Golf Babe

Ridiculousnessly Popular Videos: Golf Edition πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ Part 2 | Ridiculousness

If you ever thought golf was boring, these Ridiculousness clips will change your mind.

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Steelo Brim and Chanel West Coast join Rob Dyrdek and a lineup of special guests as they watch the most hysterical and absurd viral videos out there.

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– [Rob] Oh boy, okay. (upbeat music) Okay. – [Audience] Awe. – Okay. – What? – [Rob] Golf in your own way. – Yeah, extra it out. – [Rob] Man, just be extra everything, man. – [Steelo] Extra. (Sistine laughs) – Extra swing, extra tears. – I love it. β™ͺ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah β™ͺ

β™ͺ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah β™ͺ – Okay, I know you guys don’t golf, do you ever go to the golf range? – I golf. I used to golf for, like, a while. – Okay, will you go to, like, Topgolf when you’re in Vegas? – I’ve done Topgolf, like, twice,

But I don’t go there, nah. – [Rob] All right, all right. – I been to the one over here, though. – Yeah, I love that one. – Just to refresh, yeah. – Yeah, we should go. We should meet up and battle one day. – Definitely. (audience laughing)

I don’t know about battle. – If it’s open. – Yeah, we should. – We can. – Yeah. – All right. – Yeah. – I like it. – What’s up? – That’s cool. – Chanel, you ever been to Topgolf? I can picture you out there on the range, just hitting 30, 40 yarders. – No. – Legit, legit. – No, when it’s a small stick and a small ball, I’m not good with that. – Yeah, yeah. All right, well look, a lot of people like to go and just party at Topgolf, and hang out. – Yeah. – A lot of people like to just go there

And just (beep) around, okay? That’s all these people at “Bottom Golf,” take a look. (audience applauding) Okay, you can do it, you can do it. Oh. (audience laughing) I’ve been through it, I’ve been there. – I don’t know who his dad is, I’ve never seen his dad, but he looks just like his dad. – You’re (beep). – Awe, man. Look, I don’t know who your dad is, but you guys are identical. – That is so mean. – Your (beep) is not real, man. It’s not (beep) real. I hope that we get tagged on Instagram with Big Mike and Little Joey (beep) like… – They’re like, “How’d you know?” (laughs) – [Rob] Oh, no. – Oh, oh. – How did the ball find it’s way back to your face, like you’re hitting into a wall? – [Steelo] Oh, she hits it twice?

That’s crazy, I’ve never seen that. – It’s, like, basically impossible. – Yeah. – Yo. – Oh. Man, I don’t know what he hit. Was that a bag of mustard? I mean… – I don’t know, but it was, like, perfect. – Was it mustard? – That was a perfect toss. Everyone’s confused. – [Rob] That is a remarkable mustard toss. – It really is. – Man.

– Oh, it’s on everyone, though. For sure. – It’s even on him. It’s funny, it’s not funny. These guys are like- – Yeah, they’re all covered. – We’re ultra done, two dudes will (beep) you up. Even though it’s Topgolf, I’ll dress like this. – Oh. This is, like, a real golfer. (audience laughing) – Or just dressed like a real golfer. – [Rob] Yeah. (audience laughing) Yeah, could be golf play. – [Steelo] Don’t do this, don’t do this ever. Don’t do this ever. Why do this? (audience laughing) – [Rob] Four! – I swear to God. – Purpose, purpose. – Oh. – She really knocked his (beep) off. – She really knows how to swing, and she went straight C and B. I’m going full circle. (Chanel and audience laughing) – Awe look, it jumped. It jumped up. Awe, man.

– She’s like, I’m going all action down here. – She hit it from one pocket to the other. – She (beep) did. Man, there you have it for “Bottom Golf.” – We shoulda brought some clubs. – All right, Kevin D, you love to golf. – I do, I do. – And, you know, of course the classic entourage episode when you and Vinny are playing Wahlberg and Tom Brady. – Yeah, great episode. – And, Johnny “Drama” just can’t get it together, man.

– [Kevin] Yeah. (laughs) – Now, was that a reflection of your golf game? – Not really, I’m supposed to hit a bad shot, – Yeah, yeah. – So, they’re like, Dillon, you gotta hit a bad shot. So, I had to purposely, kind of, snap hook. – Yeah, that makes sense. Like, force me.

