TaylorMade Are SUING Costco (KIRKLAND)… This Could BACKFIRE QUICK!

TaylorMade Are SUEING Costco… Could This BACKFIRE QUICKLY!? Are TaylorMade Making A HUGE MISTAKE SUEING Costco!? With the rise of the Taylormade P790 as one of the best forgiving golf clubs ever released we have seen many different clubs brought out to rival them such as the Cobra forged tech irons, the ping i525 irons and even the costco Kirkland signature irons… however. The latter of these clubs have come under fire from taylormade claiming false advertising and taylormade have since filed a lawsuit against costco… this isn’t the first time costco have been countersued by a golf cooperation as titleist sued them back in 2017 around the costco Kirkland signature golf ball. is this going to backfire on taylormade as its got the entire world talking about the costco irons and the value they potentially hold.

full article here from Jonathan Wall –

Just when we all thought golf was all controversed out one of the biggest brands in the world are now suing Costco over there Kirkland Signature Iron Range this is huge news it could end up being the biggest news of 2024 and I can’t quite believe that we didn’t see this coming because this

Isn’t the first time Costco is it hi everyone my name is James Robinson and welcome back to this YouTube channel today we’re talking about Costco and we’re talking about tayor made Taylor Made have filed a law suit against Costco because of their Kirkland Signature Iron Range now I’m a huge fan

Of these irons I’m also a huge fan of tailormade and the p790 range for me they were an absolute Game Changer so just what’s going on with tailor made what’s going on with Kirkland and why could this potentially be the opening of a huge can of

Worms that’s all over it by the way for a Kirkland oh yes please now as I mentioned this isn’t the first time that Kirkland have had issues being sued 2017 Kirkland or Costco should I say were sued by titlist because of the prov1 ball and obviously Kirkland’s three-piece urethan Kirkland

Signature Performance Plus ball could it happen again towards the end of this video I’m going to talk about a few other clubs that I think potentially could cause Costco a bit of a headache and we’re going to talk about this lawsuit from tailor made because it’s

Big news it’s huge isn’t it like have tailor maid made a rod for their own backs and is it a little bit more of a problem for tailor maid now they’ve actually addressed it you see Let Me Explain maybe it wasn’t as all over it as what I thought but

There’s a very famous saying that imitation is the best form of flattery tailor made maybe don’t see it that way hence this lawsuit but at what point are they just now really helping Costco with their advertising go on because I know a lot of people thought they look

The same a lot of people let’s just clear this up with the kiry the ball obviously I’ve actually got in fact The two clubs that this video is about we have obviously the Kirkland Signature iron that we’ve just hit but I also have today the tailor made

P79 now I’ve spent a lot of time testing both these golf clubs I’ve hit them in the studio as well so numbers wise there’s they’re more similar than what you might think however that’s not the whole story because you do sort of get quite a lot more consistency with the

P790 I feel like that’s generally what you’re paying for and when you put these head-to-head you can kind of see where tailor made have taken Umbridge can’t you because um apart from a speed pocket they are incredibly similar but what about all the other time is this has

Kind of happened in the industry I’m not sure if it happens BAS basically when patents run out who remembers the rig roll between the Odyssey number 10 and the tailor M spider and all that that was kind of too close wasn’t it but then we look at Costco for example and brands

Are happy to sue them so very interestingly and like I said right at the start of this video is this going to be the last time we see Costco be sued I’ll address this in a moment but for now I want to kind of address how maybe

Tailor made have done the right thing in protecting their intellectual property that’s what they have cited in their statement I’ll put the lawsuit below actually because I’m not a lawyer and to be honest I don’t want to say anything that I have no real clue about but the I

Definitely look similar is it however a drop of the ball from Taylor Maid because you look at the comment sections on all social medias now and this is generally what I saw last night when the news broke that tailor maid were suing Costco for these Kirkland Signature

Irons a lot of people basically saying oh well if they’re suing them for them they have to be good whether or not they can get them off sale I have no idea again I have no idea about a lot of of this but is it basically tailor made

Saying they are very good they are very similar to the p790s and we’re annoyed you doing it for so cheap potentially so let’s hit this Kirkland Signature ball down this Fairway with the Kirkland Signature driver that looks oddly like another driver on the market oh yeah that will do nicely and I actually

Love the fact that there are so many Brands out there at the moment helping more golfers get into the game I’ve struck that so bad by the way I do find that’s almost a sweet spot for this driver but I love the fact there’s so many Brands out there that are helping

More golfers get into this game that are helping golfers buy new clubs for more affordable prices although you can’t just copy someone’s homework can you like I tried that at school and it didn’t end well is that going to be a problem for Costco not me failing my exams but Costco potentially always

Being that step behind and just kind of saying oh well that works let’s do that for cheap I don’t know and to me it’s actually really interesting what this lawsuit is all about because it’s actually about tailor made complaining about a patent infringement and false advertising so you can see there a jury

