Golf Players

Tyrrell Hatton signs HUGE deal with LIV Golf…but it’s NOT all Good News

Tyrrell Hatton has become the next big name to make the jump over to LIV Golf, but the deal may pose issues for LIV, the Ryder Cup, and the PGA TOUR.

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Okay breaking news is Terell Hatton has just signed with Liv Golf and he looks to be joining John ROMs team but it’s not necessarily all good news I want to kind of take a bigger look at what this means for the League what it means for

The Ryder Cup what it means for John ROMs team and what it means for the PGA Tour but first Mike we got to break down this deal so you know kind of we all had known and this is not something that comes as a huge shock because it’s been

Kind of so many months leading up to this that we’ve been hearing speculation about Hatton joining Liv golf uh but it really kind of makes me ask the question then okay what’s changed right because even coming out of hatton’s mouth we had heard him saying you know listen I’m

Happy with my current status balancing between the DP World Tour and the PGA Tour also as we’ve talked about here on the podcast numerous times it’s not a no-brainer for as many guys it depending on what their kind of status is in the world G rankings and their exemptions

Into Majors unlike John ROM whose team he’ll be joining he doesn’t have that yeah I was going to say where’s his steady blank yeah he doesn’t have that blank check so to speak into the major for the next couple of years so I would say arguably ra uh katton is taking a

Much bigger gamble definitely than Rah or some of the other big signings have and I would put Hatton under one of the big signing kind of category so it makes you wonder like what’s changed and there’s one big thing that we all know is is the kind of the indicator here and

It’s kind of what was the lever that kind of got a lot of guys over to live and that’s the money yeah no doubt about it so staggering amount of money once again it’s it’s nowhere near the size of the John ROM deal understandably but still 50 million pounds was how much it

Looks like uh it’s going to be confirmed that he signed for which is just over $60 million one thing we don’t know at the moment is uh how long that term is going to be is that a 2-year deal is it a threeyear deal how that’ll be broken

Out but one thing we do know is he’s on John ROM’s team the two of them we’ll talk about the Ryder Cup in a second the way they played together that’s just a starting point these these guys going to make some money they’re going to make

Money they’re going to win on that tour UH 60 million I think it’s just a start for this guy I think it probably was a no-brainer for him I mean I don’t know where he’s at in his career I mean you know he’s on the the later part than ROM

He’s been around a little bit longer but again without those exemptions into the majors like without those those Windam Clark guarantees that we were talking about and even Jon’s guarantees or even Brian harman’s guarantees over the next 5 years without those it’s a little more

Risky for this guy to go but at the end of the day 60 million plus what he’s going to make on that tour yeah probably was a no-brainer form and look we’ve seen recent indications you know even on the PGA tour side that we’re going to

See some sort of announcement as soon as within a month now of these tours coming together I’m sure that eases the blow to some extent for these guys that they realize there’s going to be some vehicle for me to be in the majors one thing I’ll say is that Hatton is currently ran

Ranked 16th in the official world golf rankings at that point you know now let’s say we theoretically froze his ability to make any points now moving over to live and not playing any events uh he was actually listed in the field for the um for the the Pebble Beach

Event as of this morning so I imagine that’s going to go away but but if you think about 16th he can fall as far as 50th and still be in the majors right as long as he maintains that 50 so I would say depending on how other guys play

You’re probably looking at at least a year at least at least for 2024 he’s probably set to still have his ticket to all four majors that gets him at least that far so it depending on where the deal is now we also know that uh there was a call between him and John

Rah recently that was also another Catalyst that pushed this over the edge of getting him there who knows also we’ve been saying I’ve heard you say it multiple times in the show here speculating there’s some stuff that maybe we don’t know that the guys know is that World Golf Ranking points are

Coming is there something else do they have a little bit more of an inside track that they’re hearing from the PF of these negotiations of where they’re at maybe he’s like Hey listen take the payday you’ll we’ll be getting our points soon or we’ll be we have a path

