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NWP SEASON 7 PREMIERE – Clash Preview, New Rides, and Full Speed!!!

The NASCAR offseason is finally over and we are back to look it all over and see what has changed heading into 2024. We will also preview the Clash as well as look through all of the latest storylines for the new year. Also, be sure to like the stream and just maybe we will debut a new segment…

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[Applause] drivers start your engines green flag FL oh stay in stay in stay in come on come on come on these guys are really good keep diing stay in the gas hang on D baby not hit a thing why you so long man Down thank you so much aob and we’re live again and we’re back the fun the fun EST part of this whole deal is um nobody nobody until now except for these guys would know that I had just ran because I realized I forgot to shut two doors that I definitely

Needed shut so we’re off to a great start already guys uh but welcome to season seven of the NASCAR weekly podcast we are this is seven this is seven all right I had to count yeah it’s been so forever holy crap seven season remember last year may just randomly

Holding up seven forever D was ahead of his time the trend Setter so I’m pointing the right way that is Daren gilam AKA hello black flags matter below me is Danny B talks Daniel Baldwin and then let’s see if I point the right way this is always the most difficult one

There you go that is Eric Eep host of out of the groove and if you’re on my channel I’m hoping you know who I am uh but we have a lot to get into a lot of new stuff uh for this year as well uh you know what we should let him know

In advance we’re not doing hot takes per se but we do have bit of predictions later on that maybe we can have some reckless speculation hot takes on uh but I think the first thing we should get into uh first off is we will read the

Super chats at the top of the hour or whenever we get done with this first bit of headlines I appreciate everyone for coming out second off new for this year uh we are going to introduce a like goal 300 likes we have a new segment we might

Be able to debut but you got to hit 300 likes for that we’ll have that at the top of the screen for a bit uh but I think the uh I think one of the big things that we should get into is all of the new stuff going on this year we have

New drivers and new places we have man we have a lot of stuff in this uh obs that I’m looking through too so I I’m not even just going to you know bother acting like I’m not looking for stuff as we do it um but we have new drivers and

New places we have new schedule stuff we have new everything popping up and my God there is there is a lot so guys let’s go and look at the headlines heading into this season by the way credit to Jet for the awesome intro and new graphics oh yeah thank you Jets

Appreciate it uh and wow thank you to my mom for that Super Chat as well oh ni it’s officially a new season when the mother of all ice Springs is in the chat uh but let’s look at some of these offseason changes we got a lot of new

Rides and well you know what let’s just pop them up on the screen in a moment uh guys we have Josh Barry in the four Noah Gregson in the 10 Pas grala and Cody wear in the 15 AJ Alger Josh Williams in the 16 hemrich in

The 31 John Hunter Nim 42 Haley 51 zanen Smith 71 and the 77 of Carson josar so I’m going to start off with Danny on this one who is the best new fit when it comes to these new pairings honestly there’s a lot of really good ones John had name a check I

Think is going to do excellent you know as a another opportunity for Toyota to get a one of their top stars in a prominent position in Nascar Cup Series looking forward to seeing how the Legacy does with this change um ultimately he’s he’s not got a lot of steep competition

Back behind him trying to you know take over from TY Dy D the 42 Gregson josar split the 42 last year so the bar is not really high on that car right now so he can take up to a new level this year um but even though I don’t expect them to

Be in race winning equipment I am excited for Zay Smith and Carson hostar to see what they can do in these opportunities Spire is definitely making moves that you I think it’s good for them overall as an organization and I’ll be intrigued to see how this goes Zan

Smith definitely got the got the eyes of track house group as well and uh I’ll I’m I’m very interested to see how this goes Eric what see you on that yeah I’m GNA give Stuart hos racing some credit here I don’t think I don’t think they’ve

Gotten any better from 2023 to 2024 I think every change they’ve made has either been a you know a lateral move or is actually they’ve gotten actively worse but I will say I think Josh Barry will fit really nicely with Rodney Childers and that four team he’s not

Going to do what Kevin Harvick did last year unless Stuart hos and Ford just hit on the new car their new Ford must staying this year and just are all fast across the board unless something miraculous happens I don’t expect Josh Barry to blow anyone away this year but

I think longterm that pairing of Josh Barry and Rodney chers a couple of short track late model guys is a really good pairing so you if you had to replace Kevin Harvick you wanted someone who could work well with Rodney chers who I think we all believe is one of the best

Crew chiefs in the garage and I think Josh Barry is that guy so uh I don’t think Barry will necessarily be the most successful driver on that list this season he could be I guess he’ll be in the mix but I do think from a fit perspective Stuart hos racing got a solid

Guy Daren yeah I feel like the obvious answer to me on here would be John Hunter Nim and Legacy but then I’m like H you know what that doesn’t sound as fun so let me look at some other interesting pairings too so and one that

Really stands out to me now and really a team that’s stand that’s stood out for all of their you know all of their uh um uh offseason has to be Stuart hos racing and Noah green to the 10 was one of those rumors where we were just waiting

For for it to be official we um uh we had been hearing about it for for months up to that point um and you know this pairing with um Stewart hos racing Noah grexen and then Drew Blick and stver as the crew chief you know got you know

Matt keni a Daytona 500 uh actually got the first two wins of 2009 right Eric right something like that yeah I think that was arguably Drew Blick Peak as a crew yeah yeah and then yeah I hadn’t really heard from them since and stuff too but when you’re a team that has

Nothing to lose hey you know what hey just go for it man just sling everything sling everything at the wall and see what sticks and I feel like with Noah grexen and and um and that uh and that number 10 team they have nothing to lose

So hey why not I I think for me I I have to be most interested in in the stuff that Spire as well as Rick wear racing have done because those are like the perennial low guys and looking at Zane Smith and Carson hos of our Aspire on

Top of what Cory lejy was able to do last year I would be really interested because I think you also have to look at the the connections with track house I’m going to be really interested to see how they perform both individually but overall as a team like if they’re all

Vying for around top 25 I mean that spire and then also with the Rick whereare racing side of things Rick wear racing I mean that’s I don’t think any of us have thought of them being there unless you have the entire field go out like a Daytona in 2022 well let’s talk

About them for a moment because now they’re I mean with this whole alliance with ralh it’s very they’re very intriguing and I love I love Justin Haley being their lead driver too you know he’s still a guy I’m very high on you know the part-time deal with casala

Honestly I I I I wish he would go fulltime um casala but hey just that one full-time driver it is what it is but man this whole alliance with Rous man I’m very intrigued by it yeah Justin Haley was obviously sold on it I agree with you Jared and Daren those are

Probably the two most interesting teams on this list but if we’re talking about fit it’s hard for me to figure how josar and zann Smith are going to fit in because you know Spire has changed so much and this alliance with track house or partnership with track house I don’t

Really know what to expect from spire and same with Rick wear this whole RFK Alliance sounds like a big deal they’re on I believe they share their campus they’re on the r campus now um I think they were even last year but it’s you know it’s a big unknown Justin Haley’s

Confident um I like the cas grala signing a lot but those are such unknowns they’re interesting but it’s hard for me to say those are the best fits necessarily I think of everyone we’ve listed on this on this uh on that graphic you showed us a moment ago

Jarrett I would argue John Hunter NE Carson josar or Zayn Smith have the highest potential ceiling this year they could just catch five if they hit on it just right well I guess that kind of leads into what I kind of want to ask you guys next is which of these

Guys which of these guys okay on the other end would be down on seven cylinders like they’re not going to be great they’re G to they’re GNA be disappointing for what we expect them to do I think just based of on on all the uh potential the fans have for these two

Drivers I’m not really expecting much from Zay Smith and Carson josar both rookies man like like just give them a year to develop and you know it’s a new team expanding you know like hey just give them a year to develop you know so I feel like because of the potential

They have Tans are going to be like all bust this and that like no it’s just it’s year one relax I I think at this point Carson just needs to focus on keeping his nose clean now who I am who I do think is gonna be slow and granted

Eric was just talking about how good to move in with the RFK campus is for him I’m not expecting much from Justin Haley I I still think at the end this is definitely a step down from what he was in I’m not expecting much from him and

This one I definitely think they’ll just be the same usual performance for rickw racing yeah I hope Rick wear is truly better and Justin Haley is is his optimism is Justified but I’m with Danny I’m not sure I buy it at this point uh my question for you Daren is you know

Zayn Smith Carson josar who has the better rookie season because I with you I expect them both to run 20 to 25th most weeks but I think they should brace right around each other and I think they will be very closely compared the problem will be if one is way off from

The other I think especially if hos ofar outpaces Zayn Smith who theoretically should be prepared by track house if if Carson hos ofar is beating Zayn Smith badly that could look badly on Zayn but who do you think is going to to shine brightest of those two I have to go with

Zayn Smith just because he seems like the cleaner driver and I know in the cup series you have to get down and dirty sometimes but if you do it too many times the field will turn on you and we’ve seen that in years past recently too so especially especially with uh

With Ross Chastain soar already has like some reputation repairing to do like he’s barely been in cup and I think he already has such a reputation that he’s got to like you know mind his p’s and q’s right out the gate I’m gonna go on

That question too I think I do think Zan Smith has the more potential to have a better overall season finish but Carson I think definitely needs to hone in his aggression this season but with that said with the aggression he brings as a driver I think Carson is more likely to

Be in contention for a win this season than Zan Smith that’s fair that’s fair that actually is fair aito in the chat says he thinks hos Saar will win Rookie of the Year who else is eligible it’s zayar Barry I have it pulled up give me a second I apologize if I’m jumping

Ahead in the itinerary it might have been later on it’s all good I’d be I’m I’m interested in general in all of these guys and how they’ll do just because of the storylines behind him but if I’m if I’m giving my prediction per se of who I

Think is going to be a bit down compared to how maybe some people think they’ll do or even compared to their team I I don’t think Josh Barry is the fix for steuart hos racing I think he is a long-term piece to put in but this idea that he’s going to come in

And outperform Kevin Harvick who yes was at the end of his career a bit older I get that but I I I don’t see him going out there and being 10 15 20 places ahead of his teammates on a weekly basis I just don’t see it yet now could he

Sneak a win could one of those okay I can’t even say Gregson will sneak a win I think he just needs to focus on staying on track all season um but I I think he could I think just having that good of a crew chief With Him to

Guide him through but I I just I can’t buy into the hype yet when Stewart house racing at this point is so insecure with themselves they have to Hype themselves up the whole offseason on Twitter they were bullied into rebranding their team they have heard the noise and it was pretty obvious but

You know what for them I’m like hey you know what hey you know if you’re proud of yourselves then I guess just brag about it but hey just be prepared for for the backlash perform if you’re gonna yeah if you’re going to do all that man

I am looking at you like this are you winning are you winning no you’re not you lied prepared be prepared and also lied and also Eric to answer your earlier question Josh Barry zaye Smith and car Carson josar are running rookie of the this should be a good Rookie of

The Year battle I mean I think on paper the Stuart hoscar should win it and you Barry’s a veteran compared to those three just a veteran racer but Zayn’s a truck Champion host of our Maybe the most raw speed Spire is interesting I don’t know it’s a good it’s a good

Competition this year I think it does it does interest slw me at the same time for a 33 year old rookie you know because that’s a that’s a long time to go before getting your big shot to Cup Series now wasn’t uh I think wasn’t Greg

Biffle 33 at his rookie year I mean yeah this was way more common back in you know 80s 90s 2000s and it was still fairly uncommon Maybe May in the ‘ 80s and ‘ 90s it was common then like the 2000s even it was still pretty uncommon

He was the last The Last of a Dying Breed B yeah like Biffle kind of stands out to me as one of the few who like debuted at such a later age yet still had a pretty full and successful career um I want to ask you guys about Noah

Gregson we’ve sort of glossed over him but like what is the goal for Noah greggson this year oh I got get more sponsors D let me let me tell you something let me tell you something oh yeah well first off that you know the business is the most important Danny

Good point but but uh the second point I want to bring up is is this he had a rookie season that was so terrible so terrible it’ll it’ll be in the Raptors of like the worst rookie seasons ever in history hang the banner so there is

Nowhere to go but up for him thankfully and thankfully for him he’s with a team that is currently considered down in the dumps to some extent I mean I mean when you compare stor house racing and uh Legacy motor club now Legacy motor club looks way better on paper at the moment

Hold on I think we’re all laughing the same comment rain learn what a burner account is oh that’s a good goal for this year stay on the lead lap maybe maybe maybe better just stay off social media I thought everyone was laughing at my point I’m like oh it’s

Not laugh at this shun the nonbelievers sh it was a good point Darren you’re already in mid-season form I’m proud of you but Legacy motor club at the moment yeah like I mean I don’t know greggson raced for them last year but they did end on a much better note than stor

House racing so again in Noah gregson’s case and store house Racing’s case you guys have absolutely nothing to lose so you should have no pressure you know so just don’t dnf as much as you did last year hey I I I will just got to say this