– [Kevin] Force me to hit a bad shot. – Let me just make sure Tom knows how I shoot here. Bam. (Kevin and audience laughing) But, yes, golf is very hard, and this category is proof. Take a look at “Bogey Men.” (audience applauding) King of the green. – Oh. Oh. – Oh my God. – Man, if you can get a club head 20 yards, that’s not too bad. (audience laughing) – Yeah, she had some power. – Where does it hit? – She missed by a foot and a half. – [Chanel] You know she’s leaning into it when she completely loses her butt. – Look, she’s all the way back like this. – She had a little bit of a butt, but then she leaned in so hard it got sucked in. (laughs) – [Rob] Put it through my bro hole. Okay. – Guy had a good swing. (audience laughing) – Again, these amazing swings that can’t make contact or move a ball. – He might’ve skipped- – Zing, zing, zing, zing. – It went backwards. That’s negative two yards. (audience laughing) – [Rob] Oh, here we go. – Little Topgolf.

– [Rob] Topgolf, learning to be the best I can be. Hole in drunk. (glass shattering) (audience laughing) Okay, nope. It ain’t never gonna work. Okay, interesting fact, 6 million people picked up golfing during the pandemic. (audience laughing) – What? – I feel like all my friends now are golf influencers. – It was biking and golfing. Everybody riding their bike in the beginning, and now we’re all golfing. – Yeah, I got my cousin, all my close friends, they’re now golf influencers. – [Steelo] Yeah. (audience laughing) – You know what I mean? Like, it’s killing me. – Golf influencers?

I didn’t even know that was a thing. (laughs) – Yeah, it’s like, all these cool golf brands are popping up. Like, I got all these cool, like, I’m in on it. You know what I mean? – Yeah. – Like, they influenced me. But look, you know,

The truth is, golf’s hit a new wave, and some people love golf so much, they don’t care what’s going on, they’re gonna keep playing. Just like everybody in this category, “Playing Through It.” Let’s keep going, man. Play it through. (audience laughing) Okay, this is Florida. You know what I mean? This is like Florida, Hawaii, where, like, it storms torrentially, and then it’s completely dry, like, 10 minutes later. Got it. (sirens blaring) Yeah. Al, relax, they got insurance. Well, hey Dale, we probably should respect what’s going on. Oh, relax. – He’s definitely a suspect. – I know. You’re acting too innocent. – Yeah. – [Rob] Hey, hey, play through. This is the best round of my life, I ain’t gonna risk it. – Watch his ball come flying back at him. – Right. (audience laughing) It goes (swishing). – Yeah. – Oh, we playing some freeway, aye. – Play as it lands. – Play it where it lies. Even on the PCH. Oh, I got it. Why doesn’t he have shoes on? There you have it for “Playing Trough It.” Okay, every year, September 21st, a major holiday occurs that not many people celebrate. – What is it. – Okay, what’s is it? – September 21st, each year, is National Mini Golf Day. – Oh, okay. I went mini golfing yesterday, that’s crazy. – Well, hey, hey, you though about it- – Yeah.

– And you thought to yourself, hey, I know it’s coming’ up here pretty soon. (Chanel laughing) – It is. – And I wanna be on my A game by the time I celebrate on September 21st. But, it’ll be hard to get a reservation. – Yeah. (audience laughing)

– How’d you do when you played? – I did well, I mean, I’m amazing- – Yeah. – At sports, you know? What am I gonna do? – Yeah. – But, I played pretty well. We went mini golfing one time. – Yeah, I suck. – Yeah.

– Now, but did you keep the score for real? Do you play for real and try to beat each other? – I was down with my girl’s son, he’s five. So, at first I was keeping score for real, then I was like, okay, he shoots 15 times every time. – Yeah. (Chanel laughing)

– There’s no point in keeping score. – [Rob] Yeah. – To let him know he’s a loser. – Awe. – Awe, man. – Well, I’m amazing guys, I’m amazing. – Nah, man, yeah. – I’m not gonna stop being amazing with him. – Yeah, yeah. You gotta put some pressure on him. – [Steelo] Yeah. – You know what I mean? If you’re gonna help shape him into an amazing mini golfer,

You can’t let him get away with 15 strokes per hole. It’s just a fact of what it is. Now this category right here, it’s not the fun of mini golf, it’s the chaos of mini golf. Take a look at “Messy Mini Golf.” – [Camera Operator] Second try. – [Rob] Oh, man. – [Chanel] Oh. – [Steelo] Don’t blame the pirates. – [Rob] I know. – Don’t blame the pirates. (laughs) – [Steelo] He did. – That was real pain right there. He’s having a bad day. Uh, oh. – [Steelo] He’s the only person dressed for it.