To Majors who knows right worst case scenario they never get points and this contract runs to 2029 like ROMs let’s just speculate right now here’s a guy who’s going to get 60 million plus over what is it 5 years this if this tour continues to do what it’s doing and

These guys are making the money they’re making and he’s on John ROM’s team he can make another 60 million he can make 120 after it’s all said done there’s no denying that he can make a huge payday so like a lot of it comes down to and is

Something we’ve said before what’s their motivation not every guy is motivated by money there’s going to be some guys who are going to be motivated by that guarantee that they want that that if they play well enough they’re in the majors or that the Ridder Cup teams and

All that type of stuff I want to talk about that in a second because we’re going to kind of talk about the guys who didn’t go you know and what that really means but there is still an indication here for me that not all is super Rosy on the Liv

Side uh because this is something that really came down to the wire the the the Liv season kicks off this week in myoba we’re talking about being two three days away at this current moment and it took this long to get rom I I mean I’m sorry

Took this long to get Hatton leaving John ROM really without a fully fleshed out team and you’re this close now also Liv is trying to build you know a lot of that brand and name recognition if you think about if I understand and I understand the point of them being a

Startup and not everything’s going to happen overnight but we’re not even really allowing any time for some fandom to start getting on board with the ROM team because they don’t even know who’s on the team they don’t and I think it’s next week I think it’s Super Bowl week I

Think we got at least one more week but still it’s only well Maya Koba is this week so it’s up on February myoba this week then Vegas next week right correct so I mean we’re talking days until days before that one yes right this is as

11th Hour as it really gets yeah you’re right um so and I want to dive into that more and like I really want to kind of kind of look at it and see if we can give an overall scorecard of how well we feel like the off season and the

Acquisitions that Liv did really panned out because we heard a really a lot of hype if you rewind just a couple of months we heard a lot of hype going into that off season of of coming from uh Greg philson just saying how right you’re going to be flush with

These uh signings and people coming over and we let’s debate because it’s only really been the last week or two that you could say that they’ve got some traction but prior to that I didn’t feel like there was a whole lot but the thing we have to talk about of course is the

Ryder Cup yeah so this what’s going to happen there huh yeah because you know what this does it puts a lot of pressure and and one thing I will say that Liv’s deals have really done well is they’ve been really good pressure buttons for the the powers that be yeah by that what

I mean is signing John ROM when they did right before the the framework or first original framework agreement deadline applied arguably a lot of pressure to the PGA Tour and a lot of Leverage in their negotiations right likewise I feel like this is something that applies a

Lot of pressure to the DP World Tour and their approach to the rider cup because Rah and uh and Hatton were a dynamic duo on the European side um I think that if you looked fast forward it to um Beth paage black in just a 18 months or so

From now and if you saw a team that didn’t have those two guys I think the European side could be in some trouble I think so too and I’m just looking at their roster here I mean Hatton was right there as one of their Prem PR players I mean yes they’ve got

Fitzpatrick and Fleetwood and havin and mroy but they lost Rah they lost Hatton those guys were two big big names here Justin Rose sep straa I don’t know if they’re really doing that much damage anymore and there’s some names on here I don’t even really recognize you know so

Did their team just get so much weaker and will it be a clean sweep for the United States because and that’s what just makes me wonder like does this apply the pressure to further get the deal done don’t forget involved in this deal is the DP world tour right and the

DP World Tour it’s kind of it be confusing at times how the Ryder Cup really works it’s kind of funny that like on the American side it’s not the PGA Tour it’s the PGA of America and that’s why we haven’t seen as many issues because the PGA has

Allowed for live golfers the trouble was that they still weren’t making the points other than in Majors so there’s it’s still not easy on the American side but it’s arguably a much harder route on the European tour side for live golfers to make it to the team so will this be

Not only a PR win a visibility win for live by bringing number 16 the world Terell Hatton who’s a big personality and all that type of stuff but is it also a win in saying hey now the deal here’s the pressure the deal’s really got to get done because otherwise you’re

