How To Control Your Clubface With Your Lead Elbow

Your Lead Elbow has the ability to change the way your club face works in your golf swing. Help improve your angle of attack and improve your golf swing to square up your club face at impact.

I hope you enjoy!

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This video gives you great detail on how to hit more greens, hit more fairways and lower your golf scores and ultimately your handicap.

We look at 3 things:

1. How improve your golf grip
2. How to increase angle of attack
3. Help improve your body speed in golf

and I hope to do all this with simple understanding to create a simple golf easy golf swing.

Today I want to talk you through the left elbow the influence the left elbow has on your golf swing club face forearm rotation and angle of attack let’s get into it I see a lot of golfers on my map when they set up to the golf go ball

Golf ball with pow grips the orchestrator a lot of the time in that paw grip is the left elbow the left elbow is an influencer on where the hand sits on the golf club so if you’ve seen enough of my videos on the grip hand the

Butt of the golf club needs to sit in the pad of the left hand and we’re looking for a crease here pressure on the handle is crucial through strike now with my left hand in good orientation and I now set myself up to the golf ball

You are able to see if we focus in on my left elbow here we’re able to see the left elbow point at the Target and we’re also able to see the left elbow point back to my left hip when the left elbow points back to the left hip this delivers a few things

It will tend to orientate your grip to the weaker side of life now as you’ll know as soon as the left hand starts to orientate itself to the left because the left elbow is turned down what will tend to happen is as you start to create forward Shar lean through

Stri can’t get my words out this morning through strike as soon as you get some forward shling you get some down strike because of that elbow it will offer the face open to the path line so on the right hand side the face to path line there is

The orientation the face is to the path so it was open to the path by 12.8 de theth path was from the inside at 3° and I hit down at 6.5 I’m going to put my left elbow back to my left tip and you can see how it tries to orientate my

Hand to the palm of the hand to the sky so then what I’m going to try to do is then straighten that golf ball up and in doing that to straighten that golf ball up I have to feel like the golf club swings past me to square the face

Up now what that does is it takes the angle of attack away so the left elbow will open up the club face if the left elbow pointing to the left hip is preset to the sky because you’ll then struggle to get your left hand in the right spot

So when I say the left elbow will affect the angle of attack it will affect the angle of attack because the face is open which will make you try to swing and unload the levers to stop the ball going to the right so when the left elbow now gets into a

Position where it starts to turn more to the Target it gives me way more ability to start to move this hand in the right spot then when I start to get my left hand more on top can you see how the left elbow now starts to point more at

The Target but that being said I could still get my left elbow Point pointed down to the floor and that’s where some people will strug with the left hand orientation is if the elbow is out of orientation and they keep on tucking the elbow down to the left hip just because

That’s the way they’ve always done it because of the way they’ve held the golf club you’ll change the grip but the elbow will start to pull your hand back to where it usually is so once you’ve changed your grip and check out my video uh my playlist series on the golf grip

Getting that left elbow to the right spot will help you place that left hand in the right place now the left elbow also will start to affect how your forearms work on the way back the more the left elbow is pointed more to the Target the more you will tend to see a

Left arm that wants to internally rotate should I say it externally rotate so left arm will want to feel like it externally rotates and if it wanted to externally rotate look what would happen to the club head the club head would stay out if my left arm

Was left elbow pointed to my left hip and then the back the inside of my left arm points to the sky as I move my golf club back my left forearm would want to internally rotate and of course what that then starts to do is start to lay

That shaft down too early and help you get the club face open so the left elbow at a dress will help you feel how the handle could move in which will allow the forearm rotation to start to happen a little later in your back swing and when you get that forearm rotation a

Little later in that back swing we start to change the shape of the shaft so that when we’re in that pole phase so when we’re in that pole phase the forearm is already internally rotated so that we can get some pressure on the shaft down through

Strike so the left elbow will alter the way you set your hand the left elbow will also alter the way your forearm rotation works in your back swing but here’s the Nugget here is the absolute Primo of the change is that it changes the way the left shoulder works and it

Will change the way the left hip works and it will change the way your chest works the more your left elbow points at the Target the more it will want to turn down turn down through strike now look what happens when the left elbow feels like it wants to turn down through

Strike all of a sudden we start to get this handle feeling like it can work down and around us the left forearm the left elbow down and around us look what it’s doing to the club head the left elbow feeling like it’s going to turn down and around

