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The BRAND NEW 2024 UFC And MMA Iceberg Explained

If you want to deep dive into the UFC and MMA then this is the Iceberg explainer video for you (Part 2). This is the newly curated part 2 of the UFC and MMA Iceberg series, I have taken all your comments and suggestions from the previous video, mixed that with some deep research and spewed this video out the other side. 2 hours and 20 minuets of all new UFC and MMA content for you to digest. I hope you enjoy.

Massive shout out to Bobby for helping with this Iceberg video please check out his website:

Join this channel to get access to perks and unlock your potential:

All Music by the legend Karl Casey: @WhiteBatAudio

Links You are looking for:

Please check out Angela Lee’s incredible non-profit that is aiming to help all those athletes struggling with their mental health:

MMAI’s video on Manager Corruption:

GeeKay On Mayhem Miller:

Sal D’Amato Interview:

Jesse On Fire Reality TV Show:

Gilbert Yvel Knockout:

Here is a link to a google doc folder with all my sources to help make this video (Might take a day or two to appear as I am comiling it):

Thanks for watching,
Love always!
– The Academic.

You casuals thought you knew everything there is to know about the world of MMA well think again Buckle into your wheelchairs yes praise the Lord get ready to cry crack open a medell and just bleed because today we are once more diving deep into the seventh layer

Of hair okay this is the highly anticipated part two of the UFC MMA Iceberg Explain series I have taken your feedback from the last video mixed it with some intense research and cracked up the law meter you better win your fight cuz I’m on your ass this is not

Your average stroll through the world of mixed martial arts we’re venturing into the Obscure the distressing the disturbing and the tinfoil hat territory abandon all hope ye who enter it is time to travel down the rabbit hole welcome to the crazy world of MMA I’m coming and this is still my boy conceive

Believe acheve shut the [ __ ] up can’t stop this and express ch ch [ __ ] and the JB UFC Superstar Jorge midal heads to jail to kick off the iceberg we enter Tier 1 to all those that were extremely disappointed that I didn’t cover anything from tier one last time as I

Felt that it wasn’t compelling subject matter and too surface level to be interesting I do apologize and this time I am going to let you know about the crazy things that are in tier one only joking let’s kick things off with tier 2 here you’ll find some interes interesting stories strange occurrences

And some lore deeply ingrained into the world of MMA a casual might get lost along the way here Halo allow me to take you back weary traveler to September of 2007 Dorito dust Falls from your chubby cheeks and Mountain je lines your taste buds Halo 3 has just dropped you’ve

Picked it up after queuing for hours In The Bleak darkness of midnight you load up the game and this iconic soundtrack envelops your eard drums you don’t know it yet but this main menu will become one of the most nostalgic things you will ever encounter for the

Rest of your life now fast forward 13 years you’re about to walk out for your 13th Pro fight on the main card of UFC 2505 you have selected said video game soundtrack to accompany you to the octagon with your master chief spiritually at your side you take the

First step toward the eight-sided cage the DJ presses play and then this Banger begins to play instead walls well this is the exact events that happened to Mike Perry who was taking on Tim Means at UFC 244 he had asked for the theme song of Halo and some uneducated fool uneducated fool decided

To play Beyonce instead SK set Mike Perry would take it in his stride however singing along Mike Perry in my ear and Mike goes what is this Hunter cble Dana White has helmed the UFC since it was purchased by the fatita brothers decades ago love him or

Hate him he took a failing business to a multi-billion dollar organization from his most controversial moments to being the Vanguard for the sports during the pandemic the man has been a force for fight fans putting on the greatest shows and making the most exciting sport into something that is slowly becoming a

Household name but as he is soon to be knocking on the door of 60 many people have begun to speculate who might actually take over from him many have thought that it might be Daniel Cormier or perhaps The Undefeated people’s champ himself chel sunnon but Dana has explicitly dismissed any of these

Suggestions those in the no have a pretty good assertion as to who it is a man who once hid amongst the Shadows but who has recently been pushed to the Forefront Hunter Campbell a man you may have heard many fighters thank in his post-fight interviews but who is Hunter

Campbell well he joined the UFC in 2017 as a head of their legal department but has since made his way to Chief business officer he is always behind the scenes making the big deals and putting together some huge events with Dana White and has a couple of times been

Thrusted into the post fight press conferences so get used to his face because he will more than likely be taking over when Dana White retires snake in the grass Dwayne lwig a man who once held the UFC record for the fastest knockout at just 6 seconds was invited

To Team Alpha to help train the Striking for the team his effect was immediate and noticeable with a lot of the guys at Team Alpha Male not really known for their striking getting some pretty incredible koos on their records after Dwayne’s inclusion the relationship with lwig and the team would sour over time

Though lwig wasn’t exactly happy with his pay and chose to move to Colorado to open his own gym leaving an open invite for any members to follow him one such member that did follow was TJ Dillashaw who had under the guidance of Dwayne earned his bantamweight crown and

Defended it twice for his last Camp he had split time between team alphamale and Ludwig’s camp in Colorado it was something that was discussed a fair amount in the news that TJ had essentially two head coaches and that he wasn’t exactly a full-time member of Team Alpha Male anymore well that’s when

Connor McGregor who was coaching The Ultimate Fighter alongside Team Alpha Male head coach Uriah Faber would decide to rub some salt in the wound for Uriah who was getting his star member pulled away from him snake in the grass he is singing that same song He’s a little

Snake in the grass here I’d like to congratulate you and your you and your coach Dwayne right thinks Dwayne’s a snake though what do you think of that different opinions you know so you you’re with you’re with Wayne yeah man he’s a good coach and what is a surprise

To everyone besides Conor McGregor TJ would announce his departure from the team just a few weeks after the Airing of the show choosing instead to train full-time with Dwayne Ludwig in Colorado it would further cement McGregor’s cleric abilities in memes and YouTube videos for predicting the eventual

Fallout between TJ and Team Alpha Male TJ had walked away from the whole spectacle branded forever as a snake in the grass but the thing is people leave jyms all the time and TJ just honestly felt like he was making the right decision for himself and for some reason

People just knock him for it I don’t really understand it to be honest backflip KO LFA played host to a fight between Chapman and AA I hope I’m pronouncing that right two upand cominging fighters in the regional scene Chapman even making his professional MMA debut during a ground exchange Chapman

Would knock his opponent out after he had managed to headbutt Chapman’s knee whil it’s not a stupendous way to win a fight it didn’t stop Chapman’s adrenaline rush in lie of Victory he would jump on his semi-unconscious opponent’s body and execute a front flip that even Justin gatei would be proud of

Problem was his Landing map was the still Awakening foe as a consequence Chapman was stripped of his wi and handed a disqualification loss by the endend of the weekend the California State athletic commission had suspended him for 90 days and imposed a pay deduction in reflection Chapman would

State let me be honest with you I don’t deserve to get paid for that it’s disheartening to watch my mother has to see that people who look up to me and find inspiration have to witness that well he certainly made an impression and he hasn’t fought since so I don’t think

He’s inspiring anyone and he’s definitely disappointed his mother Daryl’s for many season 10 of the ultimate figh as a standout we would get Rampage Jackson and Rashad Evans squaring off as coaches in the season full of some of the most fantastic moments like Rampage smashing down a door in

Frustration and even the introduction of Kimbo Slice into the UFC for many it is considered the last actual good season of the show one of the great memes that spewed out of this season though is that of Daryl’s tit for whatever reason Rampage would hone in on one of the

Heavyweights who was a little bit pudgy and started making Jabs at the fact that he had some man boobs he was kind of go you know fat pudgy guy like a heavy weight and he has some in what were initially some harmless jokes quickly descended into Daryl threatening to

Knock out Rampage come on TI come on come on TI are you serious for the rest of the season there were some fairly intense exchanges between the two in September of 2023 after over a decade of time since the pair had shared their animosity Rampage would come out and

State that they had actually signed a contract to fight one another to settle the beef presumably Wonder Boy ah a nice recent one but it’s too good not to include Wonder Boy the oldest boy I know of is a 40-year-old UFC fighter who you know as Steven Thompson the flashy

Karate Striker who had fought for the title twice against Tyron Woodley a man with many spectacular Kos and who is also known as one of the nicest MMA fighters on the roster Thompson got the nickname Wonder booy early in his career he says of gaining his nickname I was 15

Years old when I had my first fight my dad kind of threw me to the dogs on this one because at the time I was getting beat up by my sister I thought I wasn’t very good but this was his way to show me that I was better than I actually was

I ended up beating the breakes off the guy and my opponent said afterwards I wonder why I even stepped in the ring with this boy the announcers started calling me Wonder Boy and it’s stuck ever since with such a nickname it would be impossible to make walks to the

Octagon without being accompanied by the famous Wonder Boy song courtesy of Tenacious D Jack Black and Kyle grass’s famous rock band and that’s exactly what fans would be treated to every time Thompson made his way to the eight-sided cage and so speculation would begin when would we

Ever get Jack and Kyle walking Thompson to the ring well never was the Assumption as Dana White doesn’t like all this gimmick stuff but that was until December just gone in 2023 as Thompson now 40 and after walking to the octagon with that song for over a decade

He would be accompanied by The Rock Duo and it’s probably one of the greatest ring accompaniments we have ever been blessed with go for a spa in the summer of 2018 at the end of the UFC 25th anniversary press conference Mike Perry would ask Darren till if he wanted to go

For a spa the liver pudan would oblige and say that of course they could go for a spa once they got to the hotel it would result in this fairly awkward interaction thought you meant to SP like a steam in there like no like oh [ __ ] I

Me [ __ ] let’s go fight the pair would ultimately scrap it out the buffers Michael Buffer is the voice of boxing his catchphrase let let’s get ready to rumble synonymous with the sport at this point and to get the man to announce one of your events is certainly going to

Cost you upward of $200,000 to be exact at a young age Michael was taken into foster care after his parents divorced and his mother was unable to look after him later in life he would enlist into the army for the Vietnam War the recruiters would notice that his foster

Cname of hubel was not in fact correct and that his real surname was actually buffer from that day onward he would continue to use the name buffer as his last name all the way through to his legendary career turning into one of the greatest ring announcers of all time

This is where a 29-year-old Bruce Buffer watching TV after a busy week of telemarketing would notice the James Bond looking ring announcer but more importantly his last name an extremely rare surname by all accounts and I’m sure at this point you can tell where this story is going the men were indeed

Brothers Bruce had access to every phone book in the country and use this to track Michael down they would realize that they were long lost half brothers and after a budding Rel relationship Bruce would become Michael’s manager and even was inspired to become a ring announcer himself fast forward 25 years

And the pair are quite literally the most famous announcers of their respective Sports long lost Brothers tied together by the love of Combat Sports and had only found their way back to each other simply because of the Vietnam War and a surname khabib versus ring girls khabib acquired his own

Fighting promotion back in 20120 renaming it to Eagle FC and started putting on events mainly in Russia in an interview he was asked asked why he would not be including ring girl in the promotion and what he thought of them obviously for kabib there are religious implications as to why he

Wouldn’t want scantly dressed ladies in something that he personally owns and that’s regardless to what the rest of us think and so I think fair enough but following his comments ariani Celeste would hit back with her own comments on the matter with an Instagram posted that

Stated I’ve worked over 15 years in this industry and learned it’s easier to just simply not care for 15 years we’ve been more than just ring girls we’ve dedicated time in promoting the UFC and showing love and our time to our diard fans through touring the world and

Personal appearances and while the world is very different right now I can still feel that energy and love every time we have a show with an audience it’s taken me 15 years of hard work dedication and time to be a bad ass independent wealthy female Johnny Walker in the desert in

October of 2013 Johnny Walker would be taking on magamed anv in the main card of UFC 294 it was a title Eliminator bout as well the fight would end in a no contest after the fight had barely had a chance to start magamed would accidentally knee walker in the face

Leading to the ref intervening Walker did seem fine and ready to continue the fight but the doctor was required to enter the cage and clear Johnny the doctor would ask Johnny where he was a usual question to gauge a Fighters Copus mentus Johnny would respond by saying

That he was in the desert after all that’s exactly where they were but because he failed to supply the exact coordinates the doctor would call off the fight much to the dismay of Johnny who was naturally pretty pissed off the fight has been rescheduled for um actually this weekend is the time of

Writing and recording this so I’ll let you know who wins Here the CM Punk experiment at UFC 181 the UFC would announce their next wrestling experiment after the whole Brock Lesnar thing had gone pretty well by allowing CM Punk to announce his intentions of competing in the sport of MMA and to no less be making his debut

In the UFC naturally people were pretty confused as Dana had always spouted that the UFC was a place that didn’t do gimmick fights or Panda to a mass audience and here CM Punk a celebrity with zero proven trap record was about to step foot into the esteemed octagon

He was literally just months away from calling people like Anderson Silva and John Jones’s peers Punk would begin training in January of 2025 with Juke Rufus a very well respected coach in the MMA World which was really just the first red flag that this whole thing

Wasn’t going to end well Punk would no doubt be facing men that have trained martial arts their entire life and here he was beginning training just that year on an episode of Dana White’s Contender series an opponent would emerge a man who was young in his career and had

Declared that he wanted to eat CM Punk white would obliged the young man and the bout was put together through some setbacks due to injury the pair would eventually make their long awaited walk to the Octagon at UFC 203 in September of 2016 CM Punk half a million pound

Richer in a series of events that everyone saw coming Punk would be obliterated by the now 3 and0 Walter away just 2 and a half minutes into their fight Punk’s second fight because why wouldn’t he get another shot in the UFC I mean come on was literally against

An MMA promotion president who was zero and one in his career because he had somehow managed to get into the UFC without a professional record as well let’s see how uh oh look he faced 0o and one Mickey gal in his debut because that was the setup fight to find CM Punk’s

First opponent anyway CM Punk would be once again destroyed in perhaps one of the worst fights the UFC has ever seen and even funnier still that fight would be overturned because Jackson tested positive for drug use leaving Punk with zero wins one loss and one no contest

Dana White said Punk would never fight in the UFC again and in August of 2021 Punk formerly not ified the UFC of his retirement from MMA the CM Punk experiment was widely considered one of the biggest disappointments and con the UFC in the modern era has ever tried to

Swindle us with Mike Jackson on the other hand would return to the UFC in 2022 winning one fight by DQ because his opponent gouged his eye and then losing the next he would then in some crazy ass turn of events face former UFC welterweight champion Pat Milotic in a

Fight in 2023 Pat Milotic the UFC veteran was quite literally 55 years years old at the time and managed to beat the [ __ ] out of Mike for two solid rounds before gassing out he’d be unable to get off of his store to start round three declaring Jackson the winner so to

Clear that up Jackson lost his debut had a fight that got overturned won a fight via DQ lost a fight and then won a fight because a 55-year-old man gassed out after beating him up for 10 minutes Jesus what a failure Andrew Tate MMA fight controversial figure Andrew Tate

Has actually competed in MMA having had just One Professional fight he knocked out his opponent in the first round the best translator in the UFC Fabiano Bui has gone down in the hearts of fight fans for being one of the most entertaining and evocative translator

The sport has ever known he is not one to Simply translate in that boring monotone halfast way that a lot of others do hey Dana White you said I don’t care just put anybody in front of me I I’m not going to choose hey Kor McGregor this man puts his heart and

Soul into the translation matching the fighters of emotion energy and Pace Fabiano would enter the UFC in 2020 and has been in the hearts of UFC fans ever since hello Japan at dream 7 back in 2008 Japanese fighting Superstar shinya Aoki was facing David garders in the

