Lower your Golf Ball Flight to Lower your Scores

GRF Golf Head Coach Marcus shows Mark a few drills and exercises that allow him to sequence more optimally – lowering his ball flight without even trying.

As always a huge thanks to Mark for letting us share his GRF Golf lesson experience with you guys.

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

But one of the problems has always been actually getting down onto it onto the left side I’m a bit of a scooper like I’m Keen to see what what machines tell us in terms of the biomechanics cuz yeah it’s always a bit of a scoop or flip so

So what could we do to get that strike and I’m probably I’d imagine that that’s probably compounds the back problem cuz I’m quite probably hit hitting it from in here which uh but I mean I guess I’m here have you always that way no I don’t think so

No yeah it’s just starting to get just what we want to do is start to understand what your golfing IQ is in terms of what you see in the psyche behind it and then we can look at the physical IQ of it so we’re looking at did the two match

Up so strike wise Mark what’s the tendency with a strike great question not sure uh that’s a good answer if you’re not sure not sure I’m not sure so would that be a more kind of exceptionally High launch or would fair Fairly normal for you that’s pretty normal pretty normal high launch

Okay yeah that’s a high launch is it it’s definitely a high launch all right downwind so that was a bit heavy yeah yeah so what would you do on your next shot so you hit another shot you just got some feedback that was heavy do you

Just go again with the same swing or do you make some kind of what would you do I’m not sure I would consciously make an adjustment right okay that’s fine that’s cool so say you started the round of golf and you’re catching it a bit heavy few first few Fairway shots bit heavy

Would you make any kind of adaptation in your practice swing or any kind of intention behind your swing or you carry on yeah honestly no I don’t okay it’s very blurry this yeah very very very blurry in terms of you’re a very skilled golfer High skill set that’s very

Generous you are um cuz you play good handicap you played good golf for for for a long time you’re able to manage your game and manage yourself we’ve got to start to une Earth what makes that skill set a little bit because we’re not looking to get technical or overly

Analytical we don’t want the paralysis by analysis we’re not talking about thinking whilst you’re swinging I’m trying to understand what you experience kind of on reflection mhm so how do I differentiate what I experienced between the high the normal shot and then when I try to hit it lower how do I

Differentiate between when I try and draw it when I try and fade it just so deterministically in the future you’ve got something to draw upon from the past otherwise we’re always hi guys the JF travel Club is revisiting the glory resort we’re in Turkey from the 10th to

The 15th of March four star venue amazing courses five nights four days of coaching with myself and one of the JF staff Plus on the course with our grf Tour player Mark Foster we’ve got six places guys follow the link in description and we look forward to seeing you there otherwise we’re always

Going through the same process so we’ve got to find out what your blueprint is here cuz there ain’t one really so we need to find out at this moment in time we’re just seeing what you do with these forces so as you swing back watch that pressure it really just shift Mark it’s

Great what shift’s quick look at that pressures moving across it’s initiating it’s giving you something to work with with your body and as you get in towards the top you start to shift your pressure back to the Target these are all kind of really ath athletic moves these are good

Dynamic and then as it Shi in it starts to stall and right at the moment your pelvis you basically just rotate your pelvis into your femur and it’s basically dead end okay legs just startop arms take over over we never get the torque in the positive direction so we’re not using

The ground for rotation yeah so we’re having to rotate using the upper upper chain the upper torso but the upper but that that’s gone quite early so now we’ve we’ve expended that so you’re in you’re into throwing the the weight yeah okay for torque for the torque so you got

Lots of inertia your lower body is having but it’s not involved in the party so the problem we’ve got is that stabilizing you your lower back’s having to a you trying to create Force but then your lower just basically taking all the stress of this inertia so if we can flip

It take the inertia off it by flipping it and getting the force here so these can react and then we can just orientate ourselves to direct these forces so we’re just taking the stress off the system and if we can unweight while we’re doing it there’s no tension on the

Joints while you loaded into the floor there’s tension across the joints but as soon as you push off you’re essentially an astronaut you’re off zero gravity in it so it’s like that yes there’s there’s some there internal forces that you’re creating external force from the club some internal forces you creating

Through the joints but you’ve already done it so now you’re just transferring you’re not generating through leverage from the ground you’ve used it so that timing is going to be absolutely imperative for us to reduce potential injury from your swing you can’t do that at the minute because we need lateral

And rotation for that like throwing first thing you do is take a step now you got the pressure there you can push which means now you can fire if that never gets there essentially what you’re doing your golf swing is going to there you’re still doing the

Same thing yeah yeah so once we get that there then we can start to use a little body will make sense yeah no it’s exciting it is just a wonder where my body’s going to uh cooperate we’ll find out bend your knees for me and I just