– [Rob] Here we go. – [Steelo] Oh, man. – Oh, okay. Whatever the strategy was, no hope. – [Steelo] The ball bounced back, and so did he. Right away. – Bang. Yeah. (Steelo and audience laughing) – Nobody believed. (audience laughing) Okay. – [Rob] Oh okay, there you go. – [Steelo] Okay.

– [Rob] There you go. – [Chanel] What? – [Rob] Don’t be mad. – [Steelo] Oh no. – [Rob] Oh no, oh. – Oh, this is the one that happened right here. – No, that’s what I was saying, like, Awe man, I wondered why that light was broken. Here we go, here we go, here we go. And, let it rip. – Oh! – Film, what? What was the plan? – I mean, like, flawless golf swing. – [Steelo] It is, it is. – [Rob] Send it right at him. – [Steelo] It’s just mini golf. – [Rob] 3D, zew!

– [Camera Operator] Ah, (beep). – There you have it for “Messy Mini Golf.” Okay look, one of the more frustrating things with golfing is putting. Okay? – Okay. Your short game’s trash? (audience laughing) – Yeah, I mean, look. You know what it is, you get onto the green, like, first go. You know, two shots on the par four, par five,

And then you, like, four putt. – [Steelo] Yeah. – You lose your (beep). (audience laughing) – I think that I’m better at putting. – [Rob] Yeah? – Yeah. My short game I think is a little better than my actual. – Okay, and look,

And you probably have a lot of peace when you play golf. (audience laughing) You know what I mean? – I don’t care enough. I tell myself I’ll never be good. – [Rob] Yeah, yeah. – So I live in that space, where I’m like, I’m good enough. – [Rob] Yeah. – You know?

(audience laughing) – Yeah. This is a completely, totally true story. I was, like, you know, playing my friends on this, you know, really small course, and I was playing like (beep). So, I started saying out loud, I don’t give a flying (beep), I could give two (beep) about this (beep),

And (beep) swing and hit it perfect. I had to just tell my body how much I don’t care. – [Steelo] Oh. – Then my body would stop trying to overreact, and make me care, and I just played flawless. You know what I’m saying? – Yeah. – So look, it may work.

This category right here is people that are putting terribly and getting really frustrated. Take a look at “Puttheads.” Sunk it. Got it. – Why’d you hit it that hard though, bro? – [Rob] That’s it, that’s it. Oh, now a spear. – Yeah, he couldn’t even do that either. – [Rob] No. – [Steelo] He coulda thrown that a little better than that. – [Rob] He’s just, “Ah.”

– [Steelo] I’m dressed for the course for sure. – [Rob] Oh, man. Oh, man, a little bit too much anger. You were already in. (audience laughing) Awe, the majestic beauty. – I played here with you. Oh man. – And good bye. Yeah, I’ll tell you what, that’s a beautiful way to get rid of a club. Okay, Nina, you’re an amazing golfer, are you not? – I wouldn’t say amazing. – Okay. – But I’m a golfer. – Are you better than most? – No. (audience laughing) – Okay, when you golf, do people think you’re good at golf? – Yeah, ’cause I dress the part, that’s half of it.

– Okay. – That’s it, okay. – You know, as long as they don’t see the actual, where the ball is going- – Yeah, yeah. – They only see the swing and my outfit, I’m good. – [Steelo] Oh, okay. – Okay, now, do you enjoy golf? – I love golfing.

– Okay, that means you’re good. – Does it? – Hey, couldn’t get a full honest answer out of her, ’cause if you were really bad at golf, you would hate it, right? – Yeah. – Because, like, my passion for golf has waned

As I get worse and worse at golf as I get older. So, it’s like- – Okay. – I go there, and it’s, like, it’s too painful. – That’s good to know. – Yeah, yeah. – You’re competitive, though. – Well, maybe I’ll get to that point too at some point.

