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KevinGolf【裝備組】2024 Taylormade Qi10 Driver Review |萬萬沒想到


我們終於測試到最新 2024 Taylormade Qi10 的 Driver 了!!!
這次我們測試了 Qi10 LS 和有10K moi的 Qi10 MAX 版本
不只Kevin教練 連一般球友代表勛哥 都對結果非常驚訝!!!

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What’s up everybody , I’m your coach Kevin. Welcome to today’s show. Today is the focus of everyone’s attention. Here comes Taylormade’s latest Qi10 unboxing and first-hand news. Thank you to the big family for sponsoring the broadcast . As long as the big family wants to buy it,

There is nothing that they can’t know first-hand. I bought it right. Well , today we are very grateful to the big family. They bought the Max version and the LS version. So we will test the two styles later and they are correct . Then we will make some simple comparisons.

What will we compare with you later? We will soon get the new AI Smoke pair that supports the first generation of stealth plus pairs. At that time, we will also open AI smoke for everyone to see. That’s right . Let’s quickly test it today to see

If the new Qi10 compares. Is the effect of good fighting really as exaggerated as the 10K mentioned in the advertisement? 10K is this, 10K is him. I am very looking forward to it. It is really good . I will test it quickly to see the difference between the two generations of

Stealth plus that I use first. We Let’s see if the measured data comes out later . Will the latest Qi10 have any amazing effects ? The effect is still very good. After all, we are old comrades, but this one is actually a bit high according to my own habits

. I will take 5 in total and then we will wait. Let’s compare and look at the data. In today’s actual test, we just hit it with the normal strength. It won’t be as hard as before. Although I am still a little out of breath, after all, it is a bit tiring to

Shoot 5 pills. This one will have more inertia. It’s a little cut but it doesn’t affect the distance. I have a club head speed of 120 which scares me. Let’s try it quickly and see how the Qi10 LS version performs. My own feeling is that the weight of the ball head becomes heavier.

It makes me feel that the weight of the front end increases and when I swing it down, I will feel that the angle of the club face is slightly more square, because like my old stealth plus, when I swing it down, the club face will open slightly,

So you can see that I am hitting the ball. Most of the balls that come out are straight or have a little cut or big slices. They are generally divided into these types of balls. Let’s play quickly and see. Like everyone else, it is my first time to play. I

Was not allowed to sneak shots before shooting . Now I feel for the first time that it is impossible to open the club. It is 300y. Is it 315y? If it is opened like this, will it be 315? I will slightly correct the next one

Because I feel that the club head has become heavier and then let it go. My club feels a little behind. I’ll correct the feel of this one a little bit . I’ll tell you about it later. I ‘ll tell you about my feel later. I’ll hit another one to get a feel for

It. Oops, it hit the top a little bit . This one hit a little bit. It’s relatively on the upper side. Wow , can it be more than 300 if it’s on the upper side? This one actually feels a bit fast to me. It’s sweet

But not spicy. It turns out it can fly up to 300y310y . You see it’s really on the upper side. My launch angle is super high on line. Hurry up. It’s almost on , but my club head speed is pretty good, and the touch is also good, but I think in comparison

, there may be a difference. You won’t feel the difference clearly unless you are very sensitive. People , otherwise you really feel that the feel is almost the same compared to the previous stealth, stealth plus or stealth2 plus because they are all 60X carbon fiber club faces, so in fact

The feeling is not much different. Let’s try it out quickly. How high is the fault tolerance of the Max version of 10K? Can it tolerate me? Let ’s challenge it next and see how the Max version claims to have 10K ultra-high MOI fault tolerance. Wait a minute, if they are all online,

You will know which one to choose, right? But this First of all, when I put it down, I felt like I just mentioned that the LS version is quite upright. Then when I put it down, I felt that it was a little bit close.

I think he should be for the general ball. Friends can secretly reduce your slice when using it , so I think golfers who know slices can refer to it. Is it true that when I hit one normally, it will have a little draw, which feels like the two hits just now?

It’s less likely that the ball will hook unless I corrected my movements too much today. So when I hit this ball, I felt that I might have to cut it a little bit to make it a straight ball , but this ball is more obvious. The distance

Will not be as far as the smaller versions of LS and Plus. This head is huge, super big , and now it is like a big microphone. It is super big . Just now, the plus and LS heads are small. One ball will look like this,

And then this one will probably become like this. The whole thing is enlarged, so more beginner golfers will definitely feel more secure when playing at this time , and it will be easier to hit the ball. So for general beginners, I suggest you consider the Max version and give it a try.

