Can I Break 130mph? Increasing My Club Head Speed with Driver

On tour my club head speed with driver maxed around 113mph. Over the past few years, I have been training with some of the best coaches in the world to try and reach my goal of 130mph.

Last episode I was just shy at 129.2mph. Can I break 130mph this time around with the help from Steve Furlonger? It’s a long video, but it will not dissapoint.

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β›³ Chapters
0:00 Introduction
0:45 Get Your Feet Off the Ground -(the secret to cracking 130mph)
2:35 Drill to imrpove club head speed – “stomp snap”
5:20 Move laterally with no turn
7:20 Takeaway tips for a faster swing
8:42 “There’s a 100% chance I’m getting this!”
10:00 129.8 mph πŸ‘ˆ
13:30 My record ball speed (192mph)
15:20 The Moment of truth! πŸ‘ˆ
16:25 Reviewing the steps I took to reach 130mph
17:40 Distance Improving Drill Reel
19:00 Reviewing my shot data
21:38 Reviewing my biomechanics data

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Hey guys so this is a super special episode over the last couple of years I’ve been on a journey to increase my club head speed to over a 130 mph trying to hit the ball further than 340 Ys now I’m only 5’1 and I weigh 75

Kg so pound-for-pound I need to do some very special moves with my golf swing to be able to generate that much speed and hit the ball that far so in this video with special guest Steve fur longer we traveled all the way to Germany to work with some of the most high-tech

Equipment available to be able to level up my potential to create that power and go on this journey to see if I can break my personal best you certainly don’t want to miss out on this one let’s get stuck in step two jump at impact when I

Left you last time your vertical forces were over 180 I think we from 140 to 180 off the top of my head okay I’d expect them to be 180 to 200 now cuz you’ve been working on it yeah but we must get our feet off the ground yeah why because

It allows you to pull the grip off the shaft you’ve got to then release those angles and get that head to speed up okay yeah I’m definely not doing that the Jump part of the jump is getting heavy when you get heavy you’re going to reach Peak hand speed yeah and then

You’re going to get light heavy is only good if you get lighter impact the pelvis needs to rise the Le side of the pelvis needs to rise and that’s going to give you an ability to pull up in on the handle so for the guys at home I was

Coming in and I was staying down for too longay down handle was ahead Club wasn’t reaching speed Peak speed impact pushing as fast down as I can by lead on Parallel and then pushing back and up as I pull the handle pull the grip you are

Pulling the grip off the Sha back up and around so we’re bending the path of the hands up in and around this way y yeah yeah and that’s going to kick the head forwards it’s the speed boat analogy isn’t it we had a speed boat and a dingy

If we turn the speed boat really tight in a corner that dingy is going to be thrown outwards and that’s what we’re trying to do the speed boat is the butt end of the handle and you’re trying to pull that in and around as much as possible to kick the head forwards so

Then we speed up the head and get it to Peak speed at impact get hand speed into end of shaft Club head speed yeah so the drill okay what is the drill it’s called The Stomp snap stomp snap stomp snap y so we hold the Shar armor

Parallel yeah P5 down to me yeah yeah we’re going to go Stomp and then we’re going to snap the legs together and jump we’re going to snap the thighs together the feet will come together a little bit not completely we’ve removed a lot of the spin

Component that’s more like it oh yes I was still trying to swing through yeah at the moment I just want you to get this action of the legs and the rise of the pelvis correct yeah yeah good good okay yeah I was trying to still swing

Through this is this is this is the ultimate this is Jump isn’t it yeah good good if I was to visualize where my feet are dragging they would be away from the ball away from the ball left foot W kind of move away from the ball almost in kind of like a

Rainbow shape the right foot the right foot will move away from the ball slightly towards the left Hill so I’m going to go Club head visible as much as I can push back and Away back and away okay made a different noise I’m struggling with this spin bit I feel

Like I spin before I get an opportunity to pull it back so we with 220 hand path length the swing before that last one I think that what we’re going to do yeah so all of this what we’re getting in my opinion here is that we’re using the

Back foot to jump and not using the front foot to jump so uh A variation of that stomp drill would be a stomp step left jump or snap so because you’re getting the spin yes oh that’s way better yes low high then go yeah oh that’s different better

Better oh yeah back up again okay I got I got so you was moving the club and then moving the body I want you to move the body then move the club yeah snatchy just like every single student there then going afterwards too late body first Club second across with

The body up with the body okay that was Healy but I think it’s going to be better so this is then 25 okay I want the body to be moving got the feel okay I’m actually going to so if you were standing in a clock yeah

12:00 is the golf ball yeah 3:00 away from the target y I want the body to almost be moving towards 2:00 to start with Y okay so we not opening up the body keep the club there the reason why you you’re moving the club is you’re doing that yeah so you’re turning the

Body I want you to get across laterally without any turn yep okay and then you can take the club away and start to turn y63 okay I’m I’m going to take a step back here mhm okay cuz I like where hand path length was taken us y okay so no

