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Thayers Men’s Snowboard Knuckle Huck: FULL COMPETITION | X Games Aspen 2024

Watch the spoiler-free full competition of Thayers Men’s Snowboard Knuckle Huck at X Games Aspen 2024! From gravity-defying tricks to intense showdowns, experience the best of X Games Aspen. Catch some of the world’s best athletes compete for gold against the stunning Aspen backdrop.

How medal event is judged:
1 heat of 8 athletes in a 20-minute jam session taking as many runs as time permits. Best run counts, based on overall impression ranked 1-8. Judges will rank competitors throughout the contest.

Join us for the ultimate celebration of action sports! For the full X Games Aspen 2024 schedule, click here:

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x games, xgames, x-games, x games aspen, x games aspen 2024, action sports, extreme sports, snowboard, snowboarding, knuckle huck, men’s snowboard knuckle huck, thayers, full competition, x games aspen competition, watch x games, watch x games aspen, aspen x games, how to watch x games aspen, watch x games snowboarding, x games snowboarding, snowboard knuckle huck, winter x games, Zeb Powell, Miles Fallon, Darcy Sharpe, Luke Winkelmann, Jake Canter, Nate Haust, Dylan Alito, Liam Brearley,

We are 8,000 ft above it all at the premier destination of action sports competition Aspen Colorado X Games first came here in 2002 and we are back 23 years later welcome to X Games Aspen 2024 it is Friday Night Under The Lights as you can see we are fired up my name

Is Salma masella I had the privilege of being here in 2002 and I’m so excited to be back here in 2024 to watch 90 of the best athletes on the planet from 18 countries pursue the most coveted prize in all of action sports X Games gold and

Of course nothing but star power on Tap tonight Chloe Kim Alex Hall Scotty James but we start with the new fan favorite event knuckle hu and of course you can’t talk about knuckle h without the creative Wonder of Zeb Powell we’ll throw it up to Brando and Craig why is

It you guys that knuckle hu has become the fan favorite at X gam well Salma it’s Controlled Chaos and I use controlled in the loosest sense of the word Craig I mean the reason this is so contagious it is so relatable look outside do you see snow and do you see a

Bump that could be considered a knuckle you could do a knuckle hu trick I doubt you will do one to the caliber of these gentlemen here tonight but hey you can dream it’s what we’ve all been waiting for the the’s men’s snowboard knuckle hook and it starts right now kicking

Things off the young Canadian out of onario 20 years old making his debut Liam brle kids’s a problem kids’s an absolute problem he also got the nod for Big Air so we will see him in the med snowboard Big Air later how does he start off his

First X Games campaign how about a gie backside 1080 Marcus Cleveland I hope you’re watching because you inspired that trick right there Liam brle wow Liam Bry has arrived here at the X Games right out the gate here in knuckle hu leaves no doubt about it an O to

Marcus Cleveland as you said there partner nollie back tat and goes three times around when I say nollie he pops off the nose of his snowboard that generates the lift for him to do that’s a big rotation Dylan Alo 33 years old we saw him in knuckle hook last year where

He took six place out of Golden [Applause] Colorado switch back five Miller and then does that method kick out shout out torer bergam we’ve shouted out two Norwegians and we only had two runs dropped that far but I like the look of this thing look at this switch toes

Drake’s that front hand switch back five camo kid I can’t even see him I don’t know where he is right now folks I’m scared he’s right behind us and if you’ve never watched knuckle HW before buckle up it is a torrid Pace dropping in now Luke Winkleman out of Blowing Rock North

Carolina 23 years old in his third X Games appearance oh all the way to the bottom there huge fakey Oli that switch take off right off the nose fakey Ali and then little switch back one right here now Folks at home you’re going to see so many different tricks if you

Watch slope style if you watch halfpipe if you watch anything like that this is completely different there is no takeoff this is a mound of snow you have to generate your own lift you need to go fast out of Richmond ma making his X Games debut view 31 years old Nate host backside

720 grabs nose for the first 360 and says I’m sick of this grabs tail for the second 360 switching up grabs with the backside 720 from Nate Hawk oh it wasn’t quite tail could have been attempting that method there this kid I’m scared to see what he

Does tonight I saw on Instagram earlier today backside double 1080 with a hand drag in there let’s see Jake caner 20 years old it’s his fourth X Games appearance one two I guess it wouldn’t even be like a 1080 it’s more of like a double back 720

Or that kind of like barrel roll takeoff but he definitely gets some hand on the knuckle and uh I’m going to be honest with you folks that’s my favorite trick I’ve seen thus far one two it looks like he’s going to hit his head on the

