How To Effortlessly Hit Your Best 3 Woods Off The Ground (Golf Swing Basics)

Coach Lockey is giving you 3 SIMPLE GOLF SWING BASICS to help you crush your 3 wood off the deck.

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Hi I’m Matt Lockey, welcome to my Coach Lockey YouTube Channel. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, and to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf course vlogs, golf challenges, golf tips, golf lessons, golf club reviews and the odd golf club unboxing. So pretty much everything golf!

I want to help you play better golf by providing coaching videos on all topics about golf. How to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.
As well as helping you produce the best long game you can have, I will help you lower your scores by chipping better, stopping duff and thin chips, pitching the ball closer and creating backspin like the tour pros. Finally, I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts too!

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00:00 You Won’t Believe How Effortlessly You Can Hit 3 Wood Off The Ground
01:51 Simple Golf Tip 1
03:21 Simple Golf Tip 2
05:04 Simple Golf Tip 3

I was shocked when I found out that there’s only one handicap category that has double figures in green success rate when hitting a 3-wood into the Green in the comments down below can you guess which handicap category gets into double figures in the comments come on before I

Give you that information on the guys at shot scope because if you’re like me when I’m stood on a par five like I’ve got two par FS here in a row and I want to hit both of them in two really and once I hit my drive if it’s a good one

I’ll probably have around a three-wood left into the green and I’m thinking hit it on the green two parts walk off with a birdie even better hit it on the green one part Eagle walk on to the next another par five but if the stats are

Telling me that I’ve got less than 10% chance chance of hitting this green with my Freewood on my second shot of my Approach are my expectations way too high and are yours or are we just not playing our three Woods off the floor in the correct way let’s talk you through

It let’s try and improve our three-wood off the deck let’s try and crush them and get that number up and start low our golf scores oh yeah that should be a Freewood on the Green P for Eagle don’t you just hate winter golf like I’ve literally put

That head cover down once and look at the state of it as I walk up to my Approach shot I’ve got three bits of advice for you today and they’re all going to help you with your Fairway Woods off the floor and make sure you stay to the end one because that is

Going to be the game changer tip number one and this is so common and I say this to my lessons all the time so I feel like like I need to reiterate this on videos as well all the time cuz it’s massive how that ball is

Lying this is so common with so many of my students look at how that golf Ball’s lying I’m on The Fairway just as I normally am but when I get to my ball and I put that club behind it that ball is sat in a little Hollow even though

I’m on The Fairway that ball is on my bottom grooves of my 3-wood now I’m approaching this shot completely different to how that ball would be if it was sat up I’m going to be fiddling with my ball position I’m going to be changing where I’m aiming I might even

Be thinking about not using my three-wood so lie plays a massive part and so many people just set up as they normally do to their three Woods when it’s not lying properly tip number one always always check that lie don’t worry though with have less than 10% chance of

Fitting this on the green I’m definitely going to hit the green and make my Eagle so sat down a little bit going to r a little bit left hit it off the bottom of the club so spinning up a little bit maybe not got the distance or has it it has but

It’s Mr the green chip and part needed my second tip and this one relates to so many people because not enough of you have enough Loft on your 3-wood now I’m swinging driver at like 115 to 120 mph my 79 at over 90 mph some people aren’t even swinging their driver at what

They’re swinging my 79 so having a similar Loft to me on your three Woods just seems absolutely crazy and this is where going and getting fit and going getting gapping to where your clubs tend to bunch Shar now yes if you hit a three hybrid the same distance as your three

Wood carry wise the three-wood might run a bit more and in the summer that’s all good but it’s winter at the moment so those two clubs are doing similar things but maybe the hybrids coming in at a different descent angle which might give you a bit more control but it’s so

Important to get your bag set up properly and get the Loft necessary for your swing speed and how you deliver the club so for instance Mark versus me I hit down on my three-wood mark hits pretty level to maybe a tiny bit down so he’s allowed to have a stronger 3-wood