Big deal sometimes we got to take a step back it was important that you understand what step two is yeah but we’re going to practice that on a different day yeah okay so today the focus we revert back to step one so to encourage that step one and help you

Develop that step one and make it get that speed and length that we need in that back swing the across mhm is definitely what we’re looking for yeah the across the down and then up and around I re I can get one that so if you

Want as well cuz what it will do it will increase the force that you apply to the club if you allow the club it’s difficult because obviously with the T there yeah if you let the club go forwards while you’re doing the across and heavy bit y yeah almost let have a

Forward push of the club so you’re going Club away body away so you move both Club try not hit the track club and body away from one another cuz this is a big thing obviously what you did with Steve yeah was that you were trying to leave

The club there so I want to stay on that theme and that track but I’m actually going to make you move the club forwards to P 7.5 okay okay yeah yeah I need to change BL and then you move away this goes here y body goes across and down y

Okay yeah yeah y y so yeah yeah okay okay okay okay yeah yeah Crossing down okay just a hover so we obviously going to need to sort of hover it get it above the ball and then go yeah that’s I don’t mind doing this because it kind of like gives

Me the ability to go more down anyway and I feel like sometimes I need more right side bin so forwards yeah good very good very good very good but I I didn’t even think about you know what I I was so focused on that I didn’t think about going yeah

Okay let’s get it around the clock a bit further then this will give you the ability to do it yeah felt much better we’ll get back to that video in just a second but I want to use this opportunity to tell you about perform golf as you can see I’m working through

This process of increasing my driving distance and if you’re a golfer and you’re struggling to create more distance off the tea you’re Mis striking it the ball shooting off in all sorts of directions well this is your One-Stop shop to improve everything to do with your driver with over 600 premium videos

And a free swing review on sign up this is going to be easiest way to improve that driving distance in the year ahead the link is down below sign up today experience the difference and let’s get back to the video I was healed so ball speed’s down I reckon that might be

Close okay oh come on come on come on come on come on come on there’s a 100% chance I’m getting this come there 100% chance we get the crowd pumping clapping clapping clapping come on no trk man what what that was 400 Dave loves me loves me yes

Oh record Ball State no Tide record ah record ball speed though so but well okay so we know that that’s got sentinus of strike right so great we’re out in the middle so this finally hit something okay so look we know that this is very important but

This is the god right yeah this is the god right poting me thanks so we get it out the middle all of that that we’ve done we get into the ball what 192 you know what stay there go cross up go hit high off the toe a unbelievable unbelievable come on

There is there is n that is my record that is my record Club his okay so we want to create the the loudest who of the club backwards okay forwards body across fast as you can come on healed it healed it heal come on come on come on come on come on come

On zero point are we are we fastest my fastest fastest we’re not celebrating fastest yeah but champagne tonight three three point fre you need to be harder on me come come on come on come on come on come on forwards backwards go go let’s go that’s got to be high and

Toe oh my God I’m so close and I must say this is probably where it’s perfect to show the domino effect of working on one thing which helps the next piece is that I honestly feel and that has to be because I am getting longer and higher meaning am spending

More time here meaning I am doing that so they I think the little addition of doing this mini wolf thing helped perfect yeah but the club forwards is is allowed us to kind of exaggerate that movement yeah cuz that was key cuz that keeps that club down while you get your

Body going okay down upward reverse forwards forwards forwards down up across that’s got to be close come on ah point two where where where where so we’ve broken the record tce the club speed once at the ball speed but where is 2 I don’t know 2 God come

On right I’m going to sleep on the street if I don’t get it okay come on big Pusher down and up big push down forward big push down that’s got to be it sounded that’s 1 31 I feel like a wounded dog the disappointment the point four

The point two effect no come on come on come on come on come on fenis motion to coach come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come come oh my God you know what I like I know it’s in

There and it’s just a slight difference of feel it’s a slight and I would be come on 340 we can we can I actually think they are going pretty straight too I reckon they’re going pretty straight come on come on forwards oh the ball was scared to me here it is come

On come on come on this is why cerber needs to make a bow it would get there okay come on come on come on come on come on oh that that was loud new bull Speed come on I need my were we bull speed have we

Broken bll speed record again I think I don’t know I I just care about that thing there so we’re 92 and then what we’re going to do not only we’re going to go faster tomorrow and we’re going to optimize that I think we might hit 600

Yards tomorrow come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on forwards cross down up healed it healed it healed it but it might be good might be good oh my God but hon how many have you held at 129

Now yeah yeah we’ve gone 128 129 129 129 come on come on I think it’s just teasing us trackman is just teasing you tickling you up fast and up fast and up fast fast up oh that was loud that was loud that was loud God okay I actually think that went yeah

Frozen rope straight Frozen rope and by the way everyone I will put a dispersion pattern up just for the just for the laughs but trust me this is faster than I used to hit it when I was on to a 354 come on 3 54 forwards with the club away

