Golf Players

MHB Postgame Show | Miami Heat Are Playing Uninspired This Season

Giancarlo Navas is joined by Pablo the intern as the Miami Heat fall to the Boston Celtics 110-143

• Miami’s pathetic defensive performance
• Heat playing uninspired this season
• Rozier through two games
• What is Tyler Herro wearing?

And more!

Like Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami miamii Miami miamii Miamii welcome welcome welcome to the Mi heat be postgame show that was um I feel like I’m starting these postgame shows a lot like that where I’m just like that was one of the games of all time right uh I’m my I’m your host on Carlo Navas with me

Today is the intern Pablo unlike myami we came to work you know so we’re gonna we’re gonna rock with you uh here on this Thursday of rivalry week Pablo let’s be S together yeah let’s you know let’s [ __ ] let’s [ __ ] do it so Miami has uh arguably the most embarrassing loss of

The season and and again we keep having these conversations every game and it’s like they keep having nominees for like man what made you feel worse they just keep I thought it couldn’t get worse than the Raptor game I was like surely nothing will feel this

Bad hey my god dude I feel like it’s been the worst loss in this every loss of the five the five losing streak has been a bad loss chat aing trade everybody people are asking for herbon immediately just for Tyler hero hey he brings defense and we need

That [ __ ] Conor Trey says put the whole Heat team in jail Weird Al says I’m very serious get bam Jimmy and hero off the team Jay Rich was the best pairer on this team today with h with Hayward he Smith and Thomas Bryant at some point Thomas Bryant was

The Heat’s leading scorer and five reasons tweeted that out and I thought I’ve never I’ve just never never felt a season’s been more over than you know big game against rival Thomas Bryant leading scorer on National Television National TV not even on Valley Sports no on TNT we [ __ ] came out and looked

Worst in my local park chat wants SPO arrested held accountable someone in my someone just tweeted me a person I’ve never seen before just added me out of nowhere and said the problem with the heat right now is stubborn coaching can’t make adjustments and that’s on SPO

SPO 85% players 15% I have no idea who this R Ramirez is that tweeted at me but he just really he wasn’t even replying to a tweet he just had to get that take out to me and people are crazy right now people people are crazy people are

Blaming Jos Hart people are mad that’s Bose’s getting $45 million chat saying am I not still staging I may have to before Saturday I can’t handle losing to the Knicks I may need to go I may need to do a ritual I may need to take Pablo as

Like Aid to you know in church you know what like in the Catholic Church how the the the people go around with the incense burners and like those little sticks that that sway I’m gonna have to go I’m gonna have to go Pablo and I are

Going to have to go to the arena and do I don’t even know I don’t know what’s up with us bro cuz it’s just bro for once we score over a 100 right but we gave up 143 to a to basically probably the best team in the NBA right now chat’s asking

How old is Tony Allen that’s we are right now like yo what’s Tony Allen up Brian Gos in our chat is like [ __ ] it just call PJ Tucker I don’t care and Tiff’s like to do what PJ Tucker is gonna be even worse bro guy’s 50 years

Old Weir Al says uh G take that big face coffee hat they doesn’t deserve it unfortunately my I’m having a bad hair day so this stays on hat stays on during sex um chat says UD wouldn’t have allowed this dog they did this the other day

With UD in the building what are you talking about we lost on a gamewinner on the night that was supposed to be memorable for [ __ ] UD they did that in front of Dwayne and Udonis it’s horrible bro horam serious is this team serious G they’re not serious they came

Out of a Time out one of them was two there were two times out of timeout that I wanted to kill them the first was Thomas Bryant Corner three out of timeout play and I and I thought surely it can’t get worse than that shot clock violation another time dude but like it

That was so bad because like Haywood was even looking the shoe he just like5 seconds left he dumps it off to Bam I knew it was over right there Boblo can you get me the video that Ryan Cortez tweeted about Jimmy and Duncan go to Ryan Cortez’s uh Twitter account