I know they ain’t got a lot of sponsors but come on why we sending this man out in a test car that think’s just gray yeah I don’t know what’s up with that it’s like the Scott Riggs test throwback or something I was like wow it looks exactly like that damn

Yeah the thing is is I think that with proper backing like whether it’s not being in a test car better team just maybe not being thrown right into the fire right away by just everyone paying attention whatever it is like I think he can do what these cars allow him to do but

It at this point being what would you would you guys say he’s probably the fourth in line at at shr for against the hierarchy of shr drivers would Noah yeah probably he better be he better be behind he better be behind I think he’s behind priest priest was like 22nd in points last

Year PR go ahead I was say priest showed potential to win at Martinsville like he’s he’s got got potential that is true yeah yeah and so being at the worst shr car in the worst era of shr since it was h jar uh I I just I don’t see how people

Can like put on that they’re they’re expecting him to do more than run 25th yeah I I mean like again nothing much not much to lose you know the team was already down in the dump so just a rebuild year rebuild Rebrand whatever but hey store hos you better be prepared

If you don’t deliver oh dude you they’re gonna get dragged so final final question on the cup guys before we go to lower series of these guys and I’m I’ll put them on screen again but of these guys in new places who do you think is most likely to make the playoffs

Just who made the point earlier I can’t remember which one of you guys said it was a great point but Carson josar has the raw speed and ability to steal a win the way Cole kuster did in 2020 that was that was made that said that he has more

Potential to I’m not saying he’s going to do good every race but he’s got the potential itial to to steal a win at say a a Bristol Spring Race or or Super Speedway or something like that yeah and I like John Hunter Nim I like Legacy

Motor club this year I think once they find their footing I think all of Toyota is going to be really tough to beat that’s just my prediction so you know insert Jon Hunter Eric Jones I’ve got Eric Jones being a playoff Contender but if Jon Hunter hits on it the right week

He could easily steal that spot instead yeah uh the safe pick with me is John Hunter Nim but then the wild card like Danny just mentioned earlier like um is is Carson ho so far but I guess like a guy who I would just like

Say is a midp pick in my opinion someone I’m not expecting or someone I wouldn’t be as surprised to see win Josh Barry on a short track I don’t know like I know he’s with a terrible I mean Stuart hos was good at short tracks last year ex

Was good in The Clash you just mentioned Martinsville yeah and you do got to remember he’s still on the four car he’s got a he’s he’s got a great crate shap he’s got Eddie D hun as the spotter to I don’t I don’t want to say they’re terrible they’re just rebuilding at the

Moment so yeah but they were good on short tracks last year so Josh Barry sort of that M pick off pick I think we can all agree we don’t know how to how it’s GNA do but we we expect the four to to still be the best car at

Shr yeah well well well I’m saying Brisco I yeah I might lean Brisco I think it’s going to be a tossup between Brisco priest and Barry I think priest could surprised people this year he finished last year pretty strong MH yeah I think for me I mean I’m I’m in full disclosure

Because we’re giving our playoff picks next week we already got them locked and loaded I don’t see any of these guys making it yeah they’re not going to be any not they’re going to be non-factors if they make it it would be a surprise if any

One of these guys so hey really really quick spoiler alert none of these guys are in my playoff things spoil aler but I think the four and the four 42 are the obvious choices just because the four is at the very least going to be the second best car there I still think

Kevin Rodney Childers I mean he managed to make way worse rides than this really good people forget like that I believe he was on Sky rigs yeah Scott rigs they almost won the Koch 600 together y uh and Scott rigs had he not been eliminated in The 06 duels would have

Been well in the top 20 in points he brought Scott rigs to a top almost top like 50 points finish also also don’t forget 2005 Michigan race finished his second to Jeremy Mayfield he he nearly brought Mark Martin towards the end of his career in the 55 Victory Lane he

Mark Martin had nothing but great things to say about Rodney Childers wasn’t he the one who brought Brian Vickers to Victory Lane back in 2013 in the 55 would he did probably he did he did yeah I I am not going to underestimate what Rodney Childers can do with the car

He has got to be the favor of the these guys but the one that I’m thinking is going under the radar it’s I don’t know how he’s going to do but these cars will flare up every now and then we saw it at Homestead the last two years hemor with

Col League colleague always has a flare up race I don’t know what it is it’s just it always happens you don’t expect them they shouldn’t be good I I would not say to to overlook them by any because I I do think that I do think

That col league is going to get at least a little bit better this year I would I would be very um saddened if they didn’t do well at all this year compared to year really quick I I don’t think I don’t think anyone has mentioned him really quick shout out to Josh Williams

Though for landing the uh not only the full-time xinity gig but now you know a part-time Cup Series gig I mean not too long ago he was on the show you know you know promoting his uh you know his smaller team he was driving for and now

He’s in the Cup Series so pretty cool to see that’s pretty cool to see that’s that’s awesome I also to back up your point Jared I had to Google it to be sure but yeah nobody talks about the fact that AJ alinger has backtack top fives at Homestead Miami Speedway where

The hell did that come from it’s a driver’s Racetrack and he’s a damn good driver yeah yeah I mean that I and it every year I I hope he is racing Homestead this year because he he he should he will be my Dark Horse winp pick and if like you

Know if somebody picks all the guys I want to pick for Homestead and he’s racing I’m picking AJ almond Dinger like he’s just so under the radar like there at that track especially but I mean you saw that 16 back in um 2022 Noah Gregson ran top five at Michigan in that car

Before being taken out yeah I can’t even remember if it was his own problem he’s been had such a non- memorable cup career at this point that I I don’t want to remember like I feel like at this point Noah gron would much rather most people be like

Lobotomized and remember his career and the cups so far it’s just been that yeah yeah very bad but but I think there are some I think there’s G to be more flareups this year I I’m interested in zaye Smith like a medical condition flare ups flareups yeah consult your

Doctor if recurring flareups in Preparation H last look at these guys um we won’t necessarily do this whole you know three four five whatever questions but I do want to go over over the longest of the new drivers in new places and that is the Xfinity series good God and there’s

A lot of people sharing a lot of rides so so oh so so really quick just a heads up so for the Rookie of the Year candidates um for the Xfinity series they are Haley Degan Jesse love and SVG yes that’s it only three yep only three

What a what a trio yeah it is very random very random the year class very unique and here’s here is the at the moment the driver lineup Jesse love in the two Dawson cram in the four Anthony Alfredo in the five Samy Smith will be

In the eight car uh then you got Josh Williams in the 11 Haley Degan 15 AJ almond Dinger is back in the 16 18 goes to Sheldon Creed 19 is Whoever has the most money whatever weekend to Ryan Truex Jo gra J Taylor Gray and William sawalich William Sandwich second page

John and Eric Al marola in the 20 Cory Heim in the 26 Blaine Perkins 28 Brennan pool in the 44 Chandler Smith Chandler in the 8 Chandler Chandler uh then you got Josh biki in the 92 after Kyle Weatherman in the 91 and Shane Van gurgen in the

97 that’s it better known by Jeff ber Shan van yeah where’s where’s where’s Frankie m M I thought munes was going to be what happened what happened bro what happened I kept Twitter kept saying the uh RFK 60 come on does does does he have any ride that I don’t know I’m waiting

Rumors of an announcement I saw but I don’t know necessarily who’s exactly where I’m going to lead this this part off though asking what who who and where are you most excited to see these changes AJ almond Dinger back in the exfinity fulltime like I in my

Predictions video I think he’s going to have the most wins of anyone in the series I would not be shocked if that’s the case I’m gonna be interested to watch how Jesse love does with RCR versus specifically Sheldon Creed with Toyota and jgr I think that sort of

Lowkey rivalry will be interesting throw Austin Hill he’s staying in the same spot but you know the way last year ended I want to see if the grass truly is greener for Sheldon Creed over at Toyota but not to take everyone’s pick here Shane Van gisbergen is perhaps the

Most interesting driver this year he’s going to win at least one road course race I want to see how he does at the ovals where does he start in February March April versus where does he finish in October November can he make the playoffs can he make some noise come

Playoff time like it’s hard to teach an older dog new tricks how old is SVG 33 34 he’s old nowadays for a guy making a stock car racing I guess he’s super cars are livestock but making a NASCAR transition he’s a little older yeah I just want to see how quickly can he

Adapt to this style of racing I want to see how I want to see how SVG does at a track like Bristol I think of Marcus Ambrose came from a similar background as him he was so good at Bristol he loved racing at Bristol so I’m curious

If if we might see some kind of similar transition with Shane here and really quick thank you guys for 300 likes so the nuke segment has been unlocked so we we need a sound effect it’ll be uh like our loot boxes or whatever but we will

Um we’ll debut that towards the end of the show I’m going to put out a poll on this one uh for who you are the most excited to see an Xfinity this year AJ SVG Creed With Arms Wide Open and Sammy Smith and and and real quick not that uh

Not that this dri will be one of my most excited but I am curious how’s Haley B going to do Ching up a series and I will get to her in a moment but the first one I am very excited about Creed and we have been hearing for about you know the

Past two years now Creed just needs better equipment yada y y well he has better equipment so now it’s like I’m I’m sick and tired of these second place finishes you know like you have the fans on on um on on your side 100% because of

How you know um um the whole deal with uh um RCR ended so you know deliver this time it’s time to deliver but for sure Danny everyone’s going to be looking at Haley Degan now in her case Cas she’s driving for Am racing so I’m not really

Expecting a whole lot Ford is throwing a lot of money into that they are but here’s the thing that’s the thing so like they are throwing a lot of money too so it’s like you know you know based on her performances in trucks I’m not

Expecting a whole lot but you have a lot of money invested so I’m not really sure like I I mean again the bar is very low compared to her truck series performances so just do better than than that I guess speaking of that team Am racing weren’t they supposed to have a

Second car that did that get did that deal mafa get blown up uh I saw Daytona they’re not they’re not racing Daytona I don’t think yeah it might still be TBD it’s it’s probably not gonna be fulltime at this point but but I know I know it was rumored that de benedetto was

Looking to go to that team but his he he’s now made it known to his uh his sponsorship he had working blew up too well and and the thing I saw today was that was with colleague apparently that was always going to be a long shot man but oh damn so with the

Cup Series colleague right or it might be what Josh Williams just landed who knows yeah know swept in and took it for me kind of going back in the Haley Dean front like I’m not I’m not expecting her to to just go and run off and and have a

Insanity run this year or anything I I for me I want to see her improve I I want to see you know if she starts out the year running like 30th every week but then she ends the year running 15th 20th top 10 in there and off of speed

Not off of attrition I’ll be happy but what I what annoyed me the most about the the both her performance and also her stands online is that you would point out that she has not changed at all in three years in the truck series you’re a hater but somebody like rajha

Karuth you can see clear improvement from start one to start you know whatever he’s on right now uh that’s what I want to see I I don’t want I don’t want these excuses I’ve been told the truck series is why and you know maybe it is maybe it is but I’ve also

Been told by plenty of people well you just got to wait till she gets to exfinity it it fits her better okay prove it and also to add to your point um to your um um to your point Jared um pretty much her stands are um banking

Her entire NASCAR career on that one Infinity Series race at lbms that one race I’m like all right she finished 13th I get it but dude it’s not like it’s not like it was a um a win or anything like that you know so for longsuffering Vikings fan here right I

Unfortunately gave up drinking the night I went to the damn Packers Vikings game where I’m like you know I’m just going to have a a dry year and just like you know go from there mistake started jiren Hall fifth round pick not no bleno no no bueno but you know what everyone from

Weeks had said well he had a really good drive against Atlanta let him start let him start he had a good drive that’s the same thing that I feel like Haley Degan fans have been doing she ran well in that one race where nothing happened let

Her do this like listen she might just she she might be a a 15th to to 16th 20th Place driver and that’s fine with what she has at her disposal right now for what we know but if she goes out there and gets worse as the year goes on

Like she has done in the truck series in years’s past there need to be serious question like throwing her away and she gets away with stuff that drivers like Natalie Decker or really any other driver would not get away with because she’s a popular driver with the fans

Yeah yeah just need to see Improvement and honestly she should run top 20 out the gates xinity is going to be interesting this year it’s very competitive there’s they’re going to have 40 plus entries every week which is wild they’re going to home sing and I

Think around like 17 18 maybe 20 cars are all going to have like really good equipment good engines and Degan will be one of them so she needs to at least run top 20 every week and by the end of the year she should be running top 10 with

Pretty decent regularity I mean Brett Moffett was running top 10 fairly consistently by the end of last year I don’t know that Degan as talented as Brett Moffett at this point in her career but if she can at some point she does have to take that big jump when

We’ve seen no jump the past three years I I know I know things are always changing and Eric uh kind of brought up a good point about the amount of cars that are going to be showing up these races if if you miss what we call Old

School NASCAR at this point watch the Infinity Series because honestly it’s it’s still there in that series what you used to love still exists over there it’s the best series in NASCAR right now well and and and there’s more interesting uh story lines going into so