14 15° compared to mine which is 16 or 17 because of the way we deliver the club differently check your loft of your 3-wood it’s super simple and you can get plenty of freewoods these days and Fairway Woods with adjustable necks get that Loft up especially if you’ve got a

Slow swing speed right par five number two can we yes we can oh yeah that might be middle striper that didn’t get much run but it’s left me the perfect distance to crush my Freewood off that Fairway now tip number three the important one the technique that’s going to help you strike your

Three-wood pure off the deck increasing that number of greens and regulation hit we hope in the comments down below what’s the most common shot you hit when you do Mish hit your Freewood is it a top is it a fat is it a complete toe off

To the right or the left if you’re right or left-handed golfer let me know in the comments Down Below in my lessons top three Woods are probably the most common common shot that I see and also low squirty ones out to the right and it’s because you guys down that lens amate

Golfers struggle with getting the correct low point on your swing and what I mean by that is that people set up to a fairway wood like a driver so they have it way off their front foot up towards their left heel Which is far too far forward because your Club generally

Speaking is going to be bottoming out early and what I mean by that is that this club is coming down on an arc to its low point it’s then making its way back up and you guys struggling striking your three wordss are getting this low point in the wrong position in

Relationship to that golf ball and you’re especially getting it wrong if you revert back to tip one where that ball all of a sudden isn’t sitting very nice I put that golf ball off my front foot like a driver my low Point’s in front of that golf ball and now my clubs

Working up and I’m 100% going to hit that ball on the bottom of that club face or even worse get the top of the ball underneath the club and top it just move that back to that nice lie so what we need to work out or what

You need to get skilled at is working out where this ball position needs to be in relationships your stance depending on that tip one how that ball is lying and depending on what patterns you bring to the table as as well if you’re constantly topping thinning your 3-wood

Move that ball position back I teach people this so often to get that ball position back with their freewoods and people go but you going have your your Freewood and five woods and fair Woods forwards in your stance well not as far forward as your driver but around your

Sternum to slightly in front generally speaking the lowest point of our swing is going to be around your lead arm it because this is where the longest radius of our gol swing will be as soon as we get to level with our lead armpit that P

That is going to be our lowest point of our swing so if we start to move it back in our stance we’re going to hit slightly down on it which will allow us to get that golf ball struck higher on the club face hopefully giving you

Better results now once you do find the correct ball position to get that low point in the right position depending on how you deliver that golf club because again there’s no right or wrong because you’re all going to be presenting different lofs angles of attacks face

The paths as soon as you find the correct one for you and go and experiment Put It Forward put it back see which one you get the best strike location with and then work from there because I put my ball position back on that shot on the last hole because it

Was sat down a little bit I aimed a little little bit up the left but not far enough I knew that light was going to cut my golf ball but again I just didn’t know how much it was going to do it and I underestimated it so once you

Find the right ball position to get that strike look at your pattern and then bring that pattern to the lie and for all the people that have stayed for this last tip that’s why it was important to stay because we’re going to relate your patterns to tip one is it sat down yes

Okay let’s put that ball position even further back now I don’t mean crazy back I’m talking fractions little tiny movements of that golf ball position if it’s that bad a lie put the three-wood away get an iron out take your punishment if it’s a good lie if you’re

On a down slope you’re going to have to adjust and be able to adjust that ball position so you adjust where that low point is in relationship to your delivery and that golf ball to get that strike up the face to help you hit your fair way Woods pure so light is half

Decent ball is above my feet which with most shots would make it draw but because Fairway Woods tend to fade a little bit more this is going to hopefully even itself out a little bit and I can go straight at it tiny bit of a draw that slope is very

Extreme but that should by the looks of it be left side and have a look at that a slight divot with my three but because I’ve got that low point in front of the golf ball my entry into the golf ball with relationship to my angle attack in

