Golf Players

Collin Morikawa Thursday Flash Interview 2024 AT&T Pro Am Pebble Beach © PGA Tour

Collin Morikawa Thursday Flash Interview 2024 AT&T Pro Am Pebble Beach © PGA Tour

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Short game pretty sharp today it looked like yeah uh short game was great hit a few great putts um everything kind of threw the board and you know last week driver was off kind of just got in that creative mindset this week and hit some shots and um yeah you know we’ve been

Doing a bunch of short game comps this week kind of leading up to the the the round today and I was able to kind of take some money off my caddy so it was nice to see that you know bleed into the rest of the round what were the lucky

Breaks that you got today mention uh I mean there just 16 you know I I went what birdie birdie 1415 just hit an absolute shocking of a golf shot on 16 and um ended up in a good spot to where I almost had a birdie decent birdie look

And almost made birdie so that’s kind of one where you just you know you make you make bogey versus having an easy par kind of led into I think how 17 played made a good great putt there and um just was able to finish off the round in that

In that sense I know obviously you don’t never want to miss the cut but I get the sense that from hearing some of your other interviews that that last the one the most recent one rubbed you the wrong way that you a little yeah it was just

Everything felt so good and and after Thursday’s or Wednesday’s round it was just like all right you know we’re on our way and just started thinking you know I talked earlier in a different interview where it’s just I got to stop thinking like I play my best even though

I want to be a perfectionist and I love to to be in control of everything I’ve always played my best just kind of being free and just swinging and being creative out there and just hitting my shots right and um there’s that balance of just I can live the rest of my life

In full control but out here you just sometimes you can’t control what it’s what’s going to happen and uh I was trying to be too perfect last week and this week is just I I know my I know my body can hit the shots and I just got to

Let it do that so I essentially got to get out of my own head it’s obviously a great round today but what happened at the turn what was different uh some hard holes uh I mean you know Eight’s a tough hole and just missed an iron shot uh

Made a great up and down on nine and um 10 just hit a bad bad second shot you know you just if I’m trying to fly to six iron and I fan it right it’s going to work it’s that’s what’s going to happen so um yeah couple bad swings when

You got up this morning and saw the weather wasn’t like it the forecaster said it would what went through your mind was that I was very happy um it’s always going to play tough and it still was going to be a little Breezy out here and you’re going to feel that especially

Being on the coast but uh yeah I was happy that we got through it all and didn’t really have to put on any rain jacket or you know I wasn’t freezing so it’s uh fingers crossed for the r rest of the week what was the best shot you hit

Today um probably the three-wood on six uh second shot was did exactly what I wanted um uh or the second shot on 15 Pro Shot on 15 what what club was that nine iron screens are just so soft just all all spin control

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