Golf Players

Kristin Tattar x Porsche, World Predictions, Most Unique Signing Announcement | EP 55

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0:00 Show Preview
5:28 Brodie/Uli Week Recap
13:21 Kristin Tattar x Porsche
23:13 Brodie Reacts To Instagram Comments
37:32 Niklas Anttila Responds
39:38 Most Unique Player Signing
41:45 Jeremy Rusco Buying ECC
43:42 2024 World Championships Predictions
46:43 Tournament Recaps
47:36 Tournament Purses
50:38 Winners and Losers This Off-Season
56:50 Wild Story of the Week
1:03:14 Edwin Stats
1:12:53 This Week in Foundation Disc Golf
1:14:45 Listener Questions

#tourlife #discgolf #discraft #brodiesmith #paululibarri

How’s it going everybody welcome back to tour life uh today’s podcast we have two sponsors for today’s P podcast the first one is AA and we’ll send that over to syus now tired of constantly receiving spam phone calls to the point where you don’t even bother answering your phone anymore

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Foundation dis golf to start your two-e trial also linked down in the description thanks again to AA for sponsoring this video let’s hop back into it ladies and gentlemen Valentine’s Day is knocking and manscaped is the remedy for what the love doctor ordered his prescription the allnew performance

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Romantic moments get 20% off in free shipping with the code banter that’s 20% off with free shipping at and use code banter because you’re grooming upgrade awaits ready to charm your Valentine’s dates speaking of romance and love in the air Yulie you got some news brother

Tell the people yeah yeah I mean uh it’s been a little secret you know for some time now but Sarah and I are expecting so we’re super excited yeah I’m going to be a pops man it’s kind of crazy situation that is wild man that is wild

Congratulations uh how did you how did you guys like kind of find out and stuff um how how’ that whole process work well it was like it was like a dual it was like a dual thing I was on my way home um we had a conversation and I’m like

I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure we’re pregnant and so I I grabbed a um test on the way home and we did it and right there it was just like instant bam we didn’t have to wait nothing and uh I mean it was awesome honestly kind of

Blew my mind but uh yeah it happened super quick so I’m very very thankful for that and everything’s um looking good she’s healthy everything’s on Pace for hopefully very successful birth now was there any thought about like waiting to see what the gender was going to be

Or anything like that or did you guys want to know right away she wants to know I don’t really mind waiting um so I think we’re going to wait like maybe a month or two and then and then find out for sure we might do a little gender reveal or something I

Was going to say are you going to do some sort of disc golf gender reveal or what is there you got anything in the works I’m my hands off with that stuff whatever Sarah comes up with I’ll definitely I’ll definitely do she’s brought some ideas she was like no maybe

You should hit a golf ball or you should throw a disc or whatever ever and I’m like whatever you want to do sweetie so yeah you want to get real crazy you can throw a disc up in the air that’s like breakable into dust of the color and hit

It out of the air with a golf ball now super risk right because if you miss then it’s just complete then it just falls on the ground but if you hit it that is an electric video that would be so sick I don’t think I could trust

Myself with either of those things there was a there was a baby there was a gender reveal with an ex basketball player I think X NBA basketball player if I remember correctly and they missed the shot and it just like the ball just blew up on the ground and that’s how it

Was or there might wait was no I’m not thinking about I’m completely think making up a story I think it was baseball I think there was a baseball player and he whiffed the ball he was supposed to hit it out of the exploded yeah and it just dropped on the ground

And hit and exploded it’s so funny because you know how Instagram listens to you and stuff and so now all my stuff is gender reveal and baby this WOW crazy oh David Ortiz thank you Bobby Bobby in the chat David Ortiz whiffing a swing and it just dropping

And exploding at the bottom so that’s something I would do for sure so maybe we’ll just do like a maybe a CL I’m like a CL guy yeah just like a little popper thing and just you can’t mess that up so exactly well I know everyone over here

All of our tour life crew all of our Watchers uh we congratulate both you and Sarah that’s very awesome and uh we wish you all the best with that it it’s going to be fun man this upcoming year is going to be awesome just kind of hearing

All the stories of what it’s like like all the stuff you’re going through we might have to be a little bit flexible maybe with tour life and like when we film and everything so everyone everyone be uh be okay with that because obviously when you when you are right in

It right at the beginning I’m sure it’s it’s crazy crazy though I yeah I’m in in for a treat that’s for sure yeah U all right elephant in the room oh no um I made a tweet saying if this tweet gets over a thousand likes I

Will wear the Connor horse shirt on the podcast on tour lifee this week and it did it did get over a th likes so I repping the Connor horse uh shout out to Connor he still has not aced uh Peaks view whole three but I do have the Uli

Horse underneath oh perfect top seller top seller um shout out to everyone that’s uh gone out and bought some tour light how are the orders are we still we’re going to get the updates at the end silus is crunching the numbers we will we’ll we’ll do what’s your G

Instinct I don’t know I feel like the tour life crew went ham this past week so I think I think a lot of tour life cre crew start started picking it up we got some new stuff in there too the performance te’s I think are really cool because obviously these shirts are nice

To just wear around but the performance tees are the ones that you can actually play disc golf with and we got a uh 10 months from Ronnie congrats to Julie on the pregnancy you’ll make a great dad Julie so shout out to our tour life crew Captain Ronnie for 10 months let’s

Freaking go all right let’s uh let’s do a little quick little recap obviously that was the big announcement uh for tour life I’m up here right now in Lynchberg as you can see I’m on the set of what what show I guess this would be off seon debate night yeah I’m on the

Set for that uh in the bag yep and uh why am I up here well we are doing fil we are filming the foundation Allstar event so if you guys watched last year we get all of the all the employees which I think we have what five 5 4

48 13 I think we’re going to have like 13 people this year competing in this Allstar event so we’re doing that all so be on the lookout on foundation’s YouTube that will be coming out it’ll be really really fun um we got hacked I don’t know if you saw that Julie uh we

Got hacked I don’t know if Silas if you want to make a statement do you have anything to say uh I don’t have anything to say man okay um so comment so I’ll I’ll let I’ll let the people know kind of what happened this is not a they guessed our

Password this is not a we don’t have two steps of verific verification on what this is is they’re able to get into your computer to where they now can operate your computer from their computer so if you’re signed in to your YouTube channel for example if if you’re signed into it

They can basically go on their computer and do whatever they want on your YouTube that you have access to now we’re smart and we have managers so our managers they really can’t do too much all they can really do is like private videos so what they basically do and if

You went to our YouTube channel on foundations this past week and if you went to Robbie’s uh basically what they do is they try to private all your videos they change your name on the YouTube channel they change the image of your YouTube channel so that way all the

People that are subscribed they’re like I don’t know what this channel is and then if you go to it there’s nothing on there and then they slowly try to throw in a bunch of playlists from all these crypto things and they have like a u a live stream it’s not really actually

Live but they upload it like a live stream and last time we got hacked twice last time uh it was I think who was it it was the Tesla guy Elon Musk selling something this time it was going to be some crypto person trying to get people

To buy crypto we luckily got into it before they went live and we shut it all down everything’s back up and running um thankfully it’s we still don’t really quite sure quite know what the situation is yes everyone’s saying the flash drive to the flash drive luckily luckily tour life wasn’t touched

Um but there is a there’s like a 90% chance Silas just lost his email and it’s just gone it’s gone my even my whole YouTube channel my whole 700 subscribers all of you guys they’re gone oh no so we will once Silas kind of gets his bearings and creates a new YouTube

Account we will shout it out on here so all you guys can go over and subscribe to that but yeah that is it so that’s the update on the hackage and uh I mentioned it earlier Connor we we went and did a live stream ulie this was

Actually a sick idea we we had $100 bills he had a 100 minutes to make an ace as soon as he made an ace he got whatever money was left and each minute that went by $1 was taken away so after 10 minutes he had a chance to win $90

Right after 50 minutes he had a chance to win uh $50 and people were donating money during the live stream to put money back in give him more time and that’s amazing and so I think it was like a total of an hour and 20 minutes of him trying to Ace this one

Hole out here so whenever you come up here when you do you need to go out there to see how long it took you to Ace because we did a live stream where it was me uh Connor or me Hunter and Trevor and we weren’t allowed to leave until

All three of us aced I aced it on like my 17th or 13th throw Hunter and Trevor aced within the next like 30 minutes or so so we got out of there quick he has now spent over 10 hours trying to Ace this hole no he hasn’t yes yes he has