Knuckle but he says no I’m carrying too much M I won’t do that nice first run for Jake caner here in the the’s men’s snowboard knuckle hook we’ve gotten this far haven’t we told you about the format it’s a 20 minute jam session judges rank the overall impression based on say it with

Me creativity Innovation difficulty progression and what does progression mean that means seeing something we haven’t seen we are lucky enough to have been blessed with the event for a couple years now we’ve seen some wild stuff Marcus Cleveland Zeb Powell they’re bringing New Tricks we want to see new

Tricks every single year and we could see a new one from this young Canadian yeah he’s not just a big dog he’s a hungry dog ninx games appearance first time though we’re seeing him in knuckle hook Darcy sharp oh wow I got Blinded By the Light took off switch dragged the hand

Switch barrel roll if you will Darcy has a gold medal from slope style can he get a medal in knuckle hook really held it therey there was a lot of handon snow there he might have got frostbite it was hanging out there for so long oh right in a second and

Darcy sharp jumping up into second place and here’s a guy who may have done practice this week 22-year-old miles fing I mean he’s using everything we saw the cartwheel to start things off and that signature I like to call it a nothing slide because he doesn’t really do

Anything it’s a tow Edge he’s going so fast that he gets air just holds his hand that when he landed in the backside three out so very interesting and then there was one The Chosen One potentially the reason why this thing even exists dare I say the

Most creative man on a snowboard Zeb Powell Rippy flip nose grab on a 20050 cimer oh no he’s not he’s not he switched his bindings it looks like a 156 578 um if you were looking for human flight on the menu you’ve come to the right restaurant Rippy flip 720 right

There we’re just one run in here in the the men snowboard knuckle hook much more to come from night one here at X Games Aspen don’t go [Applause] anywhere X Games Aspen is brought to you by fairs natural remedies for better looking skin and GoPro the official camera of

Fun we welcome you back to night one of X Games Aspen we’re one run in here in the thers men’s snowboard knuckle hook it’s a gorgeous evening and a packed crowd out here at Buttermilk but let’s keep the fun shall we we roll up to the

Top with the third member our team is DC thank you very much Brando you’re hanging out up here at the top and I got to tell you the vibe is live up here loving the energy these dudes are bringing shout out Marcus Cleveland Craig as you said Marcus we hope you’re

Tuning in from home we love you and wish you here and heal up quick but we got to talk about Z Powell out here in the knuckle hook I mean busting down the door on his rookie appearance with the gold medal in the sphere of influence that he’s had since then is absolutely

Incredible so all you tuning in be prepared to be influenced because we have some of the most creative minds in snowboarding well said DC yep after one run it’s Jake caner Z pal and Darcy sharp as your current top three but me thinks we’ll see some changes throughout

The night here craer absolutely overall impr ression one run doesn’t really win this the judges want to see you put down all 20 minutes of this Jam format here’s Liam rley oh my good word I did not know how he got that last cab 360 around I’m

Really excited to look at this replay because he’s got two for two takes off switch does that hand Dr kind of like we saw from Miles Fallon but instead of just putting that switch toes down he adds a 720 to that uh simply mindboggling and rightfully so Liam barley up into

That number one spot so here’s Dylan alito’s second run here in the the’s men’s snowboard knuckle Hut and Dyan Alo lets the hoof breathe trying that front side Miller flip with only one foot attached to his snowboard he took a little too much speed into that one though Brandon

Didn’t really get the hand drag on there love to see the creativity that’s what this contest is all about here now le Luke wiklan oh beautiful from Luke winlan but uh these guys are jacked up and when you have that much adrenaline you go really really fast and Luke Winkleman I think

Went just a little bit too fast said who wants to see me do a big trick dude Nate hos is like I’m not messing around you call my name I’m jumping front side 720 right there attempt so closing in on the 14 minute Mark here in knuckle

Hook Baby J caner now sitting in that silver metal spot Craig oh okay okay I see what you did J Ker in run one he did that double barrel roll with the hand drag here he tried to just do a backside double and hold it at nine right there apologies to Nate hos if that was not I think that might have

Been a cab rotation I was actually assaulted in the commentators Booth by somebody right there so I missed it Darcy sharp creativity through the roof backside 360 lays back and then does a backside 360 out of that and isn’t it so nice to see Darcy sharp and

Knuckle hook refreshing it’s a just a nice glass of cool water on a hot day that’s what I that’s what I feel it’s a sultry saxophone a sunset with a loved one isn’t it that’s that’s exactly what it is Miles Fallon howdy so he wants to join the 900 party

