STOP Making The Golf Swing HARDER – Do THIS And The Swing Will Feel EASY

Hey everyone, I frequently receive the question on how to prevent a laid-off swing. Many tend to concentrate on the clubhead to address this issue, but in reality, fixing it involves focusing on a different aspect of the club. Check out this video where I’ll guide you on fixing this problem. Hope you find it helpful and enjoy!


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I want to talk to you in this video about a really important part of the goal s which often gets overlooked and we’re going to be using some of your goal swings we’re looking at swings from Perry and Andrew who both send some in now you can see their gol things on the

Screen playing at the moment and both of them have sort of an out to win delivery so the club moves from out to win at impact and I’m guessing that they’re going to be hitting fade shots they might be hitting some slice shots and they might be sort of missing the target

Out to the right by the way how good does this hold this is the 18th hole of the Montgomery at the max Royale in Turkey golf Travel Center sorted me out for this trip so thank you to them but yeah they’re going to definitely be struggling with sort of out towin paths

And there’s one reason which he’s kind of causing that uh and we’re going to cover what it is and it’s really down to what the golf club is doing relative to their swing and how they’re fighting against that and we’re going to change that before we sort of go through what

That is I want to have a look at the top of their goal sing what do you see as a pattern well Rel to where they’re trying to hit the golf ball they both have the club head slightly on the outside of their hands now I would call this a laid

Off position where the club head is too far out behind their heels relative to their hands this we would term sort of a more cross the line that’s kind of my golfing but they both have a more laid off position so when we have that laid off position there’s a couple of things

That tend to happen and you can’t stop it it’s a natural force so to explain what’s going to happen but we need to do a little demonstration down on the flooor so there are two ends to the golf club obviously Club head end and grip end but there’s also something called

Balance point which is where obviously you can balance the golf club it’s going to be somewhere now down towards the grip end so the grip of the golf club is going to move in a certain direction and if the balance point of the golf club is not lined up with that direction we’re

Going to get a reaction in the golf club so let’s put a straight line on the ground here and put the grip end on that line if I was to move the grip down that line you can see how the center of gravity of the golf glp isn’t on that

Line and what happens is as I pull this grip with a fair bit of force the center of that Golf GL the center of gravity tries to line up with it you can see now it’s joined that line so as I start to move the grip in a certain direction the

Weight of the club starts to try and line up with that and you can see that it’s done that perfectly the issue it becomes when we start to put a fair bit of force in the grip what happens is the club lines up with it but then it doesn’t stop it does this

Now you can see it’s gone the other side and that wasn’t me trying to do that that was the natural forces being applied to the golf club so because I moved the grip in a certain direction and the club head wasn’t in line with that it created a reaction in the golf

Club had we been in this position where everything’s in a line it doesn’t matter how much force I use the club head is never being forced in either Direction that’s a really important concept and that plays out in these goal s that we’re looking at so what we just saw

There was that the club head is moving through its kind of natural forces it’s just physics that’s just the way the club reacts to the direction that you’re moving in so when they get to the top and I’m going to put them in some extreme positions here they’re not this

Bad but when the club is laid off the hands are going to travel somewhere to start down they’re going to be heading sort of roughly down towards the golf ball not exactly but roughly and the club head isn’t on that line so as they start to move the hands down and with

Some speed and some Force the club head starts to move closer to that line but it doesn’t stop when it gets there it continues out this way and they can’t stop that it’s natural force of the golf club it doesn’t matter how many range balls they hit and how many hours they

Go to the range they’re fighting against the natural force of the goal thinging the harder they hit it and the longer the club the more those forces come into effect and that’s why with the driver there’s a very good chance they would struggle more so how do we fix it well

We get the club head more aligned with the hands how are we going to do that well let’s go through some really really simple exercises I’ve got another Golf Club here I have just attached this uh little device to the end I’m going to give myself a little