Now put in over 10 hours of time it’s 180 feet nothing in the way a little downhill and one of the last throws he had he actually threw one of my G get freakies it slammed into the chains dead center and it just whoop whoop out and I

Was like I I don’t think you’re going to ever Ace this ho man I don’t think you’re ever going to do it so thanks to everyone that joined the live stream there that was a lot of fun good times over there all right um s get pull up

Our Instagram and get that ready to go we’re going to talk about Kristen atar and then we’ll go over to some Instagram comments here in a second so news Kristen Tatar she is doing a great job and I don’t know if it’s her or her publicist or her team I know she’s added

On some people this offseason but she’s been doing a great job of like keeping headlines this off season yeah without moving uh manufacturers or anything you know last week it was the gambling company uh PFA or pu something can’t remember sorry uh this week it’s Porsche so it’s uh Estonia Porsche

Estonia Christen tar signs Co cooperation agreement with Porsche Estonia she will receive a Porsche maon is that I’m not I’m not with the fancy cars how do you pronounce that anyone know m a a an maon not even going a try M or maon that’s fine I’m GNA get

Roasted in the comments that’s fine I don’t know luxury I’m sorry um and the photos of this are actually incredible so if syus can throw these photos up so everyone that’s watching can see this uh she’s got some pretty cool disc it looks like some Comm Comm Comm oh my gosh help

Me with that word please Comm orative disc commemorative commemorative commemorative disc yeah and the the photos of this are crazy so it looks like she has uh Porsche drive christen’s atar and so I think the drive is some sort of new thing that Porsche is pushing with their new new uh cars and

Then she had she has one of the best signatures that signature is freaking nasty uh on the car and so I think it was hard to kind of get more information on this I I know we’re going to probably try to get Kristen on at some point because her interview last time was

Awesome so this will definitely be something that we can definitely bring up when she comes back on the show I what the the sense of what I got is we’ll give you this car to drive around for the year and we’ll work together I I don’t know if there’s money

Being exchanged I’m not entirely sure but that’s all that’s all I know so we’ll talk to her and just kind of see but this is huge Julie Porsche a luxury vehicle now uh dipping their toes into disc golf what are your thoughts on that I mean that’s amazing I I feel like

That’s like a European thing is getting cars involved didn’t they have your like Ford as one of the sponsors for for a few players open for or they were the sponsor for the President’s Cup last year right so they they they’ve they’ve definitely been in

There um but like you said luxury car I mean Porsche is a nice brand it’s a really nice uh yeah kudos to her for like you said just keep um she people want us to pronounce it properly sorry Porsche porsa yeah Porsche but she I feel like people say

Porsche yeah for sure the the the actual pronunciation is Porsche okay isn’t there a song Hey Little Porche I wanna yeah I think so okay it’s possible but uh she’s been doing a great job of just keeping kind of push pushing forward with all of these sponsorships and stuff

Um I think it’s huge honestly because for one for the FP division to see somebody who’s able to bring in those nice big companies um kind of gives life uh to their division and and hopefully the rest of the field can kind of see that there’s some great marketing

Schemes out there for them and maybe that’ll help boost them up maybe we’ll see some other nice sponsorships coming for for some more Foo players and and but I mean christien I I don’t think there’s a better sponsor for her she’s she’s a she’s freaking luxury you

Know what I mean like she is clean all the way through and through one of my favorite players so congratulations to her on I’m I’m going to make the analogy yeah I’m going to make the analogy to uh to Ronda Rousey here of where I don’t I I’m going to disagree a

Little bit in the short term of where I don’t think what’s happening what she’s doing right now is actually going to change anything with the other FP players I think she I think she’s Head and Shoulders above everyone else and so she is going to like she is the top dog

And so companies can look at okay we can get massive value from working with her now what that could do down the road is Elevate everyone else to where down the road now more people are paying attention to Foo more money’s in fo and then that comes but I don’t think this

Signing or the gambling site I don’t think any of those are all of a sudden now going to open the floodgates to where now these other companies no no no she’s the most marketable person right now in fpo and also Al I would say probably one of the top five in disc

Golf like she is massive and so I to me this feels like more of a Ronda Rousey situation of where she’s gonna get everything she’s gonna get all the attention she’s gonna get all the money and she deserves it and then down the road that she’ll leave a massive wake

For everyone else to kind of uh work their way out of if that makes sense right no pretty much to my point I guess is is that if I was in that division would look and see what the opportunity is there for me as well and get my

Button gear get to work because whenever you have somebody pushing the bar like that it can only help you if you have that sort of motivation and I guess that’s just the way that my brain works is when I see those nice things you know

What I mean I’m I want those things I want you know that type of recognition and so I work harder and I hope that’s what is will happen I guess with the um other women in the field easier set said than done but if you want to put if you

Want to put your time stamp on or put your name a name stamp on the foo division right now if you go out and you consistently beat Kristen or you beat her a couple times you are going to blow up I mean that’s just the N nature of

The Beast so uh it’s a perfect like you’re saying a perfect opportunity for everyone else in fo to be like hey if I if I can put in the work and I can go out and maybe challenge her beat her or whatever because she doesn’t really have

The she doesn’t have a rival there isn’t someone no like her rival is like hopefully someone in the field plays good that week and and hopefully she plays bad to where it there’s a chance that she loses hey and you you never know what happens in the off season

People put in work people unlock codes in their own game you know what I mean people are going to be coming after her so it I’m excited I mean The Season’s coming up so fast man I’m so excited to see what happens in in just Disc Golf in general because of

Where the sports at and the opportunities that are out there I mean every offseason is an opportunity for somebody to level up yeah and I would I would even say too I think players are now starting to kind of see the landscape a little bit of where all the manufacturers are at and

Are realizing oh there there are not like infinite spots out there like there are a a number of spots available and if you’re not in one of those slots you got to you got to go out and do something to get yourself in the slot so it will be

Very very interesting all right s do you have those in do you have the Instagram set up all right so if you guys don’t follow our Instagram account definitely go over to Instagram check it out tourlife I Believe Tour lifecore podcast is that what it is silus tour lifecore podcast let me see

If I can make this big so I can actually read these things um so we take Clips shout out to our social media guy Grant social social Grant clip IPS I think is what we’re calling him grant that sounds like a good name shout out to Grant

Clips he’s the one that uh Clips all these things out also Silas kind of pulls the clips out and then he edits them and uh we had some interesting comments on some of these Julie so I wanted to kind of bring some of these up so the first one we’re going to go

Through is the clip of you talking about how disc golf is a little bit of like gambling and uh we’re going to read through some of these comments so the first one says this is from coach you guys are paying $200 to to buy into a 4-day tournament most of which is

Probably covered by your sponsors this isn’t even close to Poker SL gambling and then you responded with the it’s literally gambling um just Googled gambling says to play a game for a chance to win money uh yeah and that’s basically what we’re doing and I I get I

Can see why some people don’t like the word I mean I was going back and forth with one person that was making the claim that gambling and and bedding are different that those two things aren’t the same and that I mean that actually blew Kelsey’s mind she was like I I gota I

Gotta walk out of this I can’t read I can’t read these responses I was I was honestly reading some of these comments and just kind of cracking up man I mean it was so imagine because I mean you’re a married man so let’s let’s just walk through this real quick imagine we have

A gambling problem okay and our wives are helping us and being like honey listen we got to we got to stop gambling it’s not good whatever and uh you know you start couple days later go by you’re like I’m not going to gamble more I’m not going to gamble more

Couple days go by it’s Sunday it’s football you’re watching it you’re screaming you’re getting jacked up and she’s coming in she’s like did you get are you gambling on this game you’re like no honey no stop I I told you I’m not gonna I I placed a bet I I placed a

Bet on this game I’m not gambling I placed the bet you would get thrown out of the house so fast gambling and betting in the same exact thing and uh if you want to argue against that well I I I don’t know how to argue against that it’s literally the same

Thing the the one argument that I saw the most was uh no because you have control over the outcome so but here’s the thing if I am playing let’s say a 800 rated player and they want to bet me $ five dollar straight upm I could break my leg and not finish

The round and I lose that is a possibility it’s not likely but there’s a possibility that I don’t finish and what would happen I would lose $5 it’s a gamble there’s better odds for me let’s throw this scenario out you just graduate oh you you don’t graduate

College okay you’re in college you don’t graduate college you buy you use all your money you have to buy a vehicle and you’re and you go and you say you know what I’m going to try to be a professional disc golfer and you travel the whole the United States going all

Over spending all your money week to week literally needing to cash at every tournament to survive to go to the next tournament does that not sound like a gamble a bit of a gamble yeah you’re at the end betting on yourself at the end

