Golf Babe

Tyrrell Hatton signs to LIV GOLF for 60 million! Paige Spiranac IS NEXT! How much will she get?!?

#bigboypantsgolf #livgolf #livgolftour #54golf #espn #tyrrellhatton #jonrahm #pgatour #golfnews #paigspiranac

Tyrrell Hatton has just signed to LIV Golf for 60 million and will join Jon Rahm’s team. The Anthony Kim rumors are unconfirmed but with Troy Mullins signing off of LIV, does Paige Spiranac replace her?

I gather up 54 Golf, the YouTube show that I just found on Reddit to go through the latest changes to LIV GOLF and the golfing world in general.

If Tyrrell is worth 60 million to LIV, how much is Paige Spiranac, golf’s biggest Instagram star worth? TWITTER speculates.

Folks after weeks of back and forth speculation as to who’s going to be on John ROM’s team it’s Now official Terrell Hatton has signed on for 60 million yes I know it’s been very confusing because we had reports of Tony fow almost being on and then there was

Terrell and we still have the Anthony Kim room out there who may be playing as a single it’s crazy only a few days left things are still kind of being finalized but yes again Terrell Hatton is confirmed at 60 million and as pointed out in this tweet by Dan Rap report

Terrell Hatton signing to live brings up the question as to what’s going on with tgl because you still got to be with the PGA Tour to be on tgl because the whole point of tgl was to keep guys from going to the G live golf league interestingly now for Terrell he’s probably pretty

Good for the European Ridder Cup team because they’re going to make an exemption for John ROM and then you can’t really be like hey we just like the the guy who’s really good at golf versus Terrell Hatton who very very infrequently wins Terell has exactly one

PGA toour Victory and that was in 2020 it’s 2024 now he’s got six International victories and his other Victory is the 2012 your golf travel classic yes folks I think 60 million might have been a little steep for this guy congratulations to him he’s only made 22

Million or so in his entire PJ tour career but now he’s got another 60 million sweet check good for you Terrell it is what it is but more importantly we got another Hot Topic issue here I sometimes peruse Reddit and there’s this live golf thread that

Popped up on my phone the other day and interestingly there was this video posted by this this YouTube channel 54 golf about the Paige speac and Bryson D Shambo YouTube video I watch it I like these guys I watch more of their videos I like them more so I’m going to bring

These guys on as the subject matter experts on paig speac why because Troy Mullins has now oddly to me at least left live golf I don’t know if she left on her own accord or they suggested that she leave but either way she’s out so what hottie babe are they going to

Replace her with to me it’s got to be Paige speac but again I’m going to leave it to the subject matter expert stay Tuned I brought on some heavy headers these guys from 54 golf each of you dudes I need you to introduce yourselves to the big boy pants fan base I always start the show so I’m Aaron founder of 54 golf give you that take originally was our podcast now we’re going full

YouTube did you see the meme on Facebook you would you would relate to this ER it’s Prett no it was uh a picture of him and his hat was so tight to his head and it said from the roids yeah there’s there it was a roid comment and they

Said doesn’t tiger uh hat look like when you order an ice cream Sunday and put sprinkles on it 100% live golf uh we got it all covered for you so what’s going on guys Mac best golfer in our group by far just happy to be here and uh big boy pants appreciate you

Man Che finish us off here what’s up guys I’m te I am the second best golfer but I am the best looking one in our podcast I’ll take that that’s debatable that moncher that actually doesn’t say a better look you that doesn’t say yeah that doesn’t really mean that much on

This one but um you know folks today we’re gonna talk about Paige speac is she going over to live golf Troy Mullins is out you need another hottie in there and it to me everyone’s C crying for Paige what do you guys think yeah I

Think she has a huge fan base I think that bringing that over to live is going to be huge for her I I do think that it’s going to happen again yeah like you said you have somebody in that position of Troy Mullins she’s awesome she’s uh boisterous she’s got great personality