Trial has been demanded by Taylor m i mean those those pictures do look very very similar don’t they like very similar huge thanks to Jonathan wall by the way for the uh article love Jonathan’s work and when we do talk about these brands are bringing golf more to the Forefront of affordability

How important does that sound by the way I can’t believe those words have exited my mouth but we talk about Kirkland we talk about Tacoma we talk about Cali lots of different brands I think you’re doing exceptionally well the guys at 11 as well as smashing it when it comes to more affordable

Clubs but at what point is copying copying and at what point is copying taking inspiration because I suppose there’s a fine line isn’t there but then if you’re going to sue someone over it you probably think you’re in the right don’t you so let’s uh yeah see how how

That one goes and I guess for anyone more interested in this kind of big lawsuit I’m not going to kind of read the whole lawsuit out because that would take forever it’s got a lot of big words in it that I can neither say nor understand but I will read Taylor made’s

Statement to you because I think it’s really interesting I actually really like what they’re trying do they’re basically just trying to protect their own intellectual property aren’t they that’s about as big as the words are going to get for me by the way so it kicks off by torid saying they are proud

Of all their Innovations and technological advances they’ve shaped the industry it’s hard to disagree with that they have been pretty much at the four front of a lot of information excuse me if it sounds like I’m reading this off a script because I don’t want

To get it wrong is in fact tailor Ma’s actual statement so they go on talking about the metal woods in 1979 movable weight technology in 2004 of course with the R7 flight control technology in 2009 and of course launch of the p790 in 2017 but where it really gets interesting is

When it says so another company seeks to imitate our products we take it very seriously and take immediate action not only are we protecting our intellectual property we are also seeking to protect golfers who may be duped and misled into thinking cheaper imitations will perform at the same level as the original our

P790s have been synonymous with distance and forgiveness for golfers of all levels and this is why we decided to file the lawsuit against an inferior imitation under the name Kirkland Signature Players irons from Costco and Indie golf that’s from a tailor made spokesperson very interesting like

They’ve not not really gone into a lot of detail but I feel like they’ve gone into enough detail and of course called the Kirkland products an inferior imitation where this could get really spicy and really interesting when John Ron went to live I thought that was it

For kind of golf controversy I thought 2024 can not get any more controversial it’s the 2nd of February today and the really fun thing for me about all this is I don’t really have a dog in this fight I agree with Taylor Made the p790s were an absolute Game

Changer so many brands have taken that hollow body design and kind of run with it but I also like the idea of a more affordable brand making golf products that gets more people into golf so realistically it’s a shame we can’t all just get on isn’t it but we have both 6

A here and we’re about 170 yards out which one’s going to get closer we’ll go Kirkland first we had to finish this out in a straight Jewel didn’t we closest to the pin ball slightly above the feet should just draw in nicely that one felt really I mean that’s a

Kirkland and like I have reviewed these they do feel good that’s front edge of the green can’t really complain with that too much and it wasn’t the best strike either like I said I’ve been in the studio with these clubs and they do perform okay I’m not going to say they

Perform great but they perform okay you don’t have the level of consistency or potentially control with them but price money’s money isn’t it so time for the tailor maid it’s a good standing that from M Kirkland we’re on the green there there p790 that is an identical ballf flight

Which one’s going to be closer this is really interesting cuz th those are two great shots for me 170 yards into the wind you’re going to take Greens in reg all day but guys get in the comments below let me know what do you think to this lawsuit tailor made

Filing is it going to get dirty is it going to get spicy or is it going to go away and I also have another little casing point I want to finish this video on cuz I don’t think this is the last we’re going to hear potentially of

Lawsuits maybe so as you can see the first ball we come to here is the Kirkland 6on and that one’s landed at front of the green it’s actually quite a way short of that flag it stopped nicely though and the tailor made is all the

Way up there I left out to the right a little bit it didn’t turn as much is that the kind of the Forgiveness element that’s a lot closer to flag High which one would you want to take there and I think really interestingly is this a big

Deal or is this one of them things where companies Sue each other all the time and really it never makes the Press but this one has I don’t know is it the last time I ain’t sure and so to summarize I want to have in my head an idea about

What potentially is going to happen with this can of worms that has now potentially been opened I feel like Titus potentially opened it back in 2017 when they sued the more C to sued them around the Prov V1 but now the Kirkland driver looks very similar to a Titleist

Tsr2 or TSI 2 or TS2 depending which model you go for is this potentially going to be another HIC up in the road for Kirkland or could it potentially just be a stroke of Genius that gets a lot of people talking guys thanks so much for watching make sure you do smash

That subscribe button if you enjoy these golf related videos and apart from that I’ll see you all at the same time tomorrow that’s the worst Drive I’ve hit in a very long time


  1. Taylor made bought out adams golf clubs some while a go, probably because they were better than anything they had at the time, I think it all boils down to greed, why should players be forced to pay these ridiculous prices,nice to see competition, good luck Costco.

