Golf Players

How to get to “Big Ways” and Stay There – Dane Kenny

How to get to “Big Ways” and Stay There – Dane Kenny

Just sit there I like to look out the aircraft look at the ground the clouds chill out okay don’t get bogged down going over because you can get brain lock and then you get out you don’t even know what the first point is you don’t even know who you’re docking

On have confidence in yourself have confidence you wouldn’t be on the load if you did if the organizer didn’t have confidence in you have confidence and I’ll mentioned it have confidence in the organizer is put the right people in the base to give you a good fall rate

Enjoy the ride and view I love it I love the climate of altitude yeah and relax chill out and rela hey dude Okay jump R fully kitted up ready to go I mean you’re ready to go okay and then follow the communication plan anticipate yeah so we’re now you know 12

Grand yet leg’s coming over I’ve got over make sure because you know in these canans when we’re putting 14 15 in it’s tight so you could be moving around unnecessarily and cause someone pilot shoot to go so anticipate what you’re doing okay once again you you we all do our last

Jump I do it the last thing I do is just check my pin again and my handles um we had it last year Martin Solsbury uh climbed out and somebody had dislodged his cutaway pad on the climb out and when he trapped away he could see it but

He thought it was still old it pulled and the lot went okay lineup order all right so you get into your lineup start moving into position it’s like a jigsaw so you you you you’re you’re getting rid of all the gaps prepare to move into the exit

Because you can’t move until the Pilot’s ready you get the door open so we open the door then you get green and like we said yesterday on the safety Day Green is good to go you’re clear to go but you still need to check and will cook did a

Great job it would look out the door yet great and then we start climbing out so we move into an exit position yeah remembering the aircraft C ofg only well I’m not going to ask you because of here all day um the amount of times I’ve been

In aircraft when we’ve had the store Waring it St warning go and jump run and it threw everybody about and we’re about to suddenly put the aircraft in a dive okay you’ve got to remember that and you’ve got to respect it so you can see there we’re all in the aircraft all

Right this is the you’ve got these like the the line is somewhere up there so we’ve still got the gaps but this is just preparing to climb to get out exit move into the exit position once again C ofg so there’s your floaters to get out there’s will give a big old smile

Floaters and also got floaters on the other aircraft you can have a quick look and we’re looking at them in the aircraft as well from where we are as a divers so the floaters get out the base the door the what I’m want about that I’m not about These Guys these are

Probably the hardest slots because when you get out you nearly always what I call off syn because you because you had to get in so tight you you can’t really and you know sometimes it’s hard to get into that dive flow which I’ll I’ll come on to in

A moment so once again it is diff and you’ll see this guy now I’m not going to mention his name but when they come out you’ll see that he’s not presenting to the wind he does his best to to solve it but because sometimes I find when I’m in

That position I like to be the other way I like to be going uh the way now when I teach AF students and I know I have arguments with people uh I don’t care but what I’m saying is I teach my students on the level five level six the

The solo dive sorry uh to do a dive exit a proper dive to the tail because the times I’ve been at the back of aircraft and it really grips me and I know that where the trail or I the Bas is down there somewhere and we’re going out to

The door like that and then someone gets there and does this and that slows us up because they’re not confident that and yet I’ve got students on their consoles they’re diving like they they remind me of me so so base door so there you can see

Because they got to be like that to and it’s to co so sometimes I’ve had to S do that to sacrifice the gaps less or the making less gaps in the aircraft cuz it’s remember relative work to each other I’m thinking of the floaters and I’m thinking of the late divers you’ve got

To so sometimes you’ve got to be the hero okay and then the divers once again you can see us we still can’t move and then we start to fill the gaps once again remembering the C ofg the key so once again if it’s multiplane you got to

Be looking now once again the reason I’m telling you this if you are just getting into it then somebody else is be but if you know the system it makes it so much more enjoyable for you guys you know and he’s going to get out it’s going to be a