Everybody loves her she’s good to look at and now you got somebody like that that is going to come over I think it it’s a even swap if not you’re going to get a lot more views because you got a lot of YouTube people out there that love Her Paige being this like representative of women’s golf on YouTube and live taking all the angles that PGA Tour has never taken go out outside the box think outside the box be in Las Vegas Super Bowl weekend boom awesome AB let’s get somebody from YouTube to fill in for one

Of our beloved you know Troy mullets who was awesome for live she was like the front face of them when we were when we were there at Bedminster I spent probably like an hour with Troy out by the range she was fantastic Paige of course is going to bring the ratings I

Mean whatever whatever whatever Troy brought in she’ll double it yes an understand 100 100% she’s going to 10it 10 exit it’s crazy because you already see it in play right now because paig speack just paired up with Bryson on his channel exactly apparently everything’s forgiven she admitted to trolling him in

The past but now they’re like best buds Jerome is it gonna happen I definitely think it’s gonna happen I mean she isn’t she isn’t really Al Li Allied herself with um anything else right now I mean you know she can still keep everything doing every she’s everything she’s doing

With her page and everything like that while working and yeah exactly and completely expanding uh you know the social viewership to live cheich how many more viewers do you think Paige brings in to live just because she she’s a celebrity in her own right she’s probably more of a celebrity

Than anyone outside the top 10 I I think people are just going to show up to watch to see what she wears I mean even if have no you know no dog in the fight with watch a live golf I think she’s going to bring in just viewers just to

See what you know what are the hype’s all about with her you know what I mean if you can’t find her on YouTube you can find her there now on the week on the weekends you know I mean I think it’s going to be huge for them pants

Definitely nailed it right there man way bigger than any golfer outside the top 10 if if you talk about any of these guys who might come over to live who are like kind of these middling kind of PGA Tour top 50ish type players and everyone gets all excited about those types of

Guys Paige spanic on the on the live golf anytime anywhere two minutes one minute whatever she does on course in the booth whatever is going to absolutely be a draw 100% over any of those guys don’t forget about how much more the beer sales are going to go up

Because every everyone’s G to be so thirsty absolutely just the marketing aspect of the whole thing would just it would just pull live through the roof not that it needs it but it’s just a a stepping stone again they continue to just build themselves you you mentioned that Bryson V that

Bryson video and kind of teasing at at uh Brooks a little bit and it’s kind of like this weird uh kind of like I don’t want to say threesome but it’s this weird like threesome angle and it’s kind of like runchy kind of pushing the boundaries

And like that’s what we like about live we like the fact that they they are willing to push every boundary shotgun start you know let’s get hammered on the course music everywhere you know let’s pull in the celebrities that Trump like him or not let’s get Trump standing up

You know on his course up in his Clubhouse throwing hats down to to the fans you know what I mean let’s just get eyes on the sets because that’s what they need and I think once you give Liv golf a chance I mean it’s a much better

Product in PGA T ever had Paige is the dream cart girl of every dude anytime you go out to a course that’s what you’re praying for and usually a lot of times the coures I play at least you’re about four teeth short of that right right six cart girls it’s a lot

Worse in New York yeah it’s a lot worse yeah but no to piggyback what Aaron said too like from the from the players to the commentators all the way down to the guy who who was waiting in the parking lot when you know when we couldn’t find

A ride like all of them it’s a big party everybody’s got the same mentality you know going there that weekend it’s just like right from when you walk in When the Music’s blaring and they’re on the Range to drinking to doing the whole thing I mean we had like special

Treatment thanks to cheich but like from start to finish it’s a party you go to PGA Tour you feel like you have to be quiet you gotta you know be on your tippy toes and walk on eggshells here it’s just from start to finish it’s a constant party and like that’s I think

It aligns with what Paige is all about too her personality everything she does on YouTube all her little oh yeah uh you know she she’ll put like a like a like a like a little paragraph with every picture she posts and it’s just like a it’s a funny you know goes along with