Of the day life is is life is a we we make gambles all the time we make bets all the time like every single day there is a gamble to everything so I get I get the push back a little bit but let’s let’s be real are we are kind of in a

Way gambling a little bit and and the way for that it’s not kind of in a way we’re gambling a lot of bit we are and it’s going to get more and more removed once our money isn’t necessarily in the pocket right once there aren’t uh entry

Fees that are accounting for more than 50% of what we’re playing for if there was no entry fees and there was all these sponsors playing and we just show up and we try to play and we and we but even then there’s a little bit of gamble because you’re paying for flights you’re

Playing for hotels you’re you’re pay yeah you’re you’re paying for all these things in the hopes of potentially making money at this tournament or potentially playing well enough at this tournament to where maybe you get sponsored or whatnot right uh was there any other go go ahead yeah pull those

Comments again silus La last Point too is somebody was like well you don’t even pay your entry your sponsor does well that’s part of my contract that I get it’s my money it’s my money that they are putting in there it’s not their money it’s mine it’s in my contract to where I

Get the $7,000 or $8,000 per year for me to play in tournaments once they sign that contract they’re paying my entry fees it’s mine also there are there other people in here and this happens a lot and I get it uh we post a lot of things the next

One we’re going to go go to here in a second it’s this is 100% what happened but the majority of the time that we’re talking on here the podcast is called tour life for a reason we’re talking about stuff that is kind of relevant to

Me and you on tour and a lot of times we talk about stuff that’s on tour so I I I understand and I get some people that are like well when I play in tournaments like I’m just playing for the experience so I don’t consider it gambling I get

That because when I show up to Blackjack and sit down to you know I have $100 and I’m playing $5 Blackjack that’s different than someone that’s sitting down and being like I need to I need to win I need to make money off of this

When I sit down I’m like that $100 is gone it might as well be like a nice steak dinner it might as well be going to the movies it might as well be going to Adventure uh like an amusement park I’m I’m spending that $100 on the entertainment of playing Blackjack I’m

Not trying to make money and I get that from a lot of people you show up to play a tournament and and you’re you’re you’re entering because you want to test yourself and that is fun to you and that’s Entertainment a lot of people on

Tour that’s not what it is this is their job if they continue to go out and not perform they’re going to have to find something else to make them money you can’t just keep spending money and losing it and think that’s going to be a career it just that just won’t work so

Um yeah life is a gamble there you go munchie munchie Lego like life is a gamble I think there’s a song that’s even written about that I won’t sing it I’ll I’ll save your guys’ ears for that all right s pull up the other one there’s one more I think this is more

For me so this was the one where we’re talking about uh oh I was talking about where if I’m uh playing in a tournament a professional tournament and during the middle of the round someone comes up to me and starts like asking me questions about like how how the whole played

Where’s the OB what’s going on all that that is an awkward situation right because you’re trying to compete against each other it can be an a awkward situation some of these were interesting because uh all right here we go we we we’ll just read through them so this one

Says how is it awkward I’ve been playing I’ve I’ve had plenty of people on my cards play Blind and I kindly just tell them where the basket is um and how I normally play the shot I I’ll even say what common lines are that people tape

Uh I’m not sure who Chaser is I don’t recognize him so I don’t know if he’s a touring player again different situation if I’m playing in a c tier and and Julie you even kind of mentioned stop it right there j s because I want to talk about

This one when you kind of mentioned like you show up to tournaments sometimes you’ve done this yourself at some of the lower level tournaments I’m talking more on like the pro tour is where it gets awkward if I’m at a B tier C tier a tier

And someone asks me it’s not that big of a deal it gets awkward more on the pro scene when someone’s doing it and I I guess some people don’t agree and one of those actually being Robert burd right here who is a professional he says if someone is playing blind usually

It is because of circumstances they can’t really control I have never had any awkwardness with helping a player who is playing blind it’s always players who don’t want to help their peer succeed that make it bad it is as simple as if it’s as simple as distance OB and

Where the Miss is or if it’s blind how you attack it and let them do their own thing and here I’ll be the first one Robert first off appreciate you coming out there I’ll be the first one I’ve played with you before and you have asked me how far something

Is buy a rangefinder and figure it out yourself like I I mean I I’m just being honest I’m I’m honestly being and I I like Robert he I i’ I’ve really enjoyed playing with him I played him at I played him with the usdgc where he was

Like playing lights out he was like the in the lead or whatever but I’m just saying it’s there comes a point in time where we are competing against each other right there are there are reasons why Brooks kepa got in trouble for throwing up the five to let um I can’t

Remember who it was let people know what he what shot he hit like you can’t do that in golf you can’t actively ask someone in golf what club did you use there’s reason why those rules are in place we don’t have rules like that in disc golf but I could totally see that

Happening in the future of where Julie it’s not fair it is not fair for for me to be able to go up to you after you throw a shot and ask you what did you throw that is not a fair situation for the entire field I should not gain an

Advantage because you’re my friend same thing and and this is a hot take same thing as you should not gain Advantage if you’re playing with your friends and you go hey I think my disc crossed inbounds and it didn’t and you have people saying it did because you’re friends with them

And they give you the benefit to doubt because they’re friends with them that’s not fair either so this whole situation of like and and I was just going to let this pass but it is a it is an issue there I I’ve had multiple people come up

To me and talk to me about how they don’t like it so there are people out on the course that aren’t and it is TR and here’s the thing I normally help people out because that because it is awkward and I don’t want to be a douchebag and and and tell people like

No figure it out yourself man but I I don’t want to help people either I’m trying to beat you I need all the help I can get yeah yeah I think it comes down to this it’s pretty simple it’s Sports there are different kinds of competitors in sports period there’s always going to

Be nice competitors and there’s always going to be people who are quiet and keep to themselves and there’s always going to be douchebags no matter which way you look at it in whatever sport you play if I’m playing on a course I ask somebody and he says no I’m good I’m

Fine I I’m a competitor I’m fine with it okay not asking him I’ll ask this guy if nobody tells me then I get it I’m not taking any ill will from that situation you get what I’m saying because I understand that it’s Sports now if somebody is gracious enough to be like

Yeah it’s like there’s o which most people are most people are hey yeah there’s OB on the left it’s an island hole you got a cross up on the right side there’s a blah BL BL and they give you the breakdown most people are willing to do that and it doesn’t take

Them out of their comfort zone and they can do that and that is perfectly okay because by the rules they are allowed to do that as of right now but what it comes down to is it’s preference you don’t want to do it Brody you don’t have

To Y and there shouldn’t be any sort of awkwardness any which way about it and if you take and if you take it as awkwardness that’s cuz you’re soft that’s cuz you’re soft and that’s it you asked you got the answer and if you’re going to be like oh why didn’t he

Tell me like what a douche move no you’re soft that means you don’t play sports that’s the way that it is I like that stuff when you’re when you’re playing let’s say you’re playing pickup basketball or even competitive basketball there’s trash talking going right all the time and most of the time

At the end of the game what do you do you shake hands hey good game and then you go off you go with your life and there’s respect there there was another comment in there saying uh I don’t know if you can pull that one up silus real

Quick there was one more comment I wanted to go over uh you make good points though Julie and I I agree completely uh there was one where someone claim that I have done this before okay yeah Danny Bo champ which go up a little bit which I that name that D

Name does sound familiar I think I have have you played with him yeah yeah yeah I I I definitely have played with him before for he says says the guy who literally asked a thousand questions even if not playing blind so I don’t know what he’s referring to I would love

To get a little bit more detail what that means I’m sure he was coming after me in that comment I’ll be the first to say there are multiple times where I ask like what the heck is going on this whole and the reason for it is because

The cad book doesn’t always line up with what the PDGA rules say and then we have people on the first t like telling you like oh today the this is how these holes are playing so yes it is really nice to sometimes just get a full confirmation of like this is how this

Hole is playing I’m not I’m not asking someone how far a hole far far a shot is at a professional tournament I’m just not I’m gonna have a rangefinder to do it myself or I’m just not going to ask and that’s just me but if you do ask I don’t have a problem

With it either just don’t get mad if the person says no I’m good I’m not like you said I’m good man figure sorry figure it out hey sometimes and sometimes you’re in a spot to where you just went bogey bogey Bogey and you don’t want to answer

Any questions about anything yeah so if some imagine if I just went triple double single and then somebody’s like hey youie do you know what this hole is all about I’d be like bro scram like I I need to get back in my zone I don’t have