I I asked guys who you were most excited for on the on the exfinity side of their new rides all that uh 6% for Sammy Smith he’s going to be good this year like I think he’s going to be really good this year yeah Sheldon Creed 12% AJ 15% I

Think we should talk about who the clear winner of this poll was at 6 SVG now very small but very good sample size for the most part didn’t run too well at IRP with trucks trucks is a different Beast we’ve talked about that before and that’s the big argument on

The Haley Degan side uh but two top 10 in in cup Indianapolis of course that win at Chicago uh Daren I want to start with you on this what should we expect from Shane Van gisbergen should we be expecting playoffs borderline or should we just

Blank Slate on them I would have to say the playoffs because you expect him to win at least one road course him of all drivers like I know AJ alond Digger’s great but I mean this is SVG SV freaking G won in his Nascar Cup Series debut you

I am 100% expecting him to win at least one road course Race So playoffs for me I’m counting how many road courses there are before their playoffs began I’m at four uh Watkins Glenn is a regular season race for so five there are five road course races for xinity

Before the playoffs begin AJ’s going to win two to three of them SVG is going to win at least one of them I don’t know give Sheldon Creed a fifth left the fifth one I don’t know give him one as well but yeah know SVG should make the

Playoffs because of the road the way the format is um I I think he’ll be 15th in points early in the year because he’s not going to do great at the ovals right away but that win will get him in and I’m hoping that by the time the playoffs

Begin he’ll have improved a bit at at ovals that he could at least be maybe a round of eight threat that that’d be my hope for SVG so my my thoughts of SVG is I think I have to give a number how many wins I think he’ll get I’m going to

Say at least I’m not going to factor in playoffs before to play playoffs I think he will get three wins two road courses and I’m actually going to be bold and say he wins on a super speedway oh my God bold bold and the reason the reason

I say that is I think I heard this from somewhat scg apparently does a lot of Super Speedway racing on iRacing oh he’s got he’s got the Arca and XFinity opener like on the same day in two weeks dude’s goingon to be thrown to the Wolves now I

I don’t know which one it’ll be but keep in mind calling is really good at Super Speedways they are yeah they are I I do have to call us out for a moment or fishing with Carr in the chat called us out did everyone forget about the one

Car winning three road courses last year it’s a good point s is still in the in the xinity series oh yeah yeah I haven’t said my piece yet because I think I’m on the entirely different end on this I think I I listen that Chicago race was

Damn impressive what he did uh and what he did in the cup series with good equipment really impressive too but at the same time I kind of feel the way the SVG is being hyped up and his prior performances in this very small sample size let’s not forget that he was like a

Lap or two down at IRP at a short oval against way inferior competition more inferior competition than the xinity series and he had to have the exact right conditions Poss I right to his skill set to win on the Chicago Street course for

Me I don’t even know if I want to bet on him getting a win right away and I’m not saying that because like of being a hater or anything like that I just I want to kind of tamper down a little bit on the hype train because he has a a

Huge learning curve for a driver who is experienced in in mostly way different racing forms and I I I just I don’t know what the competition I mean the road coures yeah but you got Sam Mayer you got Justin Aly is very solid at road courses very underrated AJ almond Dinger

Is the king in this series Kai Gibbs is going to come down and race a road course or two at at some point too um you know Sheldon Creed was really good if I haven’t listed him yet Samy Smith I believe was dueling with uh William

Byron and and and other or was it Kyle L but Conor zillich could do a road course race yeah I he’s really young but I I think he will improve I think he will be a borderline playoff guy but I I’m not going to immediately take it to the bank

That he’s going to go and and win right off the bat I I think he’ll win one because I think it’ll be him and AJ one two a lot of times and AJ we know how he is he’s gonna mess up you know he’s not perfect

At even at road courses so I think at some point the door will open for SVG but maybe we’re you’re right jar maybe we’re overhyping him just a bit that’s fair yeah and and again you know I’m not saying like oh he’s going to you know do

This and that on ovals I just need one win on a rad course just one just give me one just one because like you said Eric four what four five races um five five R courses and you know to Danny’s point about the super Speedways call racing is very good there so teamwork

Yeah Teamwork Makes the Dream workor well there’s also one more series I think we need to look at here with new rides now Darion I want you to bring up told me before the show about the trucks oh man so everyone’s favorite series right right the best series in NASCAR

Right the truck Ser oh no no I can’t even joke that way no no but for the NASCAR truck series entering 2024 this is great news for everyone get ready the uh 2024 Craftsman Truck Series Rookie of the Year candidates are nobody because that series does not need any more

Rookies all right thank goodness we don’t need any more rookies then a gap year we needed yeah we need a gap year this is our Cup Series what 200 did we not have rookies in what 20 we had rookies in the late 2010s we just might

As well not have okay yeah might as well not what was the year Andy l or whoever won right or Sten light right so Steven light won 2012 2011 was Andy L um we had Kevin Conway in the boner car in 2010 yeah what a time to be alive

Yeah and that was between and it’s amazing in hindsight because they had bad rookie years that was between um legano and 09 and uh well you had Stenhouse in 2013 and then you had Kyle Larson in 2014 I’m really quick uh to answer to the chat oh

Wait Rookie of the Year cont um well Peter says Rigs and mfet are Rookie of the Year contenders I was wondering about Lane rigs on J on ji it says that’s nobody nobody’s a rookie I don’t know if maybe they’re counting the starts before but here are the new

At least from what we haded the N to Grant eninger Jake Garcia with the 13 uh then you have Tyler anram in the 18 Ty Dylan in the 25 I think that’s somebody you got to watch out for Lane rigs in the 38 Matt Mills in the 42 Daniel Dyan the

43 uh Thad Moffet 46 Stephen Parson 75 76 is Spencer Boyd and 77 for Spire uh taking over the kbm building for party we looking at in that one because I think that those new rides are going to be like if if I can real quick just

Gotta give a shout out to fad Moffett and the old faction 46 crew gonna have a out of the groove decal on his truck is it for the entire season yeah for the entire year just got a little sticker on there which is fun hopefully gonna shoot

Some cool content with him at uh Daytona to start the year we’ll see um but no that’s exciting a new team got a nie Motorsports Ali so hoping they can run at least maybe top 20 top 25 pretty consistently it’s a new team of course so it’ll be some Growing Pains but

That’s that’s a solid racer he’s done a lot of road course work the past year or two he’s kind of been away from Nascar so uh we’ll see what he can do he may also technically count as a truck rookie I know he’s made some starts I think

He’s made truck starts in the past I know he’s made a lot of ARCA starts so we’ll see but uh I look at Lane rigs in the 38 we know how good that truck has been the last few years uh it’s a different crew chief over there as well

But do think that 38 should continue to be a top five top 10 threat lane lane Riggs was exciting to watch some last year even an exfinity he made a start or two um and Grant enfinger for me he’s a good solid veteran just seems to get

Good results wherever he goes in some ways you could argue he was robbed of that championship at Phoenix um you I I can’t say that he was given the lead because host of our wrecked high but then after the fact it looked like it was n finger title to lose so he’s

Always fun to watch as well I definitely want to keep my eye on rigs in a lot of ways he reminds me right now of Ryan blay because Brian blay has now become a Cup Series champion but his dad you know was a solid driver but never gave you big

Reason to expect a lot from you know you know the the the future of them but you know Scott rigs also had some great opportunities had some good runs never you know really capital got to the top of NASCAR but his son you know at least

On the local you know short track scene has done so good so far uh I’m definitely curious to see where the career goes for Lane Riggs right now so I’m looking at the list right here see ninger okay driving with the nine not really expecting a whole lot from the

Team but he will outperform that equipment um anram okay it’s a little intriguing Ty Dylan though I feel like he’s just a meme at this point um just just just perform the same level as matd D and you’ll be fine and on paper Lane rig seems like the most interesting one

But I’m gonna I have to give it to Jake Garcia and here’s why Jake Garcia Jake Garcia he was always this dude I would always see running top 10 and then in the season finale I know it was a recfest but he he still finished second

In the season finale for I don’t even know who he was even driving for and then the next day I see him at the uh or actually no um a couple days later I see him at the fair rounds racing in the All-American 400s so this dude is

Serious about his racing and he’s getting a uh a major opportunity driving the uh the 13 which again based on last year’s performances not a very high bar to clear anyway so Jake Garcia is the one I personally am am the most excited about yeah he was just go ahead Danny

Sorry no you go first mine’s more of a joke I I was gonna I was just going to say you he drove for maali H Hamman racing I can never never say that name that’s why I didn’t say I just said 18 that’s why I say that but I what stood

Out to me was Texas he was in the mix at the end there um when hos ofar got his first win uh you mentioned Phoenix but there were a few races last year where he snuck into the top five kind of under the radar so I like that pick he’s with

Thor sport now that’s a that’s legit I I’m still on the Ty Dylan train with this one a bit because I I I don’t think Ty Dylan is gonna set the world on fire but he’s a solid enough driver in the truck series he ran serviceably with jgr

I in exfinity I won’t say it was good for jgr standards but I I think people will overlook him this year think about the bar that was set with Matty D and that same truck Matt got a win in the truck he got it to the playoffs so that’s

Automatically a pretty high high standard that he’s got to be try to reach to in that 25 truck right now and also uh I know Chase pie is going to be fulltime with Spire uh do they still have that other the part-time the seven going to be part-time do we know that I

Think so uh at least it seemed like a bit that’s that’s what thought so they are gonna give an opportunity to a nice young up andc Comer named Kyle Busch a few times this season yeah now really quick question so I don’t know what the

Case with Daniel D is like do do do fans think he’s a um a good Prospect or like a mean because of the the one thing like I don’t know I I don’t know where to uh to really stand on I’m not going to say

I thought I I I think he just got he has to run better to to get more in the minds I feel like most people if you don’t bring up what happened before don’t remember that like you you have to bring it up for people to remember yeah

You look at the equipment he was in last year may it went over my head for a little bit you look at the equipment he was in last year and the results he’s Haley Degan but without the social media presence like I don’t know hasn’t been

In trucks I guess as long so maybe there’s still room for him to show more Improvement but you know it’s got to start sooner rather than later right yeah well there was also big changes outside of rides I think we can look at and the I think that these next three

Kind of segments per se don’t necessarily we don’t necessarily need to go too much in in on board with because we talked about it a lot last year but schedule wise Atlanta is race two for all three series Bristol Spring is back on concrete for both Trucking and cup

Richmond is Easter weekend for cup exfinity Iowa has been added to the cup and xinity schedules in June uh New Hampshire moved back to June as well the Brickyard 400 is back Southern 500 is a regular season finale the week after Daytona because of the scheduling with the Olympics Atlanta and Watkins Glenn

Are in the Cup playoffs now um there’s more Friday afternoon and night truck races including now a triple header at Talladega in October and no Road America for a year for exfinity and that’s more just a road americ so Eric I I want to start with you on this two questions

What are you most looking forward to and on the other end with the Cup playoffs with two super Speedways and two road courses is it too chaotic I’m less bothered no I don’t know it’s too I I would probably remove one I’m okay with two road courses one

Super speedway or two super Speedways and one road course I could understand that in the modern day of NASCAR racing uh and I think with the next gen car the super Speedways have become at least a little less random I think you’ve seen more teamwork come into play there’s

More strategy now that’s like you can kind of prepare ahead of time for it’s not quite as you know every man for themselves just make it up as you go along so I don’t hate having two super Speedways um but I don’t you know I’d probably swap one of those dates out if

Possible maybe with the Olympics not being on the schedule in 2025 it’ll things will go more or less back to normal I thought last year’s playoff schedule was Flawless um but then which events am I most looking forward to I’ll just name one there’s a few that are

Pretty much a toss up but I will say the Brickyard 400 I think I’m most excited to see that race return it’s right before that two- week Break um I would hope NBC puts a lot of uh promotion behind it you know I don’t think it’ll

Look great on TV because there will be a lot of Grand stands but I’m excited to see what the next gen car looks like on that oval and if it’s great you know maybe this can be the start of sort of a a rebirth of the Brickyard 400 it kind

Of you know it took a big hit in 2008 slowly started to die ever since then but maybe this could be maybe we’ve hit the pit and now it’s uh you know we can hopefully upward that trajectory a bit so I’m looking forward to the Brickyard I am looking forward to the

Bristol Spring rice the most and few reasons one Bristol Spring rice has good place in my heart is first race weekend I got to go to in person um first race weekend I got to take Claudia to um there’s a lot of reasons that I’m excited for it um for one I’m interested

Is the crowd going to look good is the weather G to cooperate how’s the racing even going to be now we’re back on concrete you know there’s a lot of questions there but that’s the Intrigue the amount of questions I have makes me so interested for it yes shout out to

Cam in the chat he’s actually an ARCA driver now he tested for an ARCA saw at Daytona so yeah shout out to him shout out to him in the chat good stuff man but all right so let’s see to answer uh the first question which is the um um

Which um which am my uh most looking forward to I would have to go with Iowa because the Cup Series has been begging to be in that market for years now and you know the racing may not be as good you know considering the short track package is um

