday is four yep which so you’re not pulling it with the path right my path on on these my

Path’s going to the right some of them when I look at longer clubs I think it’s still pass to the left sometimes but for these that’s not really the case it’s more of a face thing the other thing I noticed is uh we’ve talked about keeping our launch

Angle around 30° with the wedge which which is good um but I’ve noticed the more I manipulate it the more I was starting to kind of go even more left sometimes to try to hit that okay there’s my shank yeah we won’t edit that out because we’ve got a video here later on

How to cure a shank yeah well that’s one thing I’ve noticed too is the more I I manipulate my wedges and try to um change little things those start to come back in which you know it’s kind of interesting yeah don’t manipulate anything I want you to just hit it so I

Can see what’s going on okay that’s pretty was a little better yeah and this is pretty accurate to I was just on the Range just before this and it was pretty accurate to those kind of left shots out there too so I think trackman’s right on with what’s going on here yep

Little shank on that yeah it was sometimes I think maybe I get a little too close with my wedges on those you do yeah but it’s not just that um the this lie angle is interesting with it you should be about 64° and I’m at 52 that last one so that

Means it’s flatter yeah and so when that club comes in so if I’m here to address and then I get flatter do you see where the head goes It goes away from you and it’s going to hit the hosle okay interesting does that make sense yes and

Also then if you don’t hit the hosle it’s what I told you yesterday when I emailed you back when you when you sent me that was that I figured it was your Li angles were too upright so when that shaft gets flatter that toe gets up in

The air and then I don’t know if we can see this very well but I’ll scoot out this way a little bit but so if that so’s flat do you see how that’s going to go straight do you see that but see when that toe goes up in

The air do you see where it goes It goes left and the more Loft you have on the club if the toes in the air at impact it’s going to be a pull hook sure and trackman’s going to show it well it didn’t really on that one cuz we didn’t

Get the face angle since you shanked it but um um it’s going to show a closed face it doesn’t know the face is closed it it knows where it’s pointing yes yeah and so uh when that toe gets up in the air it can tell it’s

Pointing left and so it’s going to be a big number okay now I’ll show you just wait here I’m going to switch clubs yep and I think you’ll be amazed at this I don’t know if that one’s got two nope that should be all right okay that’s my

Wedge your wedges look to me to be about 2° upright do you know what they are they’re actually standard they are standard okay well this is this is 2° flatter and so let’s just hit one with that just see what happens yep just see what happens seemed a little bit straighter

Yeah absolutely huh you’ll see a little bit that wasn’t too I mean but that’s still better straighter than mine work uhhuh I agree so swing just a little faster for me that one went 50 though that wasn’t bad good you see that one was straighter I

Think yeah it’s still a little left but considerably straighter y it is keep swinging better lie angle there see we W to be 64 yeah so you’re almost there good take a t take that t for me mhm put it in front and put it in front

Cuz that’s the other thing that’s not correct with every swing you’ve made you I’m Bing out behind yes you are that attack angle is positive need that to be with this Sand Wedge we need to be five or six down okay so you’re averaging zero right now on nine shots yeah so we

Need to get that so I want you to yes and to hit that t so don’t aim for the ball aim for the T that was better better yeah you’ll see that won’t go as far left so much betterus three yeah yeah does that make sense and yeah she faced the path that

Time of zero and it could be a little ball position you might have it too far forward I was wondering about that cuz I I’ve intentionally moved everything forward because with my longer clubs I I had the tendency of being too far back so agre it might be a consequence of

That it could and so with this so a 56 degree wedge you want it kind of more Center you think or maybe even a ball back okay okay so that might be so centers about right here I think my defaults been more probably more like that’s you’re not going to have the

Right attack angle with a probably almost impossible to get it is because remember he should remember this he was videoing all this if I sold that flat where’s the handle so you’re like this right so we got to be like that Y and so

If my hands are by my left hip still so do that that and put your hands by your left hip and if you have that angle where’s the ball position need to be middle or even very slightly so just go this way still a ball so not quite that