– Well, only if you stop playing. – Yeah. – And then you try to pick up your old ways sporadically, that’s where the pain sets in. But that’s not everybody in this category. These are all golfers that have the ability to make incredible shots. These are “Golf Gods,” take a look. β™ͺ I just wanna golf when I’m older β™ͺ – [Steelo] Okay. – [Nina] He’s literally four. – [Rob] Oh, he’s good. – I can’t believe I’ve just done that. – [Rob] Yeah, I got this. – Yes. – That’s a practice ball though, right? Practice ball or not, I mean, what,

If that hits the head. – No, I’m with ya, I’m just afraid if it’s a real ball, like, why you trust your son this much? – No, that’s a real ball. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s a real ball. – I can’t believe- – I can’t believe, we did it, Poppy. – That was sick. (audience laughing) (gasps) Is he gonna hit that second one too? – [Rob] Yeah. – No, no, no. There’s no way. – Did he get ’em both in? Oh, word. – [Audience] Oh!

– That is amazing. – [Rob] Yeah. – Now how many tries do you think that took, though? – 127. (Nina and audience laughing) – Could be years in the making. – Been doing it everyday for 15 years. – Just to get on “Ridiculousness.” – [Steelo] If you hit this,

I’ll give you another drink, honey. – Okay, I just love to drink, I love to party, so I’ll take a shot. – [Nina] She’s being cute about it too. – [Rob] Man, she is. – She’s like, “Oh, no big deal, babe.” – Man, that’s it. That is a “babe” walk.

– I told you, babe. – I told you. Oh, here it is. – Oh, there’s an audience. – [Steelo] Can he make this shot is the real question. – Nice. – Oh. – [Steelo] That’s beautiful. – [Rob] Oh, its breaking. – [Steelo] Oh yeah, it’s got the distance. It’s got the speed. – Oh. – It’s got the curve.

– [Student] Does it have to come back? – [Steelo] That is beautiful. – Oh! Man. – That is sick. – COVID in the dorms, where everybody’s taking it to the next level. There you have it for “Golf Gods.” Okay, Sterling, do you ever see, you know, any exotic animal on the golf course? – Oh, any exotic animals? – Yeah, I mean, we live in LA, you know, you could see a deer. – Okay, no, I haven’t… – See yourself a bobcat. Coyote. – A coyote, oh.

Not on the golf course- – Okay. – But I’ve seen bobcats out here and stuff. – Yeah. – But, yeah, I guess not golfing. – You ever been out in the desert and golfed with, maybe, a peacock? – No. – [Rob] Flamingo? – I’ve been missing out, apparently. Nah.

– [Rob] Flamingo? – Nah. – No? – Ah, maybe flamingos. – Oh, see. – Yeah, I might be lying, though. But I’m trying to think about it. – It’s okay, it’s okay, you can lie. – Okay, yeah. – I do it all the time on this show. – I know, I know. – Carly, I’m pretty sure you’ve never saw an exotic animal on the golf course. – No, no. – Have you ever been to a golf course? – No. – [Rob] Okay. – No. – Okay. – [Rob] Yeah, yeah. – But, I’m glad I haven’t seen one, because if I saw, like, a bobcat-

– [Rob] Yeah. – [Steelo] Yeah. – It’s getting pet. (audience laughing) – [Rob] Okay. – I’m petting it- – Nah. – And I’m gonna kiss it (smooches) right on the lips. – [Rob] Yeah, no. – And you’re gonna be gone. – Yeah, no.

– That’s a good way to go. – No, she’s not gonna be gone, she’s gonna be cut up a little bit. – Yeah. (audience laughing) You can’t hug them or anything? – I wouldn’t. – Yeah, I mean look- – No? – Personally. – They’re not gonna let you get close to them.