Excuse me um but um the uh the grand stands are going to be filled unlike for the Brickyard 400 that’s a good point it’s sold out in like yeah a day so that’s like that’s the main reason I’m looking forward to it just because that market they’ve been dying for the cup

Series to come there and they’re finally having that the expend series is coming back as well um now are the playoffs too chaotic for two super Speedways and two road courses I’m gonna say no it’s not chaotic enough I’m GNA be honest it’s not chaotic enough like like the day

Much more do you want no no no no no no the day the day Daytona is the championship finale that’s the day we will have gone full chaos there we haven’t reached it yet so this is just the beginning I feel like dude us it we

Could have it rained out and have to be moved to November like that could that that’s just NASCAR’s luck look get used to it man because hey and especially with the show taking off early like oh they’re going to W as much as ra for

Season two oh oh yes sir yes sir this that’s probably was one of the deciding factors like hey we have to put on a pretty exciting season to here so lot a lot of people have already been speculating that they’re already filming season two maybe it’ll be more focused

On the entire season oh oh oh dude like like this show like if a Netflix show oh go s Netflix um was at media day yeah they were filming stuff so like I I I’m excited on that that front cuz to me that shows well I I don’t know whether

Or not they had it signed for multiple seasons on the get-go but if not that shows confidence in the series right away and it already reached the top 10 so yeah it’s gonna be renewed or top five yeah I know it’s already like we’ve already handled all the TV contract

Stuff for a while but Netflix themselves their their sports program has been coming along for the last few years they they most recently they announced 2025 Monday Night Raw we’ll move over to Netflix being the exclusive uh streamer every week for that so there’s a lot of

Big uh things happening with Netflix and their Sports programs and and for oh sorry I was just they just announced the new golf one too both right and and for further context to Danny’s point isn’t um wasn’t raw like the longest running program on yeah Netflix was big enough

To take Monday Night Raw which was the longest running weekly television program on cable for years and removed that title from them because they’ll know longer be on cable TV yeah so the times are changing that’s just a sign that the times are changing for sure so

For me I I think it’s too much chaos in the playoffs just I if you just took Atlanta out I think it’d be fine like yeah the the road courses can be crazy but NASCAR it seems is putting in little things at the Glenn to to kind of scale

Back on the stupidness that’s the best way I could put it it was there were some there were some pure stupid pro track limits Jared are you pro track Li pure common sense and I think we were going a little overboard I think we I don’t think we need to be formula one

And you know ask for for everyone’s dollar but never let them in but no value bring no value whatsoever who’s andred never heard of him no value whatsoever are we the Netflix elitists now no I’m kidding oh good we become what we swore to destroy chosen one I can’t wait to see

That NASCAR got a new Charter buyer in cash app Red Bull Motorsports oh my God but but I I do think that removing a super speedway would be like the way to go and I I’m hoping after this year that’s the case um but as for what I’m

Most excited or looking forward to I’m interested in Atlanta being raced to because and it’s not really because the racing per se fully I think the racing part you’re going to have somebody whether it’s like a Chase Elliott or Ryan blay or you name maybe Kyle Bush

You’re GNA have somebody who should be really good way up in the points get taken out in two Super Speedway wrecks in two races in a row and be like 35th in points behind a part-time driver because they they avoided the wrecks and they’re going to have to spend that

Whole year flawing their way back up because you also have Kota early on in the season Bristol concrete no matter what package seems to always have a big one you could get taken out in that Talladega I mean the first I think nine nine or 10 races are three super

Speedways a road course and two short tracks yeah that’s chaos man I think it’s especially crazy for trucks and exfinity going from Daytona to Atlanta because like expin with all those extra cars and the way the owner points are going to get shuffled up like there are

Going to be some small teams in big holes even some bigger teams potentially in a deep hole after Atlanta I think that’s really the schedule we have right to start a year for all these you know new fans that just found out on Netflix and they want to say okay what’s this

What’s this all about what a whirlwind of tracks that throw at them right off the bat smart smart I think that’s what they’re doing Y and and it could work out really well and and the thing is I I’m very interested because since being a super speedway in general it’s always

Been a popular track ratings wise Atlanta after the 500 Vegas is usually pretty big on that end like tvwise as long as the weather cooperates it should be a better start than last year and I’m I’m very interested in that side of it now there are two other major areas of

Change first off the cars uh we have Ford with the new Dark Horse and Toyota with the redesigned Hammerhead yeah which one okay who’s which of these ones is going to take off right away and know maybe we can just do this like rapid fire who’s

Taking off who’s not if you have to one or the other all right Toyota’s Toyota they’re gonna take off and not only not only is it uh is it uh gonna race good it also looks good oh Toyota smooth is always good aerodynamically the Ford is

Very pointy I’m I’m concerned about it I think the Ford will be better the first let’s just say three months and then Toyota will take over come summertime yeah I like the Toyota man I don’t know y’all are crazy man that Toyota looks great bro it’s just some of the paint

Schemes were just off off it it is not good looking to me but as far as racing wise it’s it’s smooth smooth as can be Dan just got to grow on you a little bit Danny time grow the toy I still don’t love the Toyota but it has grown on me a

Bit seeing paint schemes on it Ford the Ford I don’t something about the Ford I don’t like like it it’s getting worse every time I look at it I don’t know what’s going on front it’s the front being that big black bar and and hey ER Eric cover years we

Love RFK on this show and all that but I’m I’m not a fan of putting the sponsor in every corner they can find it yeah what’s going on bro what’s going on man it is a little little over the top perhaps I’m goingon to go with this I

Think the Hammerhead flies out right off the bat like I’m I’m sticking with that name too I love it like I actually it’s car think of this for Daytona how many of them Hammerheads are going to be working together all at once now oh you know feeding know that yeah they’re

Because now what we got one two three four from jgr uh one two from Legacy one two from uh 231 am I missing anybody you got those are the eight main ones I mean if they bring the 67 car out for a race or something you but so we we got a good

Pack of the 84 forgot the 84 for oh yeah Johnson Johnson oh Johnson so we got we got a good nine sharks ready to go they can go if we’re 3×3 by3 they can have three in each lane working I hope oh sorry sorry it it’ll be at the

End of four versus Ferrari Toyota’s like getting formation we need a photo it’ll be really funny if they just end up just taking over speed week just all nine just running you know nine you know top nine out of you know top 10 spots it’s taking over the packs or or

Or someone makes a moving they all all nine Rick Ross trash stain is I’m going to put this out in The Ether right now if they all like go way out to the lead I want somebody making a stupid meme with baby shark playing as they fly up to the front

ER but Eric once Eric Jones starts winning some races for legacy motor club in it it’ll grow on you a lot more trust me just because I picked just because I picked him to make the playoffs so last little bit when it comes to cars we don’t have to go too

Much on this until it gets there Xfinity the Xfinity series is using the Super Speedway engine package at Michigan and Indie yeah yeah that’s a good noise right there Dany do that again yeah bro I remember the the Michigan I remember those races too and

Oh yeah I went back and watched some of them they had their moments Indie especially had some really like it was 2018 they had that four wide stage finish oh but just the racing fan of me I just I don’t like restricted engines at these tracks I get it I totally get

That let me just say I’m just happy we’re back on the oval Indie I with that I’m happy too you know if I got a compromise sure give me a restrictor play I just have back on oval and look to some extent I get why they’re doing

It for the Indie oval and stuff but then I’m also like but it’s the Xfinity series we love these cars right you know what I mean so like do we really need this but this just feels it feels like a leftover idea from like 2017 2018 you

Know like the Allstar race package and then ultim 550 package it’s like haven’t we kind of pivoted and realized hey maybe that’s not really the direction we want go everywhere I think the fans have spoken up I think the fans have spoken for why like they love the Infinity

Series so like why do this you know but yeah that’s exactly how I feel just it’s just unnecessary and you’re only inviting no one’s going to sit back and say thank you NASCAR you’re only G to have critics you’re only gonna have people saying why why this why did we

Need this need it why why we need it well and I think the issue for me is like we we just said it it had moments it had ticktock moments Tick Tock oh you had you had you have 10 second Clips a lot of these times like like the

Infinity finish that I saw for that stage I see that V I saw that video afterwards and people like look look what it can do okay 10 seconds of a 2hour race is what you’re bringing up to say how good it is and nothing else you

Got to trademark that line yeah I was just about to say we came up with a new meme y’all the Tik Tock package that’s too that’s funny that’s a good way to put it good the Tik Tock package that’s perfect that’s perfect write that down right now yeah write it down so

Basically the 550 package was the Tik Tock package it might need some explanation for some people but I like it you don’t want small like a Tik Tok package what what was the what was the vine package oh God what was the 2015 right 2015 pack well I mean six seconds

So I guess like you I I don’t know what the vine no the vine package was group qualifying at the super speed it was like just funny it would look like a joke you know yeah yeah but no YouTube Shorts YouTube shorts is where it’s at don’t go to Tik Tok uh

Danny Alex in the chat says uh will they have the tall spoilers no I believe they’re gonna have the small normal spoilers like they do at Atlanta like they’re not like they it’s not going to be a full Super Speedway Arrow pack it’s just a super speedway engine pack

Package which I believe is what they use at Atlanta yeah watch We complain about it and then like afterwards like damn that was really good that’s the thing I like I look at it like if we see a four-wide stage finish you better believe I’m gonna be tweeting all cats

Great at the end of day hey there’s a reason that we get paid to give our hot takes about stuff on YouTube and Twitter and they get paid to do the R&D on these cars and decide what gets the race and I will fully admit we all would be

Complete Hypocrites if that happened like if it actually ended up being a banger right at the end we’re we’re all going to say that I I’m going to go on the my postra show and just be like all right I was wrong which we we’ve all

Said before on this show we have all admitted our when we’re wrong it’s it’s the Tik Tock package it’s dessert it’s like I love I love dessert but I don’t want to have it all the time so it’s like I can enjoy it in the moment but

It’s still in the back of my mind I know it’s not the right thing to be consuming yeah it’s that it’s that it’s that instin gratification bro it’s not always the best inant gratification oh gosh Milton Valenzuela said the teu package something broken from China oh wait hold

On no the FBI says the what’s at NASCAR package oh that’s fitting oh dark humor I love God well let’s move really quick last little bit we have a few rule changes uh first off with qualifying uh the top 10 is staying the same that’s the same kind of deal I

Believe as uh the five fastest in group a and the five fastest in group b will then compete for the poll in the second round but then it’s way compated yeah the rest of the lineup is set differently like I think group a will set the outside lane and then Group B

Will set the inside Lane which I like because it kind of removes the advantage of you know group a would might have over Group B depending on track conditions so it it’s it sounds complicated but I actually think it’s probably the right move from a competitive standpoint I’m just going

Full old head I don’t I just want to see one card a Time get the I like it’s better than last year’s I’m not saying it’s it’s you know the worst thing ever and there’s been way worse qualifying it’s just I I feel I feel like it’s just trying too hard on

Qualifying like we don’t need to complicate this or add more rules like just throw them out there you know like at least we have qualifying but I don’t want that to be the bar it’s like well at least we have it but I’m I’m all

Right with it it’s not the end of the world you know all 60,000 people that watch qualifying will be okay but yeah I love I I would love to give a rant like oh this is that all the good old days blah blah blah but then

I’m like yeah I can’t get really that mad either like yeah I would prefer a simple you know two lapper single car qualifying deal you know like the good old days but I don’t know it’s not really that big of a deal to me I I want

Your honest answers here because I will when I can watch it but like I’m not going to sit for like eight hours a day for every practice every qualifying like I will watch but if you’re thinking like 1 to 3 or 0 to 36 how many races of qualifying or like qualifying for

Different races do you guys approximately watch every year because like for me it’s maybe 12 18 like I can’t watch everyone it’s probably about half like now it’s definitely not as many when I was younger obvious and we had like the Speed Channel you L watch everything all weekend I literally watch

All awaken yep get off the bus get home from school turn on qualifying and I get there’s people that watch every bit of it I’m not you know saying that’s a bad thing by any means it’s like but it’s not the worst it’s not the biggest hill to die on I guess

I’m saying yeah mine is less than 10 by the way I just care that it sets the starting lineup fairly and I think this new version will do that more or less I think I think the big things here to look at rules-wise are in the pits and

On track we talked about about the rumble strips being added to turn one at the Glenn I’m okay with it yeah I’m okay with it the pits one is interesting so live pit stops are back at every xinity and truck race I like that uh I I like

The competition aspect anywhere we can add good competition without having to mck stuff up I like it um the gas cans are going from 11 gallons to nine for EAS for their words easier hiring on the small team side for those who are not as strong or I think they said weak though

Those who are weaker or smaller to be gasmen I I I think competition wise having less fuel go in or having it be tougher like that is probably more what they’re going for um and then Cup teams are allowed to have light up signs and billboards on their pit