  2. Taylor made bought out adams golf clubs some while a go, probably because they were better than anything they had at the time, I think it all boils down to greed, why should players be forced to pay these ridiculous prices,nice to see competition, good luck Costco.

  3. So, why only Kirkland Taylormade? What about the other major manufacturers who have clubs with technology similar to the P790?

  4. Didn’t Taylor Made buyout Adams golf after Adams sued them for copyright infringement? Hypocritical to sue one company for copying after they have done the same themselves.

  5. How can you be "duped" when it clearly says Kirkland, I don't play and never have played Taylormade, I was never sold on their overwhelming media B.S……

  6. How about TM copying PXG. PXG is the orgional pioneer and TM is just a copycat…it is good that costco is giving them a taste of their own medicine

  7. Taylormade has done the same thing. Speed pocket is an Adam technology. And before someone says, "Adam"is a taylormade company. The only reason is because Adam's sued taylormade. So, taylormade bought the company. To make a long story short .

  8. The bit from that article that I was hoping you'd bring up, was one of the designers of the P790 now works for INDI and perhaps actually brought TM tech with him.
    It's a wrinkle that may give them a leg to stand on.

  9. TM trying to protect their balance sheet!! The big brands are coming under constant pressure now from Takomo etc who's saved vast amounts of money by not paying top pro's to play their gear which we pay for at the till. There is a sea change happening and I hope Costco win.

  10. Sometimes its a strategic move. TM may be simply trying to slow down Costco for as long as they can tie it up in the court system.

  11. If the major brands would lower there prices it would be great but there greatly they brought this on there selfs

  12. TaylorMade is sure the assholes they always been. Overpriced so they can put hundreds of millions on commercials and paying players. They are afraid of people realizing what a marketing scam they are.

  13. So apparently the Kirkland irons have a “urethane insert” similar to the polymer “speed foam” insert used by Taylormade , BUT…. Taylormade claimed in the lawsuit that the “urethane insert” claim is completely false and it’s false advertising …. Which leaves me questioning some things ..So was it completely hollow or did they use polymer like Taylormade…or perhaps something else… which is interesting when you consider how well they performed..

  14. But…. does 'similar' equal 'infringement'? I just think TM is angry that someone could make good clubs for a fraction of the price. Same with Titleist.

  15. Remember when Adams was an independent company? TM stole tech from Adams for years, then bought Adam to justify stealing their tech. Couple years ago TM settled with PXG. What an ass clown of a company.

  16. All the clubs look similar. If you played with clubs from 3/4 years ago would it make much difference. Unless you're really good?

  17. Hi James, if TM win, will you have to delete all your videos containing the Kirkland players irons?

  18. It's all about price, TM feel really threatened by the direct to consumer market being so much cheaper. They want to flex their considerable muscle and fix the over inflated price of there own equipment.

  19. It has nothing to do with Costco imitation of Taylormade and everything to do with price per club. When Costco arrive at court with a variety of other brand clubs, that have the same design, materials and performance the court will ask why Taylormade hasn’t taken action against them?

  20. So…. the P790 came out in 2017. Didn't PXG introduce their hollow body irons in 2015. I realize hollow body design has been around since the early 1990's, but the current hollow body design started with PXG…… not the P790. I just answered my own question……. YES, PXG sued TaylorMade in 2017 for ……… wait for it…….. patent infringements specific to the P790 irons.

  21. They are not the same, TaylorMade is grasping at straws. It just takes one difference in design to become their own and yes Kirkland did that. Kirkland will benefit from this, you just watch.

  22. yeah but all the hallow body irons are the same so why go after costco and not tokomo, or sub 70 or callaway, ping

  23. Every fricking club maker makes a club that looks just like the TM 790.. Is Takomo next?

  24. Golfers need club that doesn’t cost an arm and leg. Lets be real, Costco just trying to get there foot in the door and done pretty good. TaylorMade needs to bring down there price or suck it up

  25. Taylor Made is going to lose, there are enough differences to not infringe on patents. Imagine if this went through how many putter brands Ping could sue?

  26. They're just upset Kirkland is making a good iron And it's cheaper That's the whole thing I use Taylor made now But they're older clubs cause I can't afford the newer ones

  27. These companies keep robbing the golf industry. If Costco can make good clubs foe their price so can Taylormade or any other company out there. These big companies have priced themselves out of the market for the average golfer. That's my take on it. I use a set of Dunlop irons that I purchased when I started playing 30 years ago. The reason i still play these is i really cant afford higher priced clubs. I love the game and it is my relaxing time not mustration time
    Thank you and you channel for what you do and share with us. Until the next video.

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