Time for this get out of here man um okay so yeah that was that was fun always uh let’s keep firing off the Instagram comments down the road always fun to go and read those all right Nicholas Anella apologies I totally butchered his name I I said it the incorrectly last week

Onel um I reached out to him because I wanted to know what the situation was with that announcement that he initially made saying like basically I’m not on dis Mania anymore and why he ended up signing I was curious as to did he plan on leaving and then dmania offered him something

That he was like oh I’m coming back and this is what he he he told me basically that eagle and Ganon that he knew those announcement were happening right because obviously Ganon was coming to dmania Eagle was leaving dmania so I’m sure he kind of had an idea of those

Things were going on so they had basically he said two options they could either say nothing at all or they could do what they basically did um and so he he he did bring up saying like he never said that he was actually leaving but he understands now looking back that it was

Easy to kind of Mis understand the situation um and he says if he could go back in time or in the future he says he’s not going to do that anymore because I think there were some people that were kind of confused by it um but

Just to that was the plan all along the plan all along was for him to resign four years so he had no intentions of leaving uh just wanted to clear that up for him next announcement we have Cano now this guy oh gosh am I what’s going on my internet

Okay sounds good to me okay that’s all we need right we had great great shows and all of a sudden I come to I come to Foundation headquarters and my internet’s all jacked up all right Cano this is probably one of the funnier guys on tour uh he is a character I don’t

Know him that well but I’ve been around him enough to just know he’s an absolute character did you see his announcement video uh Julie no okay s can you pull this up this this is incredible so it’s very quick there’s also good audio we can’t we can’t hear

The audio hopefully you guys can hear the audio oh it’s copyright audio okay so go to his Instagram if you want to listen to it but play it one more time s because it does go really quick so play it one more time for everyone so basically for an a our audio

Listeners he took maybe like the top five or top 10 memes over the last I don’t know a couple years and essentially just created a bunch of memes that shows that he’s leaving um dis Mania and is going to ineva and that was basically his announcement which I like that a lot

Which I think is probably one of the most if not the most unique ways to announce that you’re now did did he maybe burn a bridge with some of these memes like having what was the can you pull up the one where he’s got a is it

He’s got dis Mania buried is that the burial one or which one is that one or no it’s Inova buried wait he’s leaving Inova and going sorry I have that backwards he’s leaving Inova and going to dmania apologies so maybe may he did burn I don’t know maybe he didn’t I

Don’t know maybe Ina will find this stuff funny but I thought it was definitely one of the more unique ways of announcing that you are leaving a manufacturer and going to the other one so yes Cano is headed to dmania to add to Nicholas Antilla and then you’ve got

The I guess foreheaded dragon with Ganon BG Kyle Klein Alden Harris and Gavin Babcock so they’re they’re uh they’ve got a force over there at dmania right now um all right did you hear about Jeremy rusco and Emporia Country Club no so he plans to purchase Emporia country club or excuse me Emporia

Community Club so the course that we currently play for the dynamic dis open ECC they were they were kind of struggling and I think some investors came in to try to Spruce it up and thinking that they could kind of turn it around I believe that kind of failed it

Looked like they weren’t really making the money that they would think they thought they were going to do they even like kind of actually threw shots at the community and said like the community wasn’t supporting them enough so that was kind of going downhill I don’t know

What the S sold for but we are going to have Jeremy rusco on the show next week he wasn’t able to come on because he has like a town hall or something where he’s going to be answering a lot of questions so we will bring him on the show next

Week so definitely come back next Tuesday and we’re going to ask a bunch of questions and if you have any questions for him definitely drop them in the comments down below I’ll read through them and pick some of the best ones out but he plans on purchasing this

Is separate I believe separate from Dynamic disc it seems like it’s a purchase like a personal purchase for him I did I’m very curious about a lot of things what what’s his vision what’s the plan with the uh Dynamic disc open our house of disc involved at all lots

Of going on I mean this is this is a massive purchase to buy an entire Golf Course basically so no without without a doubt that’s absolutely insane but pretty cool at the same time could be depending we got to ask the questions we got to ask the right questions I have

So many questions yeah like we were talking about it a little bit here uh you know there was some thoughts of maybe like maybe you just don’t even do a golf course and you and you like put real estate on there is that even possible would the city even allow that

A lot of questions to be had so we’ll have him on the show next week excited for that 2024 World Champ predictions super early here this golf pro tour put out a survey a a fan survey and the results came back and for those that don’t know we are playing the World

Championships right here in Lynchburg Virginia just about 10 minutes 15 minutes away from our studio the world champions championships will be going down this year we will be playing two rounds at New London three rounds at Ivy Hills and obviously on the fpo side no surprise at all you have Kristen thear

Taking an 83.8% of the vote Missy Ganon a little surprise maybe for some but she has been sneaky solid all year 3.1% for Missy Ganon you have Paige Pierce at 2 2.5% and then on the no side you have Calvin heimberg at the highest at 23.9% Paul McBeth at 13.5 which is no

Surprise he literally created New London to potentially hold a world championship at one point and then you have Simon lazat at 11.7 which is not you know I’m I’m thinking a lot of these fans are really smart because Simon lazat came out and played New London once I don’t

Know if it was on video it might have been and and shredded and that is very rare for people to come out to New London and play it blind and do really well so maybe we got some good uh little Insiders on the uh fan side of things

But what any names list not listed on there that you’re surprised anyone high up there the defend the defending world champion needs to be on that list for sure Isaac Robinson not being on there is a little surprising Isaac Robinson in a five round event is a

Scary guy I hate to tell you mess up he doesn’t he doesn’t like have bad rounds it seems like New London is very similar to Champions Cup it just has OB on the right hand side super backand I I throw three forand off the te maybe maybe four sometimes all

Backhands and who’s a better wooded player right now than Isaac Robinson there isn’t one and then you got Ganon as well who’s pretty spicy yeah it’s good player there’s a lot of good players out there but I’d say I I’d say the defending world champion um is probably pretty close

Behind those guys I would guess yep yep a couple tournaments happened this past week couple tournaments we had the Maricopa open which was an a tier out in Arizona Tristan Tanner takes it down winning in a playoff over Andrew mared good to see mared back he dropped out

The week before with back problems so good to see him back out there obviously was playing well since uh since um he lost in a playoff you have AB uh finishing one shot out of the playoff and then other notable names that were in the field were Aaron gosage gosage

And Parker Welk we also had the MX Disc Golf Championship which was I believe in Mexico and you have Nicholas Culver beating Kevin Jones in a playoff at that event and then the southeast Asia disc golf championships also took place this past weekend with manabu kajiyama taking

That one down also Cory Ellis took one down where were they New Zealand oh was that the New Zealand one I think so okay shout out to corellis I did not see that but shout out to corellis uh disc golf law put up some tournament purses numbers comparing last

Year to this year and I found some these to be fascinating so if we’re looking at these numbers I’ll read off the uh 2022 and then I’ll read off 2023 so first 2022 for the PCS open which was a disc golf pro tour Elite tournament you had 48,900 from 100,000 to

101,000 then you had ledstone going from 125,000 to just under 140,000 Idol wild going from 86 to 93,000 D Delow going from 86 to 100,000 and then the world championship going from 100,000 to 200,000 so what this tells me looking at these good growth across the board at a lot of these

Tournaments but the emphasis right now is really growing the World Championship purse and I love that I love that I I think that’s what should happen I think they should put more emphasis on it I think they should put more emphasis emphasis on the majors period so one of

The ones was a European open going up a thousand that needs to go up yeah that’s a little surprising to me that one didn’t jump up I mean you had uh you know daglo for example is a big you know was one of the playoff events that went up almost

$14,000 yeah I’d like I’d like to see all the majors kind of go up I think those should be our Premier Events they should be the biggest ones and they should all be pretty similar obviously you can the world championship should always be more right now because of where it’s

At in the game but for the majors in general there there shouldn’t in my opinion there shouldn’t be very many tournaments that give you more money than Majors I would almost argue there shouldn’t be any well you see the uh what is it the PDG or the PGA championships is always

The biggest purse they want uh well the players uh the players that’s what it is the Players but that’s the that’s the PJ tour wanting that to be a major and so that’s that’s their best way of doing it is trying to give a crap ton of money

Away yeah um so yeah but yeah I agree with you I think the majors definitely need to be bumped up the European open for sure I think you know looking at this list I would love to kind of see the European open maybe be $25,000 more than everything else but no

Surprise too with ledstone open with all the the fundraising and everything they do over there also coming in at 140,000 just 60,000 shy of the world championship so uh some good stuff there all right let’s uh let’s talk some losers and winners of the off season so on grip

