Golf Babe

What an Amateur Champion gets up to at home | Women’s Amateur Asia-Pacific


In 2023 Thailand’s Eila Galitsky won the fifth Women’s Amateur Asia-Pacific (WAAP) championship in commanding fashion, becoming the second player from her country to triumph in the region’s pre-eminent amateur championship.

As the 2023 WAAP champion, Galitsky earned dream starts in three major championships – the AIG Women’s Open, the Amundi Evian Championship and The Chevron Championship – as well as the Hana Financial Group Championship, ISPS Handa Australian Open, the 120th Women’s Amateur Championship and an invitation to play in the Augusta National Women’s Amateur (ANWA).

We visit the champion at home to find out what makes her tick, how she relaxes and to hear from family, friends and her coach.

The R&A | The Open | The AIG Women’s Open





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Andit the second player from Thailand to win this Championship ellit the women’s amate Asia Pacific Champion congratulations hi I’m Ella galitzki I’m 17 years old I’m from changai Thailand and welcome to my Home this is matcha she is named matcha because uh my brother had this phase where he loved drinking matcha and this is milky she’s a bit scared but her name’s milky because I’m lactose intolerant and she’s white and I thought that would be funny so I miss them very

Much when I’m on tour because they’re like my best friends it’s pretty sad but yeah Basically I wake up have some breakfast my mom usually makes me breakfast when I’m at home so that’s always nice and then go to see my cousins my aunts and just chill like do some cooking anything yeah she says just to toss it away into nature we’re here at my aunt’s house and

Just on the road from my house we’re here to cook some very delicious Northern Thai food she’s a really really good cook and she basically makes food for us every single day she’s kind of like the head cook of the village she makes a lot of food and then just give

It out to a bunch of houses and I mean yeah so it’s really nice to come home to her cooking every day and I really really like it okay okay so in TI this is called gang be which is banana flour with pork bone we’re have to slice up the

Pork hopefully I don’t cut myself this is a very big knife to serve wow great thank you go down we got some this is the right season too what extra spicy this one yeah golf can be really a lot sometimes I just need a break and eating together as a family is always

Nice to come home to that Good golf is a sport and all sports require Fitness and athletic movement so I like to go for runs cuz that will get my heart rate up and basically control my breathing while running so I know how to transfer that into the golf course I do a lot of uh

Weightlifting because I feel like I need to get stronger hit further and prevent injury I hurt my back a few years ago and it put me out for like a month and a half and I never want to go through that again so right now it’s a lot of

Stretching working out and a lot of uh balance movements cuz that’s pretty important for a golf swing to stay balanced and to stay fit [Applause] We’ve known each other since I was eight and he was seven yeah cuz I’m a year older than him mhm now rough climbing who would you say is better at that I think um you’ll probably see the videos but I’m just slightly better I don’t think you’re slightly better peg you’re

Like really better she’s so good try not to touch the other ones except for the black one and get to the top show me go for it you got to show me fine I think it targets some of the muscles you can’t really hit in the gym it’s more body

Weight a lot to do with grip strength and just in general all the little muscles and flexibility obviously two feet and then try to grab your right hand and then once you get that move your left feet to that small one I didn’t even yet to climb it the

Falling part is not very fun but the climbing part is quite fun Okay Ella was a very very athletic little kid she needed to have some after school activity and I recommended uh to the my wife that she would take her to play golf and this is exactly the place where she came l a golf course as a little 8-year-old trying to hit balls

First time she came here she actually made some contact really enjoyed it and uh we’ve been here ever since Honestly try to get your shoulders a little bit Yeah I met Ella the winter of 2017 2018 try and get that one underneath yeah that was perfect she had a lot of athletic Mobility hit the ball long way for a little girl I wasn’t that

Little you know we we do about 2 or 3 hours a day sort of where we practice different practices we get on quite well there’s um relatively good chemistry how would you kind of like sum up her personality awesome would you say she’s quite a like

A receptive student not at all no not at all okay let’s do slowly back that’s it good a little bit more forward good for me feel is really really important I know a lot of golfers from like 30 yards they know how much to take

It back and stuff like that I don’t do that I just look at it I feel it and I just hit it Going into it I didn’t think I had a shot because of all the great players like top 10 players were there but once I started getting more comfortable I was like yeah I can probably do this in the practice round I think I lost like five or seven balls so I was

Just trying to make the cut and then after the first round I think I was three under I was in the top five and I was like hey maybe it’s not too Bad on 14 I missed like a two Fritter for par and I went up to the tea and then I told uh one of the tational team coaches that Watch Me Hit This exactly two feet out and I’ll make the Putt and that’s exactly what I did Exquisite breathtaking can’t believe I

Did that actually I was just saying that to make her happy to draw this one and it should take a big bounce we have left off I didn’t feel like I had that big of a lead even though I had like a four or five shot lead anything can really

Happen I could hit it out of bounds and I could just lose four strokes right there wow we haven’t seen anybody get that far down the Fairway on 18 it didn’t feel real to me kind of until the second shot on the par five when I hit

It on the green I was like hey I think I got this after I made the putt I think I let out a sigh of relief it was more relieving than anything because the pressure I felt going into the last day was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before words really can’t describe the

The feeling you have when you see your daughter reach a goal that she’s worked so so hard to achieve the pride in her her game her development is is really something that was amazing to see I feel so proud so so proud I have a tear come

Out of my eyes like I fly in the air I feel like wow this is true wow my daughter can make It it was amazing I made a name for myself a little bit well done Ella kpy she’s flying high it just shows that even at this age I can still compete with all the pros so hopefully I keep growing and hopefully I’ll win one of those one day

How high would you say the ceiling is for this young Talent world number one I think yeah I think that’s achievable I’ll be disappointed if is if you were to describe La in five words what would those be dedicated passionate hardworking enthusiastic and happy

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