Golf Babe

Things To Do In Bella Vista, Arkansas

So many things to do in Bella Vista!

3 Day Itineraries:

Instant Home Updates:

NWA Starter Pack:

What’s Going On In NWA Email:

I made 3-Day Travel Itineraries for NWA

For the Foodie
For the Artist
For the Adventurer
For the Sports Enthusiasts
For the Sightseer
For the Kids

—- Download right here —-


Phillip Shepard
text/call: 479.332.9631

Video Chapters

00:00 – Start
01:38 – Things To Do In Bella Vista
02:26 – Activities
03:40 – Golf
06:06 – Lake – Beach – Boat
07:14 – Bike – Hike – Run
08:24 – Shoot

#bentonvillear #bentonville #fayetttevillear #fayetteville #northwestarkansas

So maybe you’re thinking about taking a trip to bellista Arkansas or eventually moving here not a bad idea if you ask me let’s talk about some of the core things you definitely need to do here when you’re coming to Bellis to Arkansas so let’s talk about that hey everybody if

You don’t know who I am my name is Philip Shepard I’m a local real estate agent located right here in Northwest Arkansas if you weren’t aware I actually was a real estate broker located in the dumpster fire the horrible the no good rotten state of chicagoillinois for many

Many years I started looking around America where is the best place to live in America in North Arkansas is by far that place by far if you ever want to talk about why I chose Northeast Arkansas versus anywhere else in America definitely call me let’s meet down let’s

Talk about for coffee specifically Onyx let’s talk about why I chose North Arkansas versus anywhere else in America and let’s meet up and talk about that if you haven’t been down to North Arkansas quite yet I made something called the NWA starter pack sounds exactly what it

Is literally St Pack full of all the cool things northest Arkansas what’s going on downtown benville what’s going on in Rogers what are the hospitals like what are the schools like all the things you’d want to know about North Arkansas package ship right to your home literally right to your home enter your

Name below Ander your address below where do you want me to ship this package to let me know with all the information below I make sure they get the package Shi to you right away also side note it does come with your first free mountain bike

So that’s pretty cool and in and I know what you’re thinking I know what you’re thinking it is my favorite for f word free so enter your information below and make sure they get the package ship to you right away all right so the first thing we

Need to cover is the things to do in bellista Arkansas so a little bit of a hashtag Aster public surface announcement is that a lot of these things are only going to be reserved for uh actual Property Owners now the cool thing is that you can actually buy a piece of

Bist and land for like pennies of the dollar not really more like like a like a, or $2,000 are the cheapest if you get them but it’s not buildable so don’t get your don’t get too excited but anyways but obviously a lot of people build homes here or they actually buy homes

It’s usually the best route is to buy a new construction home usually the cheapest price per entry kind of thing anyways just know that I’m going the things I’m going to talk about are actually specific to property owners and there’s very few things you can do that’s not property owner except for one

Thing I’ll mention I’ll mention that specifically but regardless let’s jump into those right now and the first thing we need to talk about when it comes to things to do in bellista Arkansas are just the activities in general this is going to be a broad stroke here we’ll

Talk about more activities in a little bit but let’s talk about a couple activities that you can do in B Vista there are I think four pickleball courts in a b a bunch of other recreation centers we just finished up actually a brand new recreation center in Bell

Vista so it’s been on kind of like a like a little bit of a year and a half buildout but the reason they did this is because like whenever I mentioned about talked about B Vista I talked about a workout center this workout center is chef’s kiss good it’s actually

Respectable not going to lie the last one that they had there was like I was almost like why even bother honestly it was good but it was actually it wasn’t even good regardless there are is a really good workout center now super jazzed about that there’s like restaurants there’s things to do it

Really is this own private Community hence the hence Bist is a private Community for for members only and on top of that there’s pools there are so many things when it comes to activities both indoors and Outdoors you will love what when it comes to bellista specifically so let’s talk about some

Other activities in a little bit but just know that all there’s a lot of outdoor activities there’s a lot of pools there’s a lot of work rout centers there a lot of like that kind of like kind of recreation Vibe you get in Bell Vista and the second thing we need to

Talk about when it comes to things to do in Bell Vista Arkansas is the golfing now this relates back to the activities but it needs to have its own like Little slice in the pie because it’s so important now this is one of those activities where you can actually go

Into Bell Vista and use it without actually being a member the perk of being a bell Vista property owner is the fact that golf is stupid cheap when if you are a property owner I think it was like $9 or $10 for an 18 18 hole

Round you don’t get a golf court or golf cart specifically but you can play 18 holes for incredibly cheap in Bell Vista if you’re a property owner but regardless there are five 18-hole golf courses and they are Immaculate and amazing and then there’s two actually nine-hole golf courses and on top of

That there’s actually a driving range so all the things you want to have about golf bellista has all those things afford plenty of spes to work with and shoot around and then on top of that a actual driving range and plus a lot of other stuff as well so regardless golf is

