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Liverpool vs Norwich live watchalong with Craig Houlden in the FA Cup 4th Round

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#Liverpool #LFC

He M Oh I E What is up my friends it is match day how are we have we all gotten over the news year no you haven’t of course you haven’t and how could you you know it’s uh still playing in my mind as well but yeah look it’s uh it’s Matt day so we

Get a distraction we get to watch the Reds play some football which is nice because I certainly know what we’ve all been thinking about for the last day or two so look the team news is in my friends we will go through it momentarily the game between West Brom

And Wolves at the minute is uh well fair to say postponed for the time being anyway because of a little bit of Ary Bary between the fans a great luck for football once again so well done and thank you to all those people for uh making football look like scum Yes again

Great well done thank you for that folks we’re good I’m uh I’m happy with the team but you know what it’s a lot stronger than I thought it would be uh I’m disappointed in those at uh the game making football look bad once again but hey ho

I I this is I don’t like it when football looks bad because people can’t control themselves uh can the club stop putting at the team by numbers and do it by positions oh mirus laav I hate it mate it’s horrible isn’t it yeah I’m with you I’ll second that one whoever

This uh whoever is responsible for this new fad of putting the team now by numbers it’s ridiculous we all hide it no there’s none of us that enjoy it really so let’s have a look at the team anyway and see where we go from there uh

So Allison in goal and then right back Connor Bradley left back Joe Gomez derel K Quanza and Ibrahim Canady are your center backs for today uh McConnell in Midfield with Curtis Jones and Ryan grenberg then up top it’s the do you know what it’s a lot stronger than I

Thought it was going to be um I’m having a look here at the Wolves game and Gary O’Neal the Wolves manager is still there in the tunnel as they’re trying to figure out what’s going on whether they’ll resume the game or not uh this is almost like a premier

League lineup said adamus it is it’s a very strong lineup and as I was mentioned a moment ago a little bit stronger than than I thought uh quick question for everybody if you would be so kind is the Draw 2 o00 for the FA Cup in which case it’ll be interesting know

Our potential opponents before the game I think it’s at uh 2:00 someone’s saying lag oh why don’t there’s nothing I can do there folks sound being weird let me check my mic settings just to make sure the microphone one sec so bear with me folks any

Better I uh nothing’s wrong at my end it’s all coming through absolutely fine at my end so I can’t uh it was just buffering a bit yeah apparently it was just a bit of buffering sorry it’s uh all good at my end cool we’re good we’re good yeah

Sorry about that I have a new router that I need to install as well so I’ll get that done later on and um apologies cool we’re back anyway apologies folks for that one H what was I saying anyway I think I was talking about the yeah I’m with you all on that

One I’m not a big fan of the team putting the numbers out but or putting the team out in numerical order it’s h it’s a lot better if we can go by position isn’t it but we have we think figured it out what the line up is as

You can see on your screen there now we reckon is J gakpo Darwin obviously in those three up top uh then it’s going to be McConnell in the holding role today with Jones and graen Burke ahead and then in the back four Bradley Canady K Quanza and Mr Joe

Gomez uh the bench yeah no problem mate let me one sec we’ll go to thata Bud it’s kellerer van djk Diaz uh soly Elliot Robertson Trent Alexander Arnold Beck and something’s missing and Bobby Clark yeah sorry something was missing from that number was covered up for me but

Yes that’s your bench uh we we don’t know gakpo left gakpo Center it won’t be left I don’t think um I think it will be uh Theo sh for anyone who’s still going on about the sound just refresh just hit refresh uh why is your and no question I

Don’t know dude why is my that that is the big question isn’t it of the day why is your and why is my is Mack injured no I would say just um rotated for those of you still talking about the mic just refresh it we you’re

You’re a minute behind the rest of us in that problem where’s macka I would say either have an arrest or you know I didn’t expect them to start this FA Cup game I wouldn’t be too concerned uh at least I don’t know of any injuries or illnesses

For um MAA but look it’s the FA Cup game and we’ve got a big game on Wednesday so I would imagine this is just root ation from the manager yeah just looking against the bench it’s kellerer van djk Diaz OB Elliot Robertson Clark Beck and Trent that’s on that’s our bench

Today yes mate the game is at anfield I mean weird questions is the game at anfield little quick Google search or I don’t know have a look at any app and it’ll tell you who’s the home team uh macka off to a nightclub tonight oh did you see that with rashford oh

Here Lads imagine calling in sick for training on Friday cuz you’re out in the Lash in a nightclub in Belfast I mean man going around like a poundland George best trying to make out like he’s uh I don’t know a superstar you’re no George best there Marcus you’re no George best

Uh hello Craig I’ve been picking my brains ever since klopp resigned do you think the reasons we went for coedo is that there is a deal to bring der Zerby in plus the when he didn’t join no I don’t think it was anything to do with a

Deal to bring der Zerby in and if it was just you know gone by your own thought process wouldn’t kiso have come if we had that in the motion and he had a manager who was already working with coming to the club it probably would have made it easier to get him in

All honesty so no I don’t think that was it um so a couple of things have come out over the past day um and by come back I mean look written in articles by journalists uh good piece in the atletic yesterday about the whole situation uh partly his

Wife AA had to talk him out of quiton last year that was the on the rounds today and um the conversation that happened in November everybody apparently inside that room Knew by looking into uran’s eyes that he was serious about needing a break and wanting to to rest up uh also

Even though he’d signed a contract to 2026 the piece I read in the atletic suggest said that there was an unspoken deal that it would be 2025 when he left or not unspoken but uh there was a year it was a 2025 contract with a year

Extension on it if Club wanted it but realistically we were probably looking at 2025 for urgen to leave according to that piece um and a few other bits and pieces around that over the last 24 48 hours and look what gets me is and nobody’s going to change my mind on this

Nobody I don’t see the the positive aspect of the timing I don’t I don’t see it I don’t understand it it’ll never make sense to me and it’ll never not be a distraction more so then I know that you can’t conduct a search of the nature you need to in

Private it’s impossible to do that if you’re looking for a manager I get that but I don’t understand the timing now it just doesn’t make sense to me I don’t like it I think it’s going to be a distraction I think it’s going to I know everyone’s looking at the positive

Aspect of it and that kind of the Last Dance scenario but it can also be an easy getto a jail card for poor performances or you know why should I play for you if you know I know you’re here at the end of the season all

This stuff I I don’t like it I don’t I don’t I respect jurgen’s decision of course but I don’t like the the way it was put out why has anybody talked about Hy flick as penil because he’s not good enough probably Frankie is is number one

Like there’s a couple of things that I think people don’t understand or not understand that’s not fair of me to say um you can’t just be a good football manager to be Liverpool Football Club manager it I know that sounds a little bit contradictory but you can’t there’s

A bit more to being the Liverpool Football Club manager than being just a good football coach it’s your standing as a person it’s how you carry yourself it’s your gravitas it’s your stance on certain subject there’s a lot to go into the perfect Liverpool manager like Juran is

Pretty much there’s a lot of other stuff that goes along with it and Hy flick to me is just nowhere near the the right candidate for the job it’s uh it’s it’s Javy Alonzo’s job that’s the way I look at it that’s the way I think most of the

Media are looking at it if Lonzo you even start to see that Bayern Munich coming around talking about already getting rid of Tu because they want Alonzo it’s Alonzo is the one go get Alonzo that’s the answer to this question and I know people are going to

Push back and say that he hasn’t had all the uh he hasn’t had the experience fair enough but he uh he’s the guy for me and there’s nobody else is going to come close to being a good fit for me uh I’m scared that we might be the

Next United said capalot Luca uh we’re a far better we’re in a far better structural position now there’s a lot to be said bringing in the right sporting director and that’s going to be really important um that’s the one that that’s actually the one that I’m a bit more intrigued by

To see who the club do look to bring in as a sporting director and I think the reason why I’m most intrigued by that is because it’s almost like a secretive position to some extent and that we could all have our say on who the best

Manager is going to be but the idea of us all knowing who the best um who the best sporting director is going to be that’s a bit more of a a noodle scratcher I’m I’m not sure about that what about Gerard yeah what about Gerard mate Steven J I’m I’m probably

More qualified for the job at this rate than Steven Gerard um so yes no no thank you for Ste Steven Gerard would give anything for Michael Edwards to come back yep but he’s part of that new uh Dr inan gra business of uh consultancy Michael Edwards is working with Dr in

Gra I think in that consultancy company so yeah unfortunately that won’t be a possibility by the looks of it draw is in 15 minutes brilliant so we will know before the game who we’re going to be playing uh if we get through so let’s see what pops up in the draw

It’s going to be an interesting one any shouts any suggestions for the uh for the FA Cup draw I’m going to go who am I going to say right I’m going to go big I’m going to say in the FA Cup draw we’re going to get a Manchester Derby not for us

Obviously but between the two Ms and then I think Liverpool will get I’m going to go big say we’re getting Maidstone away so we’re get Maidstone away in a Manchester Derby that’s my predictions for the FA Cup draw uh I think I’ve got some more chats

To go through Benjamin how are you sir interesting point around the timing I agree I didn’t like the word surrounding singing of his song and about not singing been about him that was a joke Benjamin I think that the singing of the song part to me came across as humor

From Club more than anything maybe I read that wrong but that was my interpretation and Alexis joined for Klo Alexis is off today can create paranoia um and Canada as well there was a piece that came out say Canady was convinced to join Liverpool by looking in klopp’s

Eyes on a on a video call to convince him to comeing he said he’s just seen the sincerity in uran’s eyes uh Flynn how are you mate in from peterb look there’s going to be a lot of paranoia and stuff Benjamin and rightly so over the next while maybe because

We’re all feeling a little bit knock for six at the minute you know I’m certainly still I don’t know how I feel mate I’ve I’ve been going around in a bit of a tizzy a bit of a days since uh since the news came out honestly when Friday’s

News broke and I if I start getting down into a RT about it and I’m not going to lie to you mate this is probably the worst news I could have got from a Liverpool perspective from my personal standpoint it’s um I feel heartbroken about it in all

Honesty mate cuz you know you can look at you can look at me over the years and see that the only one consistency I’ve ever had as Club I’ve never I’ve moaned about players I’ve I’ve screamed about this that and the other but I’ve always always always said

That there was a spike by the way there was a spike there I seen it on my screen um and it wasn’t necessarily even at my end but there was a spike and I seen it come up on my screen but it’s nothing I can do about

It unfortunately it is just a lag that happened through YouTube and there’s nothing I can do about it but anyway to get back to what I was saying because all I can do is really talk through this while it’s happening um the uran’s been the one constant that

Made me feel like no matter what else happens juran’s going to be around and juran’s going to make as cheesy as this sounds juran’s going to make everything better and right now nobody’s making it better you know I’m really feeling numb about it all and uh sad to

Be honest with you hasn’t processed yet hasn’t yeah look it’s been nine years of consistency nine years of emotion N9 years of gratitude for the work that he’s done um T break and stuff yeah it is thank God there’s football today to distract us um jabby has a tough decision to make

Three of the top teams want to manage them well now he doesn’t really have that big of decision cuz Real Madrid’s job isn’t available so Bayern look if you’re Thomas T now at Bayern Munich you’re going that’s great thanks there great reading that everybody else wants

Me replaced in my job um but yeah I think between Liverpool and Bayern I would like to believe he has a stronger connection to Liverpool but I don’t know um I just know that it’s definitely hit me in a big way the whole club thing something look it’s easy for us to

Be conspiracy theorists because this to us seems like a a bolt from the blue right but I’m genuinely uh really saddened by it all it’s it’s really hit me hard probably the same as the rest of you to be fair sorry I’m just uh going back through some settings here on my

Computer folks bear with me jabby can go to any club in my opinion yeah look the consensus from everybody and you know I’ve been reading a lot over the past few days you know you see Jamie carer’s thoughts on it you hear the guys in the anfield rap talking

On it you know everyone’s had their say on it and I think most of us are feeling that the correct appointment would be Alonzo but we aren’t John W Henry we don’t own the football club uh it just feels like whatever the process is that they go through and I understand that

There will be a process and that process seemingly will be the sporting director the first to be appointed I certainly hope that the answer ends up being Javi Alonzo because right now I honestly feel like job number one is to get the fans back on not not back on side sorry that