Co-main event of the card at around 5 minutes into the bout the American opponent would take it upon himself to address the crowd leading to a rather fatal mistake Gardner would lose the fight via submission in one of the most memed events to take place in early MMA

Running man Caleb Stan made his way into the UFC at the season final of the Ultimate Fighter season 3 from there he would have a back and fourth and fairly short UFC career but it is his final fight in the organization just 2 years after his debut that would earn him a

Spot on this list for the majority of his last fight Stan would spend his time running away from his opponent Nate Quarry Stan was heavily criticized for the way that he acted during the fight and was honored with the nickname The Running Man you’ll have to check out the

Fight on UFC Fight Pass for your elves to see how ridiculous it is UFC 59 screw job Scott Smith and David Terrell would lock horns at UFC 59 back in 2006 halfway into the first round Terell had Smith pinned up against the cage and was not really working with the position the

Ref stepped in to call a stop to the action as Smith tried to break away from the action Terrell would pull Smith down to the ground while Smith protested Terrell would ultimately be able to take the non-fighting opponent’s back and sink in a rear naked choke is probably

One of the worst ways to lose a fight and I have absolutely no idea why the fight was never overturned knocked out twice going back to 2009 UFC veteran Matt Brown was taking on Pete cell at UFC 96 within just 20 seconds of the fight starting Matt Brown would

Viciously drop cell with a beautiful combination making the ref intervene pushing Matt away in a very very confusing turn of events the ref would let go of the mid celebration Matt Brown and urge him to continue fighting the partly concussed cell who was managing to pick himself up up to his feet just

Barely 10 seconds after being smashed to the ground in a fight finishing worthy sequence Matt Brown would once again be destroying cell’s face with a series of brutal knees devastating punches and violent kicks this would go on for a further minute and a half cell the whole time wobbling and zombieing his way

Through the brutal punishment until the ref reluctantly and eventually stopped the fight for the second time Matt Brown understandably extremely angry with the ref for allowing his opponent to essentially be knocked out twice double submission in Millo boer’s first title defense of the UFC middleweight Crown he

Would be taking on Matt lindland in the main event of UFC 37 within the first half of round one buo demente the Jiu-Jitsu black belt would get lindland into a beautiful armar during the struggle it seemed as if lindland had actually tapped and the OG Big John

McCarthy would step in to Halt the action lindland immediately sprang to his feet in protest claiming that he never actually tapped Big John quick on his feet would in extreme bizarre and probably against the rules fashion resume the action fast forward to round three and booster M would put the doubt

In the rearview mirror submitting lindland via Guillotine choke and notching his first and only defense into the title before he would later vacate the belt heading over to Pride instead but he’ll always be known as the man to have gotten two submissions in one fight

He was never my friend back in 2015 the rebok sponsorship had just hit MMA fandom their favorite Fighters would now be branded and lose out on vital sponsorship money Stitch Duran a legend of the game well known as one of the top cup men was highly critical of this move

To put fighters in uniforms this would prompt the UFC to Thanos snap him out of the company never to be in the corner ever again Stitch would release a statement saying that he was pretty upset about the whole thing which would lead to the now Infamous and highly

Memed line from Dana White Stitch Duran needs to learn what the meaning of the word friend is Stitch Durant and I were never friends Colby Sucker Punch after deciding that a career turned toward the controver virtual was something that would generate him more money Colby Covington would quickly become one of

The most polarizing characters on the UFC roster there were those that loved his Brash Trump loving violently harassing character and there were others who just wanted to watch men fight each other inside of a cage without the boring theatrics either way Kobe’s gimmick worked and his pay-per-view generating mouth would see

Him claw his way to multiple title shots in Main Events along the way however he would throw his gym friends and peers all under the bus at any single opportunity that he had one such person was Jorge mazal a man that even allowed kobby to sleep on his couch in the early

Part of his career and had risen through the rankings with him at one point considering themselves best friends in a series of now well-known interviews Colby would leave that friendship behind fast forward a couple years and some not so Choice sound bites the pair in a tragic turn of events would find

Themselves standing across the Octagon from one another Colby would ultimately win the fight but not before spending all of fight weeks stating that George was a a terrible father jge not satisfied with getting his crotch sniffed for five rounds took it upon himself to personally hunt down Colby

Covington was out celebrating his recent victory at a steakhous with the nek boys who would post some photos online revealing his whereabouts and after leaving the restaurant to return home he would be sucker punched by Jorge and in that learned a lesson sometimes you’ll pay for the [ __ ] that you say and jge

Learned that the internet doesn’t care about your awesome street fighting days and that his actions that night were that of a coward people stating that he should have done the fighting inside of the cage when he had the chance and to not sneak up on someone mayard versus

Emerson after losing to Nate Diaz in the semi-finals of The Ultimate Fighter season 5 grey mayard was invited to the live finals to prove his worth by taking on fellow season five alumni Rob Emerson in the second round of their bout mayard would get onto a double leg and lift

Emerson into the air before slamming him full force into the canvas obliterating Emerson’s ribs in the process and causing him to tap out the problem was that mayard had actually smashed his own head on the canvas and had knocked himself out also in a bizarre scene to

Witness both Fighters kind of just laid there for a few minutes Emerson in agony and mayard completely unconscious much to Maynard’s displeasure the fight was actually ruled a no contest lineal champion in 2022 Francis zanu would wait out his contract with the UFC only fighting once to meet his obligations

Finally he would be released right at the end of the year in what is perhaps one of the most controversial modern era moments for the UFC in ganu would leave a top his Division and a top the promotion the reigning defending heavyweight champion of the world

Meaning that no matter where he goes or who fills his spot in the UFC he remains the linear Champion fast forward several months and instead of fumbling the bag like everyone thought he would Inu would be facing Tyson Fury now those in the know will be well aware that Fury is

Also the lineal heavyweight boxing champion of the world for all major titles meaning that if Francis won he would have sent ually be the linear heavyweight champion of the two major combat Sports well we all know how the fight went and we all know that Francis

Was robbed of his victory that night God bless in ganu the lineal heavyweight champion of combat stoate at UFC 178 Tim Kennedy was taking on the terrifying Cuban yel Romero in what is probably one of the best fights of both of their careers at that point they would have an

Insane first two rounds which saw both of them get hurt and persevere at the end of the second though Romero looked exhausted and Kennedy began to take over over the Bell literally saving Romero from being finished from some brutal uppercuts courtesy of the Green Beret in the corner the Cuban looked absolutely

Wasted and was huffing air Kennedy on the other hand looked raring to go ready to come back out and finish what he had started as the third round chimed in Romero was still sitting on his stool not getting up much to the amazement of the commentary team no one had any idea

What was going on as Romero just sat there clearly gaining an advantage as he recovered from being gassed out after some more confusion but even longer of a break for Romero the fight would eventually resume and within just 1 minute the fight would be over after Romero had started a fight ending

Sequence that would have killed about just anyone it was an extremely controversial moment as most believe that Romero would not have had the gas tank to finish the fight if not for # stoolgate cannibal Cheney in the elimination round of season 16 of The Ultimate Fighter James Cheney was taking

On John manlay James would have JN deep in a triangle choke that looked like it was about to finish the fight Jon however would slip out like a little slippery snake and in a turn of events get Cheney into a guillotine that would ultimately squeeze the life out of him

Resulting in a win after the fight the ringside doctor would tell Dana that John Manley had actually been bitten during the sequence it turns out that Cheney in complete desperation would take a bite out of JN and that he had this to say after it’s okay no I bet him

I bet him on purpose I wanted to find a way out of there you know I thought maybe I’d loosen it up and you know yeah maybe I’m kind of a piece of but I did not want to lose that fight Bible study during season six of The Ultimate

Fighter Hall of Famer Matt Hughes who is one of the season’s coaches would have some rather unconventional training methods for the team before practice he would bring a load of Christian Bibles in for the squad and ask them to find figures in the passages that represented

Hughes to them and I want you to tell me who I would be in the Book of Esther you who I would be me coach coach Hugh I mean out of all the things that they could have been getting up to that could have developed them into more competent

Fighters Hughes would instead have an ego trip trying to compare himself to biblical Figures it’s quite a series of events but it wouldn’t be the ultimate fighter if [ __ ] like this didn’t Happen welcome to tier three this is where things get far more obscure this layer will test how much of a fan of this sport you really are mandatory service after coming up short against Jose Aldo in 2013 losing by TKO in the fourth round the Korean zombie would not

Only find himself injured but also required to fulfill South Korea’s mandatory military service this would ultimately mean stepping away from the UFC in the peak of his career for a minimum of 2 years in South Korea conscription has been a requirement since 1957 meaning citizens aged 18 to

35 or to serve in the military in various positions chansung Jung would enroll into boot camp on October 20th 2014 after going a month of grueling basic training before assuming a clerical role in a district office because of the nature of the job zombie was able to continue MMA training albeit

Not his usual intensity with military service getting in the way after fulfilling his duty he would return to the UFC in February of 2017 4 years of absence was due to not only the service but also injuries that he had to deal with something that would underscore the

Zombes Legacy a man who was shunted out of the title picture due to circumstances completely out of his control his return to the sport would be emphatic and emotional a first round knockout of then top Contender Dennis Bermudez his return spoke volumes of the fighter that could have been in the top

Etel on all those years whil he was sidelined zombie had this to say of his time serving his country to be honest it was pretty uneventful because of all the injuries and the surgeries that I had from MMA I was given a government job so basically I was a civil servant after

Basic training I was able to live at home and commute to work ultimately the whole situation is rather melancholic the best years of an athlete’s career snatched away and the zombie is not alone in this fact it’s something that we have seen manifested in other Korean UFC fighters such as the Korean super

Boy these two men who were at the peak the former coming off of a world title fight against the consensus Goa featherweight and the latter on his quick rise to superstardom in the UFC as a fan of MMA it’s extremely hard to see the upside and I think it was something

That hit me most as the zombie laid down his gloves in the Octagon during his extremely emotional retirement it was that sense that the best was wasted away in some office it’s a shame but the zombie has transcended the sport with his huge support back in his home

Country where his Superstar just check his massive following on YouTube for proof Sha’s Strickland childhood sha has never really been one to shy away from his tumultuous upbringing from appearances on J to crying on Theo Von’s podcast dude I remember like laying in bed like I remember when I stop

Believing in God man like [ __ ] like I had [ __ ] um yeah it’s crazy [ __ ] dude crazy [ __ ] man it’s one hard things that people don’t understand like trauma you know yeah I mean the day dude like I’m a grown ass man I don’t give a [ __ ]

I mean you could post this I don’t care Sean has always been very vocal about what that type of childhood can do to a man but also how overcoming it can be empowering albeit the way he goes about wording it isn’t always the most PC growing up in Corona sha was raised in

An extremely abusive household beaten by his alcoholic father what was meant to be a safe haven for a growing family was instead Sha’s first Battleground in life daily torment not only for him but his brother also and his mother mother to be subject to their father’s rages Strickland found himself spiraling

Getting caught up in race Supremacy movements and constantly scrapping with other children YouTube is pretty good at demonetizing things so if you want to hear the Gory details from the horse’s mouth then head over to episode 143 of JRE MMA show I’ve given a good outline

Here it’s just that well sha talks about a lot of the violence and detail there something that just simply won’t stay on YouTube and so it was during this hateful time in Sha’s life that he would stumble across a lifeline at the age of 14 sea would enter an MMA gym and well

The rest is history you know 14 years old just kind of miserable angry I walked in the gym the first time and it was the first time in my life I’ve ever felt happiness even even talking about it like it it kind of tears me up

Because it brings me back to like that first day of like happiness Rampage steals Diaz’s girlfriend back when Nick Diaz was around 16 or 17 he would bump into Rampage Jackson and his Entourage Diaz was with his then girlfriend who Rampage and all his Pat Berry field lost

Would try and flirt with attempting to steal Diaz’s girl and he goes yo man yo yo is that your girl that’s I’m 16 17 I’m like I don’t want to call her my girl cuz she’s sitting right there and I kind of like her but I don’t she’s not

So I’m not going to tell be like yeah that’s my girlfriend I’m like no well I’m like no I mean she’s you’re my friend and yo girl yo girl and she’s like what what he he’s like yo girl yo girl he’s like what’s your style what’s

Your style and she’s all what what are you what are you talking about and he’s all a dog style dog style I’m like I can’t say anything I’m looking at this giant Rampage character and I’m like [ __ ] what did you want me to say to this guy cuz he wasn’t really being

Disrespectful he’s kind of joking with he was joking and he asked me respectfully is that your girl right fast forward some MMA Hall of Fame careers later and in a funny video released by the pair who are now friends Diaz would return the favor two of the baddest [ __ ] ever in a

Planet all right all right you know what you know you know I’m the real Champion okay over here Leon edwards’s dad Leon’s upbringing in childhood was something that made his championship winning octagon interview even more of a tear jcker than it already was Leon’s past is something that he has spoken of

Regularly and uses as a story to tried to get those in his hometown to perhaps turn away from the crime that is so prevalent there Leon’s journey to Championship glory is an inspiration for sure but Kobe would use that past rather distasteful effect at a recent UFC event

Stating that Leon’s father was in hell Leon edwards’s father was shot and killed in a London nightclub after a life of crime and being a gang leader he had all caught up with him and Leon was just a young teenager at the time Leon would state in an interview if you

Consider the cards that he was dealt my dad did the best that he could I know he did wrong getting involved in crime and it led to his demise he didn’t just leave us in Jamaica though he was a good man but just in bad circumstances he

Made the wrong choices but you got to remember that in Jamaica killing seemed normal we were used to gun gunshots and death all around us it was probably like 2:00 a.m. I was in my room mom was in her room and we he the phone ringing I

Heard her crying and I knew that something was bad you know eventually she came into my room and she just told me your dad’s just got killed in London it was something to do with money and just like sha this horrendous set of circumstances is something that would be

A catalyst for a history defining MMA career stpe tapped in his first title defense after snatching the crown in emphatic fashion from Fabo for Doom Stipe would face off against alist over at UFC 203 just shy over a minute into their bout over would drop Stipe with a

Crisp straight down the middle and then snatch onto a guillotine as Stipe attempted to scramble to his feet in the tussle Stipe would strongman his way back to his feet despite the submission looking like it was in deep in all his resilience Stipe would end up getting

Alistar to the ground and then smashing his face all over the canvas in a brutal finish from inside O’s guard sending stipe’s home crowd into a frenzy Joe Rogan would take it upon himself to interview the recently unconscious aliser in the Octagon in which he would

Famously state that the reason he let go of the submission was because he clearly felt a tap I followed him I got him in a guillotin joke and I clearly felt a tap after replaying the broadcast in front of not only Alistar but thousands of fans we could clearly see that there was

No tap resulting in what is perhaps one of the most awkward octagon interviews of all time but it it didn’t look like a tap to us but I understand that you felt that way and thank you for a great fight it would spark discussion as to whether Joe really should be interviewing

Fighters after they have been so recently knocked out Max roscco in June of 2020 Austin hubard would take on Max in the opening bout of the early prelims it was Max’s debut in the organization he was extremely young and in his undefeated career sitting at just 5 and0

And he had managed to get into the organization by being a super late replacement for Joe seli who had pulled out of the fight the bout was an extremely crawling Affair Max would have a good first round matching the Striking and having some good scrambles with