Right there front side 9 tail gra remember there’s no takeoff you got to go fast thank you for the reminder closing in on 13 minutes here dropping in next Zeb Powell and talking to CMA m K who spends a lot of time with him he described it as there’s a

Magnetism to Ze doesn’t matter if you’re in inas La New York kids walk up and they just want to chat with him there’s something so powerful about that why do they want to because he’s riding a 250 205 CM snowboard with the swallow tail see the tail how it’s cut like that he’s

Riding it switch I mean this is just so difficult cab 180 then he was looking for maybe a hand drag on the back side Rodeo here doesn’t get it but he’s riding a yacht Craig he’s on the semi of snowboards right now there’s milky toner it does more

Than pores it hydrates for 48 hours snow mushroom and high yonic acid take skin from dry to Dewy milky toner from THS well we’re already a couple runs in here the the’s men’s snowboard knuckle hook and we start back up off the top Liam brle I’ve Loved what Liam barley has

Done uh as you should he’s our current leader correct oh wow shout out Marcus Cleveland again very similar to his kind of for slide gly so he goes to that heel rode is almost impossible to getp off wow took a lot of a lot of speed into that with that like board slide

Power slide and then generate the flip off the nose out of that Liam Bry is gone three for Three As an X Games rookie no less but here now Dylan Alito I’m thinking he’s going back for that Miller flip with the one foot and hang on to it

Very tough to do because well he’s only got one foot strapped in I’m great at stting the obvious brand and one foot anything onef footer is close to your heart I know that so here’s Luke Winkleman front one switch back five with that Japan grab really tweaks it as he comes

Off the knuckle and then gives the crowd a spray let’s take another look here there’s that Japan front hand around the that front foot really arching the back fell on that in his second run make no mistake in his third so Liam breely still leading the way if you’re just

Joining us in our comp format here for knuckle hu we’ve got eight Riders 20 minute jam session overall impression now we talk about overall impression what does that mean well it just doesn’t mean best single run counts and that’s the beauty of a contest like this Craig

There’s 20 minutes you run the Riders as many runs as they can get at the end they say that person was the best did you see that tweet that was really pump the ego I’m feeling myself now okay [Applause] thank oo and Winkleman puts it down on run number

Three oh wnan did put it down on run number three n he snuck one in there way acoss that cap three switch back five we’re in the midst of the thers men’s snowboard knuckle hook run three and it’s the rookie Liam brearley leading the way Darcy sharp right behind him and

Zeb pal sitting in third who I think if he lands one could maybe overtake Liam brle is Jake caner dropping in right now we saw him try that back double nine so difficult to stop it stop it at the 900 rotation your body wants to go 10 but J

Cander says no digs in the toes and that’s a make by the way Nate house that run jumps him up into fourth Place where does this put Jake caner watch out Nate house taking over the knuckle hook there you see the the hype Meter cancer of course out of Silverthorn Colorado but here now out of be Darcy sharp he’s going really [Applause] fast oh Craig there was a hush over the crowd there was he was going straight from the drop in and that looked so similar to that Zeb Powell kind of front

Side 720 double hand drag let’s take another look at it’s a pulse check whenever Darcy sharp hits the knuckle F down full EXT completely upside down blind it’s giving Z power Landing past that last line though a boy Dar right just so Darcy sharp in second

Place here now miles Fallon as we said was putting out Clips this week thought he was the MVP of practice he’s got some work to do though o that’s the best part about this Jam format is it’s not as competitive as let’s say a slope style or a super pipe event because

You’re not waiting for TV to come back up it’s poor at pace so check this out this was our top video from 2022 when Z pal did that pull jam and how about Lego Ste putting it down this week my favorite post of the week at X Games absolutely I actually

Got to interview Lego Ste earlier today really kind man he put so much work into that and he says knuckle Hook is his favorite your two passion snowboards and Legos here now Z pal what does he do for run three backside five touches the tail and then cab Three Holy Smokes

Folks there’s just no one doing thinking believing that they can do things like Z power well what the what is also amazing is the logistics behind this he is now back on his regular size snowboard he is switching out equipment every single run there was that back five and the cab

Three and he almost had it I really want to see him try it again also how gentle he touches just with the nose of a snowboard on the KN Brando so Liam BR kicks off run number four and it’s crazy the X Games rookie still in the lead craiger Oh my good word the way he landed that that stomp you could hear it it’s visceral it was violent wasn’t it it was let’s take another look here right before it takes off that gnly backside rotation this is Talent this is Art and let’s also realize that was a Nolly

