Golf Babe

#12 – Giving up on His PGA TOUR CARD

There has been a leak in the media that Adrian Meronk may dropping his PGA Tour Card to join LIV GOLF…… Lester and I will discuss.

Also we have been banging the drum for some time but 12 hole golf courses do have a place and we have come across one that may be changing its normal 18 hole course into a 12 hole course, however this has upset the local members…


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In My Bag:
Driver: Titleist TSR2
3 Wood: Titleist TSR3
5 Wood: Titleist TSi1
4 Iron: T200
Irons: Titleist T100 5 to PW –
Wedges: Titleist Vokey SM9 52/10F, 56/14F & 60/08M
Putter: Scotty Cameron Newport 2:
Ball: Pro V 1x:
Range Finder: ShotScope:

Clothing, Shoes & Glove:

Let’s Connect:


Bernie Bernie Bernie episode 12 like buses just just keep coming just keep coming then you get one the next one the next one however this one is an important it’s like an emergency meeting I feel like this is an emergency show that we’ve created here today we used to

Have plenty of them when we used to work at talky golf club together didn’t we emergency emergency meeting emergency meeting run out of golf balls run out of water J wasn’t it yeah now this is episode uh 12 they did say it would never last it would never

Last but we are continuing on we’re battling on through it but we’ve called an emergency meeting and you’ll notice that I am wearing my Stingers I think it’s a sting I think they called Stingers my Stingers uh live hat because anytime there’s emergency news about

Live I want to Now put on the Liv hat okay so that’s my thing just just before we move on to the the the the big hot potato here that’s in the oven or in this room just what do you think about the names of these live teams I mean The

Stingers the aces like what what are we what are we what would we be the nudgers the nudgers that would what yeah that’s perfect yes right we’re starting a team Bernie and I the nudges two more two more people require two more people yeah now the reason why we’ve called this

Meeting or I’ve called this meeting that Bernie’s come storming into the office today and has informed me that there’s a new signing I don’t know if it’s 100% confirmed yet but the rumors seem to be gathering Pace it’s not been officially announced but maybe by the time you see

This yeah hopefully you can get it out before depends how quick Downs editing is there will be a massive problem problem is episode 11 is scheduled to go out but we could end up with 12 going out before 11 doesn’t matter yeah live of there’s going to be some they they’re

Still they’re still short of players for 2024 season and it’s it’s less than two weeks now before the first event actually kicks off yeah um but there’s a couple of rumors and one seems to be gathering more and more pace and I think it’s only literally a matter of hours

Before it gets announced and you’re a big fan of this particular golf aren’t you well um it’s more like uh I wouldn’t say I’m a massive fan of him and follow his been following his journey I feel like I’ve been thrown into this because

I felt sorry for him yeah I me I should never feel sorry for a millionaire golfer at all no but I felt bad for him yeah I mean he did he in my opinion should have been I mean don’t get me wrong we can now le Luke Donald has

Justified all his selections for the Ridder cup because we know what happened we we won it comfortably but I believe and I know you believe probably a little bit stronger than I do that this particular golfer should have been in that team on form on ability um and I think he would have

Been well definitely would have been a future Rider cup player which now he won’t be a future Ridder cup player if he’s made the decision to join live can we can we at least tell everybody who this individ is thought we were going to do the whole through mention his name

Like a load of clickbait so they have to get to the end to find out who we were well talking about we actually met him at the Open Championship this year at Royal Liverpool massive as well he really tall guy isn’t he big feet tall guy Adrian morang yeah and he has now

Polish Polish yeah he has now decided to uh by the look of it from our leaks within the press that we I feel like we know a lot of people now within the Press so we’re able to get our get access to knowledge of things that dropped before

The world gets to know and we’re we’re sharing it with I was say pay in but this is all free so we’re sharing it with you guys and girls at home and you know it’s a shock is it are you shocked by it because I said it didn’t I I said if you

Remember rightly when when Adrian was you know we were going through we’ve been through let’s say episode five of this of this particular podcast we talked about you know we would we would gibbering on about the time we gibbering on about the fact that Roy maroy is

Winning and and then and and then there’s John Ram getting all these points for these things and we we with on a little bit about that and then and then we moved into wittering on about the rder cup and the selection for the rder cup and I just felt really

