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Soccer Saturday reaction to Jurgen Klopp leaving Liverpool

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Lee Hendrie, Clinton Morrison, Gary Rowett, Sue Smith & Michael Dawson discuss Jurgen Klopp’s decision to leave Liverpool.

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When leel have been there for for nearly nine years he’s been the figurehead the face of the club for all that time how big a hole is he going to leave at anfield oh massive absolutely huge um I think you only have to watch and see

What club does uh and what it brings to Liverpool the football club you know I think I think everyone yesterday felt really like we’d lost someone which we have in the Premier League because he’s been a character he’s had a great rapport with the fans the players you

Only need to see him after games his passion uh his smile his glasses his hats you know them them teeth that always seem to come out um because he’s so happy and you know he’s there’s not many characters that are left in the game and and and young klopp’s

Definitely one of them um I think you only have to look at what he’s actually done at the football club he’s bought silverware which I think you know you’re going to a football club of that stature and and you have to produce you have to get the numbers right and that’s what

He’s done I mean you know he’s it’s going to be a massive loss for the football club and how they replace him is well I mean I think they could bring and actually bring anyone into the football club I think that job being available um who would not want to go in

And inherit that football club and that Squad of players that that’s available come the end of the season because it’s some big boots to F particularly that they’ve got the quad possibly that they could go and win um and then you have ask yourself someone’s got to come in

And replicate that again so the pressure is going to be on um it’s not only klopp it’s the back staff that have obviously that are going to lead the club as well sporting director and people like that that you know manufacturer take the club forward so it’s massive and it’s a

Massive loss for the premier league and Liverpool you see the you know the Social Media stuff that fans are they’re devastated I’m sure the players are too yeah I mean we’ll look forward and see who might take over for him in a bit but just looking back it’s worth just

Reminding ourselves of of what he’s achieved in those eight and a half years at Liverpool and why he is loved by those Liverpool fans Prem PR League title FA Cup and League Cup in the same season the Champions League Of course along with those you wa for super cups

And FIFA Club World Cups personal accolades nine Premier League managers of the month two manager of the years I mean it’s seriously impressive Clinton when you think back to Liverpool managers over the years and I guess the Premier League a as a whole where do you

Rank him listen there’s been a lot of top um Quality Liverpool managers it’s it’s difficult to rank him one thing I know for sure is as hendo said he’ll be missed he’s a character I like managers that are characters you’re always going to get different kind of man um

Characters listen i’ would have love to have played for a manager like Jurgen Club because I think he could get the best out of players you can see every time he’s celebrating he kicks every ball he’s involved in everything and not every manager is like that because if

You look probably at Pep Guardiola sometimes he’s not he’s a bit different so they they are different managers but he’s a superb manager and he’s done everything at Liverpool I was surprised though when I I was at home yesterday and someone said have you heard the news

I was like what do you mean there’s nothing nothing no news ain’t broke cuz I was watching something car and they said ygen CL leaving and I obviously couldn’t believe it absolutely was stunned to be fair with the news that Jurgen Club he will be missed because I

Think he’s a character and we want the best managers in the Premier League but he thinks the time’s right for him but you can see look what look what he’s done and he’s his win percentage there at Liverpool 62% it’s fantastic to be fair and you know what he does jws they

Bring players to that football club and they improve players if you look at someone like one of their best signings they’ve made Andy Robinson look how good he is when he left ho and he’s gone there and he’s been a fantastic player so huge credit must go to ygen Club he

Will be missed and the big news is really you were at home on a day off and weren’t working I me that’s that’s the big story he working last night was he of course he was but no listen listen no no I’m not moving on you can’t throw

That at me and I was busy I was I was I was busy I was um I was just chilling I can’t believe you I had no comeback Gary I mean most managers get told when it’s time to go don’t they um this is his decision he leaves on his

Terms you know all about the demands of management do you empathize with him when he says he’s running out of energy he just needs a break yeah I think when you’ve been anywhere for a long time I think the you know particularly when you’re a really emotional manager like

Jurgen klopp you know when he almost you know gives himself completely you know in terms of that energy that he creates with the players with the fans and and and when you’re having to do that every single Monday morning you go in and you’ve got to lift the place if you’ve

Lost you’ve got to lift players that have not been in the team you’ve got to have those difficult conversations every time with players if they’re not in a team who you’ve supported and you want to um be successful and even just looking at these moments the energy

Required just you know think about these moments and then 30 minutes later when you’re sat in the dressing room having time to think and and I don’t think you can do that forever you know I think every club’s different but when you’ve been at a club for as long as he had I