And if they do, they’re just gonna look to attack you, and scar you up pretty good, you know? – Yeah. (audience laughing) – This category right here is all people golfing around random animals. Take a look at “Golf Zoo.” – Oh! – Oh, it’s just a sweet little fox. – That is so cute. – Cutie. (audience laughing) – [Rob] Ah. – [Camera Operator] Hey, that’s mine, buddy. – [Rob] Hey. – Hey, that’s mine, buddy. – You can have it. – [Rob] Not mine. (Carly and audience laughing)

– [Steelo] I’m gone film. – Awe, man. I gotta drop, I gotta drop. – He can have it, he just wants to play. – [Steelo] Yeah. – [Rob] Like, he thinks it’s food, it’s not. – [Camera Operator] Hey, that’s mine, buddy. – Oh, he probably doesn’t- – Hey, that’s mine, buddy.

– It’s a titleist, big fella. – Oh. – Oh no, what he doing here? And he’s wet. – Oh, his arms? – Damn, look at his shape. Look at his shape. – What is this. – His long legs. – What do you mean? – His arms?

– Look at the shape. – Like his arms, his body. – [Steelo] I’ve never seen one like this. – [Rob] He looks like Mike Wazowski. – And he really does. – You know what I mean? – [Steelo] Yeah. – He looks exactly like Mike Wazowski.

– [Carly] He’s so cute. – [Steelo] Look at that shape. – [Rob] What are you? – [Steelo] He look like a drug dealer with them little ass legs. – Yeah. – [Rob] Yeah. – He wear skinny jeans on weekends. – [Carly] Right? (audience laughing) Oh. – [Rob] Weird. – Where’s he even going? You moving too fast. – [Rob] Okay, okay, okay. Oh, you got the ball?

– [Carly] What is that? – [Rob] Checking it for eggs. Oh, it’s not an egg, it’s a ball. – [Rob] Oh, okay. – [Carly] Oh, fun. – Give him a little bouncy work, huh? No, you’re having a good time. This is on purpose. – [Steelo] Oh, word.

– [Rob] Oh, this is what you do, this is what you do, huh? Oh, okay. – [Steelo] Get a little dribbling practice. – Oh, okay. Man, evolution. (audience laughing) – [Steelo] Oh, this guy. Let go. – [Carly] Oh my God. – I just don’t understand it. – Of course, Australians.

– [Steelo] He going to get you, bro. – Oh. – Like… Oh, man. – Man. – [Steelo] He that strong? – Wow. – [Rob] What? – That’s a snow crab. – [Rob] Man. – [Steelo] Oh, that’s big. – Wow. Man, it’s gargantuan, looks tasty. Okay, golf’s got a whole new wave, man. Everybody’s golfing. Golf is cool. – Golf is the wave. – [Rob] You know? Yeah. – Yeah. It’s like the thing. I haven’t been able to catch it, ’cause I’m not gonna be able to golf till I’m in my 60’s. Then I’m gonna golf everyday.

Right now, I can’t dedicate the time. – It doesn’t fit in the schedule. – No, no, you’re talking four hours of a block. – It is a long time. – That’s the only problem- – Time consuming. – And then if you tell somebody, like, let’s do nine holes, they look at you crazy.

– Ah. – Like you’re trash. – Yeah. – Like, Oh, you wanna do nine holes? You’re like, I don’t wanna be here for five hours, bro. – Yeah, no, it’s a full day. You know what I mean? – It is. – Then you’re tired. – Yeah, you are. – Sun beats you down.

– Exhausted. – Drunk after. A little tipsy. – Yeah. – Usually. – Listen to me. God forbid you start drinking when you get there at 7AM. You know what I mean? – You’re twisted after. – Then you stretch that day out even further, then it’s like, hey, let’s hit the club house. Now you’re blacked out, it’s 3:30. (all laughing) – Yeah. – But look, there’s a disturbing trend going on where people are teeing off, off of nut sacks.

You know what I mean? – That’s not real. – It’s a real thing. – No way we’re going into a category of people teeing off off nut sacks. – Listen to me, listen to me, to your pleasure. (all laughing) – To my surprise, not pleasure. – For your viewing pleasure,

The impossible is possible on this show. Because, right now, a category of teeing off, right off of a nut sack. Take a look at “Tee Bags.” – [Lauren] This is real? – [Steelo] A category around this is crazy. – [Rob] And, yeah. – Oh! – [Steelo] Does that still hurt? – [Rob] Man, does it hurt? – That’s in the zipper. “We still don’t have any girls, man, it’s crazy.” Did he put it in his tip or something? Why it take him so long to get it out? – [Lauren] It’s stuck in there. – [Steelo] He put it in the hole. – It’s stabbing my penis. – Oh (beep)! Oh, it really was! – Oh, oh. – [Rob] Tee bagging. Oh no, oh, boy. – Oh, man. – Oh, man. His (beep) out. – There’s no way. How you hit his (beep) out? – Man, he popped his (beep) straight out of the party. – [Steelo] But how is that possible? – [Rob] Man, with a swing like that.