Austin but it was clear that Hub was ahead in the second round Max would look completely exhausted with essentially zero output that late notice cardio seeping in Austin continued to pick him apart for the rest of the round wilting his foe at the end of the second round

Max would not leave his stool and the corner audio is unlike anything you’ve ever heard we got this I no we got this Max you’re a champion you’re Champion shop it stop it champion champion going to finish this round on top you want to continue fight no sir okay

That’s it in this sport if you’re done you’re done you should absolutely be able to quit I I know that it’s frowned upon guess what anybody that would talk about you quitting isn’t in there fighting Max would be cut from the organization after failing to get off of

His stool Mazel senior shoots Jorge’s friend never a family to shy away from controversy Jorge Maz vel’s father faced arrest and second-degree attempted murder charges in connection to alleged shooting incident during a dispute at Maz Videl J Miami residents back in early 2023 the victim identified as a family acquaintance sustained gunshot

Wounds to both arms and was transported to the hospital during police questioning regarding the incident Maz Videl Senor opted to exercise his constitutional right to remain silent subsequently a 38 caliber weapon was discovered inside a kitchen cabinet in mazal JR’s home according to Florida law the second deegree felony carries a

Maximum penalty of 15-year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine jge Mazel Jr was not prison during the incident and is not considered to be a suspect kaju Jitsu over the years there have been many random Combat Sports Creations from telephone boxing to X arm to power slap

All sports that attempt to add some kind of interesting element to the world of Combat Sports kardu Jitsu is one such fat that explores the riveting concept of placing two people inside of a car and asking them to choke each other out with jiu-jitsu utilizing seat belts and

Other car parts not sure what the training gyms look like for this sport but um there we are cardu jitsu great stuff the buffer 360 the buffer 360 was a highly anticipated rare event much like a crashed alien ship in Fallout 3 or getting a shiny Pokémon it had never

Been seen before but Whispers of its potentiality circulated on forums and white fans there was however one man who was determined to make it happen my main goal this weekend besides having fun and getting to see some awesome fights is talking Bruce Buffer into the buffer 360

Today will we see the buffer 360 it still stands that I will know at that exact millisecond of the moment I decide to do it then in the main event of one of the greatest cards to ever take place UFC 100 as buffer introduced the heavyweight champion of the world it Happened the buffer 360 will always be legendary perhaps one day buffer can spin that geriatric ass around again in one complete circle I’m looking at you UFC 300 just bleed guy at UFC 15 in 1997 a man who became the physical manifestation for all fight fans hype

From around the world in a ritualistic dance beer in hand and just bleed scribed across his chest his name was James Ladner and he had unknowingly become one of mma’s greatest memes his life would go from the MMA occult to the unfortunate though as he would later be

Sent to 10 years in prison after being caught with illegal substances on his person he has since been released and continued a rather normal life as an accountant the most brutal of twists is that unfortunate he no longer actively watches MMA his Spirit however lives on in my good friend Napoleon blart’s body

Platinum princess so cing back to everybody’s favorite Florida man Mike Perry who seems to keep appearing on this list let’s cast our minds back to February 2018 Mike was in the opening boutot of the main card at UFC Orlando EMT versus Stevens and he would be

Taking on Max Griffin in all of Mike’s great mysticism he would decide to give a vital Corner Spot to none other than his girlfriend the Platinum princess Perry was always unconventional and having his mes there who is a professional tennis player is certainly ranking up there in terms of Perry being

Well Perry in the middle of round two of a fight that Mike was losing the camera would cut to his corner to see what advice they have at which point the Platinum princess would say kick him in the leg break his leg certainly some fantastic cornering Corby would give

Some Sage advice to Perry after he lost the bout VI a unanimous decision Mike Perry’s girlfriend’s in his corner and she’s yelling out break the leg and she’s saying stupid things so yo I’m sevens and up only Ariel so you know I don’t know what to say man that’s not my

Fault she looks like a horse face ratchet but it would not stop Mike after switching up girls he would defeat mecki go in a unanimous decision performance the thing was his only Corner person during the entire fight was his new Platinum princess and future wife pillar

Shaw we all know about TJ’s drug abuse transgressions the man did his time and came back well kind of the thing that many people miss about this time is is that not only was TJ always suspected of being on Peds I mean look at the man in

His bral fight but in particular note to the pillara accusations is that what was said during his pre-fight buildup to the Cody garbrandt fight it was here that garbrandt a former teammate of Dill shaes would accuse TJ of not only being Juiced up but that he had in fact taught

Other members of Team Alpha Male how to cheat F you’re the one that showed on everyone how to do it on Team Alpha Male he has nothing to say so not only had garbrandt let the cat out the bag before TJ ever even popped for EPO he as well

Unknowingly cast a Shadow of Doubt over pretty much every single member of Team Alpha Male which is pretty funny if you ask me as the saying goes there is no smoke without fire and despite no proof many people suspect that garbrandt was telling the truth Ian Gary’s wife ah the

Caurus wrecks himself or well some would have you believe Ian Gary had a steep rise to MMA stardom pushed heavily into the gaping mouth of unsuspecting and unwilling MMA fans by the forceful hands of the UFC Gary was touted as the next Conor McGregor the problem was that despite having a fantastic fighting

Ability flashy Knockouts and a nice guy persona he somehow rubbed some people the wrong way it was almost as if the Irish heritage that echoed the superstar that came before him made him appear as some kind of trashy Prestige he started to talk and walk and act like Connor and

It was all just way too much then he committed blasphemy going after Neil Magny in their pre-fight buildup something as all hardcore MMA fans know you just don’t do Neil is one of the good guys and Ian’s attempt to undermine him would just well stupid and it backfired it put him under the

Crosshairs of the smelly armpit of YouTube the MMA gurus in the red pill mmas who lurking in the shadow uncovered some unsavory things about Ian’s relationship with his wife and then they pounced on the young star before anyone could hold back the tide the damage was

Done regardless of facts Ian was now a cuck who is being financially abused by his wag wife took her ex-husband’s last name who just so happens to live with them and is his nutritionalist who in turn made Ian a soy boy vegan even chel sunnon jumped on the bandwagon and piled

In on Ian it was an absolute carreck spectacle to behold as Ian stardom imploded on itself the only real proven fact was that Ian was a vegan which is only a problem to insecure alpha males it didn’t matter though Ian was humiliated and then to make matters

Worse his wife would then threaten to sue said content creators for spreading harmful information about their family but with the striesand effect on full display fight week of Ian’s upcoming fight would see a title Challenger dressed up as George Washington asked thousands of fans in attendance and hundreds of thousands of fans watching

On the internet if they had indeed ever had the chance to dog Ian Gary’s wife how many of you guys have [ __ ] Ian Gary’s wife it’s an unfortunate tale of career sabotage and the MMA fan base is a [ __ ] ruthless pit of despair Ian found out the hard way personally whilst

I don’t really care about the drama it was mildly entertaining to see unfold I have no real opinions on Old cookie boy I think he’s a great fighter and he seems happy in his marriage but calling Neil Magny a child abuser is forever and I’ll never forgive my pale Irish soy boy

For it wec poster when it comes to the little guys just like their height there is a tiny list of things that really annoy them ask Team Alpha Male a community of 5’5 and Below alpha males helmed by Uriah Faber in his second defense of his wec featherweight title

He would take on an extremely young Dominic Cruz who was still getting his haircut by his mom with a bowl the poster for the fight had such a stacked card with such great talent that there was not enough room to fit the challenges on Dominic Cruz annoyed that

His first shot at a title had been snubbed on a poster decided to start signing his autograph over the face of Uriah Faber this upset the veteran who took it extremely personally and set out to put Dominic Cruz back in his place Uriah would do this inside of the cage

Submitting Cruz in just under 2 minutes of the fight starting this story in this poster would be the subject of contention throughout their lengthy rivalry they saw them chasing each other across not only weight classes but organizations it’s one of of the greatest stories that has ever graced

MMA and it’s something I’ve told in a prior video to Great length but as you can see with the runtime of the video it’s not something I’m going to go over here DC versus DC during the buildup to his fight with Pedro Munoz at UFC 269 Dominic Cruz was asked about his

Thoughts on the commentary team at which point he would throw fellow fighter and commentator hybrid Daniel Cormier under the bus stating that he doesn’t do his homework to me from my experience he doesn’t do the homework he he wants to get in and out get the job done make his

Money hoping he watches some film this time on me so that he knows what I’m doing and why I’m doing it but I’m not going to I’m not going to hold my breath on that that’s for sure it was a pretty funny thing to say because let’s face it

It’s what most of us were thinking Daniel’s commentary leaves a lot to be desired but on the same hand anything is better than listening to Dan Hardy talk about [ __ ] ancient Greece the the nickname Hannibal whether it’s Hannibal of Carthage or Hannibal Lexa they’re both pretty terrifying individuals the

Clip of Dominick Cruz essentially calling out Cormier would hit the press and that naturally it upset DC to have Cruz’s criticism come out on such a public way and so just a day later Cruz would sit down and do an interview with DC for his YouTube channel it was not

Fair of you as a colleague to do that publicly you tell me you tell me going up there cuz the reality is you said D even if you said he’s my brother right you and I Brothers they’ll never come between us we’re brothers y but even if

You say that they won’t run that what did they run because I’ve been doing I don’t like listening to Daniel Cormier commentate I I mute it I don’t I don’t think he watches the fights I don’t think he wants to be there he gets his money and he leaves Dam that’s not fair

I’m not allowed to say what I feel as I say I feel like Cruz was being fair with his criticism and whilst DC has a point that perhaps that conversation should have happened behind closed door the end result is that since that time DC’s commentary has actually drastically

Improved Bud won’t pay Lesnar Brock Lesnar’s introduction into the UFC was unconventional from the get-go facing UFC former heavyweight champion Frank me in his promotional debut after having only one fight previously he would ultim Ely lose this fight due to a knee bar but it wasn’t about to hold him back he

Would win his next fight and then get an immediate heavyweight title shot against the then Champion Randy kacha winning the heavyweight championship via TKO in the second round he would then get his chance for Redemption at UFC 100 facing off against Frank Mir this time knocking

Him out which would lead to this now Infamous octagon interview Frank Mir had a horse shoe up his ass I told him that a year ago I pulled that some [ __ ] out and I beat him over the head with it W I’m going to go home tonight I’m going

To drink a c’s light a CO’s light because Bud Light won’t pay me nothing hell I might even get on top of my wife tonight see y’all later the aftermath of Lesnar’s statements was met with dissatisfaction from Dana White Lorenzo fatita and even his own sponsors that’s

Because bud is one of the UFC’s biggest sponsors and so naturally it pissed Dana White off he would say of the incident it was the quickest trip from the top of the world to the dogghouse Izzy gyno after a loss style Bender would take to the post fight press conference to

Address the controversy that had been plaguing his career ever since he stepped into the cage at UFC 253 against Paulo Costa see when he stepped into face the Brazilian the internet would not only be lit Al light by his performance inside of the cage but also # gyo gate Izzy’s chess clearly had

Something wrong with it and soon the internet experts would start putting forth their theories on what they thought was going on all coming to the conclusion that Izzy was clearly on steroids despite there being multiple reasons for gyno the internet was sold on this narrative he would go on Ariel’s

Show to discuss the matter to which the UFC suspected it was his cannabis usage which is also a cause for gyno Al be extremely rare do you have an update on on the peek PE gate I just being unhealthy living a little bit like cuz I’m smoking weed that’s what a doctor

From the UFC said it didn’t matter what the truth was though everyone was convinced it was peeds and therefore he was branded as a cheater well let’s go back to the aforementioned Pro fight press conference to see what Izzy had to say on the matter think about um chadwi

Bosan when everyone was making fun of him oh he looks so this he looks so skinny he looks so sleepy not knowing behind the scenes he was fighting cancer people always make fun of me about my my chest and other things but they don’t know what I’m doing or what I’m going

Through in life but I just keep everything in the back burner so I just got some things to fix first and um yeah I’ll be back look I’m not here to say he is or isn’t cheating and I am inclined to believe that athletes at the top of

The sport are more often than not doing everything in their power to be the best versions of themselves cheating is included in that but what I am saying is you or I don’t know the truth of the matter we can speculate all we want and we might end up looking like an idiot

When it turns out something far worse for one of the sports greatest athletes is actually happening Dana White banned from betting Dana White is well known for gambling as his favorite past time of choice the problem is some of the big boy casinos in his hometown of Las Vegas

Have taken it upon themselves to ban him the UFC president is a prolific Gambler and has been known to waste many of hours at the tables winning copious amounts of cash some of his legendary runs have caused such a headache for the casinos that they have chosen to now

Block him from coming essentially Dana White is just too good and he has been slated to have won as much as 7 million in a single night during some of his luckiest evenings Dana White said on the matter it’s not that I’m banned from casinos it’s just that they don’t want

Me to play there they won’t give me the limits that I want and let me bet as much as I want because they don’t like to lose the pal has kicked me out of there twice the Mirage the win they won’t let me play there are only a

Couple of those big guys in town that let me play Battle of Alim former UFC heavyweight and middleweight Brian Stan is a former United States Marine that served with distinction gaining the rank of Captain and also receiving the nation’s thirdd highest honor a silver star at the Battle of al-qaim on May 8th

2005 then Lieutenant Stan served with the Third Battalion second Marines commanding the second mobile assault platoon during operation Matador part of the battle of al-qaim whilst attempting to secure the Romana bridge near Carabella his unit fa an ambush by insurgents over 6 days admits intense attack Stan and his unit coordinated air

And tank support ultimately leading to their relief on May 14th 2005 all 42 Marines in Stan spatoon survived the ordeal in March of the following year Stan was honored with the Silver Star an extremely prestigious award for combat Valor the citation for the medal highlighted his personal direction of

Casualty and vehicle recovery operation as well as close air support missions under enemy fire in a 360° fight what badass Herb Dean MMA fights Herb Dean has always stood out as one of the best refs in MMA and whilst many like to be super critical of this crucial job I

Feel that he certainly does a great job but did you know that our main man here had actually competed in MMA himself he is 2 and three in his heavyweight professional career with both wins coming by way of finish he hasn’t fought since 2008 however but that would all

Change at UFC 291 where he would drop the people’s elbow on Dustin well that’s something that I’ve been working on with the rock and uh he told me you know I mean he I’m not sure if he admit it but you can ask him he’s like herb I want

You to do the people’s elbow tonight when you stop the fight [ __ ] gate the soldier of God has lined the history books with his explosive Knockouts and his less than eventful title fight with Adisa but what gets him here on this iceberg is his fight with Derek Bronson

Yel was falling behind on the scorecards and in a shock to no one who understands the will of the MMA Gods third round Romero would descend to the Mortal plane and snatch brunson’s soul but this isn’t what was interesting about the fight it became apparent that during the scrap

That yoel had defecated himself he had tried to claim it was water but we all know the truth with explosive power comes great explosive shits I beat that guy one time in an interview with Sporting News Australia then middleweight champion Israel Adisa would state that there was one guy out there

That would always crop up on social media every time he fought no one knows who the he is and he’s going to be that guy when I’m world champion when I’m a legend he’s going to be at some Pub talking some [ __ ] about I beat that guy

One time Israel would claim that this individual was a nobody someone that was reduced to claiming in bars with a bunch of onlookers that he had beaten Israel at AA once the problem was the man in question was none other than Alex Pereira and he hadn’t just beaten him