Disappointed that Adrian have been left out for a number of reasons certainly the fact that he’s he was a three-time winner on the DP World Tour that year he’d won around that Golf Course he’d won the Italian Open yeah at at the at the Ryder Cup venue it would

Also be the first polish golfer to play on the rer cup which is great for that particular region and the the surrounding countries and and you know we’re trying to we hear the slogan we’re trying to grow the game that’s the one is it grow the Game grow that game

Whatever that means um but sort of that sort of um having a sort of a hero and the Ridder cup is such a massive massive event which is broadcast all around the world even countries or places that are not in Europe or not in America they they watch it it’s it’s the

Best it’s the Pinnacle in my opinion of Team golf yeah professional team golf absolutely and him not being in it you know that was just for me was just it just left a bit of a sour taste but I’m not surprised he’s joining lym not at

All I just knew that since that since that moment you could tell that he was really annoyed with the um the selection process of the Ridder cup and you know there’s going to be people listening to this podcast and there’s going to be people worldwide that are going to go

Well just whatever disappear you know fine if you toys are at the pram off you go you know um take it take it like a man and off you go there’s got to be a bit of that though because we’re most of us are emotional people um I can only

Use an is you know an example of myself and it’s not you know don’t get me wrong I’m not compare myself anywhere in levels of ability money finances Etc but I tried to get in this in the Devon County Southwest week team I played County First Team I’ve done that for

Like two or three years i’ like to really of finishes i’ won a few bigger events um and I was well up the order of Merit but I didn’t one year I was told I was going to be in the team and selected and somebody won the C championships who

Wasn’t in the team and they that time they always put the winner of the cting championship in the team so I missed out and that was the reason I turned professional yeah I was like well I’m not waiting another year to get in this team that I felt that I should have been

In for the last two Southwest weeks and I think I’m just going to get on I’m wasting my time it’s going to be the same Captain next year I’m going to turn pro and I actually turned Pro mainly one of the main reasons was because I didn’t

Get in the self West te yeah and what what’s really interesting about this is if you think about the Journey of a young kid coming up through the ranks um they do well as an amateur they play college golf whatever it is they that there is a process of where they want to

Get themselves and their end goal is obviously to be a major winner and and things like that generally I’m not saying that everybody’s in that account but the progression from um the progression from amate ranks to then getting your tour card to then graduating off the DP World Tour and

Then making a life of yourself over in America and playing PGA Tour golf yeah you know Adrien morang you know I don’t know his background but he would have he’s done that process so he’s gone onto the DP got his tour card he’s one on he’s one

On the DP world tour he’s got his then he’s finished in the top 10 so he’s got his PGA Tour card he’s not he’s not a young man engulfing terms is he he’s not he’s not the 20y old coming amateur winning winning a massive event he’s in

His he’s 30 he’s in his 30s isn’t he well he’s he’s 30 that’s what he is but he’s gone through the process that I’ve just mentioned there because he was on the challenge tour he went over to America for his university so he did college golf in America so he’s been

Through the progress of becoming a PJ Tour player but that Journey has took him a considerable amount of time hasn’t it an effort I mean he’s not like say he’s not like aor who’s F every single step along his journey was pretty rapid yeah you know he taken to least 30 years

Old to get to that point to get to that point I mean what how old would he be when he left college golf 22 23 Max 21 I mean maybe maybe he went through high 23 Max Max I would think seven years to get to a position where would probably been

His end one of his end goals or targets yeah but but I I would say that that’s like that there’s always going to be kids that buck the trend on that and then get you know go through your rares and people like that but you you know

But he’s done I would say that the progression that he’s done is is actually the proper the right way to go about it in the fact that there’s no right or wrong way but what I mean is like he’s he’s cut his teeth at every

Level to get to where he’s got to and therefore that’s probably why he’s won a few times because he’s he’s got himself into some more comfortable positions because he worked his way up you disappointed that once he’s got to what what we would consider the the Pinnacle

And playing on that tour that he hasn’t really tested himself on the PJ tour as much he’s not one over there has he he’s literally just got on it hasn’t he I’m not disappointed at all I am not surprised at all that this has happened

No um I think it it just purely to me highlights that golf is drastically changing you know the what I mean by that is that you know at the end of the day these guys turn pro to to make a living out of golf yeah

And they they want to earn as much money as they possibly can in you know and create a lifestyle for themselves nobody’s against that at all 100% And I’m I’m all for it for that’s their job at the end of the day but it just shows