Lock this week Hunter and Trevor discussed their winners and losers in terms of uh manufacturers new signings letting people go and I kind of want to get your opinion on what you think uh if you agree or disagree so we have Trevor stab first one Discraft winner picking up uh Chris you know

Chris lemons was the biggest pickup on the no side they pretty much kept everyone on that was on you know the elite team I’m pretty sure everyone stayed and then on the fo side they locked up Holland Hanley for a couple more years I think Paige did they make an announcement

About that some reason I want to say Paige got an extension um Goose got an extension I believe so winners I think that’s kind of a no-brainer absolutely best team on the planet definitely a good off season we are not biased at as at all Dynamic disc loser

Now trying to think Dynamic disc who did they lose I don’t think they lost Clemens I don’t know if they picked up anyone they lost Macy and and some of some bad press right like that wasn’t a great story for them so um that was yeah

That makes sense Inova is a winner Inova picks up uh Emerson Keith um they still have Calvin they still have the European women um they lost Cano they did lose Cano I don’t they made I believe they might have made this list before they saw the Cano post the Cano

Might have crushed ineva and actually knocked them down to a loser we’ll we’ll have to ask them what their thoughts on that um uh Hunter Hunter I believe said dmania was a loser but Trevor thought dmania was a winner interesting I would say winner they lose Eagle okay but they gain three other

Players and they make a contract extend Ion with Nicholas so I’m pretty sure that’s a big win that this I think I think Nicholas sorry to interrupt you is is the most underrate rated like extension of of the year he’s very quiet I don’t um he’s so good and for how big Europe

Is like to have him on your team is essential for for European disc golf I think he seems like one of those guys that just needs like a little bit of a breakthrough and then and then he’ll kind of uh just almost spiral out of control from there I think because see

But that’s what I’m saying everybody says that they’re like oh we’re waiting for Nicholas to get the big win the dude’s a European Champion he’s a finish two-time finish Champion but people want to see it people want to see it on tour I mean it’s want see tour good great do

You know what a European Championship is it’s freaking huge no I know no I know I I he he’s so quiet himself where you know there’s a lot of people on tour that kind of can help build up their name and then other people love talking

About them he he’s just he’s just a nice quiet reserved guy yeah and so he’s one of those people that when he plays well people be like oh that’s really nice but yeah I agree I think he is probably he probably is the most underrated player

As far as skill goes I mean he he’s a he’s a top 10 player he he is he’s that good he he is that good and he’s super young too so we’ll see we’ll see what the future looks like uh Hunter also thought some of the other losers he has Lone

Star probably right like not not good stuff from the player side and also just like some of their staff just leaving so that that seems pretty good they picked a dog they picked up who crime dog a dog to their team they do have they do have a dog solid um

Another Loser on here is Prodigy Hunter thinks Prodigy is a loser yeah who’ they pick up I mean they lost Ganon I mean they resigned they resigned Isaac or they have Isaac and Ezra still but they lost they resigned Ezra they resigned for one year one year to to be the basically

With his brother it’s definitely a loser they didn’t bring anyone in and they lost Ganon yeah definitely a loser easy one there Westside winner I agree you you had that big splash with mtio and then DGA winner I think so too they you know they didn’t add any names that

Are going to pop out at you and be like holy cow but if you know disc golf and you watch disc golf and you pay attention to the leaderboard they’ve got a lot of solid people on that team yeah they do that that is a solid team and it’s not

Just not just the top three it it goes down quite a way so solid Sal you got Parker you got Tristan and then you got Evan Scott Tipton Sullivan yeah but Evan Scott Evan Scott too very freaking good yeah yeah lot a lot of good players so

Very interesting so yeah let us know who you guys who do you guys have as your winners this offseason who you guys have as your losers let us know and uh you know I’m sure there will be no disagreements in the comment section on this one wild story of the

Week here wild story of the week um this I I I think this is anonymous I’m not sure David our intern did not have a name on this so I’m gonna go ahead and say this Anonymous so here we go t of whole 13 glow golf pitch black I have the box

The throw is over a river river in front of the tea box is the bank with long grass going down to the water as I’m throwing something stands up from about six feet in front of me houghs and takes a couple big steps towards me at least

It’s at least it sure seemed like big steps I scream like a little girl turn and flee for my life my my card Hears A few creatures run and splash Upstream upon seeing a little brown body they start laughing their butts off about how scared I was of the local beavers a few

Minutes later we have all recovered enough to throw we walk Upstream where there was a bridge to cross the river as we cross someone looks down and NOS is something interesting a wet and obliviously pissed-off Mama Bear standing in front of her Cubs and staring us down now when we play glow

Golf I always make sure someone beats me on whole 12 wow is a they thought it was a beaver but it ended up being a bear yeah man yeah and a pissed off mama bear too that’s something that you don’t mess with holy smokes that’s an amazing story

The the craziest thing I’ve seen out in the wild was a moose and it was yeah so terrifying I I mean it was maybe 200 feet away so it wasn’t very close but I I stopped in my tracks and immediately took turned around and ran the opposite

Direction dude you know what I have a crazy A crazy glow golf story what do you hit him with it all right so in Arizona there’s this course called papao Park and it’s a an amazing glow golf course so it’s desert course but it has a stream that runs through it and

There’s like two or three splotches of islands where the the stream goes and then goes around a big Island and in those big island there’s huge like uh Cattails and bamboo that shoots up you know what I mean so it makes this really cool like island green can’t see anything it’s pitch

Black out there it’s really cool too because it’s like on a kind of a slope down and so you can see all of Scottdale behind it all lit up right but I mean this place is dark so we’re playing and it’s a doubles it’s a doubles deal and I

Throw my disc to the other side of the creek so it’s out of bounds and I noticed that a little kid is like hiding in the bushes and I’m like what the heck like why is there a little kid out there well me and my buddy at the time his name’s Rex Rogers

He plays there all the time and I’m like I gotta go get my disc I think this kid’s going to steal it cuz he’s like looking at it and sure enough he runs over there grabs my dis disc and he takes off running towards the fence so

There’s this huge fence on the side of the park that has barb wire that’s Circle Bob wire at top because there’s this facility um right right by this course and I’m like all right I’m gonna catch this kid he’s not getting away with my disc so I’m chasing this kid

Running through like the uh through the bamboo and through the thing jumping over the creek and I’m like dang this little guy’s fast like what is this we get to the bar wire fence and this thing goes straight over the fence like nothing I’ve ever seen in my

Life Brody I stop in my tracks and I’m like and I’m like what the heck and I take it on I book it the other direction because I’m like okay that’s not right I asked my buddy Rex I’m like dude did you see that he’s like yeah what was that

I’m like it wasn’t a kid to this day I don’t know what it was you still don’t know no clue dude it took my disc it was running like a little kid and troun up this like eight foot fence over the Bob wire on the other side and took off into the

Facility now an elf dude I have no clue I’m trying to think of small things that are magical dude it was insane so this facility is like has like all kinds of different science experiments and go and stuff that goes on in it like you’re not

Allowed in and out of there bro I don’t know what it was I’ll let the viewers decide what what the heck it is escaped the it was terrifying every time I ever would go back and go to that like little island green dude it gives me the heave

Jees because of that I’m not a huge fan of like the yeah I there’s the Dark n so many things that aren’t scary at all all of a sudden become scary in the darkness not a fan not a fan I’m not someone that sleeps with a nightlight

But you know I try to try to St I didn’t sleep for days dude this is scary man either I’ve never seen anything scale first of all I’m like okay this this little guy’s quick you know what I mean like all right like he’s got he’s got

Some wheels on him you know but when he scaled that fence I’m telling you he scaled it like this Boop he was right over the top and I’m like yeah and then wasn’t affected by the barb wire that would have that would have been the thing that would have freak on side it’s

Like how did he just get through that with no without even worry about the barb wire all right well if you guys have crazy stories and you want us to read them right here Live on tour life send them in to our intern David at Wild storyour that is wild Story Tour at all right I think it’s safe to say this is potentially a fan favor favorite segment at this point in time we’re going to Edwin stats and I talked to Edwin he wants to say thank you guys so much for the love that you guys

Showed on the last podcast he doesn’t you know he was basically telling me like I don’t really go on social media that much and interact or whatnot but he was reading through the comments last week was responding to some of you guys and uh definitely could feel the love so

Thank you guys so much for uh sending that out to Edwin and if you do love Edwin’s stats by all means keep letting him know that you love it and uh hopefully we just keep getting good and good ones so this one because of last week and how people really enjoyed that