And get that video for us because I think that video so beautifully shows how [ __ ] The Vibes are right now weird if we lose to the Knicks that he need to trade make a trade to they said need need to trade Tu um yeah man it’s just it’s frustrating because you know at

Least last season they showed a pulse against good teams mhm they’re obviously better record-wise than they were last year you know they were eight games over 500 before this losing streak and I just never felt comfortable with the way that they looked and I said that constantly I

Was on air being like I don’t think this team’s as good as they were last year I don’t like the process I don’t like their defense and I saying all year and I remember tweeting it I was like their offense May stink but the defense is what I’m most concerned about because

They’re going to win games on their defense they haven’t today Pablo that [ __ ] was [ __ ] disgraceful today bro it was like we’ve never seen that happen to us like very rarely would that ever happen to us but it feels like first those with the Raptors where they’re just [ __ ] shooting lights out against

Us and then like I don’t even think it’s been all season Paulo it’s not just this losing streak their defense has just not been physical they have not been felt I keep going back to like they don’t foul a lot which I think theoretically you

Say is good to me that means like you’re not being physical bro you’re not being aggressive you’re not the defense there’s no point of attack and that’s what we had last season I I’m pretty sure with Gabe Vincent we were [ __ ] defending pretty good this season we

Have no one that can stop a semi quick guard that’s why we always get cooked by someone who’s fast like I mean bro they were getting cooked by Luke cornette and [ __ ] Payton Pritcher today R baby that pick and roll was deadly Fu it was annoying bro that

And it was on everybody dude dude it was like and even guys that I like and I cap for like Duncan was awful defensive I don’t know how many screens he got lost on he got [ __ ] hammered on some screens and it was like come on bro like

I I just I don’t I don’t even know and again they put up a half decent offensive game they score 110 they look fine on offense but they had a kind of a slower second half what’s it called it was whoever offense on D Robin hero

Tonight that’s just what it felt like it was just whoever whoever hero or D was guarding they were attacking and it worked and then those I mean Tyler played well on offense I mean Duncan was one for five and you know Pablo while we’re on the subject of Duncan you know

Put up put up that play that Ryan Cortez tweeted out cause so Duncan is gonna get the ball and he misses Jimmy Jimmy’s in the corner and he Jimmy’s pissed and now Jimmy doesn’t want to be participating in the play you know what I mean and

He’s pissed and duck is like what the [ __ ] let’s run that back one more time like Jimmy’s gonna leak out to the corner and he’s going to be open Duncan does not find him in time and then Jimmy just gets mad and look at the body

Language it’s just like you [ __ ] it I’m not involved you know what I mean then he gets hung up on that they waste like 10 seconds on the shot clock it just wasn’t like you don’t see that from Jimmy and I just may maybe because he wanted it really bad tonight to win

Because it was the Celtics but that’s not good for like team chemistry wise maybe it maybe it’s nothing maybe it was just a fork in the road it’s January we still got to remember that but I don’t know like that that’s never happened with Jimmy when he’s been here in

Miami dude I so I tweeted out today in the middle of that game I said the heat need to play with hate in their heart they need to find it and I know that that’s a weird thing to say but this is a team that plays that feeds off

Nastiness that feeds off of that physical [ __ ] you energy this is a team that needs to have a chip on their shoulder and needs to feel doubted they are not going to out Talent anybody and they’re not the Warriors they’re not like Barcelona the beautiful

G no they are they’re a [ __ ] you team and they need to get that [ __ ] you energy and they don’t got it Jimmy don’t got it Tyler don’t got it I think Bam’s the closest dude to gotting it to having it but even then he’s not they don’t have that nasty they

Don’t have that hate that like I want to [ __ ] destroy that [ __ ] on the other side they’re just not playing with that ever I don’t see that at all like Pablo this should be a team that they’re like Derek white [ __ ] you Jason Tatum [ __ ] you too and attack him and it all

Ends up with effort there’s we’re so we’re not we didn’t play good defense tonight cuz there’s no effort you’re look dead without effort you’re not going to play good defense you’re not going to play good basketball where the toughness bro I don’t even know where they rank