Mean he was seven years at mine seven years at Dortmund and now you know eight years at Liverpool or whatever it is so you can understand at some point you need to make that decision to walk away and re-energize and also spend time with your family because people don’t realize

Like it’s your family that end up suffering don’t see a lot of you which in in my family’s case is probably a positive um but I don’t see a lot of you and you’re up and down the motorway and and even when you’re in conversations you know or you’re watching a school

Play you’re thinking about your team and you’re thinking about those conversations and and it is all consuming so so I can understand I’m slightly surpris I think last year would have been a little bit of a Prelude to it I’m sure there have been times last

Year when he maybe felt you know this is the right thing to do but maybe it’s not the right timing and I’d rather go out when the team are at least on top and and a and a better reflection of what yur Jurgen klopp has produced at Liverpool which is a successful team

Over the years yeah and obviously he spoken about wanting to give the club time so to plan for a successor to him but but as Gary mentioned you know it comes at a time when that they’re well placed for a great season they’re leading the Premier League they’re

Through to one cup final there’s two other tournaments they’re going in as well I mean this news if you’re one of those Liverpool Players yesterday will have come as an absolute Hammer blow which way could this go is there a danger the season could unravel I don’t think Jurgen Klo would

Would let it unravel um I agree with Gary in terms of the timing surprised me I think that the fact that he’d obviously signed that contract extension he spoke about Liverpool 2.0 didn’t he rebuilt the the forward line he he’d rebuilt the Midfield yes they’re in a

Very good position in the league they’re obviously in the The Cup competitions as well but I spoke to a lot of Liverpool fans yesterday and some of the older ones were were saying it was it was on a par when shankley resigned and they said they felt like a similar sort of feeling

There but then they looked at what happened then you know the the fact that Paisley came in and they were even more successful so I think they can look at it in a positive that Jurgen kops actually left this club in a really good position so the next manager that comes

In can take them forward and and they can win even more so I think you could look at it both ways of course the players are going to miss him they’re going to miss that energy so charismatic the fact that yes he has improved players coming in and you think of of

Players the likes of of mosala what will happen to to his future but I think they’ll just be so grateful for what he’s given them and the next manager that comes in like say in a great position to to move Liverpool forward dors I was thinking about you know the

Impact when Sir Alex left Manchester United now I know he was there for a lot longer and had Dynasty and stuff but they’ve still not recovered is there any danger that we could see something similar at Liverpool possibly possibly um but I mean you’ve got to get the the right person in

Charge and that’s a million dollar question now where do you go and and find that person that’s trying to go going to continue what y Club started out continued brought the Premier League back after 30 over 30 years he’s done an incredible job and I was for the first

Couple of hours yesterday thinking why is he doing it now and then I’ve gone back and thought do you know what it dissolves all the credit was always going to leave on his terms he’s leaving the football club in in a better place than what he came in and and he said I’m

Not going to help in in deciding who’s the next manager but it just gives him an advantage and a head start to say right who is who is that going to be uh and I don’t see it being the same as Manchester United no I don’t I think

This this group of players and whoever comes in for me at this moment in time jabbi Alonzo is would be the right fit the link with the football club what he’s doing at lusen he’s he’s remarkable but in three months that might be different three or four months it could

Be completely different Roberto deserie whoever gets that job is going into an unbelievable football club with all the history and he’s got the players there to try and carry on Mike James philosophy y klopp went to Liverpool and all attack him how is he going to carry

On with this and it took him that time I I love the way I probably look back to when he’s one who walked around the pitch at the end of the game M just never used to do that eight years ago I was you clap your fans and off you go he

He’s sort of galvanized and and managers and players have continued that so he’s going to be a huge loss incredible what he’s done and good luck to him for the rest of the season it will be it’ll be an incredible finish I missed the fist

Pumping I love all of that you know when you walk away I’ve never been a manager but I used to be love being involved with the fans but that fist pump yeah I miss that yeah I missed that he did did he was never in the Premier League or

Anywhere in England you see everyone now going round and going right we’ve got to appreciate the fans have always turned up and get behind m m of managers and players now I see going fist pumping when they win yeah you’re can clop yeah it’s the fist pumps at the at the end

And it’s the you know the the players the Embraces of the players at the end as well and and this is where it comes down to you getting someone who who can build that relationship with the players and now they’ve lost that relationship with Jurgen or they will be losing that

Relationship what does it mean for the likes of Trent Alexander Arnold for for Mo Salah for for Virgil Van djk who all I think about 18 months left on their contracts now we start to ask what does this mean for them Lee yeah well it does

