Why Does Tiger Woods Like Max Homa’s CASTING of the Club???

Watch Part 1 of 5 of The GOAT Code:

Did Tiger Woods cast the golf club? Most golfers struggle with casting or losing lag and this leads them to flip coming down.

But great players actually begin casting the golf club immediately in the downswing. So what’s the difference?

Watch this five part video series to learn how to throw the club properly from the top.

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Guy wouldn’t even give me 10 [Laughter] points short oh come on it looks good here come on that one’s 500 so we’re in for a00 points do not carry over byone wondering at home did you catch what tiger was talking about there it probably went a

Little little too fast for your eye some of you may have caught it but let’s slow it down and look at maxom here face on with the iron now this is one of the biggest things that if you’re going to ever be a proper ball Striker the difference between amateurs and pros at

The top I see this almost daily that this left wrist begins to break down and cup at the top and the club ends up way over here because that’s the only way that you’re going to get that much uh wrist coock angle lag angle is allowing

That wrist to cup a little bit and that gives you way more mobility in your wrist and amateur golfers think that they need to do that for power and all it does is ends up forcing you to scoop and flip at the bottom because you if

You Cup this wrist you’re going to open the face and as you come down the face is going to be open and you’re going to sense that and you’re going to start trying to flip it because that’s an effective way to start squaring the face but of course you get no compression on

The ball it spins and blah blah blah if you look at Max he’s super wide and as tiger talked about he’s getting wider this is what I was talking about in this in the goat code video series that I just released this week and you can see

That so evident here that he’s trying to get that club head back out in front of his body and makes a super super wide swing and look how clean he Clips this ball I know a lot of people made fun of tigers I don’t take divots when I hit

The ball well I hate taking divots I love clipping the ball like this and this is a beautiful strike and the way that you create this type of strike of the ball where it’s this clean with a really really shallow angle of attack is

You got to be wide and you got to start getting wide immediately as I was talking about in the goat code which this was the key that unlocked me being able to swing so similarly to Tiger Wood’s 2000 swing that you saw in the last video is by being wide and you can

See Max keeps maximum width throughout his entire swing that’s what pulls him around to this follow through and Max is not alone take a look at tdb Tiger Woods in the same uh era early 2000s massive width in the back swing flat wrist at the top like we’re going

To talk about in just a moment how to get there and then notice again like you could hang clothes on this it’s so perfectly flat but he’s not trying to narrow on the way down watch what’s moving first what do you see is he firing his hips

From the top as fast as he can hips are barely moved at all there’s definitely some rotation for sure but this is the part that that’s overemphasized and missed that golf club the club head has moved way way more he’s working to get this club head out in front of his body

And this is what we’re going to talk about in just a moment of how to not only get this type of width at the top of your back swing and have that club face square and realize that you don’t need to cup that wrist and get a ton of

Wrist set for power in the swing because it just makes it makes you require so much more timing and great hands to try and square that thing coming down the goats knew that they needed to have a very simple swing that was very repeatable and you can see that clearly

Here Tiger’s body his shoulders are still shut his hips are barely Square he is focusing on getting that club head back in front of his body and when he was playing his best this was what he did better than anybody and that was exactly the trick that allowed me to

Start swinging so similarly to Tiger if you look at another another clip here this is him back in the day with a wedge I think a I think a wedge short iron here and man he was so good with his wedges back then man he was good notice

How wide he is here amateur golfers think that they need to take every single Club back to here in order to have any power in the swing but if you start throwing from the top look what’s moving first here what do you see Club head Club head he’s widening

Widening widening maintaining width in the swing what’s cool is obviously studying the goats the greatest golfers of all time I went way back long before even tiger long before Sam Sneed but here’s a clip of Sam Sneed and I love this golf swing because this epitomizes what we’re talking about in the goat

Code notice how wide he is at the top this is with the driver now Sam’s probably a little bit older in his age so at this point so maybe he couldn’t didn’t have the same flexibility or what have you but you can see just how wide

He is with his wrist he’s keeping that club head from getting way behind him keeping him from opening his face and the left hand the lead hand is such an important plays such an important role in maintaining this with and making it so much easier to get the club back down

In front of you and that is what this first video in the goat code series is about and I want to share it with everybody totally free because it’ll help you start to understand why golf has been so damn hard for you because it really isn’t hard when you understand

Just these basic principles of how to move the golf club and what’s moving look at Sam is he firing his hips as hard as he can Sam’s old the the Sam Sneed squat which he did long before the tiger squat you can see very clearly he’s not trying to turn his hips fast

He’s trying to get that club head back out in front of his body and what a beautiful golf swing he had but it was all about maintaining WID let’s take a look at Tiger here doing the same thing as I pointed out in the first video

Tiger Woods has swung the same way since he was at least 5 years old so here he is back at the usam at Saw Grass and watches how he brings the club down first of all notice the width he’s not getting anywhere near parallel and obviously he in terms of flexibility at

That age that dude was flexible back then very very limber not muscular at all he was able to make as long of a swing as he wanted to but he didn’t need to to produce speed and power what he’s doing tell me what you see watch how

Much the club head moves let’s just put a little circle around it here real quick here’s where the club head is and then here’s where his left hip is look at how much that club head has been thrown from the top just like Nicholas said just like Mike Austin said back in

The day I think Nicholas even quoted Mike Austin at one point and said he was a phenomenal ball Striker he had a big hip turn a little bit different style than tiger I’m much more simple I want my hips to be pretty quiet but you can see the exact same motion notice how

Wide he’s getting that club he’s literally the only way to do that is to start to extend the wrist from the top of the swing and that’s what this first video is so for the next couple days I’m going to leave this video open and free

For everybody I’ve put the link down in the description below and I’ve put it I’ve pinned it in the comments so you can get access to it so if you want to start understanding what the goats really did in their swing and stop firing your hips wrecking your back

Hurting your shoulders hurting your hips all of that stuff click the link down in the description and on Saturday morning this Saturday morning which is February I think the 3 I’m going to be live from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. answering questions on YouTube so any question

Questions you post down the comments for those couple hours about this first video I’ll be happy to answer them and hopefully we can get you starting to swing like the greatest golfers of all time


  1. Nicely illustrated. I was surprised when my teacher asked me to "cast from the top" given that so much instruction has gone against that, but Malaska talks about it too. Look forward to watching more of this and playing with it on the range to see how it feels.

  2. Im curious to know, if all things were equal, and the player turned and pulled his arms at the same speed would the club head speed be faster with the wider arc or faster with the massive lag and snap at the ball? Any thoughts or better yet a study or test showing some data?

  3. I find this discussion fascinating. There are a small number of golf teachers, and a few players, who have been advocating this for some time. Essentially that the hands start the downswing and the body reacts appropriately just as in your throwing demonstration.
    It appears that reverse engineering the golf swing from video set golf instruction back many years. I feel the same about Ground Reaction forces. They have been around since gravity.
    You have now joined that small band of teachers ( some on you tube with only a few thousand subscribers) who teach this concept and feel that it’s like brushing water uphill.
    Just remember that golf instruction on path and face effects was totally wrong until Trackman proved it was just OPPOSITE of what was being taught. Your recognition of what starts the downswing is a “ light bulb moment for you” but in fairness we should should acknowledge the trailblazer instructors who have been preaching this for years,
    It will be interesting to see , with your higher profile, how much traction this concept gets in mainstream instruction.

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