If you want to advance, of course, it’s LS. Needless to say , it’s shorter , but it’s not as different as expected. It’s a bit straighter, and its fault tolerance is quite high. I just saw you, and I thought you were a bit good at pushing out 334y,

Right? Among the three, it seems to be the farthest hit. The two just didn’t seem to hit that far , and your club head speed is not the fastest , only 118. But he played very efficiently. The ball speed reached 168 from 118. I just swung it. The ball speed of 120

Seems to be only 163 or 164, which is shocking . It may have hit a very sweet spot just today. We can take a look at the data later. Oops , it feels awesome. Are you more suitable for the Max version ? Ah,

Because you see when I hit Max, the backspin is still 1100. And you see it is very efficient. Really 118 (club head speed) 167 (ball speed) what’s wrong. There is something wrong with this thing. Hurry up and look at the data. Look at the data

. Then our three teams each played five balls. The actual test results. I played the ball speed myself. It is obvious that the unexpected champion turned out to be the Qi10 Max version. It was completely unexpected because the first two plus and LS versions

Have the two main functions. It is to reduce spin and increase ball speed , so this is the style used by most players , but unexpectedly it is the style used by an amateur golfer. Is this the fastest ball speed for you

? Or is it actually because the manufacturer is designing it? when He just wants to improve the ball speed of amateur golfers, so maybe the ball speed produced by the MAX version is easier to come out. But in fact, his gap is only 1.2. I think it is within the range.

The efficiency of the ball is brought out in the range , but you see it is better than There is a gap between your stealth plus generation , but I think no matter what, my stealth generation is compared to the latest Qi10. It’s like two against one. Both of them beat him

, even because my Qi10 LS version has one. As we just mentioned , the ball speed is a little sweeter than Stealth Plus. It can be seen that there is still a slight gap in ball speed . But what surprised me the most today was the Qi10 Max version

, because you can watch the Max version. When I mentioned that my ball speed became very fast and then started to spin, surprisingly it was actually only 1593. This is quite surprising because everyone knows that the MAX version usually increases the fault tolerance and reduces the direction deviation of your ball.

As a result, I actually It also allowed him to reduce the deviation in the direction, and the backspin of the ball was still low, so the distance was quite scary. Everyone saw that he just hit two pretty far shots

In the front. Although he was not used to it, he shot one or two and it seemed that they were not very good, but the two shots in the back were not very good. It was amazing. I remember that it was the farthest among the three poles. It seemed to hit 330y,

330 yards, 330, a few 330 , so it was actually quite scary. And the left and right deviation was also the smallest . It was true as its fault tolerance said. The deviation value is relatively small. For me, it may be because Max’s head is larger, so its forgiveness is improved

, which makes it easier for me to hit the middle of the club. I think this also makes a difference. If the difference is small, it will be a little easier. The error is in it , so it can be seen that I am an amateur golfer. Let’s jump again.

But one thing that is quite interesting is that the flight distance is relatively short for its carry, right ? Do you want to mention this? When I play max, the carry is actually relatively small on average. It’s short , but its total distance is actually farther than LS.

But the best distance effect is your stealth plus. This is really interesting data. Although it may have lost in terms of ball speed in the front, the final distance is still slightly. Winner, but in comparison, I feel that my stealth plus does not have that kind of stability when playing. I feel that

The stability it gives me when it is just played is relatively low, so the ball will be easier to hit and feel a little to the right. Although I just played the LS and it’s possible that it’s the one on the right because your original one has the lowest spin.

Yes, it’s mainly because it has low spin. Because you see, the stealth plus is relatively close to the LS, but it’s behind. The spin is high, so it doesn’t roll to the average of total 324y, but when I really hit it, I feel that the Max gives me a pretty comfortable feeling.

Maybe the hitting point is also different. I really feel that we have more feeling when the hitting point hits the sweet spot. If you look at the data on the next page, you can see that MAX’s efficiency is very obvious. His efficiency is 1.41. The other two are both at 1.37.