The picture kind of golf themed so I think just just her attitude and her Persona just brings a huge step like I said to live forget about attitude forget about Persona Jerome you’re watching pig to see her what she’s got on and how she looks I mean come on yeah

No it’s it’s definitely for the assets but that’s the draw yeah no that’s 100% the draw Jerome here’s a good question for you why Troy why because to me she still adds a lot of value it seems like some of the other ones could have been more Expendable than than Troy you know

You have Charlie’s Angels you don’t get get rid of the hot hot Angels you get rid of the the Crusty old guy or something good way to look at it I I think it was less of them getting rid of her and I think that she wanted to do

Something differently and there is definitely probably talk going on that someone like Paige was in the works to be the the next you know color commentator fem female draw to it I I think that’s what it was think Troy just wants to do something different well they also have Belle Angel Aaron and

She’s a babe so I feel like they could have had multiple babe angles going on here you don’t ever have to cut one out anytime I you go into Hooters there’s not just one the better yeah exactly so I I would find it very confusing that they just didn’t up uh Troy’s because

They’ve already invested so much in her already in terms she’s doing on the on the the range interviews Mac what is your thought on that well yeah like you said you if you have Paige on the Range you have Troy on the putting green I

Mean you can have you can spread out the wealth right everybody would enjoy because then you’re not having a bull rush to just one area because everybody you know I I would assume I’m not I guess assumptions or whatever but 85% of the viewers are more are men I mean

They’re all gonna be going to yeah 90 they’re all gonna be going to one spot have you have you spread them all out across the the um the course at any live event you’re going to have crowds in any any any spot you know you’re not just

Going to be filtered in one spot so why get rid I I don’t know I I don’t think it was because they didn’t want her necessarily I think it was maybe because Jerome said maybe she had something else in the works I don’t know cheich what

Other thing do you think that Troy has in the works that would be bigger than live as it’s blowing up right now taking over to I mean like really she kind of was maybe a smaller long drive Champion like had a less of a a big name Liv is

Kind of blown up a little bit but now as Liv is taking off is this when you want to get off on the exit ramp it’s true um I I think I think she I know she wants to be on the woman’s stour she wants to play competitive golf um maybe that is

Some yeah but I have no chance she actually she actually kep play golf you know I I think this might be her Avenue of her having a chance maybe she got a sponsor or something maybe that’s something that’s going to come out down the road but maybe that’s why uh she’s

You know leaving I’m I’m going to throw this out there there are not a lot of really there are a lot of great female golfers to look at on YouTube there aren’t a lot of great female golfers that play golf on YouTube and if Troy decided that she wanted to start her own

YouTube Golf Channel right now I’m a subscriber Jay’s a sub Max a subscriber Jerome teach pants you’re subscribing to because she can bomb the out of the ball and I would love to just watch her play golf you know she’s a great person we like I said we we spent some time

With her she was amazing but like she’s also really good golfer and I would I would pay to watch her golf let alone you know stand out on the course and talk about golf well we’re going to have to see how it plays out folks Troy everybody give you your little Korean

Heart symbols everyone come on let’s do it Troy wishing you the best I where I’m head


  1. Paige would definitely be a broadcast attraction just being herself as she has 2 enormous talents, as the great Joe Bob Briggs might say. But, her YT videos don't really show what intelligence – or, lack thereof – she might have and what she might display on camera at a tournament is sort of an unknown quantity. I'd suggest that she get a tryout, anyway, and let's see what she might bring to the table, other than her obvious good looks.
    Hatton is a good addition to LIV as he's colorful and wears his emotions on his sleeve, so to speak, and does not have the bland demeanor of the run of the mill Euro or PGA Tour player. I'm also rooting that Adrian Meronk would also go to LIV as he's an up and coming talent and needs more exposure than he can get on the DP Tour.
    (BTW, Paige has managed to get my wife upset with me as I showed her one of Paige's short videos and remarked that "I'd like to play a round with her sometime." My wife interpreted this as "play around" and, consequently, I'm in the doghouse again.) 🤐

  2. Mullins was awful so this isn't a surprise. Actually all of the commentators barring Feherty are terrible. The product deserves a quality commentary team. They should get Phil, that would be entertaining. I cant see LIV getting Spiranac but some eye candy that speaks well would be good. Some ex players behind the ropes would be welcome as well.