Far forward let’s just start right there yes and we’re still going to try to hit the T okay well that looks that looks out there it is out there but hit it so for me right now this feels one ball to the right of middle yeah I’d agree with that cuz your

Middle’s right here yep okay yeah and you have to look at upper body not your feet yeah yeah okay all right okay that’s very important ball position relates to your upper body not your feet I always think about it for feet I know but but your hands are attached to the

Club yep your arms are attached to your hands and your arms are attached to your shoulders so your feet have nothing to do with thing in the chain yeah yes so our ball positions are always always related to upper body not lower body now you can look as a

Reference with your feet but see if I have somebody I see this all the time with big guys I can’t hardly do it here anymore but they’ll get really wide with their stance and they’ll play it off this foot but see that ball is past their shoulder does that make sense yep

And then I have guys with narrow stances that’ll play it off this foot and it’s almost in the middle of them sure and so this reference here doesn’t matter as much as no it’s really not any good I mean you need to learn and have somebody

Observe you where it is in relation to your upper body from my longer clubs I remember we talked about having it I was wearing a Nike logo so kind of right on that swoosh of a Nike or whatever absolutely okay because a lot of players

Play every Club from there yeah a lot of tour players I mean if you think about it that’s where your left arm kind of gets to square sure is right here in this area here in your body Y and so but I’m a fan of that especially six iron on

Down playet there but with these wedges you want to move it more Center even very slightly you can’t create the correct attack angle that far forward you need to play it forther back cool there’s some players that can create that angle and play everything off of

This logo on their shirt yeah but Mo you that’s you’re talking about elite players that are doing that so okay okay so good so same thing so let’s a little far yeah that’s perfect looks there and this that should make it easier to hit that t not harder absolutely okay so

Okay just go ahead and hit it there for me and we’ll see what’s happening do it again there’s another one on the hle but you’ll see your Li angle then’s flattered you see that’s what I was wondering about yeah right so we’ll discuss that later okay let’s but

Your tag angle is much better m is I was one that’s the thing I was looking to see is how cuz I felt like I was coming you were deep into that one yeah you were but don’t try to go deep just try

To hit the te yep and you can get just a scooch farther away there you go there go okay yeah that’s much better good still a little Healy but that’s all right do it again that’s a considerable change compared to where I had the ball recently so oh that’s the first one that

Went right still a little it was still a little on the heel there yeah but we’re still better and then you know but boy that is8 I know and then look at this spin you’ve been averaging 5,000 a lot that’s not enough and so you need to have this

8 or 9,000 RPMs to spin how do you like my feet about yeah they’re fine you could be a little narrower I I even like narrower okay on these shorter wedges so but that looks great setup a little bit little bit further back again this is

Kind of your old trick like do this yep or measure with your knee that’s yeah also right like a two inches above the knee y okay that was much better yeah good shot that’s good so you’ll see minus 4 62 not bad okay but and you see I faced a path

Still a little left but that’s still better and where spin rat’s getting up there so um I do believe that you should have your wedges 2 de flatter that’s one thing by the way for everybody at home that not enough people know this um almost every Tour

Player um whatever their fitting is with their irons but say they’re standard yeah okay um whatever their normal iron Li angles are so if they’re standard their wedges will always be 2° flat than what rest of their irons are okay so if they’re 2 de upright their

Wedges would be standard if they’re two de flat with their irons their wedges are going to be four de flat interesting and because with the added Loft and shorter clubs that’s most good players Miss with the wedge as a p left and it’s because of the the angle getting it too

Flat by getting that flat or that toe down really eliminates the left shot with the wedges and that’s what most guys do interesting and so most people don’t talk about that and it’s pretty important to understand and fitting lot of you know being fit correctly is important yeah okay

Um I’m not a fan of extreme fittings though unless it’s a really rare case and what I mean by extreme is if you’re going somewhere where and they’re measuring you 4° upright 6° upright you’re probably trying to mask us well they’re trying to masking over the top