Us when it’s preset at the Target it then starts to help that left shoulder and if you’ve not seen it I did a video week or so ago had a been warmly received on that one it will really help that left shoulder start to work around

And so that you can get that left elbow down so if if that left elbow has already started or the left elbow started down and the back of the left arm is pointing up the forearm is going to tend to want to work inwards and if you’ve worked enough with with the

Path Inside Out you will have tried to get the elbow High get the elbow High to get yourself more inside as opposed to we’re trying to get the elbow down the elbow down that will pull the face around and I see this a lot I had one client that’s

Always worked on impact getting himself into this spot here the elbow points to the Target trying to get it tucked inside that left shoulder up and it really starts to get that club head out of orientation so to recap then set your grip first that would be my

Recommendation don’t put the club down here if you can get the club up in front of you put your grip on set it first then once you get yourself down to set up then change the the orientation of the elbow change the orientation and point the elbow to the to the Target so

We’ve got the elbow to the Target are you tired of paying too much for premium leather golf gloves GX golf gloves are trusted by tour players and Elite amateurs alike head over to jxg golf and use my code good coaching to get 10% off your next order and then

Feel how that will start to alter the way your left forearm wants to work on the way back it’ll almost want to feel like the left elbow is going to turn almost back down to my toe line here which will then start to really change the way that club head works and then

Down through strike I’m starting to feel how that left elbow is going to continually Point down to the ground so the left elbow is a biggie on how it makes the forarm work how it will affect your shoulder how it will affect the club face many ramifications for getting

That left elbow in the wrong position and you’ll find that if you put your Club down grip it you might just find that that elbow was pointing too much to the floor


  1. Never thought of the left elbow before but it makes so much sense ….. everyone talks about the trail elbow but not the lead…. Going to have a play 😊

  2. Stuart, don’t normally post, but just spent about 10 mins trying this move from watching the vid. From an over the top, early extending 11 index player, this information is WOW. The continuous sweet strike is unreal. Cheers

  3. Without any conscious thought my left elbow has been pointing back toward the left hip. Just gripping the club and taking an address position that is where it ends up. For some reason it must feel stronger to me. Plan to give the "pointing at the target" position a try and see what happens. The way you explain it makes sense to me.

  4. Now that’s good golf coaching.

    Did you do this video because of Bryson and Paige’s video?

    The GX clubs feel very near the titleist glove, at a better price point.

  5. Stu, you're mighty close to 10k subscrbers, well done. This video was another good one, many people may talk about grip, but you're the first that I know who also talks about elbow position and how it affects swing movement. Thanks for the education. Cheers.

  6. I never realized how un flexible my elbow is. I feel like I have to move my wrist to make my elbow move.
    I guess it's time to work on flexibility drills. 😂😅

  7. Enjoying your vids, Stuart. I've benefitted lots from a previous vid on left arm rotation and have done quite a few reps of left arm only shots while walking my dog 😊

  8. Way too confusing. Just tell us what to do. Not all the other crap with all the permiuntations

  9. This is not a "One Trick Improvement" video. This is a continuous lessons theme approach requiring students to actually invest in effort to improve thru time. Thank you, Stuart.

  10. I will to lead with the elbow but it really feels awkward. I feel like I really need to strengthen my grip. Could this lead to tennis elbow though?

  11. For many years, I followed Hogans 5 lessons. Im sure you know he fought a hook. I wasn't aware then. I blindly followed his elbow pockets pointed in the sky. Plus, his weaker grip, for him, promoted his preferred fade. Of course, most of us fight the slice. For a while it worked, I was connected, but quick fixes never last, do they ? Your lesson here pointed out my fault very clearly as regards to the lead elbow. Off to the range today to work on this drill, just going through your moves here indoors makes it obvious to me what im doing wrong. Brilliant insight, even though you got tounge tied early on, lol ! Many thanks Stuart.

  12. Hello Stuart, congratulations for 10k , i observed, that in your pre shot routine sometimes you make a special move with your left arm in the direction of the target. Is this especially for the elbow, or grip or both?
    Thank you for your expertise,
    20k soon,

  13. Stuart, i watched almost all your videos and absolutely love the educational approach, i have so more trust when i understand why to change something.
    You mentioned the importance of pulling the hands towards the ball first, as a "steepener" who pulls the hands downwards and then very close to the body, i would be highly interested in more information on how to pull it outside towards the ball in the beginning. Can you recommend drills for that purpose or did i miss a video?

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