What he did is he actually broke down new manufactur player analysis from 2019 to 2023 so he went back four years years uh five years right yeah five years 2020 2021 22 yeah five years sorry he went back five years all way to 2019 when Paul McBeth went from Inova to Discraft

And you can see on the left also by the way I got to address this comment someone was like hey Brody we can read you don’t need to talk this is a podcast not everyone’s watching so that’s why I’m reading this image uh so shout out to that guy that doesn’t realize that

We’re doing a podcast here you and we have tens of thousands of people that listen and don’t watch so uh hey we love all our listeners we love all our listeners so all right so let’s let’s break this down I believe there’s 29 or so players ranging from Paul MCB Beth

Going to Discraft we have James James Conrad going to MVP Ezra going to Discraft we have Nico going to lonar we’ve got Cole going to DGA we’ve got AB going to Discraft Thomas Gilbert we got all these people so 29 people here and uh we’re going to talk about the good so

Far we’re going to start with the good let’s start with the good so 45% of players that switch manufacturers from one to the next increase their birdie rate that uh with the new manufacturer so putting is better with new sponsors the biggest Improvement in that from Circle 1X was Cole Rolan he

Went up 10% when going to 20 uh when going to DGA in 2023 the average was 0 4% so very small imp uh Improvement on the c1x putting and that kind of just shows you at the end of the day a putter is a putter when you’re putting from

Inside of 30 feet there there’s not there’s not much difference in how put uh different Putters fly oh and I can’t believe I didn’t mention Cole when we were talking about DJ but keep going yeah yeah oh co yeah Cole Cole’s on there too uh then we have Circle two putting so this

Went up 4% so this was like a noticeable increase for players that moved from one manufacturer to the other and maybe it was like a psychological one Julie of where hey I I can’t putt that well with this or I’m struggling with my Putt and

What do you do you change disc you put in a new Putter and all of a sudden you start putting better so 4% on average went up with the goose man going to disc craft in 2023 increasing by 32% now was that because of the new manufacturer I

Would love to say yes 100% Discraft was 100% I think there was a little bit too also with him just practicing a lot more Circle two putting uh I I saw him spend a lot of time with that so I think a little bit of you know a couple

Variables at play here let’s look at Major winners four major winners Julie in that time span of five years there were four major winners that went and won a major with their new manufacturer you have James Conrad obviously winning in 2021 worlds you have Chris Dickerson winning the 2022 Championship cup and

Then you have Paul McBeth winning 2019 worlds and the European open you’ve got Discraft actually winning three Majors with people going to them so you know Calvin Ricky some of you guys looking to win Majors almost AB last year maybe AB needs to leave Discraft and then come

Back to Discraft to win one um but yeah I thought that was very surprising to see that there was four major winners there um obviously Paul was on a different level in 2019 so uh he probably would have won if he went anywhere but still interesting stuff we

Also had 15 Elite and NT winners in two silver series with Paul at the top of that leaderboard winning seven of those in 2019 uh you also have Ricky Waki when he went to Dynamic winning four you have Simon winning two when he went to

MVP uh all right let’s look at the not so good sometimes the negative outweighs the positive 66% of players decreased in driving or putting stats so driving accuracy and greens and regulation decrease scrambling this to me Julie seems like the no-brainer when you’re going to a new disc company a new

Manufacturer we all have those discs that we know exactly what they’re going to do when we’re in weird spots I think it takes some time to find those discs right you have your special ones that you know like hey I’m in a pickle I can get out with this thing right oh

Absolutely I think that’s a huge one uh I also think that your spoton as far as as the putting increasing because as soon as you get a new putter completely new feel new manufacturer you’re going to put more time in on on the putting green which means you’re going to

Increase your stats probably that’s a good point um as far as like driving statistics that doesn’t surprise me either because you’re putting in more work when you go to the field you’re putting you’re just working harder to get those new discs back into your bag scrambling for sure you hit that on the

Nose with you have those certain discs to where you know exactly where the turn is at what distance and when you’re when you have new discs in your bag like for instance when I switch I remember being in certain situations even certain holes to where memory would

Take me back to an old disc and I would be like oh that was my disc for this now what do I do type thing so I think those statistics are telling a really good story right there now we we’ll go down to the next slide here Silas so like we

Did last week we’re going to do more of a visual kind of board on here this quadrants where you’ve you got driving and greens and regulation on the bottom you’ve got putting on the left and the big takeaways from here is you can see that 30% of players increased in both

Driving and putting you got Paul McBeth when he went to Discraft in 2019 he almost increased his driving and green and regulation by 10% he marginally increased his putting and then you have someone like a Cole Rolan who increased his uh driving by about 5% and increased

His putting by almost 10% so all those people in that quadrant increased in both categories now if we go into the bottom left that those are the players that decreased in both categories this was 21% of the players decreased in both driving and putting with the big notable

Names in there Thomas Gilbert uh going to that thought space you’ve got Ricky going to Dynamic in 20122 you have um let’s see who else you have in here uh yeah those are probably the big names out of those yeah um and then the other

Thing that I want to take away from this too that is interesting is if you break the graph into halves so if you look at the top and the bottom the top is going to be people that increase their putting the bottom is going to be people that

Didn’t increase their putting there are a lot of people up top and then if you look left to right where it’s driving and greens and regulation that kind of looks more uniformed right where like some people increased and some people didn’t so the there talking to Edwin here there wasn’t like a massive

Takeaway of where he can say oh this is this is the trend that we are seeing I think we probably need more data points and to kind of extend this out uh but it was an interesting thing we can go to the last slide here this is the actual

Manufacturer side so you can see this Mania which obviously this was heavily influenced by Simon laach going there but dmania had a huge increase when players went to dmania they had a huge increase on driving accuracy and greens and regulation and a minor decrease in putting uh disc craft you had a little

Bit of an increase in driving a little bit of an increase in putting as well um MVP excuse me MVP was the signon sorry not Des Mania MVP was the signing so you could see almost 5% with uh driving 5% with the putting and then some of the

Some of the ones that struggled latitude 64 they decreased both in putting and in driving and then thought space Also decreased both in putting and in driving so those are Edwin stats of the week some interesting stuff there uh he’s going to get on the horn he’s going to

Run the rumbur he’s going to Crunch the data and we’ll have some new stats for you guys next week if you guys enjoy Edwin stats like this video drop a like we haven’t really said that in a while and if you’re listening and you haven’t subscribed to the channel definitely

Drop a a subscribe there as well and let Edwin know your thoughts and feelings towards the uh this week’s stats in the comments down below all right this week in Foundation Disc Off The haer Club Championship tomorrow folks tomorrow is your final day to be uh I guess

Qualified or get the invite for the Heiser Club Championship you don’t know what the heck I’m talking about it’s a really fun tournament that we put on for a Heiser club members you come up here we give a tour of the warehouse we give a tour of the studios where I’m sitting

Right now we go out and we play a sick tournament we actually are going to be playing New London one of the courses that will be played at the World Championship uh we have a sick trophy that we give out to the winner and it’s

Just a fun fun um couple days of disc golf and hanging out with people that love disc golf people that love this podcast people that love Foundation really really good time so if you’re in interested in that all you have to do is go over to our patreon

Foundation golf become an annual member so it’s only for annual members at the $10 or $20 level um but hunter did want me to mention all annual levels all members that have the annual membership will get the year disc so if that’s something that’s of interest of you go

Check It Out Foundation Foundation disolf all right listener questions we have a new setup here silus intern David they set up a forum now ulie because before I was like posting stuff on social media and I realized like yeah I think I’ll still do that

Every once in a while to grab some questions but I think some people have like good questions throughout the week that like pop into your head oh can you hit the uh size can you hit the AC unit I think some people have like good questions throughout the week that like

Pop into their head and I think it’s probably hard for them to like wait for me to like tweet out hey what questions do you guys have and then also this gives me the ability to like take some time and write it up so if you guys want

To ask me ulie silus anyone questions we will have the link for that in the description of this YouTube video I would tell it to you but it’s literally like whatever and uh you know us over here at Foundation we are not good with links so

First question here comes from Cody and they want to know Brody at times in your prois golf career you have seemed to be a loner in some ways but last year you seem to find a little more camaraderie with guys on tour especially with the

Guys that you Air B&B with uh do you find yourself cheering for those guys if you are not in the mix how do you find the balance of Competitive Edge and also friendships that naturally happen as you spend time with different competitors on tour this is a fantastic question um

100% 100% um I think from I mean it was me Aaron and Ezra that basically toured all last year together Tristan Tanner is actually joining on so it’ll be uh us four touring and uh yeah 100% every tournament that you know me and Ezra unfortunately weren’t really in the mix