Swing yeah yeah but you’re still going to no it doesn’t matter how what they bend them to you’re still going to hit it you know too much on the toe that makes or too much on the heel with the with all that so um and so there’s they still try to if

If you’re if you’re measuring that much um in a fitting run cuz um it’s just going to screw you up and here’s why so there’s and unless you’re playing with a uh Bryson D Shambo set that’s the same length and same lie angle with every Club there’s four degrees difference in

Every Club anyway they get progressively more upright as you get um or get flatter as you get longer clubs yes and so when you when they measure you and say you need to be four degrees up well they change every Club four degrees but

It it by the time you get the seven iron six iron five iron they’re still getting four degre flatter each time and it really doesn’t help you much interesting and so on tour um probably somebody will probably know this cuz I don’t know for sure what

It is and get a comment on it but my guess would be 95% of the tour players fall between two degrees flat and two degrees upright you don’t see them extreme one way or the other and so um and the other misconception fitting wise is with tall guys that everybody thinks

They need extra longer length clubs but they don’t and that’s a mistake and so if you’re 6’4 and five and they got you 2 in extra long it just made every Club the as clubs get longer they’re harder to hit and they’ve just given you a whole set

Of clubs that’s probably too long for you ping probably does the best job at of static fitting which is based on your size and you know I’m short and fat and a guy that’s 6′ 6 I stand next to him and he stands next to me and we dangle

Our hand you’ll almost find that from the tips of our fingers to the ground’s the same measurement yep and so if it’s the same measurement to the ground well they don’t need longer clubs just cuz they’re tall they have longer arms makes sense yeah that’s to compensate for that

Absolutely and then what most taller players do um to get a little shorter I like taller players to have a little wider stance um and if your stance is wider then you’re shorter if you was going to measure how tall you were you’d put your feet together right that’s but see as I

Get as I spread my legs I’m going to get shorter yeah and so you know um falo would probably tell you that that’s one of the things that lead better helped him the most with f was a big tall guy and um I think one of the main things

That he did with falo was just got him wider with these stance and it made him shorter yeah and he was more consistent could play with standard length clubs interesting I never thought about that I know that’s that’s another thing nobody talks about yeah so at home if your

Wedges are the same fitting as your irons and you miss them left for a right-handed player um experiment with some two degre flat four degre flat even with wedges if if you’re like so two or three degrees most of the guys on tour are flatter wow okay good you like that

Yeah I do so pretty interesting really yeah I have a question for you around all this so one of the things this is a maybe a concept that needs to be debugged in my brain okay so we talk about Concepts my job yeah we talk about concepts are the most important thing to

To getting good right so in my downswing when I look at on camera sometimes I’m too open here which then we’ve talked about before causes a rotational flip okay do you think that that happens in my wet short wedges like this too I don’t you don’t think that’s

I don’t watching you but that’s I’ll watch as you hit a couple more and let you know but I don’t think so cuz one of the things but I do think maybe you flip and then that’s where your attack angle’s lousy and then it goes left so

But I don’t think your face is open is yeah okay and so not like I’m flipping at the at the last moment because but I do think your ball position’s too far forward with wedges specifically off a level eye yes and that’s contributing to left okay I think

Your wedges need to be a flatter and that’ll help you to both of those variables together well it makes sense as the ball’s more forward you’re going to have more time for the club to be closing relative absolutely yeah that’s what’s happening to you then then your

Attack angle you’re not going to create this four degree down does that make sense yeah y absolutely hit a few more there for me let me watch I’ll watch that CL place okay I got the te yep but you can see those are straighter huh yesterday when

He what he he could probably show you that on screen um editing wise but you were pretty much minus 10-12 face the path was at least – 10 on many of the wed shots what you sent me it was allus so we’ve cut it in half

That’s great yeah so so that’s good and um that’s still um some work to do because we need to still get a better attack angle and a better spin rate when the attack angle zero or whatever the spin rate’s not going to be much so my spin 6,000 7,000

Is that what s eight 8,000 that’s where you want to get to with the wedge yeah 10 yeah okay okay so I’m way way under that right now are yeah interesting I mean I have players that would love that to be their driver spin sure yeah cuz they’re higher than driver 5,000 driver