And charges taken they’re like not even taking charges where’s the [ __ ] toughness bro where’s the [ __ ] you where are the hard physical fouls where is these guys aren’t felt bro they’re not they’re not F on offense they’re not felt on defense where the [ __ ] is yonis

Haslam Tony golf says bring back Luke I know it’ll fix the toughness Luke Luke Josh M Roberts people are like him is a toughness that’s not enough bro this has to be like a one through five kind of thing I I really do feel like not having

Not having UD have that voice in the back has affected them because I want I want to compare to like 22 where you have PJ Tucker nasty dog when they were calling themselves a kennel you know Jimmy when he gave a [ __ ] yeah bam you know and for as much

As you say Kyle has that [ __ ] you attitude that physicality that try hardness and they just Kaleb hungry not having a contract signed the two-way guy like hungry Caleb like they had dudes bro now now we’re just like like they made the finals and now it’s just like

What the [ __ ] is going on didn’t win the finals you should be even more [ __ ] says they’re kittens now uh their little headbands are like Kitten Mittens seen it’s always sunny it’s just they shouldn’t be satisfied with what they have right now they they were the they were they were

The runner-ups in the finals shouldn’t they be more [ __ ] like like heated up shouldn’t they want it more now that they’ve lost twice in the finals they they they should I don’t know man it was like I remember when I remember in 20 the the year I think it was 21 the the

Year of the bubble the year after the bubble and that was a really rough year and I remember they even started really rough yeah that was really bad and they they play Milwaukee and they get blown out at home they have like a they have

Like a they have like a a two straight games against Milwaukee at home for some reason the way the schedule worked out and they didn’t have Jimmy the next night and they [ __ ] they beat the breaks off the Bucks in the second half it was like GOI and bam and all those

Guys and that was like a pride win and I remember I forgot who I talked to it might have I I there was somebody on he Twitter that I was talking to that said that was a pride win like they were just they’re not that good this year but that

Was like a hey we’re the [ __ ] Heat win yeah they haven’t had a performance like that all season I feel like there’s so many signature losses but there’s no signature wins no they don’t have a signature win we don’t have a win that stand stands out like we don’t have but

We have probably [ __ ] 10 losses that are like they can be contenders for worst loss of the season is their best win like Cleveland on the road when Cleveland was like struggling is it the Lakers on the road like those are not like I guess Cleveland’s an okay team

Lakers are not good the Lakers aren’t good them Magic game away but they ended up the mag ended up making like a fourth quarter run and I don’t know I can’t really think of a team that we beat that I was like damn like we’re [ __ ] good like we’re playing really

Good I they’re just they’re just they’re just frustrating man they’re they’re just like they have no Pride they have no and I and I know and I had this conversation in in a in a heat Twitter group chat today and I was like guys I just

Don’t I just don’t feel like this is like the other years and listen Brady Hawk told me he’s like hey man I don’t care about Jimmy and January like wake me up and I understand that sentiment and maybe I’m overreacting because listen last year they lost to Dallas at

On the road Dallas blew them out by like 35 you know on national TV it was like a big game because I think Miami had finally won like I think Miami had like won three or three games in a row or something and they had finally put together like their best stretch of

Basketball That season they were going into Dallas against a rival against an MVP candidate that was like playing really really well and I go guys Dallas is not the best team in the world but Dallas is a good team with an MVP candid this National TV ESPN game this is a

Game that good teams win because the heat needed to start stacking successes on each other and I said that’s that’s a game that good teams go in and they win and they go in and they got [ __ ] spanked bro they got absolutely cooked kind of like tonight if you’re being

Honest but that’s to say that like I felt this way and I got on air and I said everything a lot of what I’m saying now and I was wrong because they made the finals I just think that this year’s different I just so it can’t this the

Fifth year saying oh it’s January but like something has to give something has we we we’re showing right now the way we’re playing is that we don’t [ __ ] care and it shows in the way we play and I just we’re going to enter the [ __ ] we’re going to enter Allstar Allstar