That much Ezra probably more than me obviously I think he was in the mix a little bit at European open and some other events but Aaron like legitimately had a couple really good chances to win and you know we would just basically wait in the parking lot or we were we

Would watch the end and then wait in the parking lot for him kind of thing so yeah 100% Julie and you can kind of attest to this where you’ve been on tour for way longer than I have there’s some people that you you make legitimate friendships with and then there’s other

People that like yeah your you know acquaintances like you say hi and you go along your Merry way like is that kind of the same for you as well no it is for sure I mean my um I’m in a little different position than you being the captain of disc craft so I’m

Always trying trying to root for my team to do as good as they can and obviously how you separate those two things is as soon as they call you know your tea time I don’t care about those people anymore I care about myself and I’m trying to

Win the tournament and that’s the the way that it is when it’s done I’m obviously rooting for them because um that’s my job description I’m going to do a a good job doing that uh I also have very close friends that I’m going to root for as well um just because like

That’s just what what happens you become close with certain people and then you root for them because you want success for your friends just like anything um yeah I think You’ hit it on the head there’s other people that like I it’s not like there’s um people that win and

I’m like oh can’t stand that guy can’t believe he won um but there’s also people that like you know you have a little you have a little edginess with and you would rather come out on top and I definitely have a couple of those people starred up in my udisk app to

Where um not necessarily rooting for them but I’m I’m definitely looking to where they finish and compared to myself yeah for sure I mean if you if you’re not like trying to beat everyone out there then you just don’t have as much of a competitive I mean and

It’s getting more and more competitive now I think you’ve probably seen this change over the years of where before there was a little bit more of this like Community element to it of where we’re all in this together and that’s going to change as more and more people aren’t

Touring in Vans and like sharing in bathrooms and sharing groceries and all that stuff right the the kumbayas if you will will slowly start fading away and players are going to start flying in players are going to start staying in airbnbs and and hotel rooms and there

Won’t be this this idea of like oh we’re like a traveling circus and we’re all in this together it will definitely be a little bit more Cutthroat and we’ve seen that already I mean I’ve seen that in the few years I’ve been on tour no for sure I mean uh there’s definitely something

Something to be said about that but I guess since I’ve been playing there’s always clicks there’s always people that you hang out with little clicks here and there um that’s just the nature of of being a human being uh you know as if we’re flying into places I’m

Sure I’m still going to be hanging out with my same people you know over the next few years or I was talking more like everyone kind of feeling like if everyone is touring in a van and everyone’s staying at the same spot and everyone’s going to the same you kind of

Got to you kind of got to have that camaraderie you’re kind of like a small village basically that travels around right yeah so that that’s what I was just saying that’s starting to Splinter a little bit where people like you’re saying the clicks that maybe were in

There but everyone was still you like now you can kind of Splinter yourself away from the group and kind of Do Your Own Thing in small little group um all right another question from Cody this one’s for you Julie congrats on the recent news your wife being pregnant how

Will being a new dad affect your tour schedule this year and maybe next year as well well I think one of the big the biggest things for for me is my our due dates right around the world championships and so that’s the one that like that’s really kind of

Popping off um luckily it’s in Virginia and that’s only about three and a half hours from here so depending on where she is in the pregnancy I’m probably going to do my best to play it knowing that if something happens I’ll be able to just come straight away um drop

Everything and and obviously be here for um the birth of my child uh as far as touring like completely nothing changes really for me you know her and I have always um had the deal to where whenever she wanted to come to any tournament she comes whenever she’s missing me I’ll fly

Her out that day or or whatever that night um and that’s kind of been an agreement that we’ve had the whole time because it is tough traveling um without your you know your spouse so I don’t think much is going to change obviously once we it it is a good time

When we’re having the kid as well because the off season’s going to be pretty close after that it’s only like a month or two right after and then I’ll have some time to get acclimated um to being a father and definitely helping out in those um ways staying what I’ve

Heard is staying up all all night and doing that whole thing um which I’m very excited about uh but at the end of the day this is what I do for a living and I got to provide for my family and so I’m I’m definitely going to be touring for

The next few years for sure um how that is going to happen you know that’s a conversation for her and I and we’ll definitely figure out what’s best what’s best for us but um what’s best for us is obviously me making sure that I put food on the table so y

Uh if you do have questions Julie about how like the sleeping situation how to like maximize that Silver Sage my good buddy he has two kids both in the 99 percentile of sleepers like he has uh there’s like a camera I guess you can buy now that basically tracks how they

Sleep and everything and then like charts it all out and I mean I his his boy sleeps like 12 hours like he like just straight sounds amazing yeah so if you have questions they have figured it out and I’m definitely going to be using him as a resource

100% because uh that is that is the play that is the way to go you go to sleep they go to sleep you wake up they wake up all right anonymous question here do you think that Macy got more or less than the offer that Dynamic disc offered

Her with her new contract at DGA if it was less or the same is that a bad look on her would that look bad on her if that information got out if it was less or the same would that look bad on her if that okay so they’re

Asking okay so I guess they’re saying if let’s just throw numbers out Dynamic disc offered her $10,000 to stay she said no made that post and then signed with DGA that offered her $8,000 I guess they’re asking like if that happened would that be a bad look first off I think DGA definitely

Probably offered her a better contracted than Dynamic so I don’t with you on that one and because of Edwin’s statistics it doesn’t matter because she’s going to make that money back because everybody increases their statistics for the most part yeah I don’t even think this second question I don’t truly understand the

Second question but I don’t even think it uh it applies here because I I I think DJ probably did offer her a better deal than Dynamic did so yeah and and then the last part of that was does it make her look bad no why would it make her look bad she

Posted what she posted she went to another company and that’s what she wanted to do James says now that the next gen now that the next generation of ulber has been announced when can we expect a little Smith so Kelsey uh initially wanted to do one more year out cheering for the Raiders

Um I don’t think this the resigning of Antonio Pierce influenced her at all as the head coach maybe it did not sure maybe she thinks Aden oconnell is the future not sure but uh she loves it she loves it a lot and so she wants to do

One more year so oh here we go Manuel ulery who’s Manuel it’s my uncle oh your uncle says congratulations to you and Sarah bud you guys will make incredible parents I hope to get back to see you soon good luck in 2024 we’re all ping for you in Arizona wow oh man Manuel

That’s awesome heck yeah yeah thanks Uncle love you buddy love that family love in the chat love that um all right oh so I the answer sorry uh she’s gonna do she’s going to try out again cuz every year you have to try out she’s

Going to try out again and uh she makes the team I’m going to have another full season of watching the Raiders help me and uh and then after that uh we will start trying all right Jason tennis is partnering with pickle ball at the Miami tournament by having

Pickle ball matches on the side courts similar audience audiences in racket Sports should stick together as they are likely to create new players and fans of a similar style of sport then attract someone that likes a contact sport is there a way to get dis Sports to share

Resources and do something similar Men’s Ultimate in the morning women’s ultimate in the afternoon aligning with disc golf protour tea off times at a place near the disc golf prot tour course potentially there are some cross sport athletes interesting I like that idea I do like that idea h

I could see them trying to make like a massive dis sport weekend of some sorts yeah um I don’t gosh I don’t know how big the crossover is because there might be a lot of is there a lot of push back do you feel that at all from Ultimate players towards disc

Golfers I see a little bit of it I’ve never I’ve never really felt that um myself honestly I’ve whenever I’ve talked to Ultimate players who are like let let’s say I’m I’m doing field work and they’re having a game or whatever like I’ve never felt any animosity in

Fact it’s always been very cordial of people coming over and being like Oh blah blah blah blah and asking questions or or or whatever so I don’t feel I don’t feel that yeah I I think it might be more on like the professional side the the people I don’t know I see some

Of it sometimes on social media but again again a lot of stuff you see on social media is like the 1% right it’s like the super super uh out that’s a good idea though that’s a great I don’t mind it I don’t mind it now I have been

In both organizations the USA ultimate and the PDGA do I think either one of those organizations would be able to come together and make something happen absolutely not but could the audl which is the professional league in Ultimate and the disc golf pro tour could they come together and figure or something

Out that that could potentially happen and that could be cool that could be very very cool all right ry’s got a long one here I’m talking with local players who play in events and tournaments it was pointed out to me that udisk is not a reliable source for checking for

Events the availability of a course sites like Disc Golf Scene in the pga’s website are better do you two view that as an issue I asked because udisk is advertised everywhere for the course map and scorekeeping every course I’ve ever played at is advertised at the first t