Few seconds I’ve got to get tightened up and then if you’re one of the floter you know that the the head guide when I’m in that position I normally go there so I could look at that and then I want them in the center now it still works out well okay just different

Things so the key so he looks he’s looked at the aircraft now he’s um he’s looked behind the try this is the lead aircraft he looked at uh rear left looking at rear right he know look waves the hand look and then off we go and you’ll see now then the

Exit so once the flo I’m come on to that now so the exit presentation that’s just about the world team 204 and that was the exit from the C 5 c130s uh that was truly and we’ve come out with these but if you look at my position you’ll see this a

Bit better in a moment I want to use that and I’m going to show you how to cut down to make it the most efficient Glide slope you can do and I had got a photograph to put on but been rushing around like a dingbat and uh I forgot to

Put it on of the old days of the DC3 five dc-3s with 30 people in each or 20 30 25 something and then having to dive down from the back and it’s a long long long way down okay so once again I’m going to mention this more in a moment but one

One of the problems of launching things even from Caravans is when when you all know about throw forward right when we’re flying forward flying forward and then you get out and the throw forward with a speed it’s still going to take you forward and the way to stop that as a diver going

Back to my position which I’ll show you again in a moment is uh is to dech gain a dech to kill it these guys in effect are already in a dech and that’s why anytime and I’ve done it at Paris seal D everywhere this look at look at the big

Gaps from the trail from the lead aircraft cuz this has gone away and the initial people end up going low or a real but because they’re experienced Sky divers they know need to stick the legs out Di and they’ve got to get back up on that Glide slope which I’ll come on to

Okay so once again this is us leaving the uh uh talavan so once again this is the guy I was telling you about you can see now he’s on his side he’s now lost all his space or his um what they call it uh platform if you like to get out there

His body shape so he drops down again drops again and now he’s low it’s all to do with present presentation and once again we’ve got the floatage going up now one of the things that we do a lot of now when we’re floating is the the original what we used to do in

The old days and I still prefer that so when I’m organizing it I’m not saying this is wrong because we did what we did but Different Strokes for different folks and what I like to do is I imagine now in the middle I when I come off I surf back to the

Divers and the floaters and I think later on I’ve got one under a cameraman and there’s the go they’ve already got the legs out because what’s happening is they’re coming down because this guy’s gone low which means as we come out cu there’s the Gap so we’ got 1 2 3 4 five

Six seven or that’s six yeah and then look look at the Gap but then it gets worse so and then you’ll see once again so that’s out so relative wind you can see look at this now oh that’s gone these guys are diving down and then what

They’re going to do they’re going to come around this way towards the radar but look at the Gap that’s out of a sky you see that the way to stop that is the arch on exit and we’ll come on to that in a moment okay so roll of winds so there we are

Again and I brought my a little model I was going to do it myself but I always end up falling over but you’ll see that shot again from the middle of the ring so there you go so when you get out you go in sort of like that

Position as best you can so you get out you dive out so and assum I think I’ve got a picture of me diving so there you go as a diver you you want to think there’s a bar not a bar that you go drinking in but a a

Metal bar or a wooden bar or a high jump and you want to go over that bar whether it’s a caravan uh Sky van C1 especially C13 okay so you dive out and as you go out you dive in over the bar and once you get out you keep your head back once

Again I’m going to use the word relative work you cannot dock on something you can’t see so it’s relative you are going to probably lose them slightly as you come out the aircraft you’re going to go right head down but I say look through

The top of your helmet so as soon as you get and I call it the bounce you go out it bounces you you keep your arms in that position you see there and then you go over like that and then you’ll see oh one more that’s it but cuz it was taken

Off of somebody behind me with a camera and uh in fact was Bruno and um he just L my exits and then what happens is once you do that you get the bounce and what you’re doing guys if I can do this I always get these legs Wrong Way Around

All right so you like that as you go out and you’re looking where you are and it’s called the big X so you like that like that and then you come out and what that does that’s killing in the throw forward which means if it means that you

