Golf Babe

GOLF GIRLS: MAJOR COMEBACK!! | Golf Girls Episode 14

We’ve been travelling round the world with our jobs… and coordinating our schedules has been HARD – but we FINALLY did it!!! And we’re BACK!! in the icy cold… get ready for the BEST episode of 2024!!!


Follow the girls:
Mia Baker –
Emily Ramage –
Jenny Drummond –


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Oh yes we’ll take it we’ll take it we’ll take it oh get it hey guys welcome back to another golf Girls video with me Mia Baker me Jenny dond me Emily RIT and we have got God she’s Su at this time she’s excited to be back it it’s

Really early we’ve got 289 yards off this first tea box there’s a bunk on the left just aim down the middle if you can oh yeah yeah yeah yeah am I first yeah oh bger sorry sorry guys okay come on we ready I reckon what do you reckon

We’re going to shoot today by the way just before you get started let me just hit my first t-shot and then we can see see what happens way not great it’s okay that’s good sit oh it’ll do it’ll do okay we sa the best you’ve been playing the most

Out of all of us oh don’t say that yeah I played um Christmas Eve boxing day and on Saturday you’re the only cold golfer I know I mean it hasn’t been good golf but it’s been golf oh lovely perfect really nice yeah I’ll take okay I will take that

Absolutely good job my there’s your tea there’s your tea front of you oops oh that played right didn’t it that’s all right there we go connected to some wood first t- shot of the day it’s right we’re Away Ladies we’re warming up warming up we’re trying to

Feel our fingers look one went left one went right one went down the middle Bish bash bsh this is actually really good 113 yards on my watch and on my range find 113 yeah but Club up you said yeah but the only thing is the greens are

Really hard so I think it’s going to bounce so it could be just play normally oh my God I I don’t know if I can do this Oh wrong direction honestly straight in the bush don’t worry bye ball there nice knowing you right do I Club up or should I do pitching wedge

I’ll do pitching wedge Jay and then and then I can do a name well we can see if this goes or doesn’t go okay cuz I’ve not played in this weather oh look at that beautiful oh my god oh oh maybe [Laughter] Club I mean you did catch the path

Really well you might be on the next T box did it hit the path yeah whoopsie oh well warming up we should Jun down there girls we so s right it in oh my God this is actually comical right let’s go you know I I run like such an idiot

I’m really worried about the edit me running just running around like maniacs oops it didn’t come out I hate this video already it’s not about that it’s about us being back together on the other side of the Banger yes yeah take it love it sit sit sit sit sit beautiful well

Done this is mad oh this is not nice we we’ll warm up and then you’ll get back in swing oh yeah a oh dang too hard it’s okay it’s okay it was well out it’s nice oh get in get in oh my gosh Emily that is such a good

Part sa our bogy put that that is such a lovely part oh I was literally about to scream and out when I was thinking what lovely nice what line did you take I was aiming for that little black s like here oh that’s nice as well oh turn turn

Turn turn turn actually need a bit more Welly on that bit more Welly a bit more Welly it’s quite cold oh too much Welly too much well no it’s not it’s good it’s good it’s good good good that was the perfect wellie so good really good picked up a decent shot

In this hole there we go on this hle girls good job well done everybody it’s not a bad start second hle 124 yards uphill well actually it’s not uphill because it kind of goes downhill then back uphill so it’s kind of like the same level isn’t it 12 I’m clubbing

Up whatever it’s way too cold not to all right let’s do this we’re warming up or something like that straight at the pin ideally in the hole hole in one lovely oh that’s a gor so good woo oh a bit long but it’s actually okay that a gorgeous shot well

Done oh my goodness lovely bit right but it’s okay it’s good it’s a lovely shot I nearly hit him that’s nice take that oh you love it that’s a beautiful shot yeah really nice what is going oh stop okay you know what I’m happy with all of

Us I’m happy with all of us is our goal going to hold out we can get a far here that’s what I’m going to say we’re going to get up P here no we’re going to get birdie here yeah love the confidence Emily sit sit sit turn turn turn turn