Or welcome sign I think it’s fair to say it’s the first source of disc golf information a player comes across if a new player Only Knows udisk as a source and goes to a course to see if it’s off limits to a tournament that new player may be turned off from playing further

If udis doesn’t have that event listed on the app I’ve been playing casually for last 10 years and I’m aware of what sites to check but it took me a while to figure that out I guess my main question can’t we make this easier for my next

The next wave of players let me know what you think so I think he’s asking that was a long question but I think he’s asking can youis like have something on there to where if you’re going to go play a a course I thought they did have this on

There but maybe they don’t where you pull it up and it’s like oh there’s a tournament going on there you can’t it’s not playable today I think that’s the question he’s asking which I thought thought they already they don’t have that that’s silly cuz it should definitely be on there it should if

There’s a pro tour or a tournament going on at a course and you click on the course that would be a if it’s not on there it should be on there to where it’s like hey tournament yeah red banner tournament or course closed yeah something that would be a

Great feature yeah I could have sworn they I I thought they had something like but it is probably tough because there’s so many tournaments going on every single weekend I mean so many yeah yeah I’m not really quite sure how they can yeah I don’t know how you

Maybe you maybe work out something with like the tournament director or someone that’s setting it up on udisk to be able to I don’t know yeah I don’t really know the logistics of making that happen but I can totally see how the frustration would be if you drove 20 minutes to go

Play a course and then you show up and it’s like the course is closed and we’ve seen it all the time at uh people come coming and trying to play courses you know that are closed for our tournaments and you know some people don’t some

People don’t take it that well so no um all right before we get into housekeeping one last announcement if you missed it as well we’ve got another another soon to be uh Connor Kennedy and his lovely wife Gabby are expecting as well so all sorts of babies coming to

Foundation uh we’re going to almost be able to field a basketball team soon so that will will be cool so shout out to them uh housekeeping shout out to our new tour life crew members this week thank you guys for joining shout out to all the donations in chat as well

Appreciate you all um we had Grant with nine months Ronnie with 10 months appreciate all the tour life crew Tim Jansen just joined thank you Tim we appreciate all the support for Life crew we really do all right here we go Dr drum roll tour life merch update silus hit us with the

Numbers the numbers are in you want me to give you tour life or grip lock first grip lock give us grip lock give us grip lock numb grip locked 87 okay 13 away from 100 units sold wow okay those are rookie numbers T life I’m just gonna say it tour life

96 okay we got him by we got him by nine we got him by nine this week it is close it is close so uh definitely help us yeah definitely closer than I like let’s get to 100 before they do so uh top pinned comment right now you can check

Out all of our tour life merch over there support the show we appreciate it so much or don’t do whatever you want really but at least click the link and see what you have over see what we got over over there see what kind of style we’re swagging minimum hit the Subscribe

Button please definitely hit the Subscribe button 100% and maybe the like button as well we’ll we’ll ask for some likes as well a comment yeah we haven’t been doing we haven’t been doing that that much uh all right Spotify versus Apple we’ve got Spotify at 927 reviews Apple at 253 we are 80

73 reviews away on Spotify from hitting a thousand I don’t know what happens there do we get the 1K does it just say 1K cuz that would be swaggy I know that was huge on Instagram once you got to 10,000 you got the 10K that was massive uh

Maybe it’ll be the same for uh Spotify reviews as well tour life needs a Uli horse coffee mug Mark couldn’t agree with you more brother we will work on that syus jot that down I know we’re going to have to pull Hunter’s teeth to do it because he

Hates making tour life merch for us but we’re going to have to do it all right debate night auditions also if you’re interested in joining debate night it is the podcast that we do during the season silus has the QR code right here that you can

Scan we also have the link in the description that will take you to how to apply for that we are looking for new people some new blood I’m gonna be honest with you if you listen to this show and you’re like man Brody’s kind of o man that’s uh

You’re not going to you’re not going to want to come on debate night I will tear you apart I will tear you apart do not do it but if you hear me on here and you’re like Brody’s an idiot I want I I I’m so much smarter than him then come

On debate night those are the people that we want come on debate night and let’s talk it out uh and we’ll see so if you want to join that click the link or the QR code that is on the screen should come on debate night one of these times

You should do an episode I think you would like it a lot it is fun man it is because it’s quick it’s quick you only have a few like a minute or so to get your point across we’ll see I’m I’m sure this season two there was a lot of kind

Of controversy on timing and point deductions and all that it’s getting strict I’m sure Trevor’s gonna show up with a whole new whole new list of things of uh of rules but yeah you should pop on it’ll be fun it’ll be good times and uh yeah I I definitely enjoy

It now I will say don’t come on if I’m standing that I’ll I’m undefeated I have never lost when I’m standing I’ve never lost um all right boys did we miss anything syus Julie do we miss anything no everyone in chat tour life crew everyone happy all of our listeners

Happy we appreciate you we’re getting so close to the season starting January is over we’re done we’re moving into Fe February only a few more weeks before you’ll see all of our lovely faces down in Florida throwing frisbees it’ll be good time um but other than that again

Congratulations to Yulie shoot him uh he has a lovely lovely post over on Instagram go over if you’re not following him already on Instagram go follow him on Instagram leave a nice little comment on their Instagram for them and uh yeah we’ll see you guys next week


  1. Congrats Uli & Sarah on the new baby coming! Excited for U2, & I hope to see u at the Preserve this summer

  2. Christen was sportsman of the year wasn’t she? In Astonia. If she was American, not sure she would have gotten the same opportunities here as in astonia. I’m not knocking her accomplishments at all

  3. Paul Uli. Get sleep and romance as much as you can. Sleeping in 3 hour intervals is tough. You will survive and when you see that baby your heart will change forever.

  4. Waiting on someone to start the "Hyzers & Horsepower" podcast now. Paul's got his McLaren, Kristin sponsored by Porsche (Porsch-eh, lulz), Simon drives a spicy Audi last I checked…

  5. On the Udisc question, yes they have a tab for events, league, etc. but it doesn't have all events listed, so that's what he's pointing out, if someone isn't looking at disc golf scene or the pdga site but are ONLY looking at Udisc, they may not be seeing all the events and could show up to play casual, and something is going on. I know I've missed several events before I learned about disc golf scene, because I only checked Udisc.

  6. Regarding the asking about the line or what disc to throw, what about discussing the line or the throw after having completed the hole? The hole is done being played and maybe the player that was blind didn't play the hole well. Is it ok for them to then ask what type of throw the hole requires. Or even after the tournament is over?

  7. Maybe it's just me, but I feel that disc golf and ultimate are quite different sports and I don't really see the argument to combine them in one event. It's a bit like combining soccer and tennis into one event just because both of those sports use a ball. One game is individual, the other is a team sport. Very different.

  8. I think Sullivan Timpton will be the breakout player of the year. I think discraft missed out on signing him to elite team, so he will blow up DGA.

  9. PORSCHE – you pronounce the "E" at the end like the "e" in "pocket" and you stress the "O" but pronounce it short (also should sound like the "o" in "pocket") – Porsche is from "VW" (Volkswagen) and is originally a german brand

  10. If the best pro disc golfer in the world developed a gambling addiction, and as part of recovery, had to avoid all gambling activities, would that mean no longer being able to play pro disc golf. I don’t think so. It’s not gambling, at least in the context of this conversation. You’re being way too broad with how you define gambling.

  11. Amateurworld versus proworld in sports are two different things. If you are on the last hole of worlds and you and your rival are tied. And it is your livelyhood!! Do you ask your rival what you should do and how far that hole is. Or viceversa! So it is obvious that discgolf needs a set of those golfrules that are in stalled in golf. Especially when the money gets bigger and bigger. Now the money is not yet big enough that EVERY PLAYER cares but when the money and prestige gets bigger and bigger and more people are depending on that money that will change!

    Ok that kid was baby yoda!!:):):):)

  12. I'm going to laugh my ass off when Nathan Ryan takes a bunch of money away from aspiring Female disc golfers because the PDGA and the DGPT is whack.. I am not supporting anything from either until the issue is resolved. I was a subscriber too. You lost my monthly payment now. I 🙏 others show support to the Women and unsubscribe as well.. do not watch any tour stops, and also don't renew or get a PDGA membership. Make them pay for poor decision making at the top. Its disgusting and we all know it. It is an infection and it needs to be removed.
    Also many of you lost my viewing because I dont care about disc golf like I once did. It's this serious. I'm sorry but the list of disc golf content creators I will watch has just plummeted.. hope y'all understand.

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