Weekend probably not have an All-Star who Maybe bam and no signature win Hell of [ __ ] bad losses are they a seed right now like what’s going on like I don’t know I don’t know because they were they were in six two days ago I think they dropped to

Seven so right now they are sixth they’re still sixth no they’re seventh uh with the loss tonight so they’re they’re half a game above Orlando for eighth so back in the playin they’re a game behind Indiana for six who I I believe won tonight uh the figure the Pacers beat the Sixers did

Embiid play yeah yeah embiid did play damn bro what’s it called we just oh wow embiid embiid only had 31 tonight no no he played the fourth quarter to get that no no I was joking because ID’s been so unfortunately so good this year and I’m

Like wow 30 31’s on the lower end of his uh scoring outbursts I just they have to do something about this offense before like and like they have to figure something out coming out of the All-Star break whether it’s moving someone to the bench bringing someone in playing around with with like

With plays putting different lineups something has to give because right now it’s it we’re not scoring at all it’s straight isolation ball it’s either bam posting up for 10 seconds hero just dribbling around for for a long time Jimmy posting up there’s no fluidity there’s no there’s no smoothness in our

Offense and I and that’s why we struggle to score I have not liked and and I want to give him a pass cuz he just got here not been a fan of the Rosier experience so far and he obviously needs a practice with the team you know there’s I want to

Be fair to him as well but I’ve not liked kind of him turning the corner on the pick and roll and then just like passing out of it to a guy that’s covered and it it’s just like it’s like that’s not what you’re here for man like if we wanted to watch

A guy over pass like we had a dude that was doing that like they need you to score they need you to be like a bucket getter you know he had seven points three for 10 minus 28 like that’s just not that’s not good enough and I again I

Want to give him a pass because he’s new he’s new it’s his second G he he got here on Tuesday and he’s played two games already so like he has to I feel like he’s also just not confident not not that he’s not confident but he doesn’t want to be selfish and take

Those shots but we got him to be that scorer like we needed more scoring and he needs to he needs to start like being more aggressive because we all know that he can he was averaging 23 on the Hornets he can easily average another 17

On the heat right now and we could we could seriously need that Pablo I’m just I’m just beside myself with this game chat’s asking if I fired moose I did not fire moose I talk we to Moose like every day moose is just busy yeah he’s he’s just

Busy stop accusing me of firing people I’ve only fired one person and it was hot take Harry it’s the only person I’ve ever fired in the 10 years of he bro people have people have get get busy man but it’s not me though I’m [ __ ] I’m chat chat’s asking G do you take

Collins no I’m not supports radio that’s why we have a chat chat’s for you guys to send me your thoughts and we filter what’s funny and that’s what we put on here chat’s asking like justice for moose like I fired him and I need to set him a [ __ ]

Severance poor moose man yeah moose get is stays well outside of just the offense and US sucking today what do what do you think we should we should do moving forward as a as the heat you know like what do you think they have to do they um

They their issues are are deeper than one guy I do think that like their defense is so I’m sorry chat just now chat just wants to talk about Heat beat Heat beat labor policies they’re like why did you fire hot take Harry buddy you weren’t around you weren’t around back then you don’t

Know what was going on that was very that was a very public firing go ask your friends cuz I’m not I’m not Rel litigating that but that was very public you can you can go search for it Twitter’s a thing I’m gonna have to tell moose I’m gonna have to tell moose to

Come on next next week because you guys don’t they they you guys think that i’ I’ve hidden moose away in a dungeon I did not I I actually I did not give Harry a two week notice but Harry did ask for severance well we were broke

We were like a really broke company that like barely made money and he was asking for severance that’s [ __ ] hilarious bro I was like Harry you you know our finances like we don’t got money and I still gave him money for real I gave him like the little that we

I gave him like a little the little that we had oh you’re such a nice guy man you’re such you’re such a good boss I just didn’t want to deal with him I didn’t want my boss of the Year boss of the year um but yeah we’ll have