Turn that is such a good shot so that was amazing there a bit of a hill there right okay oh no see I’ve that was that’s okay do not worry I literally did a tiny weeny dink tiny weeny dink you too big a dink are you cutting or chipping

Chipping not that’s not that bad it was terrible it was just a bit strong woo right that is a on the table for the golf girls all right we’re one over through two take that I feel like my eye is going to fall off that thing it’s not

Dramatic at all I’m not dramatic no that hole 320 yards it is I’m not going to say the most open hole but we’ve got trees lining it down on the right and the left we’ve got bunks on the right and the left all you can do really here

Is just try and hit it straight easy as that ready to hit a straight one yeah this hole’s Gorge it’s a bit of you Emily actually you a bit of you I’m going I say that I’ve hit one shot and it went really right who would like to go fast okay

Yeah everyone let’s just swing freely now swing freely we’ve played a couple of holes she time to be free and cold Oh wrong direction I really like the hit on that though going to be tricky to find there I was trying to see what tree it went towards and it went

Towards quite a few it’s a c tree holy moly that’s got an absolute Mile right we by that tree down there by that tree but because it’s on the edge we’ll know what tree bloom and smack that so far I wonder how far that is down there I

Don’t think it’s that far it just looks it looks long it’s just cuz it’s cold it looks long right Jay you can swing free really now I said I said that to everyone I said it to myself as well 2 free Jen I’ll do my best lovely bit right nice do you know

What it is there’s an optical illusion on this hole it encourages you to hit right is my take yeah whether that’s true or not it’s tree isn’t it that one tree that tree yeah because if that tree wasn’t there you’d aim for the flag but because that tree is there you’re not

Really aiming for the flag you’re just aiming down there which then makes you right I was just aiming down the midle and I there you go advice with Emily and not much reality of my game one two five girls how many one two five but there’s a gorgeous looking tree right there

Gorgeous gorgeous so you going low should I go low but then there’s a bunker let just go through the tree oh my God that’s so good long Mia that was so long WR wow I really don’t need to be hitting that kind of Club I wish I could hit a club

Like that okay that was the wrong club by Miles that’s not it either don’t go in the bush no it’s good you we’ll find exact line there oh how am I aiming there like hitting that car I actually think a good club though oh that’s nice that’s really good Yoo that was

Also really unexpected cuz your back hug it was wasn’t it and then I was like slow that went really really well oh shoot just shanked it how did that happen your head went straight to the hole before you hit it swing [Laughter] freely oh sit down all right guyss we

Got this we’re on for a part again here which will be really nice for our score I don’t remember what our best score is I’m not taking that off put that back on me I think it was like we’ve not been par have we I feel like

Four no I think it was three straight as a D in it sorry wait like the why I brought my putter I believe in you oh gosh don’t I mean it was General I got really nervous I took the club back and got really nervous and was

Like oh God I can’t do this I must I must say your practicing were quite um weird strong just just in case come on Emily I trust in you fully yeah that’s that’s a putt to forget that was no guys what are you doing I wasn’t I

Wasn’t planning on using this puffy come on nice you’re stressing me out thank goodness from elevator all right that’s PA put that on our scorecard wow Happy Days one over fruit we actually got a really nice hle coming up after this one look it was too much for me to three

Good shots in a row I only had two in the bag there this is the 13th hole it’s a par for it’s a dog leg left um if you can draw the ball that’s like amazing looking at me like dead eyes oh oh that was really long that was

Really you’re hitting the ball like we obviously haven’t played golf together for a while cuz we’ve all been away but you’re hitting the ball considerably longer than you did before I just noticed that it’s all that’s true it’s all that gym I’ve been doing you EA spinach that’s thing I’ve been gyming

But I haven’t been golfing how I always find that the gy throws my swing out Flack but that wasn’t even hitting it hard that was been just like hitting it that’s s just hitting no wait no ey oh I love those ones nice remember when your dad did that so

