Release the Golf Club Faster with WAY Less Effort

The trail hand in your golf swing can cause you a magnitude of issues including your ability to manage the clubface. What if I told you that you don’t even need your trail hand on the club through the point of contact? There are many great players we’ve seen over the years that actually let the club fly out of their trail and hit the ball a mile. Watch this simple drill everyone that plays this game should learn demonstrated by Chris Tyler

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So I think it was Freddy Couples that once said that he went three if not more years of playing golf and not Mis M hitting a golf shot which is mindboggling to say the least because I know a lot of us haven’t gone more than 3 minutes without Mish hitting a golf

Shot and if you actually studied Fred coup’s golf swing and you looked at it very closely we can actually see that his Trail hand is coming off the club through the point of contact how is it that a person that went three plus years in the world of professional golf didn’t

Miss hit a golf shot with his Trail hand coming off the golf club think about that for a second now I know a lot of you at home play this Sport and your Trail hand is your coordinated side it’s the side that you want to overuse in the

Golf swing and I want you to remember that your Trail hand and arm are capable of being able to influence the golf club in many different ways and not great ways to say the least you can change the club faces closure rate you can add Loft

To the golf club very quickly and that in turn is what’s going to produce a lot of the inconsistencies that you you see under no circumstance when you watch the best players in the world are they trying to give the golf club dramatic inputs when the hands and arms are down

In front of their body and they’re releasing the club they’re doing a lot of the major manipulations or inputs in the golf club very early on to be able to produce the shot shape that they’re looking for it’s not happening down here and a lot of you have way too much

Control or trying to put way too much control of it because you either have the golf club out of position or because you haven’t trusted the Golf Club to do a lot of the work for you what I want you to remember is is that golf clubs

Are designed to do a couple things for us they’re designed to be swung on an incline plane and they’re also designed to rotate around their axis now what we do early on in the swing shape can ultimately set us up for success or for a giant failure but by definition when

It comes down to it aside from us knowing that the golf club is going to do a lot of this work for us by definition that word release actually means to let go so what we’re going to work on here today is we’re going to work on getting your Trail hand your

Trail arm and your Trail shoulder off of the golf club through the point of contact so that you can start putting trust in the release process and you’re going to be able to know very quickly if you can actually start working on this as you go forward in the process because

Of what you’re seeing for a ball flight and what you’re seeing for a strike if you’re seeing chaos ensue with your Trail hand coming off the golf club guess what that means well there’s something going on early in the swing shape that you need to correct or the

Lead hand lead arm have way too much tension in it that’s right so you’re going to have to start working on getting rid of that tension and I’m going to train you exactly the way that I would train anybody that comes here to Orlando that has this sort of issue

Because I’ve seen a lot of really good golf swings over the year that have really good loading processes and really good unloading processes and I see that trail hand and arm get right on top of the golf club on the way through and all of this really good stuff just goes

Flying out the window and now you find yourself the same pissed-off miserable golfer that you’ve always been I get it we’re going to fix it today this is what we call the lose th Trail hand release drill and we’re going to have some fun with it let’s go a and get started

Remember if you brand new on the channel and you like today’s video do me a big favor subscribe to the channel and hit the thumbs up button for me also if you have any questions or comments please feel free to post that up below and I’ll

Help you out as best as I possibly can so what we’re going to do here is we’re going to start with our lead arm only and we’re going to hold the club lightly in the back three fingers of our lead hand I like to have the weight kind of

Positioned on the Lead Foot and I like to make sure that I feel like my lead shoulder is like kind of a Pivot Point that’s nailed to a wall and I’m just going to do some small swings back and forth holding the club lightly in the

Back three fingers and if I can get the club to bottom out in the same spot every single time then I know that my tension levels are reduced and I’m not trying to influence the golf club I’m not making any sort of mistakes where my spine is moving vertically I’m just

Staying real quiet once you start getting that feel in sensation then quickly bring the trail hand back in I would suggest maybe do 10 to 15 reps like that and really make make sure that the club is doing a lot of the work for you when the trail hand comes back onto

The club have a golf ball down as a reference point and just touch the side of the club with your pointed finger and your thumb and make that same sort of movement where you make these small swings but I want the trail hand to come off the golf club where the point of

Contact would be taking place and be disciplined when you do this now if you’re still getting the same results and you know that your tension levels are down then what you can start to do is hang on on to it a little bit longer I suggest maybe break

It up into three pieces where now the right hand is going to stay on the club as it gets just outside the lead thigh okay so we’re going to do some reps okay hands trying to come off just outside the lead thigh okay if you’re still getting the

Same results down through the bottom and you’re still hitting that same bit of grass now you can hang on to it to about chest height okay looking for the same results trying to keep the tension levels down okay okay once you can feel that then go ahead and start making full swings

Trying to let the right hand become a backseat passenger those movements okay it’s going to feel kind of out of control to a lot of you at home because again you’ve reduced the tension so much in that trail hand that the club is doing a lot of this work for

You it’s going to feel faster to a lot of you at home as well once you start feeling that then go ahead and bring the golf ball back into the mix and start hitting some shots feeling like the trail hand comes off the club through the point of contact but it’s really not

It’s just kind of hanging on to it and you’re going to start seeing that you can hit really good solid golf shots and now you know your Trail hand isn’t screwing up the party my trail hand came off the club there right really good solid contact so I love this drill because it

Starts helping you build some trust in the golf club and it helps you understand that you’re Trail hand and arm shouldn’t be trying to influence the club in the rate of closure or the loft of the club so let’s go ahead do another rep here so I’m going to feel like the

Trail hand’s coming off the club it’s just going to be following along okay again good solid contact once you start getting the hang of it you can start picking up the pace but remember don’t let your Trail hand and arm become bothersome to the bottom of the Swing Arc train it that it

Doesn’t need to do anything other than help you transfer speed all right guys so there you have it a simple little drill that’s going to help you train the trail hand and arm that it doesn’t really need to do anything in order to start that process

You got to train the lead arm and the lead wrist that it can start to swing freely then train the trail hand and arm to hang on to it a little bit longer and have it become more of like a passive conduit that’s transferring energy from

The body for you once you start getting that down you’re going to start having much more control of the club face without having to be in control of it let’s get out there let’s make it a great day


  1. Lil bow wow did say…"you ain't in control unless you outta control." I know, I know…I've said it before. Enjoy the video and get to work:)

  2. This is the second video of yours that I’ve watched and it’s excellent. I can really relate to the idea that the right hand can be a problem. I’ve been working on trying to strike the ball then take a divot and my right hand is getting out of hand:). It really takes a lot of the energy out of my swing.I can see how letting the left side control things is a good idea. Many thanks for sharing this information. I like your approach.

  3. Interesting story that illustrates this drill. In 2019, I was playing golf and in the middle of the round my right hand went numb (didn't realize it at that time but I was suffering mini stroke) but I kept playing. First couple of holes after my right hand went numb I could not hit the golf ball if my life depended on it. By the last 2-3 holes, I figured out how to hit the ball without my right hand getting involved and hit probably my best drive and approach shot on 18th hole. So it seems like I was experiencing this drill on the golf course without even knowing it at the time. Fortunately, I did not experience any permanent paralysis from that incident, but my golf swing went back to right hand influence of the club face. I guess I need to practice this drill more often. Thanks!

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