Once he had beaten Izzy Twice first in a decision and secondly in a brutal walkoff KO Izzy didn’t know it at the time but this interview would pull Alex from the darkness Pereira had in fact lost motivation begun drinking and was without purpose but seeing clips of that

Interview sent a shiver down his spine in some sense isra was right and he didn’t want to just become some guy in a bar talking about the past and so in a story we all know far too well Pereira would sore up through the sport of MMA in an unprecedented rise knocking out

All Challengers who stood before him finding himself locked horns with Israel in the main event of UFC 281 Pereira in a massive upset that shook the MMA world would knock out Israel once again this time in MMA becoming the middleweight champion of the world whilst he would

Ultimately lose a rematch to the style Bender his legacy was not finished there he has since gone on to become the light heavyweight champion of the world and is now in talks to take on Tom aseno to become the first three-weight world champion very scary a human being I’m

Quite scared of him as well hopefully I won’t have to fight him one day it seems that perhaps in a tragic twist Israel might be just that guy at the bar talking about how he beat the three-time world champion Alex Pereira once oh how fickle the world truly is ncoo Montano

Niko Montano entered the UFC through the hallowed Halls of The Ultimate Fighter she joined in season 26 the UFC was expanding their roster and decided it was time for females to get another weight class and so a tournament was set up through the lens of the reality TV

Show the winner of the tournament would walk away with the new flyweight title it was ultimately Nico who would find herself getting that belt wrapped around her waist after defeating roxan madery in the finals by unanimous decision the main event had everything you want when Opportunity Knocks when everything is on

The line both women stepped up and uh and fought hard in her first title defense she would be taking on Valentina shevchenko who had recently moved down to the division however during the weight cup for the fight Montana would find herself hospitalized after the weight cut went wrong immediately after

On the same day Dana would announce that she had also been stripped of the title now I don’t know about you but the whole situation just rre of [ __ ] Dana seemingly pushing jeev chenco toward the title would get her a new fight as soon

As possible and so in a blink of an eye the flyweight title had changed hands Nico later in 2019 would test positive for ostarine and be banned by usada for 6 months she would fight once a loss to Juliana Pena after which though through a series of canceled bouts and botched

Weight Cuts n would be cut from the UFC after only fighting twice is one of the strangest set of events to ever befall a champion and I do plan on making a video about this in the future as it’s quite complicated but I just find the whole thing bizarre and sometimes UFC really

Does just disappoint me dur randomy is afraid much to the UFC’s displeasure upon opening their woman’s featherweight division Jermaine dur randomy would upset Holly home to claim the newly minted title it was a rather controversial win though considering that Jermaine had hit Holly on two separate occasions at the end of rounds

After the buzzer had actually sounded wobbling her with one such hit many people who not only felt that Holly should have won the fight outright feel like the ref should have taken a point not only for the first one but certainly for the second time that Jermaine had

Hit Holly at the end of a round expect him to take a punch after the first one even though it was intentional and then the second time you think that at that point they would do something even without the point deductions though many people felt that Holly had won the fight

But that’s not what happened and so regardless durandy walked away the new champion of the division and the stage was set to welcome female fighting star Chris cyborg to a proper weight class inside the UFC the problem was durandy outright refused to take the fight citing Cyborg’s

Repeated ped failures as the reason why she also stated that she would prefer to move back down to bantamweight the UFC naturally pissed off at this set of events would strip durandy and allow cyborg to fight for the vacant title Mass perception of this event is that durandy was just simply afraid of

Fighting Chris cyborg Fight Night 55 Fight Night 55 would go down in history as the first fight that the judges would take the night off as every single bout of the card would result in a finish including the main event that saw Rock hole choke out Bisping it would also

Break the record for the most finishes in a night standing at 11 finishes which is since been tied by a future pay-per-view there is also one other card since this with only 10 fights that had all finishes and that was Hill versus Santos 5 Amma before his bout with former bantamweight King Dominic

Cruz Casey Kenny was asked whether he would smash UFC female fighter Megan Anderson Casey had this to say in response was like 5 a.m. 4 she 5 a.m. or 400 a.m. or just just hanging out she’s piggy back and you doing be like [ __ ] it do it Kenny would ultimately apologize

For his comments lights out in Charlotte during UFC Fight Night 21 just after Roy Nelson and Stephan stru had made their way to the cage a lighting malfunction occurred at the stadium the arena was plunged into total darkness leaving the already warmed up and sweaty Nelson and

Stru standing in the cold without the heat of the lights to keep them warm you could say that the stadium left them Frozen like Elsa the camera would cut to them just kind of awkwardly standing there freezing their asses off for a bit in Classic Roy Nelson fashion he would

Leave for real this time stru Frozen like Elsa knocking him out in just 49 seconds after the lighting situation had been repaired Forest dips following a closely contested bout against Hall of Fame fighter T waras at UFC 148 Forest Griffin in CTE ridden form assumed that

He had lost the fight and dipped out of the Octagon before Bruce Buffer could even make the official announcement probably because like most of us he didn’t want to have to hear that t Ortiz had beaten his ass if not for Dana White chasing after Forest backstage and

Getting him to trundle back into the Octagon he would have missed the real turn of events Griffin had actually beaten the old mature and walked away with a decision victory in what turned out to be Tito Ortiz’s retirement fight as he went to make his farewell speech Griffin Would snatch the microphone from

Joe and instead give Tito’s exit speech a very bizarre and awkward spin dirtiest fighter there are a few fighters who might top the dirtiest fighter list but for me no one does it better than rusmir Paul Harris a man known for holding on to submissions far longer than he ever

Should causing in some cases irreversible damage the man was a leg locking machine and would use this to great effect in the UFC the problem was he never let go after the opponents would tap often causing the refs to jump in and pull him off of the submissions

He got so bad that he was suspended for 90 days after his fight withdrawal that saw him keep cranking on a heel hook after tapping after moving down to Walter weight to face Mike Pierce he again got his opponent in a heel hook and continued to crank after the tap the

UFC would release a statement shortly after the egregious actions saying that his contract had been terminated with the UFC and that he would be shipping his ass to the be leagues to fight tomato cans that b League was the world series of fighting and the funny thing

Was he would find himself getting banned from that promotion for the exact same thing the dude just can’t help himself gree gate 2.0 but talking of Paul Harris he would find himself caught up in another entry on this list gree gate 2.0 he would be taking on Nate marad at UFC

Fight Night 22 during the fight after a failed leglock attempt he would stop mid-action signaling to the ref claiming that marwad had a greased leg marwad took the opportunity to plunge Paul Harris’s Soul into Eternal darkness by sending him to the shadow realm unsurprisingly the dirty fighter was

Full of [ __ ] and Nate didn’t have any grease on him and was cleared by the commission of any alleged wrongdoing welcome to tier four the first taste of what the dirty depths of this sport can offer Things become conspiratorial dark ER and more disturbing the appetizer for the Grim

And clandestine Tiers 5 and six Casey versus spray tan after Courtney Casey had won her professional debut she was offered the opportunity to take on Paul Gonzalez for the vacant woman’s flyweight xfc title a small Regional promotion that like to put on title fights for people with one or two fights

On their record classic really well in the third round future UFC female fighter Casey Kenny would get submitted via rather nasty looking armar courtesy of pearl the first thing of note in the fight is that Casey would take an extremely painful looking kick to the groin that got completely missed by The

Ref and then the most controversial part of the fight was and hold on to your armrests here a bit of fake spray tan Courtney would post a photo of her fight shorts and don’t worry this was long before only fans existed so she wasn’t trying to bait an incel into buying them

No instead she was showing that her entire fight kit was covered in fake tan she would claim that this very slippery bronzer would affect her ability to fight during the bout not being able to get a good hold of her opponent did three rounds of amazing work and it was

A great show and it was a great fight you know I can’t live with the fact that someone had a band substance on them and I couldn’t Implement my game plan because of that substance Casey would ultimately appeal the loss but to no avail the commission stated that there

Was nothing wrong with showing up to fight week with your Summer Body in full swing the mystery of zabit zabit magamed sharipov might possibly go down in history as one of the greatest wh ifs this sport has ever known flashy Technical and creative inside of the cage from suev stretches to wonderful

Trips to running up the cage and pelting Jeremy Stevens in the face the bloke quite literally had it all and suiting Le was speculated to be one of the biggest threats in the featherweight division many believing that there was no doubt that this man was fit to be a

Champion one day after climbing all the way to rank five in the world and cementing that position by dispatching Kelvin ker in a unanimous decision it seemed that Z had finally secured himself a title shot but after some failed matchups and injuries that delayed his return for well over a year

And a half Z would be pulled from the rankings the UFC claiming inactivity then almost 2 years after beating ker it was revealed that zabit would be undergoing intense surgery that could potentially end his career it was stated as something to do with his immune

System and was likely to be one of the reasons why he always appeared to completely gas out after the first one or two rounds then in a Twist that many people were not expecting zabit would announce that he was retiring from the sport of mixed martial arts at the age

Of 31 after an undefeated run in the UFC during six exciting and or inspiring performances zabit would leave many people extremely disappointed that they never got to see him fight for at least a title once zabit would claim on social media that he was now training to be a

Doctor in August of 2022 zabit would address his retirement in an interview with a Russian news Outlet stating the main reason that I was not able to fight they didn’t give me a title shot they promised me one thing and did another they promised me and didn’t keep a

Promise that was the reason why I got mad then time passed I didn’t have such a desire I want to do it when I see someone fighting when I help them during training camp there could be a wish I have to think this statement further complicates the matter to think that the

Only reason we never got to see zabit at the top was simply because he was sandbagged by the UFC is truly disappointing either way zabit seems to be enjoying his life out in nature and away from the fight game salato probably one of the most heated discussions

Online is that of judges and Corruption and at the top of everyone’s list of hatred is Sal damato a man who had firmly wedged himself into many high-profile terrible decisions all you have to do is Google his name and see Reddit posts and news articles that all

State that sa should never judge a fight again from quite literally over a decade ago the thing is the man is still at it and still making terrible decisions despite Dana whites and mass outrage nothing seems to change in the world of MMA more than likely this is because of

The commission’s downright strangle hold that they have firmly pressed over pretty much everyone they have zero incentive to make things better the fact that nothing changes leads a lot of people to believe that there is a heavy amount of corruption going on and that was fights can never be fixed after all

One punch can end it all that certainly when fights reach the decision side of things that they can be swayed while some might state that the UFC wants certain fighters to win I can’t help but notice that there are way more exceptions to the rule and I more

Inclined to believe that if there ever was a conspiracy it is way bigger than just one organization these terrible decisions happen all over the MMA space there is however an interview with sa that I have Linked In the description that he conducted with MMA junk that I think many people might find extremely

Interesting not only is sa provided a platform to explain how and why he makes certain decisions but you actually get to understand this man a bit more and I think actually kills a lot of the Wilder accusations dead in the water personally I am more inclined to look at objective

Facts judges are sat at different spots around the cage they are not allowed to look at the screen they are not provided playback they are not provided a monitor that shows different angles of the fight they have one Viewpoint and that’s it a singular viewpoint ringside looking

Through the cage where they are more often than not on the wrong side of the action all I’m saying is that this fact alone can account for why judges have such drastically different scores for fights sometimes and it’s something that in the interview that he addresses many judges over the years have expressed

Their desire to be able to have playback and monitors to watch the fights more fairly and I think that this would make the biggest difference so that we can all stop [ __ ] moaning about it I know a lot of people particularly on an iceberg video would like me to go

Conspiratorial but I honestly believe believe that bad judgment isn’t actually that Sensational and I think a lot of people fail to look at things through the judges perspective popek popek is a Polish born rapper known for his rather different approach to being an acceptable member of society whilst his

Rap career is something that he will best be known for or even just looking like a freak his little known secret is that he has competed several times in MMA and as recently as 2022 the Polish man is a heavyweight probably roided out of his mind with a losing record of four

And five most noticeably fighting of the very good polish organization KW staged UFC fights let’s go back to the now famous Stitch Duran was never my friend line stit Durant and I were never friends shortly after Stitch was cut one man took particular offense to this the

Ax murderer himself and in a series of scathing Facebook and Twitter posts he would claim that the UFC had actually fixed fights and that not only did he have proof but he was ready to drop the bomb while zua wasn’t messing around with such egregious claims from one of

Their most high-profile Stars just a week after the posted hit the internet the UFC would file a lawsuit against the man and release the following statement zuer LLC doing business as the Ultimate Fighting Championships filed a lawsuit against vanay silver in Clark County district court in Las Vegas last evening

Based on the false and defamatory statements published by Mr Silva last week the company will have no further comment on the matter at this time and refers all inquiries to the council at the Law Firm Campbell and Williams well after a year of Silva’s accusations lingering in the backdrop of the

Promotion he would release a statement Pres presumably at the behest of his lawyers stating I hereby retract any statements in their entirety as I failed to understand that the term fight fixing specifically refers to the illegal action of practice of dishonesty determining the outcome of a contest

Before it occurs I understand the UFC’s reputation would be harmed if my fans and others actually believe the UFC engaged in fight fixing and I have no evidence to support such a claim I apologize for any misunderstanding my comments may have caused it’s important to note at this time Sila was serving a

Lifetime Bann from the Nevada State athletic commission something that we’ll get into a little bit later and that by all accounts the man was quite Jaded by the promotion ultimately Silver’s accusations were never realized Commander Dale Brown Commander Dale Brown is a self-defense Guru known for his awesome little costume that he wears

And being the commander of dust headquarters that stands for Detroit urban survival School whilst his defense techniques remain to be seen to be effective what gets him a coveted spot on this list was the time Wakim Buckley in all his mysticism decided Ed that Commander Brown would be a good coach

For one of his training camps the commander would also walk Buckley to the ring and Corner him it’s definitely not as cool as having David gogins in your corner that’s for sure Joe Rogan’s real height our short King elk meat eating trt infused ice bath hero Overlord Joe

Rogan have you ever done DMT famously stated back in November of 2022 I’m short but not that short Joe Rogan’s true hyp has been The Wonder of the internet for an Epoch in a podcast with Neil degrass Tyson Joe would say that he was about 5′ 8 but how could that be

Possible if IMDb have him listed as 5′ 7 and to add fuel to this fire in a video released by Pig life his true height would be called even further into question in a series of photos next to Fighters whose height is officially done by the UFC Joe appears to actually be

Around 5′ 5 or 5′ 6 we may never know the truth but that won’t stop us from eventually finding out Gilbert yel OG of the fight game an allaround [ __ ] Gilbert yel is a former UFC heavyweight fighter amongst other promotions such as rings and pride he has been fighting

Since the sports Inception he is also more well known for his less than ideal conduct inside of the Ring one such story that gets him on this list is the time that he knocked out the ref during his November 2004 match with eight backman the ref had stepped in to stop

The action after the fighters had fallen over the ropes in a tussle after getting them back into the ring and trying to resume them from the clinched position the ref was pushed away by yel The Ref continued trying to get them back into the previous position several times

Before a very annoyed yel would just sucker punch him dropping him and then booting him whilst on the ground truly a piece of garbage bloy ianov legoy ianov is a heavyweight UFC fighter and was the former World Series of fighting and pfl heavyweight champ and Bellator Heavyweight Grand Pre finalist amongst

These great achievements perhaps his finest is that of earning the gold medal at the 2008 World sampo Championships while his UFC careers failed to live up to the expectations that he entered with he still put on some very entertaining fights for us all but what gets him on

