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Las Vegas Super Bowl Preparation News – KC vs SF

Super Bowl preparations are well under way in Las Vegas! Here is the latest news on the Big Game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers! Where are the teams staying, where are they practicing the week leading up to the game?

Also recommendations for great places to eat and things to see while you are staying in Las Vegas.

Mark Fisher has lived in Las Vegas for over 30 years and has traveled to many places in the world. This channel will include information about Las Vegas, the best places to eat, where to stay, shows to see, what to do, etc. It will also include the same information about other places in the world that Mark has traveled to.

We also will interview other friends and viewers about their travel experiences to Las Vegas and other parts of the world.

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Video Links to those mentioned in this video

Best Place to Eat in Las Vegas and not spend a lot of money – Blueberry Hill

Best Italian Restaurants in Las Vegas

Best Restaurants in Chinatown Las Vegas

Best things to see in Las Vegas

Hi everybody my name is Mark fiser and welcome to my channel Las Vegas travel and more and I’m here with the latest big game news here in Las Vegas uh between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers they’re going to be in the big game on Sunday February 11th

2024 and I wanted to share some news for all those Chiefs fans and 49er fans out there or people who are coming here to Las Vegas they are expecting 330,000 people to come to Las Vegas that weekend for the big game at Allegiance stadium and uh I just wanted to go over some

News and updates that might make your trip a little bit more enjoyable and also give you some facts about where your teams are going to be staying and where they’re going to be practicing and all that so anyway without further Ado we’ve got welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas

By the way my name is Mark fiser like I mentioned I’ve lived in Las Vegas for over 34 years I’m a local I know where to go I know where you can save money on places to eat things to do that type of thing and that’s what my Channel’s about

Uh Las Vegas travel and more so if you’re interested in this kind of content please subscribe to my channel just go down there and hit that subscribe button hit the like button notifications I do uh videos on all sorts of things uh regarding to Las Vegas and travel around the world anyway

Back to the big game uh everybody’s excited here the preparations are well underway uh CBS is going to be broadcasting the game and they’re building a huge set in front of the balagio hotel fountains and that’s where they’re going to be hosting a lot of the pregame show and the uh postgame show

And things like that so that’s already uh under construction and being set up here uh we are just a little over a week and a half away from the game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers so let me go ahead and fill you in

On some news about the big game this is of course legance Stadium the countdown is on for the big game the Stadium’s beautiful uh it’s they call we call it the Death Star here as a nickname because the Las Vegas Raiders play there and it is a dome stadium but it’s got a

Translucent roof so it lets in sunlight uh they have a natural grass field that actually uh is kept outside during the week for the grass to be uh to grow and to be watered and to be maintained and then before game day they actually have

It it’s on a big tray with rollers they actually roll it into the stadium and get it set and that’s where they play so you actually gonna see the players playing on a real grass field I know they appreciate it less chance for injury or anything like that but uh

Allegiance stadium is great it’s literally across the street from manderlay Bay on the Las Vegas Strip they’re closing down Henda Boulevard which is the main Bridge across the Interstate 15 and that’s going to be a main entrance for uh fans and people with tickets to come into that area uh

They’ve got the parking lot close by all set up with 10 and Super Bowl experience and all sorts of stuff and I’m sure it’s going to be a lot of other things happening over across the street in Mandalay Bay they have a huge convention center but Allegiance stadium is great

Uh it’s great sight lines uh great food uh great Ambiance you’re gonna have a great time if you have a chance to come to the game and see Kansas City and San Francisco the players are not going to be staying on the Las Vegas Strip in any

Of the casinos or hotels they’re going to be staying about 20 minutes away in Lake Las Vegas this is actually southeast of Las Vegas it’s uh just uh past the city of Henderson it’s not very far it takes about 20 minutes to drive out there but this is a master plan

Community and that’s a man-made lake uh that’s not Lake me that’s a man-made lake it’s called Lake Las Vegas it’s uh they’ve been building it for over 30 years there’s huge Custom Homes out there as well as regular homes and then there’s actually big hotel resorts out