Boxes okay cool I like that I like guarantee you rck house was the one to push that that’s what I oh yeah seems like that I thought they’ve had lights in the past cuz like I’ve seen them where they have like a number of like lights kind of around it or am I

Mistaken well this will be like now on the pit box I think they’re GNA have like screens to like show off like oh like that yeah I mean I’m I’m I’m liking it I don’t see anything really to get too mad about with any of these oh angry no no I

Know NASCAR R strips I don’t like change like I know people will find reason to be upset but it’s like we’ve had way worse offseason changes we really have yeah like like you know it could be worse we could have added a a a caution clock could added a caution clock right

Bite your tongue how dare you but I think that cover don’t you ever mention that again I think that covers the the the rules stuff for the most part man here here we were thinking we were going to be early on that stuff and no yeah

Took our time though I think I can somebody get me timer ready to go I do want I want to cover these super chats these guys were really good so starting out right off the bat with the outside line thank you for the 10 saying welcome

Back guys also this is my start of the Year saying bring back Kentucky Speedway for 2025 I also have blay going back to back for odds I have an over under 20.5 bfm jinxes oh my oh we’re going to keep track of that let’s go I’ll take I’ll

Take the over he’s already done a football what happened to the Lions bro what happened to the Lions that’s what y’all get for the Rams BS that’s what y’all get and Kirby Joseph got hurt that was nice um Nas Carson thank you for the two super chats here 999 on the first

One saying hey nwp guys Eric and Iceberg thank you for entertaining Us in the off season Daren thank you for uploading Fox kids NASCAR racers without it I would not have been a fan that I am today since 2000 and then says is anyone on

The chat or the nwp guys going to the Cup race this weekend Danny B thanks for giving us a tour of your Motorsports collection the offseason that was pretty cool yeah thanks for thanks for checking that out if you haven’t seen it go check

It out it’s a lot of cool stuff in there but no I will not be there I don’t think any of us are gonna be there no no not not not in La nah uh Timmy wolf thank you for your nine-month member chat do y

All think Suarez is on the hot seat this year yeah yeah yeah because is his um contract year correct yeah yeah especially with Zan Smith looming yep just lurking lurking there Joseph Knuckles thank you for the two gotta watch the Kentucky game tonight it’s a hard Choice please come back it we we

Will be fun trust me Kentucky basketball will be there another time Hunter nion fishing thank you for the 9999 uh so happy to have you guys back can’t wait for 24 predictions for wins for Kyle Bush this year I think the over under should be at 1.5 yeah I’ll go I’m giving

Him two wins this year I’ll say three again yeah I’m two Alex love for five um Danny you might have to help me on this to steal from Eric be how do you say his last name boffs oh bishof Bishoff Eric bishof WWE theme we’re back and we’re better than

Ever got a knack for making things better nice Ross crash stain thanks for the five what’s the he is uh Spencer thank you for being a member for 31 months who Do You Think You Are I Am no we are back nice Alex thanks for the five here’s to another

Great year this show my Clash uh suck pick is Ross Chastain Darkhorse Josh Barry and my wiener is Ryan Blain oh all right oh oh someone’s gonna take your uh what you just said out of context that is three minutes you can do a couple more if you want we’ll get a

Couple more really quick get three more as the sirens fly by mudo 3 videos for the Canadian 2 we are so effing back facts it’s censored too so nice oh man it just updated here we go um Dominion 42 thanks for the 10 after missing the entirety of last season after somoma due

To enlisting I’m extremely excited to be back into racing and see how all the changes which I’m still catching up on we’ll play out hype we’ll thank you for your service welcome yeah welcome back we’ll do our best to to keep you up to date and I think Save The Best For Last

In this first segment from my mom mother of all icebergs thank you for the 77 damn uh thanks Mom uh saying welcome back man y she was she was gonna send seven and she said ah what the heck one more seven 77 I appreciate it she’s on

The Carson host of our hype train this year oh yeah agrees with Danny going to get a Speedway win yeah so we do have another segment to go into it is time yes sir we are back we are back we are back for the seventh season on nwp it’s time

For the ground on the NASCAR weekly podcast Jarrett we’re back baby we are so back that your audio went out oh oh damn damn oh well so really quick shout out to the Spotify side again I put out a poll and it went for the whole off

Season and I asked what did you think of the 2023 season because it was I put it out last year like four days after the season ended um 0% a piece said bad or below average 11% said average and then 33% said great and 56% thought it was a good

Season so thank you for uh your participation I we appreciate both the uh YouTube side and the audio side uh into news here uh Rowdy energy has shut down and they are in a loss suit because of having exceeded the allotted amounts of lead and I believe mercury in their

Drinks oops so congrats you all have lead poisoning yeah now it makes sense why why my stomach was hurting sometimes when I you had ulcers yeah probably yeah something uh in sad news the Winston Cup museum has officially closed um that just sucks it does there was a few people who put out

Some good YouTube videos that you can go back and check out to always kind of see uh it forever preserved in that way I know Peter Strada had a pretty good video about it so if you want to check out what it was go check it out and the

NASCAR pinty series has been renamed the NASCAR Canada series per Adam Stern perfect simple Kevin Harvick has bought the kar Raceway and renamed it Kevin Harvick’s ker Raceway in case you didn’t know who owns it hell an ego he wants you to know he like this my Speedway hey

I like hey you know has the same Vibes the boulder yeah um Family Dollar and Dollar Tree will sponsor at least one one of the two or three depending on how many races uh Jimmy’s in which I believe we’ll get to in a moment uh of the

Legacy cars in every single race at least one uh that’s rare now big deal and with products that cost a dollar 25 that’s it a Dollar Tree how the heck you affording that same uh CEO that was the CEO of Dollar General a few years ago and they sponsored you know Joey loano

And Matt kenson if you can’t beat him join him yeah pretty much sooma Raceway has been completely repaved for 2024 and something else along with the road course side that I think a lot of us are in the bad end when it comes to opinion of stage cautions have been

Confirmed to rec uh to return at the road Court I can’t even say it right because I just o we hate it uh New Orleans Saints running back Alvin chra has launched a new NASCAR merch line just keep them away from Casino uh Ira’s trademark has been

Bought by Ray everham and Rob Kaufman in an attempt to revive the series they intend to run at least one race in 2024 wonder which race that’ll be and uh as Danny is also reminding me too the SRX is dead yes it’s dead well it’s it’s it’s hibernating I suppose it’s not you

Know we don’t know for sure I don’t want to pron something dead it’s not looking good let’s just in human terms we’d call that a coma yeah a that’s a good way to put basically iro was in a coma now it’s back now it’s back right the universe

Must stay balanced always I think I think Iraq was closer to being next door neighbors with fry from Futurama uh front row has changed its alliances from RFK to team Pensky okay okay uh for you Jimmy fans his 2024 schedule consists of the Daytona 500 Texas do Kansas 600 Brickyard 400 Kansas

Again Las Vegas and the finale okay in a Toyota oh that’s gonna take some getting used to that’s that’s a lot that’s a lot more races compared to what he did last year yeah that Toyota though it’s going to take some getting used to to see him driving it uh Andrey as many

Have talked about today has been denied F1 entry until at least 2028 off of F1 elitism at its finest well you know what by 2028 they’ll have a few they’ll have a few NASCAR wins maybe a championship don’t need you what doing yeah seriously andred like y’all are better off man

Like just just move NASCAR come to NASCAR bro we love that the inspiration for the boulder will be the Grand Marshall at the 2024 Daytona 500 The Rock mhm if you smile I just I think it’s amazing that they got an entire track from North Carolina

As a Grand Marshall I know right yeah what a cross over this will be his first time being a Grand Marshal since Texas of 2004 oh and this track is gonna promote their uh new football league their new merged Football League oh yes they are yes they are you’re gonna see

Oh you’re you’re gonna see a lot of that mentioned on the broadcast y’all get ready get ready for it uh really quick we’ll go I want to go over a couple things before we get to the documentary talk uh iRacing and indie car have reunited on a new licensing agreement

IRacing is um trying to redeem the Motorsports gaming side uh from Motorsport games yeah got a long way to go uh NASCAR was pulled as the seventh most popular sport among gen Z above the likes of the UFC NHL and Formula 1 according to the morning console oo

Shocking I honly shocked take that F1 yeah take it now we got Netflix we have nowhere to go B up yeah we really look at me look at me I am the Netflix series now I’m the captain now I am the captain now um speaking of Netflix NASCAR full speed

Has debuted yesterday I want to know your guys’s thoughts that have watched it I did not watch it because I want to know from people who are NASCAR fans going in what should I expect spoiler alert Ryan blay wins oh he’s the champion sorry I didn’t mean to just saved you three hours

No it’s good it’s it’s a good show I think there’s more for new fans than there are for hardcore fans like there’s a lot of here’s how the playoffs work you know let’s meet Ross Chastain did you know he was a watermelon farmer did you know he punched Noah Gregson like

You know if you’re an avid fan a lot of the ground they tread is it’s it’s edited into a real flashy nice tight package but you’ve seen a lot of it before for the best parts to me were when they got the drivers and their families and you know like crew chiefs

Sort of away from the crowd whether it’s at their house it’s at the shop like 2311 let them into like team meetings uh in the haulers like Belle and uh and his wife uh had like a really emotional moment in the season finale I felt lagano Bubba like when they get them

Away from the action kind of isolated I feel like that’s where for hardcore fans you’ll really see some things you’ve never seen for we’ve seen companies try to do this uh what was it uh motor Motor Trend try to do something a few years back with Cory lejoy I think Austin

Dylan was part of that a lot of the RCR people were part of that um then we saw USA try to do something we’ve seen the Austin Dylan reality show that i’ put that at my lowest of all those type of things uh this is definitely uh the top

Um you know Netflix did the crew it didn’t do good enough for season two ultimately um this is definitely the top this is honestly probably like the best most well done production in my opinion since going back to that NASCAR IMAX experience that was forever ago oh yeah

I barely remember that that was some my earliest exposure I had the DVD I’ll put it I’ll put it like this for you jet okay five years ago we had freaking NASCAR wives now we have NASCAR full speed so we died and officially have gone to heaven now NASCAR full

Speed delivers in um the show delivers in these three words in my opinion authenticity Simplicity and it’s real it’s it’s it’s just real the entire thing is just real man like for for um for f1’s drive to survive like yeah you know part of it is real but then there’s

Another part of it where it’s so dramatized it’s overdramatic it’s pushing narratives and storylines that don’t exist okay NASCAR drivers don’t do that nowadays at all okay the show knew this exactly and it cater to them I feel like too and also and and and also shout

Out to the drivers too man for giving that level of access finally finally something real authentic and and not joking about the sport finally absolutely I do to Darien’s point he’s exactly right it’s very authentic it’s very genuine nothing is overblown or o you know over the top I don’t think um I

Do Wonder in some ways if that could work against it you know I think the Casual fans like the melodrama of the of drive to survive yeah this you know it’s it’s only five episodes it moves so fast I feel like any any real like ongoing tension or interpersonal conflict kind

Of it moves too fast to really stay on that for too long so I could see that hurting its appeal with non- NASCAR fans like the NASCAR and racing fans are going to appreciate it for being real but like you know Kevin in Virginia who’s never heard of NASCAR who watches

It might have a hard time latching on for that reason I could believe that that is true I brought up uh when I talked to you about it Eric that like I watched the quarterback documentary and going in I mean you guys know like I I have issues with the Kirk Cousins

Contract and I viewed him as oh he’s the giant anchor on our cap space and and then I watched it and I’m like damn I really like this guy like he’s actually like really likable mhm that that’s what I want with different drivers like I I’ve been seeing that clip go around of

Christopher Bell where they’re like yeah so we had like eight guys that we had to choose from and and follow and you weren’t on that list and it’s like I want to see how he handles that how he proves people wrong stuff like that so it sounds like that they they got that

And I’m I’m cool with that man I’m I’m good with that that’s that’s all I ask for honestly what’s what’s most shocking to me though is you could tell some of the veteran drivers who who you know don’t really have much to gain like Trux Bush Harvick

They’re barely in it it’s like they they they didn’t sign the contract Chase Elliott I know he wasn’t in the drivers playoffs but he is the most popular driver dude doesn’t even exist in this universe I don’t think he was on screen once I was shocked he didn’t make the

Playoffs good yeah and I and I saw some people actually complaining about that on Twitter like why was CH Elliot not be in the playoffs and you’ll get in this now now I saw somebody else say like oh they Ty Gibbs like well yeah he was

Relevant to the story like that yeah he was relevant to episode one he was in it briefly he didn’t have yeah he didn’t have a speaking role but he was in it yeah well that’s that’s good to know that’s good to know going in and um I

Think that and then one more thing is a good way to end off the lightning round I want to let you guys know who are watching right now where we’ll be next week before we go into the second half of the show we going to be on Danny B’s

Channel next Wednesday February 7th at 8:00 p.m. eastern time so be sure to be here looking at you yeah you yeah you Kevin in Virginia be there I’m dying at need for speeds comment he says Ty Dylan’s car appeared about four or five times he did did he would have kept