  3. LIV is not a better product than PGAT necessarily, but its different and thats its value…cricket has become a tens of $billions global sport with different formats.

  4. Another guy added like Tyrrell who is not boring to watch! More players to watch on LIV than the PGA every time. Hey Pants I hope to see you at the LIV tourney here in VEGAS.

  5. Why do you clowns cite tournaiment winnings as the amount someone has earned. He didn't have any sponsorships? LIV is a sponsorship deal. He hasn't won any money playing liv golf yet

  6. Love the Hatton signing. Rahms team is gonna be fire. I think the field at LIV has gotten a lot better this season. I think LIV just needs like one or two more stars and then they are set and should focus on getting younger guys right out of college

  7. In my opinion, Fleetwood would be somewhat and seemingly foolish not to join LIV Golf because these offers won't be on the table forever.

  8. Another great interview Pants , and the 54 golf guys were great as well,will be a great w/e of LIV golf this week

  9. Paige will land more eyeballs on LIV. I have been saying for a while LIV should have given GoodGood a team on LIV. Not only would it have given LIV an immediate 2 to 3 mil new followers (would have been very helpful in negotiations with TV bosses and if you include Paige's fans a potential total of 4 mil+ new LIV followers), but it also could have given them that underdog, rags-to-riches story that would have given them an opportunity to attract a huge following, even from non-golf followers (think Vince Papale in the NFL – invincible movie with Mark Wahlberg). YouTube Golf has more followers than PGA or LIV and they should have realized that after 1st year of LIV and capitalized on it. Either a team consisting of the pro's on GoodGood (Luke Kwon, Brad Dalke, Sean Walsh and and Ben Haddin or Garrett) or a team with Luke Kwon and Brad Dalke representing GoodGood and joined by Michael Block (huge fan favourite and us normal golfer's hero) and his son Dylan (and this would still allow GoodGood to continue creating content while getting more traction with the GoodGood athletes playing on LIV). That would have been a WIN/WIN!!!

  10. I will dearly miss Troy I though she was super good. Tough. Athletic but also sweet and kind. She asked good questions in those learning segments. Obviously brought some variety. Hopefully she leaves on her terms to pursue competing or raising kids or whatever it may be.

    Paige can be over the top sometimes. I kind of have a love hate thing with her sex
    appeal. Plenty of love for it personally but I also have daughters. I don’t want them to think to be on course reporters they need to be popping out of everywhere. That being said she has paid her dues and deserves a try at a bigger role like this.

    Unless…Maybe AK could be an on course reporter ? Not as sexy but it would sure be entertaining.

  11. Have been watching LIV golf from the start and have seen that there is a lot less Troy now… why because she can play and is getting closer to the players.. ie. Bryson, Brooks, HV3 . What additional talent does LIV need. If this was a mutual agreement , I wish her all the best ❤❤❤

  12. Ranked 16th in the world is he not ?? both Hatton and Rahm are still members of the DP so nothing needs to change to get into the Ryder cup, as to play in the RC all you have to be is a member of the DP tour.

  13. "The crack shack" ROFL WTF! sounds like some1s arse. You would have been better with "brothers watching brothers" ROFL!

  14. Paige having anything to do with LIV golf, will be like Pavlovs dog effect. The amount of young men following her on her YouTube site, well their mouths will be watering in anticipation to see her on course in her latest outfit. Saying this, if Paige was to wear some of her tight fitting outfits at my course, well, the women would be taken aback, and the men would vote her in for Club President. 😝😝😝🤣🤣🤣😝😝😝

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