Good why are they so like why do they make you so good I’ve lost a couple of balls already so I’m so happy that’s not lost I just Mak you feel so good when it pops back out like that you’re like such a result it’s like you like a video game

Like you I mean like lucky Starbucks or something I mean oh God eye on that one oh I was Hing for Lucky bounce off that see I find it weird to line up for this hole it is really confusing well all the holes cuz of the trees I just I don’t

Know I felt like I really needed to stand a bit more left but bit open yeah I think we all needed to aim a little bit more left the trees are very confusing I genuinely feel like we’re in the mountains you know when you’re like skiing yeah and

Your breath short and that Mountain Air feeling is what I’m getting here right now yeah I said we’re not dressed for it we’re dressed for like golf it’s getting colder those Tres were really cold I don’t know what they put in there 119 yards ooh yeah yeah are you going pitching r or

Nine I’m going nine um but yeah definitely Mia this is a cracking drive like really a cracking Drive cracking cracking was likeit look how wait how far did that go I don’t know a couple yards or something pardon couple yards right oh de that was okay so I probably should have clubbed

Up here because now I’ve hit my shot the grass is thicker and if you don’t hit it pure it’s going to grab the grass and then take some yardage off okay I will I will I will remember that too oh it’s so right hit a tree no it no

It did it’s out it’s out again I’m not even kidding you can you see that the gods are in Emily side today the’re tree Gods all right J so funny actually your B There is actually a really nice lie yes love yeah that’s going to turn nice bounce left

Yes I like it I think it’s take it we’ll take it take it very good you’re hitting the club well nice today thank you nice you know what I’m just trying to relax and enjoy it yeah and like I’m going to hit bad shots today cuz I’m not played

But but you haven’t really yet what a perfect environment to be relaxed really there’s literally no one on the I know this is my ideal yeah like I’m not worrying about other people watching me sh people ask if we book out the whole caues for us to play well clearly today

The golf gods have enabled us to do that we didn’t actually the gods just no one wants to play in this weather no one’s a psychopath like us that was yeah it turned left at the end yeah it was isn’t it I’m going to

Aim right at the hole I think I just go straight oh get in oh unlucky him God I am the hole Yeah that that’s that’s going going going that is I could even tell what way that was turning in the end quite frankly oh that’s a nice sh that’s

Gorgeous oh you kidding that was really strong I’ve pelted that that’s so unlucky how much it flung off that really flung off no that was just way too hard it’s actually really downhill girls let’s get this PA oh yeah know flipping EG guess in guess in lovely such a good

P J thank you that my friend is another po baby tingle tingle Tingle iiz you said you’re tingly hat what does tingle mean tingle tingle Tingle didn’t you say your hands were tingling this is not a new thing we’re doing we’re not doing any Tinkles didn’t didn’t you say your hands were

Tingling tingling yeah I said tingle Tingle I think said tingle Tingle so the next hole is a stunning hole it’s actually the signature hole out here at long cross more stunning than what we’ve seen already why is it the signature hole it’s the signature hole because the

Views are incredible the T box is high the Fairway is down low you’ll see it in a second but it is beautiful welcome to Fox Hills everybody the 14th hle right this is a par five we’ve got 426 yards there’s a ditch down there you’re not

Going to make it so don’t even worry about it just I swing freely I think that ditch is like I didn’t even want to know so many miles away miles miles yards 374 yard so that nice it looks amazing in the air okay okay not the best but not

Bad right down the middle was an ideal yeah love it you know I when I was doing that film you really went I did a g yeah you really did lovely oh God that went really left at least we know where it is right Jenny Jenny wants to do a so Jenny’s a

Mad Cricket fan oh she getting two ball balls to ball yeah but it’s going to go quite far no just can I just tell say something about Cricket whoever invented the rule where if you bend your arm it’s cheating it’s not be it’s not baseball yeah but like but this is arm naturally

Does that that is not natural right where am I bowling this just down am I doing a proper run up yeah God don’t hurt yourself though was right thanks what but no i’ I’ve got no nothing to add I thought it was really good option