There uh the big Custom Homes people like Seline Deon when she had her residency here at Caesar’s Palace she had a huge mansion out there I don’t know if she still zones it or not but there’s a lot of celebrities and sports stars that do live out there in Lake Las

Vegas this is the Weston Resort at Lake Las Vegas just to give an idea of what’s out there I’m not sure which hotels they’re going to be staying at but uh both the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers will be staying at Lake Las Vegas there’ll be less distraction

Out there I’m sure uh for them I’m sure uh so this is what they’ve got this is another view of Lake Las Vegas it’s a beautiful area and they should have a great time um very relaxing if fans if you can stay out there it’s wonderful it’s surrounded by mountains and you’ve

Got of course the man-made lake there and all that here’s another uh view of the Weston uh Lake Las Vegas Resort all right now here’s something that people may be a little bit surprised all you Kansas City Chiefs fans uh one of your arch Rivals is the Las Vegas

Raiders and of course they have a state-of-the-art practice facility uh in Henderson not far from the stadium and this is where the Kansas City Chiefs are going to be practicing during the week leading up to the Super Bowl the Las Vegas Raiders are going to let them use

Their facility this is an aerial view of the facility in indoors that they have a huge Indoor Stadium football uh field sorry and it’s one and a half football fields actually inside that building and they have state-of-the-art locker rooms state-of-the-art wait rooms meeting rooms you name it and then there’s three

Outdoor practice fields which are right there and hopefully if the weather’s good we don’t get any rain or anything like that they’ll probably be practicing outdoors and or if they have to move indoors they can do that as well so this is the uh Chiefs will be practicing at

The Las Vegas Raiders practice facility this is uh the inside the uh the indoor practice area with the field and everything and uh they can you could do a full practice in there so it’s a state-of-the-art facility um and that’s where the Chiefs will be practicing as

For the San Francisco 49ers they’re not going to be in any you know slum or anything like that they’re going to be in a nice facility too and that’s the fertita Center at University of Nevada Las Vegas UNLV football practice facility and uh the fertita family are

Very wealthy family uh they own hotels and casinos here in Las Vegas for years and they’re big donators to uh University of Nevada Las Vegas to Bishop Gorman High School Etc and they provided donated the money for this state-ofthe-art football facility for UNLV to be built now this facility is

Located close to the strip it’s just off of Paradise Road uh behind the Virgin hotel and uh so it’s very close to the Las Vegas Strip so if you’re staying at any of the hotels along the strip you know you can make your way over to their

Practice facility I don’t know if it’s going to be open to the public but this is where it is it’s the fatia practice facility on UNLV this is their outdoor practice fields the building in there has a uh weight room meeting rooms that type of thing and that’s where the San

Francisco 49ers will be practicing leading up to the game the week of the game here here in Las Vegas Allegiance Stadium at night and you can see the strip behind it that’s the Mandalay Bay the the gold buildings right there in the center and the convention center is over there to the

Right uh like I said they’ll be closing down Henda to allow access for people to get in there and then of course they’ve got the Las Vegas Strip there uh it of course the tickets are very expensive as you might imagine if you’re a 49er or

Chief fan if you want to get into the stadium you’re going to pay a hefty price in order to get there but even if you don’t get into the stadium it’s still going to be great coming to Las Vegas and spending time rooting on your team because there’s going to be parties

Everywhere in the whole town uh there’s G to be viewing parties there’s going to be all sorts of parties at the hotels the casinos you name it and one of the great places that you can watch games in Las Vegas of course is in a sports book

Where you can bet on the games this is the Circa sports book downtown Las Vegas it’s only a few years old but um this photo is taken from the second floor balcony overlooking and they’ve got a whole video wall there and you can see down below there’s stations

Where you can sit watch the game gamble on the game bet some money that type of thing and this is just one example of the many places that you can go in Las Vegas to watch the game and still feel part of it I know that when my team uh

Played in the Super Bowl years ago I actually it was in San Diego and I couldn’t go to the game but I actually just hung out outside the stadium and around at the bars and restaurants and then when they won the Super Bowl it was fantastic it was like I had been there

The whole time I watched it on television and just had a good time around uh the city feeling like I was part of the victory the other thing that’s going on that weekend in Las Vegas uh is the live golf tournament if you like professional golf the live golf