Sounds wrong is to win the fans back around and give us positivity and give us something to cling on to to look forward to to get our teeth stuck into and you know as much as it might sound a bit weird I feel like the heartstrings

Need to be pulled on here and Alonzo certainly does that so I would uh I would very much feel better about the world if Alonzo I knew was coming in after and also I don’t know about you guys but for me the sooner we get the

Name the quicker we can get back to focusing on where we’re where we’re at with the football so I think if we knew next week Alonzo was the manager it won’t happen that quick but if we do next week I feel like we could all get

Back to enjoying the rest of uran now and not have the uncertainty hanging over our heads CU that’s going to be at least with me it’s not a good thing in my life if I have uncertainty uh Benjamin said I don’t want to harp on about urgen as this is last comment on

It but honestly did not see where he goes to me’s Liverpool manager and Underdog builder of clubs with passion he fits us so immediately there was lot of talk about Barcelona yesterday right because Javi came out and said that he’s leaving the club at the end of the season and barcel

Will have to hunt down a new manager but will that be urgen klopp I doubt it because look at it this way if klopp took any job without taking the year off immediately the first thing all of us are going to think is what happened to needing the

Break what happened to the energy levels so I think I I don’t know what to think about uran’s decision you know I leave it to him you know it’s his life he owes us all nothing we owe him a huge dead of thank you but yeah something about it doesn’t feel

Right and I wonder if we’ll ever hear if there is anything and I don’t want to try and guess what it might be because we don’t know I don’t know I’ve got no idea uh let’s enjoy the last three four months of clop I think we we could do

That but it’s the uncertainty that’s going to be the killer for me and if we know who the manager is going to be I feel like it’ll be a lot better um whatever happens we all know that any negative result any poor performance between now and the end of the season the conversation’s

Going to turn in one way and that’s going to be around the managerial situation so yeah let’s just get to Football let’s talk about the football and what we’re going to look forward to today so there’s a massive week in our season today look you would think that

Liverpool should have enough today to get through this tie uh will know by the time we we finish the game or by time we kick off who we might be playing in the next round if we get through but after that like Wednesday huge game in the season massive game taken on Chelsea

Then Sunday taken on Arsenal two absolutely monstrous games in our campaign and look you’re going to get to people saying Wednesday you know will be a Prelude to the uh League Cup Final don’t care don’t it’s not about that for me on Wednesday don’t care about the

League Cup till February the 25th to Wednesday’s is about making sure we get three points to stay top of the league that’s it the narratives around what might happen in the final that can come again right now it’s just about points and making sure that we keep

Momentum uh what channel a game on I’m watching it on Premier Sports too but I honestly don’t know what other channels it’s on in the UK um I don’t know is the honest answer I have but on premier sport too where’s MAA uh probably having arrest in all honesty mate you know lots

Of football to be played this season uh ITV thank you guys ITV is what the good people in the chat are saying um the Draw 2 o’cl mkar 2 o’clock is believe the draw so we should get some news on that I don’t know what channel’s

Going to be doing the draw but when I figure it out I will turn the draw on so we can go through it don’t worry uh klopp’s daughter had a baby recently do they live in England or Germany I believe he wants to take a break and

Spend more time with a kid uh not sure is the answer I would I don’t know where klopp’s daughter lives but look you know if he’s a Granddad and he wants to spend some time with a baby that’s completely understandable you know um does anybody else have suggestions

For the manager that aren’t Ur or excuse me oh god look I’m still thinking CL that aren’t jaby Alonzo cuz you know what I got to be honest maybe I’m on my own here I’ve talked myself out of derer already I think my derer showout lasted

All of 6 hours and then I talked myself out of Roberto derer by the time uh that night came around but the time I finished my streams with you guys that day sat down it’s start processing didn’t take too long before I was like no to

Deserie uh no to it’s Alonzo the more I sat down and thought about it the more I was determined that Alonzo was the right decision and only Alonzo uh amarim that’s the sporting lisman manager if uh if I’m not mistaken zadan I find these zadan shouts absolutely hilarious honestly like

Someone who says to Dan you might as well say I I don’t know Liverpool I I don’t understand Liverpool if you’re shouting Z Dan you you just I don’t think you get it um Thomas Frank is Thomas Frank is an interesting one I know I mentioned St from Red men

Talking about Thomas Frank previously as a show and want to keep an eye on but the more I’ve thought about Thomas Frank the more I can see it being appealing to the owners because of a style of play and a philosophy and there are striking similarities between some of the way

Thomas frankstein play and the way that we play albe it of course Juran has a lot more skilled players to coach um but look I don’t think it will be Thomas Frank I think it’s too big a step for him to go to brenford up in my humble opinion but it’s certainly an

Interesting one um ana kogu I I very much doubt anao is going to leave a job he’s in a year and doing quite well in and you know actually weirdly I watched an interview with um Daniel Levy yesterday I don’t know how I found this but I was

Flicking through the channels and I think it was on Bloomberg uh he was having an interview I think it was Bloomberg he was sitting there and having an interview on and uh they were talking business about football and stuff and I was listening to him talking I think I’m suppos the

Cogo’s there for a while to be fair so I I don’t I don’t think we could talk an really Mourinho no thank you God mourinho’s passed it I think mourinho’s passed managing a club like Liverpool with the players we have it’s again it’s also about Brandon style of football Mourinho

Is a winner I’ll give him that but you want to win playing a certain way as well Simeone is a football terrorist so I don’t want Simeone um enagi enagi is an interesting one I will say en zagi is an interesting one um his name has been mentioned

I don’t know if it’s a serious consideration I really don’t but it is an interesting name in zagi um amarim is a great coach it would just be a big a big roll of the dice from FSG to go amaram you know it would let’s be honest does he

Have the the name the pulling power cuz you’re coming to Liverpool you got to be able to attract players and you know one of the things I’ve always said no about pep linders is he doesn’t have the graphy Tas here’s one for you just putting it out there by

A Leverkusen you can thank me later jabbi Alonzo to Liverpool pep linders to buy a Leverkusen fixed it for everyone you’re welcome now before people come in and say uh Craig he won’t take no way lusen take uh pep linders well they took shv onzo from sad B team I would suggest

Jurgen klopp’s uh number two would certainly be possible marelo beel is in a job with Uruguay so I don’t think that’s going to be the case so yeah you’re very welcome Linder to Leverkusen will have jabi Alonzo win-win see I fixed it and remember John cuz I know you’re got to be watching

John you’re a big fan of the channel I’ll be uh I’ll be in Boston John in March if you’d like to sit down and thank me in person for that brilliant idea uh you’re welcome if you want to bring pep linders into the conversation I can sit down with pep linders as well

And explain why uh I’m right about this so yeah there you go you’re welcome everyone Craig John W Henry in Boston in March little sit down um I’ll talk him through the next managerial appointment and why I’ll get it right from and uh why pep linders would be a great

Addition for Leverkusen as well and then we can all be happy win-win uh serious question would you take anchel from Madrid get Alonzo yes I would I’m I I’m it’s one of the few people I’m going to say yes to because I would have taken Carlo ancelotti when we

Got yuran and it was between the two of them at the time and look I know he’s had a a bang of everon off them but I absolutely love Carlo ancelotti you will not get a better more well-rounded uh coach in my opinion than Carlo ancelotti who like urgen has the factor

Of being a great coach being a great personality being a great person I love Carlo angelotti big fan he’s just he’s the dawn he’s just is like he’s de on give me Carlo andelot holding the European Cup with a cigar in his mouth I’m I’m not saying

No Alonzo with Milner said wh Hammer I can absolutely get on board with that as well mate no problemo what’s this Thomas tle today moving abroad would appeal to me again Spain has an extraordinary League you then off don’t come to Liverpool don’t come near Liverpool by the way Thomas tle yeah now

I hope he’s not even guessing about coming to Liverpool we don’t want you tle I’m I’m going to talk on behalf of everybody we don’t want you we’ve had the better version of you don’t want Thomas tle you can go to United though maybe that would work Thomas tle

United uh someone on Twitter suggested Alonzo with Thiago moving into coaching he’d probably still find a way to be injured Thiago probably still wouldn’t be able to walk around you have to get him one of those golf carts um or a segue to get around the

Coaching oh at Barca oo oh T at Barca oh yeah yeah that’s as long as he doesn’t have to Annoy Us then yeah go to Barca by all means Thomas bye um you’re not look I’m going to say this very clearly byrn you’re not having jabbi stop it

Stop it he’s ours now stop it jabby Alonzo is coming home and his real home you know not that Bayern Munich home our home jaby bring it in now look I didn’t want to pull this card I didn’t want to I didn’t you made me do it you made me

Do it jabby Alonzo is basically Irish huh sorry Craig what excuse me what yeah jabby Alonzo’s basically Irish you heard me Google it shabby Alonzo came to Ireland to County me to Kels I believe beautiful part of County me as an exchange student and not only a

Shabby Alonzo Irish he also played a bit of GAA when he was over here a bit of GIC football and he said it’s a very tough sport uh so look you can’t fight it sorry he’s Irish he’s got the connection he’s got that Irish blood so

Uh AA has an amazing group of mods host by Mark love you alled Liz so there you go so you know that little fact that you may not have known there ja jaby Irish so he’s coming home yeah what was that jabby what does K talku marara mean in

The press conference everybody confused I got you jabby I got you bu don’t worry uh I’ll I’ll I’ll be your translator as long as that’s the only sentence you have cuz that’s the only Irish I have it’s actually jabby Alonzo I you know what I mean it’s all coming out in

The wash now isn’t it jabby Alonzo the next Irish manager he could do a double job by the way jabby if you really want to come back to your routs I need a manager as well so maybe you can double job this maybe you could take over the

Irish job and uh Liverpool at the same time so um yeah there you go will we be seeing jabbi Alonzo and copper face Jacks anytime soon that’s a very Irish joke by the way only Irish people are going to understand the uh copper face jacks GE or a gag I should

Say mark my words seal go Alcantara will manage Barcelona in 10 years dude dude I don’t know if I’ll be on this planet in 10 years so you know we’ll wait and see what happens I think jabby would be awesome for Alexis uh again Alexis is

Also Irish so you’re just you’re just up in the Irish Factor here Lads you’ve got Alexis o mallister whose family from Donna Bay you’ve got jabby Alonzo who spent some time in K’s County me I mean it’s right it let’s just rename the club let’s just rename the club Irish FC now

It’s just we’re feeling it full of Irish people get Aldo back in as well we’ll have Aldo in as a coach uh I think jebby would be awesome for Alexis maybe even Dominic too oh it’ be brilliant for sa SL that’s one of the first things I was thinking about uh you

Think you’re going to cry the last match with klopp I’m certainly going to be te yeah 100% Marcus especially if that last match happens through your final which is a good chance it could be uh the two last games of the Season that scheduled

Down is the FA Cup Final on May 25th and the um the Europa League final on I think the 22nd um so yeah end of the season hopefully we have uh hopefully some big games let’s have a look at the nor team really quickly as well for anybody that

Might want to know it’s long Stacy Hanley Gibson mallum Nunes not our Nunes uh McLean Sara Hernandez fashn and Barnes that’s the nor team who do I think do you think doofer for the next ail manager so the article I read yesterday said uh Neil Lon was

Going to perhaps be interviewed for the job uh and I look I’d much rather Neil lenon than Roy Keane put it that way but I don’t know I have no idea who the next Irish manager might be they’ve got an uphill task on their hands anyway yeah carsley turned it down the

England 21 manager also I think had 40 45 caps for Ireland something like that Lee Carley turned the job down um don’t blame him to be honest with you it’s a difficult job to walk into um so yeah I don’t blame Lee carsley who’s he’s now on a path there with England managing

The under 21 Imagine jabby overseeing by chich said Li Thomas wouldn’t be too shabby at all wouldn’t not be too shabby so what’s the crack with the um what’s the crack with the draw has it been moved so actually there was a really good video I watched yesterday somebody

The in our Discord put it in it was about jaby Alonzo’s uh system and how he plays it I don’t know the video name off the top of my head but it’s worth a ser there’s a good few videos around there showing the style of play Alonzo plays

And some good tactical videos talking about how this system changes in and out of of possession I found it very interesting I don’t know who that video was I don’t know who the presenter was but I have to say whoever it was dude well done you know this it could be a

