Golf Players

Pro Golfers Who Should Be BANNED For Life!

In this video, we dive into the controversial world of professional golf and discuss seven players who should be banned for their cheating ways.

These golfers have been caught red-handed bending the rules, and we believe it’s time for them to face the consequences. Join us as we explore their cheating tactics and argue why they should be removed from the sport.

Don’t miss out on this eye-opening discussion that will surely entertain and provoke debate among golf enthusiasts. Ready? Subscribe now to stay updated on all our thought-provoking content!

#bannedforlife #livgolf #pgalivmerger #golfcheating

Some players objectively make golf worse for everyone and deserve to be barred from the PGA completely they cheat the game hurt their fans disrespect their colleagues and create unnecessary conflict wherever they go if it gets to the point where you can’t even enjoy when these players make a bad shot it’s

Time to cut ties and let better players take their place so here’s our picks for the top seven players who we think should get a permanent ban from progolf and if you want to support content just like this this and help us cover your favorite sports leave us a like and

Consider subscribing number seven John Daly where do we even start John Daly was once a skilled and well-respected player many expected him to be a big name in golf which he is but for all the wrong reasons the only things people seem to know daily for today are his

Questionable pants and his temper tantrums I mean heck he made our top 10 list of best Tantrums but behind it all there are reports of trashed hotel rooms gambling addictions and alcoholism that isn’t getting any better this man has been suspended five times and fined over $100,000 for his misconducts and yet the

PGA keeps letting him come back but worst of all Dy doesn’t seem to care about playing he stops trying after a few rounds and has been cited 21 times for not giving his best effort two more than his number of professional wins but if Jon isn’t half-assing it he’ll simply

Walk off the field and go home he doesn’t even have the talent anymore to mask this type of behavior so why is Jon allowed to take tournament slots that could have gone to Pros who wanted to actually play the sport we can’t help but feel cheated on better players

Whenever Dy decides he’s done for the day bar this man now number six t Hatton TL Hatton is well known for his short temper and for dropping fball bombs like he drops balls and while these moments can be fun to watch there’s a problem when this is the way he behaves every

Single week now we’re not snobs who think there’s a problem with swearing golf is one of the most frustrating games in the world no the problem is that golf already has a hard enough time finding a younger audience and that isn’t helped when parents won’t let their children watch games with them

Because a handful of players regularly use this kind of language some have suggested adding content warnings for tournaments with players who use frequent profanity like TL but that doesn’t solve the problem of helping young players get into Golf Plus having content warnings would only encourage more players to have this type of

Behavior making the problem even worse others think their mics should be taken away but this is a problem with their frequent Tantrums not just their language number five Matt Wallace in the same vein as TL is Matt Wallace another golfer with frequent temper tantrums but Matt Wallace’s aner causes a different

Type of problem making it difficult for other members of the PGA to feel safe at work after Wallace was having trouble on a hole catching asphalt hitting a ball out of a parking lot the pro golfer lashed out at his caddy his mic was off

But fans at home could see him lift the words shut the f up you could argue that people need thicker skin in sports whether you’re the player or the caddy but this is how he acts in public we can only imagine how Wallace treats people behind the scenes if he’s this easy to

Provoke no matter how thick your skin is how much verbal abuse are you supposed to take before this kind of behavior gets punished but don’t take our word for it former golf legend Gary Evans said both Matt Wallace and tiell Hatton were a disgrace to the sport for their

Lack of self-control in evans’s words what does the European tour do about it sweet fa sorry but it’s all wrong but if you’re still defending these players even Matt Wallace criticized his own behavior back in 2019 we don’t see him treating the people who make this sport

Possible any better so for that reason Wallace needs to go numbers four and three Vince India and Jake stano you’ve probably heard about these two in the news recently to sum up the controversy Vince and Jake were both caught betting on golf tournaments Vince received a 6-month suspension while Jake got three

Now these two weren’t betting on tournaments they were involved in so some fans have come to their defense to say they shouldn’t have been suspended at all however this is more than an issue with gambling itself the reason the PGA has put a ban on athletes making bets is because they’ve developed close

Partnerships with gambling companies it’s a conflict of interest to their business model if their athletes start betting on games at Best this makes gambling less fun for everyone else because the pros know the sport and the players better than anyone else at worst these these athletes are using Insider

Knowledge to cheat the system and make a quick buck and this is why the PGA set strict rules against gambling rules that apparently weren’t that strict if they’re allowing these players to come back all this says is that Pros can gamble as long as they try not to get

Caught number two John ROM PGA players moving to the Rival Golf Association Liv is one of the hottest points of contention in the golf world today Liv has been swiping players and sealing them in exclusive deals and one of the biggest players looking to make the

Switch is John Rah who was offered $600 million to play for live ROM has already left the tgl which suggests that he’s getting ready to make the leap no matter which Association you prefer the PGA and Liv are competitors we aren’t sure if ROM’s deal is exclusive and we aren’t

Saying we’re biased toward the PGA we just think he shouldn’t be allowed to double dip and work for the comp competition it’s like finding out your best chef is working at a competing restaurant it’s a conflict of interest number one Patrick Reed ending our list

Is a player so full of himself that he decided to sabotage anyone who criticized him and his behavior journalism is an important part of golf having that open discussion is what helps build community but Reed it seems didn’t get that memo and decided to sue several well-known writers and

Commentators for defamation a according to Reed they owed him $750 million in Damages for tarnishing his name a name that only has a net worth of $9 million Reed wasn’t expecting to win this trial it’s what’s known as a slap suit a lawsuit meant to scare others from

Criticizing you out of fear of getting sued it’s the legal equivalent of crying until you get what you want fortunately the judge saw that the American golfer was trying to step on the journalist’s right to free speech and ordered Reed to pay all of their legal fees Patrick Reed

Already ran off to live golf so we’re going to mix things up and say he shouldn’t be allowed to play in that League either if Reed can’t respect this crucial aspect of the game he shouldn’t be allowed to be a part of it at all did

We miss anyone on this list let us know which players you think should be permanently banned from the sport and if you want to support the channel remember to subscribe to the sports Clubhouse for discussions on your favorite games having a deep discussion about it seem to be going too well should have Up getting the bin I mean that’s so bad go in


  1. Swearing is apparently a problem but talking about a non existent god is okay on tv? One harms society, the other is an expression. Guess which is worse…

  2. If any of these guys last name was woods nobody would say a word. I've been on the course more than once where he used tons of foul language. And his past off course women problems are just as bad as gambling

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