Reference on the ground and I’m going to place this and you can use a golf club or an L if you’ve got it right behind my golf ball and on my target line so I want kind of two checkpoints on my golf thing this is what I’d love Perry and Andrew to

Do I need to think about an extension of this line so yes it’s obviously behind the golf ball but I need to imagine that line is going sort of endlessly down this way past where you’re viewing this from all the way back to the te and this little device or this little reference

Point that I’ve got here you could use a t in the end of the club if you had got something like this I want really this to be referencing that at about halfway back now it hasn’t got to be exact okay this is what we call kind of Swing plane

And there’s almost no golfers out there on the planet who are perfectly on plane maybe tiger kind of early 2000s was as close as anyone’s being but we’re just looking to avoid anything which is Mega extreme This Way mega extreme this way so the first thing would be left arm

Level with the ground can we get this device to point down at the alignment stick now both of these golfers I think will get that position pretty spot on the one they might struggle with is the one at the top so at the top they might have that device pointing too much on

The outside of this line they want to feel like this little device points back in line with this parallel with it so I’m imagining this line runs all the way down back to the T and I’m trying to point this pretty much back in that same

Direction and you can see when I do that it puts the club head more in line with my hands this will be a laid off position this laid off position is going to create this steepening club shaft and vice versa if we go too far this way and

Have the device pointing back into the trees over there that’s going to create the opposite this is my golfing if you ever seen my golfing I’m sure you have because I have the opposite I get the opposite reaction as I start down the club head Falls too far behind me but

That’s probably not a bad feeling for these golfers so what I would do is I’d give them an idea on what is the correct position which is what we’ve just gone through but then i’ actually give them a an extreme feeling for that so we’ve got this laid off position where it points

This side of the camera and then across the line where it points this side of the camera that’s what I’d have them feel I’d get them to take a setup and say right can you go at the stick and the other side of the camera at the stick other side of the

Camera and if we can change where that club head is or basically where the balance point of the club is relative to their hands they will get a different reaction in the ding and I’d almost guarantee that if these golfers are trying to change their path I don’t know

Because theyve already sent me their swings but I guess they are if I got them to think about where they are at the top and that was the only thing that I got them to think about they ding would change and I almost guaranteed they’d be like but I wasn’t even trying

To change the dcing I was just trying to change the top that’s the point if if we can Target the right part of the goal sing if we can organize things correctly everything else kind of falls into place so this would be a great little exercise for anybody who’s

Struggling with swing shape let’s make sure we’re getting these reference points pretty much dialed in because when you start your down swing the club can then fall into the right position and again you’ll see how this little orange device still points at that line if it was extended on the way through

Guess what it’ll be pretty much against that as well so swing shape is really important because it allows us to control how our club gets delivered into the golf ball kind of the path it’s really important that we swing the golf club on the right angle relative to the

Club that you’re using and how tall you are and as soon as you start to Veer off that path and you start to get weird and wonderful positions you’re going to get things happening in your golf swing that you don’t necessarily want and you can’t necessarily control that’s the key thing

These golfers can’t control the fact that the club is doing this it’s forc it’s natural it’s the way that the club reacts to the direction that your hands are moving in so if you can start to train that you can hopefully start to get some some better swing shapes what

Would I do in terms of progressing that to a shot well really really simple I’d have them do that reference it turn it up to the top check where it’s pointing go through now that was only a six ey it was only I don’t know probably 90 to 100

Yards that’s absolutely fine at this stage we’re not looking to hit great goal shots looking to train new movements and all we would do really is start to scale it up now if I hit a shot you’re going to see my fault which is the club getting a

Little bit across that when I get the opposite reaction so I’m working on trying to move a little bit closer to where their goling are but Perry Andrew if you’re watching this I hope it helps I tried really hard then not to uh get it across the line actually wasn’t a bad

Shot so maybe I did a slightly better job but let’s get the golf club organized in the back swing if you get it organized in the back swing good things can happen in the ding look if you want to send your swing in feel free send it to Chris at Chris rolf.and


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