Count 20 times bigger than mine for all I know but the guy that was doing the video at a baseball cap on and he was talking about the tactics and stuff and I just thought to myself I don’t watch much YouTube stuff but your man was really good very uh enjoyable

Presentation very good tactical awareness uh very good visual demonstrations of what the system looked like uh and I wish I knew the guy’s name because I’d love to um I’d love to give him a big uh you know uh well done um because it was brilliant I very much enjoyed watching

It LFC greens you ever walk alone how are we mate welcome in I don’t know if it was James Ott I have no idea who it was I I don’t know I don’t watch much YouTube stuff I just happened to click on this cuz somebody

In their Discord posted it and uh I just watched it inside the Discord and I just thought really good really good presentation uh may have been t for football I done a young guy brownish blackish hair baseball cap uh probably mid 20s um that that’s all I I can remember from

The video to be honest with you Jo let me see if I can find it cuz I would like to give this dude a nice shout out not that he probably needs it but uh I thought he was awesome I’m going to fly through see if I can find the

Video uh the draw was delayed because there was a bit of a an issue in the West Brown Wolves game mate that the players were taken off the pitch and now they’re brought back on sorry I think I’m nearly at it oh there’s something I want to talk about in a

Second who posted this and where was it sorry folks I just want to really get to this video because I’d like you all to have a chance to watch it as well if you get a chance it was really really good I just can’t find it now for the life for me H is that it yeah okay here we go no that wasn’t it sorry oh that was it AJ analysis it was AJ analysis that was the account that uh did the video AJ analysis or AJ analyzers sorry um yeah that was the account really good video Fair Play Man

Very much enjoyed it thank you for making it and thank you for the insight into uh jabbi Alonzo’s tactics I found the video Amazing so well done to him H right question who’s on Twitter so if you’re on Twitter um one second Connor just showed me who it was no that wasn’t it it wasn’t him Connor 22k Subs the AJ guy okay so he’s only got 22k Subs can we can we get a

Screenshot or something or can we put his link into the chat Conor uh or Ben cuz you know what I’d like to give this guy a bit of a a shout out honestly it was a really really well-made video great personality great presenter um if

He only has 22k subs as well I think he deserves a show for that because it’s great work great great great video um so well in well in AJ um yeah hit me up by the way AJ if you ever want to come on

For a chat or want to come on talk of shabby Alonzo’s tactical style or anything like that my mom would be a pleasure to have you on the channel and discuss it with you FA Cup draw is delayed due to the game here at the minute but it will be

Coming up the game’s now over so we will get the FA Cup draw coming to you guys soon there’s a link in the chat to AJ give them a sub and go into the chat and let them know we say hi as well uh we’ll

Pin that to the top of the live chat right there now so if you want to go And subscribe to that gentleman’s Channel AJ uh go into the comments let them know we anre agender family says hi to and thank you for such a great video

Um how do you think jabby would line up 352 so yes 352 but in in excuse me 352 in possession back to a four 424 uh at some point as well in Alonzo system it’s the video Explains It All though like it’s very very well made uh

Very simp simple and that’s what I liked about it you know didn’t overanalyze it didn’t fill a full of waffle you know it was just to the point really well explained uh and Visually easy to follow right uh oh yes so my question about YouTube or

Twitter I didn’t know I needed this in my life but now I know I do the beef last night on Twitter between Ivan schwack Off Friend of the channel and Josh LFC uh not friend of the channel but certainly not fo don’t know Josh having had the pleasure of chatting with him

But the beef between those two last night on Twitter I was getting screenshots sent to me because I don’t have Twitter I’m not on it anymore uh and oh my God shots fired Lads shots fired my days I don’t know if they were both in a bad mood last night but um

Yeah there was no holding back in that YouTube or Twitter beef I tells you um yeah I didn’t know I needed that in my life but there you go that that cheered me up a little bit last night when uh I was fully in uran depression

Mode here seeing those two out it and I said I don’t know Josh like his account by the way he post some good stuff but Ivan’s always been very complimentary to us in the channel so if we had to pick aside if we had to we’re Ivan Shack off

We’re Team Ivan that’s you know respect Josh good Channel or good account I should say nothing negative to say about it but I’m team I’m team schwack off in this one because Ian always been very complimentary of us but honestly funny stuff not that I not that I condone any

Beefing or name calling but that’s what social media is all about isn’t it uh do you think mbappe will still go toiv I love the Ste in that conversation in that sentence by the way mate well in Craig Craig do you think uh do do you

Think mbapp is still going to go to lipo I don’t know my man I hope so but I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know anything anymore I don’t know everything I thought in know I don’t know anymore team Indie Kayla no no no no no

No I’m very um very much not him Indie Kayla no nobody should be team schwack off um what’s your score predictions today um 3-0 is what I went with so I’m going to stick with 3- n where’s the FA Cup draw on by the way my good

People draw mve to half time now is it draw move to halftime the Liverpool game Okie do interesting stuff uh did you guys see your cameo on the Irish guys video no I haven’t um look I love Michael friend Michael’s a friend of ours so Michael can do

Whatever he wants with our content with with uh with my my approval I like Michael lovely guy but now I haven’t but there’s one thing you need to understand wfm we pop up everywhere true jordy’s channel the Irish guys Channel we’re massive here at anfield Agenda n

Good guy like Michael great content creator and a lovely fell as well but yes so yeah also dou sub to the Irish guy top fella what was the Cameo I’m sure it was I look no not I’m sure I hope he was taking the piss out of me I hope he was

Cuz he’s Irish and I know how us Irish work so I don’t know what my Cameo was in the Irish guys Channel but I very much hope he was taking the piss out of me because that’s what I want that’s what I would expect from my Irish

Friend uh you’re the goat manager you should manage Liverpool D you don’t want me managing Liverpool I’m nothing but a passion Merchant tactically we’d be destroyed yeah yeah tactically we’d be destroyed I’m nothing but a passion Merchant nice pictures here of um Vagner and klopp best mates in the center of the park

Having a conversation you know their friendship obviously goes back many years um what happened earlyer in the match players leaving the pitch it was uh the the um two sections of the fan bases were um in confrontation let’s just go with that you’re still better than S yeah no

Fair is fair poo you’re right you’re right definitely better than S um 100% I can’t fight honestly you know H Joe Gomez goal to win the Prem on the last day of the league 95th minute or yeah if we got a Joe Gomez goal another premier league title and the

European Cup well a Europa League before klopp left that would be the set complete then I agree so let’s hope that happens uh so see we are in talks with Alonzo I don’t know Mr Aken my man I don’t know I hope so he’s the one I want

Anyway but you know he is in a job at the minute um and we need to be respectful but we also need to get it sorted because the longer there’s uncertainty I think I think the more distracting it is in a weird way maybe I’m wrong about this Barry but I feel if

We knew who the next manager was over the course of the next month or so I think it would settle everything down then and we kind of know where we are and the the fear is removed from the situation I think as much as it can be

You know cuz we’re losing the uran klopp and that fear is always going to be there but if we knew in a month’s time it was going to be Alonzo let’s say at least then we can we know what to expect then if we can get Alonzo who’s your

Second choice you know what I’m going to be honest I don’t have one I don’t I don’t have one um it was der Zerby a very initial feelings were jav Alonzo uh Roberto Derby and then there were others on the list I spoke about Emory and a few others but now it’s

Alonzo and I don’t really have a choice after that um but let me say this whoever it is I will support who whoever they choose I have a preference I’m sure you have a preference But ultimately whoever the next manager will get my full support like anyone

Else uh the boys played the way they played without knowing anything now they know a bit more and they can carry on this is your clpp of the way we go forward and there will still be an emotional moment at the end of the season but now we have a massive job to

Do we do and hopefully that starts today with a victory over nor what about Gerard no he doesn’t deserve the job let’s be Frank about it step Gerard’s is a Liverpool Legend Steven Gerard is a God to many of us but he’s not the right fear for Liverpool manager not now

Um and I take no pleasure in saying that by the way I’m just being entirely honest about it do you think klopp could return to Liverpool in the future he doesn’t strike me as the type to go back so I would say no um yeah I would say no I would say

No what about Max allegri uh we we’ do clearford we’d go mental mate at the style of his football we would be so angry and frustrated going from uran Klo style football to that so no I I think that would be just the wrong fit completely

Oh so the Cameo was a pick of me and him saying I feel sorry for Liverpool fans yeah uh that was the part on the Irish guy look I feel sorry for my fellow Liverpool fans as well it’s been a very uh emotionally draining last two

Days isn’t it for all of us you know um Ian right on accusations he’s a closet Liverpool fan and he said I probably am yeah you are see I like you I knew I always liked en right for a reason uh what about Iola he’s it’s too

Big a jump for him to go from Viano to or not Viano yeah Rano to managing Bournemouth to Liverpool too big too big a jump do you reckon Gerard for Alonzo’s number two no and the reason I say no is not because I wouldn’t like to see

It I would imagine it would be very hard to go from being a number one at Rangers Villa obviously over in Latifa now it’s come it it would be a very humbling experience but let me say this Liam if Steven Gerard was willing to do it and actually be a number two to

Alonzo it’s probably his best chance to get the job in the future weirdly I feel like if he was the number two to Alonzo that would increase the potential of stevenh Gerard one day managing Liverpool um and I wouldn’t be against it but I don’t know if I don’t know Stephen Gerard’s

Personality type as a person to know if he’d be able to Humble himself to do that or not because I imagine it would be a very humbling experience but uh um I don’t know look if Alonzo comes in I want whatever the best back room team is

That jbby Alonzo can put together that he feels comfortable with if that’s bringing a James Milner in or somebody else then so be it whatever works uh teams are in the tunnel now by the way about to come out and Grace the turf ahead of the FA Cup fourth round tie against

Nage H something tells me a major part of klopp’s decision to leave is the lack of financial support from FSG yet expected to work miracles every year so I can understand Aaron why anybody would come to that thought process about Jurgen I don’t know and I’ve always said

Since Jurgen gave his reason for leaving I’m going to be respectful enough to take urgen at his word he’s earned that trust and that respect so whatever his reason is ultimately he said it’s because of energy levels I’m going to take him a face value and maybe if there is a difference

If it is something else we might find out in years to come I don’t know but right now whatever the reasoning is I don’t know if it helps us to know if it’s anything else you know it is what it is it’s the end of urgan time at

The end of this season that’s one thing we know for certain would you have an POA kago who’s a Liverpool fan in a lot of ways yes and I don’t know there’s a lot of things for an pagu that would definitely take the right box his personality his man management his style of

Football uh his s sincerity there is there is a lot of aspects of an P that I could certainly yeah I would I would but I wouldn’t be disrespectful to Spurs and go looking for him because he’s doing a good job there and you know we signed on for a project at

Spurs uh and further down the line not now said anfield agenda uh do you think Salah is going to leave this summer I do yes I do I think this is the easiest ghetto a jail card and I when I say getto a jail card I mean it’s very understandable if Salah

Decided now with no Jurgen not to want to renew or look to renew I would understand it more now than before jurgen’s announcement um but look those three contract extensions are are top of of my list of concerns you know Muhammad Salah Trent Alexander Arnold Virgil Van djk

They’re the three contracts the club need to get sorted out over the coming months and yeah the gots to do it though I think clpp has going to Barca no I don’t not a chance uh again I’m going to take uran a face value and he said he needs a year

Break take the man at his word and also if you thought klopp was frustrated with the financial situation at Liverpool imagine how frustrated you’d be going to Barcelona and having zero money because they don’t really and also the Super League project is still hanging over them um so I don’t think so

I don’t think it will be a good fit I’m a United fan and i’ rather watch you than the United Channel thank you Taj appreciate you mate uh I’m I’m not going to talk down about anybody else mate but I appreciate you being here with us thank

You I think pep will even come to Liverpool there’s more chance of me being the next Liverpool manager than Pep Guardiola and I’m also better suited to it than Pep Guardiola it look I can’t look past Alonzo it is Alonzo to me that’s the answer right we’re about to get under

The way in the game My friend so let’s run through the starting 11s one more time it is Alison then gold and Connor Bradley Canady Quanza and Gomez making up the back four McConnell grenberg and Curtis Jones in Midfield with Cody gakpo Doo jot and Darwin Nunes up top for