That the the the Cara of the PJ tour is no longer a carot do you so do you think I mean if let’s say that let’s look into the future 10 years time live still going it’s in the same sort of format we got team team a team competition as such

You’re wearing that stupid at um Lou signed this I me it’s the stupid at um do you think there’s going to be kids walking around golf courses I mean I’ve not seen I’ll be honest with you in the UK I’ve never seen anybody wear a live Team hat

On the golf not seen like a 15-year-old lad or a 12-year-old girl I’ve never seen anybody wear one other than you I mean they must wear them when they go watch the tournament but do you think there’s going to be people that be wearing those hats do you think there’s

Going to be people supporting those teams I think we talked about this briefly as the world tour didn’t we where you know at the end of the day the live structure is not it no no you know team golf is if you’re going to do it it

You know it’s like it’s like college football in America it’s like you know college golf in America you know it does get a big supporting factor to a point on the but it has to be televised like it has to be on you know it has to be

Mainstream TV you not you know YouTube is YouTube and it’s still in it’s still still finding its feet you know but I don’t think team golf is going to be the the key factor for this I still think there can be team events going on but

Not every week no no you know there can be there can be an you know an english team or such and such team or or go and you know play on the PJ tour or play on a tour but then play in another and I’m just thinking of things like Speedway

Yeah you know when when I grew up my dad was Road motorbike so I was in and around motorbikes for a long long time and um you know a close friend of ours was was a guy called Kelvin Tatum well Kelvin Tatum who was like a world long

Track Champion you know he he raced in in a few different teams yeah as in like so he would race in in the English league and he’d be he’d be racing for I don’t know Swindon or whoever but then off to Poland the next week and racing

Over there same play table you know I think that’s got a place in golf potentially to play I mean Speedway they have guests in teams don’t they I remember going to watch watch um we had team EXA FAL was it X FAL EXA yeah yeah

So ex had a team and um but you get guests so like when I went a couple of times that Joe screen I think he was world champion might be wrong definitely UK or British champion and he um he was like guesting for exor it he’d been an

Exit wden for them previously but he came back and and rode for them a couple of times and there was people moving around potentially I can’t remember exactly how it used to go Motor Racing the people walk around like with Ferrari acts on and yeah they go and watch and

They support an actual team but but it’s but the team is kind of like it’s like the Constructor thing isn’t it but they they are dedicated to that team before they’re dedicated to the person probably like you’re Max for stappen but so they’ll wear Red Bull because Max

Stappen I think so if he if then signed a contract with McLaren would they all start wearing McLaren stuff possibly carry on wearing their team colors and support if leis Hamilton signed for them but well what you’re going to find if you go to if you go to

If you if you you know if you said to an Italian an Italian person you know who’s your favorite race team he’s going to say Ferrari like if you if you ask a German you know what’s your favorite race team he’s probably going to say Mercedes like yeah you

Know British people will follow a British either British IND idual or a British team weren’t they in that front motorport I know we we’re going now trans oh we’re off gone off golf beyond’ gone back to the start where we were saying about the teams and I know

They’re starting to group like the golfers into into basically teams as well of nationalities a little bit do you think that’s how it’s going to it could potentially then be like a team England or well I think that’s where you’re going to get more of a following

Yeah I really do I think if you spread that like I love the fact that you know the stingers um they’re South Africans yeah so they’ve they’ve they’re going to they’re good friends they travel together they do everything together but then you can the South African guys can get behind

That team because they’re a group of South Africans and and you know if John Ram you know what would it you know if you think about it a great a great team for for Liv would have been John RAM and and Sergio Garcia and you know whoever

Else you can drag out of the of the Spanish contingent let’s say you know la larabel um yeah you know you could drag someone like that into that team and create it from that you know you’ve got your mark Lehman’s and your uh you know I did you

Know you’d have had your Adam Scott in there I’m still shocked he’s never signed I am I thought he would have been one of the first when it was first announced I thought yeah he’s cuz he is someone who’s traveled a lot and played on lots of different tours and he’s

Dipped in and out of different like different tours isn’t he I thought he would have been like the first especially at this stage in his career I thought he would have been one of the first names to sign but he still remained pretty loyal to PJ and tour and

And other so my question then is whose team is Adrien going on to do you think absolutely no idea no idea I mean is is he going on to John Rams team is that is that because he’s still got places so I mean we’re less than we’re