Tournament is going to be here in Las Vegas February 8th through the 10th so that’s going to be Thursday Friday and Saturday at the Las Vegas country club and it’s going to feature all you know famous golfers like Brooks kepa Dustin Johnson brys and dbo

Uh John ROM who just joined the tour and it’s a shotgun start it’s a party atmosphere and uh each day is going to be a great time so if you want to go see golf while you’re here in Las Vegas for the Super Bowl uh you can just go uh and

You can get ticks are available you can walk along the fairways and that type of thing so live Golf Las Vegas is going to be the Las Vegas country club and this is a picture of the Las Vegas country club it’s been here for years it’s a

Beautiful Golf Course and there you can see the Wind Resort and The Encore Resort right there right which are right next to it the Las Vegas country club is located off of Paradise Road uh it’s actually Joe Brown Road is the name of the road but it’s right behind the

Westgate which used to be the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel the famous hotel where Elvis used to perform in Barber Stan and Wayne Newton and uh they have a huge sports book there as well but the Las Vegas country club is right there and you can get your tickets and if you want

To uh see golf you know and then go to the Super Bowl that’s it’s going to be a lot of action going on here in Las Vegas that Super Bowl week and uh so just wanted to mention that as well other things here in Las Vegas you

Can find on my channel okay I like I said I’ve lived here for over 34 years okay and so I have lots of different uh restaurants to recommend places to eat where you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg prices are going to be very high on the Strip during the

Conventions uh sorry during the the uh big game weekend and uh so if you want some recommendations uh places to go things to see that type of thing please subscribe to my Channel at mfisher LV or just go down below and click on it and I would appreciate it it’s Las Vegas

Travel and more one of the things I was going to mention is this I am best places to eat ask a local this is a video that’s on my channel okay and I I recommend the best place to eat breakfast here in Las Vegas it’s open 24

Hours a day it’s called Blueberry Hill they’ve got five locations here in town and rather than spending $60 for bacon and eggs on the Strip you can literally drive a mile or two away from the strip or take an Uber or a taxi and you go eat

A Blueberry Hill and you can get a full breakfast for less than $15 and the food is fantastic it’s my favorite place to eat open 24 hours a day anyway there’s a link to this in the description for this video for this channel so if you’re interested in details about uh Blueberry

Hill click on that video another best Italian uh restaurants I list the five best Italian restaurants in my opinion here in Las Vegas just another example of the videos on my channel Las Vegas travel and more I also have a video on the best tacos the best Hawaiian food uh

The best Chinese Chinese food in Chinatown and all that so uh it’s another great uh reason to subscribe to my channel the other thing I have also on my channel is a video on the best things to see ask a local and these are things that you can do around Las Vegas

For free okay things that great things that you can’t see anywhere else that you can see and do here in Las Vegas and they don’t cost anything so anyway click on that link uh below for the best things to see in Las Vegas it’s a short

Video and that’s also covered uh on my channel so I just wanted to let you all know that’s the latest update here from Las Vegas for the big game uh on where the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers the area they’re going to be staying and also where they’re going to

Be practicing getting ready for the big game anyway I wanted to thank everybody here for watching as I mentioned before please subscribe to my channel also if you have any questions just ask in the comment section down below I check them all the time I’ll be doing other videos

Leading up to the big game so if you have questions I can answer them I will do so so I just wanted to mention that as well and if you feel like donating to my channel you can always buy me a coffee uh again a link Down Below in the

Description click on the link and you can actually donate to the channel by buying me a coffee and any uh support is greatly appreciated that’s all I have right now uh excited about the big game the 49ers fans and the cheese fans I’m sure they’re very excited and the city of Las

Vegas is excited uh this is a great place to hold this event uh there plenty of rooms there’s plenty of uh things to do there’s plenty of action to be had and I think a lot of Fun’s going to be had as well so even if you’re not into

The game you can always have a good time here in Las Vegas that’s it for now my name is Mark Fisher my channel is Las Vegas travel and more and until the next time we’ll see you later


  1. I will be there in March with my Husband's company for some. Nascar race. We are staying at the Golden Nugget…. Prices were insane!

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