– I’m just in disbelief that this is real. (audience laughing) Seeing these videos. – [Rob] Oh no. – [Steelo] No. – [Rob] Oh, not again. Oh! – Oh! – Man. – This dude’s never golfed. – That’s it. (all laughing) That’s it. – And let this dude try on you?

– Of course I can golf, yeah. – [Steelo] I just came out today, I don’t know. – Yeah, yeah. Every bit of this was not thought out. This trend’s amazing. Okay, we’re all golfing now. – Yeah. – [Rob] Okay, just a bunch of golfers. – Love it. – Yeah. – You know I mean? At some point, we’re gonna have to practice indoors. – [Steelo] Yeah, that’s cool. – Gonna have to get ourselves a netting system. – I want that. – Yeah.

– I want one of those systems. – I want one of those. – You know? – Yeah. – I get fomo when I see people, like, swinging in their crib. – Yeah. – That looks dope. – [Rocsi] Do you have one? – I don’t. – But you will? – [Rob] I will.

– My new crib got a three hole. – You got fancy. – You got that type of acreage? – I got two and a half. – Sheesh, that’s $1,500. – Man 15. Million. (Ron and audience laughing) – No, no, it’s out here. It’s out here, no, no. – You really got-

– Yeah, I’ve got three holes. – What? – Nothing but chip, and just get yourself going. – Yeah? – Yeah, let’s play. – That’s impressive. – Wow. – Yeah. – I’m gonna come over to your house now. – You’ve never been there before. – That’s it, man. – It’s crazy. – That’s it.

– All right, get good at golf. – I wanna golf, I’m gonna come over. – All right, but look. This category is all people trying to golf inside, and they should’ve never done it. Take a look at “Indoor Golf.” Let’s chip. (man groaning) Oh. – Oh, man. If you thought no girls was coming before, it’s really over now. – [Rocsi] How? – I mean- – No girls in sight. – We’re hitting it full speed, though. – [Steelo] You got a vasectomy now. (man groaning) You have a vasectomy.

That was high speed (beep). – That’s what you get. – It’ll take your (beep) out. – That’s a (beep) whip, you know what I mean? – Crazy. I’ve been (beep) whipped. (audience laughing) That’s crazy. – Oh, no you doing too much. – Man. – [Rocsi] His lighting is gonna go.

– He’s doing too much. – It’s not gonna work, but you trust yourself. – Oh. – Not inside, you big dummy. – [Rob] Is that a window? – He was hitting it to outside there. – [Rob] I mean, I just can’t, that’s the cleanest looking window, or it’s a poster. – [Steelo] I think it’s a window.

– I thought it was a window. – It’s dark outside. – [Rob] I can’t tell. – This old ass chandelier. – Oh, my God. – Vintage. – Yeah. From, like, “Beauty and the Beast” or some (beep). – [Rob] All right, big fella. There you go. – Who are you? – Oh, okay. – What kind of clubs are those? – [Steelo] Do you own the gym? Just closed yesterday. – That’s it, man. Just closed, and here you are. Oh, let me look back at it. – [Steelo] Wait, why are you looking at us so intensely? – Why you looking at us? (audience laughing) You know what I mean? – If you’re measuring it already, it’s gonna break. – [Rob] That’s it. – [Steelo] Like, just don’t do it.