Got a better chance to get in there especially if they’ve launched a six4 an eight way and you normally find you pass people and then you go into a no lift dive and swoop down right I’ve got a rush gu I got about 10 minutes left in fact there’s no

On after me is it right so Target acquisition and what I mean by that is guys it’s it’s a targe in as much as when you got out you need to know where it is so this is what I’m saying about relative work with each other relative works with the aircraft

If I know I’ve come out and a lot of people got injured on the C130 uh not exiting right even though we told them how to do it uh but any aircraft you can get tumbling but if you know where the aircraft is and where the ground is if

I’m tumbling I know when I come out I don’t have to get big to go where am I I can yeah oh there it is yeah like a going to say something else I but I can’t right so you’re looking to where you’ve got to go you can see how it’s surfed

Away and there look at that so you’ve got one guy there you probably listen to one of my seminars going to be B diart to get up with it and then you start doing your dive down that’s re George austa okay all right so you start you’re starting to

Look and then what I call the root to the formation now this is what we’ve already done on the dirt dive so it should give you a good idea yeah I’m going down 6 to 9 or 3 to 6 or whatever okay so the roote to the formation then identify your

Quadrant so wherever you are you’ve got to find out and I think we were the trail aircraft on that we one of the trail but we had to come out and dive out and then go a long way around to come across it was a long long way

There’s us last year and there’s there’s the uh the base formation and then off we go as we go down see people coming out they know where they got to go they’re already ready and it’s big big movements guys to stop them slides now I hear some people

When they’re coaching you know try this out try that out and it doesn’t matter if you if you skid p and you flailing around I totally disagree with that teach them the right way get down stop and I call it the 50% Rule and I come on

To that when we’re doing the diving so you stop Cruise all the way in on your Lop stop P domination then go in okay because there’s nothing worse than people flailing around right so there’s us that was our quadrant because look aircraft dead in 12:00 there’s will so even look at the

Gaps there look in fact no that’s 1 2 3 four yeah that’s will that that’s will okay okay so you identifi the quadrant now that was a shot from my camera and and I’ve got this on film later on so you’ll see it okay and once

Again I just wanted to show you again how you do it all right now there’s aircraft heading 12:00 speaks for itself so you got in there you’ve got your uh your quadrants and then as you break each P down you can say well I’m in section sector three and you’re sector

Four whatever and then as you get in closer you’ve got your your your radial so the most efficient flight path and I’m going to show you that in a moment on another slide but we’ve already gone through it so you’ve already visualized you’ve done your dirt dive you V when

I’m dirt diving I’m visualizing I’m in freeall and I think yeah here we go I got to stop now put the ankle on get all the way around stick the legs out stop there’s my quadrant right start moving in sector radial Bo I’m in okay so and I’ll show you that in a

Moment the stadium effect you’ve all seen the stadium that’s why I wanted you all to be in the center now I want you now this is done once again with uh one of my cameras I think my camera but what I wanted to show you is is in this

Stadium now I want you either I want you all to stand up please all stand up right now my camera is is on my chin is on my mouthpiece that now these people here you’re all too low you’re all too low you people at the back you’re on the lowest part of the

Sky so I was going to use the point of them but I’ll come running up so if you look at where I was on the on the stage this gu is about even this we’re right on from here I mean as you get closer you’d have to

Be closer in but this here is about the limit you do not guys want to be lower than this when you’re going into the slot okay you need to be what I call in the point of domination and I’ll cover that in a moment does that make sense

That’s why I want to do it so this believe it or not is about thir 25° do not go lower than this so if we’re in this group now what we need to do is get on our Glide slope and in fact I’d even say this is

Probably pushing it to get into a big formation and know we get on our Glide F guys and you’ll see me do it in a minute we stick our legs out bit of a DCH don’t even think of that down there get back up on the Glide slope ideal is about