So in fact, MAX’s hitting point makes me compare it to the middle. You can see the hitting point of the club in the upper right corner. And what’s quite interesting is that Max’s ball speed just mentioned is the fastest, but we can see here that

His club head speed is actually the slowest in the swing. The average of the other two is 118 and 119. MAX is only 117.5 , but it showed the best efficiency , so the ball speed was pulled out. The other parts of the whole were not too deviated,

So the three teams were beaten. Coach Kevin himself prefers the LS version over the MAX version because I really know how to do it. I’m not used to it. If I really want to switch to MAX, I will have to get used to it a little bit. But if I switch to MAX,

I think my fairway rate should be improved a lot, so I gave it a little thought. After all, I have to spend money to quickly switch to Brother Xun and test it for everyone. Okay, first let’s hit my own M2 which has a 10.5 degree head

. Then I will probably use my own shaft today to get the most accurate data. After the measurement, I will find out whether I need to change the shaft. It’s not a head change , but because I usually adjust it to about 9 o’clock,

I don’t know if it will have any effect when playing like this. It should become higher when playing, and the trajectory may be different from your original one . Is it now adjusted back to normal? Adjust it back to normal . This is a very high ball. Most of the balls are on

The high side. It’s still 280y . Only when you hit it high will it go far. If you hit it high, it will go far. If you hit it high, it will go far with less spin . Although it was a bit too high . Right. It feels quite sweet

, but the ballistics are a bit high , so I adjusted it to 9 degrees. So you should definitely change it to a 9 degree one. Wait and see if there is any difference. Adjust it. The crash is fine. The most real data. This is what will happen . Let’s change.

Do you want to fight MAX or LS first? I’ll fight MAX first. Okay. You try it first . I should be the kind of person who is very suitable for MAX. 10K 10K I don’t know how to fight. Wherever I hit the ball, it feels more inward. When I open it

, it leans to the right. The feeling of swinging these two balls is really different when I hit it. It seems that no matter where I hit it, I feel pretty good. I think it just feels like they are all hitting the same place,

But it is possible that they are really hitting the same place because both balls are hitting the same spot. It is possible that they are really hitting the same place and it is very stable. All three balls are in the same place. But it feels like the spin is too high,

Right. I hit 4000, almost 4000. Yes, I can chip in. I stopped and then corrected it to a little more in the middle, 3300. I feel like you will be suitable for the LS version. Is it true? Wait until we finish this shot. Try this and you won’t hit anything

. It feels similar to the last one just now, but its effect is very good. So as long as the fifth one is hit, it will definitely not be hit. But the fifth one will not be hit , but 10K will still help you keep it. Are you still online

In the middle of the fairway ? Right now, it seems that the yellow dots in your mini-map are all densely packed. Hurry up and try the LS version. It’s also a bit open . It feels like the spin will be lower. Oh, it’s not much different. Just a little bit.

Do you know why I didn’t change the club? It turns out that people are bigger than clubs , but the distance has improved a lot. Has it improved a lot ? This one has a spin of 2300 and it has a spin of 277y

. Do I have to steal corrections myself? It’s a little bit more important because you are just correcting yourself on the right path, not doing something bad to pretend that this club is easy to hit. Do you think it will be harder to hit than MAX?

Because I just mentioned the size of the end. It feels different. How do you feel about it? To be honest, there is no difference to me . Don’t you think there is a difference between the two? I don’t think that myself, I feel very bad. Oops, on line . It seems that

The clubs are still different. It seems that there is really a difference in the clubs. Is this one centered? It’s a little outside. Wow . It’s 300y in a row. Do you want another one? No, our average is 5. Wait, if you want to play, you can play it yourself.

Let’s take a look at three of them. Based on the data, it seems that LS will win at the moment. Come on, it looks like this. Look at the detailed data. After testing 15 of Brother Xun’s 15 stones, it was unexpected. The LS version is the best one he produced,

But I think this is also one of the reasons why TaylorMade specially promotes the LS version, which is the low spin version , and many golfers also like to buy it. When you play it, you will usually see in our data that many people are playing the MAX version.

It is easier to have high spin when making patterns , so generally you will see that everyone’s spin is about 3200 , which is relatively high. We hope that the best spin for the driver is about 2000 . You can use your rolling distance most effectively

, so you can see that when Brother Xun plays the LS version, his spin is only 2300 , so his distance is very obvious, so his carry is directly raised , and the carry is raised 20 yards , so the whole roll continues. The average is 275y

, and if you think about it, including the first three balls, which are all a little loose, the average can reach 275y. It is a very common data. What happens to most people is to hit the ball low. The backspin of the spin version of the club is reduced

, so the distance of the ball is increased. So he is just the opposite of me. But I think this comparison means that for him, because of his swing conditions, he will hit the ball with higher spin. Therefore, the spin-reducing function of the club head helps him effectively reduce the spin

And increase his distance . For me, my spin itself can be low because the dynamic performance of my swing is OK. The spin is relatively low, so when I play the MAX version, which increases spin, it can still appear. I can’t say that

It does. I should say that it will produce a normal spin. When I play the LS version, it will appear. It’s too low, so for me , you just need to hit the pole for me, don’t use it as a super invincible high spin. In fact, the spin I can hit

Can be around 2000 , because the action is already greater than that of the pole. What is very practical is that the situation of our amateur golfers is clearly reflected. People with high spin will drop a lot when playing the LS version. The spin will drop by 1000 to 1000.