Musan next week and um and yeah this is this is Peak blowout talk just talking about La policies no remember when we got blown out about the Suns we were [ __ ] talking about the alien and [ __ ] like [ __ ] when we get right I miss I missed

The alien like can the alien yo the alien the alien can the alien D up can he play some post defense we missed Kevin Love Tonight too that was yeah Thomas Bryant’s unplayable and Thomas Bryant had some nice scoring today but like they just kept putting him in pick

And roll every single time and it was bad they put hero in the pick and roll they put Duncan in the pick and roll like you said earlier they put Rosier a lot as well and it was just so hard for them to survive they [ __ ] they [ __ ] exposed our defense bro like

People were still saying it was it it’s decent I hope you guys are not saying it’s [ __ ] decent after today bro I but like atrocious I’m not a fan of the drop no especially with a team like this I think that they need to go back to switching I understand them trying to

Preserve bam a little bit and I I think part of it is like they’re trying to I think that I I think they’re just trying some new stuff to see if they can survive a little bit defensively their rebounding has really not been an issue for them all year because the drop helps

Kind of secure rebounding because rebounding at times was an issue last year I don’t think it was a big issue but for sure it’s something that you notice and it’s annoying they they need I think they need a little bit of switching and listen I think SPO is a great coach and we’ve

Seen him we I think that he’s a little lost in the sauce right now and I and it just sucks because you can’t like if you were to ask Eric about the drop he would just a not give you an answer and B like kind of get mad that you asked it’s like

Hey Eric why did you switch from drop from switching to drop you know primarily and then he just get mad at you so it’s like you can’t even like for fans that want to understand it’s like you can’t even get that that’s like annoying about coaches I’m sorry that

That’s always bothered me but he you know in 20 in 2020 in 2019 2020 they traded for Iguodala and Crowder mid-season and they changed the defense when they got here they they because they had that was the last time that they had bam in a drop fulltime and I

Was not happy with their defense that year either I remember at the time it was just I was really not happy with it I think they were like around like 12 like kind of like what they are now to be honest men of the pack yeah like like

Slightly above average but not slightly above average but like not quite top tier and you know and spo’s always going to turn out defenses like that and with bam and Jimmy you’re just always going to be like competitive defensively regardless of the scheme because they’re so good although Jimmy has been a minus

Defender this year just straight up but they changed their defense halfway through the season and I I don’t think that it’s bad if they do that again I do think that they need some trades yeah they need pieces they need pieces they need defensive pieces they just we got playing

Rosier Duncan and Tyler at times today you can’t do that but they played they played Rosier Duncan and Thomas Bryant with Jimmy and Caleb and I’m just like that’s just how is that unit like that unit can’t survive on defense bro they play too many three bad Defenders one

Okay Defender and one good Defender like too of and you can’t get away with that I don’t care if you’re in a Zone I don’t care about like they just tonight was a great example of that they Expos I’m going say how it is they expose what

We’re missing in our defense and that’s point of attack they [ __ ] attacked Tio roir Dr Rob every single time and they couldn’t stop it and we just need the Personnel to play defense last season we had Gabe we had stru we had [ __ ] we had people that could defend

The point of attack but this season is just non-existent right now it’s a lot of deep size after you say stuff because that’s just really just just obvious but again another day another new starting lineup right yeah so and Lord knows what they’re going to start on [ __ ] Saturday it’s probably

Gonna heith out you know [ __ ] Caleb in or yic in or I don’t know what the [ __ ] they’re going to do you know some [ __ ] we’re not I got to prepare myself for the worst CH hey Chad says a cleaning a YT thank you I don’t I don’t

Normally wear yts I was feeling the YT today uni uni I I I finally I went to an uni store in uh in Canada huh that that store is gas yeah dude it sucks as it’s not really one in Miami and uh I’m always scared to buy from like a store

Online for the first time because of the sizes so when I was in Montreal I I hit up that was like one of the things I wanted to do was hit up the uni CL and uh yeah Tiff saying High Smith was bad not shooting wise at least shooting wise