Spin yeah yeah so okay so yeah it’s almost um 1,000 RPMs per Club that’s why I remember you saying seven iron 7,000 8,000 eight iron so as so as you get up there you’re really talking yeah see so that’s like 11 iron so you might be over

A thou yeah like 11,000 okay understand yes yeah so what do you think causes the lack of spin in this the attack angle it’s just not steep enough so if it come if it’s coming down 10 degrees then it’s going to it’s okay yes interesting

Y see that’s the the I’m glad that I just hit that because that’s a what I’ve been noticing especially when I don’t have something like the T the the more steep I TR to get with it the the more I shank I know but you’re trying to get

Steep with the wrong way you’re going the wrong way you’re going like this with your body and so I it’s having the handle in front of the head it’s not you’re not trying to hit down on it okay you you’re trying to have the handle ahead of the head forward lean and so

When you don’t when you’re only at one you don’t have you’re only an inch of forward lean instead of five or six inches does that make it makes sense conceptually it’s more difficult for me to to do I understand and so but so really all I’m trying to do is get the

Club yeah the bottom out get my handle here so that it’ll B so it bottom out in front yes okay I’m curious if I don’t have the T what happens if I just hit a try a normal one good so that’s better that’s better yeah

It’s a lot better so that might be my problem is is a another concept thing is try using my shoulder to try to get steep which is not the right way to do it whereas what I really just need to do is get the club handle so that like

We’ve talked about that it looks kind of like this at impact right exact yes and that’s because if you were this is 54 degrees I believe yeah and if that’s so that’s 54 degrees so look where the handle is it’s this far in front of the head that would

Be a seven or eight minus attack angle if I was an impact like this and so when you’re zero but that’s 54° and so when you’re just one when that’s only an inch in front of the Leading Edge I’m not 54 anymore I’m like 60 degrees a loft yeah because I have

The handle leaned back and I add Loft interesting and so then I don’t have spin and it doesn’t go as far as it’s supposed to let me hit one I haven’t hit anything today so no laughing but um but but you’ll see that attack angle for

Me goes to minus 7 I got 8,900 spin do you see that and um my face to path slightly open there but my club path is zero does that make sense yeah and that was a 55 Yard carry shot okay I’ve never seen a wedge of mine recently go to the

Right like that without it being a shank so that’s interesting y so uh but that’s what we’ve got to feel like um um going back and um again 9100 spin – 7 attack angle face the path of zero 60 yard shot just a half a swing but that’s kind of the

Numbers we’re looking for does that make sense absolutely four inches in front of the ball see my line angle 64 degrees that’s what it should be perfect right yeah yeah makes sense you’re pretty good at this I am not I’m not bad I saw I saw somebody on YouTube had the best swings

On YouTube and I’m not on there yet but I probably have the best swing as a 60 year old Plus on on YouTube need to start a tournament of I’m just I’m I’m just kidding but but uh but it’s not bad and um but that’s the kind of numbers we’re

Looking for MH okay and that’s a spin tells you that that’s one of the cool things about trackman and that’s why I put uh all those different numbers up um was because I wanted you to see your lie angle and I wanted you to see your spin

Um but uh I I do think it’s a combination of things that’s causing left the the more the handle gets back this way the more it goes left too so your attack angle is causing it to go left yeah your Li angles causing it to go left does that make sense and so

You’ve got two or three factors so I have another question now that you’ve got my brain spinning so before we started doing YouTube together months ago years ago you talked about a feel a lot of good players have a feeling like this with their full swing is this

Something with wedges too that they have can yeah they probably do um but that that’s a great question and it confuses a lot of people but I still have to maintain this angle when I’m doing it mhm and but with wedges it’s not as big a deal okay what they’re trying to do

There is they’re trying to make sure this club is in front of their chest and they’re not like this at impact especially going to cause if well can that’s one of the things um we’ll we’ll do a whole thing on shanking um I would say no that’s not