The right spot that’s helped me get it higher on the face get that launch of that golf ball to then hopefully let’s go and find out pop it on that green two birdies it’s a very long putt if it’s on there it’s going to be a good two putt

Pitch mark on the Green Oh yes ah I’ve missed the green by a yard I hope those tips help you improve your 3ws off the floor to get those green and regulation stats up when you’re hitting approach shots into the green with these kind of clubs think about that lie think

About your equipment think about your Technique and hopefully we’ll help you hit some more greens and regulations to lower those scores let me know in the comments down below what you want to see next thanks all for watching I’ll see you in the next one


  1. If I had a lie like your first ball,definitely would hit 3 hybrid. Currently have benched the 3 wood in favor of 5 wood ( more loft) Cheers!!

  2. Love it!
    I learnt my lesson not taking a closer look at my lie last fall in the final of a series of tournaments at my club.

    The ball was sitting down a little in the slight rough, or so I thought. It was actually burried about 1/5th in its own pitch mark. I tried hitting a low cut under some overhanging trees with my hybrid, where I’d normally hit a high cut. Anyway, I ended up topping my ball and burring it about 3 inches into the ground. I had to declare unplayable and take a drop.

    Had I taken a better look, I’d taken a hard swing with my 5 or 6 iron and just forwarded the ball.

    Anyway, I came in second, 2 strokes behind the winner 😱😢

  3. I guessed it! When I was 10-15 hcp I was using fairway woods ALL THE TIME and consequently got pretty good with them, particularly 5-wood. As I got better and longer I've used them less and less. Now, at a 4hcp, I usually use fairways woods 3-5 times per round, as opposed to 8-10 times a round before. Guess I gotta practice with them more! Good video, Coach!

  4. Funnily enough. I have back to back par 5s on my course. They're the only time the 3 wood comes out and invariably results in a top. Its a dangerous shot on the first par 5 though as theres a pond left and OB right of the green. So often, with any kind of imperfect lie, a layup is the best option.

  5. Ideal timing but I don't remember telling you that I'm going for a club fitting for a three wood tomorrow as my Epic is worn out through over use.
    I guessed the hcp as that is where I am & I use my three wood a lot, higher hcp's are probably farther back overall & lower hcp's are a lot closer generally using lower clubs to the green as they hit it farther with everything.

  6. I top my 3-wood. It usually happens on the back 9. I've learned that that means I've gotten a little tired so I'm not coming off my back foot as quickly as the first few holes. Because I'm not too bright, it always takes me 2 or 3 tops before I remember and fix it.

  7. I struggle with hitting the ball off the bottom groove when the ball sits down or it is on a downslope, as I usually sweep the ball. Interesting video & thinking about it a shot I need to practice before we move into winter when I use it more. Thanks Coach.

  8. I’m totally rocking an old M2 HL 3-wood. Loving that I can launch it considering how difficult it is for me to hit something 15 degrees off the deck with any hope of having height to land. When I changed my ball position to be closer to where I would my 3 iron (when I had it in the bag) I started crushing it whenever I was in the fairway. My 5 wood is practically in the middle of my stance and probably my favorite “bash” club in my bag…which is why I have my Rocky 4 boxing glove head cover on it. Great tips Coach!!!

  9. Good lesson locks can’t wait to try this at the weekend, would love to see more live lessons ⛳️😎👌🏻

  10. The only reason alignment sticks were invented, was to stick out of your bag and keep your head covers clean 😊. Love a low hook with fairway wood. My longest fairway wood is now a 7 wood 😂

  11. Hi coach, that's probably some of the best explanations of 3 wood striking of different lies I've heard in a while. Great vid.

  12. No idea what it's called but it's miss-hit and rolls 20-30 yards in front of me. When I do hit it well, it starts straight and shoots off left. Brilliant explanation thanks Lockey!

  13. im guessing like 20 handicap. more because it bet older peoples hitting a 3wood from 150 yrs or under ..

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