Liverpool h on the bench today for the Reds we have Virgil Van djk leis Diaz Dominic saus Harvey Elliot Robo Bobby Clark quie Kerbeck and Mr Trent Alexander Arnold as always I’ll take take it you the game keeping you up to date with what is going on let me know your

Thoughts in the comments section we are closing towards 240,000 subscribers my friends so if you haven’t hit the Subscribe button please take a second and do so don’t forget to drop a like on the stream as well we’ve got six what 539 now we can get that up if you take a

Second and hit the like button Liverpool will be attacking the Annie Road end in the first half sit back relax and let me take you to the game we are underway in the FA Cup norwid do the decent thing and launch the ball out long left hand side where

It remains in play and there’s a bit of Head tennis going on ball breaks to Curtis Jones now to Ryan Grabber on that right hand side Graber keeps possession and goes back to Bradley right let’s uh keep your score predictions coming in by the way put a

Letter P after them in the chat just so we all know they are predictions uh one thing I know is I don’t think the atmosphere will be a problem for the rest of the season I certainly hope not X puls you certainly hope not uh for those asking where I’m

Watching it I’m watching the game on premier sport to but I believe it’s on ITV as well in the UK lots of uh one 2-1 predictions 3-1 3-1 3-0 for Costa M 60 James gone 2-0 Brandon Smith 4-0 uh prediction for the first goal scorer said n ooh good one mate I’m

Going to go Dogo I’m going to go Doo for the first goal long ball played over the top into the Left Channel there looking for uh Cody gakpo but it goes behind it’ll be a n goal Kick it’s great seeing H McConnell and Bradley out there today very much happy to see these two young Lads getting another chance press there Liverpool win it back Theo J in possession now tries a nutmeg Defender comes back gets the ball goes out Liverpool Corner first win of the game

For the Reds on the far side I think Joe Gomez gets his first goal today said Brennan Smith I hope so my man I hope so it would be amazing wouldn’t it Cup end though second half one a second half yeah I will sink in a second guys good

Shout I will think let me just get through this corner first right ball played in cleared by nor second ball breaks right hand side Bradley tries to get there gakpo keeps it in down the line but he’s blocked off by the nor player nor still looking to play out but

That Liverpool press is there it’s with Joe Gomez Joe goes back to Ibrahim a canade now Gerald k Quanza Bradley right I’m going to SN in three minutes so just bear with me a couple of seconds 5 nil shot a hattick that would be nice that should be

Nice right getting up to the three minute Mark now so I will sing for everyone that needs one we are at 3 minutes and one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 cross in looking for Bradley On The Far Side cleared by NS but it’ll be coming straight back at them

Bradley graen bur McConnell ball roll back across Quanza he goes back out to Conor Bradley right hand side offside right what channel is the game on I’m watching it on premier sport too I think others in the UK are watching it on ITV it’s been all Liverpool here in the

Opening exchanges by the way nor haven’t gotten out their own half yet m out right hand side to Theo J theoo back to Quanza out left hand side gakpo down the line to CJ Jones wins the throw in um favorite NFL team between the Houston Texans and the Green Bay

Packers still Liverpool we’re camped inside the uh norwi half here at the start of the game jot ball across Darwin gakpo one too many touches allows nor Defender to get back in but Liverpool have won it back now with Curtis Jones Gomez oh oh nearly nearly he’s getting so damn

Close isn’t he Liverpool win it back Curtis Jones gets the ball gives it the Gomez edge of the Box takes a touch out of his feet hits it first time keeper goes down low makes a touch and it gets put behind for Liverpool Corner he’s getting closer Corner in h ref hello no

Nothing bit of a tangle there with jot it and the ball goes all the way through on the other side and it goes out for aar’s goal kick why is there a full stand of away fans H FA Cup there is uh an increase in the away tickets or the allocation given to

Away fans so that’s why you’ve got the whole bottom tier of the uh an Road end for the away fans are you going to keep asking me the RE Messi or Ronaldo question the answer is Messi it’s always messy the if the answer is not messy you’re

Wrong it’s a very simple question I’ve never understood how it’s even a debate 6 and a half minutes on the clock at anfield still scoreless Nar trying to play the ball out of their own half Liverpool again good with their press J comes across now ball played up

Field Bradley does well gets a challenge in Liverpool throw in on the far side Ronaldo’s not clear you dope don’t be stupid this I don’t understand the Ronaldo Fanboy I don’t understand any Fanboys they’re all weird it’s I don’t get it ball down the line looking for jot pulls

It back Darwin touch to graur cross in Cody oh Sky it Sky it unlucky ball drops to Cody gako about nine or 10 yards out he just slices underneath it and it lifts over the nor keeper crossbar Ronaldo better yeah at not being able to go to America Ronaldo’s

Definitely better if the competition is who can and can’t go to America and the goal is to not go to America then yes Ronaldo’s better if it’s football then come on now JC how are we my man team shrimp all the way he’s after gifting 20 unfield agenda memberships thank you JC

That’s really kind of you dude uh I would read them all out but we’d be here for a while cuz JC is so damn generous well in my man that’s Ashley barns my God is he still playing football oh God I can’t be the only one

Who still looks at Ashley Barns and just gets the bang of of Burley aam who should replace klopp H jabbi Alonzo for E mate jabby onzo let’s have a look at this ooh the Run was on there he was through if you got your head up oh go on Darwin go

On now Runners somebody show good ball out right hand side to Bradley Bradley now Cuts back inside keeps possession with witho go Joe Gomez now out left hand side to gako cross in uh thanks for gifting hope you’re doing well uh good thank you KES my man

Very good I hope uh life is good with you sir as well as good as it can be not um obviously not having a urgen future oh no ball out gako over hit goes out for nar’s throw in oh Darwin strike oh off the post unlucky

Wow he’s so lucky there darl and he get oh gets it over’s body makes a great contact gets the curl on it but it bounces off the post and comes back into play unlucky there for Darwin edge of the Box oh unlucky I really don’t know how he’s

Always about 20 to1 to score from outside the box by the way it just seems like uh great odds every time cuz he know we know he likes a strike when he gets the opportunity so I don’t know about the VAR question Oscar I I have I’ve seen it in the chat

Chat a few times I don’t know the answer because I don’t have audio on so I don’t really know mate if fir is an operation today or not nobody hits the poe more than Darwin said Malcolm noar is what somebody said see I’ve already got three different answers about VAR in the chat

From I don’t know yes and no so I guess we’ll find out if there’s an incident won’t we uh Mike we’re all good thank you mate we’re all good Barry says there’s no VAR so I trust Barry so there you go no VAR we’ll go with Barry’s answer ball at left side Cody

Gakpo gako little chip oh he tries to pick out the far corner it’s over hitting it goes behind goal kick does Darwin have more goals or post this season says uh Galvan JC I think probably post mate well we’re going to say the is VAR

In the FA Cup then we’re going to say there is VAR there you go so VAR is in use today we’re going to go with VAR is in use today they are doesn’t matter because you know V doesn’t like us so how I actually prefer when that isn’t but there you go Darwood

McConnell back to K Quanza Joe Gomez Verge not Verge Canady I’m too tired Lads Canady ball in too close to the Nar keeper people asking about the captaincy I believe it’s Allison so yes just just triple triple confirmation we’re going to say yes the VAR is in operation we’ve got enough

Yeses in the chat that will go yes uh yeah JC the next round draw we believe it is a halftime it was supposed to be before the game but there was um Shenanigans going on in the uh Derby between West Brom and wolves so it’s been moved and it will be a halftime

Apparently right nor now on the attack right hand side cross in Quanza gets there feeds it back to gakpo he needs a bit of support boys gaka nice ball back inside to Jones does well to protect the football well done Curtis graen B now into the Left Channel Ryan yeah there

You go my man gako jot ball in oh unlucky just half a yard ahead of Darwin again good buildup play graen gets the ball from Jones runs a couple of yards plays it left side to Cody gakpo gakpo then plays it out to Doo jot who’s wide left J tries to slip

A ball in for Darwin to slide onto the end of but it’s about half yard a yard ahead of him and uh just asking a little bit too much of Darwin there but good Builder play I think Vagner could be a good show

N he’s too busy on the um on the uh pop stars the rivals or whatever it was called sorry I’m thinking of the other Wagner the singer and not David Wagner and he definitely would not be a good F right we are 672 likes folks so if you

Haven’t hit the like button please do we we need to get that up above a th let’s be honest McConnell ball dinked in Jones oh hello one nil one0 Curtis Jones opens the scoring with a header beautiful ball in Jones with a very composed header back across as they always say to you

Put it back where it comes from Young James McConnell with his first assist I believe for Liverpool as well everybody immediately celebrates with Curtis Jones then goes straight over to Young McConnell to celebrate with him great moment for the young man great ball as well let me talk you through it Connor

Bradley to royan grenberg to mcconell look at that gets his head up and what a ball that is that is brilliant from the young man look great header from Curtis Jones as well to finish it off but let’s just take a moment to appreciate young McConnell and what a an amazing delivery

That was from the youngster the bench immediately up to celebrating and applauded as well klopp absolutely delighted Liverpool with the lead Curtis Jones with a headed goal but a great assist as well from Young McConnell what a moment that is and uh yes the boys are

In the lead and no more than our start has deserved uh a little bit of newon of course a little bit of FA Cup newon there for McConnell and Jones H well done brilliant I’m sure no happier moment for uran as well than celebrating a a goal like that with the assist from

A young man he’s given his uh start today as well in the Midfield fair play delighted for the kid delighted for Jones as well I mean a Jones header I don’t know how many of them we’re going to see but uh good goal that’s a good start as well keeps

Us uh in good spirits so Liverpool W nor nil goal coming via Curtis Jones head after a great assist from Young McConnell beautiful ball with his left foot just dinked in behind the nor defense Jones comes in from left to right makes his run heads a back across

Where the ball came from and it was too much for the keeper so well done boys nice that’s the start we wanted 774 likes now come on guys just 200 and something to go and also let’s try and Chase down that three or 240,000 subscribers today it’s a big ask we’re

About 500 away way but if anyone who hasn’t subscribed does hit that subscribe button it really will help us in our goal um so boom uh just get confirmation from Mark as well that the nage website does say there is VAR in operation today so thank

You for that one as well Mark appreciate all your input did you see Trent face a nod of approval for the assist um where’s Newan I mate you missed him he was on the screen new L was very happy for young McConnell getting an assist but wow what an assist

As well like I know I should be talking about the goal scorer but the vision to just get your head up like McConnell did there and immediately no think that ball right in behind the nor city right back for Jones the head just brilliant goal well done young

Man now nor on the attack right hand side canado wins that heads the ball back down to McConnell Sho Sho Bradley JC said do you think they’ll rename the anfield road and after uran Club it’s a brand new stand so makees sense to me so something will have to be done and

Something will no doubt be done um I just don’t know what that will be you know he does belong up there in my opinion with the pantheon of of great Liverpool managers so I’m sure he’ll be acknowledged somehow I just don’t know what that would be

Yet but look Linda Linda puty did like a post from Liverpool fans saying Bill klopp a statue you know so I’m sure he’ll be acknowledged for for all the great work he’s done and you know not just for the football club but for the city as well right norwi in possession in their

Left back position press comes on from Liverpool again norwi is struggling to get outside their own half now Center back has to take on a couple of Liverpool players and again there’s that press from the boys well in Jones now H oh unlucky Curtis unlucky

Ball up the line now look at the speed of Bradley getting back there by the way nors play the ball across goal right hand side blocked by Joe Gomez well G Joe corner to norch Jesus loves you I should hope so everybody should love me Jesus is no

Different to anybody else look at me I’m a national treasur now you have me singing a song in my head about Jesus oh Jesus he loves me and he knows I’m right I’ve been talking to Jesus all my life you did that’s on you another Nars Corner that one one hell

One1 ball played to the near post flick header and it Loops up over Alice and then into the goal and the nor fan celebrate and again another set piece that gets us oh ball delivered in and again who had them let’s have a look yeah we just wanted it more than

Graffenberg weak from graffenberg comes off the back of the lad that’s just lucky it’s just lucky it just comes off the back of his neck and slash in between his shoulder blades and it just over but weak again from us but look let’s just refocus get back