Going to be now when this goes out what probably close to a week before it starts and there’s still there’s still places right in teams have not it seems to be like I don’t know I just think you should have had all your eggs in your basket and all sorted out and all

Finalized prob before the end of the year really that should have been done dusted and signed off the problem they’ve got is there’s lots of major contracts that are involved with players yeah whether it’s their commercial deals that they personally hold you know these are all things that they need to go

Through before they can sign up for that sort of stuff and this is why it’s probably taken to the last and and it’s you know what Bernie now you’ve now this has happened that thought of you had that you you said that um Nick Dunlap is pulled out pulled out is there

An opportunity that he’s going to cash in and go thanks a lot I’m just going to go to live and I’m going to earn x amount of money and I’m going to you know I don’t know I I originally I said no not a chance because he’s an American

And he’s going to focus on the PJ tour because that’s the journey yeah but when says Ah do you know what I don’t really want my pj tour card I’m happy to go off and do this you know do something else um I say good on him I really do

I’m disappointed but on the flip side is I think that golf is changing in a massive way it’s rapidly moving you know backtracking of Rory maroy he I was just going to ask a question who would shock you the what would be the biggest shock if someone if

They announc if they say they announced someone out the blue tomorrow day after he signed for live who would who would who would sh I mean John Ram was a bit of a shock for me he seemed such a Ridder cup store store and someone who

Would have been part of the the makeup of the Ridder Cup team potential Captain for probably another good decade maybe even two decades so that was a bit of a a shock but not I mean who would would would Rory maroy signing for live would that shock you now would they be like

Wow I’d never saw that coming I would be like oh he’s softened and seems to be listen to talking the he said you know he he’s very much backtracked and um and changed his tune hugely would you be shocked though no no I don’t think I

Would I would have been last year like I’m not shocked about if anything I’m kind of happy that he’s done it because I feel like you know I feel like he was maybe reward for his hard work I think I just feel like he was trodding

On a little bit and and I’m not surprised that you know bit like when you decided to turn pro after the fact that you you know you didn’t want to wait another year you could be bothered you know you once you get if once something gets burnt once you get

Agitated by something it’s really hard to change that yeah and you know with regards to Rory you know has he been burnt by the PJ tour 100% you can see it coming through him that he’s been burnt by that this might be a generalization but golfers the type of sport you they play

And only my experience from knowing golfers at lots of different levels but they’re very the better ones at each particular level very focused single-minded they’re I don’t want to say arrogant that’s not the word but they’re very much they’re in their own little bubble and when they decide

Something they’re right and that’s what they’re doing yeah and I think you almost need that you need that quality is it a quality maybe not the right word you need that though to to be so good at sport or in your particular sport don’t you yeah yeah you do and I think that

Once once you know once he’s not got that ride of cut that must have been right I’m going to literally it’s dagger in the heart 100% and you can’t blame him for making what is a financial decision but it’s also an emotional decision isn’t it the other thing as

Well is it’s not just about the fact that you know think about when we were at the open yeah there were people there asking him questions from the media saying what’s it going to feel like and literally wording it in these in these what is it going to feel like as the

First polish player to ever play in the Ridder cup I remember that question that wasn’t just asked once it was asked numerous times around when we were around it in different maybe in different ways of asking it but everything was every question that was directed at him was from that

Perspective wasn’t it 100% I mean he would have heard no he he’d have had nothing other than ride a cup talk all the way probably from before the open right the way through to when the team was announced I mean that’s there’s a lot of pressure on that is there and you

Know he would have even if he believed the hype that the media were giving him that he was going to play and even if he hadn’t had any indication whether he was going to be it or not the impression you were getting from the media was that he

Was a sure thing to be in that team he was on form he was winning he was on form and he and he and the biggest Factor there was the fact that he’d won on that Golf Course to win their naal championship and that to me was a major

Major thing of which why I really got behind the guy yeah because I felt that he was done over a little bit on the flip side you know they went on and won the rider cup you know there’s no argument to that would he have made any

Impact of made you know do I think that if was on that team and somebody else within that group wasn’t on that team do I think they would have won yes absolutely yeah I’m exactly the same but Luke Donald can always just can always justify not picking him by saying we won

Didn’t he then he would have been open to criticism if some of the more controversial picks hadn’t contributed so greatly in the actual event you Justin Rose your Shane Larry Etc yeah if they hadn’t performed then and we’ lost that would have been his first question why didn’t you you haven’t picked