One is is we lay up a layup shot is going to give us about 124 yards give us nice layup and we can hit in if you want to go over you need a carry of about 170 odd 170 odd yeah layup shot okay okay we need okay either either hit it further

Than 170 or 130 layup yeah what I might do is if one of you guys lays up I can then just see if I can hit a three-w and see if we can get over the other side that’s a really good layup actually right side of the oh I’ve gone really

Right again everything today is going right that’s a good angle in it’s away from that big tree okay oh it did go really it’s okay don’t worry I did exactly the same M you each other I think it could be the LIE quite frankly it might just not be a very good

Wood lie it’s okay my head was bobbing up before I even hit the ball let’s go all right we got 141 yards I might go for an eight don’t know if this is the right club might be a bit short but whatever strong that wasn’t very good lovely that

Was actually a really bad swing fat it’s so funny though when you think it’s a bad swing I think it’s a really good swing oh it’s cuz it was fat so it what do you mean by fat so my ball was here yeah and I caught the ground

Way before makes it fat and that makes a fat shot and it then obviously takes a lot of distance off if you Skinny Shot ball thin yeah yeah thin so a thin it’s like I I know what thin is like I thin the ball get skinny shot that was well

SK oh oh where the other way oh my God that squirrel it nearly killed the squirrel I was waiting for it to come back out really do it we could go to the range after this if you guys haven’t we could really do some practice Yeah I Haven play golf since before Christmas

Since I got back from ababi and um it actually does make a difference one thing I’ve learned is if you play golf consecutively over a period of time like say like four times a week you are so much better and then you have a break and then you’re like sorry what how did

I get so bad but then it comes back it’s like a bicycle except you fall off when you try and get back on after a while he lost us a yeah it was okay that’s all right that’s all right yeah wasn’t herous might be in the bunker oh did it roll in

Maybe you got a skinny one why I keep like shanking it oh it was [ __ ] Shar no I like stick I caught it Dodge gorgeous there you go yeah I like it a lovely dinky little chair didn’t have enough on it but no but good I was just

Trying to do soft hands you know I like it it’s nice oh that was hard hm just don’t hit it that hard and it is actually going to be perfect yeah that’s nice really good love it that’s Gorge yeah yeah that’s like perfect wo you can even put that [Laughter]

In that that went miles right yeah Emily I not even got my patter in hand I didn’t have my patter either what is that after such a good chip I mean Jenny what a I wasn’t expecting that neither was I I was like positive mental attitude boo oh my God girls

Please could get my butter you want mine same now I got to have my little baby I that was such a soft oh my God girls please yeah I know like did yours turn or something what happened no we just had a brain fart pressure Now teacher Mia is not

Happy with her students I just just thought you’d get in then I wouldn’t have to do this would I all right naughty Denny and Emily it’s a bogey it’s a bogey we are two over now through two over through five this is a 270 yard hole it’s a 15th hole it’s a

Slight dog leg left it’s actually quite tricky the trees they don’t make it that easy around here right drivers girls they’re going for the drivers I can’t even [ __ ] see oh that was actually really good it was but I can’t see it Landing I think that was a bit long in the wrong

Direction no that’s right yeah oh yeah out no it’s just there in front of the tree there you won’t lose it seeing how far that one went were you I was in the dawn sorry she was practicing her position afterwards I just get bullied by these young no respect for their

Elders oh well it didn’t go in the air but that works that works it did a job and a really good roll on that like amazing roll yeah lovely Jay lovely oh keep shanking it what is wrong with my swing it’s oh it Go in this one is broken I can’t actually

Like Bend this thumb to like pull my jumper up it’s like frozen straight oh no look and look I’ve got blood all over me oh sh cuz my fingers are my hands are so cold they’re bleeding what is that a thing yeah if you can get cuz they get really dry and

So they can like I’ve got a plaster thank you let me hit the shot and then I’ll wipe it and put that on oh hit I was hoping for a little lucky don’t worry it’s all about being the doctor that’s the most health comes before wealth thank you