This list is an incident stemming from February 26th 2012 that goes as follows in the early hours of February 26th ianov and his two friends were attacked by a group of eight men at the Ice Bar in Sophia ianov sustained a stab wound below the sternum damaging a lung

Despite the severity of the injuries he fought off the attackers and managed to hail a cab to reach a hospital after 6 hours of life-saving medical intervention ivanov’s condition stabilized he would remain in critical care for weeks a 23-year-old suspect with a criminal history was swiftly apprehended and charged with the

Stabbing by March 5th 2012 ivanov’s condition had improved to the point where he regained Consciousness but on March 12th just a week later ivanov’s condition turned for the worst leading to a second surgery and an artificial coma on May 19th he emerged from the induced coma and was expected

Miraculously to make a full recovery within 6 months true to his determination ianov made a triumphant MMA comeback in September of 2013 winning his next four fights and recovering from the absolutely insane incident Yuki Nakai Yuki Nakai a retired Japanese mixed martial artist transitioned to teaching shoot wrestling and Brazilian jiujitsu after his

Competitive career had ended he is a man that had lived in the shadows of MMA for a long time in fact I’m willing to bet that many of you have never heard of him nikai played a crucial role in the evolution of MMA during the ’90s a time

When the sport was less defined and a time that I look back in a of as men attempted to rise the sport out of the nothing nness from whence it came specializing in the ground game with a judo and amateur wrestling background nikai competed primarily in Cho his

Career took a pivotal turn during the valet chudo Japan 1995 tournament facing three opponents in a single night nikai would Ascend into the legendary after one of the most beautiful displays of warfare RTV screens will ever be graced with in the first bout he confronted the

6’5 kit boxer Jared gordeau who you may remember famously from UFC 1 just 2 years prior gordeau during the contest would intentionally gouge Niki’s eye despite the absolutely Savage damage that I can’t show through fear of being age restricted nikai would pick himself off of the COA canvas and continue to

Battle on eventually winning the fight undeterred and despite his impaired Vision he triumphed in his second match against his opponent 100 lb heavier than him securing a remarkable submission win by this point Nakai was completely blind in his right eye the final challenge came against hickon Gracie who needs no

Introduction despite great heart nikai would fall to the BJJ expert getting submitted in just 6 minutes after that most brutal of nights nikai would hide his blindness for years despite never fighting again he did this to avoid tarnishing mma’s reputation his sacrifice for the sport became evident

As he continued to contribute to its growth over the years post retirement nikai shifted his Focus to Brazilian jiujitsu inspired by the defeats that he had suffered to the Gracie family eventually earning a black belt from the family himself nikai is a true legend of

The sport and that night will go down as one of the greatest sacrifices the sport will ever know Rampage on the road former UFC champ and Fan Favorite Quinton Rampage Jackson was arrested in 2008 for a plethora of vehicle related crimes it was something that was used to

Character assassinate him early on in his career due to the fact that the incident involved a female having a miscarriage apparently not too long ago he came out to actually explain his side of the story that had plagued his career for so long he explained that his

Actions that day were to prevent a friend from unal living himself the incident unfolded in July 2008 during a high-profile police chase that culminated in Jackson’s arrest he asserted he was rushing to help a friend contemplating unal living himself something that Jackson actually managed to prevent that day addressing why the

Reported claims of a woman suffering a miscarriage during the car chase Jackson clarified that she actually experienced it 2 days before the incident despite what the media reports suggested he argued that she attempted to profit by suing him but an insurance investig exposed her deception leading to no compensation initially facing multiple

Felonies Jackson reached a plea bargain for lesser charges completing community service Jackson used the recent statement to condemn the media’s attempt to constantly undermine Fighters and sensationalize events that have yet to be proven Colby wasn’t going to be cut col’s character kind of fell apart leading into his kamaru Usman fight he

Would start to reveal in interviews that it was all kind of an act and that he was turning things up on purpose to sell more pay-per-views he would would go on to an episode of the Candice Owens Show where he would confirm that the reason he did this was because before his fight

With top three Damen Meyer the UFC told them of their intentions to cut the rising star as he had a boring fighting style and didn’t sell tickets it’s a well-known part of his story and so at this point I won’t bother rehashing it but essentially the conspiracy goes one

Of two ways one the conversation with the UFC actually never happened and Colby just uses it as an excuse to be a [ __ ] or two it did but they were just trying to get Colby to fight a bit more aggressively and stop crotch sniffing as much the evidence for this

Is that firstly he had already started to change his character a little bit before that fight and secondly why the hell would the UFC cut a fighter after they just gifted him a top three fight it makes literally no sense and so this is one of those conspiracies that I

Actually believe it’s a shame that kby had to burn a million Bridges throughout this whole Shard finger in the rim one such bridge that he burnt was that of the queen of simps herself poana VI after kobby had been ban from American top team he would make his way over to

MMA Masters in Florida here he would spark up a highly speculated romance with poana after the pair would share cute little comments with each other on Instagram well it didn’t take long for Kobe to chucker under the bus in one of the worst ways possible clapping back

Poana would suggest that Colby enjoys a finger in the old number two Sano and Krauss Laura Sano has become a prominent member of the UFC family and is quickly becoming everyone’s favorite broadcaster on the desk she is a former professional fighter herself Al it with just one

Fight but she still regularly trains at her gym of choice Glory MMA also training out of that gym is former women’s featherweight title Challenger Megan Anderson the pair together would host a podcast breaking down fights and reviewing pay-per-views called the Aussie and fancy and you can do the math

On who’s who I’ll give you a clue though fancy 100% isn’t the 5 am well somehow Glory MMA and Laura Sano had pissed Megan off because she would in response to a Twitter troll imply that James Krauss had been banging Sano both of whom are married to separate people but

It doesn’t stop there Laura would clap back with a wonderful monologue which I shall read for you now this couldn’t be further from the truth wa to wait until MMA Twitter is trashing JK for his Fighter fighting injured just like 90% of the fighters do just cuz you want

Some Twitter clout I was there for your entire training camp for Nunez you sat out 99% of the live rounds you would ask your training Partners jokingly to let you win the round you were the laziest training partner always talking about how you were 5 minutes into drilling you would intentionally hurt training

Partners who were new and had an obvious skill Gap you broke a soccer mom’s nose in probably one of the few rounds of sparring you did outside of practice you have an alcohol problem and you were sosed a month and a half before your title fight you burned Bridges with

Every single person in the gym including the front desk guys because of how much of a headcase you are don’t forget about how kuss tored you off of the ledge before every single fight and how complimentary you were of him for changing your career and life you lose

One fight and now Everything Changes take some accountability for yourself you lost that fight the second you signed the dotted line look in the mirror that’s why you lost that fight after that 108 from Sano the beef was put to rest but that doesn’t stop the MMA Community speculating That Glory

Mma’s former head coach James Krauss is a dirty dog with several Mistresses and probably with the intentions to change the gym name from Glory MMA to Glory ho MMA usman’s Pharmacy Kamar Usman will go down as one of the greatest water weights of this generation and whilst

With age against him he has come up short in his last couple of performances that hasn’t diminished his legacy in the slightest kamaru is Nigerian born and came to the United States along with his family when he was just 8 years old and somewhere along the way ended up being

Called Marty from Nebraska kamaro’s father Muhammed took up the profession of a pharmacist and a part of his company that he formed was an ambulance service in 2009 controversy with his company would land the Nigerian in 15 years of prison after it was discovered that the company had been committing

Fraud whilst it wasn’t explicitly Muhammad’s fault because he should have been aware of what was going on the axe fell on him regardless after serving 10 years of the prison sentence kamaro’s father would be released from jail because of the usman’s ties to Pharmaceuticals many have speculated

That kamaru Usman and his brother are the CEOs of epo but neither brother has failed a drug test so there we go I guess juicy hris there was a time before the tinkering of certain testing companies where fighters of all testosterone levels roamed free alpha males allowed to grow into their full

Potential whether that was through tainted horse meat or otherwise nothing was in the way of them growing into unnatural sizes one such victim of used’s Cole that many people have speculated was on the good stuff is the man himself Johnny hris the fighter responsible for making GSP believed that he was abducted by

Aliens before coming up short against GSP Johnny was on an absolute tear he was 15 and one and looked to be a future Hall of Famer with his near perfect record his fight with GSP whilst it was a loss was anything but in the eyes of

Fans it is widely considered one of the greatest robberies this sport is certainly ever seen but he would soon get Redemption claiming the Walter W trap in a back and forth barn burner with Robbie Lawler but then well usad came along and Johnny didn’t quite look

The same ever again losing six out of his next eight and struggling with his weight cuts and so the legend goes of Juicy hris the man usada destroyed allegedly artam made proper 12 prop 12 has been a massive success for Connor netting him the majority of his wealth

At this point selling the company for around 600 million of which his cut would have been very generous the spirit is now a household name and I can’t go to a supermarket without actually seeing the stuff anymore well its Beginnings have now been muddied by former best

Friend of McGregor and goat of MMA artam the Torso lobov two two [ __ ] a man who had only managed to get himself into the UFC because of his connection to McGregor in the first place after the second Diaz fight McGregor would be approach roed by hafu bonson World’s

Strongest Man and the mountain from Game of Thrones who was offering McGregor a chance to own his own vodka product this would spark an idea in artem’s little Russian head in college artam had prepared a lecture about the history of whiskey and its Heritage with Irish people with McGregor’s fan base and fame

Coming from Ireland it made sense that instead of promoting vodka the man instead should be the front for a Whiskey Business McGregor agreed and sent artam on his way to create a deal for the double champ artam would use his connect that he made through college to

Track down the relevant people and after some months would finally broker a deal for the Irishman and well the rest is history at this point McGregor grateful for his friend’s input offered the train a coe1 million but artam refused saying that he did it because they were friends

Oh that’s cute anyway fast forward to artam presumably being broke a couple of years later and he would come out with the story that I’ve just told you and that he would be suing McGregor for not handing over a little bit of cash for aram’s troubles McGregor would not only

Respond by beating the case and getting artam thrown out of court but also some hilarious Twitter posts artam also claimed his side of the story would come out in full in his autobiography which to this day hasn’t seen the light attacking my family a previous entry on

The old Iceberg was that of Anthony Smith’s home invasion that saw a young man break and enter into Smith’s family home during a psychotic episode Smith fought with the Intruder in a gruesome scene until cops arrived it was widely covered by news outlets and serves as a

Black spot on Smith’s life when he talks of it you can clearly tell that it’s a very distressing event engaged him as fast as I could you know I got three daughters I got a wife I got a a mother-in-law uh that I’m responsible for honestly do as much damage as I

Could before I was going to succumb to whatever he had well it’s something that he carries with him even now during his May 2023 matchup with Johnny Walker Smith would say you are attacking my family while Smith never confirmed what this was about many people have choked

Up to being a mid-fight PTSD of the home invasion attacking my family what dick riding Bellator has certainly had some strange ways of promoting their fights but I don’t think anything comes as strange or as weird as the time they decided to promote something using the term dick riding have a look for

Yourself dick riding verb when you are somebody’s nuts and you just think they’re the best that’s what dick riding is it’s [ __ ] made henzo Gracie mugging henzo Gracie comes from the long and Fable lineage of the Gracies founders of Brazilian jiujitsu henzo is a Savage in his own

Right multiple BJJ world champion Legend of Pride and a former UFC fighter Perhaps it is his students that his legacy might be remembered for the most from GSP to John danaher to Chris Weidman his entry on this list though is a story that stems from September of

2013 henzo out was trying to enjoy his evening walk in New York City when he would be assailed by two men who came out of the darkness looking to mug the Jiu-Jitsu and MMA star not only did henzo start to beat the living hell out of them he would live tweet the whole

Ordeal when he gained the upper hand the two men would Sprint into the darkness from whence they came but henzo was having none of it updating his followers all the way as he pursued them into the New York City Shadows eventually bringing them to some vigilante style Justice Shamrock h a Fame controversy

There are few pioneers of this sport who have stood the test of time in terms of staying relevant becoming bastions of that more ruthless and Lawless time before commissions and unified rules one such man was Frank Shamrock hailing from the Lion Den a man who had started at

The Inception of the sport and had risen to the UFC’s first light heavyweight champion back in 1997 Frank was one of the most sellable Fighters not only did he look the part but he talked the part as well and put simply he was just a fantastic Ambassador for the sport the

Problem was he didn’t feel like the UFC cared for him he wasn’t being paid his worth and so after zua had purchased the organization Frank moved on to other promotions vacating the light heavyweight title that he had defended four times against the likes of Tito or

And Jeremy Horn he would end his career with 23 wins 10 losses and two draws after picking up titles in Strike Force in the we but he would never return to the UFC unfortunately when people talk about this story it always gets framed as Dana White being the villain and yes

He assumed control right after the time Frank left but he did so with essentially a failing business a story that we know well so paying Frank Mo was probably out of the question but the main gripe of this story is diff feuded afterwards between the two when Frank

Left he didn’t hold back speaking out against the UFC head honcho and from my perspective it was Frank who was the aggressor Decades of sour words exchanged between the pair led to Frank never being included into the UFC Hall of Fame Frank Frank Shamrock is an irrelevant jackass a place that he

Rightfully belongs as a pioneer of this Sport and so the story goes that the ever vindictive Dana White snubbed the great Shamrock out of [ __ ] but that isn’t entirely accurate see one of the other top guys in the UFC had actually managed to convince Dana to allow Frank

Into the Hall of Fame white eventually agreed that Frank belonged despite the tension between the two and so he prepared to have Frank inducted and sent an invitation out to Shamrock who also welcomed the idea after some deliberation but just a few months before his inclusion Frank would take to

The press and absolutely tear White and the UFC to shreds and well he put the final nail in the coffin his inclusion into the Hall of Fame was revoked and I mean and I’m going to say it he probably brought it all on himself John gross from the athletic wrote a fantastic

Article breaking down the whole series of events which is linked in the description but yeah what was always considered one of the greatest snubs in the sports history is actually more of a tale of a rather bitter and rather Twisted Frank sabotaging his own place in the history books but the thing is

The fights are Eternal and Frank will always be remembered for his incredible fights in the Octagon despite his brief stint in the organization vandelay and usada after a world famous runin with cha sunnon on the set of The Ultimate Fighter vandelay Silva would be withdrawn from their scheduled Grudge

Match at UFC 175 as silver refused to undergo random drug testing not suspicious at all the big drama however is that n sa decided it would be their prerogative to hand down a lifetime ban to Silver from competing in the state and the cherry on top of that was a

$70,000 fine this is all because Silvera had outright refused to do a drugs test on the spot however CH sunnon would reveal that the circumstances weren’t exactly fair to begin with nobody knew about random testing nobody knew about assada nobody knew anything about this s

Out of competition so for vand to go hey I don’t know who you are you’re not presenting ID I don’t fully understand you that’s fair yeah and vandelay talked to him and said you want me to sign a contract get my attorney on the phone show me what this thing says you know

He’s kind of going through the p and the way the story was told is that Vandal just turned and ran well that wasn’t true he stood his ground and talked to this guy for a while he said get on the phone with an attorney prove to me who

You are he did all of these things and then finally said look I got to get to a press conference I’m leaving got in his car and drove right to the MGM for the press conference now I didn’t have this backstory at the press conference but that’s what vandelay did so when the