He was hitting I thought heith was fine I I think he’s a guy that I don’t know like he did what I guess I get what Tiff means is like what more do you want from him I think I think he want have to compete defensively more right because

Like he’s a guy that should be like a plus Defender and I don’t particularly think that like he was like helping a lot he was complaining a lot today they’re just kind of whiners today bro it was really annoying watching like heith after just after they will just

Call a foul like the very first foul like he fouled Tatum and he’s just [ __ ] throwing his hands up like this like like bro that that sets a bad juju for the whole game when when you’re in the first quarter 11 minut like two minutes in and you’re already complaining

Like that really pissed me off today Chad ask G do you still think a big three of Jimmy Tyler and Bam are still here after the deadline I I’m G be careful how I’m GNA to say this I don’t think they I don’t think they do anything drastic I do think that it’s

Time I feel bad because I I like Tyler as a player I don’t think Tyler is a bad player I just don’t think he’s what they need and I think that they’re hemorrhaging I think they needs a piece that makes a little bit more sense I think they I think hero makes sense

On like the Clippers he makes a lot of sense right although they don’t need more but like he would make sense on the Clippers I think he makes sense in Philly for example you know as well like I guess they have Maxi but you know goes

A long way they you know obviously they need stuff out their Ben there’s a lot of teams where I think that like they he makes sense but not I think for Miami they have their weaknesses are I think right now defensive bite Rim pressure and I think that’s it because I

Think everything else will kind of come together and and getting to the line and he doesn’t do those three things which is ridiculous that he cannot get to the line but we knew that coming out of college this is not a surprise that was Theo on him and we knew and literally on

Draft night or that that draft week we said you know he he could be Lou Williams without the free throws right yeah which is kind of what he is but Hees a huge part of the game he doesn’t accept that’s the thing start yeah whatever that’s that’s neither here nor there for me

Um something’s probably going to happen at the trade deadline who is going to get traded I don’t know I don’t know about that Pablo I don’t I don’t know if they’re gonna punt on hero like that and I don’t know I don’t think hero I don’t

Think hero but maybe I’m not going to say names but like we have a lot of the a lot of players that kind of do the same thing and our fit right now is not it the only other package that I think gets you to like real salary to make a

Real difference is like Duncan plus Caleb if someone wants Duncan other than that it’s like Hero’s the guy that you move to get St they could move like Drew Smith and Orlando Robinson and like make a little bit of cap space or not cap space but get a little bit lower

Below the the tax so they can sign a bio guy and but i f give a [ __ ] about I’m sick of I’m [ __ ] sick of buyout guys bro I want I’m just sick of it just just I just want to see a team that fits and not butting heads the whole time and

With the Personnel we got right now is just the team is not built to fit and I I think that’s their biggest issue too we just the the fit around our stars are not it and by stars I mean J bam and Jimmy yeah Weird Al says what if we get

Kellyo in the buyout Market oh baby wait that would be you’re talking my language we’re bringing back K oh let’s get let’s get let’s get the [ __ ] let’s get the gang back together bro let’s bring Hassan let’s [ __ ] we got Josh hey call Justice let’s get the [ __ ] Johnson let slow James

Johnson let’s let’s get the gang back together isn’t James Johnson a Pacer they just signed him yeah they just signed him after the the Milwaukee game ball incident oh for real oh James Johnson oh yeah he is on chat’s asking where’s Kyle guy Dion Jack says Hassan was in h Puerto

Rico for two years he’s about to speak more Spanish than than haime I’m sad that Hae can’t speak Spanish that was that was devastating to learn I mean I I I understand why he’s a yonos kid that’s just sad yeah all listen he’s the he’ have kept that under WS he

Got to get him in Spanish classes so isil yeah no bro he needs ESO bro yeah we we’ve reach we’ve reached chat saying Luke babbett was a bucket portion of the program oh my God onka he was but not in real life yeah so well Pablo that’s that’s kind of what