Into it it’s 1-1 you know that was Nar his first rail far into our uh penalty area not great that it ends up for people talking about Quanza letting them go I get you but in our system we don’t manm Mark apparently we Mark areas we Mark that’s what our zonal

Marking is now if we are manm Mark and if it’s a mix of man Mar and Z will then absolutely Quantum is his man and let him run but regardless of who it’s another one conceded for us from a set piece which worries me nar’s player just seemed to want the

Ball more than our boys and that’s that’s the concerning part in that situation there was no uh no physicality in there from our boys Norris now play the ball into the right channel cross in straight at Allison Becker 23 minutes 30 seconds gone at anfield Liverpool Won norwi

Won uh Buffalo Soldier said that crappy Z Mar I hate it mate I’ve always hated it there’s no accountability for me in zone Mark and that’s what pisses me off Bradley his cross in takes a deflection headed away how long have I been supporting Liverpool since I was eight so 34

Years aalo surely no l said stayed in uh Liam said man Mark’s a lot better I I look I’m old school mate I’m very much a a case of pick a man he’s your man if that happens it’s on you you know and I’m sure that there are reasons why

Co why klopp or Rafa Benitez or other managers over the years have used either zonal Mark or a mixture of zal marking I just don’t it’s just there’s no accountability for me with it and it’s very hard if you’re Americans only to beat somebody who gets a run on you you

Know if somebody gets a run on you in a leap they’re more more often they’re not going to have that Advantage so I’m old school I like he’s your man if that happens it’s on you Jones into the Left Channel to gako back to Joe Curtis

Jones Gomez ball at right hand side off shot his head goes behind goal kick nage I hate Donald Markin it’s easily beaten said Chris statistically zal amic’s more effective don’t care don’t give a mate I don’t mean that in uh I don’t mean that at you I mean I

Don’t care if it’s statistically better statistically we’re conceding a lot more than we should from set pieces and uh we need somebody to take responsibility for the defending from these set pieces and in at least in my old school way I know who to point the finger are if we’re

Marking manto man Z marking what who whose fault is it because ultimately somebody has to be responsible for not picking up people and as I keep saying very hard to get a jump when you’re standing still uh Robbie Collins welcome mate to anfield agenda Ultras thank you for your support dude welcome in

15 excuse me 18 minutes to go in the first half 27 minutes gone Liverpool won ND won nage coming back into the game a little bit after Liverpool really did Blitz the opening exchanges making it hard for norwi to get out but now they’ve grown in confidence since that goal and

Uh I don’t know I’m still feeling pretty relaxed about it in all honesty Bradley right hand side Darwin yes Darwin of course we’re feeling relaxed about it Darwin’s in a goal scor in form don’t you know Mr Darwin hes makes it Liverpool two nor one there he is you’re just getting a

Little sight earlier on testing out the post to make sure it was able to host the ferociousness of his striking ability and there it is Mr Darwin Nunes restores Liverpool lead 21 and as I said he’s back our boy is back let’s talk you through it great bit

Of play by Bradley little onew ball back inside and it was Bradley with the assist and Darwin buries it I mean come on klopp gives H McConnell a start he gets an assist klopp gives Bradley start he gets an assist fair to say it’s paying off for the gaffer and Darwin

Nunes buries that like a lethal Striker into the corner and it’s 2-1 to Liverpool and Jurgen klopp wields away in Celebration Mr Darwin Nunes with a great finish and Connor Bradley with the assist there you go gato I don’t blame on the sunshine don’t blame on the Moonlight don’t blame on

The good times blame on a booie 2-1 we’ll take it back in the leag there we go Mr Darwin Wes great finish I’m delighted for the two youngsters as well today I mean Bradley’s racking up a few assists now great assist from McConnell as well earlier so we’ll take

That so for those joining us a little bit late first goal was Curtis Jones header with a great assist from Young McConnell second goal Darwin Nunes bury in a bottom corner with a lovely little assist and good buildup play from Connor Bradley corner to Liverpool graffenberg plays the ball off the norish defender

Liverpool corner on the far side and that was a proper assist from Bradley as well cuz he started that won the ball back then played a little one-w down the right hand side got into space played a great ball into Darwin and Darwin buried it in done the

Rest told Isabel Bradley I I’m been biging this kid up for a while Liverpool tried to set piece for a team that was uh pulling it back to the edge of the box there but it wasn’t a great ball in it’s cleared by NS but it’ll be coming straight back at

Them Jones now out on the Left Channel ball back into graen bur Graber go one way down the other still in possession goes back to Young McConnell James McConnell now nothing on for him so he goes to Quanza Quanza back to grenberg Joe dinked in behind looking for Bradley ball pulled back

Oh gako almost with a third great football Bradley again with a ball back inside after a lovely ball over the top from Gomez Gomez feeds it into Bradley who pulls it back expertly and let’s be frank about this Cody gakpo should have scored that but just great football again great

Football oh yeah it should have been 3-1 and it should have been 3-1 again there a bit of a goal Med scramble Liverpool have a back Norris clear it again they’re on the ropes time to sweep the leg Johnny sweep the leg nors again trying to play out from the

Back forc themselves into all kinds of problems grenberg tries to shot it’s cleared off the line and nor scramble it away wasn’t off the line absolutely was do you not understand football now do you want me to explain to you what the pitch means and where they were

On the pitch and it was absolutely off the line LOL weird 13 minutes to go in the first half and it’s been entertaining let’s say that Bradley’s just having a great game today the energy levels Lads the energy level from Bradley is just phenomenal how can I watch the match um

I don’t know what part of the world you’re in so I don’t know the answer to that mate I can tell you it’s on ESPN plus I think in America it’s on ITV in the UK I’m watching the game on Premier Sports two here in Ireland um other than

That I’m not sure what other channels it’s on dude Quanza Canady out Conor Bradley again right hand side Dogo J McConnell lovely ball unlucky unlucky boys uh Brian welcome into anill agenda FC Brian thank you for your support Lads if you can please do hit that subscribe

Button as well I’m going to keep you up to date with how close we are or closing in towards that amazing Target we’re 402 away from 240,000 subscribers so if there’s 400 of you beautiful people who haven’t hit the Subscribe button please do once we get to 240 the the countdown really starts

The quarter of a million so every single one at this point means a lot gakpo free kick right hand side ball in hooked Away by narage only as far as Mr Conor Bradley goes back out right side to gakpo gpo’s attempt to cross is blocked another ball in from

Liverpool headed away by narage this time it is graen Burke edge of the penalty area not on so he’s forced to go back out right hand side to McConnell graphen Burke tries to thread a ball through but it’s cut out by norch and look at that press again it’s beautiful to

See that press has been really good today I’m very very happy what I’m seing so far other than the sloppy defending on the corner we’re uh we’re defending well and winning the ball back quickly which I really like 10 minutes to go plus stop his time

In the first half uh right what else have we got in the chat very quiet in the ground said 117 or excuse me 1174 is it wrong that my two favorite players play right back for Liverpool no nothing wrong with that at all my man I’m just I’m buzzing today for the

Two youngsters again another good display by Bradley and McConnell looks absolutely topnotch as well it’s uh it’s been I this is am I wrong or has this been one of the best seasons for um youth players coming through the Liverpool system in a while like we’ve had them get opportunities

Before with mixed results but this season it seems everybody the klopp is putting into that first team is doing really well the only one that I can really think of as Chambers had not a mayor that’s not fair but he had a a poor half at home in one of the

Europa League games but so far Lads the step up for the is phenomenal how come you support Liverpool uh I like how it’s spelled I mean I couldn’t imagine supporting a football club that doesn’t start with L and ending an l another Corner they’re mounting

Up ball in from gako flicked nor hook it away here’s a question genuine question and you know I don’t like man city at the best of times but does anybody else not find it weird that Manchester City can get away with not wearing the Emirates badge for the FA

Cup does that not that doesn’t sit right with me that in my humble opinion if you don’t want to wear a badge of the sponsors of the tournament then you should be out with it oh gakpo drags his strike wide uh youth given a chance keeps the current with kids Long Live

Liverpool uh I’m of the opinion that someone inside the system now is best to keep it going uh 100% agrees on the Man City stuff I don’t get it how are they allowed like because you’re owned by one country and they have an airline and you don’t want a competing countries Airline on

Your shirt and therefore you refuse to wear the logo for the competition doesn’t fit right doesn’t sit right with me that that’s allowed there’s the plays for you in the T Army mate I’ve often been asked who I would support if Liverpool did didn’t exist um which is kind of a weird

Question right but and anyway the answer is always Newcastle in that one um I’ve all me I I like the jordis I like the Newcastle people I think they’re Sal to the Earth um so yeah would have always been Newcastle would probably be the answer but I I back to that City

Question I don’t understand how they’re allowed oh bit of a slip there nor trying to counter but Liverpool get The Defenders back and between Canady and Quanza we cly head the ball back to Allison it’s because one will for him and one will for others seems to be

Le no don’t worry though Le there probably be an investigation launched into why they’re not wearing the badge so 10 12 years tops will know the answer do you think there’s any chance Mourinho be an next manager no no no not a little chance

No he was uh it was down to him and rapael bonitz when we heard bonitz in 2004 um and I think Mourinho has always had a bit of a chip on his shoulder about that since then Am I Irish I ABS blood lutely am yes I’m proud to be so greatest group of people on the planet that’s Irish um miles how are we mate welcome in Bradley playing like a younger Robo impressive from Andrew LFC ada8 thank you Andrew yes he’s brilliant isn’t he he’s got energy for

Days um and that’s why I said I’m not ready yet to look at bringing in another right back because I want to see how Bradley finishes the season uh Von said hey Craig how are you doing is it possible to get a graphic next to the score showing the scorers for us

Latecomers um we used to do that In fairness so it is possible yes um it’s something that we used to do we used to stick a little football beside them but leave it with me mate I’ll talk to the guys about it I’m sure we can get that

Added should I go to Dublin for a holiday no I’m I’m not there’s no haha funny no don’t it’s robbery it’s too expensive I wouldn’t inflict it on anybody the people of Ireland are amazing you’d have a great time but you’d want to win the lotto hotels are overpriced food’s overpriced drinks overpriced

Everything’s overpriced it’s great country filled with amazing people but it’s also a robbery to stay here you get flee sorry I’m being honest I love my country tobits but it’s it’s exorbitant when it comes to prices especially Dublin get yourself to gallway Kerry Belfast Wexford where I

Live come down and see the sunny Southeast goal scorers are marked on the pitch apparently so there you go yes they are I can see them there they are marked there is a little one beside the goal scorer so there you go but you’re going to Boston yeah but

I’m going there mate you know not having to worry about money cuz I’m an internet sensation so you know I go to Boston because I can afford that in my life now I’m look at me I’m I’ve made it I’m a star now man I go to Boston

Because it’s always been an ambition and you know Brian’s over there and he came over to Dublin to visit us at the live show so I want to repay that and we’re going back over to Boston so yeah can’t wait honestly it’s only about eight nine weeks away now

Gomez ball player and don’t forget if you are in that neck of the woods please do come and join us um tickets on S and Ticket Master if you’re in Boston or Massachusetts in general and you’d like to come and see us 22nd of March can I let you in on a little

Secret though like remind me a halftime to tell a little story halftime give me a heads up two minutes to go plus stop his time in the first half Craig if you got that play to broccoli ready for Gomez scores I never agreed to that I I specifically remember saying no to a

Play to broccoli I said I’d eat a piece of broccoli if you win the league and I will but there’s no way I wouldn’t be able to eat a play at broccoli like I would actually vomit if I had to eat that much broccoli thoughts on St Patrick’s Day

That it’s a much bigger deal outside of Ireland than inside of Ireland which is great I love it I love that the world celebrates a day thinking of Ireland I think it’s amazing and I love that that the the aspirate around the world get to celebrate it um and I love that

Everybody knows what’s in Patty’s Day is it’s brilliant I love it but I don’t it’s not a big deal inside of Ireland like think about it we’re such a small country right Ireland but all around the world people know about St Patrick’s Day and and it’s one day of the year where

Most of the world thinks about Ireland on that day that’s oh unlucky header from nor Alison claims it that’s a beautiful thing and for such a small country punching well above our weight in the world stage there cross from nor again Allison does well keeps that under control we’re into the last 30