Looking at a rider cup without these two Marquee names I mean can a rider Cup captain especially on the European side just pick anyone like if ROM has an incredible year can he just pick John ROM it’s a great question like why couldn’t you necessarily have them as a

Captain pick well what it comes down to though too is the how politicized this is remember Stinson lost his captaincy when he went to live right and that was very early on yes so as that kind of stigma goes away could it happen maybe I don’t know the exact ruling on that of

Whether they can or not but effectively they’ll be picking someone who doesn’t have any points I do believe and you guys can correct me if I’m wrong in the comments because I don’t know the European side as well as I know the American side but I think there’s a

Stipulation that you have to play I think in at least four DP World Tour events okay so that could be one part of that even as a captain’s pick maybe you cannot be picked if you haven’t met that requirement so there’s no denying that this is going to put that pressure on

The the whole deal to get something done to keep sustain you know the really the the attractiveness of the of the rider cup yeah I know and and with that what is that that’s in 2025 so there is time there’s definitely time but again I think where live is smart is that

They’re making these Acquisitions that put continue to put the pressure that if you don’t do a deal effectively The Spectators are going to be the ones who were going to be losing out because they’re not going to be able to see these players in things like the Ryder

Cup and team events that being said I will also say that it’s another way it’s a smart move on the Liv side is because that does make for a very exciting team you know I think everyone enjoyed playing watching Rah and Hatton play together they there was clear very clear

Chemistry there between the two of them in the Ridder cup um they’re both very fiery personalities yeah no doubt about that you know and and if Liv continues you know golf but louder and wanting to live up to that mantle hat is perfect for that hatton’s the guy hatton’s the

Guy yeah no question no question and and hatton’s also the guy who will speak his mind and do all those things one thing that I think that for me was going to be very interesting to see was I always very much thought of of John Rah as a

Guy who speaks his mind and all that type of stuff and we talked about this and we broke this down on on another episode but we said as soon as John ROM went over to live it seemed like a switch went off and what was coming out

Of his mouth was a lot more sounding very uh very PR very just whatever will will that happen with Hatton now Hatton arguably does not have as many comments to walk back as John Rah did John ROM had made some very strong comments which we discussed here about live and the

Format and you know the competition of it before going over and then his comments once joining growing the game you know the the you know just talking about the formats just seemed like a complete 180 Hatton doesn’t have that problem to walk that back but on the

Same token I I’d be very interested to see if if we hear a a different Terell Hatton in press interviews or if we see it’ll be interesting to see I think keeping him who he is is the best benefit to them if they can allow that to happen right who knows what he’s

Going to say when asked um he could fire off and be like yeah the tour PGA Tour stinks and I don’t want to be a part of it or he can have that PR WR script right but that would be a huge walk back because here’s a guy who had just said

He was happy with this stat is playing on the PGA tour and the DP World Tour um you know he’s going to get the questions and I I again I want to hear one guy and I hope hatton’s the finally the one to do it who just comes out and honest and

Be like it was the money it was the money keep this in mind Terell Hatton over his career on the PGA tour now this is not sponsorship deals or anything like that but just career tour earnings was about $22 million he is effectively making two times the amount that he’s made in his

Entire career in earnings on the PGA tour in one day in one big payday so the the money is still a major factor there’s just no denying so with that said with the hype that went into the offseason of the signings that were expected of of Phil Mickelson talking

About all the phone calls he was Fielding from players who are ready and wanting to come over uh from the fact that we are seeing that it’s it’s an open checkbook unlimited seemingly unlimited funds that Liv can write whatever they want to bring people over

With the backing of the PF it does make me wonder how successful would you truly say would you truly say that the off season was for live in their signings because I would say prior to the past seven days or so other than with John ROM it wasn’t

The strongest turnout that I think a lot of us thought it was going to be the John ROM deal was Major but you take that John ROM deal away and you start to have some concerns of like really not a whole lot happened so what I want to do