Track that’s so on brand for Need for Speed I love that would that make Ty Dylan an extra well technically Eric’s an extra he he barely made it a cameo he is extra I was on screen more than Chase Elliott was oh and also another Easter

Egg so Eric was the first Easter egg um so the trophy the little Nashville guitar trophy um Byron shows in um episode one I actually gave that to him before interviewing him uh at the fairground so I saw that I was like oh yeah I saw the date said May something

2022 did you see your fingerprints still on it yeah no no but it’s like few those drivers I’ve shook his hand that’s a lightning round though guys yes and that will conclude this edition of the famous lightning round on the NASCAR weekly podast and now back to the show now there’s two

Other kind of major uh segments I guess to look at really quick uh the first one and I think we can roll through this pretty quick talked about it a bit but just to keep people in in the know about what’s going on in the future here there

Was a new media deal here uh we have the cupside exfinity and trucks this for the most part I believe all goes through 2025 to 2031 7-year deal uh cup will have 14 races with Fox Sports five on big fox nine on FS1 five races a pizza

On Prime and Turner Sports with TNT and I believe HBO Max or simoc casting on and 14 on NBC sports with four being on big NBC every race of the season will be on the CW for Xfinity every race of the season will at the moment be on FS one

Though one or two will probably be moved to big box for the truck series good graphic yeah great graphic great for me I like trying new things I love the CW part not crazy about trucks staying on FS1 only I just think it’s too C cable happy

That’s lot of cable that’s true I’m not even upset about the prime stuff because I think that’s the way sports are going I just I we have I mean let me put this back up real quick we have five nine races on broadcast channels compared to

Like what is it now like 19 or 20 it’s like half the schedule’s on cable and then the other half is split between streaming and network TV I just I I’m with you I would love this I don’t mind the 10 races in the middle that are

Available on streaming and you know the TNT races if you don’t have streaming you can still get those on cable if you have cable you can pick one or the other that’s not bad I like carving out that mid-season streaming package to try it

Out but of the races on Fox and NBC I wish there were a few more each on the network channel instead of cable because I’m with you 231 man we talk about cable dying now seven years from now cable could be on life support so that’s just

You that that part it feels a little shortsighted but NASCAR got paid which means the teams most likely are also going to get paid so you know that that money is what keeps this sport you know growing or at the size that it is now so

That part is very important and we can debate about you know like all cables dying and then streaming’s up this and that you know all day but at the end of the day for NASCAR the most important thing for them is the money and what was it

7.7 billion for seven years 1.1 billion per season holy crap I mean like for NASCAR I mean that is huge means more money for them more money for the teams um now as far as you know the way it’s laid out you know for a sport like this

Where you know most of your base is going to be like oh like oh it’s going to be behind the pay wall yada yada yada you know having it in the in um uh in the middle during the season helps out a lot and then also simoc casting it with

TNT which is already going to be on there like that also um softens the blow as well so I um I will say this though I don’t know if there’s any um if the way it’s structured I don’t know if there’s um any room for any sort of changes

Maybe perhaps in the future but I mean the way it’s laid out now it’s very shortsighted the way it’s laid out now so like if we’re still doing this by the year 2031 I’m going to be like uh like we should have done some more streaming

Streaming uh of races by now so I I think the the interesting part going in is is how is this going to affect uh the way that the Charter system negotiations go this year uh the news that we had heard is that the teams or or NASCAR

Wanted to renew it by having the cut go from like what 3 9% to 42% with 39% on the current deal compared to 42 on the new one and that the money split for that now this is for every one of those 36 teams would be going from 320 million

Per year approximately to 462 million a year approximately um I think the teams have been asking for way more though if I’m not mistaken like wen’t they asking closer to 50% it’s weird like according to the reports from Sports Business Journal primarily you all the numbers that everyone thought we knew were wrong

Like up until this point the last few years the going number was 25% that’s what the teams get from the TV deal but oh no the T that doesn’t factor in apparently the purse money that passes through the track so no I think now according to

SBJ the teams have been getting 39% of TV money over the past few years which is very different than 25 and so as a result they’re now asking for anywhere from 45 to 50% that’s a significant an increase but it’s not as radical as the 25 to 50% jump we thought they were

Asking for so it even sounds like internally at these negotiations that that NASCAR and the teams can’t really agree on what numbers are actually relevant there’s some numbers like 42% you have here like I said there’s 50% is being thrown out there like depending on how you calculate it the numbers shift

Slightly that’s confusing and has me concerned that these negotiations are going to go on for a lot longer than we realize but I could be wrong I hope with the TV deal being signed that both both sides can come to a conclusion sooner rather than later yeah I I’m I’m in the

Same boat with that just cuz my my thing is I I don’t want to see this go out into the summer and then out into the the you know playoffs stuff like if they got Netflix covering this we’re in trouble like when there’s issues yeah if Netflix cameras are in

The meeting rooms you know you’ve taken too long will the series die no truly drive to survive yeah yeah uh but that that’s my thing is like they they made it seem like 25% they’re wanting 50 or whatever it is but either way like we’re seeing the difference

Like the the dollar amount is what we need to look at with it like it doesn’t matter what metrics are looking at like the dollars speak for themselves of who’s getting what and and that’s that’s the part for me where it’s like you know

And again I I get it’s it’s part of the business part of it here but for an average person like any of us or anyone watching ing at home when you hear yeah so these teams are are looking to possibly per year be getting a combined 132 million more and they’re not happy

With that I’m like what do you want like Yeah The Blue Collar Blue Collar fans are not going to be sympathetic yeah yeah that’s a good way to put it no because you’re right like it may only be like a four five six per you know

Increase like like a like a chunk like increase as far as size of the pie I guess but if we’re talking sheer dollar amount it’s going to be a 40 to 50% increase like you you read out the numbers the estimations earlier it’s they’re going to get at least probably

$100 million per car more this year most likely so that’s a big increase is it enough to make the difference I mean you also got to think seven years from now with inflation with parts change you know is that 100 million plus still going to be a good enough difference

Don’t know I don’t blame the teams for trying to scratch and Claw for every dollar they can but you know obviously at some point the two sides are just going to have to strike a deal because I think you know I think both sides have leverage in some cases but I think both

Sides do need each other I think you know the teams can threaten to go off and start their own series you know the SRX with Tony Stewarts you know and Kyle Bush and and that sort of and and Helo Castroneves that folded after three years like you know at some point the

NASCAR brand and those tracks that NASCAR own like Daytona that matters like that does sell tickets that does sell ratings so you know NASCAR obviously needs the teams they’re the show but the teams do need NASCAR and you know so you know they they’re going

To have to find a deal at some point it’s it’s interesting NASCAR owns the ball and playing court but the teams still have to negotiate like it it’s very interesting when you uh put it like that y well and then one other big thing in the off season that’s been talked

About is is who might be going to NASCAR how much power these cars will be having so there’s a bit of turmoil on the indie car side with Honda saying that they might out of indie car after 2026 um they mention NASCAR by name as a possibility uh they’ve been on their

Radar since the 2010s when it comes to that so do you guys see any likelihood of any of this happening maybe I mean the andred thing with 28’s really interesting in this timeline too if they want to introduce you know themselves in NASCAR in a a pretty big way or anything

Like that but is there is there any validity we can look at this with it’s funny that you mention that cuz I remember um I told um y’all this last week um watching YouTube videos I saw Eric’s video from five years ago popping up about um RPM um T Honda or some

Something like that they were rumored to Honda to Toyota they had all my point is we’ve been hearing this I can you know go all the way back to 2018 with Eric’s video and you know even longer as well so you know at this point until it

Happens you know I’ll believe it when I see you know the same thing with you know Junior Motorsports to The Cup Series you know it’s just a pipe dream at this point you know yeah at all but if I remember even going back to 2018 there was some link to andred even back

Then so the andred news today that does add a wrinkle to it I’m I’m more pessimistic now than I was two or three years ago you know NASCAR was talking a big game with the nextg they were dropping names like Dodge just candidly just throwing that out there publicly um

I’m a little more pessimistic now I don’t think we see a Fourth Man manufacturer until we can kind of more solidify what kind of engine what sort of power source NASCAR will be using in 510 20 years you know they’re not going full electric maybe ever but if like

This hydrogen technology that Toyota’s pioneering that Chevrolet is interested in if that ever clearly becomes a real Direction either for a separate series or for the cup series I could see another manufacturer jumping in I could see multiple manufacturers jumping in that it might be all at once but this

Idea that nothing really is going to change but all of a sudden Honda or you know insert additional manufacturer is going to suddenly become interested I I do think that’s a long shot at this point but I’ll be happy to be proven wrong if that’s the case and something

To consider with the whole Honda to NASCAR think about who NASCAR’s parent organization is like and in themselves they they also own imsa well Honda and Acura are both competitors in IMA there’s already a relationship established there yeah well the other question I have is where is horsepower

Kind of play into all this so over the off season I believe reic said that it would take more than a thousand horsepower to see any noticeable difference at short tracks um senior VP of ECR Bob Fischer had said that it wouldn’t be any more expensive as it is

Now to do 750 horsepower teams are comfortable you know Yates has talked about it David Wilson Toyota has talked about it and and what NASCAR’s been doing instead is is Arrow chain so I guess we’re not seeing it this year what’s the like likelihood that this

Time in 2025 we’re talking about say a 750 horsepower car I think 750 is realistic but you know go back to reck’s comments and granted he was basing that off one simulator session but you know if that’s true 750 won’t make a difference it maybe it’ll make a negligible difference

But I think NASCAR is worried about upping the horsepower and then having something else on the car falter you know the car was designed with 670 or 550 horsepower in mind remember this car was originally designed with 550 in mind they changed it to 670 last minute so to

Bump it up it’s only 80 more horsepower it’s probably feasible but you know the nuts and bolts on this car weren’t necessarily designed to sustain that kind of force I’m no engineer that’s just what NASCAR’s Engineers have been saying I’ll take them at their word for

The time being but you know 750 is potentially realistic if we have to truly bump it up to a thousand like reic suggests to make a difference that’s going to take that would probably require a full redesign of of parts of the car and I don’t know if that’s in

The budget I’m gonna be pessimistic and say we never get to a thousand I do think 750 could happen but if I have to give a Max honestly 800 is the max I see it going to I don’t see it going any anywhere past that yeah like honestly we

Would be extremely lucky to have the max be 900 but yeah I’m going to have to agree with Danny on that just 800 Max and you know like Tyler reck said I mean it’s not going to make much of a difference but but um but uh you know

Then again it’s just off of one Similator so I I I wouldn’t see a thousand by any means but I do think what whenever that Hybrid engine comes along that they’ve talked about they’ve said that that that will increase it just because of the electrification part

I just for me I want to know a timeline because they’ve talked about that since the design of the nextg and then went radio silent like nobody talks about it whatsoever get of I think that the way you get NASCAR fans on board with hybrid engines is say hey you want more

Horsepower this adds what 150 200 whatever it might be soften the blow I I think I think you you add that and if there’s no real difference per se in the sound of it either and then the Racing’s good I I think that it’s a smooth rollover but I just

I I I don’t think they’ll even have it next year to 750 I want them to I think they can from what everyone said but NASCAR seems hellbent on keeping it where it is now oh yeah I’m gonna say 20 2026 is the earliest I could see

Something changing look it says a lot when Steve Phelps like says publicly like oh yeah all the drivers you know Danny hlin have told me like yeah more horsepower and I ask is that really necessary is that really the answer that was that was not a good quote Yeah for

Real I’m like is sat like what is going on he’s cutting out your mic and everything yeah oh oh my God I’m sorry like is that is this real is this satire what’s going on well you know what is real and is hopefully not satire of

Mother Nature can play along with us is The Clash this weekend it’s time yes so going to this weekend there’s a lot of stuff here um you got the Mexico Series race you got the new format with heat races starting uh setting the starting grid for the top 20 on Saturday uh the

Lcq I believe is the lcq on Saturday or Sunday it’s Sunday afternoon it’s after the Mexico race Sunday hey just just curious are we able to watch that Mexico race yeah it’s on on FS1 okay okay didn’t know Mikey Mikey that’s that’s right that’s right he’s going to be trending the 23rd Place

Starter also will be the highest left in points uh and only green flag laps count just so we know going in ready hope that TV window is large yeah get ready I’m I’m just more I’m more worried anything about a you know was it 2022 Allstar

Race uh I I hope we don’t have an ending like that oh oh yeah oh the window net yeah oh yeah he won the race it’s like no we called a caution like three feet before he got there’s one yeah imagine a one laap shootout at the Coliseum yeah oh 9sec

Lap that’s crazy it’ll be like an NBA final minute it’ll last like an hour yeah we’re never we’re never finishing that so the Mexico Series race we’ll have um Gabriel glacius giving the command so that should be funy and then also this is the last year of the current contract with with the