Seconds the only problem I have with it is America calling it either Patty’s day which is very very wrong very very wrong anybody and I’ve seen these t-shirts in America and stuff saying saying Patty’s day that is that’s a criminal offense it’s Patty’s Day or St Patrick’s Day but they’re your

Only two options it’s Pates or St Patrick’s Day not patties that’s disgustingly wrong 2 minutes of stop his time at it on at the end of the first half am a Yan and I love Ireland absolutely that’s definely definitely a reciprocal kinship and friendship there you know so many of our Irish men

And women you know moved to America and helped build parts of America and police parts of America and the relationship between America and Ireland is incredibly strong and it’s again a beautiful thing one minute left of stoppage time at the end of the first half Liverpool leading

By two goals to one first goal scored by Curtis Jones with a great assist uh T said my birthday is on Patty’s Day well that’s your one step away from a ban now it’s Paddy p a d d y apostrophe s patties is the most Americanization of

Irish culture it’s it’s just wrong mate it’s just wrong patties is just silly nobody says it it’s patties well don’t forget we have the draw halftime coming up as well so we will keep you guys uh guys up to date can I speak Irish K

FAL which means a couple of words I I can’t I’m not fluent in Irish now I I’m not able to speak asga um fluently unfortunately I wish I could but I can’t right halftime Story Time right let me just stop the clock right at Hal time it is Liverpool

Who lead n by two goals to one so story time so I’ve always had a Fascination we going to Las Vegas right uh Jamie renie lovely to see you back in M thank you for joining Anil agender Ultras again uh D Mir plays um Tomy gar uh welcome Ultra Jamie Ry sorry um

So again I love that the the Tomar thought too um so I’ve always had a fascination of going to Las Vegas right ever since I was a kid and I got married Mar to an amazing woman who is absolutely my best friend and the best person in the world

But unfortunately for me also has never ever ever ever wanted to go to Las Vegas just doesn’t appeal to her it’s not her thing so I always thought never going to get a chance to go to Vegas so then LFC Brian or LFC USA Brian as you guys know

Him um we got chatting and we were like that’s strip to Vegas so he said I’m up for it and then his brother Vern said I’m up for it and I said to Sabrina Sabrina would you like a new pair of Runners right love is right you wanted

AR you needed she goes what do you want I said nothing you all right love I love you this what I can get for you you know how are you um I might need to uh take a few days away in November Sabrina or October and she says oh Goan and I said

Well you know the way I always go away in international breaks and she said yeah and I said well you know the way we’re going away to Boston in March and then we’re going away with the family in September to Turkey and said yeah they go can I go to

Vegas and she says what I said can I go to Vegas she said with who which is a important question right cuz this I knew this next answer was going to either get me to Vegas or have me sleeping on the sofa so I said with

Brian Brian we love Brian and she said oh okay yeah no no problem so then I said to her Sabrina I was looking into the flights for Vegas and I always wanted to go since I was a little boy and you know it’s been a tough year you can see where I’m going

With this right it’s been a tough year and I’ve been up and down so can I go business class and she said what I said can I go business class and he said why do you want to go business class and I said because you’re not coming the family

Aren’t coming it’s probably the only time in my life I’ll be able to go near business class and I’ve always wanted to do Vegas and do it the right way you know full Billy big bollocks business class great Hotel amazing food and she said yeah so I’m going to Vegas and I’m going

Business class and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my entire life I’m going to be that guy in shorts and a hoodie in business class making everybody else feel uncomfortable oh and I can’t wait so yeah Vegas October American Airlines business class whoop whoop your

Boy going up in the world anyway the draw will be taking place soon but yeah shout out to my wife for allowing me to do that one thing one Splurge in my life cuz I’m I never do like that I never Splash out on stupid frivolous stuff but wow going to

Vegas doing it right and I am so excited I’m so excited to be able to go life ambition realized and if you’re in that neck of the woods come see us you should have gone Delta I looked I usually fly Delta to America Adam uh we’ve actually we’ve

Always flown Delta other than we’ve been to Florida six times five times of that that we flown with Delta once we flew Virgin uh but I couldn’t get the Delta flights to line up properly so um American Airlines was was the most was actually really good value to be fair it

Was I think it was $1,800 us for the return tickets in business class with American Airlines life flap Ed yes thank you very much hangover Craig Edition it that’s what’s going to happen man that’s what I said to Sabrina and Connor it needs to

Be a hangover you know I need to be in Vegas waking up in a boot some where you’re in Vegas right now enjoy oh look at you I can’t wait to go it’s going to be loads of fun we’ve already got um we’ve already got sphere tickets to

Go and see the sphere experience that’s going to be class can’t wait to see that our Lingus is always good for American flights yeah we’re flying our Lingus Mason over to uh Boston but just economy for uh me Connor Connor’s partner Katie and my wife Sabrina when we go over in

Mar for flying with eringis right so how many dogs do I have one we used to have two but unfortunately Gizmo died a few months ago the draw is taking place now by the way um so yeah we used to have two doggies but unfortunately gizo passed

Away uh delighted to see you happy said Paul thank you m honestly dude I know it’s cheesy I know it’s it’s frivolous but I’ve always dreamed of a business class trip to Vegas and now my dreams have come true so I’m over the moon I’m so happy about it and so

Excited to go I’m actually gone around the house calling me Business Class C now I’m not even joking um yeah right Blackburn rovers are WX some of the first time out of the draw Vegas Vlog absolutely 100% Vegas Vlog uh Glenn Johnson conduced the draw so oh blackburner or Rex him against

Newcastle is the first game Chelsea or ason Villa is the next one out I live in Vegas come to the LFC bar my pleasure maybe we can do a little Q&A at the LFC Baron Vegas if you guys want to have me there while I’m over leads

United or Plymouth so Chelsea or Aston Villa against Leeds or Plymouth Bournemouth is the next name out Bournemouth against Leicester uh Maka said Craig you’re nervous about how sloppy auic we were in that half a lot of misplaced passes from K graffenberg expect better uh actually completely the opposite Maka

I thought we did well in the first half I thought we bossed it I’m concern Liverpool and nor are out so we’re home we’re at home against Watford or Southampton so Liverpool if we get through will be at home against Wat for or Southampton so another good home

Draw that’s that’s a I’ll take that cuz One auto cup geme nice one for all the people to get to go to the games uh Manchester United or Newport will be away against either Bristol or Forest what will Brent do on That Forest against United again to be tears

Wolves are the next one out against Brighton wolves against Brighton H yens thank you may for the gifted memberships you’re very kind Sheffield or Sheffield Wednesday or centry against Maidstone that’s kind of shitty for maid Stone isn’t it they got their away game but it’s Sheffield Wednesday are cantry

So none of the big big boys and it’ll be City and Luton the last game with Luton at home so City have to go to kennworth road to take on Luton uh downtown Vegas well Pepe rain is really let myself go oh on that so can we all

Give um can we all give some love hearts to downtown Vegas cuz he got me a cameo done by 4 for Tunes um because he knows my son watches 4 for tunes and I’ve never been lucky enough to be on 4 for Tunes so downtown Vegas got a cameo done

For me from 44 Tunes wishing us good luck on the Boston gig and um it’s awesome and I cannot thank you enough my man for that my uh son loves it my wife loves it I love it and a definitely did the trick of cheering me up after the

Club news so big love to you my man on that thank you so much so yeah just to confirm again Watford or Southampton for Liverpool or Norwich uh the winner of this game will be at home again that TI I told the story a halftime youan you

Missed it I’ve already given you the whole story City got loon I love that shock I wanted them to get Maidstone I wanted Maidstone to get that big game you know by the way have you guys seen maidstone’s manager man The Good Vibes off him are

Phenomenal I hope that man goes a long way in the game it was so heartwarming to watch his press conference and see him so be in with pride and uh positivity in uh looking out for his Club of course as well um brilliant what a man and uh yeah so fair play to

Him and Maid stone for uh I think the first Club since I think 50 years 60 years from the non- league or from that low down to get to the fifth round of the FA Cup what video from 44 Tunes are and again he got me a cameo from 44 tunes

And by that I mean he paid for a video to be made for me by 44 Tunes I’m not in any of their videos I haven’t had that pleasure yet and I hope someday to be uh cuz I love 44 tunes and my son loves 4

Fortunes and if I appeared in it I’d be a hero to him which is why my friend uh in the chat did The Cameo thing for us which was so so lovely and Mr Nunez goal was a good uh yes it was very good uh a good bit of

Play down the right hand side from Conor Bradley played a onew played the ball back inside to Darwin Darwin took a touch and buried it into the corner it was a very good goal both of our goals were good goals he of United go you were away

Against the winner of I can’t remember sorry man I can’t remember but I know United were away and it was a fairly respectable draw nothing too dramatic anyone in their Discord the 44 Tunes video is in the Discord if you get a chance just search my post in there and

You’ll see it and if you need it I’ll post it again later uh second half coming up my cousins live in Boston they got tickets to come see you that’s awesome Lacy thank you and please pass on my sincere thanks to your cousins um yeah look if you guys are in

Boston or in an around or you’re part of the Boston support by the way if anybody watching is part of the Boston Liverpool supporters Club please reach out to us I’d love to send you guys some complimentary tickets to come to the show um so yeah if you or anybody knows

Somebody inside the Boston official Liverpool supporters Club please ask them to reach out to us uh contact it anfield agenda or whatever and I will happily send some complimentary tickets your way for some of your members to come be lovely to meet you guys on the

Night and say hello and uh talk football of course with you your daily sa lover says upgraded his membership thank you mate anfield agenda Ultras see you in the Discord group uh I know this is a this is a time to think about next season ahead but I

Can’t stop thinking about what will happen if we get Alonzo I me I’m probably so far deluded at this point toan that it is Alonzo or nobody in my head That’s How Strong my feelings are on it but whoever gets the job I will certainly get behind like everybody else

Um have you seen United Alis uh so I had seen the article you’re talking about Robert that said that ois prefers the idea of going to United over Chelsea I think that’s the article you’re speaking of and to be fair he’s already turned down Chelsea once no free tickets for the Irish uh

Aon if you want to come up to Boston dude you going to have a ticket on me dude no problem if you want to make your way over to Boston I will happily give you a ticket sir my dad is sad because leed’s got Chelsea or

Villa yeah that’s a tough one that’s a tough one I have a couple of uncles as well who are lead United fans uh days for the FA Cup round is the week commencing the 28th of February the same week as The League Cup Final just thank you Mark for sending me all that

Information as well so for those of you haven’t seen Liverpool ARA home in the FA Cup if they finish off nors today and they will be home against either Watford or Southampton am I doing a show in Vegas no no no uh Vegas is just going to be a

Lads TR but as I said earlier on I know there’s big Liverpool bar in Vegas if anybody in that bar wants me to come there for an evening or something to do a Q&A or whatever for like obviously graus just message be my pleasure to pop

Along and I look I’m of the mindset wherever I am in the world if there’s Liverpool fans there and they’d like to have a chat about football I’m in you know i’ uh all my trips to on holiday to Florida with my family have usually ended up meeting people in the theme

Parks and talking Liverpool with them and yeah I’m I’m a pretty straightforward dude right second half’s about to get under way Liverpool attacking the cop end so yeah just uh just send me a message and I will happily come along right here we go second half is

Underway and Liverpool of course do not who whoa whoa whoa we we didn’t do the decent thing I feel like I’m broken now that’s the first time this season I can remember we haven’t gone direct with the B from kickoff is there an 8:30 stream later no

There isn’t Ryan uh mainly because I’ll be balls deep in watching NFL at that point just ordered a pizza and there’s half of it with no cheese on oh that’s not good why am I overreacting have you just met me literally that’s me that’s my thing dude that that I am Mr

Overreacting right so predictions for the final score Lads what we saying sorry about your Texans was pulling for them to accept the Ravens thank you pump I tell you what though the Packers should have won the Packers should have knocked out the 49ers um so yeah I’m very very excited about tonight’s

Games particularly oh another chance hooked away gakpo out left side to Jones yeah I’m really looking forward to tonight’s game between Baltimore and the Chiefs cross in Darwin heads it down straight to the keeper right so I think people are expecting goal second half 41 51 31 aan