Is we’re going to do a quick break here we do a quick word from the sponsors I want to come back and let’s give a report card it’s grading time let’s grade them and see how really how well did Liv do with their moves in the offseason okay all right look it’s no

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To kind of take a look at this and and again trying to give a scorecard because now I would say this is this is the end of the live off seon with Maya Koba just a few days away now that’s not to say that there might not be some more

Signings throughout the year but I feel more or less like the kind of where you’re going to go is where you’re going to go at this point um and it’s kind of settled in who’s going to be at with Liv and who’s going to be with the PGA tour

For at least another kind of full season here so going back to it again we heard so much coming from and how much would this we’re try always trying to sort out how much of this is hype how much of this is is reality and you heard Phil

Michon back towards September is uh was as the season was winding down was saying you know his phone had been so busy so many people calling and and basically inquiring and these are talking about players who are interested in making that jump over to live uh it

Doesn’t come as a huge surprise to me right uh especially because of the fact that as we got closer and closer to seeing a deal happened and that stigma kind of went away of of jumping over to live in that way and the PJ tour

Validating it in a lot of ways by saying there’s going to be a deal it didn’t surprise me too much and I I kind of felt like yeah maybe we would see some big sign signings and you saw Greg Norman coming out and saying the same

Thing there was going to be some big signings and there’s no doubt John ROM was the biggest of that and John ROM we talked about it here on the show was a huge uh turn the corner for a lot of people we saw we saw that was when we

First saw Rory maroy make his kind of 180 and his rhetoric of what he was saying about Liv that was a head turner but other than that I would say and give me a second because it’s coming up to this week with Hatton and stuff with this like 11th Hour editions but prior

To that if you looked at the the offseason holistically I would say that there was not a whole lot of other household names making the move now take with a grain of salt I fully well understand that you know we’re here in the United States we

Watch most of our golf here there may be some of these guys that we talk about that are household names uh more internationally European tour and otherwise so as we see the live golf tour shape up to be more of an international tour you can make the

Argument depending on where you sit that it might be more household names but I look at some of the the you know the the moves over to live so you had like uh Kazuma you had Andy Ogle tree uh you had had um another one Kiran Vincent uh you

Know so they’re they’re names that are kind of like on that Fringe of of maybe dipping and starting to get into the household names but not yet quite all the way there yeah right so if I looked at this and we were sitting here talking

10 days ago I would say they only made one big signing yeah I agree with that I would I would if we were report card grading it I think once they sign ROM I feel like they got an A live right there they could have did it right there with

An a great off season you picked up arguably one of the best players in the world top three you’re you’re good great move on 2024 move on to 2025 right but then they brought a couple of these other guys on and Adrien Moran I mean DP World Tour player of the year here’s

This is the guy if you don’t know he’s the guy um who was snubbed uh wasn’t didn’t make the European Rider cup when a lot of people felt that he should have especially with winning those honors um so I think I think he’s headed over there and then you’ve got you go down

The list to Caleb Sarat who is that uh sophomore Tennessee uh or or Texas I forgot which school he’s at but he’s still in he’s in college so yeah I would bring their total report card grading probably down to a B minus for 2023 going into 2024 if I had to grade it

Question is is what would get that back up to an a like who’s left on the table right well and that’s where I was Sting in a similar position where I would say a week or so ago I would have said hey this report card is a c because the only

Big name you picked up was was Rah you know without ROM it’s an F you know you didn’t you didn’t turn my head at all ROM was the big head turner I would say though it’s been very 11th hour but what is undoubtedly bumped that up for me in

Looking at Liv’s overall performance and their moves in this offseason has been of course the addition of Adrian uh Moran that’s a that was a big one just earlier this week but the bigger bigger one is definitely this Terell hat yeah right there’s no denying it but it

Leaves me wondering do you guys feel and leave this in the comments do you feel like that was enough enough to truly move the needle and when I say that I mean Liv had if you look at it and you look at the number of names who had the