Want you to make some circles and just go around just look at that fantastic feel okay yeah I I don’t feel that stable but perfect you shouldn’t what I want you to do now stand up straight now go very careful with this cuz this is

Not the way I want you to rotate we should never rotate like this okay I just want you to twist your hips okay CU that’s that’s stress on the back okay but I’m just looking if you can dissociate now stop for a second that’s enough we’re ever going to do of

That movement so now I want you to make a walking action by the way that’s what you’re doing in your golf swing though but here you know I could feel it twinging the same sort of pains as it might create yeah you don’t want to be

You want to be rotating like this what we’re about to do so walking and now using this to twist the belt bule that’s how we this is how we want to move do the difference yeah so now your ankles knees hips are taking the strain they take that and you’re creating a

Rotational force from the ground the torque and you’re letting your pelvis rotate with it so you’re taking the stress off okay so if you step back onto the carpet for me and just feel that with the ground now the ground’s the stability you are the mobility you are

Not trying to stay stable you can push the ground and rotate and use your knees let your knee it’s called a collapse let your knee collapse so you can push off a toe you can push off the toe to help you rotate yeah that’s it feeling yeah like junior golf again

Just have a swing for me just back and forth in the air mark softer than that little half swings down and up see if you can feel that drop and pop so what I want you to watch out out of all that Mark yeah the only

Thing I want you to watch here is that white line don’t matter about anything else minute all that was for this look at the torque as you swing down you’re fully loaded into the floor and you’ve got torque in the direction you’re actually going all that was just for that little

Bit your body’s wanting it’s crying out the rotation from the ground you you’ve basically just denied it access to the ground for rotation so what we need to do now is we need to call the board and we need to start to look at how we get these rotations through the upper body

And then how we give ourselves our best chance it’s all we can do of making sure this can happen in a swing because as soon as that low Point goes up everything we’re doing here is pretty much lost because your body wants to hit that golf ball for you you’ve give it

The instruction and you’ve just made a lot of your personal space unavailable for it to use Y in terms of the low point forward because we got to get down there to be able to push that doesn’t mean we got to tr working hard it just

Means if you were throwing a ball you do it you do it automatic and the automaticity is there we just got to unpick it a bit so we’re going to go to the board let’s do this together I just get my left handed Club we’ll do this together so we know when

You take your eyes away you get it almost instant okay CU your body reads its environment really well when our monkey brains aren’t getting involved in it okay so just it’s the way it is so right hand on it start here eyes I’ll go first you’ll see what’s going

On don’t look anywhere else to keep my eyes I’m not keep that’s now you go keep that there just rock there now ready just rock just get used to rocking without the club don’t need the club keep your body facing that way and just rock yeah you don’t need it okay I go

First good then you let yourself rotate now just R back and forth keeping it there keep your chest keep your should there you go there no no no no you’re not turning this way you stay that way then it’s not keeping you back to the Target in a gol swing it’s just we’re

Just keeping the club in space and now off you go good there’s a trace so we go one one 2 3 nice keep stay there stay there and that can just keep going that way as you drop into that try it again see how much you can play with that rotation

Mark so Throw It Forward on one start here always start here on this side zero that’s zero start place then we go one two three yes that have to so we can just let ourselves fall and again we’ll do it again ready one two three one two three well done stay there

Stay in that space and we can just explore now just start to sit down you feel okay with that yeah so now you loaded over this side you got all this rotation of the body different feeling yeah yeah okay you’d have fired by now you’ve already gone okay so now start

Again for me one two explore that place brilliant we get the one two three and then we feel we’ve got a four we’ve actually got a four to the swing that’s the most important thing to start with one two three four so we’ve got some reference to what we’re doing one two three

Four we can start to play around with this landscape we’re creating temporally as well as physically just for this exercise put the club Behind the ball M use the rocket of the board first forward to go then back on two and then drop into three and what we’ve got to do is we’ve

Got to create a timeline of one two three four you’re starting on the back and then you can push forward to get it going nice that was much closer yeah there was a a sniff of a three and a four nice different feel to that that yeah it

Feels like the ball’s moving a lot faster down the bottom I mean the club sorry awesome that’s fantastic MK just talk me through your feeling there it just felt like at the top I was I was creating three Le you know leaning into that and letting this

Go very good if you don’t mind just stepping off the plate second that’s high that’s love that was nice that was so talk me through your feeling of that time wise movement wise shot was obviously evident but what do you what did you experience there three was long enough and I

Snapped out of that one a bit faster feel good yeah happy with that that’s brought the ball flight down about 20t in the air right that’s just yeah that was on the list of things to do right yeah it was yeah I was very aware of

That oh yeah wow more zip to that you’re loading up the system he’s compressing it now experience the shot yeah enjoy it but also now start reflect was it like what I intended yeah so you’ve got to ask yourself questions um let’s get the big big Stick

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