Story came out that he turned and bolted out the back that’s not true he stood and talked to the guy he tried to reason with him vandel A’s never told calmly his side of the story and that’s his side and that makes a lot of sense even in today’s standards that makes sense

That didn’t stop enac head honcho stating when you run from a test that’s about the worst thing you can do although in my opinion the worst thing you can do is hide under the Octagon the lifetime Band still felt extremely unwarranted and caused outrage the lifetime ban would ultimately be

Overturned the following year but by that point Silva was already kneed deep in his fixing fight drama with the UFC which I explained earlier Mayhem Miller born to military parents Mayhem Miller had an unconventional start to life that would fuel his even more unconventional rise to MMA Fame his look and Antics are

What set him apart from his peers he would fight in every major organization from the UFC to Strike Force to the wec and dream but perhaps what he became most well known for was being the host of The Bully Beatdown show that was on MTV a show in which he would hunt down

Bullies and offer them the opportunity to face him for a chance to win $10,000 the show ran from 2009 to 2012 and lives in the heart of a lot of people but Miller’s time in the spotlight would slowly fade and the strange and rather outlandish burst that had made him

Famous would begin to spiral out of control into the more criminal meaning that for every single year since 2011 the man had been arrested well besides 2019 and that’s not because he took a year off committing crime crime but that’s because he was just in jail already his crimes range from vandalism

To assault domestic violence not great things in the slightest most have chalked up these criminal outbursts to Mayhem struggle with bipolar disorder I want to just plug a quick video from my boy GK where he made a very in-depth and very emotional video about a lot of this

In a 23 minute long deep dive on Mayhem Miller is worth a watch so I very Briefly summarize the entry and encourage you to head over there at the end of this video Muhammad Ali versus inoi the Muhammad Al versus Antonio an noi fight also known as The War of the

World took place on June 26th 1976 in Tokyo the bout was a highly anticipated and widely publicized match between the goat of boxing Muhammad Ali and the Japanese professional wrestler Antonio and noi the contest was unique as it pitted Two fighters from two different disciplines against each other boxing and professional wrestling respectively

The rules were somewhat ambiguous though leading to a hybrid style of competition Ali known for his boxing prowess faced inoi a skilled Grappler however the rules heavily favored Ali restricting in noi’s ability to use traditional wrestling moves and limiting him to mostly kicks the fight itself turned out

To be an unusual spectacle inoi spent much of the bout on the canvas employing a strategy of leg sweeps and low kicks to keep Ali at distance Ali in turn struggled to engage in noi due to the unorthodox nature of the match fans expected a clash of styles but the

Restrictive rules led to a contest that did not showcase the best of either Fighter’s abilities furthermore the inconclusive ending the fight being declared a draw left both sides dissatisfied Ali suffered legendaries from in noi’s kicks and the match raised questions about the legitimacy of such mixed rules contests meaning that we

Wouldn’t see the rise of MMA for much longer than probably should have Happened welcome to tier five enter the Heart of Darkness I just want to spend a quick second explaining things that have been said before and that things that will be said I will state throughout this video numerous times that things are alleged and that things aren’t my

Own opinion and that this is all done for legal reasons I do apologize if this affects your viewing experience as I do repeat myself but I do have to say it a few times so just bear with me but I think it’s fairly obvious to most people that I’m simply reporting on these

Stories and none of this is actually my own opinion this video is simply the delivery of wild [ __ ] that I found on the internet to that end in the description are links to all of my sources for these stories and links to anything that I’ve spoken about in the

Video where documented so head down there if you want to explore a subject a little bit deeper I also want to take the time to shout out Bobby for his massive help making this video he helped me with the curation of over 100 entries on this Iceberg allowing me to write

About them and include them on this video also lonel Rivera my good friend on YouTube and finally to all of you from the previous video for your help in the comments ments about what to include this time around I will be making a third video so anything you guys want to

See next time please comment below lastly I just want to apologize that considering the next two layers get extremely dark I do have to change the wording of some stuff to get past YouTube’s demonetization so sometimes you have to read between the lines of what’s actually being said so sorry

About that anyway let’s get on shall We The Immortal Matt Brown is a Bonafide legend of the UFC entering the promotion early on back in 2008 before the sport had really hit the mainstream but have you ever wondered where the legend got his nickname from well it all starts

With a fear of needles Brown didn’t have the greatest family life and found himself being different in some ways to his peers school and life came easy to him he didn’t have to try hard anything to Excel and because of his natural talent to pull ahead things were just

Kind of boring and didn’t challenge him this kind of mentality would lead to him doing some experiments of the um socially unacceptable but as these experiments grew in their sever it a friend would convince him to do something a little stronger Matt was scared of needles however and it’s

Something that you would have hoped would have stopped him from you know doing this thing but his friend was persistent and before you know it he had a life-threatening overdose after being as he called it clinically dead for over a minute he managed to return to this Mortal realm and rather fittingly his

Friends would dub him the immortal Matt Brown this experience made Matt feel like he could conquer anything and the rest of his story would play out in a way for all of us to to enjoy under the glittering Lights of the stadium locked inside of the Octagon KO after KO fight

Of the night after fight of the night Matt carved out his own piece of the history books all the while that nickname following his legacy of Bloodshed serial G dick hits sirel G paved his way to heavyweight championship title convention with his extremely fast and athletic style he

Moved like no heavyweight that we had ever seen and used that ability to great effect destroying all those who stood in his way during his Ascension of the rankings but his Nemesis in this story is the rather terrifying previously discussed linear heavyweight champ Francis enanu in their match up enanu

Would surprisingly pin the Frenchman on his ass and proceed to dominate the fight sirel not content to Simply roll over and accept his first loss he pulled out a secret move see usada have their own system of eliminating cheaters but where the hell is usaga that’s United States genital detention agency because

What you are looking at is a man uses third leg to take ground and pound to a whole new level he isn’t the first fighter to have been encouraged or even perform such an act in one of his many title fights GSP rolled into his Corner claiming that he had pulled his groin

Greg Jackson not interested in the Champs whimpering proclaimed the following I I pull my groin I don’t care I don’t care George this is where Champions remain you understand me nothing matters now hit him with your groin you got my mentality Sage advice one would say and finally what about

That time offensive groin strikes were at long last utilized in this brutal and wonderful game that’s right heavyweight dtel Mae would land significant strikes from the north south position in a glorious display of creativity Herb Dean unaroused by the situation would break up the action manager corruption every

Fighter on the UFC is represented by a manager or agency some managers or agencies have over 300 UFC athletes on their roster the managers at the top haven’t changed in a very long time you know some of them because that’s how prominent they are perhaps not by name

But certainly by face you have from Ali abdelaziz to Mali CWA but in a recent video released by mmai he claims that there is a certain level of corruption eating away at not only the UFC but MMA as a whole and it all starts with Jason house the head honcho of aridium who

Manages such Fighters as Brandon Marino and Korean zombie he built his huge roster of over 300 Fighters by not only being apparently great at his job but also being in the good graces of the UFC top dogs most noticeably the acclaimed sha Shelby the Matchmaker of the divisions 170 and Below aridium grew

This staggering number of UFC fighters through Dana White’s Contender Series this was something that intrigued mmai and his data analyst background so he did the rather tedious and rather grueling task of labeling every single fighter who had passed through Dana White’s Contender series and whether they had been managed by aridium at the

Time or not and well the numbers speak for themselves Jason house was involved in getting a fighter onto Dana White’s Contender series working alongside sha Shelby at a staggering rate of one in two fights or 24% of the fighters that Shawn put into matchups mmai directly calls out whether this is evidence for

Managers not doing their jobs either effectively or ethically the reason he calls this out will shock you and the other 55 minutes of this video is well worth a watch but just remember this is M’s own opinion and research I do not have an opinion or agree or disagree

With this Melting Pot and the reason that I’m keeping this to a bit of a hook for M’s own video is because not only is it very interesting but it’s also very conspiratorial and uh a boatload of data analytics to go along with it and it’s something that I’m definitely not

Willing to get sued over yel Romero is a Cuban experiment so this is one for the conspiracy books also but the title of this entry does speak for itself many people speculate that yel Romero in all his terrifying form might possibly be a Cuban experiment the evidence well I’m

Glad you asked a doctor was once quoted as saying that yoel’s tendons in his eyes were four times larger than any human should be and that his body was unlike anything he had ever seen Cuban wrestling prodigies from a young age are separated from other youths and placed

Into grueling programs that produce some of the best wrestlers the world has ever seen it has long been rumored that in these child camps that they are pumped full of special substances resulting in the well rather terrifying looking men like rero Valentina is a KGB spy I’m

Going to kind of lump these two entries together because they are somewhat outlandish in nature but the theory goes that Valentina a woman highly trained not only in martial arts but Marksmanship as well as knowing multiple languages and being the vessel for many simps to live their Twisted fantasies is

That amongst all of this she is in fact a KGB spy sent from Russia to infiltrate the Western world only problem with this Theory despite Patrick Gia’s best attempts to sell it is that Kazakhstan declared independence from the USSR long long ago but perhaps as the theory goes

Just maybe Valentin Ina is a spy or a former agent of the government it’s up for you to decide fight story Angela Lee made her debut in 2015 with a slick armar and from there her career would be utter domination along the way she would claim the inaugural one atomweight world

Championship and defended her title twice in 2017 but toward the end of the year she would have one of her title fights scrapped after she had fallen asleep at the wheel of her car crashing off the side of the road she walked away with minor injuries and a concussion and

Came back in 2018 where she would defend her title one more time after this in 2019 she would move up and attempt double Championship status by taking on Jong Jen Nan for the strawweight title but ultimately falling short she would ultimately move back down to atomweight

In the same year defending her title of following two times in the years to come most notably against stamp faex Angela Lee is a part of a wider family of successful martial artists born to MMA practitioner parents who had their own gym all of Angela Lee’s siblings began

Training at a very early age age Angela would have great success in her own right her brother Christian Lee would also Join one Championship becoming a double champion at lightweight and multi-weight respectively and finally their youngest sister Victoria would also become a one Championship fighter in fact she is the youngest ever fighter

To join the organization at just 16 the family looked Unstoppable and they clearly came from an unbelievable pedigree watching them fight and grow their family Legacy was always spectacular on boxing day of 2022 the MMA Community was would be flawed with the tragic news that Victoria had sadly

Passed away at the age of 18 it was a truly horrible time as heartfelt condolences rolled in for the morning Lee family a family that had dominated one championship for years and had held a prominent role in the organization fell into silence and we understandably wouldn’t see them again for a very long

Time in September of 2023 Angela Lee would write an article for players Tribune entitled resilient and the opening passage read as follows my my name is Angela Lee pooi I am 27 years old I am a wife a mother a sister a daughter a world champion a fighter a

Survivor and I know that that might sound like the start of any standard interview that I’ve given over the years and that’s not what this is it’s taken me a long time to get to this place but I’ve now reached a point where I’m comfortable and confident enough to

Speak the full truth 6 years ago my car crash in November 2017 was not an accident it was a Angela in an extremely emotional and raw article would then proceed to detail her struggles the twists and turns of the darkest period of her life as the pressures of being one of the greatest

Female athletes in the world pulled at the seams of her mental health she would also discuss her new nonprofit organization fight story that aimed to promote mental and physical wellness through the fight game then in perhaps the most heartbreaking Twist of all Angela Lee would state in the article

That the day that we lost Victoria was not an accident at all and that she had actually un alived herself it’s just a devastating turn and the way that Angela discusses it is truly heartbreaking the pain and suffering that the family must have endured in September of 2023 just

Before stamp and her opponent would walk to the circle to fight for the inrim atomweight crown Angela Lee the current reigning Champion would make a special announcement in the ring it was one of the most emotional moments this sport has provided and those familiar with her story and recent struggles and the

Family’s Legacy as a whole I am sure would have been equally flawed by the relinquishing of her title in the pursuit of a higher purpose Angela Lee now fights for something more than a championship Crown her charity fight story will now have an important place for all those struggling with mental

Health I hope all those that have been touched by these tragic sets of events will be offered some light admidst that great darkness and I pray that Angela’s path forward can save many people from their suffering Angela Lee’s career is actually the topic of my next video and

I look forward to covering it in great detail fight story Angela’s amazing nonprofit is linked in the description below if you wouldd like to donate to her amazing cause Alexander ailano when it comes to the debate of who the goat of MMA is there is often just a handful

Who compete for the widely debated Crown from cha sunnen to Jon Jones to GSP amongst these names is that of fedal amelan enko for newcomers of the sport Post McGregor era he might serve as a faint whisper in the shadows of MMA law but for those who know this game well

They hold Fedor in extremely high regard But the spot on this Iceberg list is reserved for his brother a man more well known in the MMA world for his rather different lifestyle Alexander a Milenko was also an MMA fighter competing in such promotions as pride and M1 but not

Attaining the same lofty Heights as his esteemed brother in May of 2014 amilon enko faced accusations of assault and essaying his former housekeeper and subsequently stealing her passport in order to keep her prisoner despite the charges Ian enko maintained his innocence and asserted that the accounter was consensual on May 19th

2015 he was convicted of sa and received a 4 and a2e prison term along with a $1,000 fine after serving just a year and a half ailon enko was granted Parole in October of 2016 and subsequently made a return to MMA competition in 2017 Alexander has also been associated with

Chin dictator kadirov a man who his brother Fedor has spoken out against and in retaliation to f ‘s words his daughter would be physically assaulted creating more tension between the brothers in 2019 after promising to be a lore Abiding Citizen Alexander would crash his gold covered Mercedes Under

The Influence Fedor would close the relationship with his estranged brother sealed with the following statement for me today Alexander is dead he is disappearing but I pray that he will come back to life and be found let him first apologize to Those whom he essayed insulted offended and cheated on money

Help Alexander do you know how old he is do you know for how long I have attempted to help him for a long time now now the best help is not to help him Kaden Cormier Daniel Cormier will go down in the history books as one of the

Greatest mixed martial artists of all time the second ever simultaneous double champ and now he’s enjoying a fruitful career as an analyst on the commentary team for the majority of UFC events cormier’s Ascension to MMA greatness though has a rather sad and devastating background I call the highway patrol

They told me uh that there was an accident on the highway and uh that three people were injured but there was only one fatality and it was her just some guy being irresponsible not paying attention the baby strapped in exactly as she’s supposed to be the

Guy bangs into the back of the car she died at the scene we barricaded and Ken in Texas I just remember her casket being so so small so small I just remember her in a casket and just not understand why stuff like that keeps happening it is a little

Well-known part of cormier’s History a man who has had his fair share of tragedy during his life but his fight fans I’m sure we are all glad that he was able to honor the name of his daughter by becoming one of the best athletes this sport has ever known Derek

Lewis KKK just before the heavy weight star and former title Challenger drick Lewis would turn to a career in mixed martial arts he would be serving a 5-year prison sentence but the story that led to him being incarcerated is little known Derek would violate the terms of his probation back in 2005

After he was slammed with an aggravated assault charge while still in high school after being out in town Lewis would roll up on an alleged member of a certain white- hooded pointy hat hate group who was wielding a shotgun unsurprisingly the member said some unsavory things to which Lewis responded

By giving him an ass whooping of a lifetime I’m sure you don’t have to imagine too much what that would actually look like Lewis recently reflected on this period in his life to MMA junkie saying the lifestyle I was living I didn’t really care if it wasn’t