If you play MAX, the difference will be 1000. But There is no obvious difference between M2 and yourself, but my MAX ball speed is much different from LS. For me, the difference is as low as 4, which is quite a difference. We took a look at the club data page and

Unexpectedly discovered that he was playing In LS, the club head speed actually became 2mph or a little faster , but its M2 efficiency is actually the highest, but I think that has something to do with the larger ball head and face design of M2 itself

, because we just compared it a little bit with Qi10 Compared with the head of MAX, the hitting surface of M2 is slightly larger, so its forgiveness may be higher. After all, M2 is a great club. Many people use this club. If you look at other data,

The more surprising part is the hitting. In the LS, his club face angle was the angle he hit the ball when he returned to the square. It turned out to be the club closest to zero. Hehe, the two high-forgiveness ones were both at 3 degrees

, and the LS version was only at 1.6, so it is. It is closest to zero , so you can see that as long as the club face is perfectly aligned, a 300-yard ball will appear. So in fact, the club face is very important.

The closer you can get it to zero, the better you can hit it. First, the straighter the ball , second, the more efficient it will be , and you can hit 300 yards. I can’t hit a club with too high forgiveness. You are not suitable for clubs with high forgiveness.

I am not suitable because everyone knows that in mathematics, negative and negative will be positive. Negative and negative will be correct in your movements, and then paired with a difficult club , a new spark will pop up, right? The current effect is like this

, so you can see that if you are negative and positive, you will get negative . So in fact, golfers You do n’t necessarily have to play the MAX version. You may not necessarily think that I’m afraid of losing my card, so I’m going to play the MAX version , or the easy-to-play

Simsika or An’an card . Mei Wai will sometimes have amazing effects on the fairway, so you can try more and see. I think because now many places can provide you with test poles and data , and then you can choose after trying them. I think this is the most accurate purchase .

You must have a test and then you can know which style is suitable for you . Or, if you buy the original one, it may not be any different from the new one, so there is no need to mess with it. We don’t promote it here,

But if you like it, you still have to buy it. Sometimes you just want to spend money. After changing it, it will have a fresh feeling, so it will play particularly well. There will be a transition period , and everyone can go to the actual test. Let’s take a look

And find the club that suits you best. After today’s actual test, we actually exchanged the clubs we held in our hands . If you watch carefully, you will find that the beginning and the end are different . We exchanged clubs. We each found out. You have no idea

Which pole is more suitable for you , so remember to test it more often. Then after our actual measurement today, my own experience is that I think that for me, the MAX club head is larger, so my hitting point can be more precise to hit the sweet spot in the middle,

So I can play my best. With that beautiful distance , although plus is more handsome and refreshing to fight, it doesn’t seem to have such a great effect on me . LS, let me leave the difficult things like LS to you. You can help me add points. Hey, it

’s a youtube like me. As a golfer , I just play this simple one. We are looking forward to Callaway ai smoke soon. You will definitely want to see whether Callaway’s recently popular ai smoke will be more amazing than last year’s three diamonds. Our original 377y 388y , oh, 388? 388y

Is 388y. I have always thought whether 377y can break through that new distance. We are looking forward to it. Thank you to the big family. Oh , it’s okay . Today’s farthest is 124 (club head speed) 174 (ball speed). I swing like this very fast . The shaft of your swing is faster

And not so heavy. I sell you the shaft . Come to the furthest end . Hey, your sleeve just wasn’t pulled right. No wonder it’s only 350y. It’s only 330y. Carry. Hey, 330y carry. Oh, me . I found a shaft that suits me. The carry of 335y is

125 (club head speed) 179 (ball speed). Wow , you carry 335y. It’s so cool. It’s so cool. I ’ll sell you the shaft. Do you want me to sell the shaft? This shaft and I The model number is worn out and you can’t find it , so you can only buy this one.


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