We from the golf course oh we should get some golf girls plasters Jenny can you just get this on the green that’s all I think we really need okay sorry about that guys don’t worry whoops I have nothing to say for myself or any of us at this point but we need

To get back in the game who are we taking we’ve not lost it yet probably your concentration levels have really Dro yeah we need to Li get back in the game it’s okay I forgot to get my ball I Leed that cuz I was like back in the game back in the

Game oh what I’ve done it I’ve done it like five times guys why are you putting all this pressure on me we’re giving Jenny some real good chipping practice today this is mad I chipped in load with this recently and I’ve shanked about 12 it’s cuz it needs Sunshine not

Cold it only performs for Sunshine now wow I didn’t I didn’t know Rusty really existed until today sorry M hit you a big patch of wow that’s mad oh yes we’ll take it we’ll take it we’ll take it oh get in the hole a that was oh my

God please do the honors go take the Out ho I never done that oh my God that is insane oh that’s the best shot you I’ve ever seen you do woohoo J dram that’s a birdie that’s only ever the second birdie of hit in my life although I

Didn’t hit every shot didn’t even get the platter out none of us did in fact we didn’t even get on the green you did none of us got on the green on this hole oh my I can’t believe that oh my God that’s insane that is a Burly on the

Scorecard a beautiful three for the go God woo how do you feel Jenny can you just can we just take a moment how do you feel about getting your very first chip in can’t believe it I mean how many bad chips have I done no no what what what

Were you thinking about before you hit that beautiful shot before I hit that shot I thought [ __ ] I need to get on the green and and you’ve been saying all day that you not good at chipping I’m not but I just kind of chilled out she just chilled out came naturally got

Inspiration from your Sunshine Club well it was pleasure playing with you I really hope you enjoy the rest of your round today Jenny so much everyone Dr I get an into I’m still in shock I think how far is this this is 160 yards to the pin 116

60 60 oh jeez not going to be able to hit anything there I’m going to have to use my driver play out left oh yeah or you use your driver so I’ve been hitting everything left haven’t I right right yeah no might be all right okay yeah I don’t

Think I’m in the trees just on the edge I didn’t even carry the water all right oh dear that’s okay I’m in the ditch oops that was left wasn’t it that’s antiwater why am I hitting the ball so far cuz you’re strong hm well we’ve got options oh my God are you

Okay oh my God a bit hard oh well you’re so good at chipping now oh that’s actually going to work sit sit sit stop okay I’m not the worst I mean this isn’t the nicest place to chip from in all fairness you’re doing all right ah seriously how’s that even

Possible it’s okay don’t worry on to the next yeah going to go slightly left to right it’s a little bit uphill but kind of looks quite straight to me yeah you go Jenny nice roll ooh lovely oh nice turn turn turn oh unlucky okay turn what mine didn’t turn whatsoever

This is the penultimate hole it is 315 yards uphill straight lined by trees as always um Emily would you like to go first on this one take the H sure why not okay I’m not angry about that yeah it’s perfectly perfectly right totally no it’s good your contact is way

Better than I’ve ever seen it before Oh no bombs away it’s okay that’s a bit annoying I’m really trying not to hit it right but I’m still changing my technique you’re the chipper today you can’t do all the jobs otherwise you’ll make us all feel quite miserable you would be invited back

Whoa oh that is money I can’t believe how far you’re hitting it at least I can do one thing it’s the driving you guys I like there’s such a difference Mia such a difference yeah it’s the gym yeah that’s mad yeah I’m like bulking but you can see how

Toned you are that’s the tan through all your layers yeah look look at the toone no in your videos I feel like though we’ve like I know you not having your chicken but I feel like we’ve all kind of been quite consisten is today do you know what I

Mean I feel like we’re strong players I love the positivity of vibing from you yeah like we are I wouldn’t say like you would be like oh God they’re doing awful or whatever I feel like we’re really holding our own players girls athletes a bunch of us