And it’s it’s not I mean it’s obviously them but it’s the it’s the new man that’s going to come in charge isn’t it you know and that that’s where it’s the big questions are and like you said when you’ve got a rapport with a a manager I

Mean we’ve all been in changing rooms and and you know if you’ve got someone that’s you know give you game time and and give you time you you don’t want to lose that manager because you know that you’re really starting again um I just think that they have to get it right and

Listen we’re talking about you know jabbi Alonzo coming in and and you know dors is right he ticks all the boxes at this moment in time but I think to to to even come anywhere close to what Klo brings to a changeing room you know what

He brings to the players and he he’s not shy to do that he he’s almost like one of the players isn’t he and that’s where I think the game’s changed so much is that you know klopp is the 12th man in in that changing room and yes that’s his

Job to do and and in galvanized players but he gets the best out of players as Clinton says you know what you say sorry T you know when foreign players come over and it takes a bit of time to adjust jgen CL is a foreign manager he’s come to Liverpool he’s brought into

Liverpool he’s brought into the community he’s bought into the fan base and you see you see there when he’s he’s so passionate about the game and that’s what I was going to say say managers are different you guys would see on the touchdown there’s other managers that

Are nice and quiet and and not as frantic as it but I like that Jurgen Club style he’s passionate and he’s brought into it and listen you wish him well everyone says Where will he he work next he said he’s never going to be working in the Premier League I’ll

Probably see joggen Club going to be an international manager I think that’s important oh sorry guys no when he first came in it was interesting wasn’t it I remember back to that first press conference remember when he said I’m going to bring rock and roll football to Liverpool and there’s one thing’s for

Sure nobody could say that he hasn’t done you know he’s brought a rock and roll football and he’s brought a rock and roll mentality and Charisma to that place and I think you know it’s it’s certainly going to be hard to to do it

Yeah I just think he got it didn’t he I think he had that connection with the fans and the fans had that connection with him straight away as soon as he came in like say from that first press conference and and the fact that he has B into the community you’ve you’ve heard

So many people saying like letters that he’s wrote to them and you know he’s just had those dealings with people within Liverpool so I think they’ve that’s what they’ll Miss as well so not only the football and the success but also the connection with their

No su’s good and she’s an I know she is I was just going to ask her that no Sue I mean you said you said that about you know him having that connection with the fans and I mean that is deep connection isn’t it oh yeah I mean who comes in and

Does something similar to that is that is that going to disrupt what’s in that change is that going to disrupt the whole Forte of what Liverpool’s been about since Jurgen club’s been around I think that’s where it’s difficult I don’t think someone can come in and try

And replicate what J club’s done I think they’ve got to come in and and be themselves yeah and try and take the team forward maybe in a in a different way because he’s unique isn’t he a oneoff so I think whoever comes in will have their own way of of doing things

Yeah and just before we move on to to who it might be just a final question on klopp and what next for him because Clinton mentioned International Management there Michael obviously after the Euros you often see you know changes and positions vacated maybe Germany maybe England Soaker Saturday Gaz has done

It who knows I mean look it’s clear it’s a stressful job I mean look there’s only Gary who’s managed on here and you think every day phone ringing people to deal with when you’re rep play you’ve only got one person to look after yourself how do I look after himself how do I

Cross that while how do put myself in the right preparation sounds like he’s going to take a break well earned break that he needs but time will tell Will he get itchy feet will he want to be straight back you side step the question Michael CL for England yes or no no I

Mean it would be amazing for England I mean we’ve got a brilliant manager I’m a big fan of G Southgate but if he decided to go someone will will tell where we are favorites in my opinion to to go and win the Euros if if Gareth doesn’t do

That he’s going to come under scrutiny one thing you get with with young klopp and you look at our English players we’ve got were attacking and he plays free flowing attacking players of course he’d fit that Bell I think it’s it’s wrong of me to say is he going to be the

Next inle man at this moment in time but he needs time I see that’s you know what listen if if if you don’t want him at England we’ll have him at the Republic of is so listen we’ll have him at the Republic of Island we can move on now

Joes listening Jurgen the job’s yours and I’m very aware that car Southgate is still very much the England manager could go win the Euros this summer who knows um Ju Just Looking forward then final question about Liverpool then who should it be Alonzo seems to be well

He’s the bookmaker favorite seems to be the favorite of a lot of Liverpool fans with his connection to the club there is his odds on then you got Roberto derer um jaab Alonzo Lee this is his first full season in management he’s doing an amazing job the only unbeaten side in