Coliseum so be something interesting it might be the last yeah it might be the last one NASCAR is debuting their first EV race car just as like a show uh they’re also exploring hydrogen combustion engines for the future a lot of people I think are hoping it goes

That way instead um as for the package that you got on it the the wet tires and defoggers are being used more damp weather because there’s no windshield wipers so they can do a damp track but they’re not going to race in the rain um Machine Gun Kelly is performing at

Halftime the meme there’s gonna be a lot of memes he’s a popular meme though that’s the most important the big thing is two big things to notice too uh the Mexico Series race is going to have Daniel Suarez in it like I’m having trouble here nobody but these guys can

See is I’m having trouble trying to like go along here um and then Saturday was initially going to have no fans now it’s open to the public for free you did it NASCAR of course NASCAR fans would complain about it hey you did it NASCAR fans hey NASCAR fans you did it you

Shamed NASCAR into doing it and you still complained itain it a good call by yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s great as for the race it is the bush light Clash at the Coliseum 1 laps you got stages basically of 75 laps halftime 75 laps starting at 8:00 pm eastern time which I

Believe that would be what 5:00 p.m. uh Pacific Time yep which uh not to give too much of a a spoiler on the weather forecast but that’s when it’s supposed to start raining of course nasar’s back D’s back we’re back baby it’ll be on TV

On Fox as well as the Fox Sports app and on the radio it’ll be on MRN and SiriusXM Radio uh as of the reports from both The Weather Channel and also the Ryan Hall YouTube channel YouTube and the internet’s weatherman Saturday 63° it’s going to have clouds and sun maybe

Some evening showers weather channnel says 45% chance of rain as it gets later in the night we should be good on Saturday Sunday 60° going to be cool with showers 85% chance of rain starting in the evening I just want to let people know as well that Southern California is

Dealing with flooding issues as well so everyone that’s out there and heading to the track or to the city be safe um there’s also expected to be excessive rain through Thursday yeah the whole that whole week like Sunday Kind of kicks off a very rainy week in La

Although I will say the rain seems to be slowly but surely getting pushed further back last I checked earlier this evening uh it was down to like a 50 to 60% chance of rain starting at like 5:00 pm so fingers crossed it just keeps getting push back a couple more hours and we’ll

Be all good I mean they can race in a light light light rain but we you know we’d rather not we want to see a good crowd don’t want any concerts canceled like Chicago you know keep it clean and green I feel bad because I feel like a

Lot of fans are going to be like we just have be 75 laps cancel the Machine Gun Kelly concert and just end it there we’ll be yeah well all good race Martin TRX Jr is a defending winner as for those looking forward Daren who should we be having as

Our odds on favorites and everyone else in there yes it’s the return of the betting odds segment on the NASCAR weekly podcast let’s start off with our favorites Kyle Larson and Martin TR Jr are tied as the odds on favorite at plus 850 William Byron and Kyle Busch are

Both tied at plus 900 a piece followed by Ryan blay the defending Cup Series champion uh as for the best of the rest we have Joey loano and Denny Hamlin at plus 1100 Christopher Bell at plus 1200 Chase Elliott at plus 1500 and Brad kazlowski at plus 1600 as for The

Underdogs we have Tyler reick Ross Chastain and Chris buer all tied at Plus 2,000 followed by Bubba Wallace at plus 2,800 and Austin Dylan at plus 3,000 remember he finished top three last year or it was either third place or the runnerup Finish he got so I think he got

Yeah it was RCR finish second and third I don’t know they were both second and third yeah both second and third but hey he could be a solid Contender on Sunday and then let’s introduce something really quick here I think we can rapid fire these two I want to know uh your

Guys’s predictions whether it’s for the season the race the show anything uh we’ll introduce a bit of a new ripple effect into this the prediction segment for the nwp so each host make up to three Nascar Motorsports or show related predictions we’re going to keep track of our predictions which will probably not

Be good for our uh egos uh keep I will say keep your predictions concise and if you’re predicting in the future keep it within like a year two three at the max but let’s go into let’s do it the same order for predictions we’re going to do

For our picks in a bit uh so Danny lead us off what’s your first prediction heading into this season let’s just get this out of the way Alex Bowman goes winless again oh man okay my prediction number one is this I think wet weather tires will be

Used in at least three races in each of the top three series gon have to keep track of that keep tally this year Jared I’ll go yeah I’ll go next uh Chase Brisco is competing for the win this weekend Oh I like that competing like

Going for the lead at the end like what in the in in the final laps he will be one of the contenders in um inside the top three okay okay I like that well I’ll stick with the Clash Coliseum as well uh my prediction is that this will

Be the final Clash at the Coliseum it’s the end of the deal we’ll see where they go next but it won’t be the LA Memorial Coliseum Danny what you got next uh Kyle Bush regresses but still wins a race this season my prediction is this this will

Be a long-term one or we’ll find out right away Martin Trex Jr will retire after the 2025 season oh so you think’ll do another year after year yeah one more year he’ll have he’ll have one more year after this Carson josar will piss someone off this

Weekend I look at Darian are like not really quantifiable yeah we we got into what is what do we say like is it like an angry radio sound bite that everyone says or is it like some like we got to have something to quantif okay so more

Detail you’re right you’re right got got DET okay so you’re you’re right you’re right so um in full detail um somebody will uh cussing up a storm about him on the radio and it’ll be one of these you know funny sound bites there you go okay

If we hear a lot of beeps on radioactive we’ll be good there you go gota be more specific Dar I I don’t know I don’t know he’s gonna like I don’t know like what do you want me to say he’ll take somebody out being too aggressive and uh

They’re going to give him a piece of is that on the record as a prediction or off the Record here on the record there you go okay uh I’ll look a couple weeks into the future I think with with the Netflix show uh this Clash hopefully

Going off without a hitch I think this year’s Daytona 500 will draw the biggest TV audience since 2019 um it’s gotten 8 to 8.8 million viewers the last two years then the years before that it was rained out or had rain issues so I’m predicting 9 million plus viewers for the Daytona 500

So it has to be 9.17 well it has to be 2022 which was 8 like8 8.9 okay that’s right okay I thought you said that like higher than 19 I’m like no since 19 yeah 19 I don’t remember what it was it was like 9.1 or something yeah so Danny what’s your final

Prediction my final prediction is that everyone’s favorite poverty franchise in NASCAR shr will go winless this season oh man that was gonna be mine my my goodness and the sirens go by to resuscitate me I’ll go with a backup I had here the winner of the 2024 Clash will lead 70 or more

Laps okay because it’s ending at halftime yep Bubba Wallace will win multiple races in 2023 and one of them will be we already got the prics wrong yeah 2024 or 2024 dang it I was thinking of it’s number 23 me Bubble Wallace I’m driving the 23 in 2024 will win multiple

Races and my last prediction is that NASCAR full speed will be uh season two will get green lit before Daytona I feel I have feeling it’s already green L right now yeah I think they they’ll make an announcement before the Daytona 500 hey stay tuned for the fall or thec coming offseason because

Netflix is back again they don’t waste time with this you know when something’s successful a lot of these Studios a lot of these networks will be like hey’ll like capitalize on the fan excitement in the moment and say hey we’ll be back you it was it was already

Top five within two days so it’s good it’s hopefully hopefully did the crew ever uh crack the top 10 that that someone has to go back and for for a moment but it was only like for um the week of you know so the real test will

Be like you know next week the week after you know there are sometimes though I think if some has a good enough deal they can they can kind of forcefully make you think it’s up there in the top 10 to click on it more I’m sure they could also I bet NASCAR’s

Footing I mean NASCAR studios are helping produce this thing NASCAR’s footing a lot of the bill documentaries naturally are are popular because they’re cheap so Netflix I’ll bet there’s very little finan relatively little Financial commitment on Netflix’s behalf so they might you know if NASCAR’s happy with it I’m sure Netflix

Will be happy to sign off that’s just my guess so yeah I I I can’t wait for the uh next week when we do this prediction segment we’ll have our accountability session and already see it we’re we’re going to keep track of percentage right everything like that so we’re going to

Have fun this year with that um but let’s do the predictions that we’ve always done for this week so I’m going to give you uh where’s it at right here uh the new the new and improved little adjustments to our pick points this more Graphics more Graphics uh so we got the

Same as usual for points per race uh no no plus four for the now uh hos SRX uh get a weekend sweep outside of this week because there’s only one race and that’d be unfair you get plus 10 differen is for all win picks this year

Doesn’t have to be this this way for Dark Horse or suck picks or any of that for all win picks this year everyone including the chat has to have a different pick than each other just so y that’s that’s big chat chat just got quiet they just got quiet remember that

That one time when I had like third place finisher and you were last or yeah yeah I was the only like you all picked the same person and I didn’t even though technically I was second right no I got the fifth place points well you finished behind all of

Us though but yeah but now but now that can’t happen that can’t happen no more and the order is going to be different this way too we’re doing it in last to points to first to points so Danny lead us off who is going to suck or Miss The

Clash this year yes hello I am the I am the Chicago Bears of the uh of the picks this year with the number one pick and who’s gonna suck in the 2024 nwp draft Danny B selects Alex Bowman to miss the Clash once again damn damn man damn

NOA dude you should really switch your alliance from from uh t Titans to Vikings because you really have that despair LoveHate relationship with your teams look if I expect nothing then I can’t be disappointed oh gosh I am a Vikings fan yes yeah actually actually well most years but the the problem with

Us is we we get our hopes up and then it wait no who am I kiding I am a Titans fan we have no hope anymore that is true going to the second pick what am I the commies um I’m going to say that this guy will either suck or Miss The Clash

I’m going to go with Daniel Suarez oh damn I was gonna go with Daniel sorz as well you can yeah you can for suck pick yeah yeah yeah yeah we only we only have to pick differently for the final Win Pick so who you got Eric oh oh oh Saran

Is going okay picking too my bad uh I’ve got Brad kezelowski RFK has not had good luck in this race and and I love how everyone started putting 77 for Ty Dylan and then realized it’s not Ty Dylan no no can’t do it can’t putting I think they’re putting Noah Gregson we’re

Gonna go Noah yeah give him Noah all right who’s our Dark Horse pick uh my darkh horse pick is actually their suck pick Carson I I I kind of a feel his his aggression might help him a little bit in this Cas that’s true I’m gonna go Bubba Wallace I

Think Bubba could be somebody in the top five he was pretty good last year I’m gonna go with Josh Barry oh y’all let this guy on the board maybe this is someone’s Win Pick I guess but Ryan priest no yeah yeah it’s true and the chat’s going with priest too yeah

All right all right Daren now pick differently this is where it gets spicy I’ve got backup picks i’ got my draft board is set all right ladies and gentlemen it is time for the main event it is time who’s gonna win who’s gonna win the La Clash

Danny so these last few years The Clash has set up who was going to be a big deal that season Joey lagano won went on to win the championship Martin Shooks Jr won went on to become the regular season champion this year I think starting off

Strong will be none other the Mr Netflix himself Denny Hamlin oo o cross that one off my board Dam all right no 11’s off the board I don’t think anyone has this guy on their draft board but he is sneaky good at this track the last two

Years he’s been sneakily in the top five both races most of it people are going to say I’m crazy this is a boomer bus pick I’m gonna go Austin Dylan good one good good one I’m going to stay in the Chevy camp but it’s going to be in the hendrik Motorsports Camp

The five Kyle Larson hell yeah top of my my top draft pick is still on the board Ford ended last year great great at the short tracks all year long Ryan blay oh chat you can’t pick the five I took him the can’t pick the

Five I’ve seen a ton of Kyle bu oh I’m seeing yeah I’m seeing a bunch of eights now he was second on my draft board I don’t blame that’s a good pick I I think they’re going with the eight that is oh that’s the eight that’s eight they have gone of

Kyle bus yeah that’s eight I’m glad they’re liking the new pick segment thing that was fluid that was smooth well done so we’ve got Denny Hamlin uh Jarrett had Austin Dylan Eric had Ryan Blain and Darren had Kyle lson Chad had Kyle bus y well done everybody it’s gonna be it’s gonna be

Fun yes it’s going to be fun it’s going to be an interesting season Once once we add in all the other series too oh that’s going to be cool well guys I know we’re going to run a little late with this but people came out in force

Tonight with the likes y’all did y’all did man yeah we are well over 400 likes we have a new little segment but I need first off I need you guys to get the chat off your screen we’re going honor you know system all right I’ll type in

One thing and all right I’m clicked off now okay all right hide chat okay existed I turned off the monitor basically I got nothing up we’re going to do a little game at the end is our last little segment and this is random driver of the week I will give you

Around 10 or so Clues St light and no and you guys you guys get at least three guesses or you can opt out if you have no idea and then I I if you all opt out I win is this active driver or any driver from oh jeez series all right we

Can do this y BRS anyone so are you ready let’s go okay all right first one this random driver is a championship winning ARCA crew chief this random driver is a championship winning ARCA crew chief okay next clue you guys have no an no no guesses all right not yet not yet not