We got that’s I’m sorry not chat’s now chat’s killing my gu Spanish Comas CH send kylo Ren for a week in haia you you and Toledo show him around Pablo I don’t even live in h you guys got some the most Cub [ __ ] there show them around bro you L

And bro Lou is a oh man I love Lou dog my goat my my my goat coach yeah so we’ll um I guess listen I guess I mean hopefully it’s better on Saturday it’s the Knicks I really don’t want to [ __ ] lose to the Knicks of all people because we already blew that

20po lead in the inseason tournament game earlier in the season I really do not want to [ __ ] lose to the Knicks once more like we Hae please come back Hae come back to work they they have a lot of questions that they need to answer that some of

That’s going to be on the some of that’s going to be off the court obviously you know they need they need a they need to so search a little bit um this could not have felt good and I hope that this is I can’t believe that they need needed a

Wakeup call but maybe they did and I hope that this was that wakeup call um I’m just upsetting it’s just upsetting and I I I hope that they can dig deep because it would be sad if if this era this this team this this group this build ends on this whimper on this

Sad whimper that they go out in the playin or they go out in the first round or some embarrassing [ __ ] like that and not swinging because I think the the reason why so many people loved this group and they love Jimmy and that crowd during those games against

Milwaukee the reason why that building was as loud as it was for a big three Heat team it’s because we were watching people we were watching a team defy All Odds off pure [ __ ] you energy off pure effort and grit and determination it was like every corny superlative that Sports

Has built off they were it man they were it and to watch they had a chip on their shoulder they had a chip on their shoulder Pablo to watch them go from that to this it’s sad bro that’s not what I that’s I want them to go out swinging I

Want them I want them to be like they need to you know I I need them to go out like [ __ ] you know all like all their health depleted and they [ __ ] get up for one last swing you know what I mean like they I just I want them to [ __ ]

Care bro it just they’re playing basketball and it looks like they don’t give a [ __ ] about what they’re doing right now and I just I I want them to show the emotion they showed last season I want them to show the I don’t give a [ __ ] energy just like how you said the

Power of friendship type [ __ ] we don’t see that as funny as it is these guy they don’t they’re not as they don’t seem as close on the court as they were last season Pablo the thing the time the season I think I saw the most was that

Game that they lost against Milwaukee at home the one without Jimmy yeah they played hard with hard prideful I don’t want to lose they didn’t play to win I don’t want to [ __ ] lose to you and I I think there’s something to that man I just think that there’s

Something to that that you just I don’t want to like one thing is wanting to win more than anything and that’s one way to kind of summon it but there’s another that it’s like I want to prevent you from winning so [ __ ] much I will not give you that and there’s just something

About that that like just creates this [ __ ] fck you energy about them so chat saying checks Jimmy’s answer after the game what’s Jimmy saying let me go well before we go let’s let’s go check out tropical blanket Alex Toledo’s Twitter account let’s see what he’s saying okay Eric Eric spoke okay Alex

Doesn’t have anything was Brady talk to okay Brady’s in the locker room we talked to okay here we go Jimmy mentioned needing an energy shift and getting back to having fun okay okay I mean was that it I mean what’s the quote chat saying why did I fire a trop baby that [ __ ]

Defected oh man that’s [ __ ] am I missing a Jimmy quote what what was the Jim what was the Jimmy quote that I that I should be hearing is there guys I don’t know I mean yeah Jimmy’s just saying like you know Jimmy’s just talking to Brady being like

You know you got to stick with each other in the good and the bad you know like cool Tyler looks ridiculous what is he wearing you can’t wear that after you bro what hold on I’m gonna put this what the [ __ ] dude you just you just lost by

40 you can’t be wearing this what what is going on with this team bro my this is crazy chat’s asking if everybody I potentially have fired even people that never worked here what’s what is going on here brother you I’m sorry bro just wear a [ __ ] t-shirt you can’t wear