40° anywhere between 30 and 60 is a great reference no higher than 60 because if it suddenly moves you can drop on it 60 is good once again it depends sorry guys I’m Russian I mean I’m I’m English I’m not Russian I’m I’m Russian um so I’m trying to cram a

Lot and my dad told me years ago for those who remember the old pound Shillings and Pence you can’t cram a quart into a pint pot some it will spill so I’m really skipping through some of it and I’m also trying to uh work on the

Bits that I think will help you so you’ve got to get on that spot and I’ll come on to that once you’re in that you can see these stadiums and you’ll see and even on the Brit one 100 it took us so long people

Were on the Glide soap too low had a lot of people go out we we got it on the last jum for the last day and so even you’ll see some of these I’ve got video of some of these if I’ve got time to show it and they take each

Other out because when you’re up on that Glide slope between 30 and 60° 40 40 to 45’s ideal and you’ll see me coming in it means you have got Insurance because altitude is Insurance that’s why I hate these people that say oh you know they get down and they’re flailing

Around there nothing wrong with that when we’re learning guys but don’t go out if you’re going to go out to stop go out and learn the proper technique to stop getting your point to domination and your point to domination is always changing until it’s time to pounce so identify your sector so this

Is me and this we’ got this on video you’ll see in a minute but I was trying to do it down in stages for you guys so you can see there now now I’m actually higher than it looks there it’s my camera is down here when it’s on the top

Of my head you think I’m too steep so once again I’ve I’ve identified my sector once again locate your your radial so you can see you’re a long way out but this is call what we call the Sheep dogging and uh we’re over there somewhere coming down that way I think

Are we somewhere like that or was this I can’t remember anyway um Locate your radal now the point of domination I love this and it’s where you are ready to pounce and the ideal is 45° as I said 15 ft out 15 ft up 20 ft

Out 20 ft up and that way then I can sit there if there’s any washing about or if if people because I like to be patient but sometimes you have to go in there and but you give them a room 15 feet out is a good position to stop if

You’re fast and you but you’re already there before someone else and you can sit there yeah here we go cool and then as they you give them room to pass and then as soon as they’re in you swoop in and you’re the hero so that’s what it means the point

Of domination it means if I’m down where you lot are now from sorry I point I shouldn’t point it uh I’ll point at the chairs but if for where I showed you you start coming in like this you’ve got no insurance you can all you can see is this target

Fixation and I think on one of the videos I’ve got two of The sweds Who come in and take each other out cost us a record I mean we’ve got the record in the end I love it I don’t do it for the record I do it for the journey and and

The jumping and everything else so up there on that perch what I call it perch Golden Eagle Point of domination you’re cool and G you sit there look at me people think I’m not cool and groovy cuz I jump a racer I don’t care what I look

Like I don’t care but but I’m good in the air some of these cool and groovey you’ve heard the the saying got all the gear no idea they look cool and Gro look at me I’ve got and they don’t know how to do it so that’s where you need to be

Cool and groovy guys in the sky okay Glide slopes so the most efficient way is when you get out the aircraft this is what people think they’re doing in the red doted line but what actually happens is you actually getting throw forward you do in that D

Arch when you get out and I do it even when I’m diving in the door cuz I know they’re going to be gone but he should be coming back up to me when I’m when I’m in that position diving out sometimes I’m diving out the base but if

I’m on the base or the organizer I like to see everything and I can key and I can control it so when I get off I get off I see where my floaters are yet and I start I start surfing back towards the DI so the most efficient way

And then from there you can come down to to your formation another trick you can do once you do this you go you start going around on your radal to this side or down into that side and what I do but you need experience and you need to know

What to do come in but keep quiet turn your phones off and um and and stay away from my gang and uh what you can do when you get when you get better more efficient and I get I get guys when I run uh organized events I’ll get people

And you can do it up to about a 20 24 way and what I do is when I talk you about the Glide slope so imagine now that’s the for let’s do it on the next one no I’ll do this one first so

What I do I come out a de Arch I I go screaming down straight at the formation where I need to go and at about 50 50 60 ft depending on the formation I turn I do a 180 so imagine that’s the formation I’ve got all this on video but