Don’t even look back. – Just know better. – And that haircut is crazy. – [Rocsi] The mullets are in now. (glass shattering) – [Audience] Oh. – Man. – Damn. – All that backwards looking, never looking forward. There you have it for “Indoor Golf” Okay, mini golf, it’s really fun. – It can be, yeah. – For about two holes. (audience laughing) – Yeah. – You know what I mean? Unless everybody’s really trying to play and get competitive, you know what I mean? – [Steelo] Yeah, yeah. – You run out there with your kids and wife,

Who you playing against? – Yeah, nobody really. – Nobody. – Yeah. – You know what I mean? – I’ve never been mini golfing. – You’ve never been mini golfing in your life? Never? – What? – I’ve been to Topgolf, but not really… – Really? – Man, wow. – Never mini golf? – No. – Never, like, even in a Sherman Oaks? – That spot right, no. – Yeah. – I never went. No one ever took me on a date there. – I feel like-

– That’s crazy. – You’ve had a disservice. – Yeah. – You know what I mean? I feel like everybody should be taken on a mini golf date. – Yeah, for sure at least once in your life. – Yeah. – Nobody took me. – It’s like, automatic.

– Now I’m thinking, like, is that just a Midwest thing? You know what I mean? Like, it was a go to. You know how many dates I had to take 14 year old girls on to mini golf? – Okay. – You know what I mean? – A lot.

– A lot, you know what I mean? You know how many of those turned into french kisses? – Oh. – Three. – All of ’em. – Yeah. (all laughing) – I had a little spot on the 14th hole, you know what I mean? – [Steelo] This is cute. – Awe, man, now I’m felling bad, I’m feeling bad. I feel creepy, feel creepy. (all laughing) But look, mini golf is pretty fun, you know what I mean? And you should never get hurt doing mini golf. And for some reason, we have an entire category

Of people that are not only getting hurt, but they’re just taking straight nut shots. – [Steelo] Okay. – Take a look at “Mini Golf Nut Shots.” Oh, oh, it’s, hello. Hello, hello, hello. Oh. – Oh. – [Steelo] All those balls that we have. – Man, they’re trying to hit it in the hole. – Whatever happened, they took the sound from us. – [Karrueche] Yeah, like, hello? – [Steelo] They were like, don’t let them hear it.

– Oh, he screams too much. (all laughing) Oh. – Oh, man. – [Rob] Oh, it’s just a shot. – [Steelo] The ricochet. – [Rob] Tap, tap, tap, tap. – It’s like interesting, ’cause he, like, laughs so hard he undressing this dude. He takes off his thing and then lays down with him.

– [Rob] Oh, man. – [Steelo] He’s like, oh man, hilarious. – [Rob] Pull your shorts off. – Are we in love? – [Rob] Is this our moment? (audience laughing) Okay. – [Steelo] But you don’t even need to sit like that. What was you hoping for? – Man, your asking for a (beep) tap.

– Yeah, he’s like, I wanted it actually up my butt. – Yeah. – But, instead, (laughs) it hit my nuts. – That’s it. – Feed me. Feed me. – Feed me. – Give me that action. (audience laughing) – Oh. – Oh. – Oh, go back to this kid. He was like, hey, man, put your (beep) out here, it’s getting clipped. (Karrueche laughing) – He’s like, you’re in my way. – [Rob] Whoa, man. – Ow!

– Still feels like a hole in one to me. There you have it for “Mini Golf Nut Shots.” I understand you guys are all high quality golfers, is this the case? – Yes. – Oh, yeah. – Man. – I love it. – So you all committed, all got into it, and, like, really got good, where you guys play with each other? – Yeah, we play with each other now a lot.

We grew up not wanting to do it, but my dad was like, you’re gonna learn it at age two. We kept going- – Yeah. – And now we love it, we beat all the guys. And I actually think this is probably my favorite skill he taught us. – Yeah, yeah.

– ‘Cause, we’ll go on a golfing date, and pretend like we don’t know how to swing a golf club- – We’ll be like- – And smoke ’em. – Oh, yeah, teach me. And they would teach us, and then we’d swing it farther then them. – Yeah. – And they would get very intimidated.

– Awe, man, they gotta know now. – Oh, yeah. – They gotta know now. – We kinda ruined the date, but it’s fine. – Yeah, no, I mean, golfing is impossible. You know what I mean? – It takes time. – It’s so hard- – Yeah. – It’s so frustrating, and it’s like, I try to golf, you know sporadically, ’cause if I golf sporadically, then it’s like, I forget how bad I am-

– Yeah. – Then I play great, because I haven’t played in forever. Then I’m like, I should play more, and then I go back to bad. – That’s kinda how it happens. – Yeah, that’s what happens. – And just end it all together. – Yeah. – Yeah.