With the body that way Y and as fast as you can get that club moving backwards faster oh yes yes yes I didn’t go long enough though you do that that is it right there we knew that was coming we knew that was coming I [Laughter] recogniz that they lie down underneath

That we got to get a picture Dead next to the this is only day one only day one de okay I feel like you know when you you surpass your challenge point you reach a new level and then you create a feeling for a new challenge

Point yeah well well next is 131 isn’t it 132 it’s just the sensation of how I did that though it’s like the the feeling is just so all it is 100% the different it’s just matching this up y rather than being like whipping it around like this

Whipp it around Willie and just and that’s where that so so we went so this is the good thing and exciting thing about where we kind of moved this session right we were very good with the first bit we got a bit of aggression into two but two did have an effect cuz

It would have passed through but we went back to step one and then we went right okay what we’re going to do is just vary that slightly yeah yeah but that pelvis is going more towards that 2:00 position Club at 7.5 so we’re not opening up the

Body we’re want to rise up cuz the opening up the body is the swipe of the hands which you don’t want y That’s then getting the pull on the handle which we don’t want we want this bit and then up and around yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah

Oh Jesus he gets super loud when that’s I mean that’s and knew it’s going to be around 129 I know I know you’re 129 yeah everyone up to this point cuz we Haven mentioned it it’s going to go car’s going to snap his back if he keeps doing

That right we did that real last year and if you haven’t checked it guys uh I will put it back up and it was the three training exercises that we were doing to try and generate more speed and got like 3 something million views cuz it’s great principles

Yeah and all the comments were like you’re going to hurt yourself you’re I’ve been doing this body feels better than ever npe yeah yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 127 I think we’re beginning to hit that wall a little bit now I think I am

Feeling a bit fatig Yeah cuz you would be that 130 and the blast of adrenaline that you got from that yeah yeah that’s now going to have a bit of a come down on you a little bit oh last one forwards P2 body P 7.25 go lost lost lost completely lost good look

How and we just bring the list of shots up just looking at this journey going down on how many shots we’ve hit here we’ve H over 100 shots right have we so back down here so where we started we’re sticking at the 12s and we started then to change it

Mechanically with that that step one drill so then by the time and then we got 29.1 which was I believe that was my old PB yep yeah and and that was up 65 shots and I it started all the way down at 123 124 122 120 and then and it

Probably took about the same time last time as we did this to get that up that fast um and I want to I’m going 65 one point then we this was when we were trying the second part of the drill and then we went back to the focusing on the

The one piece and this is the whole journey of coaching coaching a player is that with the information that we have got we’ve got a blueprint in our mind of what we would like to do with a student but you can’t make any assumptions and

We look at where I was at combination of be it fatigue or thought process that was me individually as a specific individual struggling to manage that and that doesn’t mean that that couldn’t have worked for the next player it just means it was probably too early for me

As an ual but you don’t know that until you try and if every golf lesson golf coaching session immediately out of the box gave the perfect results golf lessons would cost $10 million and there would be a line from here to Australia yeah so then look at this like 128 27 29

29 27 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 120 yeah I don’t know what I think I missed it there you did and then look that’s when you hit the shaft that then we got one 30 there it is6 there it is right there and I mean

I’d love to if you know we uh we try and sort of interrogate a little bit more of the motion to coach data but I was looking at some hand speed increases massive back swing length increases I think we’ve got up to 230 from 180 in centimeters of back swing length that

Would be a huge amount 50 cm is huge yeah yeah yeah it is so you know we’re we’re what are we there sort 40% gain yeah which is massive hand PA length at the start was actually 171 mhm okay your maximum hand speed was 20.9 your shoulder turn was 100

Degre when we went to the kind of downswing P 5.5 is and we look at kind of where we was there we was 210% so we get to that point where your maximum Force into ground your 211% okay that was where you started 171 hand PA length shoulder turn about 100Β° hand

Speed around 20.9 Peak verticals 211 just pulled off one of the latter ones so Hand path length 232 shoulder turn 120 MH hand speed 22.4 so we’re up in hand speed and then when we get to Peak verticals 258 and we 21 to 258 and we were when we

First measuring I was under 200 oh last year last year 140 you started that we got you to 180 at the end of last year with the work that you’ve done with Steve the work you’ve done yourself you pushed it north of 200 today you started

Baselining at 21 yeah yeah start of the session with a hand path length which 171 and a hand speed of just short of 21 to actually way above that now 230 cm in hand PA length yeah 60 cm of gain of hand PA length that is a like a sports

Car giving it a bigger track yeah to speed up right yeah we got this really fast sports car but we had a really short track it couldn’t get the speed out we’ve just given this sports car an extra an extra long track giving you more time giving you a longer track to

Create speed a linear work just a very standard like height and weight right I’m not super tall my arms aren’t long I have nothing freaky going on with me so yeah I’m impressed tomorrow if we can get past 354 let’s combine a little bit of Club fitting in there with my AO jet

Driver and uh yeah man love it give me give me give me it brilliant

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