Yet this random driver hails from Hickory North Carolina he cut his teeth at Hickory okay who didn’t that’s what I’m saying yeah because we get up to three guesses so I’m conserving them right now yeah yeah I’m gonna have to pass still all right this random driver has made a

Combined 38 starts in NASCAR’s top three series not a lot Ara Championship crew chief in recent years recent years within the last five six years I believe okay okay that helps out a lot more oh no it’s not this guy he’s a spotter yeah damn um yeah I’m still

Gonna have to pass though next clue you know what’s crazy is the is that the lastest no no no there’s uh there’s still like seven more clues oh my God okay give us one more clue and then then I promise I’ll make a guess yeah yeah

The chat hasn’t guessed him right yet so that’s that’s good all right I’ll make a guess next time yeah I’ll make a guess this time this random driver at different points in his career has had Nas energy Mahindra and the US Navy as his sponsor Bob Keselowski that your guess

No no no no no I think I got it I gonna make a guess I think I got uh okay has the chat got it yet I’m not gonna give that away so yes uh some have not many oh but do you want another do you want

Another clue yes sure yes the majority of this random driver’s NASCAR starts were in the NASCAR Xfinity series Shane Huffman you got it oh yep Shane Huffman all right that was random do want to know the the other clues that I was going to give like since it probably wouldn’t helped me

Much uh the next one was this random driver drove for D Earnhart Jr that probably would have helped me uh his best exfinity finish was twice fifth uh at Memphis and Kentucky uh random driver has a number 88 US Navy Bush series car and Dale Junior that would have for sure

Gave it away in the graveyard uh yeah I started getting more like obvious as I’d go with it um this random driver was the last driver the 88 for JRM before Brad kazlowski and then the last one is this random driver shares a last name with a

Popular late model driver with a YouTube channel no got you yeah it see if you saw my facial reactions after he U mentioned the sponsors I was about to answer it but then I pulled back I was like I’m not sure but then one more

Question I was like yep it’s him if we can’t make it to number 10 you just need to go his name is Shane Huffman many many with that yeah now how many Clues was that um was that five or six that you had said before I got it right five

I think five okay so so all right so new goal five try to get it before five now trying a lot I’m looking at the chat a lot of people are a lot of people are saying Matt Tiff did he ever was he ever a crew chief

Damn no I’m just surprised so many people are saying Matt Tiff there’s like seven eight 10 12 people oh I see um well I see some interesting ones I see Kelly buers kale gaale Carrie nhart Andy Houston Barrett oh I see one Shane Huffman though don’t list too many

Because I I’m going to go back and like list them onto my I have like a front and back page like SE like I think almost a 100 drivers listed for possible F I feel like I think darion’s going to dominate this SE this segment of the

Show like for me man I’ll go I’ll go above and beyond with some of them I I thought that was like that nice Middle Ground to start with where it’s like yeah but we it’ll be any era too so but yeah so I that that’ll be the thing

Every week we’ll have a different light goal depending on the channel depending on how many people want to jump in excitement all that but uh we hit the light goal we do random driver so nice yep so that is the new segment and I’m in love all right let’s get to these Final

Super chats of the night and then we’ll let everybody go about their night uh starting back up with antar DOs Jesus Christ so many people left so many before the show that we’re at the first five minutes of the show in superat wow antar do thank you for the five we are

So back as a new year begins things stay the same F1 elitism continues NASCAR leaderships are clueless and imsa is goated very strong opinions but that’s why we like our audience beautiful thank you for the five as a Bowman fan I just hope Bowman can be good in good health

And have good solid finishes early on he’s made the playoffs every year but last year yeah he’s healthy he should very much be a playoff Contender yeah Carlos thank you for your f f super chat if I can talk my voice is going out a little um for two love y’all what’s y’all’s

Most favorite NASCAR moment uh 2012 Michigan being there with Junior uh 20 kenith final win or his day his second Daytona win yeah I’ll say 2014 500 for sure Danny yeah probably that 14500 was pretty special Jam plays games thank you for the two babe wake up season seven of

Mwp just dropped yep it’s not yep thank you for the 16mon member chat nwp is back baby can we get some pogs in the chat pogs uh Dominion 42 thanks for the five how come josar and Barry are eligible for rookie of the year but not hemrich uh

Also did not know he was in the 31 still catch up calling hamr was a full rookie in 2019 yeah he was already a rookie bro he he one in the eight he was he was actually Rookie of the Year actually random driver of the week he warmed that seat

Up for uh for kfb yeah yeah he’s you mean to tell me he can’t become the first two-time rookie of the year yeah anything is possible backflip over him uh Shadow Z record thanks for the two shr Instagram post the biggest bottle of cope this year no damn they got they got

A lot to they got a lot to go you do Chris thank you for the five nwp sponsoring the 10 for a big discount get your faces plastered in the car and see how Noah reenacts Days of Thunder and hits the pace car damn damn okay uh David Bell thanks for the eight-month

Member chat hope everyone’s doing good we’re doing good we’re hope you’re doing good too yeah fantastic sleeve thank you for the 11mon member chat Eric Jones Toyota surge this year h43 ever did did he did he spell it like Toyota that’s what you just said yeah I I read it verbatim Matthew

Brown thank you for the 10 this may not age well but I’m going for it Kyle Larson is winning the championship this year I’m going to speak it into existence it’s time for the Larson era I mean that’s that’s fair yeah it’s fair it’s fair one Dom minion 42 thanks for

The five random hypothetical barring the costs and availability of an open Charter what are the odds of andred getting involved with NASCAR after F1 yeed him I mean it’s certainly High stronger nower yeah they’ve said it publicly they could be interested I I still think they’re eyes on F1 yeah even if it’s

2028 whatever the case may be but who knows he I mean Marco and Drey is in ARCA a lot this year so he is yeah uh Roland race news 2345 thanks for the five just got in an hour and 15 ago rewinding to the beginning welcome

Back nwp gang keep up the good work with this season burn rubba praise Bubba I like that one I like that that’s pretty good matth Matthew Brown thank you for the two another hot take HMS switches to Cadillac damn that’s a hot damn hey what are they gonna do with the

Camaro out of commission yeah true yeah no it’s not gonna happen but what if it did we’re gonna have our Chevy SS again oh gosh Rios thank you for the five what are the chances that inred consider Uh Oh I thought I was reading the same one it’s a different one considers going

To NASCAR now that F1 rejected him also welcome back well we answered that but thanks for the welcome back yeah thank you it’s good to be back yeah it’s great Need for Speed 53 53 for five says I saw the Netflix crew when they were filming Chastain at Georgetown Speedway in

Episode three I didn’t know what they were doing until I saw the show that’s pretty oh that’s cool behind the scenes Hunter thank you for the five slightly annoyed that NASCAR is keeping the road course stage cautions here I was thinking stage cautions were slow slowly going away nah

Nah same also I love the train Hunter for the uh profile pick uh Austin blancet thank you for the 10 it fills my heart with great joy to see you guys all back for another year much love to all of you here’s a quick question with Pixar confirming that Cars 4 is

Happening what story would you tell oh I didn’t even see that that’s cool either I I’m sure they’re they’re working on cars things I don’t know that it’s confirmed but that’d be cool yeah that would be cool yeah would be cool um where did they leave off in Cars 3 is

Lightning McQueen retired yet yeah and Cruz R he like wins the race and she goes from trainer to driver and all that well well I I think it was left off that since technically Cruz won as a substitute for McQueen technically the deal was he could keep racing so I think

He could do a part-time run in the Piston Cup he kind of he’s already kind of like the Jimmy Johnson sort of counterpart like Pixar counterpart just yeah maybe maybe the cars for as he goes to Indie Car maybe maybe I don’t know Doc Hudson comes back to life for wait

Wait for for him to go to Indie Car in the cars universe that requires major surgery rivers of the cars Universe damn that would that that is interesting to think about they had stage cautions in cars for I don’t know maybe just just have just have Cars 4 jump the shark

Just have doc huts and return from the dead him and MC Queen RAC I don’t here here’s the only issue with that the uh Paul Newman is I don’t think he’s going to the shark but Jarrett we have ai that’s what I have ai bro yeah you never know oh

We’ll find out um it’s nothing thank you for the five in my opinion NASCAR full speed was a six out of 10 it was entertaining and well edited story lines were clear but too much Denny I want to see just more than just 2311 okay so I I’ve seen sever say this

On Twitter and I I just want toie is scathing no no I’ve seen I’ve seen other people specified this on Twitter they rebuttal to that this is because those are the drivers who who approved the most access into their lives if you want to get mad about that

Get mad at the drivers for not allowing that same access I think at its core that is it I’m sure it helped the 2311 connection was helped by the fact that some of the producers also did the Last Dance which was the Michael I’m like they were more comfortable with

That idea because they already had that connection but yeah I think assuming this season is a success going into season two I hope more teams sign up I hope more teams kind of go the same route that 2311 did I just went to the comments for cardians

Review well while will we do that mittens the racing cap for five said mittens has arrived let’s get the season going GNA be a good one well hopefully no other animals join you this year mittens yeah yeah hopefully uh Need for Speed 5353 with the 10mon member chat

For my birthday could you guys praise Ty Dylan Lord be Ty Dyan Lord be Ty Dyan there you go SI supersonic for the 237 uh welcome back nwp let’s get ready for 24 yes sir sir uh grid flow for two we’re Jimmy Johnson forcing was it wait I think I think

There might be an apostrophe where it’s not supposed to I I see it too was Jimmy Johnson forcing yall to change rules um was Jimmy Johnson what no I don’t know he didn’t force us to do anything but thank you for the $2 though thank you

For the $2 though Scott mcdw thank you for the 10 great to see you guys hope you all had a great off season can’t wait for the season to start Darion you can Jinx any driver you want this year as long as you don’t ever tweet about

The Lions again Darion tweet about the Lions again hey if they’re irrelevant yeah I’ll tweet about them again so we’ll see let’s see if the lions are relevant next year let’s see Trevor Bailey thank you for the 10 uh ready for another fantastic nwp season with the

Greatest people on Earth can’t wait for what’s in store for season 7 the best Nascar podcast show uh and what races attending this year thank you uh I don’t know I don’t know I’ll be at Daytona and I’ll be at Texas in the spring for sure

Um others are TBD I’ll be at Texas Kota maybe Bristol R I’m not sure yeah I don’t know about races but as far as races are concerned this year I will be doing race reaction streams for live races so that’ll be fun we’ll have a we I’ll I’ll do pre-race

Then we got to cover all our BAS there you go yeah um radio Angel ym for five name the most consistent startup entry in victories from 2002 to 2017 startup entry front Furniture Row I don’t know what does that mean it has to be furniture then yeah be the most

Consistent yeah yeah got to be him and last two here Ross crash stain for two says another note chipkin as he got that dog in him oh bad not as bad as the tweets from somebody saying that they’re associated with him Bobby Bobby Blair with the

Final Super Chat of the night for five what are y’all’s expectations for SVG and xinity this um I said earlier just hey get the one win at the rad course automatic playoff bid that’s it quarter line playoffs yeah get a road course win in the regular season and then improve

Enough on the ovals that you can get to the round of eight in the playoffs and uh we’ll get uh Super Bowl picks next week saw on the chat but guys that’s uh that’s it next we’re we’re done for this week we uh see you

Next year we do y goodbye well we do have next week next week on Danny B’s Channel live at uh 8:00 p.m. eastern time 7:00 p.m. central almost said 7: on Wednesday February 7th going to be a lot of fun and uh man we’re back good show

We’re back yeah hey hey shout out to the chat y’all y’all brought the heat shout out to the audience man we were just we we got brought it man it was great this was good felt I feel like we’re in mid-season form already in Rhythm this

Was seamless well done chat a lot of credit to you guys Jarrett Daran Danny well done gentlemen MH well done everybody thumbs up all around y see y’all next week yeah Danny bees next week y’all don’t forget before we go Jared I do have to ask what is going what is this ticker

Underneath me here what like I see Kimmy renan’s name Jonathan DAV that was the points last here did we need Jonathan Davenport on the gota be deta I had the entire point standings down there by the way I do want to bring this up because

You guys told me to put it on stream oh that’s right yeah I cut onions uh last a couple weeks ago um to make something for dinner and put the stocks in and I I now have grown an entire bunch of onions so they’re huge I mean like compared to

My face so yep he’s growing onions inside y’all hey for anymore farmer Jarrett just gotta wait him yeah indoor farmer Jarrett but yeah anyways Danny be Danny be’s next week y’all for sure see you there later all right goodbye [Applause] drivers start your engine ready green green flag

Rollay Inay Inay in come come byee see you later these guys are really good keep diing stay in the gas hang on D baby did not hit a thing wa so long manle to be down here Flag awesome here man thank you so much hell of a job for dver


  1. Thank you to everyone for coming out tonight. Cannot wait for a great season that is surely to come.

  2. So sorry I couldn’t watch the podcast when it was live. Was busy with some family stuff. So excited for another great season of NASCAR racing and NWP!

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