Oh my God you didn’t do an O did you do an O and he got her no I think I just squealed think we all sque yeah right oh why so bad a wrong direction as well I wouldn’t be unhappy if you clubbed up you know me

Yeah eight for the carry more so than anything cuz of the height it’s going to come down and drop sooner oh that yeah that’s nice I’m happy we club that go go go go yes yeah I’m really happy we clubbed up there cool thanks coach you’re so good oh gee what is that

Okay oh well whoopsie I took too big a back swing and then I decelerated going through oh for God’s sake hit the pen hit the pen yes Emily run run run run run yeah love it well done well done I love it I love it just need to get this in that’s

All easy as that you know oh that’s a great part em that was a good Po in go popet in what eyes right Jenny now actually pop it in get in get in get in oh my God that was so going to go in I just needed a bit more in it

Okay so dramatic so dramatic that was so close Mia I thought you had it bogey not actually not too bad considering that’s actually three decent pets though from us yeah yeah but unfortunately none of them hold they weren’t bad so yeah great I’m like the cheerleader yeah but do you I’ve turned

Really miserable I don’t feel like our Bogies have been bad Bogies they’ve always been like tap-ins yeah right guys this is the last hole the 18th hole thank you so much for making it all the way through to the end of this video as always don’t forget to like subscribe

And hit that notification Bell so you never missed a video now we’re going to see if we can keep if we can get a PB we’re on three over at the moment I think that’s the best we’ve ever done before if we can get a birdie we’re

Laughing and if we can’t then we’ll be right at the top with one of our best ever golf girls scores all right Jenny lead the way I’m not really hit a drive that I’m super happy with today so I’d love a nice one to end on here oh you go right relexing

Like be like why are you trying to hit me also I’m surprisingly right yeah what the chances oh I scuffed the floor that was actually not that great that’s perfect want it any longer if you’d have hit it any further it’ been gone that’s perfect okay nice woo

Woo okay 278 yards girl to the pin we’re going to go for three-wood let’s just see what happens oh B I told you he just need to practice him should have hit an IR let me little lions oh for goodness sake do you know what I’ve actually been hitting the ball

Really well today I personally think but just the direction is all off oh we’re glad we said W yeah yeah yeah 110 legit that’s what it says I’m going to I don’t know pict n I’m going to go nine cuz it’s a front pin yeah the space

At the back just gives you a bit more um leeway oh nice yeah that’s like on the PIN She’s come out to play ladies and gentlemen P that hit the green so hard it bounced so much I’m not very good with my irons and this is the first time I’m using one don’t be scared though because we’ve got me and Jenny and you a see that’s what happens don’t loose it

Yeah but I talked myself into that didn’t I oh yeah you literally told me earlier you talked yourself into that know but I got nervous oh thinned it me a be oh unlucky this game sucks today I’m ready to go in okay this is the last hopefully

Couple of shots where are we somewhere up here to be fair it’s rolling it’s okay oh that’s nice oh lovely that’s a good distance really good distance nice right let’s go Baker so no right we’re going to change she going to shank it again it’s the

Last one call it it what’s the anti shank the cool it you got to say I’m going to get this in try relax when you hit the ball pretend you’re at the ring a friend end him at the range it I’m so scared of it it’s petfi

You need to just hit it out of yourself that’s all get it it get it Prat I really thought that was in anybody tell oh that was a lot left why did mine turn so much I a your turn I aimed left I think I didn’t even aim I just went for it

Go going Taffer in go on then all right guys that is a bogey on the last for the golf CS that’s four over today well played every come on it’s nice for the band to be back together back together we are and we’ll be back next month with another

Video so stay tuned guys thank you so much for watching as always and we’ll catch up with you very very soon bye


  1. Would love to see the golf girls having a lesson on short game with Daniel Greaves( Woburn) 👍⛳️

  2. I had forgotten just how much fun you have together 😂😂😂
    Some shocking shots but wow what a chip in 😂😂😂❤❤❤ it girls❤

  3. Brilliant to see the Golf Girls back again, the laughter with the three of you is fantastic. More More More please.

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