For MMA I’d be doing a lot worse stuff than I have been doing Lewis would ultimately only serve three and 1/2 years of the five and shortly after leaving the jail cell bars behind he would enter his first MMA gym the Catalyst for the brutal Knockouts to

Come Jesse on fire reality star Jesse on fire as an MMA YouTuber knowing for his rather ridiculous clickbait titles screaming at his audience until he turns the same color as his hair and being Brendan shar’s best friend I like Jesse he’s one of the boys and he’s been

Making great content for a fair few years now and is always willing to shout out his peers and give props where they are due so God bless him but did you know that before his success on YouTube Jesse was out here on reality TV shows yes plural shows Jesse would first hit

The big screens in the reality TV show hitched or ditched in which Jesse would end up marrying his lady surprisingly and despite what most people think about these TV shows they are happily married 15 years later with children then secondly Jesse would from what I can

Assume try to get another show off the ground that would follow him and his company Major League fantasy trying to make it in the industry whilst I would like to sit here and rip him for such a well self-indulgent thing the episode is actually pretty eye openening and you

Have to give it to Jesse that he’s on that grind but you wouldn’t see me dead on a reality TV show I don’t get it I especially wouldn’t pay to get one made about me which is what looks like is happening in this episode anyway um they’re Linked In the description if you

Want to check them out uh and like I say that one that he made himself is actually pretty good anyway if you haven’t checked out Jesse on Fire’s YouTube channel already he does have some close connections in the MMA space and does frequently drop news that has

Yet to hit the Press Phil Bron Phil Bron was offered a permanent spot in the UFC after a massing and undefeated 3 and0 middleweight streak back at the turn of the Millennia but unfortunately would stumble in his day to Matt lindland whilst he would find some success he

Would ultimately be booted from the organization after going three and five his career after that would be back and forth fighting in organizations such as one pride and Strike Force well at the start of last year Phil’s Legacy would take a turn for the worst at the age of

46 Baron would be arrested in Mexico after beating his girlfriend to death during a heated argument in a San Pancho Hotel the incident reportedly occurred when Bron Under the Influence threw his girlfriend into the shower in a fit of rage resulting in a fatal head injury according to Barone the argument

Escalated after his girlfriend confessed to cheating on him after throwing her into the shower Bron claimed she slipped hitting her head again when she fell despite assisting her onto the bed allegedly she remained unresponsive Baron told authorities he covered her with a sheet and when she failed to wake

Up he sought help from the police when officers arrived they found her naked on the bed displaying multiple signs of beatings and no Vital Signs she would ultimately pass away and Bron is now Behind Bars truly a fool from some kind of Grace Paradigm corruption Tony Ferguson is well known for his legendary

Winning streak at lightweight one that saw him not only rise to be a fan favorite but also become the boogeyman of the division people were genuinely terrified of facing him before about just ask Justin gatei who admitted as much I’m facing my fears right now and I

Think the problem was he was never given an Undisputed title shot at lightweight and was many consider him to be the champ during this period especially after claiming the intrm championship the fact is on paper he was never under disputed he was made especially weird after his famous ACL injury that would

Have his interim title stripped only to have his return fight on the same card as the Undisputed bout between the returning McGregor and kabib N magedov obviously that fight was the biggest event to ever happen but the fact remains one man deserved to be fighting for that title and the other didn’t in

The past four or five years Tony has been quite vocal about being screwed over by the UFC but also his former management company Paradigm Sports and when we dig a Little Deeper a level of corruption becomes a apparent see Paradigm famously manages their main star Connor McGregor a man who not only

Shares the same representation but the same division as Ferguson many people including Tony have come to the conclusion that Paradigm have specifically blocked Tony from getting a title shot because it would have gotten in the way of McGregor but also that Paradigm had convinced Tony to take

Fights and remain active much to the detriment of not only his career but his health also it’s fairly obvious to see from a bird’s eye view that his career was massively mismanaged he joins people like Bal and Leon Edwards who had to go on incredible win streaks to gain a

Tance of what they actually deserved Tony unfortunately fading past his Prime and ultimately losing everything then in May of 2022 Tony would revealed that he had begun to pursue legal action against Paradigm for this exact reason whilst much hasn’t been shared on this matter I’m sure there is a large battle going

On behind closed doors Tony would suggest that not only is Connor represented by Paradigm but in fact he owns a portion of the company which would bring a whole new level of [ __ ] to the problem of have proven true this is all speculation and we have

To wait for the court battle to know what is going on and who was involved with Tony’s messy career UFC fighter knows DB Cooper DB Cooper an elusive and mysterious figure etched his name into the annals of criminal law on November 24th 1971 seizing control of Northwest Orient Airlines flight 305 Cooper calmly

Demanded a $200,000 Ransom and four parachutes after securing his demands he directed the plane to fly over some rugged terrain on the Pacific Northwest where he parachuted into the night disappearing Without a Trace The Audacity Of His midair Heist and the calculated Precision of his actions left investigators and the public alike

Bewildered despite an exhaustive Manhunt and a series of Investigations spanning decades the true identity and fate of DP Cooper remains elusive the mysterious hijackers Escape into the dense forest of Washington state has spawned numerous theories ranging from his successful appearance to an unsuccessful Landing leading to his demise the absence of

Conclusive evidence has only fueled the legend of DB Cooper with books documentaries and amateur sleuths attempting to decipher the truth behind one of the most daring unsolved crimes in American history well that was until a certain loudmouth American Gangster opened his mouth that’s right it’s time for another one of chel sonnen’s Tall

Tales I’ll let chel explain how he knows who Deb Cooper is D I got the whole story I got the whole story they don’t know who he is I didn’t know I sounded weird I just know who DB Cooper is I grew up in Oregon he left from the

Portland airport he jumped out near Seattle he went into a wooded area which is where the real DB Cooper was raised he hunted there he lived there every summer for 32 Summers nobody could survive that nobody could make it out nobody knew that terrain unless it was

Your backyard because you happened to be Indian it happens to be to Indian Land these things can all be confirmed none of these things will I will talk I won’t give you the name but I’ll give you two piece of evidence that the FBI has that they’ve never told you and I’m waiting

For you to ask me politely and perhaps absent of the name I will tell you so it’s up to you if you believe the man with the greatest charms and the biggest arms but to me this certainly stinks of fabrication judoka not invited as was previously discussed in the first part of this

Iceberg UFC 1 served as an infomercial of sorts for the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu system ho Gracie winning that tournament would send viewers of the pay-per-view or the subsequent VHS tapes scrambling to their closest grappling school to learn this crazy martial art that could seemingly beat guys three times the size as

Yourself well many have come to believe that because this idea of it essentially being an advert for BJJ that when they were getting the participants of the tournament together they specifically left out jidoka practitioners because not only would they somewhat be aware of the techniques involved due to the

Sports sharing some similarities but also that the jidoka practitioners would more than likely be extremely hard to take down and well if you’re going to buy into the conspiracy that UFC was was indeed an infomercial then I think it follows quite nicely that the Gracies purposely avoided allowing jidoka

Practitioners to enter the tournament khil R tre’s Dad K rree Jr certainly has a fan favorite style and his journey from a 300b mess of Dr Pepsi and fast food to a chiseled wrecking ball is most definitely inspirational but did you know that his father was a famous Band

Tour manager that was murdered rodri khil rry age 36 was shot and killed in May of 1992 during a struggle with three men at an elevator at the G quarters Suites hotel in the Posh neighborhood streeterville where rodri and the band that he managed were staying rre and

Assistant were confronted by three men at an elevator and were shot rry was hit numerous times and killed the assistant was wounded in the knee and managed to make a full recovery he would say on the matter khil was just explaining to me that he caught three guys trying to get

Into his room and we were going to try and take them downstairs to security that’s when they started swinging and then they started firing the assistant said it was possible the three men described as being clean cut new rry handled large sums of money since he cashed the checks for the performers

Whilst on tour however most of rri’s cash was already gone since performers had already been paid Edmund tax evasion ah Edmund the man of head movement the slimy looking Freakazoid that is only really known for training Ronda and also detraining Travis Brown well Edmund got himself in deep trouble recently after

It was discovered that he had filed for bankruptcy just before the Holly home fight with Ronda where he claimed an annual income of 0 and ownership of only $3,000 worth of assets however it was revealed that Edmund had transferred the rights and interest of the Glendale fighting Club

To his wife a well-known tactic to hide assets from the boys in black suits Edmund and his wife were forced to pay $160,000 within a week of this being discovered which they presumably did I guess it comes as no surprise because Edmund has always been a shady guy and

Many people have speculated that Edmund had been doing some Unbecoming things MMA fans in general though will probably never forgive him for keeping Ronda locked up under his tutelage and blocking her from getting to an actual good boxing coach Jake vulgan versus Obama callouts of all kinds of Grace the

UFC Octagon Fighters jacked up on adrenaline elated after notching another win into their record from every lightweight calling out McGregor to Cormier calling out Brock Lesnar Fighters often have someone in mind while UFC lightweight Jacob vman after one of his wins decided that the best plan of action was to call out the

Sitting president at the time Barack Obama who do you want next actually Obama like wow you’re calling out a Barack Obama right now that’s pretty big that’s ballsy he’s not too bright he made a lot of lot of like the Making Home Affordable plan and then his uh

Healthc care plan someone’s got to knock some sense into that idiot well I don’t think volman was expecting what would happen next this is a transcript from an interview vman had a couple weeks later it happened on Tuesday I was coaching youth practice and then two guys came up

And one of the other coaches that was helping me out and they said that there was a cop and another guy out there waiting for me I went out there and this guy introduced himself and said that he was from the Secret Service and he wanted to ask me some questions about

Ufc1 125 and my quote he said that there were people calling into DC telling them that somebody me was threatening the president so it turns out that vman’s threat against the president did not go unnoticed and that people genuinely called to report vman for calling the president out this caused the Secret

Service to actually formally interview the young Fighter welcome to tier six this is the darkest deaths this place will become your tomb one Championship weight cut death on the 11th of December 2015 Yang jingping was cutting weight for his schedule bout the following day he was more than likely doing so in one of the more usual

Methods sauna hot bath sweatsuit anything to drop as much weight as possible but then the complications began jinping’s heart rate would increase he would lose strength and then and ultimately fall into unconsciousness he was rushed into hospital where despite the medical practitioner’s best efforts the young athlete would pass

Away the cause of death heat stroke one Championship would release the following statement after the bitter news there is nothing more profoundly tragic and sad than when a member of the one Championship family current or past passes away at this time we appreciate everyone respecting the Yang’s family

Privacy as they mourn the loss of their beloved Son and brother despite the main concern of medeor and fans being that of CTE weight cutting is certainly something that needs the spotlight shun upon it not only does it devastate the athletes body as it is put through a groeling starvation dehydration period

But it is constantly used as leverage for fighters to bully smaller opponents gaining marginal advantages at the cost of their own health and Body hours before brutal competition one Championship after the death took it upon themselves to completely overhaul their weighin practices Fighters now undergo hydration tests and along with

This every single single division was moved up 10 meaning that it is actually a lot harder to weight cut through the means of dehydration although many have suggested that there are ways to actually skirt these regulations I think that it goes without saying that something needs to be done to protect

These athletes from themselves gik veslav Datsik is a former mixed martial artist that saw him compete in promotions such as M1 where he would take on people like Andre olowski problem was he wasn’t exactly that good and from 1999 to 2006 he would has a record of 14 wins and 17 losses never

Really competing against people that were any good following this he mysteriously disappeared and many people speculated that he had probably died in a train accident however in March of 2007 Datsik would pop up again alive and well but it turns out that he had actually been apprehended for his

Involvement in a series of armed robberies targeting mobile phone shops in St Petersburg in Russia turns out Datsik was a bit unhinged and as The Story Goes had aligned himself with the Slavic Union a white supremacist organization embracing Slavic paganism diagnosed with schizophrenia he had peculiar beliefs such as Jesus being a

Mad agent and identified himself as red Tarzan The Offspring of a Slavic God puran despite his mental health condition he managed to evade criminal charges and was initially placed in a high security mental institution for treatment but Datsik wasn’t done being a wild mother trucker in August of 2010 he

Executed a daring escape from a lowlevel security clinic by tearing a hole in the wire fence using On’s hands like the [ __ ] Hulk or something he then illegally crossed the border into Norway he met with Norwegian reporters dawned in swers and declaring himself a white Warrior he as I’m sure you can imagine

Was swiftly arrested Datsik would claim to have been subjected to tortur by Russian authorities detailing the use of electrodes on his manhood and 8 months of confinement in an iron cage whilst naked and handcuffed truly horrific stuff after some time in Norway he was deported back to a prison in Russia in 200

Where after a further 5 years of jail he was ultimately released serving 9 years in total since his release from jail datk has gone on to have a lengthy boxing career even fighting fellow criminal Alexander ailano his last boxing fight was in March of 2023 Dana White is Amanda nunes’s donor well it

Wouldn’t be a tier six entry if something absolutely insane was about to be suggested and I want to state that there is zero evidence for this being true but it has now been rumored that Amanda nunes’s and her wife’s children are actually the product of Dana White’s

Um donation people think that this is the case because of how close they are frankly I think this is genuinely insane but that doesn’t stop the theory circulating and I had to include it in this Iceberg for being one of the more creative things I’ve ever heard Sarah

Mcmah Sarah mcmah is a longtime American UFC bantamweight Contender most notably fighting early in her career against Ronda Rousey her career afterwards has been back and forth in 2022 she was released from the promotion choosing to sign with with Bellator instead Sarah is also an esteemed wrestler winning gold

In the world championships and silver at the 2004 Olympics despite her fantastic career in the world of Combat Sports her life outside of the bright lights has been extremely dramatic in 1999 her 21-year-old brother was beaten unconscious kidnapped and taken to a secluded location where the kidnapper

Would attempt to execute him but the gun jammed so the kidnapper proceeded to kill him with the butt of the weapon the perpetrator would eventually be found and convicted 5 years later but this came just a month after Sarah’s life had been affected by tragedy once more

Whilst driving her Jeep in July of 2004 along with her fiance and a friend she would swerve off the road ejecting her fiance and killing him instantly Sarah would break her arm but survive Sarah would be convicted of careless driving but the loss of her loved one would be

Something that she would carry with her for the rest of her life she hasn’t really spoken about these things publicly so it’s hard to go into more detail but it’s often strange to remember that these athletes who we have watched throughout their in in credible career often holds such dark pasts her

Pain of losing two people very close to her is unimaginable the Shannon Ross conspiracy Shannon Ross was 13 and five before getting a shot on the Dana whites Contender series he would go up against Venicia Salvador a 13 and4 fellow flyweight contender in the fight Shannon

Ross would be knocked out in the second round leaving his opponent to earn the coveted contract into the UFC but just 4 months later Shannon Ross the man who had been knocked out would be making his own way to the Octagon despite the losing effort spitting in the face of

Others who have been denied entry after even winning performances on the contender series I’m looking at you Brandon lchm much like the contender series Shannon Ross would be knocked out again well no worries because how about he gets another shot that’s right Ross would be back 5 months later to fight

Once more but in a shock to no one he would get absolutely flatlined by a kid who never knocks anyone out but no dramas four times a charm Ross would be back again once more 5 months later primed and ready to get knocked out once more more which of course actually

Happened so what in the actual [ __ ] is going on here how the hell is the guy who got knocked out in the contender Series in the UFC and not only that he’s here after literally four Knockouts in a row well whilst there is no factual evidence to this and this is all just