Green’s gone 41 uh CL soccer fits gone 5-1 H gandi flip flops 4-1 uh they’re well worn I’m sure good man McConnell just climb all over Ashley barns there to stop him on the counter good man two1 sounds realistic so mods excuse all the scores in the chat there don’t be

Timing out anybody that’s on me I asked them for predictions so don’t please don’t be putting anybody out there that’s on me where are we at with the subs Lads 300 to go 300 subscribers to to go please do hit that subscribe button if you haven’t done so we’re closing in

On 204 oh oh my days what a strike Norris player just comes onto screen puts the laces through it has Allison scrambling across right hand side and thankfully for us let’s see from behind let’s see this was always a yard wide but good clean strike of the ball

Craig we’re going to time you out sounds fair Colin I probably deserve it Canady Conor Bradley bit of a heavy first touch from Bradley uh tries to then pull it back gets dispossessed and nor are in possession their forced inside their own half here’s McConnell again looking for a player to pass the

Ball to Curtis Jones uh Craig I can see the lads playing Amazing for the rest of the season to give the lads a good send off said David Flack I hope so David I very much do mate another ball in from Bradley headed Away by norch and it will

Go all the way out on the far side for a Liverpool throw in uh hi Craig hope you and the family are well for me you’re the Sal of the earth always cheer me up no matter what’s going on uh you really are the best of us I’m just another dude Jamie

But like your good s mate just trying to have a bit of fun make people smile but it’s always great to see you in the chat my man Gomez McConnell out right hand side to Connor Bradley Jones strike oh unlucky not too far away I’d like to see that from behind the

Goal 50 minutes on the clock still two to Liverpool better angle than that surely there we go this is the angle we need to see yeah it was actually further wide than I thought initially couple of yards wide there from Jones uh Mr whizzer thank you B

Appreciate your kind words we do need the third yeah I agree with that Malcolm sooner the better we get to third so we’ve had thank you for that SG 10 attempts for Liverpool two for narage four On Target Two On Target Jones now right hand side grenberg K

Quanza lad this week coming up is anybody else both nervous and extremely excited about the uh the Chelsea Arsenal game coming up a massive week ahead I mean a few appeals here for Hall I haven’t seen a replay of it yet my initial Instinct was no hand ball

It was just it did hit his arm but not what I class as a hand ball personally from my initial uh instincts from what I’ve seen Canady in possession now right hand side am a nervous to play Chelsea uh I am a little bit because you never know

Which one is going to show up Jones now what a ball j j j go 3-1 Theo J did we doubt it ball drops to of course he’s going to bury it that’s all the man does he’s in a assassin he’s a ninja he’s a goal scorer he’s a center forward he’s

Put us 3-1 up Doo J what a finish beautiful ball over the top from Curtis Jones nr’s Defender was backtracking he gets AE on it but it inadvertently puts it into the path of the Ogo J he turns first time volleys it buries it 3-1 good

Night what a ball from Jones and then look at that from J first time left foot buries the volley into the far corner 3-1 game set in match Liverpool will be at home in the next round of the cup against Watford or Southampton baring an absolute collapse here Newan loves it I

Love it Doo loves it three goals bing bang Bosch and three belters as well let me say three very very good goals Theo Leo volley buries it what a finish and that my friends should be hopefully that boom the old goal you love to see it I’m sure we have a doo go

Emoji do we not for the Yan the members right pretty good day so far we’ve got a goal for Darwin we’ve got a goal for Doo all we need is a Cody gakpo goal now and we’ve got the complete set Sunshine Moonlight good timeso he’s better than Figo he is don’t you know he’s so good isn’t he he’s so good at the minute Theo’s on fire so on that handball right I’m going to say that was a hand ball and here’s why the movement of the

Arm I wouldn’t have thought it was a hand ball look it’s a relevant cuz we scored a minute later I wouldn’t have thought that was a handball if the player hadn’t done this at at the end of it that’s to me what made that a hand

Ball but look it’s irrelevant now cuz we scored a moment later anyway doesn’t matter but it should have been a penalty I thought it would have been a penalty um but yeah look doesn’t matter it’s irrelevant Virgil Van Dyke is on to replace Ibrahim a canade he takes the

Captain’s armb and Andy bleeding Robertson Andy Robertson is back this is not a drill Robo is back he is on the pitch as is Dominic soosay here we go Andy Robertson welcome home welcome home sir great to have him back on the pitch Jones went off Canard

Went off but yes the big news there is Andy Robertson is back on the pitch in a Liverpool shirt what a day D is back as well good to see sa on the ball we love it perfect Annie Robertson why am I singing the Scottish national anthem now inside my

Head oh yeah I didn’t change the score thank you for that show forgot to change the score got two carried away with to celebrating there you go sorry dude 56 minutes gone at anfield Liverpool three nor one and again robo’s on the pitch Dominic sasl is on the pitch just

Brilliant brilliant to see Robo finally get back out there it seems like a long time doesn’t it so here’s Dom go on Dom ball inside graen Burke Robo so good to say that to gako McConnell ball out right hand side to Young Conor Bradley McConnell again Dominic sub Quanza to Verge out to

Darwin who are you who are we Bradley J I can’t be the only one who’s potentially excited about the idea of Alonzo coaching saos and by Chic roball for an assist said Barry love you bro been watching just over seven months much love can I a shout out sure cure your boredom thank

You if you put in kind words like that dude I’ll read them out much better than getting trolled so thank you my man 12 minute 13 minutes already we gone in the second half and uh 3-1 what was that Ashley Barn’s getting ahead of himself trying to pulish a

Alonzo there inside his own Half as I’m so obsessed we’re getting to 250,000 I’m I’m continuously checking where we at now right please do keep hitting that subscribe button if you are new to the channel 300 away from 240,000 and every single one means a lot to us so please do hit the Subscribe button if you’re

New norwi uh in possession inside their own half but it feels like it’s just counting down to us getting through to the uh next round at this point and for those of you who may not have seen the draw Liverpool or nage will be at home

In the sixth round of the fifth round of the FA Cup against either Watford or Southampton who’s man of the match so far oh God Bradley Bradley or McConnell probably I’m I’m I feel like I need to give it one of the younger players today uh

Based off what we’re seeing so far jaot has had a good game as well n’s now on the counter attack good challenge that from Quanza think McLean’s back up on his feet after a bit of a let’s have a look at this challenge actually I mean McConnell went in got the

Ball I mean the studs were up a bit but you know yellow to me if that there there’s nothing Sinister in that but referee says play on certainly not enough for a red card and because the ref didn’t book him we move triple change coming up here from

Nor I can see Adam on the sidelines there do a poll for man of the match so far NOP we do the man of the match poll in the fan reaction show dude so that’ll be coming up half an hour after the game is

Over so when the game’s over I do my uh pre-recorded match reaction I do my pre-recorded player ratings video and then we’re back half an hour after the end of the game for the fan reaction show where you guys have your say and vote for the man of the match

So as I said triple change there from Norwich we have 1,285 likes can we get to 1 and a2k before the game’s over hooked Away by gakpo will there be a live tonight no Hassan there won’t mate be back tomorrow though tonight is NFL night for me so I

I won’t lie dude that’s what I’m going to be doing for the night is sitting down and watching back toback NFL games and eating ridiculously bad food on the sofa that’s that’s the plan oh chance Darwin deflection Corner unlucky unlucky Club looks all smiles anyway

Which is good to see you know it’s good to see we’ve got the win today some good well we’re getting the win so far I should say um some good football some good goals and absolutely uh positivity around everybody with the looks of it including our manager Corner

In 4-1 Virg of Van dijk header he’s a center he’s a number four watch him defend will also score he’s our bleeding Captain N J sh he ver van he’s ver van he’s a center he’s a number four watch him defend you just watch them score he’ll pass the

Ball cam as you like who is he he’s ver of vanke he’s ver of Vanke a love that the only bleeding week I don’t put a f on a ver of Van djk header there he is uh Shane says you butchered that dude I never profess to be able to sing I know I can’t sing I just don’t care that’s the

Difference where are we uh score line changy 4 One good header please stop singing go yourself you’re getting banned there you go I have a timeout I’ll do what I want and I’m being nice giving you a timeout and no I’ll never stop singing I’ll enjoy myself however I see fit and

If you don’t like it tough titties turkleton beautiful Dominic back on the pitch assist Virgil comes on tols Canady headed goal 4-1 bing bang BOS change the score It’s Already Done mate already done completed it I keep saying this every time after I sing and butcher a song but um weirdly

As much as you’ll see me laugh and sing on here I never would do a karaoke or Aton because I haven’t got the courage to do it which because I can’t sing like But Here Comes Trent by the way Darwin Nunes coming off to be replaced by Trent Alexander

Arnold good to see you back Trent we’ve missed you 25 to go comes straight on tells Conor Bradley that uh no doubt there’ be a little change of position for him here another corner so lik to take it vers once a second you see him there giving a little nod to

Dom drops down Trent strike oh blocked but with that Virgil Van djk header was not an easy header the goalie scored that was a very very good header it absolutely doesn’t say 3-1 mate I’m looking at the scoreboard and it says 100% 41 and it said 4-1 moments after the Goal your singer makes my day gray crack never stop oh I don’t intend on stopping don’t worry what’s my favorite chant um the fields of anfield road yeah that will probably be my favorite because of the Irish connection and I’ve said this to you guys before but the fields of a and Ry

That famous Irish song was written by uh Pete St John who was a friend of my father-in-law’s and I actually got permission directly from Pete St John to use it in any content I want to make I got written permission from the songwriter which feels very surreal to

Say but but yeah that connection between um Cal down Craig it’s only Viewpoint okay Chris wants a time out then off you pop Chris enjoy that timeout there fellet and don’t ever tell me what to do um yeah so I got permission to use the song and it has that connection to uh

Obviously my father-in-law and to Liverpool as well so that’s that’s the one for me offside here I mean you can put it in the net all you want you’re offside and the offside flag goes up Dude Looks confused like he he didn’t think he was offside he was absolutely

Offside and very clearly offside but after that the goal was taken well but yeah dude you’re like two yards off there see seor was brilliant yeah look we’ve been blessed as Liverpool fans over the years the the creativity of the Liverpool fan base of the song book has

Been absolutely topnotch jeie song was brilliant SE seor was amazing Ring of Fire is brilliant to hear as well we’ve conquered all Europe absolutely iconic but yeah seor the version of that in Argentina where um the river play fans were singing seor in the stands with the

Translation of you never have the balls of River Plate and bcka fans watched on TV and yeah that’s amazing have a look for it it’s on YouTube honestly it’s incredible to see the the Rhythm and the just the vibe of those uh I think it was River play fans oh 42 what a

Strike wow 42 what a strike now can I say something if kellerer was in goal now you’d all be slaughtering him over that great goal great strike not taking it away but if kellerer was in goal all that some people would be saying was Ali would have saved that great

Strike very good finish and it’s 4-2 uh where are we away goals there we go 42 Ohana saves that sorry I can’t hear him over the out of them being knocked out with the afcon whil it’s being dropped simultaneously so we’ve had goals six of them we can’t

Say we haven’t been entertained but still what 20 minutes to go in the game Liverpool four norwi two in what has been a pretty entertaining Cup tie ball in from Trent oh J it oh gako couldn’t get his bearings now he look to play out good tracking back boys away you go

Ryan go on somebody show support from that’s a free ref no no we’re not giving frees today apparently oh go on go on unlucky Bradley knew he should have probably had another assist there and that’s a free out to nor it’s crappy weather up north Mao

What’s it like down there one sec yeah it’s drizzly an overcast and miserable looking uh the other game finished 1-1 between Watford and Southampton thank you for that SG so there’ll be a replay there at St Mary’s to see who has the right to play Liverpool

Not a good game by Liverpool well we’re winning 4-2 so if that’s not a good game I’ll take it nor is it nor throwing in is that what it’s giv nor throw in Haron said hell was this not a good game we’ve been brilliant I know that’s I

Don’t understand like yeah it’s been a bit sloppy at times but we’ve made a load of changes uh scored some great goals and it’s look after the week we’ve had with the news that urgen dropped on on Friday I’ll take a win today of any variety to book our place in the next