It’s just too much um I’ve got two minutes left but I can wait and so what I do is you go along and about 50 feet out 50 or a bit higher I just turn as I’m get to the I turn go over the top

The bural will take me down a bit I stick my legs out and then I’m right on my quadrant where I need to be so you can try that guys anybody when I’m organizing I’m quite happy to people to try it and it works well but you’ve got

To be you got to have the speed if you haven’t got the speed you’re going to drop straight through the middle of it and you’ve gone from herero to zero right the least efficient and slow and and it’s actually further is when you don’t dech because you come out the

Aircraft and it’s taking you with a throw forward and then you do this long long swoop like this and you’ve actually gone further and then the most dangerous way and I’ve had people and I said why did you keep and they said oh well I dived

Out and I died down for 15 seconds and then I flared out and I was going below it I went what and I’ve seen that on many many camps all over the world and they don’t look cuz they were taught when you get out just get your

Head down chin on your chest and do a dive no lift dive you cannot do relative work with something you can’t see and it’s dangerous I’ve been on two jumps or done more than two obviously but where we had we’ve had fatalities caused by that okay so and it’s you going the long

Way but it’s dangerous people think it’s the fastest it’s not it’s not okay so there’s the Glide slopes guys so this is too low to begin with there’s the level of the formation and I’m going to come on to the final docking in a moment but there’s the optimum Glide slope so the

Steepest I would say is about 60° guys once again I’ve been on formations that were really slow and we were big like that just slowly coming down so we were a little bit higher but we were never more than 60 and then there oops there you’re looking at about 30° 20 2

30° and when you stop when you come a Conta when you’re diving oh on so dive in again so what I call the 50% rule which I wanted to mention to you when you’ve come out and I do it now guys from the time you you’ve come out you what I call the

Bounce to dive and you see the formation you measure it uh in your mind subconsciously and at 50% what you think that is you flare out so you come out you see where you’re going you go into your no lift dive and you dive and as I get to

About 50% and it’s approximate I come out and I flare and I’m like that CU I built up a lot of speed and the momentum will take me about another 20 30% and that puts me into my point of domination normally 20 ft out 20 ft up and you’ll

See this in a moment because you’ll see me sweep straight in okay so the 50% rule think of that of divers okay so docking Final Approach then straight straight in so you’ve come out this is where the aircraft flying was uh that way we’ve come out and we’ve

Come all the way around here I’ve got the corner and then all I’m doing now is stopped in my point of domination getting ready going a bit closer straight in now if you doing a docking where you’re doing a different type of dock maybe a donut type of thing it’s

When you fly you fly straight into the slot stop turn and then pick your grip up don’t try and come in sideways okay straight in mat the fall rate okay no momentum docks grip management I always like to say it’s hard sometimes when you’re coming in to

Get both CPS together I always say and if I’m doing sequential or anything like that outside inside check but what I do on here I always go for a left-handed grip first why do you think honey look so I come in I fly in stop taking

My grip I go I come in Left Right check looking in the center and you see I come in as I’m doing that and a quick look yeah my hand’s on it oh 115 okay and then so there’s my left grip then I’m looking taking the right

Grip and then I in and now I’m flying the formation so I’m going to have to rush guys so uh we didn’t start till on time cuz they were late so they can wait right fly in the formation yeah match the fall rate yeah look to the center now in a moment

You’ll see me when I’m I’m checking the grit but o o keep quiet anyway so look to the center you very rarely I never start looking round because I’m waiting for for the key I have got to fly that slot fly the formation be adaptable you may have to

Start moving things you know anticipate up it’s floating up I need to watch more war it’s floating I need to do try and keep your hands your arms about 90° and control it light on the grip legs you may have to stick your legs out but you

Don’t want to implode on the formation sometimes we may drop drop our knees a bit just to put a little bit of tension in on okay tracking and deploying and then okay follow the plan dirt dive remember the dirt dive so uh with that you’re planning the dive