Players on form you’ve picked them on past experience yeah but you can’t argue with what Luke Donald did as Rider Cup captain and his selections and it paid off right and at the end of the day golf is changing has been changing for the last two years as far as I’m concerned

And is continuing to change in a quick fastpaced way but it’s also changing not just on the professional level isn’t it it’s changing within the ranks of golf in general yeah you sent me a a message earlier today a quick fire message that came through um with a with a screenshot

Of the 12th the the 12 Hole Golf Course farington Park which is a a golf course I think in Somerset I mean I didar did a bit of research on it and it was um it was a a traditional 18 hole golf course um and I think some of it’s

Been sold off for development which instead of I mean there’s quite a few golf I mean I can’t remember how many golf courses a week close in the UK but it’s it is quite a scary amount they’ve closed but instead of closing the complete golf course down they’ve

Changed it into a 12-hole golf course and added some more Leisure facilities around haven’t they and but it’s it’s been developed isn’t it the other six holes like you say it’s it’s moving down to a 12 hole golf course now yeah if you take us back five years four years ago

Bernie what was I talking about with golf courses we were always discussing the fact that originally why are they why are the 18 holes who can afford to play golf for four to five hours at times even longer when if you’re playing in a big event um and that’s not going

To appeal to our age and slightly below who maybe have families and have work commitments and and other stuff going on that that to to take out of your of your week four to five hours maybe two or three times a week to play to a decent standard and

Then add that to your practice it’s just not it’s not practical for a number of people yeah and they needed to either make golf quicker or make golf more efficient yeah and we were talking about why why not open a 12 golf course why not why is there not more nine-hole golf

Course that seems to be yeah every nine Hole Golf Course seems to be wanting to be an 18-hole golf course yeah and a lot of nine-hole golf course we got we’ve got literally one nine hole golf course now in our area probably in a 25 mile radius whereas before go back 10 15

Years there was five six seven nine whole golf courses what’s interesting about this particular setup and this golf course is that obviously they’re moving from 18 holes down to 12 holes as well as um constructing a paddle paddle tennis that’s that’s massively On The Rise huge it’s like the big thing in

Sport pickle ball courts that’s an American American game isn’t it children’s play park outdoor gym and a maintenance Hub which I assume is the maintenance of everything that sounds like it’s more geared to family and getting the family on site spending money yeah getting them there all day

Long yeah the The Gents and any lady golfers go and play golf family M you don’t play golf have got got the option of other sports um there probably be a nice restaurant there there’s leure the swimming pool there as well yeah stuff I mean there’s you could literally spend

There all day play your golf have your have your lunch have dinner play some other sports use the Lesar facilities and the whole family can be involved in what was golf guess for me when I look at golf courses and I think about my young family and things like that you

Know 12 holes you can nip out and do six holes you can do out and do 12 holes you can do nine holes if you want to do that um and then the fact that you’ve got other facilities a little outside gym play area you’ve got everything there to

Keep a family there for the day and you know this golf course have taken it down this front because they’re seeing as you quite rightly said they’re seeing the closing down of golf courses yeah left right and Center up and down the country because it’s a falling

Membership well the members say say that they are in uproar over the plans chosen to move to other clubs so there’s 300 I want to say no not 360 but there is huge amounts of uh members that are canel canceling their membership it so the biggest shock will be for the traditional traditional

Golfers um who turn up the old the golfers who’ve played that golf course I don’t I don’t know how old Faron is I presume it’s it’s it’s gotas older is because they’re retired they’ve got just more time on their hands they can go play B more they got more time ples in

Holes and it’s so it’s it’s a massive change yeah and if it was a nine-hole course and it gone to a 12 yeah they’d probably accept that but if they used to play an 18 hole golf course then you suddenly move you’ve changed the the you

Know you’ve taken it down to to 12 holes you’ve you made it different they don’t people don’t like change no um I’m not I’m not criticizing anybody there’ll be people listening to this and people watching this on YouTube who will be like yeah well what golf doesn’t need to

Change you know that’s fine you can have your opinions we’re we’re in between now aren’t we we’re not we’re not the younger generation we’re not the older generation we’re right in that middle bit and we are we’re in no man’s land we’re in no man’s land but we’re quite I

I would like to think we’re we’re in both camps as as such but we can also see how golfers evolved in the 30 odd years that we’ve been involved in it it needs to change to to continue and you know I’m not a massive fan of