Backside 1260 right we saw him do that Nolly back 10 right off the top he adds another 180 to it uh very hard so here’s Dylan Alito sitting in seventh place okay there it is I count that one the other ones maybe not so much that front side Miller flip with only one

Foot in was my favorite so far from Dylan Alo all right Dylan you can finally put that right foot back in beautiful front side Miller flip kicks the back hoof out Shout Out b Mar for really inventing that and maybe Scott Stevens too I may be missing a

Couple others but I apologize so that jumps up Dylan a couple spots here now Luke Winkleman oh beautiful cab seven grabbing the nose of his snowboard with not one but two hands that switch double nose grab let’s take another look here one two takes off switch land switch two rotations around there they’ve shaped the knuckle with a little bit more lift than we’ve seen in

Previous years we’ve seeing a lot more rotations more jump is inspiration so here’s Nate hos on his fourth run Oo so that’ll do it for Nate’s spth run hey we’re having so much fun out here here let’s throw it to the host set let’s bring in Salma Masa Salma are you not entertained I am wholly entertained and I’m kind of baffled and if I was a

Judge right now the question I would be asking like is it really knuckle hook if you’re using the knuckle as a jump takeoff to land in the parking lot I I I don’t know I’m I’m really really hyped on the people who are actually using the the full extent of the knuckle obviously

I’m biased with with Zeb because if if he makes that back five that back five three like it’s a wrap I think he should get gold do you not feel that Jake caner has used a knuckle or Liam brle with their yes no no I I I think I think they’ve

Done enough but I do think that zeb’s trick would take them out because of its particular use of the knuckle like this is the knuckle hook did you just see that I did I didn’t see the slam though cuz I was talking to you I think Jake caner just answered

Your question cab 180 Nolly backside double Rodeo 1080 attempt I mean it is a mouthful do I understand what you’re saying slim I totally hear you it is not a big air event it’s not a big air so to me it’s like don’t cheat like use max

Use of the knuckle at the knuckle hook it’s definitive like that right there don’t very halor helus inspired with that sideways power slide catch your Edge and initiate a flip out of that from Darcy sharp so second place is where Darcy sharp will stay miles Fallon still looking for that

Signature trick out here tonight in knuckle hook Craig one two three and the miles Fon with a uh absolute crowd favorite the double tame do what a shot by the way a nollie front flip with another front flip from Miles Fallon there and he’s getting the love from the crowd rightfully So but slma was extremely correct they are going into the parking lot this is the largest Landing in North America and they are using any of it so Z pal he’s been sitting in that third third place spot X Games knuckle Hook is blowing my mind right now King Zeb killing it I

Want to bring CMA back in help us call this one buddy guy who’s not afraid of his edges I was trying I was trying to watch the screen and also know that I was talking to you guys on camera now that’s go ahead that’s that’s Max

Knuckle use and then being able to then use your jacket as like a cape to settle your Landing you should get points for that well it’s a Miller flip instead of your hand you just use the entirety of your back well the thing that’s really great

About Z is that he you know he he tells me he doesn’t know he doesn’t know what he’s going to do before any run like until he drops in that’s when he gets inspired for whatever it is so I’m not surprised he didn’t try the trick again

No and that’s the Tru and Salma you’ve told us about that in the past like for somebody who’s this creative and this talented the competitive nature isn’t quite what you would expect out of guys in the contest but that’s what makes him so extraordinary yeah it’s it’s it’s the

Freedom you know like he literally lives in the moment and if that if living in the moment causes him to win he’s happy but he doesn’t come into it like I got to win this thing but I think he’ll be stoked with the win regardless but this

Whole this whole field though like I you remember when you used be able to pick someone for knuckle HW to be like oh well it’ll it’ll it’ll be Zeb um it just the the level now of creativity across this whole deal is like it’s it’s really anyone’s game and

That’s I think what makes it so much fun well said and it it’s crazy to say that for a contest that’s only 5 years old so much in its it’s so true but what I think is so interesting is the trend we’ve seen in knuckle hu is a rookie almost always wins

Very good point and then look at our leader board with two minutes left a rookie so here’s Luke Winkleman Fifth and final run sitting in sixth place oh I love that that’s got to be the biggest nollie you’re going to see tonight and I’m willing to bet on

That huge nollie goes as fast as he can and then all he off the nose of his snowboard here’s the Samsung flow motion gorgeous that’s P so Winkleman jumping up into fourth place Nate house sitting in fifth backside double 10 stalefish off a knuckle hats off to Nate hos you’re also