Opportunity to go here Liv was sitting in a very good position going into this off season and by that I mean they had a deal potentially there on the table which even from the PGA Tour side you’re hearing it from uh from the the memos that are coming out everything like that

Saying it’s gonna happen it’s gonna happen right so you look at you say these tours are coming together anyway right there I I can sign and make big money a big payday it’s become more valid with guys like uh Rah moving over and guys like Rory and these guys nowor

So saying they understand why guys went over so if you piece all that together I’m actually a bit surprised we didn’t see more names make the jump right which is what makes me wonder what is still ultimately holding them back what is holding them back and does the PGA Tour

Still hold more of the cards than a lot of us think I I think and I Look to for an example where money is not necessarily everything I Look to Nick Dunlap and I’m thinking from a PR move from an investing in the future move all

Those types of things I would be Beyond shocked if after his big breakout PGA Tour win there wasn’t somewhere from anywhere from 20 to $50 million deal sitting on his agent’s desk the next morning from live yeah right and here’s a guy who he’s going to make we talked

About this before he’s goingon to make a lot of money no matter where he lands because now he’s got his ticket punched to the majors the uh he’s he’s into the um what do you call it the Signature Events he’s got he’s in those fields so

He’s going to make his money but you think about a guy like Nick Dunlop who I would say arguably out of out of the amateur ranks probably seem like seemingly had the most potential definely out of anyone and in that way could kind of negotiate his future here’s a guy

Who you know maybe playing in the majors was the most important thing if he had made the jump he’s not quite in he jumped way up in the official world golf rankings like 56 but he’s not in you know you know what I mean other than his

Exemptions from his PGA or win yeah that could have been in question so I would say I would rank the overall on maybe a b B+ uh the ROM is what’s the Lynch pin that’s holding that together and I think these 11th Hour signings of Terell

Hatton being a I would say the only out of this whole thing would you agree that probably the only two household names internationally W wide household names are Rah and Hatton I agree I agree so I would say you ultimately for for as much hype and all that that there was they

Came out with only two kind of say only in a because Rah is such a big name and you know but only two household name signings out of all of that yeah is that a is that not as big a success as maybe they would have liked I I guess we’re

Going to see we’re going to see what ratings come out with like are people that intrigued to see this ROM haton combo is it going to is that the going to be the the piece that gets people to start tuning in to live I I honest feel

Like an Anthony Kim with this recent news might be even more you know feed more curiosity people who’ve just been who’ve been speculating that for years is this this guy gonna come back now if he comes back and signs with with Liv maybe they’ll tune in to see how he’s

Played after 10 years because of that big story you know it’s interesting because like I think about all this money and everything they’re throwing at guys like hat and 60 million it makes me sit just sit back and think if haton signed for 60 million just how much do

You think a Justin Thomas turned down a Ricky Fowler turned down nine figures easily these guys turned down and I wonder if those officers still on the table or they’re still pursuing them just makes you think and I’m not knocking ter terl haton he’s a phenomenal player he’s accomplished a

Lot you know he’s had a great career but he’s no spe he’s no sheffler it’s just interesting and and I think that’s what it comes down to it’s like I said I I got to look at both sides of the coin it’s easy to look at this and say wow

Another big name over to live but it’s also again if you if you say you’ve got those deep Deep Pockets and all the reasons why they say so quote unquote so many players want to come over to live and in the end this off season they pulled out one top 10 guy

And they got one guy in the top 20 yeah yeah I don’t think it was overall good offseason for you know you know I where a lot of us you know we kind of thinking like the way the the rhetoric was going on the Liv side we might see three top

10 guys make the jump mhm yeah so it’s a it’s a hard thing to kind of quantify and I think it’s a lot whether you’re a kind of a live glass half full or live glass half empty person and that’s what I want to hear from you guys in the

Comments but it does their them pulling one top 10 guy and one top 20 guy is that a successful offseason moves do you believe on the on the live side or would you have liked to have seen more and is that a win on the other side is it a is