And when you go up to Sky Dive you dive the plan so that’s how you should think about visualization so there’s the break off the tracking okay the correct altitude if they say we’re going to break off at 55 no one goes earlier because it causes panic panic breathes Panic so wait till

To set the key when I said about the communications plan the key is going to be maybe a kick in a big shape from one person it may be a pilot shoot going out depending on how big the formation is okay correct altitude flat turn and

Track I mean by that is when you come out of it a lot of people go straight into a turn and they go straight down like that and then track and they’ve not gone anywhere and we don’t know what they’re going to do so when you come out

The formation I depending on what it is I only like to turn left once again because I can see my altimeter but sometimes I might be turning right and stay big as you turn stay big straighten your legs get the speed going and then bring your arms up and you’ll see a

Track in a minute okay good W off and Paul Rises be ready for any evental and all all around observation right I’ll quickly show you this video guys and uh this was us last year bit low thanks so you can see the center uh gravity we we’re at the back we can’t go

Yet but can’t move up and then we start to move you can see how slow it is now there is the formation down there you can see everybody diving I’m diving down now cutting the corner bigard I actually to do that and then I’m coming in straight in on the that’s the camera

Shap guys it came off after this jump and I’m coming straight in nice all the way all the way match four rate left right and then I do I do have a quick look to see who’s in and then we’re waiting that okay and then we have the back

Off so we just go if you do sequen anticipate to where you want to be don’t all Chase it so there’s this there now for the second Point there’s Langer and then we’re go to the third point so once again anticipate don’t chase it cuz you have to back up that’s

Why we lie it down so you know where you’re going to be and then we’re tracking off there Alice still up so every is gone in the direction I’m tracking with my left looking at him still giving it Rock off I love tracking and then a quick wave off and for and

Then once again get get your risers Right Flight drills then I quickly scoop through this guys um slider yeah get pull your sliders down but I mean or collapse and game if you need to but make sure you’ve got control and you’re get in a clear space I have seen people with canopy

Collisions because they were too busy taking the sliders down too busy trying to get the booties off so once you’re in your clean space the world team at one stage said no sliders coming down no booties and that’s a bit bit much because some canopies you have to have

Come in with a bit of speed and as long as you do it right guys it’s safe okay booties race track effect so they will tell you what the landing pattern is and on these it’s no when you come into land I think I’ve going here it’s no more than a 90° final

Turn Yeah final turn we’re not ice L at the world team 206 world team 204 I grounded once again two really high class uh jumpers because they were doing 270s and they nearly had it in fact won it one of the guys on the ground and

They said do you know who I am I said yeah I’m qu you I’m not going to mention his name good friend of mine he says well I said he said do you know who I am I saids yeah I know you are and you’re

Not going on the next jump so and it stopped it after that no one ever did it cuz they thought don’t have the wrath of D but it I want it we’ve got to keep it safe okay all around observation all the way to the ground all right and then the

Final bit check in all right very important guys I’ve been on a couple of jumps where we’ve had fatality we didn’t even know they were dead one in Paris one in Zeals and the one in Paris was there for about 20 30 minutes a driver was driving

Past and saw what looked like something coming down and and then phoned up the Drop Zone because at that point then uh there was a checking but sometimes it didn’t some people say are you checking for me and they forget so if you are going to get your bud to check in just

Say all right Chris yeah you check in I’ll check I’ll I’ll check you in I’ll make sure you do it’s the only way we can account for everybody so you’ve got to check in video debrief okay so you’re doing the DB the feedback from the team

So we’re getting the team you know and it’s constructive debrief all right and then any questions okay guys uh I’ve got about 2 minutes for a quick question anybody got any i’ had to rush that guys so I’ve cut out some of the video has anybody got any question good was that

Straightforward did you learn something you’re all going to be better skydivers yes let’s have a bit of home right thank you very much yes we no but yeah I know [Laughter]

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