Live I don’t watch it or very watch very little of it but things like this and you’ve got to try them they need to be things need to be happening and and if that encourages more families to go and play golf and to be around golf environment whether that’s 12 holes or

Three hole golf course or whatever if there’s more people playing golf more people coming into golf and it’s seen as a family environment then that for me that can only be be beneficial for future generations for the sport agree and I mean think think if you look at

Your example your family they might the kids might not want to play 18 holes they might want to go out and play six holes you could play six holes with Bobby in the morning Laura and Charlie go off and go swimming yeah then you switch over Laura goes and plays six hes

With with Bobby six old with Charlie and you go and do some you can be there all day I mean imagine the whole place has got a benefit from all the money you’re spending there the time you’re spending there and what an environment to spend your your leisure time in yeah

Yeah I just think it’s I just think it’s a great idea golf is changing not only on the front of uh Tor level golf um it is changing with watching it Chang it’s all unfolding in front of us but it’s also changing with regards to the face

Of what the people want with their time time is a tough one to of course precious isn’t it it’s a precious precious thing for us all and things have to change and I think that moving more to 12 hole golf courses or Loops of six or whatever it’s going to be is

Going to allow people to have that time back to be able to put into other parts of their life and that’s um I think that’s a positive for grow the game 100% I think they’ll lose members yeah initially but I think in the long run this place will be positive and will be

Will flourish you’ve only got to look we’re um we’re based at a traditional golf course which is over 100 years old well over 100 years old yeah and play if I play golf on a Saturday morning I feel comfortable in this environment not I

Can wear what I want more or less now I wear joggers I’ve got hoodie on um I’ve even got a t-shirt underneath which you can’t see but you can basically wear within reason long just smart you can wear what you want which is which has changed massively to how it was but play

Golf play nice and early on Saturday I finish I’m done by 11:00 the girls that I’ve been seeing at different times not just one or two but like three or four of them come at the golf club meet me for like oh no I can’t

I can’t walk in there on my own yeah what do you mean you can’t walk in there on your own I don’t I just feel I feel uneasy the the atmosphere the ones that have decided to come up the golf about to walk to the car park to meet them to

Physically walk them in yeah they won’t walk through the clubhouse to come and meet me they know where I’m going to be sat yeah but they don’t feel comfortable with that and that for me is the worst thing about golf clubs because I want as many people in there as

Possible spending money cuz that ultimately if they spend money and the club does well they’re going to reinvest it back in the golf course make the facilities better make it a better place and improve my enjoyment yeah the golf course but something like that I’m you

Know the the dress code is going to be relaxed to a certain degree they’re going to I would think that a lot of people feel comfortable to walk in there on their own see people to know it’s friendly it’s welcoming it’s exactly how I’d want the golf club or a

Golf Complex a Leisure complex to be yes we could Witter on about this forever Bernie but this was an emergency meeting and I feel like um we can bring this one to a close now but it will be interesting to see what unfolds certainly from where we’re making this

Now in the next 24 hours 48 hours with Adrian uh what Tey goes into where it goes get binned if he doesn’t sign correct he might never see this or hear it I know it might not ever come out and then we’ve wasted more of our precious

Leisure Time Again well thank you very much for uh for listening everybody if you are listening to this on the podcast thank you very much for watching if you’ve been watching this on YouTube and uh we’ll see you again for episode 13 that’ be unlucky that would be unlucky for something it


  1. Taking Meronk 7 years to be where he is is no mean feat. Look at Pavon, 7 years on the DP World tour and now wins his 1st USPGA event, again no mean feat. Not everybody is a Rory McIlroy or Jon Rahm. There are some new exciting entrants on the USPGA Tour like Knapp who will be well worth watching. I have yet to watch a LIV event and apart from some Majors I wonder if the LIV players miss the tv exposure.

  2. In fairness, the comment has been made before. This needs to be a bit earlier for this content, as others can have done it. Love seeing you and Lester, but, old news. Sorry Dan.