What is those Oakley indoors those are [ __ ] Dollar Tree store [ __ ] glasses I see in Dollar Tree bro those are [ __ ] he looks like he’s about to storm the capital he has no Aura bro come on Tyler what is this like what are you doing bro Harrison

Barn has nine points in the first quarter what is the Harry be agenda back are we so back CH saying Tyler looks like RoboCop oh man Tyler bro say the alien from Bayside those glasses are crazy bro wizard of all’s ass fit the Tin Man somebody says he looks like he has pyro

Abilities he said Tyler looks like my leftover food I wrap in aluminum foil oh man Tyler hero looks like the Terminator is about to steal his clothes Tyler looks like a skin I’m sorry that one [ __ ] killed me bro oh my God how can he come out with like

That like with that fit and be like yeah I look [ __ ] nice as [ __ ] I look I look fly as [ __ ] sometimes we miss we all have fits that we think that’s like I would not trust that guy to teach me how to SK oh my God I’m crying oh my God leave

Me come on man can’t I’m glad I’m glad we all got to experience that together um we may be on air on Saturday I don’t know I I will be at the five reasons watch party at Rock so if you want to hang out with me and five

Reasons I’ll I’ll be there Pablo are you gonna be there what time is it at that three o’clock I’m not gonna put you on the spot like that Pablo may be there maybe maybe I’ll be there um and and you know let’s hang out and play some Super

Smash Brothers Melee while uh the heat hopefully [ __ ] ah listen oh wait was they said Wade was that the Timberwolves game did they play Utah or something no they played the Nets so I don’t know why Wade would be there what what is what is what is

Dwayne doing at ter both games should be here should be here yeah um somebody said play Smash while getting smashed uh yeah thank you um yeah boys so we’ll see you guys maybe this week all that way says Tyler looks like DP Cooper see you Saturday dude guys


  1. Complaining about Tyler but he shooting less and playing off ball like yall want. Duncan is shooting bricks and getting cooked. Y Pritchard but yall keep crying about starting him

  2. I feel like Rozier needs to evolve into his Miami Heat form before we can grade him.

  3. I always said that the Celtics gave the series to the Miami bums last year. A bum like martin took over with all the crazy lucky threes..Miami is what we thought they were.

  4. I love seeing it, sorry. The writing was on the wall. First round bounce is an avhievment right now.

    Thank "The Godfather" for doing nothing and blaming Bam and Tyler then tradimg Jimmy's best friends, while KD, Mitchel, Beal, Dame all wanted to be here.

    Keep bs around and talk abput the players but you would be wrong.

  5. 63-63 when Tyler starts vs 135-92 when Duncan starts.

    Now they would've still lost tonight but it's obvious the core of Jimmy-Bam-Tyler does not work well offensively.

    This team lacks size. All contenders have size.

    Celtics, Bucks, Sixers, Cavs, Knicks.

    Playing small ball makes this team getting crushed on the paint.

  6. Very bad loss. I have a feeling that if this season ends with an early playoff exit, the team gets blown up. The East is so much better than it was last year. Every win and loss matters. Heat need to figure it out quick or the window is going to close and lock… if it hasn't already.

    Not putting anything on Terry. These problems were here before he got here and he's brand new, played two games, no practice. I haven't seen Jimmy on the sidelines talking to him to help him like a leader should. Just an observation.

  7. I'm so glad for this loss. Now Riley will wake up and actually trade for a real player. This run it back and G- leaguers BS has got to stop

  8. This Heat build is done. You thank em for their service and look to the future. If we are gonna be this bad, we better be developing or we wasting everyones time. Jimmy plays like he has Kriptonite in his jeresey rn😭

  9. Great stuff guys, @10:30 you talk about that Fuck you attitude, Which I think every team needs. The only person who has that in them in Jimmy. Bam is too nice, and the rest of squad are just there along for the ride. UD was on the sidelines and should have provided a spark but the team didn't respond. Actually NBA wise there are only few players who play with that attitude, but overall players are just way too friendly to each other and it sucks to see, especially during rivalry week. We need 80's elbows thrown around.

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