Actually kind of core to Bell Vista originally B Vista was actually kind of a was a age limit kind of retirement place but then they broke open the chains and allowed everyone to move in there this is quite a few years ago a long time ago but regardless the Bellis

Was designed always to be a golf course kind of community and has grown extensively since then with many more other things for a wider range range of Ages honestly and before we jump on to the next point I have something brand new called instant home updates so maybe you’re looking at

Or Redfin notifications way too slow way too slow that’s why I made something called instant home updates now it sounds exact what it is little instant home updates so enter your name below enter all the information below square footage bedrooms bathrooms where do you want to move to North Arkansas enter all

The information below I’ll make sure you don’t miss a single notification when it comes for homes for sale or for Rand all in North Arkansas also side note every single Friday I sent an email out to kind of talk about all the cool things North Arkansas what’s going on downtown

Benville what’s going on Rogers what new businesses are moving here what’s going on in feville what’s going on the amphitheater what is Chrystal Bridges doing what so many things all the time literally all the time it’s just endless amount of stuff enter your name below enter your email below I make sure you

Get an email every single Friday just kind of keep you new update with all things North Arkansas but sadly side note again you you will get a little fear of missing out little fomo so to speak but I promise you will be the most affirmed person eventually when you make

Way out to North Arkansas and the third thing you definitely need to do in Bell Vista Arkansas now this will be specific to property owners are lakes beaches and boats so just know that if you are a property owner you you have access to these things but there are there’s one

Major Beach that I do love in belis there’s other ones you can probably that are are they’re not really public facing but you can kind of sneak in there tell nobody but there is one major public beach in Bell Vista but regardless obviously beaches there’s boats you

Might if you don’t if you don’t have a boat make some friends but regardless beaches boats fishing all the things you’d want to have when it comes to Lakes obviously paddle boats you can do some people do uh like what do you call it the wake boarding not the wake boarding but the

Pedal pedal boarding so to speak so regardless cuz there’s a bunch of wake Lakes no wake lakes in Bell Vista there’s a couple wake lakes in bellista for the boats Etc so regardless if you are in bista your property owner or your te coming down here uh just know that

There are plenty of water to be to Splash in and to have a beach in obviously go to the beach Etc so just know that there’s a lot of water Recreation here but you need do need to be a property owner so just be aware that if you’re coming down here just for

A little little trial run and the fourth thing you definitely need to do in bellista Arkansas and this is open to anyone is both hike bike and run I think there’s actually about a 100 miles of Trail systems in Bell Vista they keep adding them so honestly it’s kind of

Keep it’s hard to keep on top of like how many miles it keep added on but there’s a ton of Trail systems in Bell Vista a lot of it is kind of designed for biking but the thing that makes it different than benville is specifically

That Bist is is a lot of like longer Trails so it’s great for hiking like I’ve I’ve hiked and ran there plenty of times and the thing about with bell Vista is that you can go on the trail system just hike it or run it or

Whatever you want to call it and and you’re not going to be running into bikes all the time so you can definitely have that shared pathway in Bell Vista so just know that if you’re moving to B Vista and you’re not really like a mountain biker so to speak you can if

You’re a hiker plenty of times I’ve seen Runners out there hikers out there Etc I I see people that actually like like have a full-on garment of of hiking and they like go through the whole thing so just know that there’s a lot of activities out there when it comes to

Outdoor spaces running hiking biking Etc now now if you’re a mountain biker game on a lot of Trail systems for you a lot of fun places a lot of cool things so just know that when you’re coming into Bell Vista and the fifth and final cool

Thing that you can do in Bell Vista now this is both half property owner half non-property owner there’s a shooting range owned by Bell Vista just on the outskirts a little bit uh the skied side of things so the things you shoot up and that’s open to the public you can go

There grab a a bunch of friends grab some guns obviously and then go shoot some ski Etc I’ve done that before always fun always enjoyable the second part of actual Bist is actually shooting range so practicing shots Etc practicing the guns all the different things long story

Short uh it is both half private and half public so just know when you’re coming down to the area if you’re bringing guns for some reason for your trip um just know that uh Bist is half when it comes to ski shooting go for it the other actual privatized stuff is for

Uh actual members only so keep that in mind if you’re coming down here to shoot some shoot some stuff if you’re coming down here to shoot shoot some stuff um definitely check out bista on the skat side of stuff but there’s plenty of other ranges in North aransa for just

Gun ranges so don’t feel like you are stuck with B Vista just know that b Vista does have that for a perk as one would say about Bell Stone all right that’s all I have for you guys today again if you are think about coming down to North aransa

Download my 3D itineries link below maybe you’re a venturer maybe you’re a sports person maybe you’re a foodie maybe you’re a sightseer maybe you have kids whatever it is there’s a 3D iter link down below for you so go ahead and download them you you get down here also

When you do come down here I can give you the $10 tour so I can kind of show you around the whole area plus you get check out some H for sale or for rent and see how far your dollar would go in North Arkansas compared to where coming from

All right guys this the next One


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