  3. I don't know what's happening in your country in Europe but I know the golfers on the PGA tour or tired of politicizing the station the network with all of the MSM agendas and to be quite honest LIV is going to be a breath of air Networks trying to Push shit on the Public through Golf Football ⚽ Baseball it's happening all over the world it's Disgusting

  4. Firstly LIV is only is about to start it's 3rd year and I've never seen anyone wearing a PGA hat on a golf course after 100 years of its existence… Sorry guys… This is old news… I thought you were going to talk about Tyrrell… 🤷‍♀️

  5. It is possible that the decision not to include Adrian in the Ryder cub squad, having won at the Ryder Cup venue, and already done enough by playing himself into position, the slap in the face, by the Captain was too much, and that was a likely tipping point for him going to LIV. LIV are changing their system of play, which will result in players getting ranking points once everything is finalised. Add into the mix, the possibility of the tours holding hands with each other. Therefore, the current bans placed upon LIV players will be lifted, allowing the captains on both sides to choose LIV players. Love seeing the two of you chatting, the chemistry is so natural. Great friends bouncing off each other, fantastic.

  6. I have my crushes hat on when playing ⛳👍I've got a couple of LIV t-shirts for when the weather gets better, and now LIV will be televised in Spain, I'm sure we will see some more countries showing it on TV by the end of this years season.

  7. Traditional golfers, you mean the old farts at each club who oppose any change, even if that change means saving their golf course. They'd rather cancel their memberships and run to another club, and run it into the ground. This is the same demographic who are opposed to LIV and who watch the PGAT/DPWT and you have a bunch of them in the comments complaining about yet more traditional bs.

  8. The main reason why LIV is not on more TV channels is because the PGA has been using their monopoly to force TV-partners not to broadcast LIV Golf (same as the OWGR). But with LIV events now consistently featuring stronger fields every time, TV bosses will have to realize they are missing out…just like anyone with half a brain now knows that ranking doesn't mean anything now, making OWGR more and more irrelevant…

  9. I've always thought the clue was in the title with 'Pro' Golfers as you say, the objective is to earn money and if LIV accelerates that for someone then why wouldn't they take it. As for golf clubs, the many committees and self important idiots they attract are ruining most clubs – the few people who give up their time to help seem to be outnumbered by people who think being on or chair of a local golf club committee means they've made it and can force their views on others. I will only belong to proprietary clubs now, paying for a service ie golf, facilities etc and have to be welcoming to family/friends as their job is to be profitable.

  10. Sorry don’t do podcasts, everyone is trying them, but does anyone really watch them? Boring as hell, what’s the point, just inane drivel.

  11. If the logistics could be worked out this project would be better if you could film Monday nights at a local pub. It would have more energy and you could pull in a weekly guest from your regular group of mates. Sort of a Monday night 19th hole conversation show to talk about the prior weeks golf topics and solve the games problems. It might also open up sponsorship opportunities outside of the normal golf avenues.

  12. The stagnant old farts who have imbedded themselves at our club are destroying it. It’s going to take years to filter them out, that’s if the club survives long enough.

    We have a nice 9 hole course about 20 minutes away and I think come membership renewal time I will be off there

  13. Really good 2-ball show. Not surprised that pr golfers are going after the money, after all, they are doing it to make a living and to provide for their famiies. I don't degrudge them for that. The PGA Tour has not been very loyal to them , so why should they be loyal to it. At the end of the day, if I were a pro and offered many millions guaranteed to play, certainly I'd take it. The only way I'd turn down the money is if I had a really good chance to break some golfing records, such as most PGA Tour wins or most Major victories (ex. Tiger). If I had the chance to do that, I've already made a ton of money and don't need the extra cash. Also, not surprised that the older and retired golfers are not happy with the reduced holes and adding family activities. They don't want little kids around nor other activites that make a lot of noise. Also, what happens with their membership costs, does it go down or up, especially for activities that they have no desire to participate in. Cheers.

  14. I really don’t understand the heat you got on last weeks video to be honest.
    At the end of the day you can’t please everybody, but I come online to watch/listen to the content you put out as an avid golfer.
    I like the mixture of sometimes being able to to just listen, rather than having to pay attention to a video all the time.
    I also like to watch reviews on gear from time to time to see what is going on in the industry, so it’s a thumbs up from me on the mixture of the content. 😃

  15. Here in the U.S.A. many courses have 9 hole leagues in the afternoon so people can play after work during the week. Takes maybe 2.5 hours to play. If you want 18 holes play in the morning or on the weekend. Nearby we do have a course the has a three nine hole set up. Cheers.

  16. Just saw that that Hatton will be teeing it up with LIV – well at least the amount of apologies by Sky for foul language should be reduced significantly 😂

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