Going to see him in the street style Jam so he’s got another event as well he’s doing a couple things we’re also going to see Craig McMorris in that street rail JY I’m I’m excited so we are just under one minute under one minute to ride with here in

The th’s men snowboard knuckle hook and dropping in Jake caner it’s crazy that he’s sitting in eighth place right now now Craig cuz we know what he’s capable of can he put it down right now oh I give him give him one more give him one more cuz I really want to see

Him land that he’ll do one he’ll do one folks give him one cab one nollie double backside Rodeo I don’t know if he’s trying to go double backside Rodeo 9 or double backo 10 but nonetheless absolutely ridiculous trick selection oh he’s sitting in bronze metal spot Darcy

Sharp can he move up Podium position here on his final run little cap 540 double hand R right there from Darcy sharp also kind of interesting he’s one of the only Riders using the furthest knuckle everybody else has been kind of sticking close to the rider right viewers left side of the

Course there you see our current leader the rookie Liam as he watches on Miles b double back flip so we saw him last run go double front flip he says I’m going to go double back flip right here doesn’t put the cleanest landing on it but gets a rotation round surv

Survive uhoh I think I know what’s coming next you say he doesn’t plan it this oh you knew something was up Z Powell sleeve Liam br’s got a wait cuz there’s one final Rider to drop can he gain his second career X Games gold medal what what does he do

Does he oh no does he go double Zeb is saving his best for last go get yourself the gold let’s find out oh oh that was I was I was scared for zein I was also scared for Luke right there yeah do you have to be God you’ve

Got to be the trust I think you had to sign a waiver for when you’re a prop on this one look at this though takes off going that Rippy flip 720 if you will and tapping a snowboard well you’re doing it let’s just take a a hard trick

And make it harder he slamed that thing and now they’re wrestling actually nothing wrong with [Applause] That so with that the th’s men’s snowboard knuckle hook draws its conclusion we’re ready to hand out some Hardware do they know something we don’t who wins gold and it looks like it’s going to be leoo the rookie who didn’t even know he was going to be competing in this comes

Back gets a Ontario stand up that is absolutely wild but he was so on point oh my once again Craig you were on the point the 20-year-old earns his first career X Games gold medal given to him by music producer DJ fer former pro surer making his X gam debut wins golden

Knuckle hook let’s head down to DC who’s with Liam Liam barely dude congratulations talking about spitting in your atmosphere getting the metal presentation from Fisher dude you didn’t even know you were going to be competing in X Games until last week you won the locks open slope style contest your

Agent got the call he answered for you and was like yes he will be there at X Games and here you are first time at X Games and you get gold what’s going through your head man dude this is crazy I wasn’t even an alternate for knuckle

HW and I ended up getting in and I was just like okay I’m going to go out there and try whatever I can and it worked out I I have no words right now how much was your slow style win over in locks in Switzerland last week how much was that

A motivator for this here this week at X Games 4 for you I mean the Stoke level’s got to be so high with you right now oh yeah for sure I think that helped with me getting in in the first place and I’m just uh so stoked right now I’m so

Stoked on that and I’m just hyped to be snowboarding and get all these new opportunities well Canada standup Liam brle your gold medalist for X Games the rookie gone gold congratulations the trend continues Brando rookies winning X Games knuckle hu you love to see it what

A moment for Liam belyy Zeb pal and R sharp round out our top three but the night belonged to the 20-year-old making his X game debut Liam brle wins golden knuckle Haw


  1. I’m so glad the producers chose to show Selema talking instead of showing the riders riding. Stellar TV.

  2. They all are talented af, and skilled. But can someone just do a huge boned out method and hold it for a long time instead? (This was called a grasser in old days at Tahoe). Like Jamie Lynn styled method. Or Roach, or even Palmer – they all had a different style to their methods.

    I guess one footer Miller was cool and under rated, no replay of that – but every 720 spin upside down had replays. Bring back unique style from the roots in 80s/90s please. This "sport" sure has progressed, but lost a lot of style somehow. Old man yelling at a cloud here about olden days.

  3. I think they judged this fine. Getting a lot of hate in the comments. But they did reward stylish and creativity more than the doubles

  4. Since when did this turn into big air? The whole point of the knuckle huck is to do stuff you CANT do in big air, not just copy and paste big air tricks into this comp

  5. That was super dull compared to years past, hopefully we can get the creative riders back out there next year 🤟🏼

  6. Why the heck are you splitting the screen to show a guy with a microphone, when there's tricks happening. We don't need to see commentators' faces that badly 🤦‍♂️

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