What causes a shank okay um just as a teaser everybody feels like when they shank it they’re like this uh with the face wide open um I would tell you that most players that shank it 80% of the shanks the face is actually closed it

Impact but they hit it on the hosle so it deflects to the right and the face never touches the ball inter okay okay and so most players shank it from an out to end path and a closed face and you can kind of tell if that’s you because

If you don’t shank it and you hit it on the face it’s going left okay so I see that all the time where guys shank shank shank and then and then they yeah hit it 30 yard left with a sandwich on the next swing so because it’s a out to endend

Path yes now an end out path can shank it too so there we we’ll get into all that when we talk about shanking but uh so the poor path can cause you to hit it on the hosle um predominantly I would tell you with the thousands of students I’ve worked with for 30

Years um almost every everybody that’s higher than a five handicap that has the shanks are outside in interesting so 80% of them are and so um I I rarely see a high handicapper 15 or higher that’s shanking it from being inside out they’re always outside makes

Sense yeah so cool but we’ll talk about that in detail when we talk about shanking okay all right me hit a couple more uh I I want to try that feel of getting that I felt like that was I was kind of onto something with getting the

Handle yep you are onto something that’s kind of a different conception I haven’t thought much about before good that was high it was but that was good that was still zero that’s why it was high cuz it’s still zero on attack okay straight though the do we have the

Launch angle on that one uh no but I can look I’m just curious cuz that seem like it launched real high oh it did might have been a 50° launch angle launch angle was 38 de okay yeah we’ve been averaging 29 yeah so that’s been perfect

That’s where we want to be between what what they say at the the uh The Forum 27 and 30 that’s yeah and I was always taught 30 that’s that and my shots were always 28 so I was kind of happy at the form when they

Said 27 to 30 we went to a great uh event at the PGA show that they went through every bit of golf nerd data that you’d ever want to know yes and that’s one of the things they they talked about is having your launch angle with wedges

Be 27 to 30 somewhere in that range so that’s correct it’s called the open Forum they have it every year at the PGA show Chris Como host it and um probably an audience of several hundred there would you say uh yeah at least probably y yeah a few hundred yeah and

Probably most of the top instructors in the country were there absolutely it was awesome yeah that’s a little better so I’m minus three and 6,000 almost that’s better we’re going the right direction so now when you get on track man when you’re practicing you know what to start

Looking for absolutely and if I can have the club again um a pretty good drill for you any of you that’s trying to improve that so I’d like my lead arm and the shaft to be 90° hinged um I like this to be a good

Length of back swing I find a lot of guys that get too long with wedges on the back swing end up losing that angle too early yes and so by shortening that up and stopping here where my lead arms parallel to the ground and I’m I have an

L i call this L and then I’m have an L on this other side but a pretty good drill is you can maintain that L until this lead hand gets to where the ball is between your feet and that’s when we’re going to release it so if

Uh I can be here and I can feel this like this and then I can just hit little shots like that trying to maintain that angle okay so that one wasn’t as good as I can do but but pretty good drill to maintain that um and work on that that’s probably not

Good either yeah mineus four but uh dead straight on that one oh yeah but pretty good drill to feel feel that angle and to work on a tack angle that oh that’s great yeah yeah makes sense you can see how straight they are that’s that’s how straight you have to

Hit wedges to play good yeah I’ve noticed that’s it’s really frustrating when you get to 40 yards from the green and you hit a great shot and then all you got to do is get it straight and you pull it left or it’s it’s very frustrating so P they go too far that

Too farther than your yardage and so you’re long left and that’s usually the worst place a bunker and a creek or out of bound yeah so okay watch me do that drill real quick so that yeah keep holding it keep going keep holding it so

There I think I I start to lose it here you do absolutely so you want you want to feel the glove hand get to the ball before release your hands are pretty quick they’ll unhand just as quick as they need to so especially with some practice how’s that look good and one of

The things I’ll make a note of for any instructors watching whenever you have students especially with wedges and they’re working on stuff don’t ever get on this side of the ball in case they shank it and kill you so it’s one of the most important things for an instructor