The top five divisions in Europe but is taking over at Liverpool as too soon for him um no he’s a he’s a he’s a young up andc coming manager isn’t he I think you know if they they’re bringing in a strategy of of where they go I think you

Know he does fit the bill listen you’ve got to start somewhere you’ve got to give someone an opportunity he’s going to inherit a fabulous team and Squad of players I think it’s going to be important I feel if they’re going to keep the likes of Salah who who are

Going into the last 18 months of the contract Trent um van dijk so I think that’ll be one thing you take three of them players that possibly could leave the football club which I don’t think that’s going to be the case you know I think you know that that’s a problem but

Listen I think he could come in and do I think he’s wore the shirt he knows what the club’s about doesn’t he and and that that’s so important and that’s when I think timing in football you look at Steven Gerard who’s been linked ever

Since he’s had a job and what he did up at at Rangers and you think to yourself if he would have still been in a Rangers job and and doing what he was doing up there I mean he would have been jumping straight into the spot of the of the the

Hot seat but as we say it’s timing things are going well for for alono i’ I’d like to Chuck someone in there though that not even on there and I think things aren’t great at Newcastle we touched on that and I think maybe someone like an Eddie how that that

Might be someone that knows the Premier League he’s gone to a football club that’s well been a tough one to to Really deal with I think people have doubted him but I’m not saying he’s leaving Newcastle but you look at managers that aren’t in the frame and I

Think the Herby and Eddie how I think I’d be looking at Eddie how cuz I like the way he plays I like his sty you know what hendo I was going to say to G guys did you see on there pep linders was there we talking about not changing a

Lot of what’s happened at Liverpool he’s obviously been yogan club’s assistant do you think some he could go and f that void and go into that P or is it difficult where you’ve been an assistant I think the obvious thing is that you you would link him to that but he might

Be able to continue it but I think it’s very difficult when you’ve worked under someone like klopp to end do it do it a different way I I I think Alonzo I think Liverpool will throw Heaven and Earth to get jabbi Alonzo and I think the reason

Why is because yes he knows what it’s like to put on the and he’ll have that instant Synergy yeah he’s been incredible with lus and this season they’ve been brilliant and also he’s worked under Guardiola rclub and I think he’s actually almost a hybrid when you watch his team play they’re actually a

Little bit in between so I think he’s different enough but yet he still has that Hallmark of someone who could be successful I’d be surprised if he’s not the next manager do you think the lack of experience though might sort of wave him to look elsewhere or I don’t know

But if you think he’s top of the Bundesliga at the moment in front of Munich who always win it so I think he’s done well enough to to get that link so yeah I mean who knows but I think he you know I would say he’ been the next manager yeah


  1. Why are there 6 people on this programme? Looks like a gameshow. 1 or 2 people saying boring nonsense is already too much.

  2. Jika ten hag yang mengundurkan diri kira- kira apa jawaban fans manchester united saat ditanya reporter apa reaksinya ?

  3. Klopp will be sadly missed at the reds.
    Mr Klopp mentioned he was tired but I really thinking that he as already as next season already lined up and Barcelona will have a vacant manger and needs to filled.
    Watch this space or am i just being a little cynical.
    Plus Barcelona as better weather than Liverpool.

  4. I'm not a Liverpool supporter but Klopp is unbelievable and will be missed no matter who you support. Absolute legend

  5. It doesn’t matter who you support , whether you like him or not , if you know anything about football then you know this man has done the most amazing job to lift this club to where they are today from where they were 9 years ago! What a man and what a top class manager …. Will be missed massively ! Absolutely gutted !😢

  6. It's OK saying the next manager is in a good position and it's like shankley! How is it the same? Paisley was shanks's understudy and had been a player, physio, coach, then Kenny. All promoted from within. Unai emery for me

  7. Only one manager I want..

    Jurgen.. Sad day on Friday here on Merseyside.. Last time I felt like this was when Kenny resigned back in the early 90's.. Gutted.. Irreplaceable

  8. Just look at that absolute woke panel, I do not recognize a single one of em. Viewing figures down big time… any wonder…

  9. Who remembers when this show was full of characters look at this lot now , you can see where the world is heading I pity youngsters tbh

  10. Raja casablanca coach is consudering quitting football for chess…the world is shocked…also fc beijeing manager wants to coach rival club…another potential shocker…🎉🎉🎉

  11. Listen he will soon be forgotten when new manager comes in if he does well , not forgotten obviously because what he's achieved at Liverpool and the bond he created with the fans and City, but football moves on quickly , but good luck klopp with rest of your career and life

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