Speculation it was later revealed that for his fight on the contender series Ross had fought with appendicitis something that the doctors did not pick up in the pre-fight medical and is something that could have actually been fatal in the fight shaking and convulsing in my hotel room my coach

Said this isn’t hunger this is something else we got down to the hospital and they CT CT scanned my stomach and yeah they said you’ve got a ruptur appendix mate and we got to go in for surgery the conspiracy goes that Dana and the UFC just offered him a contract to keep his

Mouth shut to be honest that sounds like a long shot but such as the rumor mill of Sherdog forums perhaps Dana just needs a carcass to build up some highlights for his upand comers or perhaps Dana just felt bad that he had not fought his best on the contender

Series and wanted to give him another chance well who knows but what I can say for sure is Shannon Ross needs to get the hell out of the UFC Benson Henderson audition tapes back in 2009 Dana White decided it was finally time to push overseas particularly the United Kingdom

Not only to grow the company but to find new and exciting talents to push well what better way to do this than season 9 of The Ultimate Fighter which would see everyone’s favorite loudmouth Michael Bisping coach alongside Dan Henderson the premise being that the USA and the

United Kingdom would face off well what if I told you that it has been theorized that Dana White and the UFC purposely barred better American competition from entering in order to allow the United Kingdom fighters to easily make it to the finals and subsequently win the show

Presumably to Hype up this new British talent with a false pretense well all you have to do is look at the facts three of the four finalists were British and it was fairly obvious that the British talent despite coming from a tiny ass Island far out Shan the USA

That has 100 times the amount of talent to choose from well then the rumors started flying around firstly a Benson Henderson audition tape for the show was leaked and Tyron Woodley had also come forward and said that he had submitted an audition tape for the season as well

These future Champions would have more than likely outshone the British counterpart and probably won the show which is why the conspiracy of the UFC making the competition easier for the UK Fighters has been lurking in the shadows of the corners of Reddit for a long time

UFC PR attack it is no surprise that companies will do just about anything to claw their way to the top of their particular industry and at this point in time I doubt anything would surprise the general public in terms of their techniques to do so this includes faking

Leaks from movie trailers to test footage to Accidental slips of the tongue what used to be mistakes has turned into deliberately targeted PR Moves In order to generate hype for things while the UFC all the way back in 2006 were already at this in an email that was mistakenly leaked we can read

Correspondence between the producers of The Ultimate Fighter season 4 and a UFC rep who are detailing their attempt to leak The Season’s footage to chat boards in order to generate hype you can see the photo of the email leak on screen now which shows them trying to disguise a purposeful leak as something

Accidental and so there you have it if you didn’t think so before you certainly do now for at least two decades there have been agents planted deep within the comment sections chat boards and almost every corner of the internet that are there designed to generate public chatter you honestly don’t know if that

Person on Reddit is a genuine fan or just a puppet of the fighting organization you Des L love it is a sad fact of this world that we are pushed and swayed into liking hating and loving things by Bad actors by companies churning us into their money-making

Machines the fact is whether you like it or not you probably can never be certain why a certain subject is trending any longer but even without this evidence I just shared I think that we knew it deep down all along Travis fton when you think of crazy MMA records what comes to

Mind 29 and0 khabib namam medov Jon Jones or perhaps the other way around what about losing records such as J Ellis with 15 wins and 91 losses well this story starts with Travis fton whose record is equally unbelievable 255 wins 54 losses 10 draws and one no contest a

Career that spanned from 1996 all the way to 2019 from panre to the UFC to M1 but don’t let all the winds fool you Travis spent most of his time fighting nobody’s on the regional scene collecting wins for probably $100 at a time but his stupid record isn’t what

Gets him on this list so far down the iceberg now I’m going to have to be super careful with how I word what I’m about to say but I think you can work out what the implication is on February 17th 2021 the MMA fighter with his strange record would fall into the hands

Of the law after he was discovered with CP in his possession as well as allegedly assaulting a c he was accused of allegedly trying to put the person who was younger than 18 to engage in explicit conduct for the purpose of Distributing said conduct via media if

Travis was indeed found guilty of these heinous actions the former MMA fighter would find himself potentially behind bars for upwards of 70 years after pleading not guilty Travis would be found dead in his jail cell in July of 2021 he had unived himself Travis joins people like Joe son from the previous

Iceberg video as one of the most disgusting human beings on this planet Terry ettim when you think of one of the greatest knockouts of all time what comes to mind jge Mazel spectacular knockout of Ben asrin Francis enanu sending aliser to the shadow realm well well for me it is often Terry ettim

Being sentenced to death courtesy of a spinning wheel kick from Edson baroza everything about it was perfect from Joe Rogan calling it before it happened to the absolutely Majestic execution of the kick itself but whatever happened to Terry atam well his story isn’t so great after being knocked out the UFC veteran

Would fight only twice more another loss followed by a win over EMB Bellator he would however injure his ACL during this time and unfortunately cut his young career extremely short well in 200 17 Just 4 years after his fighting career had ended Terry ettim would have a psychological breakdown which resulted

In him running into oncoming traffic in Liverpool he would attempt to dive in front of at least four vehicles of which three were single deck of buses whilst he would eventually be restrained by police Terry was seriously injured during the incident and took a very long time to recover we haven’t heard from

Him much since this ordeal but it is believed that a lot of Terry’s downward spiral can be linked to alleged CTE although this can never be proven it does unfortunately make a lot of sense that along with having a career snatched away due to injury is enough to haunt

Anyone I hope Terry’s doing all right forti’s money laundering this entry on this list is the reading and summary of an article posted by a user of the name Dogwood all opinions and suggestions are his and his alone I am simply reading his thoughts so don’t sue me Mr fatita

So the poster starts with a picture of Dana White nestled among some men they are members of the fatita family and members of the satini family the user then posts a series of back tracing family members that link the fatias to renowned Casino owners and high-profile Italian families such as the masio

Family and so the post continues to read as follows the fatita family and the masio family considered each other kin because of the marriage between Joseph Francis fatita and Sam’s sister Olivia masio the fatias became involved in the masio business due to this relationship Frank fatita II Franken Lorenzo’s father

Was founder and former chairman of Station Casinos Federal investigations linked him to a mob money skimming operation in 1985 when he was caught on an FBI wir tap stating so though he was never charged or sanctioned Missour gaming officials in 1992 refused to issue a gambling permit to station

Unless the company guaranteed fatita would have no part in its management according to published records that is this is when Frank III of USC Fame took over the business reigns from his father both Frank III and Lorenzo were working for the family business during the time

That their father was caught on FBI wir Taps the FBI wire tap trans scripts were released to the media this caused a lot of controversy in Las Vegas and the media there reported closely on it it was well known by longtime Las Vegas residents that the fatita family was

Involved in organized crime it would have been hard to keep this away from the students at Bishop Gorman High School where the fatia brothers attended and met Dana White there is little chance that this wasn’t public knowledge there too so obviously the poster Dogwood is making a lot of assumptions

About who and who doesn’t consider themselves family and what these particular families were caught up in but if you interested in reading this massive deep dive beyond what is implied here then go ahead and the link is in the description the post is pretty massive and really just backs up what he

Is trying to allege here I can’t really continue reading it because it does get extremely defamatory but what the poster is implying is that the brothers who own zufa and ultimately the UFC were in fact just continuing the legacy of their father by allegedly laundering money for the mafia through zua despite the

Accusations of the fatita brothers being money launderers for the Mafia the creator of the thread does End by copying in a comment post which actually made a bit more of a reasonable angle and that reads as follows there could be endless debate on the subject of whether the zua owning fatita Sons could

Possibly be made men even despite all the oversight and regulation involved in the gaming industry so is it conceivable Frank III and Lorenzo fatita might still be doing the bidding of some kind of Ruthless folks their father worked for when he made his initial inroads in Las

Vegas as far as being bosses of a crime family the two brothers don’t fit the stereotypical mafa da profile at all though Frank III has been referred to as Frankie three sticks before yet blending into the mainstream business world would be perfect cover if these two brothers are indeed somehow carrying on the

Family traditions and associations if the influence is more subtle less pronounced harder to track and hardly ever talked about everybody wins an investigation into the family’s recent business activity from a to zua reveals that even if the mafia stigma is no longer a factor certain moves made by the associated fatita businesses

Resemble Financial hits or shakedowns like the one they did on Pride to capture and disassemble one of their top competitors what this post is referring to is the death of Pride something discussed in the previous Iceberg I won’t go into it again but I think the death of Pride and the ruthless business

Approach that zua took with their competitor speaks more to modern-day capitalism than it does to having your heritage with the mafia personally I’m more inclined to believe in a more levelheaded Manner and anyone who believes that the fatita brothers are laundering money for the mafia must be surely joking because they definitely

Would have been caught by now Nick Diaz was poisoned continuing from a previous entry on the last Iceberg where a conspiracy suggests that GSP had in fact missed weight at his scheduled fight with Nick Diaz back at UFC 158 in 2013 Nick Diaz would continue the strange set of circumstances by later suggesting

That he had been poisoned during the Wake Up by GSP he has periodically brought this up in the years since the B most recently in 2018 during an interview with TMZ poison my IV with some kind of weird ass joke put me to sleep I never slept more than 5

Hours 3755 for 17 years I never slept more than 5 or 6 hours a night you a fight tomorrow I slept 14 hours I’m like where you put my IV dude I never had clear IV I don’t care and he has something wrong with his wraps I know

That they didn’t test us cuz they was filling up all our Pistons inside little film containers I was like I would have tested for weed that time if any all the other times was accusations GSP has actually addressed the rumors on the JRE podcast we tried to poison I was so

Scared of fighting nigia so we poison his IV but he survived so I was even more terfy you know so all the athletic commission was on my payroll so they tricked away and then I made it and it went through so I was even more terrifier so the alien abduct Me and put

A g they put the G gamma array to increase my strength like the oakk so right before I put some glass and cement in my gloves make sure and still had a crazy hard fight you know so I got to confess with nma but it’s completely insane and you know

What I am just going to say it the Diaz brothers are actually the worst when it comes to losing their fights they are always full of excuses and trying to gain little wins here and there when they lose they can be so cringy it makes

Me question why I like them so much team Lloyd Irving Lloyd Irving was an MMA practitioner and black belt in Jiu-Jitsu most known for his world championship producing team team Lloyd Irving dubbed the medal Chasers as all his students were simply the best at their craft and

They were the first non- Brazilian team to take a team World title members of this team were paid housed and fed they trained and traveled the world at no expense of their own all in the pursuit of medals and World titles they were simply the best of the best with one

Collective goal in mind domination they all lived in the same dorm type building and trained in the gym attached which does sound quite strange and well here we go in 2013 bloody elbow would begin an investigation into why members of Team Lloyd Irving were leaving the team

Why would athletes leave a place that provided a home food and all expenses and seemingly one of the greatest coaches of this generation well what author Brent brookhouse uncovered was truly disturbing he managed to get a statement from one of the former students and it reads as follows

Recently a fellow member came to me and she was burdened and confused she sought me out as a confidant a person she could trust she had been battling with a situation morally inside of her head she explained the details of secret unsolicited special physical interaction she had with her martial arts instructor

And employer she started with the question are you supposed to do anything to be a well Champion I replied yes there are sacrifices you have to make to become a world champion and you are going to have to do some things that other people won’t want to do to become

World champion she began to cry as she explained she said that when she joined the team she was given a set of rules she was told exactly how she should act every everyone on the team follows the principle of the Android and Android does what they’re commanded to do with

No question and no hesitation whatever the programmer says the Android does according to the martial arts instructor this correlates to martial arts if the coach gives a command and the athlete hesitates or questions for a moment it can cost them the match that is the importance of being an Android she told

Me whilst crying that her instructor would both ask and instruct her to do inappropriate things with him reaffirming his instructions with things like I thought you said you wanted to be a world champion and you said you would do anything I tell you to do without hesitation he would make her repeat to

Him over and over that she loved him like a script if she ever hesitated or questioned he would call her a liar and say that she didn’t really want to become a world champion and she wasn’t serious about her goals this activity went on for a couple of months and then

He asked her if she would give herself to him fully and if she would take the next step to have a full relationship with him physically that’s when she broke down and came to me she was so wrapped up and confused about the tests and hazing she came to me for guidance

And I am happy she did so that I could protect her I think but I cannot confirm that there are other victims on the team I would see the instructor sleeping in the same hotel room in the same bed as other female teammates at tournaments multiple teammates have also been called

To his room to give him massages Alone Together which I always thought was a little inappropriate considering he is their martial arts instructor after this statement was released two members of the coaching team were arrested for sa and many more senior members of the team left citing the cult-like atmosphere of

The squad Lloyd Irving disbanded the team shortly after Lloyd was never charged with any wrongdoing truly this whole situation is a [ __ ] weird thing to begin with especially all of the Android stuff whil there are a few details I’ve had to leave out and change the wording of things for the nature of

YouTube I’m sure you can understand um but this whole thing is an absolute mess Bal Muhammad so here we are the last entry on this Iceberg you’ve spent the last couple of hours and here is the bottom of the iceberg after some intense research and quite literally over 60

Pages and 30,000 words of writing no entry on this list was able to stump me nothing was ever able to leave me coming up empty-handed that was until this last entry despite traveling to the dark archives of Min tith and researching under dim candle light it has become

Clear to me nothing will ever be able to answer the question who the [ __ ] is balow Muhammad you on inside my head T night no one around just you and I I try to play you cool for you and then you smile and then I lose you run inside my

Head T night no run around just you and I I try to play you cool for you and then you smileing then I lose you are inside my head h


  1. Thanks buddy. Been watching ufc religiously since about Ronda vs holly when I was 18/19. 90% of these I knew but it was super cool seeing the extra details. EXCELLENT VIDEO

  2. I’ve came to see what kind of mma fan u are. U are definitely new to the sport and just look up the history so u can look like u know what ur talking about. But u have a lot of casual takes😅😂never new u were such a vasuak

  3. Chael Sonnen should take over when Dana leaves because he's really charismatic and the dude has literally never lost a fight.

  4. Funny you can threaten to end the teflon don but if you mention one bad word about obama the feds come knocking

  5. I dont think I remembered just how impactful TKZ's hiatus was to his career. He was right there at the cusp and possibly could have won that title ifbhe hadnt gone away.

  6. Forrest griffin has absolutely horrible social anxiety and he thought he was down on the cards so he left and Dana went and found him and told him you got no clue if you have won or lost until those cards are read plus you owe it to your apponent to stay for the card announcement and turns out he won but this isn't the first time he's done this

  7. I got one correction to a funny mistake. You described Mike Jackson as “an MMA promotion president” which is definitely not true. He got in the UFC because he knew Mick Maynard when HE (Maynard, not Jackson lol) was still president of Legacy FC when. Jackson only met him because he worked for part-time for Maynard lol. Jacksons never been the president of anything lol

  8. The amount of gaslighting over israel's steroid use/mantit is so crazy to me. I don't even blame you, it's the entire media beast.

  9. Massive eye roll at that Ariana Celeste quote. I don’t doubt that you work hard to keep in physical shape and do public events outside of the cage, but give me a break. Your occupation is to look pretty, get whistled at, and blow lame kisses into the camera, you big goofus. No need to take yourself so seriously and get so offended.

  10. a decent amount of repeats from the last video, but not enough to be annoyed, cruz poster, smith home invader, just in case u forgot maybe

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