Protect yourself yes there’s no one where to stay and that’s a good tip yep that’s the tip that’s the best tip of the day is that from experience you figured that one out yes but I knock on wood I haven’t been hit in 25 years cuz I’ll try to keep that streak

Going so here up like that and then release okay oh hey we’re doing a little better I know that was better that felt a little bit better still still a little left but the action felt better it did I agree that’s probably a good way to work

On your lag for your full swing too right yes it is and you kill two birds with one stone help your helps your full swing but your wedge play gets better at the same time absolutely so there’s no better way to work on it that was even better could you tell

Yeah I can tell by the sound yep yeah look at that like much straighter that’s the best wedge shot I’ve hit and yeah a long time at least in two days yes MH yeah I’d say two years maybe good so that’s M there minus8 wus eight Patrick got to minus8 that’s a

That’s a record yeah 7700 that’s great I know so I think so that ball would stop on the green one Bounce stop and that’s my a lot of problems is I’ll if I hit a good one it’s like it just rolls out yeah yes I understand

Yeah and you can tell it’s a better launch angle too you can see where it’s sitting on the screen now too do you see that oh these are good I know not near as much left huh yeah yep you face the path was actually plus one on that one

That’s great and you really ideally want that as close to zero as you can just so you’re not especially with wedges yeah it’s all about consistency good that’s probably not as good you hit the SE I was going to say it went higher but yeah just so you can

See it was still but still minus two is better than you see you can see with more Loft you don’t get get more spin you get less spin yep okay well it’s the pro all of them are trying to keep their wedges low right which is why the 30 low and spinning

Yeah low and spinning yeah yes yeah and I’ve said it before on here but great players try to hit their wedges as low as they can and Driver as high as they can with no spin it’s like they’re opposites you want High drives with no

Spin and low wedges with to spin yes sir interesting that’s still pretty good that’s still pretty good oh look at that zero zero I know zero face to pass yeah yeah it’s good cool zero spin axis I think that’s something for me to work on

I’m going to be doing that all week one thing I’ll mention you know we’ve got launch monitors and all this stuff today um but Harvey Panic was teaching people to hit low wedges 60 years ago okay and 70 years ago and what he would do is he would

Actually have a bench out on the driving range and he would put it out in front you got to hit the player and they have to hit it under so the the oldtimers knew this you know years ago from observation of good players I mean he worked with kite and crinch

K kite probably arguably the best wedge player ever lived probably and um um and you know that’s he saw the shots they hit he could tell they could hit it under the bench and so he taught all these other players to do the same thing yeah so it’s pretty

Interesting um without any video any thing they were pretty much teaching the same thing that everybody thinks new today but yes it’s really not new it’s just the ideas improve sure and Technology improves our data capture and where we can quantify it better but the principles are Timeless almost I mean

They they come around and I think that’s amazing yeah it is one of the things I remember um um you know one of my favorite books that I reviewed was uh from Dr Bob Rotella uh golf’s not a game of perfect and I believe it was in his

It’s either in his first book or his second book there’s a chapter on him working with Tom Kite and um I’m sure it’s we tell I’m thinking about but um for a year um I believe kite won the US Open in either 92 or 91 and it was at Pebble Beach and um

For the year they he kept track of his up and down statistics and for the whole year he was like 90% that he got the ball up and down that year that he was open gosh so almost unbelievable and the and what they talked about in the book was that

Um the tour players back at that time thought 50% was good so all the other tour players in the world were trying to just get it up and down half the time they thought that was good and then when Tom Kite proved that you

Could do it 9 out of 10 times it really elevated all the wedge play on tour everybody started practicing it a lot harder like the first person to run the four-minute mile exactly I was just going to say that yes they thought you’d die if you broke a 4minute mile that was

What the the doctors would say the human body couldn’t do it yeah and then they did it then there was like a zillion guys did it the next couple years because they knew they could do it yeah that’s awesome and it’s the same thing with short game with that is they

Figured out they could do it so it’s pretty interesting


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