Round a win is a win for me you know keep us going in all competitions keep the morale High head of the game against Chelsea on Wednesday we’re up to 1.4k likes now so we’re closing in on that one and a half th000 like goal and also please do hit

The Subscribe button if you are new to the channel uh 240,000 is within our sites and um yeah what a think that’s mad to say by the way 240,000 subscribers but we’re getting close Bradley now in possession excuse me McConnell in possession my apologies into the Left Channel to Andy

Robertson Robo puts in across nor head gets on the end of it clears it away Chris thank you for gifting five membership sir you’re very kind gbo soas his strike is blocked those memberships and Chris went to reach the SpongeBob to Tian Superman or sour man

Sorry my apologies Tian that’s on me dud uh Andre uh bage Charlie cash there you go and thank you Chris for those Robertson to verg of Van djk jel Quanza 3K watching just hit the like good people said who said that Jason thank you Jason grenberg robertsson what’s your top five moments

As a Liverpool fan oh god um Barcelona Istanbul um Gerard Olympiacos Gerard West Ham FA Cup um and origi against Everton off the top of my head really quickly probably those so in if you want them in order Barcelona come back top Istanbul second aigi goal against Everton third

The one where the pick for little arms couldn’t stop the ball bouncing off the top of the bar um Gerard goal against Olympiacos fourth and Gerard FA Cup final goal against West Ham fifth just off the top of my head and I’m sure I’ve forgotten some big moments

Why is that I still get ads after being gifted a membership because there’s nothing to do with ads and memberships mate uh that’s that’s not a YouTube thing the only way you skip ads on YouTube is by getting YouTube premium yeah it’s memberships no channels perks

Are part of no ads that’s it twitch thing not a YouTube thing dortman should be in the there um yeah that Dortmund KN as well was incredible as I said I probably am forgetting things off the top of my head here but the dejan Len header and the

Comeback against Dortmund was yeah that was brilliant as well um what a night that was Ali versus West Brom yeah that was a huge moment because it qualified for the Champions League um but I find it hard to pick a CO moment as one of the best

Moments 7 nil will be up there as well yeah again I’m just you know I answer the question off the top of my head Without Really sitting down and thinking about it but 7 nil’s got to be in there somewhere probably yeah that’s that’s a very good point giving United an

Absolute whooping that anfield 70 should never be forgotten nor should the 5 nil but um that’s why I find it so hard to single out these moments and count them down outside of the big ones but I my top three I’m comfortable with the um Barca game Istanbul uh oh McConnell’s a

Bit of cramp and the origi moment against Everton I love that moment so much McConnell’s down it looks like cramp to me more than anything from the way he’s trying to stretch out one of mine has to be that Lana winner against nors to make a 54 with Club

Celebration that the one the glasses got broke Aaron that was hilarious have Liverpool moved around position since moving Trenton I don’t think so no Bradley’s still coming up on the right hand side Robertson’s gone on to the left I think Trent’s do in a Midfield role I think still in

There I I haven’t I’m going to be honest I haven’t paid much attention to it since we’ve made the changes H thank you ligher appreciate that mate five worst moments oh no I don’t want to think about that but I’ll tell you what one of them will be Kap

Saying he’s leaving that’ll be one of the five worst moments um yeah I don’t want to go through the worst moments because I’ve had enough sad thoughts this week week it looks like McConnell will be going off I think but what a what a display what a display from Young

McConnell he won’t forget today nor should he and he’s being replaced by Lucho I think it’s just a bit of cramp and you know a lot of ground covered of a lot probably a lot of nervous energy as well but what a what a what a game

From y McConnell and he won’t forget that nor will we forget it what a performance from him great assist for the first goal as well ball inside nice at the one two Gago pulls it back j a save is that in is that over the line referee no no let’s have a

Look thank you pinky very kind o save there Oh I thought that was looks like it wasn’t over the line but good Save By The Keeper there from J then the ball rebounds breaks graen Burg hits it and again it’s blocked on the line

Oh and it ends up with a goal kick to nage 10 minutes to go plus stop his time great Saves by The Keeper there from nor well done Connor Bradley again couple of blocks in here now but we still haven’t cleared our lines n in possession press comes on forces nage

Back inside their own half who would I rather play wford or Southampton um Southampton I think it’ be a nice open entertaining game zidan no it’s Craig mate I know we look alike easy one to confuse but no I’m not aan I don’t want sadan as our next manager

You don’t have to worry about it mate it won’t happen anybody who keeps suggestions Zan either doesn’t know anything about Liverpool or just really like sedan either way I’ve realized that the E aren’t capitalized in the LFC font and now it’s really annoying me it HS from making me aware of it now

As well mate so now I have to be annoyed by it uh you should have kept that one to yourself XX sper Sith cuz once I see these things like yourself I won’t be able to unsee it come on dude we won five Lads come on let’s get us a

Fifth I’m just looking on the chase down for 240k Lads come on keep hitting that subscribe button I want to try and get to 240k and let the count down to 250 start Willi not nlman um I’ve still got some questions around Julian nlman um I think it’s probably just the

Run of jobs that he’s had that haven’t worked out too well so I’m a little bit war or weary I should say of um of Julian nman at the moment and also he’s in a job and he’ll be in that job till at least after the Euro so timing wise it wouldn’t fit

Thomas Frank will be a good option said Mikey um it would be an interesting one and there are a lot of things Thomas Frank does that are likable is brand of football’s not too dissimilar in in ways to how we play but is he a big enough

Name you know would he be able to attract the players I I don’t know the answers to them but he has been a name that’s been mentioned by a couple of people as certainly um one that will be weighed up by the owners Eddie hell no no way I’m looking

At Tindle on the sidelines no no you know that’s I got to be honest Eddie H have no problem with but that um assistant manager of his I don’t want him anywhere near us thank you very much Garcia said Gerard well Garcia is really wrong then nobody I don’t know a single

Liverpool fan that wants Gerard next that I’ve spoken that one corner in oh unlucky wordss gets a header ball glances over so there was a fake score there from Dom so I’m going to have to have a timeout for that b fake scores we don’t do yeah let’s do a poll someone said

Let’s do a poll I’m going to do a poll let’s get a poll going one second Corner R hooked Away by narage one sec I’m just putting this poll together here um I need one more option you know what I’m going to put this In oh no how do I spell this dude’s name right so I’ve probably spelled amaram wrong so let’s start this poll I’ve probably spelled the sporting manager’s name wrong so apologies on that one but I think you know who I mean so the poll is up there Alonzo deserie

Thomo Fran or amaram and again sorry if I’ve spelled his name wrong when you buy a manager you have to get a assistant manager for that club no and you don’t buy managers but no no the manager gets to pick his back room staff usually um and look we know where our

Back room staff are going so amam a sporting Lisbon’s manager pops yeah sorry and I told you I spelled it wrong but you know who I mean so Gerard would still be a fantastic choice though I don’t think he would I don’t think he would if he came in as Alonzo’s number

Two that would be interesting if he could um humble himself to be Alonzo’s number two then maybe down the line you can look at jard I just don’t think so not now right corner trying to take it 3 minutes plus stoppage time to go headed down and we let it go for another

Liverpool Corner look Milner coming in as part of an back room staff I’d be on board with not as obviously the coach but having Milner as as a number two or part of a coaching team 100% soly oh lucky tried to catch the keeper early keeper got down made a

Decent save to his left hand side you can have Brendan Rogers back I I’ll respectfully pass on that one Chris M man look can you imagine if we did M I know this isn’t going to happen right this isn’t going to happen but imagine Alonzo’s manager oh what a strike from

This then J oh over the barn looky Doo imagine Alonzo’s manager with Gerard and Milner as the assistant imagine honestly imagine that for a minute Alonzo the gaffer Gerard the assisted manager and uh Milner a coach imagine the standards that would be set in that dressing room oh uh

Simeone would have to be in the conversation wouldn’t he we don’t need a football ter terrorist Edward no he’s anti- footb in my opinion Simone I I don’t no he’s too much of a villain no no to cholo Simone um that would be amazing oh would

Be so good wouldn’t it it won’t happen but it’ be so good Thomas tle for manager n you I can’t be the only one Paul who would just look at Thomas tle and go we’re just getting a worse version of the manager that’s just left

Us I I don’t I I I don’t know if it’s just me I’ve never been able to take to Thomas tle I’ve never I don’t know he’s just not my type of personality shimoni eni’s name has definitely been one I’ve seen mention a bit Scott thank

You for your Super Chat he said enagi or allegri allegri no but in zi’s name is an interesting one J another volley Over the Bar what about pep linders he can go and take Alonzo’s job and buy a Leverkusen be a good fit I think uh Connor Bradley has been giv the Emirates

Man of the match by ITV and I agree I think it’s a very good selection I think himself and McConnell have been brilliant today but Connor Bradley has been given the ITV uh man of the match award so five minutes added on extra time by the way five minutes

Cross in from nage Ali comes and claims it so let’s see how we’re doing on the subscriber count lad we’re closing in it’s less than 200 and a bit now if you haven’t hit the sub button please do there’s 3100 people in the chat we’re 270 or so

Away from 240k everyone really helps don’t forget We’ll be asking you on our fan reaction show for your man of the match vote as well we’ll check in right now on the next manager poll uh amaron with 2% Thomas Frank with 3% Roberto derer with 7% but with 88% of the vote

It is Javi Jai Alonzo who is uh your choice for my selections for the next Liverpool manager again Liverpool still pushing for a fifth Sao slay Trent block back to Diaz he pulls it back across goes over everybody’s head to the far side cross in it’s blocked and it goes out for

Liverpool corner on the far side do you st Trent and Bradley against Chelsea oh it’s a good question probably not because I think he’ll go with mallister in the DM position but yeah it is going to like Bradley’s done his career an absolute worldly good with his performances well Trent being

Away nor now on the counter over here pass though and that will go all the way through to verg of Van djk two minutes plus stopage 2 minutes of stoppage time excuse me to go um yeah wasn’t vintage but we got the job done and we do know

That we are going to be playing either the winner of the Southampton Watford replay which is going to be taking place Michelle the joner manager it’s the Man City Connection there drew that makes that probably a non-starter dude you know the City Club City Group

Own a big stake as your owner so I would say that’s a no no Serena vman uh I I think um is she not still managing the England women’s team to be fair oh man down gakpo got one in the face I think he’s all right he’s getting back up to

His feet let’s have a look what happen I just keep cut on the follow through but he’s back up and he’s all right thankfully there’s definitely No Malice in handled in that uh Jamie always a pleasure my man thank you for your kind words uh it’s

Always great to see you in the chat dude right we’re back on their way with a drop ball Diaz balls over hit Bradley Graber work five 52 Ryan grenberg with a header at the far post another assist from Connor Bradley and Liverpool have got the fifth that we’ve all been greedily asking for

It finishes up Liverpool five nors two it is Ryan grenberg on the end of this one after a drilled cross from Connor Bradley which gets him a a double assist for the day and uh Ryan grenberg certainly celebrated that one ball was played by Diaz all the way over

Bradley voles it down into the ground grenberg reacts quickest at the far post gets the header goward bounds 5-2 bing bang BOS and Liverpool are into the next round of the FA Cup after a seven goal Thriller at anfield delighted for Bradley delighted for graen Burke as well there you

Go klopp comes across with M Vagner gives him a hug as well on the side Sidelines and uh yeah look pretty perfect afternoon robo’s back on the pitch Trent’s back on the pitch five goals for the Reds two assists for Bradley and it finishes up at anfield as

The referee Blows the Whistle Liverpool five nor City two in the FA Cup Liverpool are through to the fifth round where we will await the winners of the replay between Seth Hampton and Watford the game will be played at anfield the week of uh I think the week of the 28th of feu

So yeah ladies and gentlemen I’m going to go record my match reaction I will see you guys in half an hour we’ll see you guys back here at 5:00 for the fan reaction show we’re going to be asking you for your thoughts on the game on the club situation and anything else that

You guys want to discuss as well please do hit the Subscribe button for us before you head off and don’t forget to drop a like as well Liverpool have done it five goals to two uran klopp’s first game since this announcement finishes with a victory and I will see you guys

In about 30 minutes time much love as always thank thank you for joining us we really appreciate your support enjoy it we’ll talk to you soon bye-bye


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