It a I mean we’re it’s funny we’re talking about it wins and loes like these two are still head-to-head meanwhile the PJ tour and Liv are trying to come together trying to which is just again reason why I think something needs to happen to bring this the the heat

Down on all of this but the PGA Tour could be looking on the other side and being like hey you know Liv with your unlimited budget you only took two guys out of the top 20 in the official World gol golf rankings away from us right and

Guys like Nick Dunlop the kind of the future of the game are over here yeah you’re making me wonder you know regrade my my score my report card that’s why I’m not a teacher I would just give people good grades I guess now the grade

Is starting to get a lot less the way when you put it like that no but I still think it’s it is we can’t take away from it is a significant move no doubt I think Hatton and and Rah will be a phenomenal team together I think they’re

The ones that bring that scorecard up in that b range but I think just because of what we heard from Norman from Mickelson about how many guys really wanted to come over when you really come down to Brass tax and you’re like you got one

Top 20 guy one top 10 guy and one top 20 guy is that enough yeah I don’t know I don’t know and I’m curious to see who else will go because it could be we could see mid-season signings there are still people out there that are still

Probably in talks and I will say this because I’ve been so quick to say this on this show uh anytime we talk about the The Upfront bonuses like I I would say the words yeah that’s a no-brainer I would take the money I would take the

Money where I agree on the opposite side of that is what Nick Dunlap did do I think I think he made the right chice I think staying on the tour that he’s been grown up to play and compete in all his life won it first amateur since Phil Mickelson made the headlines throughout

The PGA Tour all week that week as like the hottest guy number one amateur in the world and now he’s in all these events for this year if I’m his agent I’d be like dude you’re you’re staying on the PGA tour and you’re going to try

This thing and we’re going to be the next Scotty sheffler yep so and and yeah the official world go right him wanted to jump up that right like I If he get he jumps over to live he takes the big payday but then he kind of freezes

Himself there right don’t forget to I’m certain there’s a lot of guys who are on this kind of fence that like they’re just not going to pull the trigger so long as the two leagues stay separate but who knows and this is something we’re going to keep watching closely and

We’re going to keep reporting on here when we get a real deal and when we really find out what are the terms of those deals does it open up for players to play on the DP World Tour one day you know live golf guys on their off weeks

It’s remember their schedule is not as packed as the PG tour and stuff like that if there’s a potential for them to play in their off weeks on DP World Tour events PGA events man that’s when we could really see the next wave of guys making the jump yeah there’s no doubt

About that because I think there’s a lot of guys who would love nothing more than to play 12 or whatever it’s up to Live Events and every any any other week they handpick whether they want to play a signature event or if they’re a European

Guy they play a DP World Tour event lock in their Rider cup stack and now they’re living The Best of Both Worlds but nobody else can go and just play on a live event that’s right that’s I think the biggest problem like oh sure they

Can go play over here and get points but we can’t go over there and try to play for four million of Team winnings one week cuz I’m not on a team that’s where I think let’s take for example a guy like Victor havin right the the benefit

For him if these two leagues were truly that that together get over on Liv play you know your 12 14 events is a sub in for the week oh no right be and then in between those weeks play a couple of Signature Events on the PGA tour assuming you’ve got the

Exemption to do it play your Majors play like just just in instead of like it’s almost the opposite of some guys saying they wanted less schedule there might be some young guys who are in their Prime and playing really well and then just be like let me blow it out of the water

I’ll play every live event and I’ll play three DP World Tour events to to get my my Ridder Cup status a couple Signature Events and the majors I’ll have a a 22 event season year and I’ll just I’ll make generational wealth yeah you know who knows it remains to be seen but drop

Your report cards in the comments and let us know now that we’ve seen you know the moves they’ve been made I think this is kind of where it’s going to settle where do you grade lives offseason acquisitions on the whole where do you grade that let us know make sure you

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  1. Min 8.13: " and there are some names here I dont even recognize".
    Shame on you for not doing your homework. Ludvig Aberg (won a PGA tour event at the end of 2023, and Nicolai Højgaard who nearly won at Torrey Pines just 3 days ago!!!