– Well look, this category is all filled with other ladies that are gifted at golfing. – Oh. – Take a look at “Tee Queens.” Look, you know what it is. – Oh. – Man. – Looking right back at it. – I thought it went off to the right. Did she slice it? – [Rob] I mean, I feel like she sent it, like, 200 yards. – Oh, not bad. – Oh, man, oh, come on.

– Oh, whoa. – This is nice. I respect. – Listen to me. – That’s cool. – This is borderline impossible. As someone that knows how difficult a kick flip is, to be able to bounce a golf ball at the same time, you’re gifted young lady. – [Sophia] Yeah, you’re gifted, that’s insane.

That’s our next lesson. – That’s the coolest party trick ever. – [Steelo] Yeah. – [Rob] Oh, oh boy, okay. Okay. – Oh. – Okay. – Man, golf in your own way. – What? – Yeah, extra it out. – [Rob] Man, just be extra everything, man. – Extra. (laughs) – Extra swing, extra tears.

– Oh, I love it. – [Rob] Oh, there she goes. – Oh. – [Rob] There she goes, there she goes. – That’s cool. – [Steelo] Yeah. – [Sistine] This is how we need to be on dates. – She is gifted, and really a good time.

All right, that is it for our show today. Thank you to Scarlet, Sistine, and Sophia Stallone, for Steelo Brim, (audience applauding) I’m Rob Dyrdek, we’ll see you next time on “Ridiculousness.” Woo. – Woo! β™ͺ Yeah, yeah, yeah β™ͺ


  1. 4:26
    Rob Dyrdek: Put it through my bro hole.

    WARNING: Please do not attempt to perform any of the stunts or activities in this show, as they are dangerous and could lead to serious injury. Video submissions of any kind are not accepted by MTV or the producers.πŸ¦‚

  2. Love this show. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£I miss chanel, she's gorgeous🌹 πŸ₯° Her laugh is so sexy! She's a funny girl, Great humour.

  3. "All that backwards look and never looking forward."
    I feel like that's the metaphorical trap human society has reepeatedly fallen into sometimes. I miss "one eye in the past and one on the future".

  4. I know the top comment always seems to be some bot saying how Ridiculousness is β€œthe cure” for sadness and depression, but it really does bring me out of my deep hole. It makes me laugh when I have absolutely no desire to even smile. Thank you guys for all that you do fr

  5. We were doing mini golf at bullwinkles in Wilsonville OR and a golf ball came flying out of no where and smacked my husbands calf. LUCKY we had no idea where it came from

  6. I am an arborist. A real woodsman for almost 40 years and steelo brim is gonna act like he has EVER seen a bobcat compared to seein a freakin common ass coyote. Steelo is fake. He does not know shit

  7. who are the ladies at 0:06 in the videoπŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ™‚?

    cause they are all very beautifull womans and look very sweet and kindπŸ™‚πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉ

  8. 0:00: β›³ Celebrities discuss their experiences with golf and plan to meet up for a game.
    3:25: πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ Hilarious golf mishaps and anecdotes shared by Kevin D on Ridiculousness.
    6:12: πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ Hilarious moments from a golf-themed comedy show, including a suspect golfer and National Mini Golf Day.
    9:16: πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ Hilarious discussion about the frustrations of golfing, particularly with putting.
    12:20: πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ A golfer impresses with an incredible shot, leading to disbelief and celebration.
    15:00: 🀣 Funny commentary on a strange creature resembling a famous character during a golf game.
    17:44: πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ Outrageous golf mishaps and reactions from the hosts and audience during a segment on tee bagging.
    20:24: πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ Comedic commentary on a golf video, including confusion over a window, a vintage chandelier, and a humorous interaction with a golfer.
    23:20: πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ Hilarious mishaps during a mini golf game lead to unexpected outcomes and laughter.
    Recapped using Tammy AI

  9. This guy literally has every color hoodie made πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  10. Happy Febuary yall.
    Ok so have any y'all experienced this b4? When this video came on, πŸ‘ had to refreash. It had the audio but screen was black. 😐

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