  2. Momentum very much with LIV, new players and sponsors. PGAT lost players and sponsors. Only SSG on horizon for PGAT at the moment so LIV is still pushing ahead.

  3. Just a heads up lads…. There are still plenty spots on teams still to be filled + 2 wildcards…. Hold on to your hats lads haha

  4. It seems LIV could have gotten more big names, they just weren't prepared to pay what the players were asking. Rumours floating are that Clark and Finau each wanted $100 m but LIV weren't prepared to pay that. So yes they have endless money but they are still targeting and paying what they perceive as value. Good win for Dunlap and he may well be a future star, however LIV have also recruited young players out of college or not long out of college, so they also have an eye to creating future stars ad well. Hear Phil speak about the academies they are looking to establish to groom future players into stars. So don't just believe LIV is just for the here and now, they are also looking to the future.

  5. The test what is good for golf doesn't have to past the test of what is good for the PGA. A merger is not needed. Why can't there be 3,4,5 different Tours…just because the PGA wants to keep their hands tight on the monopoly they had up to now on world golf? That will just force the different tours to better their product in order to attract the best players…if not they will play on another tour…easy as pie. Then you can have a "World Tour" where top 10 or 20 of each tour play against each other…Greg Norman's idea pitched in 1994 to PGA (not Rory's dream like he said). Why only now was news about Hatton going to LIV made public…why not? And there is at least another 2 to fill up Rahm's team to be named…probably decided a while ago but wanted time to play some events before going public, who knows and what does it matter? What it does mean is that PGA is getting ore and more irrelevant…almost like the OWGR pretending to matter while everybody knows their ranking is not worth the paper it's written on. I would go as far as to say that the Majors would have to add LIV players despite the BS OWGR rankings if they want to stay relevant on not start to fade as tie goes by… Your argument that guys on LIV is just doing it for the money is ridiculous! Making Money is everybody motivation to do a certain job…to get paid for what you do. Golf is their job and they chose to work for an employer willing to pay the for their services. The players on PGA that didn't take the offer made that choice…if it was because Jay (once a Division III player but making more money from golf in 2023 except maybe top 3) lied to the, or they were just to stupid to accept hoping they will get the same money on PGA. So the money BS is just an excuse…that's why they play golf…to make money and if lucky enough, to win a few titles or even a Major or 2. Another mistake you are making…America is not the world (like your baseball calling itself the world series)…you're just a country. Golf is a world sport and watched by the world. Why would LIV make such a huge offer like you said to a guy that only started his pro career now…no wins as an amateur…at least pretend that you think before you speak.

  6. Liv only wanted 2 or 3 players — They were in discussions with many for those 2 or 3 spots – Liv is full until others are relegated – Get it??

  7. Times have changed young kids don't care about legacy they want $$$$$$$$'s to buy a beautiful home, cars, have fat bank accounts and for the future of a family. Golf today is so dam hard to win of course they are going to take big $$$$$$'s for security. For all the negative comments on the Liv tour well get used to it getting bigger and bigger.

  8. I’m still NOT interested watching LIV even with Rahm and Hatton making the switch. The BEST Golf is played on the PGA tour and it’s a better product to watch then LIV. I will forever be PGA fan !

  9. LIV is WINNING. They have Rahm, arguably thr best golfer in the world right now. Not to mention Brooks, Brooksy, Phil, etc, etc. PGA Tour only cares about the PGA Tour, not the players. They are hiding money, that's why they didn't want to open their books in court. LIV is here to stay.

  10. I really think the deal was done and they have had so much free social media coverage. Deliberately left the announcement until the last minute for drama amd more coverage

  11. We can all seemingly forget US domestic Majors such as The Masters. It seems highly invested new global Majors are almost inevitable with the globalisation of golf. This seems to be a great opportunity for investors such as PIF.

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